PSM May 2022

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Operation Vulindlela Helping SA grow

Discipline management Building an ethical state

The green hydrogen economy MAY 2022

Decarbonising our industries

Public Sector Manager • May 2022



Contents: May 2022 REGULARS 10

From the Union Buildings

Rebuilding lives and livelihoods after the floods


World’s first hydrogen truck a “giant leap” for SA

Developing the hydrogen economy to decarbonise 12

Sharpening policy-drafting skills for public servants

Training to produce professional, capable public servants




SANSA: Reimagining the space sector

Demystifying space science and technology


Public Sector Manager • May 2022


16 16

economic tide




Operation Vulindlela turning the South Africa is on a growth trajec-


Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Director-General Phumla Williams Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Nomonde Mnukwa Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Regomoditswe Mavimbela Head of Editorial and Production Tyrone Seale

Free State fun for nature lovers

Managing Editor Irene Naidoo

The Free State has hidden gems to be discovered

DPSA adopts strategy to reinforce

News Editor Irene Naidoo Contributors More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan


Enhancing discipline and ethical conduct in the public service 20

Opinion: Eating the state capture elephant one bite at a time



Food and wine

Iconic South African desserts Grooming and style

GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane Graphic Designers Tendai Gonese Benny Kubjana

Warm winter wear

The wheels of justice are turning in meaningful ways


26 3

Public Sector Manager • May 2022



Giving workers' rights meaning T

Mondli Gungubele Minister in The Presidency

ment Act; the Commission

the public service. As lead-

for Conciliation, Mediation

ers, we are here to serve the

and Arbitration; industry

people of South Africa, many

bargaining councils, labour

of whom depend on us for

courts; the Labour Appeal

their basic needs. In a time

he exploitation and

duce inequality; subsequent

Court; and the Unemploy-

of massive unemployment

abuse by bosses of

adjustments to this wage

ment Insurance Act.

and an economy weakened

South Africa’s mainly

base rate to combat inflation;

Workers in South Africa

by Covid-19 – which hurt the

black workforce before 1994

the scrapping of exclu-

have the right to participate

working class and the poor

gives Workers’ Day added

sions to the minimum wage,

freely in the activities of

the most, we must recommit

significance. It is a celebra-

which means that domestic

trade unions, which in turn

to rebuilding South Africa.

tion of the hard-won rights

workers and farm work-

have the right to form fed-

that people enjoy today

ers are now also entitled to

erations to facilitate collec-

role to play in building the

and gives us a chance to

R23.19 for each ordinary hour

tive bargaining.

society that was envisaged

remember the role played in

worked; the registration of

defeating apartheid by the

domestic workers with the

need to be safeguarded,

racy over two decades ago,

country’s trade unions and

Compensation Fund; and the

both public and private

we rewrote national laws,

other labour organisations.

ramping up of equity and la-

sector employers must be

policies and principles to

Twenty-eight years later,

bour law audits and inspec-

able to ensure productivity,

‘build a society in which all

our labour laws are inter-

tions by the Department of

sustainability and the ability

South Africans, both black

nationally known to be as

Employment and Labour.

to carry out their mandates.

and white, will be able to

Each one of us has a

While employees’ rights

when as a fledgling democ-

progressive as our Consti-

These developments are

This highlights the respon-

walk tall without any fear in

tution, into which they are

on the back of existing laws

sibilities of workers. A sym-

their hearts, assured of the

enshrined – and government

and mechanisms that pro-

biosis between committed,

inalienable right to human

continues to find ways to

tect workers’ rights, includ-

enthusiastic employees and


protect vulnerable workers.

ing the Labour Relations Act

enabling, caring employ-

Recent developments in-

of 1995; the Basic Conditions

ers will result in positive

public servants who work

clude the implementation of

of Employment Act of 1997;

outcomes in workplaces that

tirelessly to give life to this

the National Minimum Wage

the Employment Equity Act;

will ripple across communi-

vision and who understand

Act in 2019, which prevents

the Occupational Health and


that a good government

exploitation and will help re-

Safety Act; Skills Develop-


This is especially true for

I salute the thousands of

starts with good people.

Public Sector Manager • May 2022


Africa and South Africa: Reflection and Development


t has been 28 years since

cal instability, the corruption

South Africa rejoined the

and the xenophobia.

international community

African countries have

and added its voice to Afri-

faced similar challenges and

can countries determined to

still share many common

take their place on the global

obstacles. We need to share


success stories and learn

In the years following our

from our collective mistakes.

democratic election, we have

We need to look to each

been active members of the

other for solutions – espe-

African Union (AU) – particu-

cially with regard to good

larly in the areas of peace-

governance, without which

keeping, security and conflict

our continent will not live up

resolution. We have helped

to its potential.

represent African interests in

In the words of former

several international organi-

United Nations Secretary-

sations, including the G20

General Kofi Annan: “Good

Phumla Williams,

and the United Nations.

governance is perhaps the

GCIS Director-General.

Gone are the days when

single most important factor

our continent was divided by

ing facility so that the conti-

during which we com-

in eradicating poverty and

colonial powers and we are

nent is ‘no longer last in line

memorate the founding of

promoting development.”

coming into our own. The

to access vaccines against

the Organisation of African

To achieve this, we need

continent has undergone a


Unity in 1963, the precursor

to embrace the African Peer

to the AU.

Review Mechanism, which

remarkable change in recent

A milestone of the past

decades. Leaders have

decade has been the

united to diversify Africa’s

creation of the world’s largest

diversity, culture, innovation

measure our progress and

economy and move away

free trade area, which con-

and ability to overcome chal-

as a tool for sharing best

from our economic depend-

nects over one billion people

lenges. Global perceptions

practices and identifying

ence on Western states. We

across 54 African countries.

of Africa are changing as the


have set a course to find

The aim is a single market

world takes note of our de-

African solutions for African

for goods and services to

veloping economies, bloom-

role to play in rewriting


deepen the economic inte-

ing democracies, growing

the African narrative while

gration of Africa.

