March 2022 Public Sector Manager

Page 20


Source: SAnews

Social cohesion tops Human Rights Month agenda


his year’s Human

the triple challenge of

Rights Month

poverty, inequality and


unemployment, and the

will contribute to social

extent to which this ne-

cohesion and nation-

gates the goal of building

building through a series

a human rights culture. While South Africans

of dialogues and other

have made great strides


Sport, Arts and Culture

in the management of

Minister Nathi Mthethwa

the Coronavirus Disease

said activities will include

(COVID-19) pandemic,

government conducting

government will also use

public engagements with

this month to foreground

local residents and for-

issues on public health,

eign nationals in efforts

which are at the centre of

to foster mutual under-

the human rights agenda,

standing and peace.

given the lived reality of

While last year marked

the pandemic.

the 25th anniversary of

Minister Mthethwa said

the Constitution of the

there are concerns that Spor t , Ar ts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa speaking at the launch of Human Rights Month.

Republic of South Africa of 1996, government has also extended the commemoration into 2022,

the country is still a long way from achieving herd immunity, as a result of lower than expected

with a series of activa-

‘The Year of Unity and

will be used to assess the

uptake of the COVID-19

tions planned.

Renewal: Protecting and

progress of the nation’s


Preserving our Human

constitutional democratic

Rights Gains’.


Human Rights Month is being commemorated under the theme,


The commemorations

“Thus, it is not inconceivable that while there

It also brings to the fore

would be some further

Public Sector Manager • March 2022

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