Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission
Dear Community Partner,
2020 was a year like no other, as I think most would agree. I am proud of our staff for keeping programs moving forward and for taking on additional tasks during a very challenging year. I want to thank each staff person for their important contribution to the GCMPC Team!
Vanessa Barker Accountant
Brett Blankenship Housing Rehabilitation Specialist I
Debby Compton Secretary
Christine Durgan Assistant Director
Damon Fortney Lead Planner
Sharon Gregory Lead Planner
Anthony Kelly Planner
Jacob Maurer Lead Planner
Katie Mehl Planner
Jason Nordberg Division Manager
Nichole Odette Program Services Specialist
Cody Roblyer Planning Specialist
Sheila Taylor Division Manager
Andy Trudeau Housing Rehabilitation Specialist III
Amy Vermette Accountant
This year’s annual accomplishment report highlights how GCMPC programs impact the community and how funds are allocated and spent in the Community Development, Transportation, Environmental and regional programs. I invite you to learn more about the work we do by reviewing our website which provides access to program details, plans, reports, and meeting information. We will continue to serve and provide important programming during 2021. Although we can’t predict what the future holds, we will continue to carryout our mission and make positive change in the County and region. Looking forward,
These staff moved on to pursue other endeavors during 2020: Kim Stowell, Housing Rehabilitation Intake Coordinator
Derek Bradshaw, Director-Coordinator
Zachary Sompels, Planner Special thanks to: Julie Zinger
“Genesee: Our County, Our Future” Plan Completed The Genesee: Our County, Our Future plan was finalized and approved in 2020. The development of this plan was the first time GCMPC has combined all division planning efforts, transportation, community development and environmental, into one comprehensive document. The plan represents $5.5 billion in investment for Genesee County and is a comprehensive guide for our local units of government as they move forward with their planning efforts. Go to to check out the plan.
Visit the “Genesee: Our County, Our Future” map gallery. The maps reflect the data analysis for the plan and provides valuable data for a community’s future planning efforts.
Go to to visit our Map Gallery.
$867,589 $1,887,207 $297,235 $86,988
Total Funding $79,531,665
2020 Community Funding
Transportation Activities Transportation Investment
Roundabout Study
Projects included in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) will provide for the investment of approximately $72.5 million into the Genesee County transportation system. These investments included road improvements, bridge and safety work, trails, transit, commuter services, signalization and pavement marking upgrades.
Staff began working with Rowe Professional Services on a Roundabout Study for Genesee County. Roundabouts reduce the amount and severity of crashes. The study will do an analysis of criteria such as traffic counts, intersection geometrics, crash data, road types, and environmental features. The study will be completed in 2021 and will provide a list of locations where roundabouts could be considered around the County to assist communities in future planning.
During 2020, $24.9 million in road improvement funding allowed for the resurfacing and reconstruction of 86 lane miles.
Dort Highway Extension Work continued on the Dort Highway Extension project which, upon completion, will provide for a more efficient road network and expand economic development opportunities. The North Phase of the project has been substantially completed and was opened to traffic on November 23, 2020. This phase included the completion of three roundabouts along with additional lighting and road widening. The widening of Baldwin Road, where it will intersect with the new Dort Highway, has been completed. Construction will continue in 2021.
Flint River Trail Extension
National Water Trail Designation
A cooperative effort to provide funding to expand and link trail networks continued in 2020. GCMPC provided funding assistance to extend the Flint River Trail from Irish Road 1.4 miles through Richfield County Park. The $400,000 project concludes a $2.5 million investment in the trail system over the previous four years. The project helps the effort to link the Flint River Trail to the Southern Links trail in Lapeer County.
The National Parks Service approved the Flint River as a National Water Trail! The Flint River Water Trail is one of only 88 National Water Trails across the country, and one of only 5 in Michigan. The designation was achieved through a partnership with the Flint River Watershed Coalition and a coalition of organizations, individuals, and local governments. The designation helps promote outdoor recreation, river stewardship and brings resources to existing local water trails.
Community Development Activities CARES Act
CDBG Road Improvements
Genesee County received over $3.7 million through the Community Development Block Grant CARES Act and the Emergency Solutions Grant CARES Act programs in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. New programs were implemented and funds allocated for small business, senior housing, basic needs, and rental/mortgage/utility assistance programs. Funding was also provided to emergency shelters to make physical improvements to their buildings to better protect residents against the virus. Implementation of these new programs will continue into 2021.