middle classes and energetic

upholding the ethos behind

population. It is also a time to

our national anthem – Nkosi

A recent example of this is

It is a time to rejoice in our

serves as a yardstick to

South Africa has an integral

the push by President Cyril

These and other strides

Ramaphosa to establish an

must be acknowledged as

look at the real problems of

Sikelel’ iAfrika. God bless

African vaccine manufactur-

we celebrate Africa Month,

poverty, the pockets of politi-



Public Sector Manager • May 2022

Source: SAnews


World's first hydrogen

truck a "giant leap" for SA


resident Cyril Ramaphosa says the

batteries. It is a world first. “What we are launching

proof of the potential of

components in the produc-

this sector. It takes us from

tion of hydrogen.

here today is not merely

conceptualisation to real-

powered truck is a “giant

an impressive piece of

ity,” he said.

step” in the right direction for

machinery. It is the genesis

South Africa’s budding green

of an entire ecosystem,

economy has been billed

already afoot to capitalise

hydrogen economy.

powered by hydrogen.

as a new frontier for clean

on this potential.

launch of a hydrogen-

The President was speak-

“Developing the hydro-

President Ramaphosa said this could be catalytic

The green hydrogen

for the country with plans

energy as it emits low

“The proposed hydro-

ing at the launch of mining

gen economy is a strategic

carbon emissions with a

gen valley, stretching

giant Anglo American’s

priority for our country. Not

global potential of about

from Limpopo to Gauteng

clean energy powered 290

only will it be a valuable

$300 billion in exports.

to KwaZulu-Natal, will

tonne payload mine haul

driver of economic growth

truck in Limpopo.

and employment; it will

proximately 80% of the

a global centre for green

also contribute to our de-

world’s platinum group

hydrogen production.

converted from diesel to

carbonisation efforts.

metals (PGMs) and 40% of

hydrogen – is also pow-

“The nuGen project

the world’s platinum and

tion of new industries, aid

provides demonstrable

palladium supplies – key

the decarbonisation of

The truck – which was

ered in part by lithium-ion

South Africa holds ap-

position South Africa as

“It will lead to the crea-

sectors like transportation, manufacturing and construction, and create new jobs for our people in all these provinces,” he said. The President added that the green hydrogen economy is also part of the country’s critical Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan borne out of the economic devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The National Hydro-


Public Sector Manager • May 2022

gen Society Roadmap

businesses must not be

lead to the creation of

that was approved by

left behind in projects

new businesses and

Executive Duncan

Cabinet late last year

such as the development

supply chains.

Wanblad said this is the

will give added impetus

of the hydrogen-pow-

to the task of building a

ered truck.

sustainable and resilient economy,” he said.

“It must result in more

company’s first step in

opportunities and em-

replacing its fleet with

“The green hydrogen

ployment for the South

zero-emissions emitting trucks.

value chain that Anglo is

African people, starting

The President empha-

playing such an integral

right here in Limpopo,”

sized, however, that local

part in developing must

he said.

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

Anglo American Chief


A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa


Rebuilding lives

and livelihoods after the floods


t has been almost two

meet with business people

the dire situation of those

months since heavy flood-

in the city to lend our

who had lost everything.

ing wreaked havoc across

support to their efforts to

All these stakehold-

Having paid my second

ers have provided food,

visit to the city since the

clothes, blankets, dignity

When this natural disas-

floods, I am clear that this

packs and school uniforms

West, causing extensive loss

ter struck, there was some

concern was misplaced. In

to vulnerable families to

of life and damage to prop-

concern that authorities

KwaZulu-Natal, as in the

meet their basic needs.

erty and infrastructure.

had neither the capacity

Eastern Cape and North

Sheltering services are

nor the will to respond

West, all stakeholders

currently being provided

efficiently and effectively to

have been hard at work to

to over 7,000 people in

recover from these tragic

the four most affected


districts in KwaZulu-

parts of KwaZulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape and North

I recently visited eThekwini in KwaZulu-Natal to

restore their operations.

relief assistance.

The National Disaster

Natal. Work has started to

Management Centre has

build temporary residenc-

been coordinating all

es for affected families on

spheres of government

state-owned land parcels

in their efforts to provide

have been identified in

humanitarian relief to the

KwaZulu-Natal for pos-

many households that

sible resettlement.

have been affected. It


The Departments of

has been pleasing to see

Home Affairs, Health and

the non-governmental

Social Development have

organisation commu-

been assisting affected

nity, business and relief

communities to access

organisations joining in

important services. For

working with government

example, mobile units are

to provide much-needed

helping those who lost

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

critical documents in the

repair damaged rail infra-

and that jobs can be

floods to get new smart

structure is underway.


IDs and to re-issue birth

Additional measures

certificates. Mobile health

are being put in place to

At different times in our democracy’s history, we

We have seen extraordinary solidarity and support to affected communities in KwaZulu-Natal,

services, including COV-

Eastern Cape and North

ID-19 vaccinations, are

West. Municipal and pro-

being provided to people

vincial governments have

in areas where the physi-

been working closely with

cal facilities are not yet

national departments and

fully operational. Mecha-

agencies to enable people

nisms are in place to pay

to rebuild their lives and

out the social grants of

to get local economic

affected individuals.

activity back on track.

Mobile classrooms are

They have been working

being procured so that

with all stakeholders in all

learning and teaching

of these areas to ensure

should not be interrupted

that we effectively coordi-

for longer than necessary

nate recovery efforts and

in flood-affected schools.

that we plan and rebuild

Work is underway to

in a manner that is more

repair damaged waste

resilient to extreme

water treatment works,

events of this nature in

pump-stations and reticu-

the future.

lation. Damaged roads are

The perseverance of af-

being repaired. Eighteen

fected communities, their

new bridges are planned

determination to succeed

as part of the Welisizwe

and their ability to rally

Rural Bridges programme.

together in times of crisis

There has also been

has been an inspiration.

considerable progress in

We salute all those who

fixing key infrastructure

have been part of the

supporting the Port of

effort to help the people of

Durban. Given the impor-

the affected provinces.

tance of the port to the

provide financial support

have been confronted

national and continental

to both big and small

with events and circum-

mobilising all available

economy, port traffic has

businesses in distress.

stances that have severely

resources and undertaking

been restored, terminal

This is needed as a matter

tested the resolve of our

every effort to ensure that,

operations are back at

of urgency to ensure that

people and the effective-

as we rebuild, no-one is

full capacity and work to

businesses can stay afloat

ness of our institutions.

left behind.

