2 minute read
Letter from the President Caren Caverly
“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” — Charles Bowden
Welcome, Summer!
The original application deadline for GDCTA Training Grant applications HAS BEEN EXTENDED to July 1, 2021. You may still apply for your grant, but you absolutely must hurry. The deadline extension may increase the odds of securing a grant, particularly for members who have struggled with the application process. To go along with the grants, Catherine Respess will also provide The Equestrian Journal and give a journal coaching session to each grant winner to give them a “leg up” and fully enjoy the power of journaling! Super! If you have questions about the grants, please contact Janie Pride janiepride@yahoo.com / 706-326-4354.
Important Deadlines: June 1 – Advertising due for the GDCTA Yearbook June 7 – Rider applications (a simple email!) due for Jeremy Steinberg Clinic June 1 – July 1 - Grant applications due
GDCTA-hosted shows: Welcome our first Gold Plus Sponsor: Gumbits
May 15-16 Greater Atlanta Dressage Southern (GADS) I &II at the Horse Park August 21-22 GDCTA Summer Finals Schooling Show at Wills Park September 4-5 Labor Day Classic I & II at the Horse Park September 30 End of 2021 Show Season October 8-10 GAIG/USDF Regional 3 Dressage Championships at the Horse Park
Remember that scores earned at GDCTA-hosted shows, count twice toward the requirements! You could qualify for dressage in one two-show weekend. Woohoo!
With the events we have coming up, we need volunteers! Contact Heather Askew hdraskew@gmail.com 404-272-1789 or me to help us out. Volunteering allows you to connect to your riding community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference!
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
We have many activities coming up. If you are interested in participating behind the scenes, the Show Committee and Volunteer Coordinators would love to hear from you.
June 26-27 JJ Tate Dressage Clinic at Shannondale Farm July 24-25 Laura Graves Dressage Clinic at Shannondale Farm August 7-8 Jeremy Steinberg Dressage Clinic at Shannondale Farm Sept 11-12 Kim Severson Jumping Clinic at Starting Point Farm Sept 17-19 Dressage4Kids at GIHP, Conyers, GA
As usual, the schedule is flexible and may change. Watch the calendar on the website for changes.
If you have ideas or want to get more involved in general, let me know so I can send you a Zoom invitation to our boarding meetings monthly on the 3rd Monday at 7:00 PM.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Warmest regards,
Caren Caverly President, GDCTA ccaverly@comcast.net 770-713-4025