A commitment to improve lives and livelihoods
Navigating success Captain Berlinah Madonsela makes waves in the SA Navy
Zero tolerance
COVID-19 corruption exposed
Contents: February 2022 REGULARS
Madonsela navigates
Profiles in leadership
the first female officer
Professor Cheryl Cohen
commanding the South
explains the work the
African Navy’s training unit
National Institute for
SAS Saldanha
unchartered waters as
Communicable Diseases is doing in the fight against COVID-19 24
From the Union Buildings President Cyril Ramaphosa
corruption, and the fight to
more just and equal society.
Improving lives and livelihoods
President Cyril Ramaphosa
reflects on the importance
create jobs and achieve a
of the African Peer Review
outlines plans for the country’s
Address pictorial
Highlights on the 2022 SONA 20
Women in the public sector
Captain Berlinah
State of the Nation
COVID-19 corruption
SONA Reply
together in the fight against
Unit's final report on its
South Africans to rally
The Special Investigation
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
investigation into
capacity for the African
at the country’s ports
COVID-19 related
are set to boost the
corruption has been released to the public
economy and create 28
New laws strengthen the fight against GBV
President Cyril
New vaccine
Ramaphosa has signed
manufacturing facility
repurposed to help
into law legislation that
to benefit Africa
State properties
Acting Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin
potential to make
for survivors of gender-
owned properties are
South Africa the
based violence
providing safe havens
Unoccupied state-
manufacturing and
to victims of gender30
based violence
Port projects to boost the economy
Critical investments
Director-General Phumla Williams Acting Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Gcobisa Soci
will prioritise support
while building vaccine
Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001
GBV victims
NantSA has the
“nucleus of the world”
Progress in transforming legal services
Policies that seek to promote empowerment and the cost-effective management of state litigation cases have been ap-
Acting Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Tyrone Seale
Acting Head of Editorial and Production Zanele Mngadi Managing Editor Irene Naidoo News Editor Irene Naidoo Contributors More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane Graphic Designers Tendai Gonese Benny Kubjana
proved by Cabinet © Copyright: GCIS
well hydrated
Food and wine Healthy lunch boxes that pack a punch
Nice-to-haves Love spoils
Grooming and style
made in Mzansi
How to keep your skin Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Rebuilding South Africa
n the 2022 State of the
tion and move us towards
Nation Address (SONA)
a more just and equal
in February, President
Cyril Ramaphosa said: “The
As the nation grasps
path we choose now will de-
the necessity of the ‘so-
termine the course for future
cial compact’ President
Ramaphosa often speaks
As poetic as they sound, the truth behind these words is undeniable. He was referring to the
Mondli Gungubele Minister in The Presidency
of, there is another irrefutable truth on everyone’s
ethical and developmental
apples mentioned earlier.
minds – the burden of
state by professionalising
This is thanks to lifestyle
responsibility for ensuring
the public service.
audits to identify self-serv-
He promised tighter
ing officials, the strength-
country as a whole, ap-
the SONA’s recovery and
pealing to labour, busi-
development plans come
measures for the recruit-
ening of law enforcement
ness and communities to
to fruition rests largely on
ment of public servants
agencies, the implementa-
partner with government to
the shoulders of public
– which means competent
tion of new anti-corruption
unleash South Africa’s full
colleagues and managers;
practices in the public ser-
and the continuous profes-
vice, and added protection for whistle-blowers.
potential. The nation has to
Without a capable public
recognise that unemploy-
service propelling pro-
sional development of
ment, poverty and inequal-
grammes and committing
public servants through the
ity must be addressed as a
to people’s well-being,
National School of Gov-
to improve the capacity of
collective if the country is
collaborations and civic
ernment and partnerships
the public service continue,
to thrive.
mindedness will get us
between state bodies,
we need to roll up our
professional associations
sleeves and get on with
and universities.
the job at hand because
For this to happen, he
While institutional efforts
said, an investor-friendly
Our President is not
environment – with less
expecting miracles – he
red tape, fewer restrictions,
realises that while there are
the District Development
enabling programmes that
enabling infrastructure and
bad apples in the public
Model will continue –
will catalyse growth and
stable water and electricity
service, there are far more
which means better access
development that need our
supplies – must be created.
dedicated people who per-
to resources for less-
strong shoulders and full
Crime, corruption, public
haps need more resources,
equipped councils and less
safety and security must be
better management and
frustration for those public
addressed. Trust and pride
additional support to give
servants who felt limited in
dent: “Let us get to work.
in public institutions must
of their best. That is why
what they could achieve.
Let us rebuild our country.
be restored.
plans were outlined in the
This will enable job crea-
SONA to build a capable,
The implementation of
The public service will not have to endure those bad
there are a number of
In the words of our Presi-
And let us leave no one behind.”
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
State Capture report :
A challenge to do better
he New Year had
alised they are on thin ice.
Phumla Williams, GCIS Director-General.
contents of the report,
ered up, no matter who the
I urge you to view the
perpetrators are.
barely dawned when
What we all have in com-
Acting Chief Justice
mon, however, is that as we
report as a clarion call to
Raymond Zondo submitted
plot our personal course
the public service and the
from the government-
the first part of the report of
for 2022, we all stand at
private sector – and indeed
sanctioned probe into state
the Judicial Commission of
the world – that we will
corruption and capture. We
not let our democracy be
should take heart that our
high ground, which means
undermined, our public
government is rooting and
being part of the solution
resources misdirected or
exposing corruption and
resolutions – a new year
by reaffirming our com-
our efforts to bring social
those who are perpetrat-
brings the hope of a new
mitment to the Batho Pele
and economic transforma-
ing it.
beginning and forces us
principles and exposing
tion derailed.
to relook at our goals and
Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture.
It came at a time of
We must choose the
We should all draw hope
In the words of President
Let it be the catalyst
Cyril Ramaphosa: “We
The alternative, which is a
needed to make us refocus
have a collective respon-
The report struck close
shaky path that might bring
our efforts to serve citizens.
sibility to ensure that the
to home for all public serv-
monetary wealth, but lacks
ants. The ethical among us
honour and respect, is not
report uncovers wrongdo-
tions of the Commission
have to deal with the reality
an option for us as public
ings, it also gives us the
not only mark a decisive
that not all our colleagues
blueprint we need to do
break with the corrupt
better – to rebuild ailing
practices of the past, but
Remember, while the
findings and recommenda-
are committed to the cause
Our legacy cannot be
and that there is a need of
a dishonourable one. We
institutions and hold those
that they provide the foun-
moral regeneration.
must be filled with quiet
responsible to account,
dation for greater transpar-
pride and determination
and the resolve to safe-
ency, accountability and
resent power and position
and have the ability to look
guard our democratic and
ethical conduct within
and the elevation of self,
our fellow South Africans
societal gains.
all state institutions and
rather than a desire to
in the eye free of guilt.
Those whose jobs rep-
serve the people, have re-
As we ponder on the
It shows the world that
across society.”
corruption will not be cov-
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
December 2021 Edition 13
Vuk’uzenzele newspaper is FREE
Writers: Allison Cooper and SAnews
SONA 2022:
Improving lives and livelihoods
overnment is
remains our common
unacceptable and unsus-
enable the private sec-
committed to put-
programme to rebuild the
tor – both big and small
ting people first,
economy,” he said.
and is finalising a plan to
The President said gov-
Creating jobs
– to emerge, to grow, to access new markets, to
involve all sectors of socie-
ernment’s priorities are
Last year, the unemploy-
create new products, and
ty in growing South Africa’s
overcoming the Corona-
ment rate reached its
to hire more employees,”
economy, creating jobs and
virus Disease (COVID-19)
highest recorded level of
he said.
combating hunger.
pandemic, building
34.9% in the third quarter,
Around 80% of em-
This was emphasised
infrastructure, increasing
following the financial
ployed people work in the
by President Cyril Rama-
local production, creating
devastation caused by
private sector.
phosa in his recent
jobs and addressing the
2022 State of the Nation
energy crisis.