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

As government, we are



Miriam Mokoena


policy-drafting skills for public servants B

uilding a capable

tive policy making and

state calls for the

the legislative develop-

advancement of

ment cycle to enrol for

professional values, in-

Socio-economic Impact

cluding honesty, integrity

Assessment System

and accountability in the

(SEIAS) training. These

public service.

include officials who are

This can be done

involved in commission-

through training that

ing, writing, researching,

produces professional,

analysing, monitoring

responsive and merito-

and evaluating policies

cratic public servants.

and legislation, as well as

Government continu-

stakeholder consultation.

ously identifies areas officials deliver effec-

Policy-drafting skills

tive services to South

The course is aimed

Africans. One such area

at improving public

is policy drafting.

policies by equipping

and skills that can help

The National School


participants with policy-

of Government (NSG)

drafting skills. Attend-

invites public servants

ees will get skills and

involved in consulta-

knowledge on the SEIAS

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

– an analysis tool aimed at determining the likely costs and benefits of a particular policy proposal, including public policies, legislation, regulations and other highly impactful regulatory instruments. As a quality assurance tool, the SEIAS improves public policy through designing and selecting evidencebased policy options. The goal is to ensure policy co-ordination and coherence, alignment with strategic national priorities,

anticipating and mitigat-

Building capacity on impact assessment

ing implementation risks,

On completing this online

and embedding a costed

course, policy creators will

implementation plan.

be capable of undertak-

assessment processes,

sessment: eight hours

ing critical due diligence in


(one working day).

minimising unintended policy consequences,

In 2015, Cabinet ap-

ing of the SEIAS, •

socio-economic context

a-half working days). •

Synchronous collabora-

of policy implementa-

tive learning: four hours


(half a working day).

socio-economic impact

communicating SEIAS

Summative online as-

Total hours: 48 (six

proved the SEIAS to create

developing public policies,

a consistent assessment

legislation and regulations,

findings and recom-

of the socio-economic

and entrenching evidence-


impact of policy initiatives,

based policy making and

legislation and regulations.

data-driven decision mak-

Course duration

The approval followed a

ing. The course supports

At the end of the self-paced

per person. Participants

study commissioned by

government efforts to build

online part of the course,

will receive certificates of

The Presidency and Na-

impact assessment capac-

participants will be required

completion when they fin-

tional Treasury in response

ity and improve policy

to attend a four-hour virtual

ish all course requirements.

to concerns about the fail-

development and imple-

classroom session. Below is

Officials can register for the

ure in some cases to un-


the summary of the course

course on the NSG website


or send an email to eLearn-

Self-paced online learn- for more

ing: 36 hours (four-and-


derstand the full costs of

The course covers the fol-

regulations, especially the

lowing components:

impact on the economy.

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

conceptual understand-

working days). The SEIAS training is a non-credit bearing course and costs R4 390



Information supplied by SANSA.

SANSA: Reimagining the space sector W hile the South

in space-related activities,

business model, organisa-

but there’s a lot more to

African National

foster research in space

tional culture, systems and

space science and tech-

Space Agency

science, advance scien-

processes, and revising all

nology that people don’t

(SANSA) was launched

tific engineering through

70 of its policies to align


in December 2010, South

human capital and sup-

them to the new business

Africa’s involvement with

port the creation of an

model. It is also rebrand-

established, government

space research and activities

environment conducive to

ing. The aim is to grow the

departments were asked

started decades earlier when

industrial development in

agency to take advantage

what they wanted it to as-

it helped early international

space technologies within

of various opportunities

sist with. A list of priorities

space efforts and began ob-

the framework of national

that are on the horizon.

was then included in the

serving Earth’s magnetic field

government policy.

When SANSA was

National Space Strategy,

The agency, which falls

aims to enhance its con-

Demystifying space science and technology

under the Department of

tribution and significant

When we talk about space

warning; cross-border

Science and Innovation,

change is thus taking place

science and technology,

risk; disease surveillance

was launched to provide

within the organisation.

immediately the mind is

and health risk; asset

for the promotion and use

While it is not restruc-

cast towards landing on

monitoring; regulatory

of space and cooperation

turing, it is changing its

the Moon or going to Mars,

enforcement; and defence,

at stations around Southern Africa.


While significant strides have been made, SANSA

including disaster monitoring and relief; hazards forecasting and early

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

peacekeeping and treaty

different sectoral bands.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

fibre network anymore,

to host the fourth Deep

but rather a satellite dish –

Weather Centre, which

Space Network in Matjies-

which is about the size of

can be tracked in space

costs about R100 million,

fontein in the Central

a teacup – placed on their

and are important for the

will be fully operational in

Karoo. An environmental

roof. They will also be able

National Development

September 2022 and will

impact assessment has

to provide internet access

Plan (NDP). For example,

provide space weather

already been completed

in rural areas.

in terms of environmental

information to the entire

and SANSA is looking into

and geospatial monitoring,

African continent.

getting the ground infra-

is SANSA’s data platform.

structure ready. The project

The agency has data

is worth about R3 billion.

that goes back to 1972. If

monitoring. All of these priorities

SANSA’s new Space

seven of the 13 aspects

SANSA is also looking at

Another pipeline project

are being looked at in the

moving an assembling and

NDP. This applies across

testing facility, that belongs

government policies.

to Denel, into SANSA,

missioning 20 antennas,

important decisions on a

and has about R75 million

which will talk to about

water body, for example,

of the Sustainable De-

in funding to completely

900 satellites at a time.

historical data is needed.

velopment Goals require

upgrade the facility.

In addition, 60% to 70%

The agency is also com-

government wants to make

These teleport services will

This enables government

Another big initiative is

provide global internet ac-

to ensure evidence-based

example, 70% of the

upgrading its ground and

cess, which means people


climate change variables

data infrastructure, work-

won’t need to rely on a

come from space.

ing with industry to build

satellite information. For

Reimagining the future Due to the extent of its

products and services that will be used by government departments and the private sector.

work, SANSA has numer-

The agency is also

ous strategic infrastructure

building a concurrent

projects on the cards,

design facility in partner-

including the Space

ship with the European

Infrastructure Hub, a 24/7

Space Agency. While it

regional space weather

currently takes about 12

centre and a deep space

to 16 months to design a

ground station to support

satellite, the design facility

missions to the Moon and

will make this possible


within three to four weeks,

The Space Infrastructure

bringing costs right down.

