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Kim Severson Jumping Clinic
GDCTA – Trophy and six ribbons awarded in each class for AA, Open and Jr/YR Classes will be run in their entirety and pinned AA, Open and Jr/Yr. Lisa Seger Insurance High Point Awards: for AA, Jr/Yr, and Open for Training Level through Fourth Level. One award for FEI levels, inclusive. Awarded in Saturday's Classes. Richards Equine Video - $100 to FEI High Score on Saturday. High Point Award – WILSUN will offer an award to the High Point JR/YR, AA, and Open Rider on both Saturday and Sunday. T.I.P. (Thoroughbred Incentive Program) - High Point Overall National Dressage Pony Cup High Point Ribbon “CA Solant” Perpetual Trophy for Top AA Average Score for Four GDCTA Recognized Dressage Shows. To be presented at the Annual Gala. Vintage High Point Award: for riders 50 years or older. Awarded on both Saturday and Sunday.

USEA/Jessica Duffy Photo
Are you interested in joining a committee for the USEA? The first step is to understand what role a committee plays in the USEA how decisions are made.
Committees make up one of the three main groups that support the USEA, along with task forces and the Board of Governors (BOG). Every committee reports to one BOG member, who ultimately makes the final decisions. Currently, there are 26 committees with anywhere from five to 25 members on each. These committees work together to come up with decisions involving handbooks, volunteers, scoring systems, and several other important factors.
Now that we know more information about the committees, the next step in joining one is to get involved in your local Area. Volunteer leaders are crucial and needed at the local level in Areas. Working and getting engaged locally is a great way to be appointed to a national committee. The best and easiest way to do this is to contact your local USEA Area.
Additionally, you can reach out to USEA Committee Chair members, or the Staff Liaison to the national committee, and discuss your interest in helping. People are added or approved to committees when spots become available or if additional help is needed. Both the USEA President, Max Corcoran, and the Board of Governors approve every committee member. Although this process is not always instant, people are often approved in a timely manner.
Committees and the members behind them are an integral part of the USEA. From small details to large decisions, USEA committees are there to come up with the best solution possible. Making connections within the USEA and your local Area is one of the best ways to get involved and have the possibility of joining a committee.
Useful Resources: • Contacts for Local USEA Areas: https://useventing.com/about/areas • Committee List: https://useventing.com/safety-education/forms-documents/usea-committee-and-task-force-list • USEA Staff: https://useventing.com/about/directory/usea-staff-directory
a glimpse behind the curtain