The President said
“We all know that gov-
government will introduce
ernment does not create
a new loan guarantee
“This work will build
we all agree on, it is that
jobs. Business creates
scheme to help small
on the foundation of the
the present situation – of
jobs. The key task of
businesses recover.
Economic Reconstruction
deep poverty, unemploy-
government is to create
and Recovery Plan, which
ment and inequality – is
the conditions that will
“If there is one thing
The Presidential Employment Stimulus
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
“The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure will finalise the transfer of 14 000 hectares of state land to the Housing Development Agency.”
Programme, which has already supported over 850 000 employment opportunities, will be stepped up. Most of the beneficiaries were young people; over 60% were women.
to contribute to their
Development Agency will
tion cases unearthed in
stimulus will enable the
communities, develop
also be finalised this year.
the first two parts of the
Department of Home
their skills and grow their
Affairs to recruit 10 000
The employment
unemployed youth for records, and the Social
SRD Grant continues
Employment Fund will create another 50 000
the digitisation of paper
“The Department
report of the Commis-
of Public Works and
sion of Inquiry into State
Infrastructure will finalise
the transfer of 14 000
He added that the first
hectares of state land to
two parts of the report
The COVID-19 Social
the Housing Development
made it clear that there
Relief of Distress (SRD)
Agency,” the President
was indeed “state cap-
work opportunities. The
Grant, which has helped
Department of Higher Ed-
over 10 million unem-
ucation and Training will
ployed people, has been
enough arable land to
state-owned enterprises
place 10 000 unemployed
extended for another year
support millions of thriv-
had been infiltrated by “a
technical and vocational
– to the end of March
ing small-scale farmers in
criminal network intent on
education and training
poultry, livestock, fruit and
looting public money for
private gain” he added.
graduates in workplaces from April 2022.
In addition, government and its partners will look
He added that there is
Already, over 100 000
Public institutions and
“The reports have
at ways to continue to
farmers have received
detailed the devastating
platform for young work
support people in finan-
input vouchers to expand
effects of this criminal
seekers to access oppor-
cial distress in a manner
their production and
activity on South Afri-
tunities and support now
that is affordable to the
the programme will be
can Airways, Transnet,
has over 2.3 million youth
country over the long
expanded to reach more
Denel, the South African
registered. Of these,
Revenue Service and
placed into employment
Access to land
Government is moving
Corruption and crime
ahead with land reform
President Cyril Ramapho-
negative impact on the
Youth Service will recruit
and anticipates the
sa said discussions
lives of all South Africans,
its first cohort of 50 000
approval of the Expro-
are underway with the
but especially the poor-
young people during the
priation Bill this year. The
judiciary for the creation
est and most vulnerable
next year, creating oppor-
establishment of the Agri-
of special court rolls for
members of our society,”
tunities for young people
culture and Land Reform
state capture and corrup-
said the President. >
over 600 000 have been
“A revitalised National
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Government Communications. State capture had a direct and very concrete
its crucial mandate, and a
against corruption will be
year, through the imple-
government should do
dedicated team has been
intensified thanks to the
mentation of the National
everything in its power to
established to pursue
outcomes of the State
Strategic Plan on GBVF.
ensure that state capture
these cases.”
Capture Commission,
Three new laws - the
He stressed that
the strengthening of law
Criminal and Related
amendment to the State
enforcement agencies
Matters Amendment Act,
ensure that the Commis-
Capture Commission
and the implementation
new Criminal Law (Sexual
sion report is properly
regulations in June 2020,
of new anti-corruption
Offences and Related
and carefully considered
empowered the sharing
practices in the public
Matters) Amendment
and then acted upon.
of information between
Act, and the Domestic
By no later than 30 June
the Commission and law
[2022], I will present a
enforcement agencies.
“never happens again”. “My responsibility is to
plan of action in response
The President said the
The President also
Violence Amendment
announced that safety
Act - are already working
and security will be
to strengthen the criminal
to the Commission’s rec-
permitted the employ-
strengthened through
justice system and sup-
ment of the State Capture
the recruitment of 12 000
port survivors.
Commission personnel by
police personnel and the
He expressed confi-
“This amendment also
“The implementation of
dence that the National
law enforcement agen-
re-establishment of com-
this legislation will go a
Prosecuting Authority
cies. These empowering
munity policing forums.
long way to ensuring that
(NPA) will carry out the
provisions have geared
further investigations that
the Investigating Direc-
the Commission recom-
torate to more effectively
Government will also
are protected and that
pursue the investigations
continue to intensify the
there are more effective
emanating from the Com-
fight against Gender-
deterrents in place,” said
Based Violence and
the President.
“The Investigating Directorate in the NPA, is now poised to deliver on
He added that the fight
Fighting GBVF
cases are successfully prosecuted, that survivors
Femicide (GBVF) this
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Writer : Allison Cooper Images: GCIS
SONA Reply: inspiring hope and confidence
shared goal,” he said. Following his SONA, the President received many valuable contributions on how to effectively address South Africa’s challenges. “The most pressing of which is fixing the economy as it’s essential to almost every other area of life. Our focus on the economy does not, however, diminish the importance of the many other areas of government’s work,” he said, confirming that these issues will be dealt with in greater detail in the upcoming budget votes and Ministers’ public engagements.
A committed state President Ramaphosa said the country was emerging from over a decade of low growth and
deepening unemployhere is broad
of the Nation Address
two Houses of Parliament.
agreement, across
(SONA) Debate Reply
“I called for a new con-
society, that as
held recently.
ment, state capture and the assault on the institu-
sensus to unite our coun-
tions of the state that
He made a call to every
try, in a moment of great
accompanied it.
South Africa’s economy,
South Africans to rally to-
crisis, behind an agenda
create employment and
gether in the fight against
for change and renewal…
the fact that the pandemic
government works to grow
“We cannot disregard
fight hunger and pov-
corruption, and the fight
Although they represent
has caused our economy
erty, no one should be left
to create jobs and achieve
different parties and dif-
severe damage that will
a more just and equal
ferent perspectives, many
take years to repair. Un-
of the speakers in the
less we appreciate these
SONA Debate affirmed
facts, unless we charac-
their commitment to this
terise the current situation
President Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed this in his 2022 State
This call was answered by several members of the
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
the employment of the public service itself. “We envisage both a
looks like.” Renewed confidence is seen in the most signifi-
capable, developmental
cant reform in SA’s energy
state and a dynamic
system in nearly a cen-
and agile private sector,
tury; the long-delayed re-
which work together and
forms – like the spectrum
complement each other.”
auction and the revised
Inspiring hope and confidence
critical skills list – that are being implemented; and concrete steps being
President Ramaphosa
taken to modernise ports
said that while most
and rail infrastructure.
