Collected Remarks
May 2019
Dedicated to all Horse Moms everywhere! Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Georgia Dressage and Combined Training Association, Inc. GDCTA is a Group Member Organization of USDF.
President Caren Caverly Gala, Horse Show, Awards 770-713-4025
VP Eventing Rebecca Bowman 859-489-8141
VP Dressage Erin McCloud Instagram, Kudzu Clinics 404-538-6749
Treasurer Peter West 762-448-9049
Recording Secretary Joanne Morse Eventing Events 770-313-6283
Corresponding Secretary Peri Lambros 678-372-4105
Julie Shannon Education, Dressage Events 770-569-9555
Liz Molloy Youth programs 770-634-4089
Amanda Garner Collegiate Programs 404-245-6688
Lori Goodwin Youth Programs 404-226-1770
Amanda Moretz Grants 404-435-5823
Susan Collins 404-558-5034
Committees Grant Chair Barbara Taylor 404-274-4411 Fax 770-727-0146
Membership Chair Mary Lou Freil 770-330-2489
Schooling Show Coordinator and Recognition Chris Hutchings 404-630-9133
Volunteer Coordinator Heidi White 706-48-6305
Volunteer Appreciation Program Kelley DeLaPerriere 770-653-7722
Social Media – Website Manager June Brewer 678-677-4404
Newsletter Co-Editor Penny Morse 770-3168655
Newsletter Co-Editor June Brewer 678-677-4404
Sponsorships / Public Relations Open Position
In This Issue STORIES
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On the Cover
For information about advertising in the Collected Remarks newsletter, please email:
COVER IMAGE: Leslie O’Neal Olsen with her sons Drew and Christopher Ad space is limited. Scheduled ads are due by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Information about advertising is also available online at: The deadline for articles is also the 5th of the month prior to publication. Advertisements and Articles should be emailed to: The advertisiements contained herein are paid advertisements. The information is provided by the service provider. The GDCTA makes no specific recommendations for any particular company, individual, or service.
Here you'll find What You Need to Know! Find more at
BOARD OF DIRECTORS The next meeting will take place May 20 at 7:00 PM at Shannondale Farm 2395 Birmingham Rd Milton, GA
CLINICS - Tickets are on sale now! Jun 22-23: Adult Dressage Clinic
Jul 25-28: Adult Dressage Camp
May 11-12: GADS Aug 3-4: Summer Finals Aug 31/Sep 1: LDC Oct 11-13: Championships
For more information on our volunteer program, email Heidi White or go to Sign Up Genius to pick your volunteer job right away!
Extended to May 15th!
The Equestrian Journal will again donate journals to each of our grant winners.
Advertising information can be found here:
Accepting Grant Applications through June 1st.
High resolution candid and winning photos should be sent to
JOIN THE GDCTA COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP GDCTA membership year is December 1st through November 30th each year but you can renew/join now for 2019. Join here:
GDCTA Instagram: @gdcta @gdctayouth
Volunteers are a huge part of the success of our horse shows.
GDCTA Facebook Group:
Get socialized!
GDCTA Facebook page: GDCTA Youth Facebook page:
KUDZU KLINIC COMMITTEE If you would like to be a Kudzu Klinic clinician or would like to hold a KK in 2019 at your facility, please contact Erin. Erin McCloud 404-538-6749
DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR ASSOCIATION? Please take the time to visit the GDCTA website at to sign up to receive emails about the events that are happening here. The sign up section is located on the top of the home page.
Enjoying the Ride, While Still Being a Mom! By Leslie O’Neal Olsen I have worn a lot of hats in my life. Instructor, trainer, " R" dressage judge, BronzeSilver medalist, competitor thru Grand Prix and Mother. Of all the hats I've worn in my life being a Mother has been the hardest for me. I was not prepared for Motherhood....Ladies that has to be the hardest job in the world!!! I tip my hat to each and every Mom out there. Now days there are apps available to support and help all Mothers who feel overwhelmed trying to balance out work and being a Mom. When the boys were born, we had land lines there were no computers or cell phones. However, there were 15 to 20 horses that needed to be fed, 16 stalls to clean, repairing fence boards and busted water pipes was an everyday task. My boys literally grew up in a barn!
