第十二届广东现代舞周 The 12th Guangdong Dance Festival
主办 Presenter 广东省文化厅 Guangdong Department of Culture
承办 Organizers 广东星海演艺集团、广东星海演艺发展有限公司、广东星海现代舞蹈艺术有限公司 Guangdong Xinghai Performing Arts Group, Guangdong Xinghai Performing Arts Development Co., Ltd., Guangdong Xinghai Modern Dance Arts Co., Ltd. 协办 Co-organizer 城市当代舞蹈团(香港)City Contemporary Dance Company (HK) 社区板块《在建设路上起舞》 Community Programme: Dance On the Way
合办 Co-presenters ( 《八十年代无处不在》 The 80's is Everywhere ) 信息时报、WHYHOW 思维创造社 Information Times, WHYHOW Social Innovative Venture 协办 Co-organizers 花园酒店、心系环市东、 Garden Hotel, I Love HSD,
届 二 第十 东 广 周 舞 代 现
舞蹈交织会是广东现代舞周于 2012 年设立的平台,主要展演中 国具专业水平的现代舞原创作品,提供迈入国际舞台的机会。本
次舞蹈交织会为期四天,展演 25 个舞团 / 艺术家的作品,除了
成名已久的舞团,如:广东现代舞团、香港城市当代舞蹈团、北 京雷动天下现代舞团外,也有广东现代舞团第一代舞者侯莹、施 璇及周念念连同自己的舞团载誉回归!另外更有台湾篇、香港篇 和澳门篇的主题场次以及来自马来西亚广东会馆舞蹈团的精彩节
目。舞蹈交织会除了让广州观众翘首以待外,更吸引了国内外艺 术节总监及策展人,令今年的节日特别热闹。 国际节目展演
来自八个海外国家的节目分别在剧场及社区的公共空间展演。剧 场上演的节目规模更是近年难得一见。来自德国的俗气公园剧团 与杂技带来跨界作品;以色列的平头舞蹈团带来一个充满黑色幽
默与剧场张力的大型舞作;加拿大编舞尼古拉斯·卡汀的作品是 一个前卫简约的双人舞;荷兰巴拿马映画舞蹈团的作品更与生活 息息相关,加上在社区节目板块上演的多个节目,每场都必定是 国际舞蹈盛宴。
每年一度的【广东现代舞周】今年迎来 20 场 40 部海内外节目以
及 32 堂大师课。节目分别来自八个海外国家,包括:德国、加拿大、 广州、南京、贵阳、长沙、香港、澳门以及台北共八个中国城市。 精彩节目分别于三个板块呈现:
广州花园酒店、心系环市东、广州信息时报,WHYHOW 思维创
造社合作,策划三组不同的活动,包括:舞蹈影像互动装置、舞 蹈演出和社区之旅。作为区内地标花园酒店于八十年代建成,是 《在建设路上起舞》中舞蹈影像互动装置与舞蹈节目上演的主场
地。九姑娘 @WHYHOW 思维创作社策划的《八十年代无处不在》 是关于建设新村的社区之旅,从肢体、建筑、邻里关系,让观众 重新体会“老广”的生活。
的志愿者朋友们致意,同时向参加演出的艺术家致以热烈的欢迎, 祝愿艺术家们与广州的观众一起度过愉快的舞蹈一周!
