Get Connected Magazine - September/October 2020

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The Magazine of The Electrical Goods Industry


THE WORD Giving the bigger picture of what’s happening in our industry and the economy at large during the final quarter of a very exceptional year

Unleash coffee bean pleasure

PRODUCT GALLERY Showcasing some of the electrical appliances that keep our industry fresh and exciting


Changing Seasons GC’s annual seasonal look at the products and prospects driving what ought to be the biggest quarter for sales. This year we focus on cooking and small appliances, find out what some major manufacturers have to offer, and get their predictions on where the market is heading in the build-up to the festive season. We may be living in interesting times, but the “Covid effect” has thrown up some benefits as consumers’ renewed enthusiasm for home cooking translates into a desire for better, more intelligent, more versatile and more connected appliances to help them achieve more in the kitchen

De’Longhi launches new campaign to accelerate demand for Bean to Cup coffee machines. Starting in September 2020, De’Longhi will be investing £1.4 million in the UK in a multi channel advertising campaign across TV, digital and in-store communication to accelerate sales growth of De’Longhi Bean to Cup coffee machines. The campaign creative will target Coffee Lovers by highlighting the products key benefits: the pleasure of enjoying coffee shop quality, freshly ground and aromatic coffee at home, with just one touch of a button.

Discover the range:

Better Everyday


3 4

Editorial Comment The Word In and around the industry

10 Product Gallery


Haier’s Mono Zone and Double Zone connected wine cellars

Editor in Chief: Marlinda Conway 01420 886 33

Advertising Sales: Sally Milburn

14 Changing Seasons GC’s annual look at the seasonal prospects in the run-up to the festive season, with a focus on they key cooking appliance and small appliances categories. Covid-19 may have disrupted consumers’ plans and expectations for how they’ll handle Christmas entertaining, but there are upsides: lockdown has focused interest on home cooking, and as the nation has found new enthusiasm and skills, there is a strong demand to upgrade to smarter, better, more versatile and more connected food preparation and cooking appliances to make this Christmas as good as it can be

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Editorial & Publishing Director: Terry Heath 01420 886 33

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Subscription & Circulation Enquiries: 01420 886 33

Graphic Design & Production: Will Dobson No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the publisher. Get Connected is published by Mud Hut Publishing Ltd, Greyfriar Cottage, Winchester Road, Chawton, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1SB.

Annual subscription rate (inc. postage): UK £108; Overseas £158. © Copyright 2020 Mud Hut Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

Mud Hut Publishing Ltd. Greyfriar Cottage, Winchester Road, Chawton, Alton, Hampshire. GU34 1SB





There’s good news and there’s bad news: l and local Household appliances are doing well at retai ing a comeback, stores are more popular; but the virus is stag rk of different causing a confusing and changing patchwo an uncertainty ting crea and regulations in areas across the UK, economy the for bad about the future that is generally

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ooking through the news pages of restrictions that protect us all, regardless of this issue there is, considering the whether they’re personally low-risk. circumstances, a remarkable amount of And that’s where the bad news impinges good news for our industry. CIH reports its on the optimism. Understandably, “lockdown retail members “in good shape”; consumers fatigue” makes people less and less inclined are “intent on spending”; retail growth signals to follow the rules. But, worse than that, they’re the early onset of Christmas; ONS figures seeing the rule-makers, the “leaders,” the bely the general air of Covid fatigue, with role models and “elites” breaking them with domestic appliances a significant part of the impunity. When we see a Government advisor retail resurgence; there are signs that there driving hundreds of miles in blatant disregard is a brighter future for high street stores as for lockdown, then getting off scot-free; when more and more consumers rediscover the an MP takes a test, and then takes a train from convenience and service of “shop local.” Scotland to Westminster, then gets a positive It’s good news for domestic appliance and result, then attends a commons debate, then consumer electronics retailers, especially the takes the train back to Scotland, then is told by independents who have survived and prospered the party leader to resign, but doesn’t; when by providing a strong online presence, delivery “elite” footballers, cricketers, rugby players think and installation services and, where possible, a the rules don’t apply to them, then issue stock good physical retail experience. “sincere” apologies while pocketing another It’s light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s £200 grand for their week’s “work”, we naturally difficult to apply this good news to the whole think “if they break the rules with impunity country, given the current three-tier system of for their own pleasure or convenience, why restrictions that allows some retail to operate in shouldn’t I?” one place, and heavily restricts the sale of “nonThere is an answer: no matter how much the essential” goods in another (who says what is rich, the entitled and the powerful believe the “essential” in 2020 anyway? Domestic rules are only for the “little people”, we appliances and CE haven’t been have to remember that we, unlike “luxuries” since the 1960s.) them, have an honest living to If all this indicates make, and the only way we can a brighter future, be sure the economy allows “If all this indicates a actually achieving us to go on making it, is to brighter future, actually it relies heavily on stick to the rules, follow achieving it relies heavily the effectiveness of the guidance and support on the effectiveness of restrictions to suppress each other until the virus is the spread of Covid. suppressed. restrictions to suppress And that effectiveness It’s the old “Lions led the spread of Covid.” relies heavily, in turn, by Donkeys” thing all over on the public believing again. But then we’ve always in, and committing to, the known that.

Marlinda Conway Editor in Chief

Terry Heath Editorial & Publishing Director

Will Dobson Creative Director

James McIntosh Consumer Consultant

George Cole Consumer Electronics Consultant









LOCAL RETAIL IN REALLY GOOD SHAPE, SAYS CIH Buying group CIH says its members have emerged in “really good shape” from the temporary closure of stores due to coronavirus restrictions, with postlockdown sales significantly ahead of the same period last year.


of members continued to trade behind closed doors during the period, carrying out doorstep deliveries until installations were permitted again. June sales were up 25% on the same month in 2019, during which time (15th June) the reopening of non-essential stores took place. July sales were up 69%, August 50%, and September sales rose by 66%. Richard Putland, Operations Director at Sheffield-based Williams Electrical, said: “We carried on serving our community during lockdown through online and telephone sales, with just two members of staff holding the fort. Since June 15, we have been incredibly busy and are seeing lots of new faces coming into the store. We’ve definitely noticed a shift towards supporting local stores and lots of customers have mentioned how glad they are that we are always around to help.” Current CIH Chief Executive Stuart Cook said: “Local retail is performing well, with customers valuing the depth of local support, service and expertise that our members can provide. Our experience tells us that it’s not just about online only. Far from it. The local store has a huge role to play in helping customers find the right electrical goods then get them delivered and installed safely and professionally into their home.”

