Phoenix Global International - Flooring Catalog

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Flooring Catalog NAICS - 423310 - 423990

September 1st, 2019 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Exotic African Flooring * Refer to our Corporate Brochure to see the company’s procedures and our list of 114 species of Hardwoods, Softwoods and Bamboo available for export

Exotic Western African Wood Species – Manufactured and processed Timber for SPECIAL use of hardwood/Softwood/ Bamboo Flooring. Phoenix Global International is a supplier of high grade quality Exotic Species of Wood (Logs) for Timber processing. See below some of our species’ finished product.

Amphimas Pterocarpea Local Name: Lati Order #: 05 Timber Class: A

Guibortia Ehie Local Name: Bubunga Order #: 050 Timber Class: A,B

Pterocarpus Erinaceus Local Name: Kosso, Rosewood Order #: 103 Timber Class: A

Cryptosepalum Tetraphyllum Local Name: African Pine Order #: 030 Timber Class: A

Nesogordonia Papaverifera Local Name: Danta Order #: 066 Timber Class: C

Brachystegia Spiciformis Local Name: Zebrawood Order #: 105 Timber Class: A

Diospyros Sanzaminika Local Name: Ebony Order #: 037 Timber Class: A,B

Terminalia Superba Local Name: Frake, Limba Order #: 090 Timber Class: A,B

Dalbergia Melanoxylon Local Name: African Blackwood Order #: 106 Timber Class: A

Entadrophragma Candollei Local Name: Kosipo Order #: 040 Timber Class: A,B,C

Tectona Grandis Local Name: Teak Order #: 099 Timber Class: A

Khaya Senegalensis Local Name: African Mahogany Order #: 107 Timber Class: A,B

Pterocarpus Soyauxii Local Name: African Padauk, Coralwood Order #: 101 Timber Class: A

Lovoa Trichiliodes Local Name: Walnut Tree, Dibetou Order #: 059 Timber Class: A

Entandrophragma Cylindricum Local Name: Sapele Order #: 041 Timber Class: A,B

© 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Exotic Hardwood Highlight

Superior Heavy Industrial Use

Lophira Alata Local Name: Ekki, Iron Wood Order #: 058 Timber Class: A, B

EKKI – Iron Wood Ekki, or Ironwood tree, is a tree growing from 40 to 60 meters tall with a long, narrow crown of steeply ascending branches. One of the giant trees of the African rainforest. It is also one of the Top EXOTIC species for wood in West Africa, providing a strong, very durable and heavy construction timber. The wood is dense, hard, elastic, very durable and insect/fungalresistant. Ekki Wood has high resistance to wear, natural acid and water. Ekki is a popular choice for heavy construction and marine work. Ironwood’s characteristics make it more suitable for heavy industrial use rather than decorative use. Classified with superior weight that averages 65 pounds per cubic foot. Considered to be one of the most EXOTIC and durable wood specimens of all Africa. © 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Flooring – African Species’ INDEX

Trade Name




African Pine










Frake, Limba






African Padauk, Coralwood


Kosso, Rosewood




African Blackwood


African Mahogany


Walnut Tree, Dibetou


© 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Amphimas Pterocarpoides

Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Amphimas Pterocarpoides Local name (Liberia): Lati Grade: A Order #: 05 Classification: Hardwood Processed Best Into: Furniture


Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Exotic Western African Wood Species – Manufactured and processed Timber for SPECIAL use of hardwood/Softwood/Bamboo Flooring. Phoenix Global International is a supplier of high grade quality Exotic Species of Wood (Logs) for Timber processing. See below some of our species’ finished product. The wood is used for interior construction, carpentry, flooring, planks, interior trim, joinery, furniture, frames, crates, boxes, toys, novelties, veneer and plywood; it is also locally used for canoes, huts, mortars and as frames to support yam. It has been used for railway sleepers and poles, although use in contact with soil is discouraged.

© 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Cryptosepalum Tetraphyllum

Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Cryptosepalum Tetraphyllum Local name (Liberia): African pine Grade: A Order #: 30 Classification: Softwood Processed Best Into:


Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Cryptosepalum Tetraphyllum is an evergreen tree that can grow up to 30 meters tall. The usually straight, but sometimes sinuous, bole can be up to 80cm in diameter and free of branches for up to 16 meters, though it is sometimes branched near the base. It rarely has buttresses up to 75cm high. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use of its wood. The heartwood is white to pinkish-red; it is not clearly differentiated from the sapwood. It saws well.

Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Diospyros Sanzaminika Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Diospyros Sanzaminika Local name (Liberia): Ebony Grade: A, B Order #: 37 Classification: Softwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Diospyros Sanzaminika is an evergreen tree usually growing up to 25 meters tall, exceptionally to 40 meters. The long, straight, cylindrical bole is usually up to 60cm in diameter, exceptionally to 90cm, and is free of buttresses. The wood is not sharply demarcated into sap and heart-wood. The outer younger wood is greyish white, becoming pink with small streaks of black towards the center, and sometimes under certain conditions becoming all black. It is very hard, heavy and difficult to work, finetextured and durable. It is considered a construction-timber of secondary importance and is used for heavy construction work, telegraph poles, turnery and rollers for textile manufacture, and has been valued for pit-props. Mainly used for flooring. It has some resilience for which it is good for implement-handles such as pickaxes, hammers, axes, shafts of harpoons, fish-spears, spears and stocks of crossbows. Small poles are somewhat flexible and are used as a spring in game-traps, and the slender stems are used as wattles in mudhouses and for lacing into cages. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.

Entandrophragma Candollei


Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Entandrophragma Candollei Local name (Liberia): Kosipo Grade: A, B, C Order #: 40 Classification: Hardwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information West African Kosipo is a slow-growing, deciduous, large tree, growing up to 50 meters tall with occasional specimens up to 70 meters. The bole can be branchless for up to 30 meters, it is usually straight and cylindrical, up to 2 - 4 meters in diameter, often with blunt buttresses up to 4 meters high, sometimes extending into large, rounded surface roots. The tree is harvested from the wild for local medicinal use and is also widely exploited for its timber, which is traded internationally. This species is one of the major sources of African mahogany. It is widespread and heavily exploited throughout its range. The heartwood is dull brown to dark purplish brown, slightly darkening upon exposure; it is distinctly demarcated from the 4 - 8cm wide band of greyish white to pale brown sapwood. The grain is straight to slightly interlocked; the texture coarse and even. The wood is moderately heavy; soft to moderately hard; it is moderately durable, being susceptible to powder-post beetle, pinhole borer and marine borer attacks, moderately resistant to termites and fungi, and resistant to dry wood borers. It seasons somewhat slowly with a high risk of distortion; once dry it is stable in service. The wood saws fairly easily although it requires some power, and it works easily with both hand and machine tools. It usually contains silica (up to 0.5%) and has moderate blunting effects on cutting edges; stellate-tipped saw teeth and tungsten-carbide cutting edges are recommended. The wood is used for construction, exterior and interior joinery, boat building, furniture, cabinet work, high class furniture, veneer and plywood. It is suitable for flooring, interior trim, vehicle bodies, toys, novelties, boxes, crates and turnery. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.

Entandrophragma Cylindricum


Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Entandrophragma Cylindricum Local name (Liberia): Sapele Grade: A, B Order #: 41 Classification: Hardwood Processed Best Into: Furniture


Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Sapele Mahogany is a slow-growing, deciduous to evergreen tree with a rounded crown; it can grow 40 60 meters tall with occasional specimens up to 65 meters. The straight, more or less cylindrical bole can be free of branches for up to 40 meters, it has up to 200cm in diameter, with low, blunt buttresses up to 2 meters high, rarely up to 4 meters. Sapele Mahogany is one of the most important commercial timbers in tropical Africa, large amounts are exported each year. The heartwood is pinkish brown when freshly cut, darkening upon exposure to reddish brown or purplish brown; it is distinctly demarcated from the 4 - 8cm wide band of creamy white to pinkish grey sapwood. The grain is interlocked or wavy; texture fairly fine; there is a distinct cedar-like smell. The wood is moderately heavy, moderately hard; it is moderately durable, being liable to powder-post beetle, pinhole borer and marine borer attacks, with moderate resistance to termites and fungi, and good resistance to dry wood borers. The wood is highly valued for flooring, interior joinery, interior trim, paneling, stairs, high class furniture, cabinet work, musical instruments, carvings, ship building, veneer and plywood. It is suitable for construction, vehicle bodies, toys, novelties, boxes, crates and turnery. The bole is traditionally used for dug-out canoes. Wood that cannot be utilized as timber is used as firewood and for charcoal production. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Guibortia Ehie Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Guibortia Ehie Local name (Liberia): Bubunga Grade: A, B Order #: 50 Classification: Hardwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Bubunga/Bubinga is a tree that can grow up to 45 meters tall. The straight, cylindrical bole can be 50 80cm in diameter with buttresses up to 4 meters high. The tree is valued for its timber, which can be used as a substitute for rosewood. It is commonly harvested from the wild and is traded internationally. The heartwood is yellow brown to dark brown, with grey to blackish veins and copper glints; it is clearly demarcated from the 4 - 7cm wide band of sapwood. The texture is fine; the grain interlocked; there is a moiré aspect on quarter sawn wood. The wood is heavy, hard, elastic; it is very durable, being resistant to fungi, dry wood borers and termites. It seasons somewhat slowly, with only a slight risk of checking or distortion; once dry it is moderately stable in service. The wood has a fairly high blunting effect - stellate-tipped and tungsten carbide tools are recommended; there is sometimes a white efflorescence on sawn woods - this can be removed by washing with warm water; the interlocked grain can produce some difficulties in working the wood; nailing and screwing are good, but require pre-boring; gluing is correct. The wood is a popular substitute for rosewood. It is used for purposes such as fine furniture and cabinetwork, turnery, decorative veneers’ paneling and flooring.