Members of the Houses of Parliament are firmly
Unifying SA
committed to build-
President Ramaphosa
ing a united, equal and
spoke in-depth about
prosperous nation,
government’s commit-
correctly, our response
the most part, com-
others have different
ment to South Africa and
may well be ill-considered
mentators have engaged
interests and priorities.
unifying her people, both
and misdirected,” the
meaningfully with one
He emphasised, how-
evident in the strides it
President said.
of the most important
ever, that while they
has made to fight corrup-
questions facing our
preach despair and cre-
tion; create conditions
actions in response to
country today. They
ate doubt, government
conducive to growing
the pandemic, all noted
have earnestly sought to
sees hope and renewed
business and ensuring
in the SONA, saved tens
answer the central ques-
job creation; uplifting
of thousands of lives and
tion of who will create
kept millions of people
the jobs for the 11 million
new work and livelihood
sons with disabilities; and
out of dire poverty.
unemployed people in
opportunities created by
protecting women.
South Africa,” the Presi-
the Presidential Employ-
dent said.
ment Stimulus that will
the transformation of the
soon reach over a million
economy, so it benefits
all South Africa’s people,
Government’s collective
The President’s focus on job creation, outlined
Hope is seen in the
women, youth and per-
“Our commitment to
in SONA, gave rise to
He explained that while
a debate on the state’s
the private sector creates
and private sector’s roles
the most jobs, the state
in fostering economic
has a clear role to play
ing built to get children
a manifesto – for which
growth and creating
through state-owned
to school safely; and the
the people of this country
enterprises, public em-
sector master plans driv-
demonstrated overwhelm-
ployment programmes,
ing new investment which
ing support – that is a
taken a crude and self-
industrial policy, compe-
creates new jobs and the
bold and coherent plan
serving approach to a
tition policy, infrastruc-
revival of key industries.
to achieve a better life for
complex issue, but for
ture investment and
“Some speakers have
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
He said the bridges be-
“That is what progress
is unwavering. We have
all,” the President said.
SONA 2022
President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the 2022 State of the Nation Address (SONA) under the theme “Following up on our commitments: making your future work better”. The SONA was moved to the Cape Town City Hall due to a fire at Parliament. It was the first time the SONA took outside the precinct of Parliament since democracy. Here are some highlights from the day.
President Ramaphosa with first lady Dr Tshepo Motsepe arriving at the State of the Nation Address.
Members of the judiciary entering the Cape Town City Hall.
President Ramaphosa observes a 21 gun salute.
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
President Ramaphosa and Deputy President David Mabuza with guests and Members of Parliament.
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Writer: More Matshediso
Prof Cohen helps shape SA’s COIVD-19 response
(NICD) only became a
institute had been doing
Africans, the Na-
familiar name because of
important work long
National Health Labora-
tional Institute for
the Coronavirus Disease
before the pandemic hit
tory Service, the NICD
(COVID-19), but the
our shores.
provides reference
Communicable Diseases
A division of the
or many South
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
microbiology, virology,
Respiratory Diseases
programme that pro-
between the NICD and
epidemiology, surveil-
and Meningitis involves
vides information that
private laboratories.
lance and public health
building evidence to
informs decision mak-
Prof Cohen says this
research and training to
support vaccine in-
ing,” says Prof Cohen.
was possible due to the
support government’s
troduction and then
response to communi-
monitoring the impact
conducted to establish
NICD has established
cable disease threats.
of vaccines on reduc-
how severe the illness
with many private lab
ing disease if they are
caused by different
groups in South Africa.
hen, who is head of the
implemented, she adds.
variants is and how ef-
Centre for Respiratory
The centre also moni-
fective the interventions
sual signal in the poly-
Professor Cheryl Co-
Research is also
close relationship the
“A lab noticed an unu-
Diseases and Meningitis
tors several pathogens
used to control illness
merase chain reaction
at the NICD, explains
that can cause out-
tests and contacted us.
that the institute does
breaks, like meningo-
important work in rela-
coccus and influenza.
tion to diseases such as pneumonia.
“For this, we need to
Omicron variant
have ongoing surveil-
In November 2021, the
We realised we needed to urgently sequence the isolates, which we did,” she explains.
lance to be able to
NICD confirmed that
infectious respiratory
detect these early and
the Omicron variant was
lysed the data, we real-
diseases and meningitis
respond,” says Prof
detected in South Africa
ised it was a new strain
in South Africa.
following genomic se-
with several mutations
quencing collaborations
and so this data was >
The centre monitors
Prof Cohen manages scientists, epidemiolo-
Work on COVID-19
gists and data special-
The NICD has played a
crucial role in monitor-
a team of technologists,
“We focus on some of
ing COVID-19 trends
the important causes
and addressing impor-
of pneumonia, such
tant questions like how
as influenza, respira-
fast the virus spreads,
tory syncytial virus and
how many people are
pneumococcus. Many of
affected and who is
these diseases are vac-
most affected.
cine preventable or have
“The centre drives sur-
vaccines in the pipeline,”
veillance and response
she says.
for COVID-19 and influ-
Much of the work done by the the Centre for
“Once we had ana-
enza. We also have an active applied research
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
rapidly shared with the
to monitor COVID-19
Network for Genomic
as we accept that the
Surveillance in South
disease is here to stay.
relax, there is a real risk
Africa and loaded onto
We need to learn to live
of outbreaks because
public databases,” she
with it while limiting the
of a gap in immunity as
difficult, but in some
negative impacts,” she
these pathogens have
ways this is what every
not circulated for two
infectious diseases epi-
years,” she says.
demiologist is preparing
Prof Cohen says the identification of the new
Prof Cohen says more
it endlessly interesting
“But as restrictions
with always something new to do. “COVID-19 has been
for – a completely new
variant confirms that
than half the work they
the capabilities of South
currently do is COVID-
monitoring other causes
disease that enables
African scientists are
of pneumonia and
us to use all our estab-
meningitis is particularly
lished and new surveil-
important right now.
lance systems, train-
Regardless of the
ing and experience to
world class. The institute works
“We have to continue monitoring other
For these reasons,
with partners within
diseases. Cases of other
South Africa and glob-
respiratory diseases
challenges, Prof Cohen
understand the patterns
ally to ensure ongoing
dropped during the
would not trade her
of illness. It’s exciting,”
communication and col-
pandemic as a result
job for anything in the
she says.
laboration and sharing
of non-pharmaceutical
world because she finds
of any new techniques to further upskill the NICD scientists so they
About Prof Cohen
can make breakthrough
Prof Cohen qualified as a medical doctor from the University of the Witwa-
tersrand and is a Fellow of the College of Pathologists of South Africa in the
Challenges facing the NICD
discipline of microbiology. She is also an associate professor in epidemiology at the University of the Witwatersrand and obtained an MSc in Epidemiology from the London
If you’re wondering how
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom and a PhD
fatigued Prof Cohen and
from the University of the Witwatersrand.
her team after COVID-19
In her role at the NICD, she works closely with the South African Depart-
has kept them occupied
ment of Health to generate evidence to guide policy for the control and
for almost two years, her
management of respiratory diseases.
response is: “Seriously, I am exhausted”. “Fatigue and diminish-
Prof Cohen led the establishment of a national surveillance programme for severe acute respiratory infections in South Africa in 2009. She is also a member of several national advisory committees and several
ing resources are our
international World Health Organisation working groups, mainly related to
biggest challenges. We
influenza and other respiratory viruses.
need to move to more sustainable systems
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
What will people say?
There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555
People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.
Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.