ixons Carphone reported strong sales in all markets in the 17 weeks to 29th August with UK & Ireland Electricals like-for-like revenue up 12% and growth in online sales up by more than £500m in four months. The retailer’s online sales more than tripled year-on-year while stores were closed and have continued at more than double last year’s sales since they reopened. Sales were down by around 90% in Dixons Travel stores, which mostly remain closed, impacting UK & Ireland Electricals like-for-like and total sales by around 5%. Mobile’s total revenue fell by 56%, but the business said sales and cashflow were in line with its plans following the closure of UK standalone stores. International like-for-like revenues in the Nordics and Greece were up 17% and 12% respectively. Alex Baldock, Group Chief Executive, said: “We’ve started the year well, but nobody knows what the future holds and, like many, we remain cautious in our outlook.” The business expects to provide an update on its 2020/21 guidance when it publishes its Interim results on Wednesday 16th December 2020.



nline electricals retailer AO is expecting an increase of c.57% year-on-year in Group revenue for the six months ended 30 September 2020 due to a shift in consumer shopping behaviour accelerated by the coronavirus. The results pushed AO’s market value to £1.4 billion, taking it above rival Dixons Carphone’s £1.2 billion for the first time. AO said the sales momentum during the first quarter of its half-year trading period, when lockdown was in place, continued throughout the second quarter despite the reopening of bricks & mortar stores. “We believe we have seen a lasting step change in online penetration,” the business said. Group revenue is expected to be in the region of £715m, a rise of c.57% year-onyear, with the UK increasing by c.54% and German revenue up c.83% on a constant currency basis.

The company said it is confident that the German business will achieve profitability on an adjusted EBITDA monthly basis as it trades through the peak period and will be profitable in FY22 and thereafter. AO Founder and Group Chief Executive John Roberts said: “The last six months of trading have been like no other during my two decades in the business. AO was in good shape coming into this financial year and the global structural shift in customer behaviour to online, accelerated by Covid, emphasised our strengths. “Whilst we remain mindful of the uncertain economic climate caused by the pandemic and Brexit, we are on track with plans and well set for our biggest ever peak trading period in the UK and Germany.” AO expects to announce its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2020 on Tuesday 24 November 2020.



he John Lewis Partnership says it is aiming to see profits reach £200m in the next two years and £400m by 2025 backed by a renewed focus on service and cost savings with a Partnership Plan which “builds on strong momentum in a tough year”. The business reported a pre-tax loss of £635 million for the first half of the year and confirmed that staff will not receive an annual bonus due to a poor profit outlook. The loss was partly due to strategic restructuring and redundancy programmes and a £470 million write-down in the value of the retailer’s store estate. The company is now committing £1bn over




five years to accelerate its online business and transform shops and to have “the right space in the right place.” It also aims to save £300m a year by 2022 by making operations and head offices simpler and more efficient – savings crucial to free up money to invest and deliver the plan – and will put £400m into backing new services from which it is aiming to achieve 40% of its profits by 2030. These include areas such as rental, recycling, savings, insurance and private rented and social housing. While both brands (John Lewis & Waitrose) will work much more closely together in-store and online, John Lewis will become more accessible

locally in different formats, including expansion in Click & Collect, as the business expects to become a 60-70% online retailer by 2025. The Partnership is also investing in data analytics and loyalty plans to reward and develop deeper relationships with customers. Its Never Knowingly Undersold promise will remain in place for now, with a new value pledge replacing it next year. JLP Chairman Sharon White said: “We’ve seen five years of change in the past five months and Waitrose and John Lewis have responded with great agility. Our plan means the John Lewis Partnership will thrive for the next century, as it has the last.”



SHOP CLOSURES REACH RECORD LEVELS BUT OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS (FOR SOME) Consistent demand remains for many retail, hospitality and services delivered physically, despite store closures in the first half of 2020 hitting record levels.


esearch by the Local Data Company and PwC UK revealed that 11,120 chain operator outlets have closed this year so far while 5,119 shops opened, creating a net decline of 6,001 compared to a decline of 3,509 in 2019. After a challenging and changing year for retail and leisure due to the pandemic, many outlets have closed either temporarily (22% of the multiple market is still temporarily shut) or permanently and COVID-19 has been largely responsible for accelerating previous trends in shopping behaviour, encouraging more consumers to shop online. However, according to LDA and PwC, store openings of multiples, which have remained at broadly the same level over the past five years, also show that despite the acceleration in closures in 2020, there remains consistent demand for retail, hospitality and services that can only be delivered physically. Lisa Hooker, consumer markets leader at PwC, said: “We all knew that consumers were shifting to shopping online or changing their priorities in



dverse economic headwinds, the threat of a second lockdown and rising concerns due to a potential no-deal Brexit have done little so far to dampen steadying consumer confidence in the UK, which has inched forward for nearly four months in a row. GfK’s Consumer Confidence Index increased two points monthon-month to -25 in September – a remarkable recovery from the near-historic low of -36 in the researcher’s ‘flash’ report three months prior. Confidence in the general economic situation over the next 12 months and consumers’ appetite for major purchases were the biggest winners, both rising four points to -38 and -21 respectively. Looking ahead over the rest of 2020 and beyond, Joe Staton, Client Strategy Director GfK, says we should keep an eye on the personal finance measure for the coming year and the major purchase intentions of consumers. “These reflect how much we intend to spend, shop or invest – all vital considerations for retailers as we enter the ‘golden quarter’ in the run-up to Christmas.” Staton added, however, that consumers are “jittery” as stock markets and the UK Government put the brakes back on – “and there may be more to come”. “Only an unbridled optimist will bet on confidence climbing further,” he concluded.



hop prices fell by 1.6% in September, with Non-Food declining 3.2% as retailers cut prices in order to encourage further spending where sales are yet to pick up. In spite of consumer confidence steadying over the past few months and a willingness to spend on big-ticket items, the recessionary impact of the pandemic on retailing will become more visible during the `golden quarter’, predicted Mike Watkins, Head of Retailer and Business Insight at Nielsen. “Looking ahead, we can expect shop price inflation to remain at current low levels for the next quarter.” Chief Executive of the BRC Helen Dickinson said consumers can “celebrate yet another month of falling shop prices”.