h t 2 1 e Th g n o d g n a u G e c n a D l a v i t s e F
The 12th annual Guangdong Dance Festival presents 40 dance
works in 20 performances to the Guangzhou public and brings 32 master classes to the dance community. Artists from 10
countries including Malaysia, Germany, Canada, Israel, the
Netherlands, Spain, Costa Rica, Denmark, U.S.A. and Scotland, and Chinese artists from 8 cities including Beijing, Guangzhou,
The DanceX networking platform was first launched in 2012. It takes place during the first 4 days of the Festival, sharing the
programs of Chinese choreographers. This year, 25 companies/ artists will present their works during DanceX. They include
established companies as well as up-and- coming new talents. DanceX will also welcome international festival directors,
theatre programmers, and professionals from 19 countries, as well as various cities of China. International Programmes
The Festival proudly presents the insightful and inspiring
work of 10 international companies/artists to the Guangzhou audience. The performances take place in both theatres and public spaces throughout the community. Community Program – Dance On the Way
In collaboration with the Garden Hotel, I Love HSD, Guangzhou Times Newspaper and WHYHOW Creative Association, the Festival presents Dance On The Way as the theme of this
year’ s community program. Built in the 80’ s, and a landmark of the community, the Garden Hotel will be the main venue of interactive dance video installations and public dance
performances. The walking tour, The 80’ s Is Everywhere, through the Jianshe streets, will recall some collective
memories of the city, as well as shed new insights into what it means to be a true“Guangzhou-er.”
Nanjing, Guiyang, Changsha, Hong Kong, Macau and Taipei
We would like to thank all partners, sponsors and volunteers
consists of three major elements.
visitors. We wish you a very enjoyable week of dance !
will take part in the Festival program. The Festival program
and to say a warm welcome to all performing artists and
长度 / Duration
六 / Sat
场地 / Venue 广东粤剧艺术中心 Guangdong Cantonese Opera Arts Center
4-colour printing:
20:00 Light purple 60C 70M Dark purple 60C 70M 50K
Spot colour printing:
Light purple Pantone 2665 Coated/Uncoated Dark purple Pantone 269 Coated/Uncoated
分钟 / min
本初 Point One
广东现代舞团(广州) Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GZ)
间引出一道无形的痕迹。不知不觉中,回归生命本初,不拘言语, 以身体运动,探寻表达的过程;不求形式,凭诚挚朴实,体悟内 里初衷。
Dance in the initial state of the body and the mind. Time doesn’ t speak, neither do you and I.
Without words, the bodies interact with each other in motion. When there are movements, there are energy consumed,
which leaves an invisible trace. Unknowingly, return to the
beginning of life, and explore the process of expressing using body movements instead of verbal languages. Forget about
the form, and comprehend the initiative inside with sincerity
©Nick CHAN; ©LI Pian-pian
and simplicity.
谭远波,2003 年加入广东省歌舞剧院。
variety of dance performances and has
团多次出访进行艺术交流。2007 年加入
Guangdong Modern Dance Company,
toured frequently. In 2007, TAN joined
LI Pian-pian and TAN Yuan-bo, two of the most promising
with which he performed extensively
choreographers in China, jointly present their brand-new work
in major international arts festivals in
泡· 糖》《一雲三》。2011 年至今为自由
Point One, after the success of previous work Point Zero. Point
舞者,期间参加了北京“南锣古巷艺术节” ;
One is an abstract, non-narrative dance that tends to explore
the true spirit of human nature and the initial state of physical
TAN has become an independent artist
Tang and Song for the Guangzhou
since 2011. He co-choreographed
Ballet Company in 2012. He is active
in different kinds of art projects, such
末》 受邀赴台湾 “2013 圆桌舞蹈计划” 与 “亚
as the Beijing Nanluoguxiang Theatre
裔新思维”。 2013 年首度联合李翩翩为
Festival, Project IChaos and Contingency
of Janis Claxton Dance in UK. His duet
Remove was invited by Almada Arts
Festival in Portugal. His solo Never
TAN Yuan-bo joined Guangdong Song
Ending was invited to perform in Taiwan
and Dance Theater as a dancer in 2003.