COVID-19 corruption exposed T
here is no place to
release of the final
hide for those in-
report of the investigation
with perpetrators.
book and addressing
“The final report details
weaknesses identified
volved in Corona-
by the Special Investigat-
matters referred by the
by the SIU investigation,”
virus Disease (COVID-19)
ing Unit (SIU) into public
SIU to the National Pros-
said the President.
related corruption, with
procurement related to
ecuting Authority (NPA),
their misdeeds now pub-
departments and entities
submission of the final
lic knowledge.
He added that the
in the public sector and
report is an important
demonstrates our deter-
other parties, who will
step in the fight against
dent Cyril Ramaphosa
mination to root out
finalise the process of
maladministration and
authorised the public
corruption and to deal
bringing wrongdoers to
corruption in the public
This comes after Presi-
“This investigation
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
and private sectors.
criminal offence has been
before the submission of
224 referrals for disci-
committed, the SIU is
a supplementary report to
plinary action against
targeted individuals and
obliged to refer it to the
the President at the end
officials in government
institutions who believed
of June 2022,” explained
departments or entities.
“This investigation
they could exploit a mo-
The proclamation also
The Presidency.
In addition, the SIU has
ment of national vulner-
empowers the SIU to
ability to enrich them-
institute civil proceed-
Action taken
NPA, three referrals for
selves and those with
ings for the recovery of
As result of the SIU in-
executive action and 330
whom they colluded to
any damages or losses
vestigation, and with the
referrals for administrative
abuse public resources.
incurred by the state.
help of other agencies,
action, which includes
45 matters – constitut-
“It is unacceptable that
According to the
made 386 referrals to the
so many contracts as-
Presidency, the SIU has
ing a combined value of
sociated with saving lives
investigated 5 467 con-
R2.1 billion – have been
recovered on the basis
and protecting livelihoods
tracts awarded to 3 066
enrolled with the Special
of the SIU investigation
were irregular, unlawful
service providers with a
Tribunal on Corruption,
amounts to R551.5 million.
or fraudulent,” said the
total value of R14.3 billion.
Fraud and Illicit Money
So far cash and assets
Investigations into
amounting to R34.2 mil-
4 549 contracts have
Cash and assets to be
The Special Tribunal
lion has been recovered. The value of potential
SIU investigation
been finalised and 2 803
has a statutory mandate
On 23 July 2020, Presi-
of these were found to be
to recover public funds
loss prevented by the
dent Ramaphosa author-
irregular. This amounts
syphoned from the fiscus
investigation is R114.2
ised the SIU investigation
to 62% of the finalised
through corruption, fraud
million, while contracts set
in terms of Section 4(1)
and illicit money flows.
aside amount to R170.4
(f ) of the Special Investi-
The report does not
gating Unit and Special
include details of ongoing
Tribunals Act, No 74 of
investigations into allega-
tions received by the SIU
The SIU was authorised
after the timeline set for
to probe any allegations
matters to be included in
relating to the misuse of
the final report.
COVID-19 funds across
“The SIU expects these
all spheres of govern-
matters, which are cov-
ered by the proclamation,
In addition, where evidence is found that a
The SIU has also made
The report can be accessed at through the follow links: The report: The annexure:
to be completed between March and April 2022,
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Source: SAnews
New vaccine
manufacturing facility to benefit Africa
President C yril Ramaphosa and Dr Patrick SoonShiong at the official launch of NantSA , a vaccine manufacturing facilit y campus in the Western Cape.
antSA, the newly-
and vaccines for the African
new facility in Bracken-
scientist and founder of
launched vaccine
fell in the Western Cape
NantWorks LLC Dr Patrick
This is according to
It will focus mainly on
facility campus in South Af-
President Cyril Ramapho-
rica, will usher in a new era
sa, who was speaking at
lished by world-renowned
building vaccine manufac-
in healthcare, medicines
the official launch of the
technology healthcare
turing and pharmaceutical
The facility was estab-
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
capacity for the African
we are determined to do
“That is why we have
continent, which includes
and this facility is proof of
been working to establish
Works to mobilise invest-
developing a new Corona-
that,” he said.
new pharmaceutical man-
ment, transfer technol-
ufacturing capabilities to
ogy and know-how, and
produce the COVID-19
develop skills.
virus Disease (COVID-19) vaccine. “[We] are gathered to
COVID-19 vaccine
and other vaccines.
Foundation and Nant-
witness a milestone in
The facility will focus on
Africa’s onward march
the development of a sec-
make a vital contribution
Coalition to aid progress
towards health, progress
ond generation COVID-19
to this mission, comple-
President Ramaphosa
and prosperity.
vaccine, with the aim to
menting the work already
also announced the for-
produce one billion doses
being done by companies
mation of the Coalition to
a year by 2025.
like Aspen, Biovac and
Accelerate Africa’s Access
Afrigen here in South
to Advanced Healthcare
“It is within the walls of this facility, through the networks that are
“We want to manu-
“This NantSA facility will
being built, through the
facture this in Africa, for
Africa and several other
(AAAH Coalition) which
advanced skills that are
Africa, and export it to
companies in other parts
aims to accelerate local
being developed, and
the world,” explained Dr
of the continent.”
production of pharma-
through the other initia-
tives across our continent,
He added that about
He added that the goal is to cover the entire
ceuticals, biologics and vaccines for Africa.
that our vision for vaccine,
400 to 600 South Africans
vaccine production value
diagnostics and drug
will be employed to help
chain by upgrading exist-
[the AAAH Coalition]
manufacturing in Africa
with the production of
ing capacity and bringing
is a bold step to unite
will steadily take form,”
these vaccines.
new capacity on board.
biotechnology and phar-
President Ramaphosa
The production of vac-
“Emerging African man-
“The establishment of
maceutical companies,
cines in South Africa
ufacturers need technol-
government agencies,
could make the country
ogy partners to develop
non-profit organisations
a vaccine manufacturing
the “nucleus of the world”,
their skills base and assist
and academia.
facility in Africa should
ensuring that South Africa
with technology transfer.
“The coalition gives
result in better access to
makes a difference glob-
“We shall scale up and
effect to our firm belief
vaccines for those on the
ally, said Dr Soon-Shiong.
diversify our produc-
that Africa needs to
President Ramaphosa
said. He added that having
tion capabilities with
harness its skills and
emphasised the impor-
the proper support and
resources and identify
be the last in line to ac-
tance of Africa having
collaboration,” said the
opportunities for collabo-
cess vaccines against
the technology and the
ration across several
pandemics. Africa should
resources to produce
no longer go cap in hand
vaccines and treatments
ships with entities like
to the Western world beg-
for all the diseases that
the Access to Advanced
tion recognises that Africa
ging for vaccines. We will
afflict the people on the
Health Institute, the Chan
has both a great need and
stand on our own. This
Soon-Shiong Family
vast capabilities.
continent.. “Africa should no longer
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
He welcomed partner-
countries.” He added that the coali-
A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa
Good governance is essential for peace and prosperity
2003 and has undergone two assessments. Our most recent assessment was last year, where we were assessed on democratic and political governance, economic management, corporate governance, socio-eco-
nomic development and outh Africa’s two-
promote and protect hu-
states to join by the end
year chairship of
man rights, consolidate
of this decade.
the African Peer
democracy and advance
state resilience. Our country received
The APRM encourages
favourable reviews for,
Review Forum came to an
good governance and the
best practice for politi-
among others, the rule of
end recently at the 35th
rule of law among African
cal, social and economic
law, oversight bodies like
African Union Assembly of
stability, while helping
our Chapter 9 institu-
to address governance
tions, the advancement
55 member states, 42
deficiencies by providing
of women’s rights, strong
are now members of the
a National Programme
refugee protection and
structures of the African
APRM. In the last two
of Action for each state
our extensive social wel-
Peer Review Mechanism
months, the Democratic
fare net.