terms of the things they buy, but what COVID-19 has done is create a stepchange in these underlying trends to where they have now become the new normal.” However, she added, while it’s challenging for many, the results do prove a few positive things. “Firstly, there’s been a resurgence of interest in local high streets. The practicalities of lockdown and the increase in working from home mean that independent shops tend to be located where consumers increasingly are. “Plus, a steady flow of openings, with the continued roll out of value retailers, the boom in takeaways and pizza delivery shops and demand for services that can still only be delivered locally such as tradesmen outlets, building products or locksmiths, shows that despite the stark numbers there remains a future for physical stores. “We all still want and need to physically visit shops and leisure operators. It’s likely then that whatever happens, retail will come out of this smaller but stronger”



ndications that consumers started shopping early for Christmas this year appear to have helped lift September retail sales, with electronics, household goods – including home appliances – and office products contributing to the mix as many consumers continue to work from home. Retail sales increased by 5.6% on a total basis during the month – the best growth recorded since December 2009 (excluding Easter distortions) – with like-for-like figures up 6.1%. Helen Dickinson, Chief Executive of the British Retail Consortium, said the numbers were a “big improvement” but sales over the last six months are still down on the previous year, with store-based sales, excluding food,

still in double-digit decline. This is borne out by an increase of 36.7% in online Non-Food sales and a year-on-year rise in the penetration rate, from 30.8% in September 2019 to 40.1% this year. Over the three-months to September, total Non-Food retail sales increased by 3.2%, while in-store sales of Non-Food items declined 12.3%. Paul Martin, UK Head of Retail at KPMG, said: “The resilience of British retailers has been nothing shy of remarkable in recent months, with 6.1% like-for-like growth in September serving to reinforce that. That said, this month’s uptick is against the woeful performance recorded in September 2019 and so caution remains vital.”









uying group CIH has announced that former Samsung divisional VP Guy Kinnell is to replace retiring CEO Stuart Cook when he leaves the business next year. Kinnell has been temporarily appointed to the role of Deputy CEO and will work closely with Cook over the coming year to ensure a smooth operational transition and minimum disruption for the business. Cook will scale down to three days per week from September this year, with the aim of taking full retirement in September 2021.





ky is opening retail shops across the UK – a first for the business in its 30-year history – in a move that will bring the brand’s customer service offering, pay TV, mobile and broadband products to the high street under one roof. The first few shops are to set to launch in 2020, with plans to open additional outlets in 2021. Sky said the shops are a departure from traditional stores and in the long-term will offer a new social hub for shoppers. A focus on the customer experience in-store will see themed spaces across an open-plan layout with features such as a dedicated ‘Customer Hub’ complete with seating areas and an ‘Access All Areas’ stage which will host various interactive experiences for customers and will also be used to show entertainment content and leading products. Shoppers can experience Sky Q technology, including entertainment content from Sky and established partners such as Netflix and Disney and new partnerships with fitness app Fiit and karaoke app ROXi. The firm has also struck a deal with technology repair chain iSmash, providing customers with professional repair and support for their smart devices in a number of stores. Sky’s Stephen van Rooyen, Executive Vice President & Chief Executive Officer, UK & Europe, said: “Our new Sky shops are a great way for us to showcase the amazing benefits and customer service we have to offer new and existing customers. We’re proud to see our shops opening at a challenging time for the UK high street, and alongside our partners at iSmash, we’ll bring service, innovation and convenience all in one place, under one roof, at a time when keeping people connected has never been more important.”

he growth in online shopping during the coronavirus pandemic has seen 15% of UK retailers create roles specifically to cater to an increase in digital sales and boost online capacity. But while a survey conducted by Barclays Corporate Banking reveals that more than a quarter of senior retail executives think the pandemic has accelerated a ‘technological revolution’ in retail, an emerging development is the shift towards a more localised retail model. The UK is the world’s third largest market for e-commerce, and a substantial number of businesses have invested further in technology under lockdown, according to the research. A third of retailers have had website upgrades, 32% have started to accept new payment methods and 26% have embraced data analytics for the first time. Meanwhile, on the ground, 39% responding to the Barclay’s survey said they had experienced supply chain disruption during lockdown, and 27% are moving to suppliers based closer-by as a result. It shines a light on the phrase “Think globally, act locally”, introduced

in 1915 by the Scottish planner and conservationist Patrick Geddes and commonly used as a marketing tool. Karen Johnson, Head of Retail and Wholesale for Barclays Corporate Banking, pointed out that 28% of retail businesses surveyed plan to do more to support local communities, while a fifth believe the future of retail is in local high streets rather than city centres. “With homeworking set to continue for many people, in parallel with concern about public transport and busy shopping areas, the research shows a move towards more localised business operations,” Johnson said. “We could also see the number of urban outlets fall further in the longer term, with one in five of respondents telling us they see the future of the physical retail industry on local high streets rather than in city centres.” As a concluding note, it is pleasing to know that amongst those surveyed, confidence is high, with home improvement/DIY firms most upbeat about growth – always good news for electrical retailers – and 94% of retail industry bosses optimistic about growth opportunities in the next year.



nline electricals retailer AO is opening its third distribution warehouse in four months as it continues to expand its logistics network. The new facility is the retailer’s biggest to date, adding over 275,000 sq ft of distribution space to its portfolio with the new premises at G-Park in Stokeon-Trent. In recent months AO has acquired over half-a-million sq ft of new warehousing space across Cheshire and Staffordshire to ensure it has the capacity to manage growing customer demand while allowing colleagues to work socially distanced and safely during the pandemic. The facility at G-Park is AO’s fifth and will create 120 new jobs in a range of roles. AO is in the process of a nationwide recruitment drive for over 650 jobs.





CALL FOR RETAILERS TO KEEP DOORS AND WINDOWS OPEN TO MINIMISE COVID TRANSFER RISK Retail outlets across the UK are being asked to keep doors and windows open to allow air to move more freely throughout premises to reduce airborne transmission of Covid-19.


t is reported that 91% of all Covid-19 patients are infected indoors, so the latest advice is to keep air flowing through buildings to mitigate transfer risks where people congregate. According to the UK Government, steps that will usually be needed are: 1. Increasing the existing ventilation rate by adjusting the fan speed. 2.Operating the ventilation system when there are people in the building. 3.Monitoring and managing filters in accordance to manufacturer instructions. 4.Keeping doors and windows open if possible. 5.Using ceiling fans to improve air circulation, provided there is good ventilation. “Those of us in the air conditioning business have been banging this home for years,” said Libby Jones from Air Conditioning installer “Fresh circulated air is healthier air. You don’t need a fancy system to do this, just keep a steady flow of fresh air by opening doors and windows. “There are some simple things we can do to reduce risk of transmission within any building, and it all comes down to common sense. The usual washing hands, wearing a mask and keeping distance – but where air is not being exchanged in congested areas it raises

the risks of an infected person’s cough being recirculated around a room. “It is all about being aware that stale air can carry airborne particles of Covid-19. Changing habits can reduce the risk massively.”