© 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Terminalia Superba Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Terminalia Superba Local name (Liberia): Frake, Limba Grade: A, B Order #: 90 Classification: Hardwood Processed Best Into:


Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Frake is a large, deciduous tree, growing up to 50 meters tall, with an open, generally flattened crown consisting of a few whorled branches. The cylindrical bole is long and straight with large, flat buttresses 6 meters above the soil surface, and up to 1.5 meters in diameter. A yellow dye is obtained from the bark. Reddish brown and black dyes can also be obtained if iron-rich mud or iron salts are used as a mordant. It can be used to dye wraps, matting and basket fibers. It air dries rapidly with little degrade; rates of shrinkage are moderate; once dry, the wood is stable in service. The wood can be made into good-quality veneer by slicing as well as rotary peeling. The steambending properties are poor. The wood is valued for interior joinery, door posts and panels, mouldings, furniture, office-fittings, crates, matches, and particularly for veneer and plywood. It is suitable for light construction, light flooring, ship building, interior trim, vehicle bodies, sporting goods, toys, novelties, musical instruments, food containers, vats, turnery, hardboard, particle board and pulpwood. It is used locally for temporary house construction, planks, roof shingles, canoes, paddles, coffins, and boxes.

Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Tectona Grandis Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Tectona Grandis Local name (Liberia): Teak Grade: A Order #: 99 Classification: Hardwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Teak is a large, mainly deciduous tree reaching over 30 meters in height in favorable conditions with an open crown that has many small branches. The bole, which can be unbranched for up to 15 meters, is up to 1 meter in diameter and is often buttressed and may be fluted. The wood is a medium weight timber that is rather soft, it is durable to very durable, with an average service life in contact with the ground of more than 10 years under tropical conditions and more than 25 years under temperate conditions. It dries well but rather slowly, rates of shrinkage are low, once dry it is very stable in service. It is not difficult to work, but requires some effort, mainly because of the presence of silica (up to 1.5%); stellate-tipped saws and tools tipped with tungsten carbide are indispensable for sawing and planning operations; it is difficult to chisel with a hollow square mortise, but turns well; nail and screw-holding capacities are good, but pre-boring is recommended to avoid splitting; gluing is only successful on freshly machined or newly sanded surfaces. Classified as very resistant to teredo activity, the wood is an excellent timber for bridge building and other construction in contact with water such as docks, quays, piers and floodgates in fresh water. In house building, teakwood is particularly suitable for interior and exterior joinery (windows, solid panel doors, flooring and framing) and is used for floors exposed to light to moderate pedestrian traffic. It is also used quite extensively for garden furniture. Other uses are for building poles, transmission line poles, fence posts, wallboards, beams, woodwork, boxes, musical instruments, toys, railway sleepers and railcar construction. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.

Nesogordonia Papaverifera


Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Nesogordonia Papaverifera Local name (Liberia): Danta Grade: C Order #: 66 Classification: Hardwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Nesogordonia Papaverifera is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 40 meters tall. The bole is usually straight and cylindrical, though it can be twisted; it can be free of branches for up to 20 meters and up to 90cm in diameter, with sharp buttresses up to 4 meters high. The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of materials. The wood is used locally and is also commonly harvested for export. A fiber is obtained from the bark. The twigs are used as chew sticks to maintain the health of teeth and gums. The heartwood is reddish-brown; it is sharply demarcated from the 5 - 8cm wide band of lightercultured sapwood. The texture is fine and even; the grain narrowly interlocked, producing a stripe figure; luster is medium; there is no characteristic odor or taste; the wood is marked with dark streaks of scar tissue, pin knots; it has a slight greasy feel. The heartwood is rated as durable and resistant to termite attack; the sapwood is liable to powder-post beetle attack. The wood seasons rather slowly and with little degrades, collapse may occur in kiln-drying. It works well with hand and machine tools; there is a moderate blunting of cutters; a cutting angle of 15 degrees is suggested to avoid tearing of grain in planning; it is a good slicing timber; glues well; with moderate steam-bending properties. It is used for purposes such as general construction, floors, joinery, turnery, boatbuilding, tool handles, gunstocks, plywood, utility cross arms, and furniture. It is considered to be a hickory (Carya spp.) substitute. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.