(APRM), which aims to
Republic of Congo and
Heads of State and Government.
The forum is one of the
Of the African Union’s
In essence, the APRM
South Africa was also
is a voluntary arrange-
cited for its strong cor-
most recent coun-
ment among participating
porate governance, open
tries to join the
states “to assess and re-
budget processes and for
view governance at Head
the proliferation of corpo-
of State peer level”.
rate social responsibility
Burundi became the
Efforts are
underway to
By joining the APRM,
encourage all
states agree to indepen-
remaining AU
dently review their com-
the evolution of our elec-
pliance with continental
toral system through the
and international govern-
introduction of independ-
ance commitments.
ent candidature for last
South Africa was one of the first countries to join the APRM in
We were also praised for
year’s local government elections. With regards to management of the COVID-19 pandemic, South Africa was congratulated for demonstrating resilience
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
and global leadership. The APRM Review Mis-
governance on the con-
towards compliance by
issued a clear warning to
addressing deficiencies
Africa’s leaders: “Our peo-
sion further commended
The Africa Governance
and implementing their
ple supported us in our
South Africa for publicis-
Report 2021, which South
national programmes of
fight for independence
ing its detection of the
Africa presented to the
because they believed
Omicron variant late last
AU Assembly recently,
year, “despite the risks to
noted progress in con-
not punitive, the African
could cure the ills of the
its economy”.
solidating democracy and
Union (AU) has itself
past if now that we are
moving towards econom-
taken decisive positions
independent we allow the
found several areas of
ic integration through the
on states whose actions
same conditions to exist
concern. These include
African Continental Free
undermine the principles
that existed in colonial
rising inequality and un-
Trade Area.
of the AU Charter and the
days, all the resentment
But the assessment also
While the APRM is
that African governments
employment, corruption,
which overthrew coloni-
incidents of xenophobia
alism will be mobilised
and poor service delivery. It recommended that government develop a barometer to measure inequality and tools to measure the efficacy of transformative programmes such as broadbased black economic
“With regards to management of the COVID-19 pandemic, South Africa was congratulated for demonstrating resilience and global leadership”.
against us.” The APRM is one of the most important responses of Africa’s leaders to this danger. Just as South Africa’s fortunes are inextricably tied to those of the continent, we are also
empowerment, employ-
inevitably affected by
ment equity and land
political, economic and
At the same time, it rec-
AU’s Agenda 2063.
other forms of instability
As a country, we are
ommended that leaders
For example, follow-
in Africa. This makes our
taking these recommen-
take urgent steps to ad-
ing coups last year, Mali,
participation in the Afri-
dations on board and
dress drivers of instability,
Guinea and Sudan’s
can Peer Review Mecha-
exploring areas of align-
such as growing youth
membership of the AU
nism all the more critical.
ment between the APRM
unemployment, extrem-
were suspended. Recent-
National Programme of
ism, mass migration and
ly, the AU also suspended
ity, alongside our sister
Action and the work of
deepening inequality.
Burkina Faso’s member-
countries, to strengthen
Because participation
ship following a coup in
good governance in
is voluntary, the APRM
the West African nation.
our National Planning Commission.
We share a responsibil-
At the founding of the
After all, good govern-
that despite pockets of
governance through
Organisation of African
ance brings investment,
instability, we have come
self-assessment and peer
Unity, the precursor to the
development, peace,
a long way in consolidat-
review. Member states
AU, in 1963, Ghana’s Pres-
progress and, ultimately,
ing democracy and good
are encouraged to work
ident Kwame Nkrumah
shared prosperity.
It is greatly encouraging
seeks to encourage good
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Berlinah Madonsela captains SAS Saldanha
s the first
new position came on
female officer
the back of her being
appointed as the first
the South African
female OC of the Naval
Navy’s training unit
Staff College in Muizen-
SAS Saldanha, Captain
berg in May 2018, a posi-
Berlinah Madonsela is
tion which prepared her
firmly focused on leaving
for what was to come.
a legacy of promoting
In her new role, Captain
Captain Berlinah Madonsela gives her salute as the new Officer Commanding of SAS Saldanha.
have a positive impact on
taking ownership,” she
her team.
and encouraging learn-
Madonsela will focus
ing and discipline in the
more on training, the
women hope, espe-
Hard work
core business of SAS
cially young women, and
Born in Langeloop in
believes that hard work
Mpumalanga, Captain
pays off. There are no
Madonsela says she
shortcuts, she says.
was blessed to have
Captain Madonsela was appointed as Of-
“I am a firm believer in
She also aims to give
ficer Commanding (OC)
process improvement.
of SAS Saldanha in
The house is already
October 2021. Based in
built. My responsibility is
I believe God wouldn’t
woman who always
Saldanha Bay on the
to maintain and improve
give me something I
encouraged her to work
West Coast, it is the SA
it,” she says.
wouldn’t be able to carry.
hard and be the best
Navy’s biggest training unit. Her ascension to her
“It’s a big challenge, but
Her focus is on making
“We as women have to
a difference in the learn-
be confident and believe
ing environment and
in ourselves, and start
been raised by a strong
that she could be. As the oldest of four girls, growing up with a
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
single mother was not
pleted both her Basic
Human Recourses
easy, she recalls.
Military Training and
Administration Sup-
Learning and growth
Military Training for
port as Staff Officer 2
Four years later, in
work in primary school,
As a result of her hard
Officers (Part 1) at the
2018, Captain Madon-
one of her teachers
SA Naval College in
took Captain Madon-
In 2010, she was ap-
sela was appointed to
Gordon’s Bay; and, in
pointed as Staff Officer
head up the SA Naval
sela under her wing
2003, she worked as
2 Fleet Assessment
Staff College.
and she went to live
an assistant career
and Selection and, in
“I have learnt a lot
with her.
manager for Combat
2014, as Staff Officer 1
from all the learners
Fleet Assessment and
who have crossed my
Selection. It was during
path. Seeing them grow
these appointments
from the start of the
“She took me to one of the best schools, Mahhushe Agricultural
Serving at sea
High School, where I
In 2004, when she was
that she realised her
learning opportunity
completed matric.”
given the opportunity
love and passion for
to the end is amazing,” she says.
to serve at sea, Captain
education and making
Captain Madonsela
Madonsela joined SAS
a difference in others’
was recruited by the
Isandlwana as assistant
Department of De-
personnel officer.
When she left school,
fence Youth Foundation
“In primary and high
Captain Madonsela has had many highlights during her career,
school, during free
including serving on-
Training Programme.
ed to personnel officer,
periods or when one
board SAS Isandlwana
Her success in the pro-
a position she held for
of my teachers was
and participating in
gramme ensured that
four years. During this
absent, I used to teach
various naval exercises.
she was selected to join
time, she obtained her
my classmates. My
the SA Navy.
Harbour Watch Keep-
principals called me
donsela’s mother heard
ing, Flight Deck Con-
one of their teacher,”
the news of her pro-
was to join the South
troller and Flight Deck
she recalls.
motion she was a bit
African Air Force, after
Officer certificates.
conducting interviews,
She also holds a
While her first choice
She was then promot-
Captain Madonsela
When Captain Ma-
confused, as she didn’t
says the environment of
know what a captain was.
psychometric testing
certificate in security
fleet education, train-
and medicals, the panel
studies, a diploma for
ing and development
also gave her the op-
the Joint Senior Com-
gave her the opportu-
it meant that I was the
tion of joining the navy.
mand Staff Programme,
nity to help others and
principal of a school,
and national and post-
brought out the best in
but with more learners.