OPEN WINDOWS & DOORS FOR 20 MINUTES PER HOUR Regular “shock ventilation” is recommended to change the air in rooms. This means opening windows and doors on a regular basis to allow stale air to be exchanged for fresh air. “In a shop this can be tricky,” said Jones, “but the concept is clear – the more air you extract and replace with fresh, the healthier the air. This is a habit we all need to be better at because even in post-Covid years ahead (yes, they do exist) we can all help by sticking to a clean-air regime. “The Germans are going big-time into education about ventilation – they call it Stosslüften, meaning “shock ventilation”, and its effects on transmission rates of the virus indoors are incredibly positive. If you think about it this winter, that’s the danger zone, we will be spending more time inside and we need to wise-up to simple ventilation habits. “If everyone can reduce their ability to transmit the virus just a little bit, we can all help bring down the chances of passing it around.”



eko brand Blomberg marked its 10th year with the launch of its first connected range of washing machines and washer dryers and a four-door American fridge freezer – another first for the brand. As the exclusive brand for Euronics agents, a ‘no purchase necessary’ Blomberg window display competition focusing on community spirit has also been launched. The display aims to encourage consumers to nominate their local hero to win £2,500 worth of Blomberg appliances and offer retailers the opportunity to win ‘Euronics Best Dressed Blomberg Window’. The competition will recognise one overall winner and seven regional prizes will also be on offer. Winners will be notified before 4th December 2020.


WHIRLPOOL COMMITS SUPPORT FOR RETAILERS THROUGH NEW ENERGY LABEL CHANGES Whirlpool UK has committed to supporting retailers through forthcoming changes in the energy labelling system by embracing the new framework and educating consumers on the changes that are to be introduced from March 2021.


he existing labelling system has grown more complex as products have become more efficient, with additional ‘+’ classes added to describe products that surpass the original A rating. The new Energy Labelling Framework Regulation mandates the use of new labels with a simpler scale. The current plus classes (e.g. A+++, A++ and A+) will be replaced by a less confusing, uniform energy consumption scale from A to G. The new scale will still use the current seven-step colour scale.

A PHASED INTRODUCTION The transition to the new labels will take place in a couple of stages in advance of the introduction of the first labels. The first appliances to use the new labels from March 2021 are dishwashers, washing machines, washer-dryers and refrigerators including wine storage appliances and freezers. From the second half of 2020, there will be a transition period when appliance manufacturers will need to include both the new label and the old label in the product packaging for any product placed on sale before the deadline of the 1st March 2021, after which any new products in the abovementioned appliance categories brought to market will be sold only with the new label.

HOW THE LABELS ARE DIFFERENT While the new labels share the same seven-step colour scale, one-to-one conversion between the old and new energy classes is not possible. To drive the market towards increasingly resource-efficient appliances in future, the revised grading system intentionally makes it more difficult for current products to receive the best energy ratings compared with the previous label. As a result, only the very best performing products will now gain an A rating. Where products have both labels during the transition period it will be important to explain these differences. “At Whirlpool, we want to help explain the new regulations so consumers won’t be confused. This is why we are taking the opportunity to publicise the changes,” said Andrzej Tuleja, General Manager, UK and Ireland, Whirlpool UK Appliances Limited. “When buying a new appliance, consumers may find that due to the revision, many energy-efficient products that were previously at the top of the list will now be placed in lower classes. It is therefore important to make clear that the way in which the energy classification is communicated via the label has been changed, but the efficiency of the product is the same as before.” Other product categories, including ovens, tumble dryers and specialist cooling appliances, will transition to the new label from 2022, so the older-style label will still be used on these products until that point. The new labels will offer consumers a built-in way to get a clear understanding of a product’s energy performance and other characteristics. Each new label includes a QR code that consumers can scan with their smartphones to view comprehensive noncommercial information about a product via the new European Product Database for Energy Labelling (EPREL).











ob Stuart, creator of MQA and co-founder of Meridian Audio, has become the first audio engineer to receive the Royal Academy of Engineering Prince Philip Medal in the Award’s 20-year history. Stuart received the decoration for his “exceptional contribution to audio engineering which has changed the way we listen to music and experience films”.



he British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation (BiKBBI) is calling on the industry to unite now or risk future catastrophe as part of plans released to tackle what it believes to be “one of the most significant challenges faced by the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom sector ever”, the national shortage of professional installers.

he Kitchen Bathroom Buying Group UK (KBBG) says the bonuses paid to its members this year are “the best they have ever been” due to efforts made in 2019, and many members of the group received their highest payment to date. Managing Director Bill Miller said: “We are absolutely delighted with how successful many of our members were with their bonuses, particularly this year when times have been tougher than ever due to the pandemic.” There are “glimpses of positivity that we must all hold onto,” he added. “For any independent kitchen and bathroom specialist that hasn’t considered joining a buying group before, now is the time to do so.”

The organisation is appealing for action from suppliers, distributors, manufacturers and retailers to actively support much-needed change by pledging intent at The plan is to approach the challenge in a “three-pronged attack” including apprenticeships, professional development and re-training.

Hisense is working with WRAP’s Love Food Hate Waste campaign to drive awareness of effective food storage and preparation in a bid to help educate consumers about reducing avoidable waste. The partnership will see Hisense introduce recipes to help use up food leftovers and support Love Food Hate Waste with an upcoming campaign addressing postlockdown food waste. AEG has partnered with Food 4 Heroes, an initiative to help combat the steep rise in food poverty caused by the economic and social effects of the coronavirus pandemic. AEG and Food 4 Heroes will work together to support an initial pilot project to deliver 350 nutritious meals per week, with the aim of expanding the scheme to a further 50 sites within the next 12 months. AO has partnered with the Armed Forces charity SSAFA as white goods supplier of choice. The Supported Living arm of the Bolton-based retailer said it has negotiated hard with supply partners to secure the best value for money for SSAFA beneficiaries and is providing a three-year product warranty.