Pterocarpus Soyauxii


Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Pterocarpus Soyauxii Local name (Liberia): African Padauk, Coralwood Grade: A Order #: 101 Classification: Softwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information African Coralwood is an evergreen or briefly deciduous tree with an open, dome-shaped crown; it can grow 30 - 50 meters tall. The straight and cylindrical bole is up to 1.4 meters in diameter. It can be free of branches for up to 32 meters, though it sometimes has sharp buttresses 3 - 4 meters high and 2 meters broad at the base. The heartwood is bright red when freshly cut, becoming orange-red on exposure and darkening to purplebrown; it is distinctly demarcated from the 20cm wide band of whitish to brownish yellow sapwood. The wood is moderately heavy to heavy; hard to very hard; very durable being resistant to fungi, Lyctus beetles, termites and marine borers. It seasons somewhat slowly, but with only a slight risk of checking and distortion; once dry it is stable in service. It is moderately difficult to work, having a fairly high blunting effect - stellate-tipped sawteeth and tungsten carbide cutting tools are recommended; it takes a good finish, but sometimes with some tearing of interlocked grain; slicing does not cause problems; nailing and screwing are good, but pre-boring is advisable; gluing properties are good. A valuable multipurpose hardwood, because of its resistance to water it is used locally to make canoes and because of its beautiful reddish color it is favored for carving and sculpturing, high class furniture, cabinet making, knife and tool handles, traditional hair combs, walking sticks and musical instruments. Because of its high durability the wood is excellent for construction, carpentry, outdoor joinery, flooring, staircases, railway sleepers and boats but also for veneer, inlay, billiard tables, toys, joinery, dowels, shuttles, bobbins, spindles, sporting goods and paddles. As the wood is resistant to marine borers it was used in temperate regions for marine constructions such as piers and sluice gates. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Pterocarpus Erinaceus Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Pterocarpus Erinaceus Local name (Liberia): Kosso Grade: A Order #: 103 Classification: Hardwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information African Kosso is a deciduous tree with a high, open, few-branched crown; usually growing 12 - 15 meters tall with some specimens reaching 25 meters. The heartwood is yellowish brown to reddish brown, often with purplish brown streaks; it is distinctly demarcated from the 2 - 8cm thick, yellowish or pale cream-cultured sapwood. The grain is straight to interlocked, texture fine to moderately coarse; fresh wood has an unpleasant aroma. The wood is moderately heavy to very heavy; hard; very durable, being very resistant to fungi, dry-wood borers and termites; it is also resistant to freshwater organisms. It seasons slowly but with very little risk of checking or distortion; once dry it is stable in service. The wood is highly valued for furniture and cabinet work, but is also used for heavy construction including waterworks, parquet flooring, stairs, implements, turning, sculpturing and sliced veneer. It is also suitable for joinery, interior trim, mortars, pestles, house posts, mine props, ship and boat building, vehicle bodies, sporting goods, toys, novelties, musical instruments (e.g. Balafons) and precision equipment.

Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Brachystegia Spiciformis Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Brachystegia Spiciformis Local name (Liberia): Zebrawood Grade: A Order #: 105 Classification: Hardwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Brachystegia Spiciformis is a very ornamental but rather slow-growing, large shrub or tree with a flat crown; it can grow from 8 - 25 meters tall. Usually evergreen, it becomes deciduous in dry years. The flowers are sweetly fragrant and the foliage, as it emerges in shades of copper, red and pink, is so colorful that it looks like flowers from a distance. The heartwood is variable, ranging from pale brown to a red-brown and darkening on exposure, striping is sometimes present; it is clearly demarcated from the creamy or white sapwood. The texture is coarse; the grain irregular and interlocked; lustrous; there is no characteristic odor or taste. The wood is very hard, heavy; it is not durable and is vulnerable to termite attack; the sapwood is readily attacked by staining fungi. It dries slowly with some tendency to warp, mostly twist; there is appreciable checking and end splitting. The timber is difficult to work and to saw, with moderate blunting of cutters, interlocked grain is liable to tear in planning; it sands to a good finish and polishes well; it has very poor steam bending properties. Even when treated, it is a rather inferior general-purpose timber, used for purposes such as general construction work, furniture components, railway sleepers, parquet flooring.

Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Dalbergia Melanoxylon Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Dalbergia Melanoxylon Local name (Liberia): African Blackwood Grade: A Order #: 106 Classification: Hardwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information African Blackwood is a small, spiny, heavily branched deciduous tree, typically 4.5 - 7.5 meters tall but occasionally reaching 15 meters. The heartwood is purplish black, sometimes darker towards the outside, with light streaks and not always uniform in color; it is sharply differentiated from the up to 12cm wide band of white or yellowishwhite sapwood. The timber is slightly oily, exceptionally hard and very heavy, brittle and somewhat fissile. The heartwood is extremely durable and resistant to all forms of biological deterioration. The sapwood, however, is susceptible to fungal or insect attack. The dry wood is difficult to saw or plane; it blunts saws and cutters and cannot be nailed or screwed without drilling; it is, however, among the finest of all turnery timbers, cutting exactly and finishing to a brilliantly polished, lustrous surface, dry and cold to the touch. Other products made from the timber include carvings, turnery and marquetry to produce sculptures, musical instruments, ornaments, inlays, chess pieces, walking sticks, bearings and many other products. The main industrial use, long supporting an export trade from East Africa and Mozambique, is the manufacture of musical instruments, especially woodwinds. With its high density and fine texture, the wood produces a beautiful musical tone. It is stable, stands up to metalwork processes, and takes an excellent finish.

Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.


Khaya Senegalensis Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Khaya Senegalensis Local name (Liberia): African Mahogany Grade: A, B Order #: 107 Classification: Hardwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information Khaya or African Mahogany is an evergreen tree with a widely spreading, rounded crown; it can grow 15 30 meters tall. It has a bole that is up to 1 meter in diameter, unbranched for 8 - 16 meters, the buttresses are neither prominent nor absent. The heartwood an attractive dark red-brown, often with a purple tint; it is usually, but not always, clearly demarcated from the 3 - 8cm wide band of pinkish-tan sapwood. The texture is medium; the grain interlocked; the wood lustrous. The wood is fairly hard to hard; moderately heavy; moderately durable, being resistant to the attacks of dry wood borers, moderately resistant to fungi, but susceptible to termites. The wood seasons normally, with only a slight risk of checking or distortion when in the presence of highly interlocked grain and tension wood; once dried it is stable in service. The timber works well with normal tools, though these need to be sharp since there is a tendency to be woolly in cross grain; nailing and screwing are good, though pre-boring is recommended; gluing is correct. The wood is favored for good quality furniture, quality flooring, high-class joinery, trim and boat building. The wood is also used locally for railroad ties, flooring, turnery and veneer. Because of its decorative appearance, the wood is a very popular timber. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

FLORIDA: 15800 Pines Blvd. #326, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 LIBERIA: P.O. Box 1650 S.D. Cooper Rd., Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (800) 484-2744 | | www.

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Lovoa Trichiliodes Botanical Infromation Botanical Name: Lovoa Trichiliodes Local name (Liberia): Walnut Tree,Dibetou Grade: A Order #: 59 Classification: Softwood


Processed Best Into: Furniture Flooring Construction Exotic Timber Miscellaneous

Additional Information African Walnut is a large, evergreen tree with a dark, heavy crown; it can grow up to 45 meters tall. The bole, which is usually straight and cylindrical but can be sinuous, can be branchless for up to 25 meters and up to 120cm, occasionally 200cm in diameter. The heartwood is yellowish brown to greyish brown, often with golden and blackish markings; it is distinctly demarcated from the 3 - 7cm wide band of pale brown to pale grey sapwood. The grain is usually interlocked; the texture moderately fine to fine. The wood is lustrous and has an attractive appearance, with a ribbon-like aspect on quarter-sawn surfaces and a cedar-like scent. It is light in weight; soft; somewhat durable, being resistant to dry wood borers, somewhat resistant to fungi and susceptible to termites. It seasons fairly quickly with only a slight risk of checking and distortion; once dry it is stable in service. The wood is highly valued for high class furniture, cabinet work, flooring, carpentry, joinery, interior trim, stairways, paneling and decorative veneer and plywood. It is locally used for house construction, vehicle bodies, implements and handles, and to make canoes. It is suitable for ship building, sporting goods, toys, novelties, railway sleepers, carving, boxes, crates, turnery and pulpwood. The wood is also used as firewood and for charcoal production. Š 2019 Phoenix Global International

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