About Choreographers
LI Pian-pian first studied at the
艺职业学院现代舞教师。2007 年加入广
at the Beijing Dance Academy where
导系现代舞表导专业。2005 年任广东文
at Dance Round Table / New Asian
With the Company he has taken part in a
Guangzhou Dance School and later
she graduated in 2004 with a major
时、意大利等多个国家的国际艺术节展演, 多次获得好评与赞誉。在团期间创作的作
品有:《泡泡· 糖》《一雲三》《标记》。
in modern dance and choreography. LI worked as a dance teacher at
the Guangdong Artistic Occupation
Academy before joining Guangdong
2013 年首度联合谭远波为广东现代舞团
Modern Dance Company in 2007. With
the company she has participated in
many international arts festivals in such countries as the U.S., France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia,
Belgium, Italy, etc. LI has choreographed and performed in the works Thief,
Pharynx, Supervision Space and Point
Zero, all of which received high acclaim. 08
©Nick CHAN
编舞简介 ▲
李翩翩,2004 年毕业于北京舞蹈学院编
America and Europe.
About the Company
编舞 Choreography 李翩翩、谭远波 LI Pian-pian, TAN Yuan-bo
开放的前沿地和试验区,舞团一直吸引着全国深具原创精神的舞 者前来工作,并致力提倡开放性的思维,推动国内现代舞多元化
舞者 Dancers 余丽君、张聪斌、刘卿羽、 肖智仁、赵建瑞、胡藤腾、 贺敏、申婉莹、张雪峰、 黄美龄、陈艺洁、符彬靖、 张楚晨、彭汨 YU Li-jun, ZHANG Congbin, LIU Qing-yu, XIAO Zhi-ren, ZHAO Jian-rui, HU Teng-teng, HE Min, SHEN Wanying, ZHANG Xue-feng, Michele WONG, CHEN Yi-jie, FU Bin-jing, Belinda ZHANG, PENG Mi
发展。舞团除了演出本土编舞家的作品外,也多次与国际知名艺 术家与艺术团体交流合作,展现不同的艺术观点。舞团多变的艺 术风格,自然流露广东文化前瞻、包容及开放的特质。舞团曾多 次应邀参加国际艺术节及巡演,出访国家和地区遍布全球等。 Guangdong Modern Dance Company, founded in 1992, is Chinese Mainland’ s first professional modern dance
company. Based in one of the most vigorous regions in China, the company has attracted some of the most talented and daring artists in China to join, endeavoring to encourage
an open mind and promote the diversified development of
modern dance in China. Works created by its dancers, resident
s u o i l l e b e s r t A e s “ t a h t t i r i ” . sp e e r f e c n da ple’s o e y l -- P i a D 音乐 Music 李带菓 LI Dai-guo
choreographers, artistic directors and international guest
artists have won critical acclaim and overwhelming audience responses around the world. The company tours extensively
灯光 / 装置 Lighting/Installation 刘诗豪 LOW Shee Hoe
to many countries and regions around the world, in North America, Europe and Asia.
服装 Costume K@Fingpop
©Nick CHAN
舞团简介 ▲
中 逆 叛 在 “ ” 由 》 自 报 向 日 舞 民 人 《 ——
中国第一个现代舞专业表演团体,于 1992 年正式成立,由杨美
长度 / Duration
55 分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
About the Company
日 / Sun
舞团简介 ▲
施璇与周念念于 2014 年组建“璇·念”二人
languages and expressions. They have
and China to perform and give lessons.
since been touring between Europe
舞蹈组合,往返欧洲、 中国演出和授课。 施
Prior to that, they were the dancers
年代在广东现代舞团工作时已开始。 此前,
of the German dance company Sasha
Waltz & Guest. Meanwhile, they have
cooperated with artists from different
genres and have performed a series of
新博物馆和罗马 21 世纪国家艺术博物馆
……落 … … Down
的开馆展演。 他们也在法国亚维隆艺术节
2008-2010 年由 BASF SE 赞助,在萨莎·沃
works by Sasha WALTZ, including two
“Dialogue”productions for Berlin's
Neues Museum and the MAXXI Museum in Rome. They also improvised a dance
alongside the works of French painters
舞《平行》 ,并受邀参加 2009 年的柏林八月
璇·念(中国 / 德国) Xuan.Nian (CN/DE)
at the Avignon Arts Festival. Between
艺术节。 “璇·念”注重面对自我及身体的真
2008 and 2010, SHI and ZHOU created
the duet work Parallel, produced by
同的舞蹈表现语汇。 事情的开始即意味着结束。人们来来去去,起起落落;他 / 她忽 现又忽隐;生命从何联结?选择是否由人?我们在摆弄还是被摆 弄?答案在手还是迷茫依旧?
