Collected Remarks - October 2019

Page 7

GDCTA 2020 Election Candidate Profiles

The nominees for Officers are: Caren Caverly – President: I have served on the GDCTA Board for the

past 12 years and as President for the last 9 years. I am also the Chairperson for GDCTA Insurance, Annual Awards Gala and the Year End Awards. While on the board at GDCTA, I proposed and managed the 2009-2019 Schooling Shows at Wills Park and at the Georgia International Horse Park. I also organized the Gil Merrick Seminar along with June Brewer. I have been riding for over 55 years with the last 14 years focused on dressage. I currently own 1 horse, Solant (retired). I have also served as Treasurer for the Georgia Arabian Association for 4 years. My professional experience includes working as Manager and Buyer for Tack Tavern for 8 ½ years, followed by 15 years in the car business. I was the Assistant Manager at Dover Saddlery for over 8 years. I am currently doing Horse Show Management and going for my “r” TD license. On-going goals for the GDCTA include getting the Region 3 Championships back to Conyers and making them the most fun and successful championships. We also hope to continue the growing success of the Awards Gala. As President, I would like to see GDCTA host more educational seminars and junior activities. My personal goal is to make GDCTA the best GMO in the country – the one other GMO’s look to as the example of how things are done!

Rebecca Bowman – VP for CT: Rebecca Bowman is a horse trainer

from Cartersville, Georgia. She has been riding horse for over 40 years. She has ridden and trained mustangs, thoroughbreds, warmbloods, quarter horses to name a few. Rebecca has a strong emphasis on correct, forward riding, and incorporates some dressage into each horse she trains. Over the years she has competed in polo, polocrosse, race riding, dressage, pony club, jumpers and eventing and the Extreme Mustang Makeover. Rebecca manages and teaches at North Atlanta Equestrian, a 178 acre facility in Cartersville, Georgia.


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Collected Remarks - October 2019 by GDCTA - Issuu