Hub, worth about R4.5 bil-

This service will be on offer

lion, will see a series of sat-

to industry as well.

ellites built to orbit Earth

SANSA is also in con-

and collect information in

versation with the NASA

Public Sector Manager • May 2022




Vulindlela turning the economic tide


outh Africa’s eco-

structural reforms, and

digital communications.

Microeconomics at Nation-

nomic reforms are

a Vulindlela Unit in The

Ensuring a sustainable

al Treasury, included the

beginning to set

Presidency and National

water supply that meets

conclusion of the spectrum

the country’s economy on a

Treasury monitors pro-

demand in the short and


growth trajectory, an Opera-

gress, addresses challeng-

long terms.

tion Vulindlela (OV) progress

es and actively supports

Ensuring a competi-

some concern that pend-

report has revealed.


tive and efficient freight

ing litigation from one of

transport regime.

the players in the market

OV was established in

OV sought to accelerate

She said: “There was

October 2020 as a joint

structural reforms in five

Ensuring a visa regime

would stymie the result

initiative of The Presidency

key areas:

that attracts skills and

and that would have nega-

and National Treasury to

Stabilising the supply

grows the tourism sec-

tively impacted that result.

accelerate the implementa-

of electricity and noting


However, we've seen

tion of structural reforms.

how critical this is for

In the first quarter of

the settlement between

It is a government-wide

economic growth and

2022, OV recorded pro-

industry players and the

approach through which


gress in various areas.

regulator reaching finality

ministers, departments

Reducing the cost and

and entities implement

increasing the quality of


These, said Nomvuyo

and bringing finality to the

Guma, the Chief Director of

auction outcome. We're

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

ing water quality,” she said. During this quarter, the revised critical skills list

responsible for the imple-

was published for the first

mentation of the reforms.

time since 2014, allowing

Operation Vulindlela does

for government to reflect

not replace their role but

on the current skills short-

rather provides active sup-

ages in the economy, and

port for implementation,

where necessary, allow

especially where capacity

businesses to attract the

is lacking,” he said.

skills from outside the Minister Mondli Gungubele

expecting a further flurry of

according to schedule,”

investment to support this

she said.

allocation in that sector”.

country in the short term.

Achievement and progress

One of the most important roles of OV is to ensure effective coordination of the reform agenda across government, espe-

Minister in The Presidency

cially where there are mul-

White Paper on National

Mondli Gungubele said

tiple departments involved

Rail Policy approved by

the achievements are ex-

in the single reform, said

Cabinet, providing clear

amples of the commitment

the Minister.

policy direction on critical

of the sixth administration

In the energy sector, OV

third party access and the

to overcome inertia and

ment has made significant

in the quarter opened bid

devolution of passenger

drive progress on the eco-

progress since OV was

window six of the renew-


nomic reform agenda.

established to acceler-

Renewable energy programme

able energy programme.

This period also saw the

“Departments and entities themselves remain

He said OV is playing an

He added that govern-

ate the implementation of

Water progress

important role in provid-

reforms that are needed to

bid window five] have

On water progress, Guma

ing a clear policy direc-

lift economic growth.

been announced and [are]

said OV has revived vari-

tion and ensuring policy

expected to reach finan-

ous water quality monitor-

certainty in several areas.

cial close soon,” she said.

ing systems.

“Preferred bidders [from

In the same period, there

is still much work to be

“We've had the green

was publication of the

draft report published

draft Electricity Regula-

recently for the first time

tion Amendment Bill that

since 2014. This allows for

opened for public com-

better monitoring of water


and wastewater treatment

“The aim here is to

However, he said, there

quality and allows for

ensure a more competi-

greater accountability and

tive electricity market. This

allows for government to

reform is occurring along-

assess where municipali-

side the unbundling of Es-

ties may need support in

kom, which is proceeding

implementing and improv-

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

Minister Enoc h Godongwana



done and and the chal-

significantly beyond this

ing fruit in digital commu-

premature for ignoring the

lenges should not be

anaemic level and create


very real frustrations on


over one million jobs rela-

“In rail, estimates sug-

the ground that are not

tive to a scenario without

gest that the industry will

progressing well. In the


invest over R50 billion. In

case of restoring Eskom's

transport, the successful

energy availability to 70%,

implementation of third

[this may] seem complete-

party access to the rail

ly unattainable.

Job creation Finance Minister Enoch implemented reform

Structural reforms

programmes could raise

A total of 26 structural

network can spend an ad-

confidence levels, sup-

reforms were prioritised

ditional investment of R8

reforms, and over the

porting a market easing of

to modernise and trans-


coming months, we'll

sovereign risk and borrow-

form network industries,

ing cost.

including electricity, water,

ernment and the private

solve the energy crisis and

transport and digital com-

sector are working togeth-

ensure that reforms facing

up much needed fiscal

munications; and to attract

er to unblock the remain-

implementation chal-


key skills and promote

ing challenges to free-up

lenges access the support

growth in tourism through

embedded generation,

they need to progress.

reforms in the visa regime.

a R54 billion investment

Because we're committed

could be realised, he said.

to unlocking the dyna-

Godongwana, said well-

This, he said, could free-

“In this way, with the net, it enables greater job creation, supports fiscal

Of the 26, eight reforms

sustainability and spares

have been completed and

the economy, even in

11 are progressing.

In electricity, where gov-

He said: "While we

"We're mindful of these

redouble our efforts to re-

mism of this economy, and

welcome the progress of

placing our growth on a

the short term. We can

The Minister said some

OV, this has seemingly

permanently high trajec-

raise economic growth

reforms are already bear-

been misinterpreted as



Public Sector Manager • May 2022


Writer: Advocate Ouma Rabaji-Rasethaba Images GCIS

Eating the state

capture elephant one bite at a time


he National Prosecut-

bring back the money stolen

having been bought with the

OCM business. The second

ing Authority (NPA)

and looted during the state

proceeds of criminal activity.

pertains to a claim of R1.3

has made a signifi-

capture years.

A curator has been ap-

billion from Templar Capital

cant breakthrough in the on-

The Gauteng High Court

pointed by the court to

Limited in relation to OCM.

going effort to end impunity

granted preservation orders

provide a proper valuation of

for high-level corruption in

to the Asset Forfeiture Unit

OCM. The curator will also

application, Templar’s owner,

South Africa.