I wanted to change.
graduate diplomas in
Little did I know the
human resources.
prophecy of that impul-
In 2008, Captain Ma-
to develop and improve
had been fulfilled once
sive moment,” she says.
donsela was drafted
myself and others,” she
more,” says Captain
ashore and joined
“Right there I said
In 2002, she com-
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
“I always see the need
“I explained to her that
She was so proud and said my dream
New laws strengthen the fight against GBV P
resident Cyril
minor, a disabled person
consider threats of
Related Matters) Amend-
Ramaphosa has
or an elderly person can
violence made against
ment Act, outlaws sexual
signed into law
be examined in proceed-
the complainant and the
exploitation and grooming
ings,” says the President.
complainant’s view of
of persons with mental
their own safety, adds the
disabilities, says President
three pieces of legislation that are expected to bolster
The Act also provides
the fight against gender-
for the extended use of
based violence (GBV).
evidence through an
The legislation will
If the court is not con-
It also provides for
audio-visual link, which
vinced that exceptional
sexual offences against
strengthen the criminal
not only helps protect
circumstances exist that
persons who are mentally
justice system, promote
witnesses from harm but
warrant release on bail,
disabled to be recorded
accountability across the
also prevents unreason-
bail must be denied.
in the National Register of
state and prioritise sup-
able delays.
Sex Offenders
“The new Criminal and
cantly tightens up our bail
Related Matters Amend-
regime. A prosecutor who
ment Act protects the vul-
does not oppose bail in
nerable from secondary
designated cases must
Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act
victimisation by allowing
have their reasons placed
The second piece of legis-
in this respect, and have
courts to appoint interme-
on record,” he explains.
lation, the new Criminal
been sentenced
Law (Sexual Offences and
to terms longer than 18
port for GBV survivors.
diaries through which a
“The new law signifi-
The court must also
“Those who have been convicted of sex crimes against children or mentally disabled persons, have previous convictions
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
months can only ap-
at the same time author-
plainant without the
is beaten, hurt, raped,
ply to have their names
ise the issuing of an arrest
knowledge of the abuser.
assaulted or killed, it is a
removed from the register
warrant, suspended, that
after 20 years,” he adds.
must be provided to the
comply with their obliga-
worse if we knew it was
South African Police Ser-
tions under the new law
taking place and could
vice (SAPS).”
will be guilty of miscon-
have prevented it.
Domestic Violence Amendment Act
SAPS officials are expected to arrest the
SAPS officials who fail to
duct. “All adult persons who
shame on us all. It is even
“We must educate those suffering in silence about
The third piece of legisla-
respondent immediately
have knowledge or sus-
their rights and how to
tion is the Domestic Vio-
if they suspect that the
picion that domestic vio-
exercise them.”
lence Amendment Act.
complainant is in danger
lence is being perpetrated
due to breach of the order.
against a child, a person
government is commit-
“The Act now expressly
with a mental disability
ted to providing the legal
protection orders, and
protects the elderly from
or an elderly person are
protection and support to
broadened the circum-
all forms of domestic
obliged to report such
survivors of GBV.
stances under which they
violence, and also permits
acts to a social worker or
“The passage of these
can be applied for.
complainants to apply for
to the police. Failure to do
new laws is a step in this
“We have tightened up the process of obtaining
“We have addressed
The President adds that
protection orders online,
so is a criminal offence,”
direction. But it is not the
the issue of women and
saving them time and
adds the President.
solution. We must prevent
children being victimised
travel costs,” says Presi-
despite having, or being in
dent Ramaphosa.
process of applying for, a
He adds that the court
Legal protection and support
violence and abuse from happening in the first place.”
protection order,” explains
can also issue a Safety
He stresses that violence
He called on society to
the President.
Monitoring Notice which
against women and chil-
work together to end the
require a member of
dren should be everyone’s
violence perpetrated by
the court believes the
SAPS to be in constant
men against women and
complainant is in immi-
contact with the com-
In instances where
“When a woman or child
nent danger it can issue a protection order immediately, without giving the respondent notice of the proceedings. “Significantly, if the court releases someone charged with domestic violence on bail who does not have a protection order granted against them, the court must issue one after holding an enquiry. “When the court issues a protection order it must
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Source: SAnews
Port projects to boost the economy
Transpor t Minister Fikile Mbalula during a recent visit to the Por t of Durban.
ritical investments
preneurs to develop and
a green light in respect of
national importance as it
in ports across
grow their businesses,”
a number of investments
responds to energy policy
the country are
said Transport Minister
in the ports, which will
and energy security of the
expected to boost the
Fikile Mbalula during a
deliver tangible economic
country,” he added. The
oceans economy as part of
recent visit to the Port of
dividends and place
value of project is esti-
Operation Phakisa.
South Africa on a sustain-
mated at US$1.5 billion.
“These ground-breaking
The investments also
investments will also give
form part of the Economic
impetus to growing the
Reconstruction and Re-
oceans economy and the
covery Plan.
The Strategic Fuel Fund
Infrastructure development
will construct an onshore
In addition, Mnambithi
liquid natural gas regasi-
Terminals will develop
Comprehensive Maritime
with [the] Minister of
fication facility at the Port
and operate a liquid bulk
Transport Policy, which
Public Enterprises and the
of Ngqura in the Eastern
terminal at the Maydon
seeks to create a nurtur-
Transnet National Ports
Wharf 6 in the Port of
ing environment for entre-
Authority, we have given
implementation of the
“To date, working closely
able growth path,” said the
“This investment is of
Durban in KwaZulu-Natal.
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
“The construction phase
competitive existence of
will create over 1 500 tem-
a downstream aluminium
porary direct and other
industry directly employ-
indirect job opportunities.
ing approximately 11 600
The operation phase will
people permanently,
create over 150 skilled and
whilst contributing to the
semi-skilled employment
indirect formal employ-
ment of 28 500 people,”
This investment is expected to make a
the Minister said. Direct contributions in-
significant contribution
clude revenue to Transnet
to infrastructure develop-
and the municipality of
ment, with construction
Richards Bay of R338
investment of R1.5 billion.
million per annum, local
“The US$ 26 million
procurement spend of R2
maritime vessel that is
billion per annum, and
part of this investment is
contribution to the tax
the first chemical tanker
base of R1.1 billion per
to be acquired by a South
He added that government will accelerate inter-
to skills development, and broadening access to
ventions geared towards
learning by those previ-
enabling small business
ously disadvantaged,” the
Dormac Marine Engi-
and medium enterprise
Minister said.
ment is Hillside Alumin-
neering will also renew
participation in the trans-
ium Proprietary Limited
existing leases, which will
portation of commodities,
importance of transform-
renewing existing leases
generate rental income for
as part of promoting the
ing the maritime sector
in the Port of Richards
Transnet and eThekwini
development and growth
by creating a nurturing
Bay in KwaZulu-Natal, for
Municipality, currently
of South Africa’s Ship
environment for entre-
a bulk storage silos facil-
standing at R17.5 million
preneurs with skills in the
ity, pitch tanks terminal,
per annum.
African company and will soon be flagged locally.” Another major invest-
stock yard facility and a
Leases renewed
“Durban premises and
“Plans to make our ship
He emphasised the
composite industry to
registry attractive and
develop and grow their own businesses.
conveyor belt system ef-
port premises in Cape
worthwhile for owners to
fluent pipeline facility.