We all worked at Willowbrook including my late brother Terry. I also had the best working students who helped with all the chores including picking the boys up from Oak Mountain school and babysitting. We had horse shows or clinics on the weekends something was always going on at Willowbrook! We played hard and we worked hard!
They rode 4 wheelers, had roping horses and were both on the High School Rodeo Team. They are both grown now; Drew has a farm in Roopville and trains horses while Christopher works and lives in Texas. He loves Texas... I wish he would move back home! I think they are both healthy and happy and that's about all a mother can ask for at the end of the day.
Looking back on the early days nothing was easy.... Drew was born in 1985 and he cried all night long until 1986. I don't know why but the only thing we could do was drive him around all night!
The next morning the horses needed feeding and my day started all over again teaching, riding and cleaning the barn.
It's a tough job and you can't do everything. My problem was I thought I could handle it all!! Even remember saying I will never make the same mistakes with my boys that my Mother made with me. How stupid and how funny!! My Mother did the best she could...we all do the best we can. Happy Mother's Day everyone!! Leslie Enjoy Your Ride!
Do the Math! I started out with a great premise— if event riders would just improve their dressage score by four or five points (presumably by concentrating on it and taking more lessons), they would place higher at the end of the (Sun)day. Obviously standing near the top of your division after the first phase makes everyone else have to play catch-up, and you don’t have to hope others will falter. So, I went on line to research past results to see how various scenarios had actually played out. I was less concerned with riders who had completed their dressage near the top and either maintained their standing or moved down with jumping or time faults. More to the point where riders in the bottom 2/3 after dressage who had jumped clean but had moved up “only so far,” their dressage shortcomings keeping them out of the ribbons. I searched primarily in the “Rider” divisions thinking they would be less experienced at the level at which they were competing but also did general searches across the board at all levels. I did find individual anecdotal evidence that supported my original contention, and for each of those the message should be obvious. However, more generally, particularly at the lower levels riders who placed well in dressage tended to go clean and maintain their standing. But clearly if they had been first after dressage and not fourth by a couple of points, their outcome would have been different. Farther down the bracket often if they had a weak dressage, jumping problems had followed as well. At the more advance levels time faults on the cross country came more into play, again a few fractions which could have been made up in the dressage phase rearranging the placings. So, my earthshattering discovery has been more or less left on the cutting room floor. That said, it stands to reason that every point you accrue is equal to every other one, and every way you can avoid or minimize them, the better you are in the long run. There are the great overriding issues that come down to how sophisticated a rider you are: Is your horse really round and through and energetic? While lively, is he soft and permeable, and does he carry himself or brace against you and drag you around? Is he honestly on the aids, or is he posing?
As a judge the two words which I least like to use to describe a test are “coasting” or “cruising.” They imply a passivity on the rider’s part— an abdication of your duty to present your horse in his best possible light. These are all qualities in your riding which take a long time to master. Meanwhile, there are lots of ways not to throw away points that could mean the difference between primary colors and an insipid pastel ribbon. Here’s a quick short list: Straightness on centerlines. Accurate figures including circles which have no accidental corners. Movements which happen when they are called for: If the test says “Canter at K and proceed on the long side,” it doesn’t mean do it somewhere in the corner while the horse is still bending. That’s missing the difficulty that the movement is asking for. Likewise, unless otherwise stated, transitions happen at the letters—that means when your shoulder is at the mark. They need to be smooth and prompt. You give away points if you trickle into the trot in an aimless jog. Remember: it’s really not rocket science. Look at the good riders. Study the good videos of horses at your level. And do your homework. Put those extra points in your back pocket, and be sure to feed your horse lots of carrots while you’re sipping the bubbly after your victory lap. Many thanks to Kem Barbosa (USEF “S”) for suggesting this topic.
