Image by Kojo Kwarteng on Unplash
Writer: Allison Cooper
Digitally connecting South Africa
mproved connectivity
capacity of 10 Megabits
In his State of the
in underserviced areas
(Mbps) per second and
National Address in
broadband infrastructure
will enable better health,
100 Mbps per second for
February, President Cyril
across all municipalities,
high-demand facilities.
Ramaphosa said various
by establishing a standard
education and internet ser-
rapid deployment of
government reforms aim
model for the granting of
proved the roll-out of SA
to revolutionise the coun-
municipal permissions,”
Connect phase two, which
try’s technological devel-
he said.
Connect project aims to
forms part of govern-
opment, making faster
achieve 80% broadband
ment’s commitment to
broadband accessible to
to the country’s Broad-
access in communities
bridge the digital divide,
more people and reducing
band Policy that was
and government facilities
especially in rural com-
the costs of digital com-
adopted by Cabinet in
over the next three years,
munities, and to advance
2013, and aims to meet
with a minimum speed
the digital economy.
vices to communities that need them the most.
Government’s SA
In January, Cabinet ap-
“We will facilitate the
SA Connect gives effect
the National Development
Public Sector Manager • March 2022