在璇·念的双人舞蹈《……落》中,两位编舞提出关于人生的一 些疑问和思考。两人对于答案不断探索的过程类似于他们之间似 有似无的联结,若隐若现的意象,以及有始无终的想法。
The beginning of something implies its end. People come and go, getting busy around. He or she appears, and then
disappears. How do our lives connect with each other's? Are we in control of things or being manipulated? Do we have answers to these questions or do the doubts remain?
In“… …Down,”the duet of Xuan.Nian, two choreographers
put forward a series of doubts and thoughts regarding life. The process of their constant quest into these questions resembles the on-and-off connection between them, the flickering imageries, and ideas that failed to be carried through. 12
编舞 / 舞者 Choreography/ Dancers 周念念、施璇 ZHOU Nian-nian, SHI Xuan 灯光 Lighting 马丁·豪克 Martin HAUK
Sasha Waltz & Guest as part of the
project“Choreographen der Zukunft”,
SHI Xuan and ZHOU Niannian together
which was supported by BASF SE. This
founded the dance duo X.N in 2014.
performance was invited to participate
Their focus is to face their true selves
in the 2009 Tanz in August Art Festival,
and their bodies with honesty, in order
to discover the unknown potentials
of the body and seek different dance
音乐 Music 汉斯·皮特·库恩 Hans Peter KUHN
服装 Costume 玛格丽特·海勒 Margaretha HELLER
鸣谢 Acknowledgements 斯特芬·多林、萨沙·华 尔兹、马丁·豪克、玛格 丽特·海勒、汉斯·皮特·库 恩 Steffen DOERING, Sasha WALTZ, Martin HAUK, Margaretha HELLER, Hans Peter KUHN
长度 / Duration
30 分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 那边艺术空间 THERE Art Space
About Choreographer
日 / Sun
编舞简介 ▲
自画像 Self-Portrait
编舞 / 舞者 / 视频 / 服装 Choreography/ Dancer/Video/ Costume 吴卉 WU Hui
吴卉,生活于广州的独立舞者及编舞。她 喜欢观察生活当中的细节,并将其收集、
当中的压力。2010-2013 年在担任广东现 代舞团全职舞者及培训部导师期间,随团
参与多个国际艺术节, 2013 年联合组建 “形 车间”。同年,团队作品《成人不宜》受
邀参加北京舞蹈双周及“中国舞蹈向前看” 在广州和香港的表演。2014 年在武汉发
起“身音计划”,以“行走的雕塑”命名, 游历武汉各个角落,走进社区、校园、建
吴卉(广州) WU Hui (GZ)
同年,参加 “跨界之夜晚的画室” 项目,
担任舞者及编舞,其中个人作品《自画像》 作品的灵感来自“坚持笑容”的体验。表演者对着摄影机一直保
持笑容 15 分钟。期间,一种由内而外的对抗一直持续着。5 分
WU Hui is an independent dancer and
什么样的状态下。在这 15 分钟里,坚持和保持的体验让表演者
Her works use different methods to
钟左右她的脸部开始抽搐,眼泪不停的流,分不清自己是在一种 对时间和生命有了新的认识。生命里都是反义词:生与死,喜与悲, 分与合,等等。生命的开始与衰竭都是由内而外的对抗与坚持。 This piece is inspired by the experience of“Keep
Smiling”,during which the performer smiles in front of a
camera for 15 minutes. After 5 minutes, minutes passes by, her face starts to twitch and her tears come down. Throughout the
process, there is a constant struggle between her body and her mind. This 15-minute experience refreshes the performer’ s
understanding of time and life. Antonyms, like birth and death, happiness and sadness, separation and reunion, are prevalent in our lives. From the beginning till the end, life is all about the resistance and perseverance from within.
choreographer based in Guangzhou.
evoke imaginations and emotions. As a choreographer, WU co-founded the
dance group Figure Theater with some Chinese independent dancers in 2013.