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By Brooke Taylor “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” A refrain repeated by mothers across the world to their children. And why? Because words can hurt. In honor of Mother’s Day, it seems like a good time to delve into probably some of the best advice ever given as it relates to the complex relationships developed in show programs around the country. Every barn seems to have a barn gossip. As much as programs claim to be “no drama” and “inclusive”, the fact remains that when you put very competitive people in a close environment it seems hard for some to resist the urge to start the rumor mill turning. “She doesn’t ride enough. She doesn’t even deserve to go to a recognized show.” “Why can’t she jump higher than a cross-rail by now?” “I heard she stopped leasing because she can’t afford it anymore.” “I hate to say it; she just likes to brag about herself.” These are, seemingly, fairly trivial statements so why do we do it? Why do we feel entitled to comment on other’s lives? In a world where we are mostly judged on appearances, it can be hard to forget the compassion and humanity our mothers spent years instilling into us. When someone is faster, better, has nicer horse or fancier clothes, the green-eyed monster can rear its ugly head. Chances are you’ve been a part of a friendly conversation that turns into gossip about someone. We all have. It’s human nature to want to know what everyone is up to. Everyone wants to find their place to fit in. The problem with gossip is that it leaves little room for positive connections. The negative sort of seeps in and promotes toxicity and complication into an already complex situation. In a competitive show environment, this can have a massive impact on your riding, your horse’s performance and your enjoyment of the sport.
If there is something that we all need at this sport and in life, it is encouraging and constructive friendships which help boost our confidence and our execution of the skills we have spent so much time learning. It is hard enough to remember where to turn, halt, or jump without the constant background noise of the group gossip. Every person has the power to shift the dynamic when this happens. Gossip doesn’t exist without contribution. It can be shut down with a simple change of subject or walking away. While this is many times easier said than done, it pays to remind ourselves that eventually the subject won’t be someone else – it will be you. And, so, like our mother’s taught us we should remember to treat others how we would like to be treated. The power of competitive, strong and capable riders can be harnessed into something really special and positive. No, not everyone will get along and be great friends. But just because you aren’t friends, doesn’t mean that you have to be enemies. We can all embrace our relative strengths and weaknesses, accept each other for who we are and be supportive of the people who share our passions. Ultimately, we are all rowing the boat together when it comes to creating the environment of our second home at the barn. Find opportunities to be inclusive. Find opportunities to shift the conversation to be complimentary of someone. Find opportunities to encourage and inspire. Find opportunities to make your Mom proud of you.
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Passing on the Horse Loving Dream
By Samantha Bielawski
When it comes to the horse world everyone needs a village of support and the most important person in that village, for me, has always been my mom. The horse bug had simply gone from one crazy horse girl to the next when it came to us. Even from a young age my mom shared her passion of horses with me, from taking me to the barn with her, to me getting to tag along with her to the horse shows back when she was Eventing. From my first ever walk-trot test to my first time tackling a CIC two star (now known as a three star) she has always stood by and cheered for the great times and had my back during the hard times. These are some of the tales, in the spirit of mother’s day, of how my mom made me who I am today. When I was little I was the kid that you could not get off a horse without having to deal with absolute crying fits. My poor mother (whom was probably exhausted at this point) would be standing in the middle of an old round pen with me on my sisters’ hot little Welsh pony, running laps around her. Usually by this time I had caused a scene due to the fact I was crying and basically running this little pony as fast as we could go. The people at the barn we were boarding at thought my mom was “forcing me to ride”. In an annoyed tone I’m sure, she always replied, “I’m trying to get her off. I want to go home.”