(AFU) of the NPA against

find a purchaser at fair value

Daniel McGowan, had stat-

The preservation orders

those who, in 2016, were

– which is good news for all

ed under oath that the funds

in the Optimum Coal Mine

involved in 'financing' the

the people who have been

advanced to his company

case are a demonstration

purchase of Optimum Coal

concerned about the fate of

derived from 'money stolen

that the wheels of justice in

Mine (OCM) for R2.1 billion

the mine, and the commu-

from the South African gov-

relation to complex crime

by the Gupta-owned Tegeta

nity in which it is situated.


are starting to turn in mean-


In respect of the second

The funds in question

A mammoth heist

were advanced by Griffin

issued in terms of section 38

The scale of the 'heist' at

Line - a company nominally

strates the multifaceted na-

(2) of the Prevention of Or-

OCM is unprecedented, as

controlled by Ajay Gupta’s

ture of the NPA’s response to

ganised Crime Act (POCA)

demonstrated by the size of

son, Kamal Singhala – and,

complex corruption matters,

– effectively prevents any

the preservation orders; at

in Mr McGowan’s words,

which includes civil process-

further steps to remove or

least R3.4 billion. This is the

'laundered via Mr Singhala

es to preserve assets with

dispose of the OCM assets,

largest preservation order in

on behalf of his father and

the ultimate aim being to

as they are now regarded as

the history of the NPA.

wider family members'.

ingful ways. The case also demon-

The preservation orders –

The NPA developed a well-

These funds were, in ef-

coordinated case strategy

fect, part of the elaborate

that was implemented by a

'washing machine' used by

team of expert prosecutors,

the Gupta family and their

who successfully brought

associates to launder billions

two applications.

of Rands of money stolen

The first pertains to all the

from the people of South

Gupta-owned Tegeta shares

Africa, to fund the purchase

in OCM and Optimum Coal

of OCM.

Terminal, and the entire


Public Sector Manager • May 2022

Legitimising the proceeds of crime The High Court rulings stop any further attempts to implement a so-called business rescue plan at OCM, which the NPA has long argued would effectively have legitimised the proceeds of

Computers, Islandsite

the proceeds of crime

What’s next?


Investments and the then-

and corruption, whether

The matter has been

JSE listed Gupta flagship,

through criminal or civil

handed to the NPA’s ID for

Oakbay Investments.


further criminal investiga-

Moreover, the OCM ruling is significant for a number of reasons:

It confirms the large-

tion and prosecution.

The civil court orders

scale theft of public funds

clear the way for criminal

to build the Gupta empire

proceedings against those

– including the corruption

A wellcoordinated approach

involved in the various

and deception which took

The rulings also demon-

roleplayers, and will be

money-siphoning and

place at Eskom, where

strate the coordinated

building on the court orders

money-laundering aspects

rules were broken to steal

approach of the NPA and

this week to ensure that the

of the Optimum deal.

public funds by rushing

the DPCI, and send a

case is effectively and fairly

through contracts, which

strong signal about the


played by the Gupta family

would enable Tegeta to

NPA’s growing capacity

in structuring the various

part-fund its purchase of

to deal with state capture

accountable those respon-

'loans' and transactions,

Optimum Coal. It also con-

and ensure accountability

sible in this seminal case,

through various business

firms the misappropriation

for those involved, and to

will go a long way towards


of pension money from the

seize, recover and return

restoring confidence in the

Transnet Defined Ben-

the stolen money.

criminal justice system in

It confirms the central role

The names of Gupta-

Colleagues are already hard at work preparing case files against all implicated

A prosecution to hold

owned companies and

efit Scheme, facilitated by

It is a first and meaningful

associates litter our court

Gupta facilitators such as

step in asserting the NPA’s

powerful demonstration to

documents, naming them

Trillian and Regiments.

capacity to use all avenues

state capture looters, that

as recipients of millions

at its disposal to ensure

crime in South Africa does

of Rands stolen from the

the effectiveness of the

justice is delivered for the

not always pay.

public purse, and misap-

NPA’s AFU, working with

most complex crimes in our

This article was first pub-

propriated through front

investigators in the Investi-

country. The next step is

lishd by SAnews.

companies as 'loans' and

gating Directorate (ID) from

to obtain a forfeiture order


the Directorate for Priority

which will allow the curator

Crime Investigation (DPCI),

to sell the property to a

well-known Gupta com-

in applying the provisions

legitimate buyer at the cor-

panies such as Sahara

of the POCA to deal with

rect market value.

These companies include

Finally, it demonstrates

the country, and will be a

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

*Advocate Ouma Rabaji-Rasethaba is Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions: Asset Forfeiture Unit


Writer: Nthambeleni Gabara



adopts strategy to reinforce discipline T

he Department

funded by the Cana-

of Public Service

dian government, into

and Administra-

why South African

tion (DPSA) has adopted

government depart-

a discipline management

ments battle to finalise

strategy aimed at strengthen-

disciplinary cases.

ing basic discipline manage-

The Acting Minister

ment processes in the short

said that the adopted

term within the public service

strategy also address-


es procedural knowl-

Acting Public Service and

Public Ser vice and Administration Acting Minister Thulas Nxesi.

edge gaps. In the

cases to update their

(PAEIDTAU) on progress

Administration Minister

long term, it will address

records on discipline man-

made and steps taken.

Thulas Nxesi shared this

challenges posed by the

agement, to interrogate the

“An electronic tool was

and other measures taken

decentralised nature of dis-

reasons for case backlogs

developed to be used by

to tackle ineffective disci-

cipline management and

and to provide monthly

those departments with

pline management with the

strengthen basic discipline

feedback through the Pub-

long overdue backlogs.