In the same year, their first production Figure was invited to perform in the
Beijing Dance Festival and the China
Dance Forward in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. In 2014, WU initiated the P.A
(physical + acoustic) Project in Wuhan, which was a series of site-specific
performances in various locations of
Wuhan City, such as local communities, campuses, markets and architectural
clusters. In 2014, her work Self-Portrait was
invited to tour in the U.S. with the state14
supported project Cross Over: Beijing.
长度 / Duration
日 / Sun
场地 / Venue 那边艺术空间 THERE Art Space
分钟 / min
二高表演(广州) Ergao Dance Production Group (GZ)
80 年代初,迪斯科在中国开始风靡,因为周遭环境的改变以及
西方文化的撞击,产生了许多关于这个年代的标志性符号:除了 迪斯科舞曲与迪斯科舞厅之外,墨镜、喇叭裤、红唇、蝙蝠衫也 慢慢演变成为时代的符号。
出品 Producer
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
他们却忘记身份、地位、或是性别,回归到人类纯粹的肢体或是 声音需求。或许,正是在如此节奏强烈的迪斯科舞曲之下,纯粹 的肢体与声音本身就可以传递“我”的存在状态。 我的存在是什么?来舞厅之内寻找答案。 Since the beginning of the 1980s, when China opened its
door to the world after a long period of political chaos, discos and disco music have burst into the mainland through Hong Bright lipsticks, wild hairdos and trendy clothes were also introduced.
©GU Tian-chang
Kong and quickly swept the country with huge popularity.
编舞 Choreography 何其沃 Er Gao
After decades being dominated by collectivism, the idea of
individualism was unleashed and the sense of self-awareness was wakened at the dance floor in China. Inside the disco,
舞者 Dancers 鄢妮、俞亚男、卢晓薇、 张凯森 YAN Ni, YU Ya-nan, Candice LOU, TEO Khai Shen
people forgot about their identities, social status and genders, and submitted to sheer instinctive pleasure brought by strong beats. Outside, they started to ask:“Who am I?” “What , am I
doing here?” “What , am I looking for?”.Disco in that particular era could be considered a container of various shapes and characters as well as an incubator for new trends.
灯光 Lighting 刘诗豪 LOW Shee Hoe
“What is my existence?”One asks. Come to the disco and find out.
About the Company
Its essence is the research of gender,
兴创作, “内核”在于探索性别、 身份识别与
the art form of dance. The works merge
identity and sexual puzzlement through
性的迷思。 其作品融合肢体、 空间、 现场音
physical movements, space, live music,
乐、 装置和视觉艺术,不断尝试新的身体语
installation and visual arts, constantly
explore new body expressions and
参加波兰华沙扎维若瓦尼亚艺术节、 北京
search for unknown possibilities of
交叉艺术节、 COART 亚洲青年现场、 香港
dance. The group has been invited and
I-Dance 艺术节、 日本当代舞蹈联盟、 香港
commissioned by various international
艺穗会乙城节、 乌镇国际戏剧节、 广东现代
festivals, including Poland Warsaw
舞周、 澳门艺穗节等各大艺术节。
Zawirowania Art Festival, Beijing
Crossing Festival, COART Festival, Hong
Ergao Dance Production Group,
Kong I-Dance Festival, Dance Wave
founded by independent dancer/
Fukuoka 2008, City Festival by Hong
choreographer ErGaoin 2007, is a dancer
Kong Fringe Club, Guangdong Dance
group dedicates in dance theatre and
experimental improvisational creation.
Festival, Macau Fringe and Wuzhen 18
Theatre Festival.