Sandy Bielawski on Captain Trotski Big Bear around 1999, PHOTO: Shannon Brinkman
Fast forward a year or two my mom took me with her to the shows when she competed her heart horse Captain Trotski. For any moms that are trying to compete that are amateur riders and have their young child with them, it can be a struggle. To make me part of it in our own special way I was always instructed to get my helmet and to wait by the dressage arena for her to get finished with her dressage test then afterwards I always got to ride Captain back to the barn. This ritual got carried out after all the phases and every time I got walked Captain back to the barn with my mom I would help untack him. Watching my mom compete and put her best foot forward only inspired me to do the same. When I turned five I got my first pony, an old little hunter pony named Woodlands Isabella that I rode all over the place with my mom on Captain. It wasn’t until I was six that my mom told me, “if you want to compete you have to ride in a saddle”. With that she got me my very first saddle and from there I set my sights to showing just like my mom. When I was eight my mom did the biggest sacrifice a horse owner and mom could make, she let me compete her heart horse Captain at my very first ever event. We were at a Big Bear schooling show and on my first ever cross country course I fell off at fence two. My mom ran on foot to the fence (there was no jump judge at the fence) she got me back on and sent me on my way and I continued on to make it to the finish but was technically eliminated due to not fully understanding the between flag concept. Either way I was hooked and got to ride and compete Captain for six more years after that. My mom let her dream become my dream and made more sacrifices for me than I could ever imagine. Trusting me with the horse she loved the most, cheering me on from the side lines, walking cross country courses with me, and always telling me to go for it even when she is just as nervous as I am. For my mom and all the moms out there that made sacrifices to help our wild dreams come true, happy Mother’s Day.
Mom’s Lifelong Impact By Carole Ludwig
My parents married during the Great Depression and raised five children in the days when few jobs were available and Welfare checks non-existent. Neither parent had more than a fourth -grade education. I came to understand how Mama became the innovative person she was, and expected the same from her children. She proved time and again that no problem in life was beyond her ability to solve it. So I naturally believed that my incessant begging for a horse would certainly produce results. This effort started when I was five years old and was taken to the carnival that came yearly to the little Mississippi Delta town Belzoni. Mama gave me a dime for a ride at the pony ring. I was completely awed, not only about getting to ride, but also the scent and the feel of the pony’s back as he carried me around the ring. After the ride, Mama could not separate me from the encircling fence. I clung to it, watching the ponies and taking in the smell, Mama trying unsuccessfully to entice me to go see more of the carnival with her. Mama explained to me repeatedly in response to my begging for a horse of my own that we could neither afford to buy a horse, nor to maintain one. Nevertheless my begging continued for years until the Christmas I was eleven years old. We had moved to a rent-free converted chicken house in the country owned by Daddy’s boss. Mama raised a flock of Peking ducks and sold them to a Chinese grocery store for $30 enough to buy a thin, sorrel gelding and a $6 bridle. There was no money for a saddle, so I rode bareback until the next Christmas when she found a used Calvary saddle for $18.And so began my association with equines, and the love and success I’ve enjoyed with them. Another trait that my Mama had could be called non-interference with her children’s lives, sort of the opposite of “the helicopter parent”. Never did I hear her tell me that I could not do a thing that many parents would consider dangerous. I learned by my own mistakes. If I faced a
barrier with something I planned, I found a way around it. Even though she was not raised around horses, she taught me many things - how to fix a fence, how to restrain a horse by pinching its upper lip, how to tie certain knots r-things one might learn growing up in rural Missouri. Eventually my life as a teenager evolved into breaking and training horses and giving riding lessons to the children of wealthy plantation owners. I gave the money I made to Mama, and it certainly came in handy when Dad, in one of his drunken rages, took our used Studebaker and left for Texas. He stayed a year sending home only one $50 check. Mama started taking me to nearby horse shows where I paid expenses with prize money I made in jumper classes on a mare that was given to me as a yearling. That same mare, Biscay, became an important part of my life, going to Vet School at Auburn with me and living into her twenties. One might believe that the harsh life Mama had would have made her a humorless and unhappy person. Not True! She could see the humor in almost any situation, and some of my happiest memories are drying dishes for her in our little kitchen. We could always find something to laugh at, and sometimes I would have to pause my drying because we were laughing so hard, I’d drop a dish. One joke she liked to tell was that her uncle was sent to prison for stealing a short piece of rope: of course there was a horse attached to it. So who most influenced the good life I’ve enjoyed with horses? The only answer possible would be MY MOTHER!
Always a Horse Crazy Girl By Naida Mirza I won my bronze on Mother’s Day, three months after my mom passed away.