National Assembly when

management procedures.

lic Administration Ethics,

The PAEIDTAU monitors

asked about the findings

“We will assist depart-

Integrity and Disciplinary

progress and plans techni-

of independent research,

ments with long overdue

Technical Assistance Unit

cal assistance based on


Public Sector Manager • May 2022

the submitted progress

guide on managing disci-

reports,” he said.

pline in the public service,

The Acting Minister said

their job descriptions. “We are also planning

the DPSA will initiate a review of the disciplinary

which was approved on

to use an online plat-

code, which came about

the strategy also focuses

1 April 2021. This consoli-

form to provide labour

as a result of the Public

on addressing the Person-

dated all relevant discipline

relations officials with

Service Co-ordinating

nel and Salary System

management frameworks

easy access to discipline

Bargaining Council,

(PERSAL) inefficiencies

into one guide.

management courses

Resolution 1 of 2003,

and material. We will also

to address identified

through consolidating and

He said a pilot was con-

reducing the number of

ducted in December 2021

focus on maintaining a

shortcomings contribut-

categories for transgres-

and the training course for

record of those employ-

ing to case backlogs. The

sions. This should improve

discipline management

ees who were trained in

matter will be tabled for

the capturing of data and

will be rolled out in the

discipline management,

negotiation in the last

the standard of reporting.

2022/2023 financial year.

so that they can be con-

quarter of the current fi-

sulted when departments

nancial year (2022/2023).

The PAEIDTAU will also be

With regard to adopting

able to download electron-

The PAEIDTAU will con-

ic reports that can identify

tinue to provide technical

disciplinary trends.

assistance to those de-

“This project will make it

partments and provinces

easier for data capturers to

with the biggest case

capture relevant data in a

backlogs. Scheduled

sensible way. Non-compli-

visits will be made to

ance letters are addressed

these departments and

to those departments

provinces, and interven-

not providing reports to

tions will be planned in

the DPSA and failing to

collaboration with the

keep within the specified

Offices of the Premiers.

timeframes. Feedback re-

Support, such as the

ports are monitored every

sourcing of initiators and


chairpersons, will be a directive on discipline

request assistance with

provided to ensure cases

furthermore highlighted

“Non-compliance is

management, Nxesi said

initiators and chairper-

are finalised.

in quarterly reports and

this is currently being

sons. We will be provid-

submitted to the Forum of

finalised and will enforce

ing continuous technical

said these initiatives

South African Directors-

the implementation of the

assistance to depart-

should enhance disci-


guide. This, he said, will

ments, based on needs

pline, institutionalise

direct the use of PERSAL

identified in quarterly

ethical conduct and pro-

in recording disciplinary

reports,” he said.

fessionalism and foster

Addressing knowledge gaps

cases, with designated

Nxesi said the DPSA will

officials in departments

guide labour relations offi-

responsible for recording

Long-term interventions

cials on discipline manage-

these cases. This respon-

As part of the discipline

ment, through the adopted

sibility will be included in

management strategy,

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

The Acting Minister

labour peace as part of building an ethical, capable and developmental state.



Russia-Ukraine conflict: Another

view T he escalation of

State James Baker assured

sion is a serious provoca-

comprehensive humanitar-

the Russia-Ukraine

the Soviets that North At-

tion. In direct breach of

ian response and would

conflict shocked

lantic Treaty Organisation

these commitments, NATO

create the necessary

the world and almost

(NATO) would not expand

actively sought to admit

environment for a political

brought it to the brink of a

‘not one inch eastward’.

Ukraine and Georgia as

process that would lead to

world war. But this con-

On 31 January 1990, West

active members. These

sustainable peace.

flict needs to be carefully

German Foreign Minister

moves have been accom-

considered, taking into

Hans-Dietrich Genscher

panied by declarations that

have suffered the conse-

account its root causes.

said that NATO should rule

name Russia and China as

quences of wars that were

out ‘an expansion of its

adversaries in need of con-

not of their own doing. In

printed in the Daily Mav-

territory towards the east’.

tainment. This has proved

most cases, the majority

erick, the Deputy Director-

He advocated for NATO

to be needlessly provoca-

of countries have never

General of Public Diplo-

and the Warsaw Pact to

tive, especially as many

invaded or colonised other

macy in the Department

be eventually dissolved

politicians in leading NATO

countries, yet have suffered

of International Relations

into a model for a com-

countries have warned

their consequences. For

and Cooperation, Clayson

mon approach to European

against this, given that

the past decades, it was

Monyela, wrote: “Docu-


they are known redlines for

NATO and the Western


countries that have been

In an opinion piece

ments at the National

“Instead of honouring

Too many countries

Security Archive at George

these commitments, NATO

Washington University

has admitted 14 eastern

as a global community,

conflicts, often in the form

indicate that in his meeting

European countries to join

we should be working to

of proxy wars in other

with Soviet leader Mikhail

as members since 1999,

end the war by calling for

countries or regions. Pres-

Gorbachev on 9 February

despite Russia’s state-

a cessation of hostilities

ently, we see how Ukraine

1990, then US Secretary of

ments that NATO expan-

as this is the first step in a

is being used as a proxy to


South Africa believes that

party to most of these

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

wage a war against Russia.


Africa has experienced

“Had NATO given Russia

the resolution, including

heart of Kyiv has barely

the immediate cessation

been touched and almost

its fair share of these proxy

the security assurances

of hostilities; the estab-

all of the long-range strikes

wars and their destructive

they required and were

lishment of humanitarian

have been aimed at military

outcomes. We, therefore,

promised since the disso-

corridors; the protection of


empathise with the people

lution of the Warsaw Pact,

civilians, humanitarian per-

We have also noted with

of Ukraine who find them-

the region would not likely

sonnel and vulnerable peo-

concern that when people

selves caught in a conflict

find itself in the situation

ple; the call on all parties

were being evacuated from

not of their making.

it is currently in. Russia

to the conflict to respect

Ukraine, Ukraine soldiers

has been asking NATO

international humanitarian

discriminated against Afri-

opinion piece: “South Af-

for legally binding guar-

law; and the voluntary and

can immigrants, allowing

rica has repeatedly called

antees that NATO mem-

safe passage of civilians,

Ukraine people safe pas-

for the international com-

bership would be denied

including foreign nationals,

sage while endangering the

munity to de-escalate ten-

to Ukraine and Georgia,

without discrimination.

lives of African immigrants.

sions and bring the sides

and that NATO’s eastern

closer to dialogue and not

expansion would end. Rus-

Russia in its attack on

a message that African or

further apart. The door of

sia also wants assurances

Ukraine has focused its

black lives do not matter.

diplomacy should never be

that no missiles will be

targets on military installa-

closed, even after a conflict

deployed near its borders

tions, and avoided launch-

work with all interested

has broken out. We are

that could be used to strike

ing attacks in areas where

parties towards a ceasefire

deeply concerned about

its territory, and that NATO

there are civilians. Leaked

and lasting peace. As a

the humanitarian impact,

military drills not take

US security information

middle-power, we depend

the loss of life, injury, and

place in the vicinity. Just

emphasises this. “Russia’s

on responsive institutions

the displacement of people

as Russia will not tolerate

conduct in the brutal war

of global governance to

as a result of this conflict.