©GU Tian-chang
由独立舞者、 编舞何其沃于 2007 年在广州
音乐 Music 梁奕源 LIANG Yi-yuan
长度 / Duration
日 / Sun
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
分钟 / min
夜·奔 Fleeing by Night 盘伟信(香港) Wayson POON (HK)
八十万禁军教头林冲遭奸人陷害,被迫上梁山。他的出走是一次 决绝离开,也充满对当代城市生活的隐喻。林冲要去的是梁山, 城市中的我们又能够走向哪里?
鸣谢 Acknowledgement
LIN Chong, a heroic character in the famous Chinese fiction Water Margin, is exiled and becomes an outlaw for being
wrongly framed. This dance is inspired by LIN Chong’ s story
and uses his escape as a metaphor for fleeing contemporary urban life. LIN Chong flees into the Mount Liang (the
stronghold of the“righteous bandits”), but where can we flee
©ZHOU Yi-jing
to in the urban jungle?
About the Choreographer
典 古 国 中 用 录 借 的 “ 台 满 、 的 本 剧 文 平 、 映 转 投 等 像 法 步 和 困 段 的 身 港 香 走 出 喻 ” … 局… 枫 洛 ——
编舞 / 舞者 Chorographer/Dancer 盘伟信 Wayson POON
两地艺术界,是身体力行戏剧舞蹈工作室 及北京均然艺术中心创始人之一。代表作
新媒体艺术家 New Media Artist 曲倩雯 QU Qian-wen
等。曾为北京朝阳区文化馆 9 剧场驻场艺 团及中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院客席艺
音乐 Music 姚恩豪 Raymond YIU
于北京和上海的“觉”音乐 + 艺术节、重 庆“现场”巡演和冰岛巨魔艺术节演出; 以及应邀在英国伦敦担任让阿布鲁舞团作
品《蛛丝马迹》排练总监和助理编舞,并 在英国多地参与演出。
As a contemporary dance
choreographer & dancer, Wayson POON
actively works in the art industry in both mainland China and Hong Kong. POON is the co-founder of The Body Acts and Beijing Balance Art. His representative works include Behind, Untitled, and
Fleeing by Night. POON used to be a
guest artist of the Nine Theater resident art group at the Chaoyang District
Culture Centre (Beijing), as well as of the Trans-media Institute at China
Academy of Art (Hangzhou). Recently, his solo trans-media theatre piece
Fleeting by Night was on tour to the
Jue Festival in Beijing and Shanghai,
Chongqing’ s“Site”tour and Troll Art Festival in Iceland. Moreover, he was
invited to be the Rehearsal Director and Assistant Choreographer in Jean Abreu Dance’ s piece A Tread in London, and
participated in multiple performances around the UK.
©ZHOU Yi-jing
编舞简介 ▲
e h , t e r g u n t i t a r p e o t i d l a l s a y n c b i o i s “… se clas ect j o r p e o n i nd e a d i , Ch v e g g le a n i t p i s P t l mu lled the style of s fi g te that rformin ce) crea g e n in p a p d a e c h s s i t e h t t ( u , o a oper phor ab ation in g ta tu n i e s u m t F l a K cu O L ffi i the d Kong.” g Hon
长度 / Duration
日 / Sun
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
Facebook: voyarts
分钟 / min
土炮 Made in Hong Kong 旅艺团(香港) Voy Arts Ensemble (HK)
“八十后”男人的生活需要什么?我该如何努力才能达到“三十 而立”?是这个社会走得太快,还是我走得太慢?
鸣谢 Acknowledgement
我一路想,一路想。或许,“翻一翻”,用一个不同的角度看待 事情,我就能感受到我在生活,不仅仅是生存。
As a man born in the 1980s, what do I need in life? How hard
should I work to achieve independence when I reach thirty? Is
this society going too fast, or am I catching up too slow? I keep on thinking, thinking and thinking…
Maybe I should turn things around and see them from a
different angle. Then I can feel that I am living, rather than just
©Arthur MAK
About the Company
endeavors to keep seeking new goals in
in artistic productions. The Ensemble
的一半,寓意“人生就像一个未完成的旅 艺团宗旨就是要不断寻找新的表演艺术目
performing arts, organising and assisting aims to not only enhance artistic
accomplishment, but also introduce
performing arts to every corner in the
community, and more importantly,
present a positive life attitude and bring high energies to everybody.