In an effort to expand the reach of CDBG road improvement funding, staff worked with the Genesee County Road Commission and local units of government to leverage additional funds for local streets. Through this effort, an additional $630,000 was invested, for a total of $1,337,216.
Emergency Solutions Grant Program Homeless service providers worked to provide emergency shelter for struggling families during the COVID19 pandemic. Genesee County ESG funding provided rent and utility assistance, overnight shelter to 1,320 individuals, and assisted 123 people with homelessness prevention and rapid rehousing activities.
HOME Program
Home Improvement Pogram
Habitat for Humanity began the groundwork on three new single-family homes in Vienna Township. These homes will be accessible, have Energy Star rated appliances and water saving fixtures. All homes will be sold to low-to-moderate income buyers.
Despite having to slow construction due to the pandemic, Genesee County Home Improvement Program staff continued to provide assistance to eligible households. Over $462,000 in CDBG and HOME funds were expended to make homes safer, healthier, and more energy efficient. Staff partnered with Genesee County Habitat for Humanity to combine resources, making it possible to assist three households that otherwise would have been unable to receive needed home repairs. Throughout the year, staff continued to recruit qualified contractors and streamline processes within the Home Improvement Program.
Neighborhood Purchase/Rehab/Resale Program Staff designed a new Neighborhood Purchase/ Rehab/Resale Program. The program will focus on vacant properties in target neighborhoods. The program will allow for the continued purchase of homes that can be rehabilitated and sold to low-tomoderate income households. The program will kick off in 2021.
Solid Waste Activities Education and Outreach
Solid Waste Evaluation
Promoting Genesee County recycling programs and educating the public about proper recycling techniques is a primary goal of the Solid Waste Management Plan. Although in-person educational opportunities were limited this year, staff shared information and answered recycling related questions through social media, the recycle hotline and the GCMPC website.
Staff conducted a study with a consultant, Resource Recycling Systems, to evaluate solid waste programs in Genesee County. Many recommendations were established that could greatly increase waste diversion for our communities and increase the County recycling rate, currently at 9 percent. Recommendations include more recycling education/outreach, developing a recycling drop-off facility for residents, and increasing shared solid waste services between local units of government.
Recycle Day & Tire Collection Events During Recycle Day & Tire Recycling Events, over 163,000 pounds of hazardous waste and nearly 2,000 tires were collected from over 1,200 participants. A record-breaking average of 164 pounds of waste per vehicle was collected at the Recycle Day events. Most of the waste collected included electronics and paint.
Regional Activities Region 6 Update
Road Rating
Working with public asset owners to identify and inventory current infrastructure assets was a key focus during the year. This work will assist in the development and implementation of a statewide Integrated Asset Management Program. Funding in the form of $1,000 grants were made available to agencies who completed and submitted information to the state.
Staff rated the conditions of Genesee County’s local road network (approximately 1,400 lane miles) in 2020. These ratings are used to assist in determining where funding should be focused and provides a general overall view of the state of our roads. Results of the ratings show 51% poor, 40% fair and 9% good.
Rural Task Force Program The I-69 Thumb Region, in partnership with Michigan State University Extension, facilitated First Impressions Tourism (FIT) programs in two communities. The program identifies a community’s strengths and weaknesses and provides feedback to help attract tourism. Funding in the amount of $2,000 for each community was provided to help address the recommendations identified in their final community report.
The Rural Task Force program distributes federal and state road and transit dollars to Lapeer and Shiawassee Counties. In 2020, Shiawassee County received funding for a road rehabilitation project with a total cost of $764,645 in federal, state, and local funds. Lapeer County received funding for a road reconstruction project with a total cost of $1,653,186 in federal, state, and local funds.
Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission
Alan Himelhoch Chairperson
Alexander Isaac Vice-Chairperson
Gloria Nealy Secretary
Meredith Davis
Domonique Clemons
Debra Newman
Cheryl Sclater
Jeffrey Peake
Mike LaPointe
Genesee County Board of Commissioners
Bryant W. Nolden District 1
Domonique Clemons Vice Chairperson - District 4
Charles H. Winfrey District 2
Ellen Ellenburg District 3
Mark Young Chairperson - District 5
Shaun Shumaker District 6
Debra Newman District 8
Gary Peppin District 9
Meredith Davis District 7
1101 Beach Street, Room 111 Flint, Michigan 48502-1470 (810) 257-3010 Reggie Smith
Tyler Rossmaessler For more details, visit “An Equal Opportunity Organization”
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