Coffee machine manufacturer Melitta and Manchester United are to continue a partnership through which Melitta has generated many opportunities for brand visibility. The Premier League Club and the German family-run business have worked together since the end of 2017, later creating a relationship that has exposed Melitta to the club’s 1.1 billion global fans and followers.

The BiKBBI has confirmed it will continue its sponsorship of Charlton Athletic Women’s Football Club for the 2020/21 season, which will coincide with the launch of a new digital strategy for the Women’s Championship side.

Loudspeaker brand Sonus faber has launched a Trade Up programme on a wide range of new models, offering consumers the full original purchase price of their trade-in speaker, regardless of brand, when purchasing at 2.5 times the trade-in value. The offer will run until 31st December 2020.









eko has launched a range of appliances comprising seven products with in-built programmes and functions to disinfect packaged food and belongings to help people adjust to the “new normal” at home. Developed as a result of in-depth global consumer research, the HygieneShieldTM product line has the power to kill more than 99% of bacteria and viruses (including coronavirus), providing a level of reassurance “unrivalled” in the marketplace. Hakan Bulgurlu, CEO of Beko parent Arçelik, said technologies used in the products are being independently tested by Airmid Health Group, a respected biomedical research organisation. “As of today,” he stated during an online product launch, “HygieneShieldTM washing machines, washer dryers, ovens and refrigerators have been shown to provide more than 99% virus reduction.” The range comprises a UV cleaning cabinet (see page 10); a combi refrigerator with disinfection drawer; tumble dryer with UV light technology; HygieneShieldTM washing machine and washer dryer; built-in oven with saturated steam and heat (see page 18), and a HygieneShieldTM dishwasher.

uying group CIH’s annual Euronics golf day, which was originally scheduled for May, took place in September at the Celtic Manor in Newport with over 50 members and suppliers in attendance. Trophy winners on the day were as follows: First-place team: Tim Greenslade, Lewis’s; Jeremy Hill, Homemaker; Tom Hopper, Miele; and Steve Rickersey, Miele, who was also awarded the first-place individual supplier trophy. Frank Craig from Frank B. Craig was awarded the Euronics Family Trophy as the first-place individual member – the trophy was donated by CIH Chairman Steve Scogings whose father won it many years ago. Frank Craig was also recognised for Best on Par 4s, while Alex Salt from Domestic Appliances Sudbury received the prize for Best of Par 5s.

SHORTCUTS Belgian extraction and induction brand Novy has received Quiet Mark certification for 58 extraction appliances in a collection comprising 60 models in total. Novy also becomes the brand with the most Quiet Mark accredited cooker hoods to date. The Now TV app has been made available on Sony BRAVIA Android TVs in the UK and Ireland, providing contractfree access to the range of new and original British comedies, Oscar, BAFTA and Emmy award-winning dramas, Sky originals and movies. AV distributor Midwich Group has entered into a European distribution agreement with BirdDog, a manufacturer of video over IP products and workflows. The full range of BirdDog products are available to Midwich Group channel partners via Holdan (a Midwich Group company). The InSinkErator® 4N1 Touch combination tap has gained approval from the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS).

Moves Range cooker and sink manufacturer Rangemaster, which is part of America’s Middleby Corporation, has appointed Tom O’Sullivan as Regional Sales Manager covering Northamptonshire, the East of England, London and the Home Counties.

Electrical Safety First’s twelfth annual product safety conference, this year a digital event entitled A Sustainable Future, will run over two consecutive mornings – Wednesday 4th November (9.30am-11.30am) and Thursday 5th November (9.30 am – 12.30pm). Details are available at www. Beko marked its 30th year in the UK with the launch of a new corporate website and newly created Beko plc LinkedIn page. The website is the face of all Beko plc brands (Beko, Grundig, Leisure, Blomberg, Flavel and Zenith).

Tom O'Sullivan

Glen Dimplex has appointed Cecile Helme-Guizon and Sophie le Tanneur, two highly experienced French businesswomen to its Supervisory Board, which oversees the Glen Dimplex Group on behalf of its shareholders.

Sophie le Tanneur

Cecile Helme-Guizon





Beko HygieneShield™ UV cleaning cabinet Beko’s HygieneShield™ cleaning cabinet uses UV light technology to sanitise items used outside or inside the home, or those consumers are simply concerned about when it comes to hygiene safety. Keys, phones, wallets, packaged goods from supermarkets, plastic bags, baby bottles and toys can all be safely cleaned in a 20- to 40-minute cycle without damage.

Hotpoint introduces dishwashers with “best ever” drying performance Hotpoint’s new dishwashers incorporate the brand’s ActiveDry system, which automatically opens the appliance door by up to 10cm at the end of the cycle so residual humidity is released safely and fresh air enters the cavity to speed up drying – thus providing up to 60% better drying results and reducing energy consumption by up to 20% while protecting kitchen furniture from heat and humidity. This new range of full-size models also incorporates 3D Zone Wash technology, which efficiently removes baked-on food, and Active Oxygen technology to naturally remove unpleasant odours.

Meaco launches WiFi-controlled air purifier Air treatment brand Meaco‘s first WiFi-enabled air purifier, the MeacoClean CA-HEPA 76x5, is ideal for rooms up to 76m³. It performs five air changes per hour and is designed to draw in air from all sides of the unit, providing close to 360° cleaning. The app can compare pollen level readings inside the home with outdoor readings so users can see the health of their indoor environment. The H11 HEPA filter removes more than 95% of the damaging particles from the air, with the option of purchasing a H13 HEPA (True HEPA) filter to increase cleaning to 99.97%.

Illumination Breakfast Collection from Morphy Richards Morphy Richards’ Illumination Collection comprises kettles and toasters in a matt and chrome finish with a blue band which glows while the appliances are in use. The 1.7L stainless steel jug kettle with 360-degree cordless base incorporates a high-powered 3kW rapid-boil element and a removable limescale filter. It also features boil-dry protection, an easy-view water gauge and cord storage. The 4-slice toaster has frozen, cancel and reheat settings, with variable width slots and browning control and easy-clean crumb trays. The collection is available in black and white.





Caple’s wine cooler fits neatly into a bank of appliances Caple‘s in-column wine cabinet complements the brand’s Sense cooking collection in gunmetal finish, and is also available in black or stainless steel. The WC6100GM with drop-down door and touch-control stores 30 Bordeauxstyle wine bottles – a temperature range of 5-18°C accommodates red, white and rosé wines – and also caters for the safe storage of bottles of Champagne. The unit has an anti-UV inner glass double-glazed door, sliding beech shelves and a compressor-based cooling system.