Town, currently leased
flag ships in South Africa
from Transnet at full com-
must be given impetus,
projects should boost the
apex of South Africa’s
mercial rentals, generate
and [we must use] this
local content with increas-
aluminium industry and
R20.6 million per annum
opportunity to expand our
ing local supply chains
is therefore one of the
for Transnet. Dormac
seafarer base.
and locally manufactured
major contributors to the
employs 136 employees
country’s economy.
and this investment will
participation in the sector
the growth of the mari-
preserve these,” the Minis-
should, amongst others,
time sector,” the Minister
ter said.
provide a multiplier effect
“Hillside stands at the
“Their investment further supports the
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
“The private sector's
“The port infrastructure
components are critical to
Writer : More Matshediso
State properties repurposed to help GBV victims
Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia De Lille at the recent installation of an anti-GBV billboard outside the Inanda Police Station in KwaZulu-Natal.
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
affected by GBVF.
the number of the GBVF
overnment is
psycho-social therapy to
stepping up
the victims as well as indi-
Recently, a billboard
its support for
vidual and group counsel-
with anti-GBVF mes-
victims can call to get
victims of gender-based
ling, and couples’ counsel-
saging was installed on
violence (GBV) by provid-
ling where needed.
Kgosi Mampuru Road in
command centre where
The Minister urged
ing safe havens where
The shelters will also
Tshwane, as well as at
families and communi-
they can receive care.
assist victims access the
the Plessislaer, Inanda
ties to speak out against
police, legal and health
and Empangeni Police
abuse and report abus-
Stations in KwaZulu-
ers to the authorities so
Natal. A mural was also
that they can face the full might of the law.
The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) has
Due to the sensitivity of
allocated 12 unoccupied
these cases, information
installed at Manenberg
state-owned properties
about the shelters will
Police Station in Cape
to be used as shelters for
not be widely publicised,
victims of GBV.
however victims can visit
Early last year, bill-
Department Social Devel-
boards went up at the
scared of speaking out or
properties are in Gauteng
opment offices, contact
Mamelodi East, Mamelo-
walking away.
and six are in the Western
the GBV Command Centre
di West and Eersterust
or the South African Police
Police Stations.
Six of the refurbished
“Some of these shelters operate as White-door Safe Spaces, which house victims for 72 hours. Others operate as Victim
Service to find out more.
Anti-GBV messaging campaign
“The placement of
“I also want to appeal to women to not protect their abuser[s] and be
"Women must know that there is support out there and they must
these billboards is part of
leave abusive relation-
government’s communi-
cation efforts to reaffirm
She noted that often
our stance against the
women are scared to
Empowerment shelters
The DPWI has also
killing and hurting of our
leave an abusive re-
and Khuseleka One-stop
installed anti-GBV and
women and children,”
lationship and end up
Centres, and both can
femicide (GBVF) mes-
said DPWI Minister Patri-
losing their lives.
accommodate victims for
saging at state-owned
cia de Lille.
three to six months,” the
properties as part of
She added that the bill-
able. Speak out and act
department said.
“Help is avail-
a campaign to show
boards have been placed
against abuse for the
The shelters will have
government’s solidarity
in communities most
sake of savings lives,”
a qualified professional
with communities and
affected by crime.
said the Minister.
social worker to provide
families that have been
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
The billboards publicise
Writer : Allison Cooper
Progress in transforming legal services T
hree policies that
by Cabinet recently.
2021-2026, have been de-
change within the state’s
veloped to implement the
legal services environ-
Management Policy,
State Attorney Amend-
ment, said Minister of
the past, transform legal
Mediation Policy and
ment Act 13 of 2014, fol-
Justice and Correctional
services and establish
State Legal Representa-
lowing its proclamation on
Services Ronald Lamola,
uniform procedures in the
tion Policy are among five
7 February 2021.
who was speaking at the
Office of the State Attor-
polices that, together with
ney (OSA) were approved
the Litigation Strategy
seek to redress the imbalances of
The State Litigation
The strategy and policies aim to achieve the desired
Black Lawyers Association Annual General
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
vide general principles
is expected to exercise
commenced in 2014,
The policies on State
to be observed and the
control, direction and su-
with magisterial districts
Litigation Management,
approach to be adopted
pervision over all of them,
of Gauteng and North
Mediation and State Le-
by the OSA when dealing
said the Minister.
West being rationalised.
gal Representation were
with litigation matters,
“The SG is not only
Limpopo and Mpuma-
approved by Cabinet in
and establish uniform
leading and coordinat-
langa were finalised in
November 2021, and seek
procedures and provide
ing state litigation, he
2016 and Northern Cape
to promote the profes-
a framework to assist the
is also overseeing the
in 2018,” Minister in The
sional empowerment and
performance of the entire
Presidency Mondli Gun-
state legal services,
gubele said, following the recent Cabinet meeting.
Meeting recently.
cost-effective manage-
The Mediation Policy
ment of state litigation
also introduces alterna-
with a specific focus on
tive interventions on cas-
reducing state contingent
He explained that
es that can be resolved
liabilities and protecting
before 1994, the coun-
Initiating and Defending
with less costly court
the interest of the state,”
try’s magisterial districts
of Matters Policy and the
processes, he added.
he added.
were determined along
The other two policies –
Briefing and Outsourc-
The SG developed the
racial lines, perpetuating
Litigation Strategy 2021-
inferior judicial services
2026 and the five policies
to black people living in
– have been submitted
Fundamental changes
to The Presidency for
Minister Lamola said the
to implement the State
the defunct homelands,
socio-economic impact
proclamation of the State
Attorney Amendment
self-governing states and
analysis, after which they
Attorney Amendment Act
will also be referred to
brought about funda-
Cabinet for endorsement,
mental changes.
ing of Legal Work Policy
added the Minister.
These included the
“This will position the
“The proposed recon-
OSG as the nerve centre
figured courts’ jurisdic-
for the provision of State
tion boundaries ensure
creation of 13 Offices of
legal services,” said Min-
equal access to the jus-
the policies also seek
the State Attorney across
ister Lamola.
tice system by all South
to transform the legal
the country, all of which
profession, by promoting
are intended to have the
consistency in the ap-
head of office at chief
Magisterial districts
pointment of previously
director level.
Meanwhile, Cabinet also
nally come up with these
welcomed the finalisa-
boundaries was an
Office of the Solicitor-
tion of the rationalisation
all-inclusive process that
He explained that
disadvantaged legal practitioners.
It also established the
Africans,” said Minister Gungubele. The process to fi-
General (OSG). Acting
of the remaining four
included the magistracy,
will operate as a transi-
Solicitor-General Ronald
provinces’ magisterial
South African Police
tional mechanism while
Fhedzisani Pande-
districts – Eastern Cape,
Service, National Pros-
the State Attorney Act
lani was appointed on 16
Free State, KwaZulu-Na-
ecuting Authority, Legal
is further reviewed, or
March 2020.
tal and Western Cape.
Aid Board, Municipal De-
“The process, which
marcation Board and all
The approved policies
the decision is made to
The Solicitor-General
amend it or repeal it in its
(SG) is the executive
gives effect to the Consti-
relevant stakeholders in
officer for all Offices of
tution of the Republic
the respective provinces,
the State Attorney and
of South Africa of 1996,
he added.