NATO positioning mis-

tells a different story than

assist in working towards

The conflict is also having

siles near its territory, the

the widely accepted view

security. We call on the

a devastating impact on

US would never tolerate

that Vladimir Putin is intent

big powers who use their

the global economy, and

Russia deploying missiles

on demolishing Ukraine

militaries disproportion-

higher fuel and food prices

in its neighbourhood. This

and inflicting maximum

ately more than they do

are something that none of

was the very issue that

civilian damage – and

diplomacy, to work with

us can afford.”

brought the world to the

it reveals the Russian

us within the UN to settle

He warned that the

brink of nuclear war during

leader’s strategic balancing

this and other conflicts that

continued imposition of

the Cuban Missile Crisis in

act,” reported Newsweek in

have been raging for many

sanctions could ‘shut the

1962,” he wrote.

an article entitled, ‘Putin’s

years. We repeat our call

bombers could devastate

for a peaceful resolution of

abstained from voting

Ukraine, but he’s holding

this crisis.

when the UN general as-

back. Here’s why.”

Sifiso Moshoetsi,

Monyela explained in his

door to a resolution of the conflict’. Monyela raised the

Although South Africa

We have also noted that

This racist behaviour sends

South Africa is willing to

Chief Director: Cluster

fact that despite the war

sembly adopted a resolu-

The piece quotes an

dominating international

tion condemning Russia’s

unnamed analyst at the

Coordination (GCIS).

headlines, ‘very little is said

invasion of Ukraine, we

Pentagon’s Defense Intelli-

Moshoetsi writes in his

about the causes of the

support several aspects of

gence Agency saying, “The

personal capacity.

Public Sector Manager • May 2022



Writer: Sam Bradley

Free State fun

for nature lovers F

rom wildlife in the

“Nothing, it’s free,” came the

out in Bloemfontein, you

middle of a capital

reply. All we needed to do


city to a breathtaking

was fill in some details on a

hike, the Free State has many hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

One of the highlights of

form and off we drove. Not even 10 minutes into

Apart from Bloem, our idea of the Free State has always been cows and

the drive, we spotted two

corn fields... uninformed

meerkats affectionately

perhaps, but we had

our trip to the province was

grooming each other. Soon

never explored the north-

game viewing in the middle

after, a young giraffe made

eastern part of the prov-

of Bloemfontein, the judicial

an appearance from behind

ince. From Bloemfontein,

capital of South Africa. We

a tree, while a blue wilde-

we took the N8 towards

approached the Franklin

beest casually chewed on

Maseru, Lesotho’s capital

Game Reserve and I started

some grass. This was crazy!

city. We turned left on the

looking for my wallet to pay

I never imagined that one

R26 towards Ladybrand,

the entry fee. “How much

could go on a game drive in

Clocolan and Ficksburg,

does it cost?” we asked.

the middle of a city. It turns

and aimed to get to


Public Sector Manager • May 2022

Fouriesburg before dark.

this stall boasts a diversity

Fouriesburg is situated in

of cherry-infused products.

the eastern Free State, a

From jams and juices to

mere 10km from the Leso-

liqueur and ice cream top-

tho border.

pings, you can have your

On this road, potholes are

cherry cake and eat it, too.

more prevalent than petrol

After setting off, we drove

stations and remnants of

to Die Ou Pastorie, our

burst tyres decorate the

overnight stop in the heart

sides of the road. The views

of the little village of Fou-

can take your breath away,


but so can a pothole when

We got up early the next

you don’t see it in time.

morning with hiking on the

Stay alert and go slow,

agenda but without hav-

especially on the section

ing done much research

caves. The thick indigenous

the Holkrans route ends,

between Ficksburg and

about trails in the area. We

bush makes this a haven

but we decided to continue


called a couple of places to

for birds. The reserve was

on through the cave and

find out what they charge

named after J H Meiring,

followed the path until we

Stall crept up on our left,

for day hikers and quickly

who was the mayor of

reached an intimidating,

and since we needed to

decided that instead of

Fouriesburg from 1925 to

vertical chain ladder. Up

stretch our legs and switch

spending petrol money, we

1931. As day hikers, we had

we went to the top of the

drivers, we decided this

would explore our immedi-

to pay R25 per person at

cliff, where we meandered

was the perfect stop. As is

ate vicinity.

the gate. If you also want

along and enjoyed the

to swim and braai, it’ll cost

views of the mountains and

you R50 per person.

the municipal dam before

We set out on the

heading back via the same

Constantia Cherry Farm

normally the case at a good

We started walking from

farm stall, you can expect

Die Ou Pastorie towards

tasty treats, wine, clothing

Meiringskloof Nature

and décor items. Thanks to

Park, which is a magnifi-

Holkrans trail, which took

route. What a hidden gem

its location and proximity

cent kloof surrounded by

us over Meiringskloof Spruit

of a place!

to cherry capital Ficksburg,

sandstone cliffs and open

via a small bridge. We

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

We said farewell to this

kept to the main trail – a

part of the world a few days

steady incline with a couple

later and made our way

of steeper sections, but

down to the Eastern Cape,

nothing too dramatic. The

along the Lesotho border.

Holkrans (hollow cave) is

Apparently, Ficksburg

a massive cave of approxi-

has a cherry festival every

mately 100m in length and

November, which means

30m in depth. We could

we will have to fix the spare

have turned around there

tyre and hit that bad-yet-

as that’s technically where

beautiful road again soon!



Your guide to iconic South African desserts


outh Africa has its fair share of

traditional sweet

treats. We’ve put together a list of recipes, each with their own take on a local classic. They range in difficulty levels, with some suitable for novice culinarians and others for ambitious bakers.

Total prep and cook time: 50 minutes

Serves: 8

Visit for detailed images and prep notes.

Creamy Cape Malay boeber

When you can smell

are completely clear

Rinse the sago, cover

and see that the brown

and cooked. This may

By Razena Schroeder

with water and allow to

butter and vermicelli

take 15-20 minutes.


soak for 20 minutes.

are turning golden, add

• 50g butter

Method: 1.