Samsung’s latest washing machine “built for customised eco-friendly lifestyles” Samsung’s WW9800T washing machine is equipped with features to customise the laundry process to achieve a powerful wash in less time using less energy and effort. It incorporates Samsung’s ecobubble™ and QuickDrive™ technology, with user convenience extending to the drying process: Auto Cycle Link pairs compatible washing machines and dryers to automatically set the best dryer cycle for each load.

Haier reveals connected wine cellar range Haier’s first Mono Zone and Double Zone connected wine cellars benefit from a partnership with Vivino – the largest global wine marketplace with over 39 million active users – which allows Haier’s hOn App to provide access to a series of functions, including the identification and cataloguing of wines via a label scan, user profiling for advice and suggestions of food pairings based on taste and the wines available. Both models offer a humidity control system with natural airflow kept within the 50-70% threshold, protection from external vibrations, 3D LED lights and anti-UV doors.




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RRP range: £65 - £195

Provide a most effective and cost-effective electrical heating solution for longer term use. They are ideal for medium to large rooms needing constant temperature.

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Design meets performance for real well-being Patented design, engineered to combine performance, functionality and safety, increasing consumer’s comfort.

A portable heating solution All the benefits of oil technology, in the most compact form possible, without compromising the performance

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RRP range: ÂŁ40 - ÂŁ90

Provides instant spot heating, boosted by a fan that can also provide cool air in the summer. Ideal for medium-term use. Compact, light and transportable, some have a swivel base for more even heat distribution.

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Compact yet efficient, the perfect addition to your home Boasting a range of fan speeds and heat settings, this versatile fan heater effectively circulates heat at your desired temperature, creating the ideal, cosy atmosphere.

Changing Seasons


This time last year, nobody thought the festive planning complications would include: What “tier” are we in? What’s the “rule of six”? Who’s in my “bubble”? If Granny comes will she have to sit in the garden? Will it all have changed again by Christmas? How can we turn this dog’s breakfast into a great Christmas feast? But there are substantial upsides to all this as we head into a traditionally strong quarter for cooking appliances

C “Consumers are now much more open to the idea of a connected oven”

onsumers may have to scale down their festive entertainment plans this year, so the focus is on quality rather than quantity, and on the need for hosts to spend more quality time with their guests. See it as a shift from mass catering to fine dining; and that’s an opportunity for those who’ve been cooking more during lockdown to showcase their newly acquired skills. There’s always a demand for upgraded cooking appliances in the last quarter, and this year’s special circumstances may even

have intensified that. Quality appliances and accessories offer the versatility and scope to produce results that match lockdown-driven aspirations.

FACT-BASED OPTIMISM There’s an argument that the demand is there. A range of high-performance products is certainly there. But is there evidence that the potential is being fulfilled in the real world of appliance sales? Apparently so. According to buying group CIH, its electrical retailer members have emerged from lockdown in “really good shape.” June sales were up 25% on the same month in 2019, July sales were up 69%, August up 50%, and September up 66%. While Nick Platt, business director, built-in appliances at Hoover Candy UK admits that “as trained gas and electric professionals were not allowed to enter people’s homes during the initial period of lockdown, the cooking market was subsequently affected: down 50% in Q2, the first half of the year was left at -29%”, he also points out: “AMDEA has forecast that the market will recover to a -18% position for the full

Hoover ovens bring the convenience and confidence of WiFi connectivity





year and latest figures support this, suggesting a good recovery with double-digit YOY growth.” Indesit brand manager Sara Bazeley adds: “Recent research states that 49% of consumers postponed their planned purchase of a new cooking appliance, with 86% of respondents noting the pandemic as the reason. What’s more, over a quarter of participants planned to invest in more appliances in the future. We therefore anticipate an increase in sales over the next few months, with consumers also potentially trading up based on their needs and experiences during the UK lockdown.” And Jane Rylands, Head of Marketing Communications at Glen Dimplex Home Appliances, says: “due to COVID 19 and lockdown, the [built-in appliances] market has declined -8.4% YOY August 2019 to August 2020. However, the last quarter (June to August) saw the market grow 9.1% YOY with many consumers using unexpected time at home to renovate their kitchens as they rediscovered a love for cooking and baking.”


“It’s important to ensure that the online shopping experience is the best it can be for consumers”

With the evidence pointing to a fourthquarter resurgence in cooking appliances, GC asked some of the leading players for their thoughts on this year’s trends, the product features most in demand, and what retailers can do to maximise their sales opportunities. Nick Fletcher, Marketing Manager at Hisense UK, notes that “there is a definite trend in time-saving technologies such as Pyrolytic Self-Cleaning features and ChefPro Auto Modes,” and the confidence offered by “an intelligent cooking assistant that automatically calculates cooking times and recommends the best settings for the dish you’re wanting to cook. This is a really helpful tool for those who are cooking more than they have before.” His advice to retailers, in an environment where the online retail offering has become key, is that: “With restrictions in mind, it’s important to ensure that the online shopping experience is the best it can be for consumers. Audio-visual assets also come in handy to showcase the product in another light and provide a more detailed description highlighting the products key features in a way that’s easy to understand, all of which will benefit the purchasing decision. “It can also be really handy to recommend some recipes that would work well using the particular products to provide inspiration and peace of mind for users who may be nervous about the experience of cooking for a big occasion.”

GETTING SMART, SAVING TIME For Hoover Candy’s Nick Platt, “the trend for smart appliances continues across all electrical categories, most recently cooking. The

Indesit Aria microwave with versatility and the right connections

opportunity to improve culinary skills and achieve better cooking results thanks to an app are in demand. Having the right appliances, such as a large-capacity oven or a flexizone induction hob, allows the user the opportunity to comfortably manage the many elements of a successful Christmas dinner.” He emphasises that “Christmas is the time to spend quality time with those closest to us, and preferably without having to spend hours in the kitchen preparing food. Especially since lockdown, 85% of people think time spent with others is more important than ever. Although this Christmas may see people hosting a smaller group than normal, kitting out the kitchen with the best products ahead of time will allow more time to relax and enjoy the festive period. Smart technology is continually developing, and new features mean hosts won’t always have to be in the same room to achieve the perfect meal.” For retailers, Platt’s key to a stress-free Christmas is preparation: “The best advice for retailers is to make sure your offering includes products which aid and ultimately make it easier on the day. As new innovations enter the market there is a wide range of smart features incorporated in appliances which retailers can take advantage of. However, they can only effectively sell these features and benefits if they understand them themselves. Retailers should be encouraged to utilise manufacturer’s training and marketing collateral so that they can secure maximum sales. For example, if the consumer is interested in a smart kitchen, then make sure you have a fully-charged, compatible device in store for effective demonstrations.”

