PSM May 2022

Page 10

A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa


Rebuilding lives

and livelihoods after the floods


t has been almost two

meet with business people

the dire situation of those

months since heavy flood-

in the city to lend our

who had lost everything.

ing wreaked havoc across

support to their efforts to

All these stakehold-

Having paid my second

ers have provided food,

visit to the city since the

clothes, blankets, dignity

When this natural disas-

floods, I am clear that this

packs and school uniforms

West, causing extensive loss

ter struck, there was some

concern was misplaced. In

to vulnerable families to

of life and damage to prop-

concern that authorities

KwaZulu-Natal, as in the

meet their basic needs.

erty and infrastructure.

had neither the capacity

Eastern Cape and North

Sheltering services are

nor the will to respond

West, all stakeholders

currently being provided

efficiently and effectively to

have been hard at work to

to over 7,000 people in

recover from these tragic

the four most affected


districts in KwaZulu-

parts of KwaZulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape and North

I recently visited eThekwini in KwaZulu-Natal to

restore their operations.

relief assistance.

The National Disaster

Natal. Work has started to

Management Centre has

build temporary residenc-

been coordinating all

es for affected families on

spheres of government

state-owned land parcels

in their efforts to provide

have been identified in

humanitarian relief to the

KwaZulu-Natal for pos-

many households that

sible resettlement.

have been affected. It


The Departments of

has been pleasing to see

Home Affairs, Health and

the non-governmental

Social Development have

organisation commu-

been assisting affected

nity, business and relief

communities to access

organisations joining in

important services. For

working with government

example, mobile units are

to provide much-needed

helping those who lost

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

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