Source: SAnews
SA gears up
for investment conference
President C yril Ramaphosa at the launch of the Toyota Corolla Cross vehicle, in Prospecton, KwaZuluNatal.
rade, Industry and
investment targets.
the first three investment
construction of the facility
Competition Min-
“President Cyril
conferences amounted to
has been completed, or
ister Ebrahim Patel
Ramaphosa in 2018 com-
roughly 64% of the five-
where it involves new
has hailed the South Africa
mitted to raising over R1.2
year Investment Mobilisa-
machinery or equipment,
Investment Conference
trillion worth of invest-
tion Drive target of R1.2
these have been procured
(SAIC) as a boost to the
ments over a five-year
trillion,” said the Minister.
and installed; or that pro-
country’s target of netting
period, and hosted three
R1.2 trillion in investment.
annual investment confer-
third SAIC, pledges of
ences, at which he set
about R774 billion were
currently under construc-
its fourth SAIC in Johan-
out the policy context and
nesburg on 24 March
reforms, and the private
2022. The three previous
sector provided feedback
announcements made
either progressing slowly
conferences have resulted
and made pledges to
previously, 45 projects
or have been put on hold
in significant progress
have already been com-
due to the impact of the
pleted (meaning that the
pandemic or economic
South Africa will host
towards the country’s
“Pledges received in
He added that at the
Of the 152 investment
duction has started). A further 57 projects are
Fifteen projects are
Public Sector Manager • March 2022