The policies also pro-
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Health • Rural Development • Employment • Safety & Security • Education
Media Info Total Monthly Print-run
850 000 copies
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Compiled by: Gilda Narsimdas
Healthy lunch boxes that pack a punch
ating a healthy lunch is key to keeping your energy levels up throughout the work day. One way to make sure you have a healthy lunch is to pack
it yourself. Here are some simple but healthy recipes, some of which can be prepared the night before, to keep you away from the office vending machine.
Beetroot salad in a jar Ingredients
• 2 X 340g jar baby beetroot or use fresh beetroot (steamed/baked and cubed) • 200g baby rocket • 300g feta, cubed • Handful of walnuts • 3 tbsp olive oil • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 500ml mason jars Method If you are baking the beetroots, preheat oven to 190°C. Place the beetroots in a roasting pan and then add herbs of your choice and water to barely cover beetroots. Cover the pan tightly with foil. Roast for about 50 minutes, then peel and cut into cubes when cool. If you are using jarred beetroots, drain the beetroots and cut into quarters. Layer the rocket, feta and beetroot with a few walnuts in the mason jars. Whisk together the olive oil and balsamic vinegar, pour over the salad and toss well. Season with black pepper.
Chia pots
Ingredients • 6 tbsp chia seeds • 2 cups milk of your choice (dairy, almond or coconut) • 3 tbsp maple syrup • Fruit of your choice (berries, kiwi or banana) Method Pour the chia seeds into a bowl, add the milk and maple syrup and stir for a few minutes. This will ensure the chia doesn’t stick together. Place the bowl in the fridge overnight. In the morning, take the chia out of the fridge, divide between six pots and top with chopped fruit. Optional: drizzle honey over the top.
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Falafels with red pepper hummus or tzatziki (serves 3) Ingredients
For the falafels • 1 x 400g can chickpeas, minced and drained • ½ cup coriander leaves (or a mixture of coriander, parsley and basil leaves) • 1 tsp ground cumin • ½ lemon • 2 cloves garlic, peeled • ½ small onion, peeled and roughly chopped • 2 tbsp olive oil • ½ tsp sea salt • 1½ tbsp flour
For the red pepper hummus • 2 cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed • 1 cup roasted red pepper (100 g), jarred • ¼ cup tahini (60g) • 1 clove garlic • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice • 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • ¼ tsp smoked paprika • ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
before refrigerating. To make the roasted red pepper hummus, add the
• 1 tsp salt
chickpeas, roasted red peppers, tahini, garlic, lemon
• 2 tbsp water, as needed
juice, olive oil, paprika, pepper, and salt to the blender.
For the tzatziki • 2 Lebanese (short) cucumbers • 400g low-fat plain yoghurt
Purée until smooth, adding the water one tablespoon at a time until the desired consistency is reached. Transfer to a serving bowl. To make the tzatziki, cut the cucumbers in half length-
• 4 garlic cloves, crushed
ways, scoop out the seeds and discard. Leave the skin
• 3 tbsp finely chopped mint (plus extra to garnish)
on and coarsely grate the cucumber. Sprinkle with salt
• 1 tbsp lemon juice
and leave over a large bowl for 15 minutes to drain off any bitter juices.
Meanwhile, stir together the yoghurt, garlic, mint and
To make the falafels, first preheat the oven to 180°C. Dry
lemon juice. Rinse the cucumber under cold water then,
the chickpeas on a tea towel, then transfer it to a food
taking small handfuls, squeeze out any excess moisture.
processor, along with all the other ingredients except for
Combine the grated cucumber with the yoghurt mixture
the flour, and pulse until crumbed. Stir in the flour and
and season well with salt and freshly ground black pep-
then form the mixture into nine mini ball-shaped patties.
per. Garnish with mint.
Place the patties on a baking tray lined with baking paper and cook for 18 minutes, turning once. Allow to cool
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Serve the falafels with veggies and the hummus or tzatziki. >
Mini egg frittatas
muffin hole.
• 1 red bell pepper, finely diced
sauté the leek for 10 minutes, or until very soft and
• 1 tbsp olive oil
lightly golden. Add the garlic and cook for a further
• 30g butter
one minute. Remove from the heat and set aside to
• 4 leeks, white part only, finely sliced
cool slightly, then stir in the feta and sweet potato.
• 2 garlic cloves, crushed
Divide among the muffin holes.
• 250g feta, crumbled
Heat the olive oil and butter in a frying pan and
Whisk the eggs and cream together and season
• 8 eggs
with sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Pour
• 125ml pouring (whipping) cream
the mixture into each muffin hole until three-quarters filled, then press the vegetables down gently. Bake for
25-30 minutes or until golden and set. Leave in the
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease or brush twelve
tins for five minutes and then ease out with a knife.
muffin holes with oil or melted butter. Cut small
Serve hot or at room temperature. The mini egg frit-
rounds of baking paper and line the base of each
tatas can be cooked ahead of time.
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
The fieldworker/s: Will always wear a MASK (with the Census logo on it) and maintain social distance;
• Stats SA Fieldworker verifica on system on Stats SA website
Will carry a Census ID card which you can verify; Will wear a Census BIB with the Census logo on it;
h p:// on/home.php
Will carry a Census BAG with the Census logo on it; Will carry a Census TABLET with a cover that has the Census logo on it.
Toll-free number:
0800 110 248
Call Center also available to verify fieldworkers
Toll-free number: 0800 110 248
Facebook: StatsSA
Twitter: @statssa
Compiled by: Nicholas Francis
station N
othing takes a toll on your skin like the harsh UV rays at the peak of the warmest months of the year. But you can fight back against the harsh
summer sun by giving your skin the hydration it deserves. Here is a selection of products that will keep your skin looking refreshed without breaking the bank. 1 3
Men 1. Nivea Men deep face wash, 100ml, R79.95 available at Dis-chem. 2. Dermalogica multi-active toner 50ml, R260, available at Dermalogica. 3. Loreal Men Expert hydra energetic recharging moisturiser turbo booster, 50ml, R161, available at Superbalist. 5
Ladies 4. W Beauty CLEANSE foaming cleanser, 150ml, R159 available at Woolworths. 5. Hey Gorgeous vitamin C toner, 250ml, R230, available at Foschini For Beauty. 6. REN Vita Mineral daily supplement moisturising cream 50ml, R540, available at Clicks. 6 * Prices correct at the time of publishing.
Public Sector Manager • February 2022
Looking for a government job? Government jobs are advertised on the Department of Public Service and Administration website,, in our Vuk’uzenzele newspaper, and in other reputable publications. Please be aware of any job offers that ask for any form of payment – you will never be asked to pay a fee to apply for any government job. E-mail: Tel: (+27) 12 473 0303
National Provincial
District municipal / Metro Local municipal
Place name
Census is the only source of small area data
Compiled by: Renee Fortune
Love spoils made in
how your love, not for just that someone special in your life, but also for your country, by splashing out on local gifts in the month of love. These products, created by local designers, make for the
perfect Valentine’s Day gift. So go ahead, treat your significant other and also buy local and celebrate some homegrown magic.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Healing Cream for men by Red Dane, R486, available at Moisture + Protect Day Cream by Afrakari, R919, available at 6Lady Ubuntu bowl in indigo by Zizamele, R1 700, available at Sade box bag by Matsidiso, R3 490, available at Celebration candle by Cape Island, R335, available at Oxford medium laptop briefcase by Jekyll & Hide, R5 999, available at
* Prices correct at the time of publishing.
Public Sector Manager • February 2022