My mom loved to watch Julie ride my horse, Coraçáo de Leáo HM! She watched Julie train him up through the levels and loved to see how much Coraçáo had I always tell everyone that once a horse crazy girl, progressed in the year that had passed since her always a horse crazy girl. That was my mom. Horses previous visit. My mom would have been so proud were my mom’s passion until the day she passed away to have seen Julie compete him in his first Grand Prix two years ago at age 77. test! I started my riding in the womb. And then growing up, my mom would take us to the barn every day after she got off work, as well as on the weekends. Amazingly, two of my sisters, my mom and I managed to share two horses between us. When I moved to Florida in my early 20’s, I purchased my first horse and would call my mom for horse advice. This became our common bond throughout my life. I was fortunate to marry a great horse-husband who encouraged me to buy a horse on his 50th birthday! He tries to tell people that I decided to buy myself a horse on his birthday but that wasn’t the case! So, after eighteen horseless years, I was back in the saddle. About that time, we started our long tradition of going to the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event in Lexington, KY with my mom. She would call me a week before tickets would go on sale just to remind me that I needed to get everyone organized to order the tickets. She had a special suitcase that she packed as soon as she arrived home from Rolex so it would be packed and ready to go for the next year. I think this year would have been our 20th year! My mom lived in Pennsylvania so she rarely got to see me ride. Each year, for the last eight years, we would try to schedule a dressage show either the week before or after RK3DE and arrange her trip down to Atlanta so she could attend the show. At a minimum, I would take the week off and she would watch me take lessons every day with my trainer, Julie Cochran. I called it boot camp!
I miss calling my mom on my long drive back into downtown Atlanta from the barn to tell her about my lesson, or to call her after a show. I was so excited to call and tell my mom that I received a wild card invitation to the US Dressage Finals in the fall of 2016. She was so excited! She rode vicariously through my riding. My mom wasn’t doing very well that January 2017 but I was able to travel to Pennsylvania and share the professional photos from the US Dressage Finals. She was so proud of how far we had come! Sadly, that February, my mom passed away. A few months later, I rode my first Third Level tests and earned my Bronze rider medal…..on Mother’s Day. I will forever be grateful for all of the sacrifices my mom made in those early years so that I could ride, for the encouragement, and the love of horses that we shared throughout her life.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
Kathy Connelly & Betsy Steiner an Adult Clinic: In-hand and Under-saddle Training to create a winning partnership with your horse June 22-23 Shannondale Farm 2395 Birmingham Rd Milton, GA
This is a GDCTA clinic with a FORMER USDF Adult Clinic Series format.
Auditor Options: $80 / Weekend - Both Full Days (Included Breakfast/ Lunch)
Kathy and Betsy work as a team to showcase the importance of partnership, communication, and patience, offering their expertise alongside praise, admiration, and endless encouragement.
$40 / Weekend - Both Half Days (Either AM or PM & No Meals)
$50 / Each day, all day (Included Breakfast/ Lunch) $25 / Each day, half day
Event hashtag #AdultClinicGDCTA
(Either AM or PM & No Meals)
Tickets are available on the website:
Congratulations from The Equestrian Journal on your Grant Award from GDCTA! As you embark on your upcoming training, we hope to support your efforts to learn and grow from each experience with your horse. The Equestrian Journal is a great tool to organize your thoughts from daily sessions, track progress and habits on weekly basis, and process the big picture perspective each month.
One Component of a Well-Rounded Training Program
Monthly, Weekly, and Daily guided methods designed to help you: Record Your Training Experiences Practice Visualizations Develop Awareness Track Habits Plan Your Goals in Sport or Pleasure
Improve Memory and Retention Unlock Knowledge from Observations Gain Perspective on Progress Customize Your Next Step in Training Fulfill Your Potential
“In the busy and exciting world of training horses, The Equestrian Journal has been a lifesaver that helps me keep track of the daily progress of both riders and horses. It is a tool that my riders and I will never go without!” - Jennifer Flowers, FEI Rider & Competitor USDF Silver & Bronze Medalist • USDF L Graduate
Available for purchase on Amazon, Facebook, and
NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS~ GDCTA Training Grants The GDCTA Grant has been established to provide funding support for GDCTA member-riders who are working to sharpen their riding skills. Four grants of $800* each will be offered to GDCTA members for concentrated work with a trainer of their choice within one year of receiving the grant award. The grant is meant for a GDCTA members who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to and/or excellence in the sport as well as service and ambassadorship within the Association. Easy application – online or mail Apply before the June 1st deadline.