On low heat, melt the

milk and fill the empty

Increase the heat to

can halfway with hot

the vermicelli.

medium and allow the

water and add to the

Add the cinnamon and

milk to come to a slow


butter in a pot and add

• 80ml sago pearls 3.

• 5 green cardamom

allow to fry for a while

• 2l milk • 395g condensed milk 4.

Stir thoroughly and

in the butter to release

that the milk does not

allow for the flavours to

the essential oils.



Allow the butter to

• 125ml toasted almond

vermicelli. This should



simmer for 5 minutes to

brown while stirring the


simmer. Stir regularly to ensure

• 1 teaspoon rose water flakes


cardamom pods and


• 125ml water

10. Add the condensed

the milk.

• 80g fine vermicelli • 5 pieces of cinnamon



After simmering for 20

12. Add the rose water and

minutes, add the sago. 9.

Allow the boeber to

not take longer than 5

simmer on low heat


until the sago pearls

stir to combine. 13. Serve topped with toasted flaked almonds.

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

Photo credit: Carla Choy

Total prep and cook time: 55 minutes

South African malva pudding

Ingredients (for the

By Chef Gemma Stafford

• 115ml heavy cream

Ingredients (for the cake):

Serves: 8

until fully combined.

combine the cream,

In another bowl, whisk

milk, butter, sugar and

together the flour,

salt and heat until the

• 115ml whole milk

baking powder, bak-

butter is melted and

• 170ml whole milk

• 115g butter

ing soda and salt, and

the sugar is dissolved.

• 85g dark brown sugar

• 115g sugar

then combine with the

• 2 large eggs

• ¼ teaspoon salt

wet ingredients until

done, poke holes all

thoroughly mixed.

over the hot pudding

Pour into the prepared

with a skewer and

Preheat the oven to

baking pan and bake

then pour the warm

180°C and butter a

for 30-40 minutes,

sauce over the pud-

20cm square baking

until a knife inserted

ding. Allow it to rest


in the centre comes

for a minimum of 30



• 3 tablespoons apricot jam, strained • 2 tablespoons butter,

Method: 1.

melted • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar • 213g all-purpose flour


• 2 teaspoons baking powder


In a medium mixing bowl, whisk the milk,


out clean. 5.

Just before the pud-

Once the pudding is

minutes. 7.

Serve warm with a

brown sugar, eggs,

ding is done, make

scoop of vanilla ice

• 1 teaspoon baking soda

apricot jam, melted

the sauce: in a sauce-


• A pinch of salt

butter and vinegar

pan over medium heat

Public Sector Manager • May 2022



Trifle with a minty twist


bowl and remove the

Then spoon a layer of


Make the jelly accord-

biscuits from their

whipped cream over

By Catherine Spiller

ing to the instructions


the caramel, and


found on the packet.

In the bowl of an elec-

sprinkle with crushed

• 2 pkt red cherry jelly

Pour the jelly into

tric mixer fitted with

peppermint crisp.

• 1 pkt Tennis Biscuits

your chosen bowl or

a whisk attachment,

• 1 cup milk

dessert glasses. Allow

whip the cream and

your ingredients are

• 1 tin Nestlé caramel

the jelly to set, ideally

the icing sugar. Set

finished and your trifle


aside until needed.

dish is filled. Top with

Start layering the

whipped cream, the

gredients: crush the

dessert. Soak enough

remainder of the pep-

• 250ml whipping cream

Peppermint Crisp and

biscuits briefly in the

permint crisp and the

• 2 tablespoons icing

smooth the caramel

milk to create a layer

fresh cherries.

with a fork so that

on top of the set jelly.

treat • 3 Peppermint Crisp



sugar • 1 cup fresh cherries


Prepare all the in-


it is easy to spread.


Pour the milk into a

Total prep and cook time: 4hrs 15 minutes

By Chef Lorraine Find it on Total prep and cook time: Serves: 8



Continue layering until

Place the trifle in the

Spoon a layer of cara-

fridge until ready to

mel over the biscuits.


Serves: 8

Find more online Peppermint Crisp tart

4hrs 20 minutes


Traditional South African milk tart By Mary-Lou Watkins Find it on Total prep and cook time: 4hrs 40 minutes Serves: 12

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

Public Sector Manager • May 2022



Warm and won winter wear W

ith winter upon us, it’s time to pack away your t-shirts

and sandals and unpack your warm and snuggly clothes. If you haven’t shopped for the colder season in a while,

we’ve rounded up some cool options – from warm coats to boots. 2


1. How incredible does this faux fur coat look? It’s a loose-fitting, hooded coat, with a quilted texture that is both warm and trendy. It is by New York design house Apparis and is available from online store, R3 641 3

2. There is nothing as versatile as a denim jacket. Worn with pants or dresses, it can easily be layered with a jersey or hoodie. This one is from the H&M Conscious label, R499 3. These black ankle boots are a classic that will last you a few years, as the design – with its simple embellishment – is timeless. Available from Aldo, R1 899 * Prices correct at the time of publishing.


Public Sector Manager • May 2022






4. These straight-leg stretch jeans from Cotton On are made from recycled cotton and offer a comfortable fit with a high rise, R699 5. Keep your head warm and accessorise your outfit at the same time with this cute pink beanie from The North Face, available from, R379 6. & 7. We love rapper Pharrell Williams’ gender neutral Humanrace range. The fit is relaxed and the soft material is 100% French terry cotton. Available from Adidas, the track top is R2 499 and sweatpants R2 299 * Prices correct at the time of publishing.

Public Sector Manager • May 2022



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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



8. Nothing says winter like a check flannel shirt. This one is from H&M’s Sustainable range, R399 9. Looking for a pair of boots that will last a lifetime? Look no further than Timberland’s iconic nubuck leather boots. They are sturdy and keep your feet nice and toasty. Available from, currently on special for R2 859 10. How stylish is this bomber jacket from Puma? It’s by French/Japanese electronic music record and fashion label Maison Kitsuné, R3 750 11. Bucket hats remain on trend. Opt for this one from Nike, with its worn-in look and stretchy woven fabric, R649

* Prices correct at the time of publishing.


Public Sector Manager • May 2022

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