BUILT-IN PERFORMANCE Hotpoint Brand Manager Kimberley Garner notes: “Research has found that the performance of the major domestic appliance market is significantly dependent upon the sales of built-in appliances,” and believes that “as consumers begin to prepare for the festive season, readying their kitchens for the wide range of tasks that this time of year brings, sales of built-in cooking appliances are likely to increase.” This “unprecedented” year has also meant that “throughout the lockdown… interest in improving cooking skills grew. It is expected that increased cooking skills will encourage consumers to dedicate more time and energy to cooking at home long term… which will help to provide a boost to the cooking appliance category in the months to come.” She singles out induction hobs as having “witnessed significant growth within the cooking market in recent years. A study conducted by Houzz shows 41% of homeowners included an induction hob as part of their kitchen renovation plans, with only 29% opting for a gas hob.” This technology brings “tremendous efficiency, speed, safety, controllability and economical cooking,” and “today, induction hobs are available from most manufacturers at various price points, and they are now even available at entry-level, making them more accessible than ever before.” The success of built-in appliances is, says Garner, attributable to the trend for “modern and minimalist kitchens,” their space-saving potential and their ability to “create a seamless and integrated blend of furniture and appliances throughout the home.” Garner also advocates that retailers can use the integrated style potential of a well-presented




Changing Seasons


“It is expected that consumers will look to invest in the latest cooking technology”

built-in display to maximise sell-up opportunities. “Customers might enter the showroom just looking to purchase a single built-in oven,” she says, “without knowing they can also purchase a built-in microwave, warming drawer and coffee machine from the same range to match perfectly. Displaying the bank of appliances next to one another, as they would be installed in a kitchen, surrounded by kitchen cabinetry for example, will no doubt help encourage the sale of a full bank of appliances.” She also encourages retailers to “take up training opportunities that are offered by manufacturers. Technology is ever evolving, and making sure that you and your team are up to date with the latest innovation will pay dividends with the enthusiasm it will generate.”

KEEPING IT SIMPLE Indesit brand manager Sara Bazeley believes that simple-to-use cooking appliances are on trend, particularly during the festive season, and “multifunctional, built-in cooking appliances




Whirlpool’s 600mm induction hob equipped with Sixth Sense technology

continue to be popular with consumers, as they provide exceptional results and make life easier. Induction technology,” she adds, “is also having an extremely positive effect on the cooking market, especially as the technology is available across a multitude of price points, making them more accessible to a variety of buyers.” Smeg UK’s head of products Laura Jones emphasises the growth in importance of connectivity and simplicity: “Technology in connectivity has improved significantly in recent years, and the benefits of this technology is better understood than it was in the past few years. Consumers are now much more open to the idea of a connected oven even if they might not use all the functionality these machines offer.” She adds that “demonstration is always the key to sales, particularly when it comes to multifunctional and Wi-Fi connected ovens. The best way to convince a customer of a product’s value is to let them experience it for themselves.” Jane Rylands, Head of Marketing Communications at Glen Dimplex Home Appliances, tells GC that “capacity remains hugely important,” and adds: “The other thing people want to see is connectivity and ease of use. Consumers are used to connectivity making their lives easier, enabling them to simply manage energy use in their home remotely and to communicate with other household devices – and they now expect the same of their domestic appliances. Some of our built-in ovens and range cookers feature Bluetooth technology which works in conjunction with our Zeus app,

enabling consumers to set, check and adjust their oven timers from anywhere in the home.”

SUPPORTING SKILLS Charmaine Warner, Brand Manager at Whirlpool, cites the growth in home cooking, and the growing aspiration to improve cooking skills, saying that: “As a result, it is expected that consumers will look to invest in the latest cooking technology to enhance their cooking experience at home, potentially in the run up to the festive period. Appliances that boast built-in culinary expertise, automatic recipe programmes and step-by-step guidance are likely to propel to the top of the consumer’s wish-list, to provide support in the kitchen as well as produce great results, every time.” She reminds independent retailers that a recent survey reveals “nearly a quarter of UK adults agreed that small/independent retailers provided better advice compared to larger chain stores.” This research, she contends, “shows the value of independent retailers and the opportunities available. It is vital that independent retailers make the most of the upcoming festive period and ensure appliances are dressed and wired for demonstration.” The consensus seems to be that, far from taking the shine off Christmas cooking sales this year, the pandemic has created opportunities that independents are well placed to seize, provided they put the necessary effort into a strong online presence and a well-designed bricks-and-mortar offering.


Sort out your smalls Small Kitchen Appliances come to the fore before Christmas, both as gifts and as convenient, versatile tools to make festive entertaining easier. There are appliances that can slice, dice, juice, mix, knead, prepare, cook, bake or brew anything from a barista-quality coffee to a quick snack to a whole meal. This year, with an added focus on home cooking, the category is even more appealing


mall appliances have grown massively in quality, versatility and all-round ability to save time and produce excellent results over the past few years. They have now developed to the point where they are not just a time-saving convenience, but a considered step towards enhancing cooking skills. As Luke Harding, General Manager at Electrolux, tells GC: “With more time spent cooking and baking during the pandemic, we predict consumers will invest more in their appliances ahead of the festive season. After getting better acquainted with their appliances over lockdown, we anticipate consumers opting for new models with the latest technology in time for Christmas. For some, lockdown afforded the opportunity to spend longer on meal preparation, which meant more skilled and adventurous techniques were being trialled. AEG anticipates this will have a significant impact on buying behaviour. The expectation for appliances which elevate our home cooking experiences in a post-lockdown world will be high, as people seek out quality, intuitive technology that will take their skills to the next level, especially during the festive period.”