Hugh CHO, the artistic director,
Academy for Performing Arts. Majoring
马来西亚等。他的编创风格一贯轻松幽默, 如何精确地融合毯子功、巴西战舞、街舞
graduated from the Hong Kong
舞者 Dancers 李朗轩、卢振宗、伍仲伟、 叶嘉茵 Hin LI, Gon LO, Steve NG, IP Ka-yan
in Contemporary Dance, his works not
only carry a relaxed and humorous
style, but also constantly blend with
The self-coined name‘Voy’is derived
different body movement forms include
from the word voyage. Its metaphoric
首演灯光 Original Lighting 李智伟 LEE Chi-wai
acrobatics, Capoeira, and street dance.
meaning is that“Life has always been
His works have been traveled to New
a never-ending voyage. You must
Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia,
constantly move forward to chase
an unforeseeable goal in front.”Voy
编舞 Choreography 曹德宝 Hugh CHO
etc.. 26
©Authur MAK
舞团简介 ▲
Voy“ 旅”, 取 自 词 语 voyage“ 旅 程”
住 才 居 的 的 活 迫 我 挤 死 表 和 你 作 小 个 动 狭 拼 及 至 “ 白 以 , 对 , 合 的 赛 艺比 曹以幽默 与名称配 —— 地 空间,的而且确 味道。” 的 现出来根、土炮 ny n 很有草空间》 u f ts s e n s e 评 u em 《艺 h CHO v o m g e t c u “H nd dan ce talen l, l r a a e s fi e m s n a li e t h n t e s e nd e (in r a p n o t io c t a i t p e s its p g u s n m i d v i co e l e d d e n i d d t w I n . o a ) r e c c ng n o a K d g Hon le of the ssroots ra it t g , e l h t ca o l a SM i s T e R v A gi ” r. o v a fl 27
音乐 Music 史嘉茵 SZE Ka-yan
长度 / Duration
日 / Sun
场地 / Venue 蓓蕾剧院 Bei Lei Theater
分钟 / min
大地·震 Earth/Quake
北京雷动天下现代舞团(北京) BeijingDance/LDTX (BJ)
品融合超现实主义手法与浪漫主义情怀,颠覆时间和空间的概念, 构建一个独特的框架连接起“大地的裂变”与“灵魂的震荡”。 《大
地·震》既是一部追逐理想的喜剧,也是一次对人类心灵的虔诚 探访。
Earth/Quake, a large-scale dance drama, is the first
collaborative work between renowned choreographer YANG Wei and BeijingDance/LDTX. The work attempts to depict
the complicated human nature revolving around the battle
between its bright side and its dark side. Mixing a surrealistic approach with a romantic touch, it overturns the senses of time and space, creating a unique structure that links“the
cracking earth”with“the quaking souls”.Earth/Quake could
be considered a comedy of idealism and a devout visit to the
©YIN Peng
human heart.
编舞简介 ▲ About the Choreographer
杨威,国家一级编导,2008 年第十三届
YANG Wei, a“National First-rank
Deputy Executive Director of the
残奥会开幕式执行副总导演,2011 年中
Choreographer”in China, was the
’ 动 雷 术 ‘ 艺 “ 的 肃 严 演 其 的 以 齐 整 立 和 确 念 加 理 更 , 容 员阵 中国现代 在 的 其 代 了 替 可 不 —— 界 ” 舞 。 置 位 》 要 报 重 化 文 国 中 《
奖章获得者,荣获中国舞蹈艺术 “突出
Opening Ceremony of 2008 Summer
贡献舞蹈家”称号 ,“中国艺术工作者德
Paralympic Games and the Dance
Director of CCTV Spring Festival Gala
2011. She received many honours,
including the“Advanced Individual
Award”at the Beijing Olympic Games
CCTV 电视舞蹈大赛金奖、全国、全军舞
2008,“The Outstanding Contribution to
蹈作品金奖等。代表作包括: 《梅兰芳》、 《红
Dance Award” “High , Artistry and Virtue
长》、 《海那边》、 《云上的日子》、 《较量》、 《阳光下的我们》、《我们在黄河岸边》、
©YIN Peng; ©LI Wei-hao
Award”among others.
