Gala: ccaverly@comcast.net
Caren Caverly 770-713-4025
Grant: haileysdq@gmail.com
Barbara Taylor 404-274-4411
Insurance: ccaverly@comcast.net
Caren Caverly 770-713-4025
Kudzu Klinics: wkssduffy@bellsouth.net
Kathy Duffy 770-442-9749
President: ccaverly@comcast.net
Caren Caverly 770-713-4025
Membership: gdctamembership@gmail.com
Mary Lou Freil 770-330-2489
VP Dressage: Julie@shannondale.com
Julie Shannon 770-569-9555
Penny Morse 770-316-8655
VP Eventing: plambros@bellsouth.net
Peri Lambros 678-372-4105
Newsletter Co-Editors: designonpenny@yahoo.com & webmaster@gdcta.org Schooling Show Recognition: gdcta.shows@gmail.com
Recording Secretary: joannemorse1@yahoo.com
Joanne Morse 770-313-6283
Sponsorship/Public Relations: scollinshcit@gmail.com
Susan Collins 404-558-5034
Treasurer: pwest@radix-consulting.com
Peter West 762-448-9049
Volunteer Coordinator: heidiann5683@yahoo.com
Heidi White 706-248-6305
Website Manager: webmaster@gdcta.org
June Brewer 678-677-4404
Ken Berry gdctaawards@gmail.com
Rebecca Bowman gallop766@aol.com
Susan Collins scollinshcit@gmail.com
Erin McCloud mcclouderinl@gmail.com
Elizabeth Molloy 770-634-4089 missliz@taramiaridingschool.com
COMMITTEE CHAIRS Ken Berry 404-735-5823
Collegiate Program: Amanda Garner amanda@epiphany-farm.com 404-245-6688 & Lauren Turner laturner423@gmail.com 843-224-8710 Education: Julie@shannondale.com
Cover photo . . .
Chris Hutchings 404-630-9133
Youth Liaison: Liz Molloy missliz@taramiaridingschool.com 770-634-4089
Newsletter Submission Guidelines
Carla Jimmerson 404-421-0509 carlajimmerson@hotmail.com
Awards: gdctaawards@gmail.com
GDCTA is led by your peers and exists to serve our members’ needs. If you would like to be involved with committee or just have general suggestions, please contact the appropriate member.
June Brewer 678-677-4404
Corresponding Sec’tary: Stephanie Beckwith spalbeck@gmail.com 404-428-8321
Julie Shannon 770-569-9555
Collected Remarks is the official publication of the Georgia Dressage and Combined Training Association, Inc. (GDCTA), a non-profit, exempt corporation organized under Section 501© (3). It is the monthly newsletter designed to inform, educate and entertain the membership. The Editor encourages members to submit original advertising, articles, photographs, and artwork for possible publication. Articles should be submitted via email and be PC compatible. Articles taking political positions or promotional in nature will not be considered for publication. ‘Collected Remarks’ reserves the right to reject any advertising or article deemed to be unsuitable for this newsletter. Make checks payable to GDCTA and mail to Peter West, 20 Wild Turkey Lane, Jasper, GA. 30143. All display ads should be submitted as a print ready PDF with images and fonts embedded or in a JPEG file. All articles and classified ads should be sent to the Editors via email (designonpenny@yahoo.com or horseprint@aol.com) and be submitted in PDF or Microsoft Word formats only. Editorial contributions are welcomed although publication cannot be guaranteed. GDCTA is not responsible for the opinions and statements expressed in signed articles or paid advertisements.
DISCLOSURE Complete GDCTA Board of Directors meeting minutes are available upon request to the Recording Secretary. Financial records are available upon written request to the Treasurer. For information regarding Awards, Schooling Show Recognition, Membership, Education, Youth Programs, the Website, etc., contact the appropriate chairperson for that committee.
BOARD NOTES Upcoming GDCTA events: Dec 8-10: GDCTA Cross Country Technique Clinic Levels: Tadpole to I/P at Gibbes Farm 244 Copperhead Rd in Saint Matthews, South Carolina. Questions: Beth at bstelzleni@gmail.com Dec 18: Holiday Board Meeting/ Potluck Party at Shannondale Farm 2395 Birmingham Road in Milton. 7:00 PM sharp. Contact Erin McCloud mcclouderinl@gmail.com with your dish plans. Printed Newsletter Cover Raffle [pg 9]~ Drawing Jan 27 at the Awards Gala. Purchase tickets on the website store page. Jan 27, 2018: Awards Gala at the Atlanta Marriott in Alpharetta, GA [pg 8]
A photo of you and your horse could be on the cover of Collected Remarks in 2018! Cover Photo Raffle GDCTA is extremely excited to be able to offer our members the chance to grace the cover of the Collected Remarks 2018 Keepsake Edition which will be out in the spring. All members are encouraged to participate!
To facilitate getting a high-resolution photo for the cover, the lucky winner will also receive a 30-minute photo shoot with a professional photographer! Tickets are $10 each and are available through the website store.
GDCTA IS PLEASED TO HOST REGION 3 CHAMPIONSHIPS OCTOBER 12-14, 2018 GEORGIA INTERNATIONAL HORSE PARK Sponsorship, Advertising, and Vendor information is available on the website. www.gdcta.org/oct-reg-3-champs
AWARDS GALA January 27, 2018 Atlanta Marriott Alpharetta, GA Bit.ly/Gala2018
CALENDAR (GDCTA events in red) USEF/USDF/USEA, 2018 Show Season May 12-13 Greater Atlanta Dressage Southern Sep 1-2 Labor Day Classic I & II Oct 12-14 Region 3 Championships
GA Sandy Donovan sandydonovan@gmail.com GA Sandy Donovan sandydonovan@gmail.com GA Sandy Donovan sandydonovan@gmail.com
Clinics & Symposiums DEC 8-10
GDCTA Cross Country Technique Clinic St. Matthews SC Beth Stelzleni
2018 Jan 27
Awards Gala
GA Caren Caverly ccaverly@comcast.net
GDCTA-Recognized Schooling Shows (green=pending), 2018 Show Season Nov 18 Hilltoppers PC Dressage and CT at Ashland Covington Farm Dec 2 Brookwood II Schooling Show GIHP Dec 16 Poplar Place Farm Hamilton
GA Christie Hansonmarensmeadow@gmail.com Megan Sanders msanders@brookwoodfarmsporthorses.com GA 706-582-3742
COMPETITORS The 2018 awards year began October 1, 2017 and ends September 30, 2018
Are you submitting your scores after each show? Make sure you are listed as a participating member! The list is on the homepage of GDCTA.org (scroll down)
Awards Chair—Schooling & Recognized Caren Caverly Ccaverly@comcast.net 770-713-4025