BREWING UP Coffee machines were already near the top of the desirability list as a way of producing “the perfect coffee” at home. Nigel Morrison, Consumer & Trade Marketing Manager at coffee maker brand Melitta UK, also has a positive

view of this quarter’s prospects, fuelled by home working and a desire to make great-tasting coffee Morphy Richards MyPot 15-in-1 preset programs cooks for enjoyment and entertaining. “an astonishing variety of dishes” “We have seen sustained demand for coffee machines in general,” he says, “but £25 will soar as consumers look to gift a little particularly across the bean to cup and filter sunshine into their family’s life after a somewhat coffee categories. Both highlight the trend miserable year.” for simple to use, no fuss, quality coffee at Retailers, he adds, should remember that “as the touch of a button. As we enter the peak ever, it is all about knowing your customers and Christmas trading period, we anticipate the how they shop and then building your strategy demand for coffee machines and coffee around this. Availability is king – consumers accessories will continue as people seek will go elsewhere to purchase the product coffee related gifts to replicate both the cafe they want if you don’t have it. Display similar or experience and coffee enjoyment at home.” complementary products together - for example kettles, toasters and coffee makers - and GETTING THE RIGHT MIX encourage link purchases.” “We’re confident in peak season sales despite REDUCING THE HASSLE the unusual circumstances of Christmas 2020,” Smeg’s head of products Laura Jones believes says Morphy Richards UK sales director Barrie “appliances which promote healthy living tend Saxby. “SKA and SDA sales have continued to be most sought after following festive overto perform well throughout the year, and we indulgence.” She cites slow juicers, citrus juicers expect this final quarter of the year to benefit and stick blenders as seasonal winners, and from a release of pent-up demand and a desire adds: “Coffee machines and accessories always for the world to return to normality. do well over the festive season. “From an SDA perspective there are two “Because of the ongoing coronavirus areas that we expect to do very well. Firstly, pandemic, homeowners will naturally entertain hand and traditional blenders will remain in more at home so appliances that take the hassle fashion – both for the busy host as they prepare out of food prep will also continue to prove for an increase in cooking and entertaining at popular, so we expect our hand blenders to home, but also as gifts in line with the healthy perform well.” She also cites breadmakers as a eating trends that always raise their heads at strong performing category: “Over the period of this time of year. And secondly coffee makers lockdown, breadmaking was incredibly popular will be hot! We saw a significant uplift in sales and it’s highly possible that this trend will of coffee machines as lockdown began and continue. As a consequence, our stand mixers people were missing their coffee shop fixes. I should also see an uplift in sales.” also think impulse purchases of products under

Bamix, the revolutionary hand-held food processor with a versatility that replaces many kitchen appliances. It cuts, chops and purees raw and cooked veg, cooked meat, frozen fruit and even ice cubes. The additional SliceSy attachment allows you to mix together pastry quickly and easily. Bamix is easy to use and clean, very quiet, easy to hold and doesn’t vibrate through any of its functions. A kitchen tool designed with universal uses in mind. Now distributed in the UK by Burton McCall Ltd. For more information please call 0116 234 4611




Changing Seasons


Beko HygieneShield™ built-in oven


eko’s new HygieneShield™ built-in oven cooks and cleans using the disinfecting power of saturated steam and heat, with two separate programmes involving both heat and steam working at 70°C and 120°C respectively. Use of the oven at 70°C for 15 minutes will sanitise the surfaces of packaged food and treat the outside of baked goods, without affecting their taste or structure. At 120°C for 20 minutes the appliance will sanitise items such as metal bowls and glass products.

Morphy Richards has the answer to creating the “perfect cup of coffee” at home


orphy Richards’ barista-style espresso coffee maker is compatible with both ground coffee and ESE pods and offers 15-bar pump pressure to create a range of drinks, from flat white to espresso martini. It has a steam wand and variable steam function with coffee- and steam-ready lights indicating when the machine is ready to brew. The easy-fill 1.1-litre tank is removeable for filling and cleaning or can be filled in situ. The unit is available from November 2020.

Indesit brings Push&Go to induction hobs


ndesit’s new Push&Go induction hobs, available in 60cm & 77cm widths, provide a set of three automatic functions: Push&Boil, Push&Warm and (model dependent) Push&Moka, which sets the ideal heat level for making moka coffee. The appliances benefit from a new user interface with dedicated control for each cooking zone – each having its own timer and nine power levels with booster function – and a DualZone feature which connects two zones for use with larger pans. A range of safety features include pan detection, anti-spillage system, overheating lock and auto-off system.





ILVE UK launches Panoramagic range cooker


LVE’s Panoramagic range cooker, available in 90cm single and 120cm twin versions, is finished in stainless steel with black glass doors and red LED backlit control knobs. The ovens are operated via a 4.3" TFT touch display, giving precision temperature control from 30°C to 320°C in 1°C increments. The Panoramagic is available with solid brass gas burners coated with easy-clean black nanotechnology, or if electric is the preference, the appliance is also available with six induction zones.

Hoover: first major cooking collection in two years Smeg VIVOscreen connected ovens


meg’s new collection of VIVOscreen connected ovens benefit from large full-colour displays and new graphics. The extra-wide VIVOMax screen provides more information and functions, with intuitive navigation via vertical and horizontal scrolling. Holding down any item on the display for 3 seconds will produce a pop-up explaining the item’s function. A My Recipes section allows users to store up to 64 of their own favourite dishes in the appliance’s memory. The new display is available in two versions: VIVO 4” x 3” and VIVOMax premium display 6” x 3”. The ovens will join Smeg’s smart range, which works in conjunction with the dedicated SmegConnect app.


oover’s new ‘Collection 3’ cooking range comprises smart pyrolytic and steam ovens and gas and induction hobs – 53 SKUs in total with a number of models incorporating WiFi connectivity benefits including voice activation and access to 200 recipes. The ovens, available in 65L to 78L capacities and single or double configurations, have multifunction cooking with steam and pyrolytic or catalytic cleaning and, according to Hoover, are being tailored to offer exclusive models to retailers: either black glass or stainless steel-dominated finishes with distinctive knobs and LED display. Variants include handle composition, trim configuration and panel design.

Dulux Colour of the Year added to Stoves Colour Boutique line


ulux’s 2021 Colour of the Year, Brave Ground, is the latest new finish across Stoves’ Richmond Deluxe range cookers. Brave Ground is described by Dulux as a warm, natural, neutral shade and will become the tenth colour to be added to the new Stoves 2020 Colour Boutique line. Richmond Deluxe range models incorporate premium features and are available in 90cm, 100cm or 110cm widths with gas, induction, dual fuel or gas-through-glass options.




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