PSM May 2022

Page 16


Information supplied by SANSA.

SANSA: Reimagining the space sector W hile the South

in space-related activities,

business model, organisa-

but there’s a lot more to

African National

foster research in space

tional culture, systems and

space science and tech-

Space Agency

science, advance scien-

processes, and revising all

nology that people don’t

(SANSA) was launched

tific engineering through

70 of its policies to align


in December 2010, South

human capital and sup-

them to the new business

Africa’s involvement with

port the creation of an

model. It is also rebrand-

established, government

space research and activities

environment conducive to

ing. The aim is to grow the

departments were asked

started decades earlier when

industrial development in

agency to take advantage

what they wanted it to as-

it helped early international

space technologies within

of various opportunities

sist with. A list of priorities

space efforts and began ob-

the framework of national

that are on the horizon.

was then included in the

serving Earth’s magnetic field

government policy.

When SANSA was

National Space Strategy,

The agency, which falls

aims to enhance its con-

Demystifying space science and technology

under the Department of

tribution and significant

When we talk about space

warning; cross-border

Science and Innovation,

change is thus taking place

science and technology,

risk; disease surveillance

was launched to provide

within the organisation.

immediately the mind is

and health risk; asset

for the promotion and use

While it is not restruc-

cast towards landing on

monitoring; regulatory

of space and cooperation

turing, it is changing its

the Moon or going to Mars,

enforcement; and defence,

at stations around Southern Africa.


While significant strides have been made, SANSA

including disaster monitoring and relief; hazards forecasting and early

Public Sector Manager • May 2022

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