Barbara Taylor, Grant Program Committee Chair 404-274-4411 /
Thank you to the following members for their generous donations Alex M. Adams Leslie Allen Sarah Mitchell Ballou Jessica Beier Lori L. Bell Caryl Berzack Samantha Bielawski Kayla Born Erin Braden Mary Charlotte Bryant Fred M. Burdette Susan Burns Meghan Cameron Theresa Campbell Rhonda Cathy Richard Cohn Emily Copeland Sophia Cox Claire Davis Mary Bess Davis Susan M. Day Leeanna Dick Abbey Dondanville Ashley Dowdy Lily Grace Draper Martine Duff Tawn Edwards Liesel Fazekas Judith C. Fiorentino Paula Fisher Devon Fowler Jean Corbett Fowler Michelle B. Futral Susan Gampfer Caroline Garren Linden H. Gaspar Jeri L. Geary Pagan Gilman Abigail Goodwin Kathy Hedgepeth Emily Hewitt Hannah Hewitt
Diana Hollis Sophia Holloway Mark Hook Claire Howard Allisa Huestis Christa Welch Hutchings Melody Jackson Mikensey Johansen Elizabeth Jones Kay Kendzor Leigh Kent-Scherzer Rebecca Kestle, DVM Andrea L. Krakovsky Anabelle Kurtz Susanne Lauda Eleanor Lawson Valerie Levin Erin Lea McCloud Jennifer Melcher, DVM Anne Margaret Meyers Lisette Milner Naida-Ann M. Mirza Janie Montgomery Crol Morgan Elleene J. Morgan Dawn Mortimer Michaela Mosley Kimberly Murray Wisti Nelson Beth Nielsen Chantelle Noble Miriam Offermanns Leslie O’Neal-Olsen Emma Osmer Mary Ann Parker Janie Pride Robin G. Puryear Margaret Putnal Shelley Rahiya Sophie Redmon Gillian Robinson Aubrey Sabatino
Judith Sawall Leila Saxe Holly Scherzer Sarah Serban Katie Sisk Kelly Reed Slack Betty G. Smith Kimberly Schisler Sosebee Lisa Speed Holly Spencer Susan Stern Helena Stokes Elizabeth Syribeys Marline Syribeys Barbara Taylor Brad Thatcher Alethea Tinkle Claudia Tomaselli Karen Trout Marie Vonderheyden Sylvia Wade Chandilyn Wicker India Wilkinson Cheryl Williams Lindsay Wilson Virginia Woodcock Lauren Wright Hadiya Yarbou
Save the Date!
