Become a Tree Warden

Tree Wardens are volunteers who plant, protect and promote their local trees. Anyone can be a Tree Warden, no prior training or experience is required.
As a Tree Warden, you should have a willingness to learn and be happy to work outside, sometimes in remote locations. We expect Tree Wardens to devote around 1-2 hours per month carrying out activities.

Survey trees to provide early warnings of threats or disease
Lead guided tree walks and give talks to local groups
Encourage others to value the community’s trees and woodland
Find sites for tree planting
Assist in fruit tree planting and orchard care
Collect seeds from local trees and grow them

Discover more about tree and hedgerow planting, tree management and tree protection
Volunteer in the great outdoors
Learn new skills and get access to training
Meet new people with the potential to join local community groups
Receive a reference and certificate of attendance

The Clyde Climate Forest aims to plant 18 million trees over the next decade across the Glasgow City Region
Our vision is to see 1.5 million new trees planted with local communities in urban areas, 200 woodland habitats connected, and 9,000 hectares of new woodland and forest created @ClydeClimateFor