Summer Finals Schooling Show Aug 3-4, 2019 Wills Park Equestrian Alpharetta, GA Combined Training, Dressage and Western Dressage classes plus show jumping rounds (non-judged) Championship classes to be held Sunday, August 4th Lisa Seger Insurance AA Medal Dressage Seat Equitation 13 & under Dressage Seat Equitation 14 & up
Western Dressage classes - Intro, Basic, First and Second Levels. Website: Facebook:
Aug 2 GDCTA Youth Ride-A-Test Clinic Wills Park, Alpharetta, GA Facebook:
GDCTA EVENT CALENDAR (GDCTA Events are in RED) USEF/USDF/USEA, 2019 Show Season May 11-12 Greater Atlanta Dressage Southern Conyers, GA Sandy Donovan Aug 31-Sep 1 Labor Day Classic I & II Conyers, GA Sandy Donovan Oct 11-13 GAIG/USDF Region 3 Dressage Championships Conyers, GA Sandy Donovan
GDCTA Clinics & Symposiums Jun 22-23 Adult Dressage Clinic Kathy Connelly & Betsy Steiner Milton, GA Julie Shannon Jul 25-28 Adult Dressage Camp Jasper, GA Peri Lambros Nov 1-2 Trainer Symposium Milton, GA Julie Shannon
GDCTA-Recognized Schooling Shows (green=pending) 2019 Show Season May 11 Poplar Place Farm Hamilton, GA Launa DesPorts May 18 North Atlanta Equestrian Cartersville, GA Rebecca Bowman May 18 Oxer Farm Clermont, GA Sandra Carnet May 18 Full Circle Farm Pell City, AL Janice Ballard May 18 AYDC Conyers, GA Liz Molloy Jun 1 Big Cheese HT, CT, Dr Athens, GA Caroline Marlett Jun 1 AYDC Conyers, GA Liz Molloy
Jun 1 LEAF Gainesville, GA Dana Ferguson Jun 8 Chatt Hills Fairburn, GA Hugh Lochore Jun 15 Foxberry Farm 3-Phase Dallas, GA Kim Abernathy Jun 15 Poplar Place Farm Hamilton, GA Launa DesPorts Jun 22 Oxer Farm Clermont, GA Sandra Carnet Jul 13 Big Cheese HT, CT, Dr Athens, GA Caroline Marlett Jul 20 North Atlanta Equestrian Cartersville, GA Rebecca Bowman Jul 20 Poplar Place Farm Hamilton, GA Launa DesPorts
Caren Caverly GDCTA AWARDS CHAIR - Recognized & Schooling Shows / 770-713-4025
Georgia Dressage and Combined Training Association Regular Meeting April 15, 2019
President Caren Caverly called the regular meeting of the GDCTA to order on April 15, 2019, at 7:00 pm at Shannondale Farm, 2395 Birmingham Rd, Milton, GA 30004. Recording Secretary, Joanne Morse, performed roll call. A quorum of the board consisting of Caren Caverly, Peri Lambros, Julie Shannon, Erin McCloud, Liz Molloy, Joanne Morse, Lori Goodwin, Susan Collins, and Peter West were present. Also in attendance; Janie Pride and Maylyn Hinson. The minutes of the regular meeting for March 18, 2019, were sent and approved as corrected. Gala Chairperson, Caren Caverly: Joanne Morse suggested that we invest in a back drop for Gala photos to create more attractive photos. All board members agreed. We will begin looking for sponsors for an official photo back drop. Youth Chairperson, Liz Malloy: Youth Committee will be doing a meet and greet at the August GDCTA Schooling show. Liz was thinking about hosting an ice cream party and will be putting together a budget for it. o Letterman jacket program was addressed as the cost of the jacket was far exceeding the cost that is being passed onto the recipients. A motion was made to raise the cost of the jackets to $50 and leave the cost of the patches at $25 per application. This will help absorb a portion of the costs associated with the purchasing of the jackets. This increase will take place next year. Sponsorship: Dana Clark and Jane Pittman will be covering sponsorship together and have been sent all the necessary information needed to start. Regionals: The new arenas will be delivered to the horse park prior to the show. A few vendors have already sent in their applications. Kudzu Clinics, Erin McCloud is working on dates. Grant Chairperson, Barbara Taylor: Maylyn Hinson attended the meeting to discuss what she achieved with her grant money.
NEW BUSINESS The issue concerning the pony classes at dressage shows not being counted towards year-end awards was addressed. The board discussed in great length the pros and cons of adding in an award specifically for ponies. A motion was made to combine the 4-, 5-, and 6year-old award to be just a Young Horse award and add one pony award for dressage. The motion was seconded and went into further discussion. The concern is that we are opening the door for members to want us to offer additional breed specific awards. Motion did not pass. A second motion was made that we find a sponsor to give an award to the highest scoring pony of the year. We will advertise this award so that members are made aware of it. Motion was seconded. Janie Pride offered to sponsor the award. Motion approved with a unanimous decision.