Her major works include: Red Plum Praise, The Princess Wencheng and
Goddess Nv Wa Patches Up the Sky.
About the Company
舞团简介 ▲
/ e c n a d D e g h s n i i l j i b e a t s “B e s a h e l X b T a e LD c s a l ’ p a e n r i r i h e its on in C c n a i d t i y r a r pos o p s t m i e t h con throug e h t n e i n n e io d sc s e i t v a r e g u e q t i in un ” n . s a r d e n m a r art f perfo e o r t u s t l ca u C a n i h -- C al n r u Jo
北京雷动天下现代舞团成立于 2005 年 9 月,由曹诚渊与李捍忠联合创办,是中国
蹈团体。曹诚渊担任舞团团长及艺术总监, 李捍忠出任执行艺术总监,团员来自中国
各地,拥有精湛的舞蹈技术和优秀的创作 才华。雷动天下在中国推动现代舞,提供
编舞 Choreography 杨威 YANG Wei 编剧 Script 妮南 NI Nan
舞美 Stage 王瑞国、王瑞宝 WANG Rui-guo, WANG Rui-bao
良好的艺术平台,让中国的舞蹈家充分以 肢体为工具、动作为媒介,展示各自不同 的形态、思想和情感。除了在北京组织演 出、培训、交流等项目之外,雷动天下也
音乐 Music 刘彤 LIU Tong
代表中国,参加许多国际项目,足迹遍及 美洲、欧洲、大洋洲及亚洲。
服装 Costume 张家铭 Jemmy ZHANG
Founded in September 2005,
BeijingDance/LDTX (Lei Dong Tian
Xia, literally translated as“Thunder
舞者 Dancers 宋婷婷、汤婷婷、龚兴兴、 李可华、范璐、金晓霖、 刘莹莹、阿迪亚、高扬、 刘学芳、马越、颜涵懿、 袁喆伦、刘斌 SONG Ting-ting, TANG Ting- ting, GONG Xingxing, LI Ke- hua, FAN Lu, JIN Xiao- lin, LIU Yingying, ADIYA, GAO Yang, LIU Xue- fang, MA Yue, YAN Han-yi, YUAN Zhelun, LIU Bin
Rumbles Under Heaven”) is China's first professional dance company founded independently from the government. Under the artistic direction of Willy TSAO, China's foremost figure in
modern dance, and Deputy Artistic
Director LI Han-zhong, the Company boasts an ensemble of technically exquisite dancers and a diverse
repertoire. With a new generation of artists in China, BeijingDance/LDTX
is a platform for creativity and serves
as both a leader and a catalyst for the
contemporary culture and the modern
dance appreciation movement. Besides performing regularly in Beijing, the
Company has represented China and toured extensively all over the world,
appearing in America, Europe, Australia and Asia.
长度 / Duration
60 分钟 / min
一 / Mon
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
在希望的田野上 In the Field of Hope 杨朕(北京) YANG Zhen (BJ)
朋友,别让意志消亡,别让色彩黯淡。在希望的田野上,我们阳 光灿烂!
忆。舞蹈将过去老一辈被浪漫化了的精神,连接今天年轻一代的 无言失落,产生一种格格不入的、却又强烈的视觉和听觉冲击。 My friends, don't let the will die, don't let the colors fade. In the field of hope, we are as bright as the Sun!
The choreographer applies Chinese old songs such as In the
Field of Hope to this dance to evoke the audience's collective memory of a certain era in China. This dance, through
connecting the romanticized spirit of the older generation with the young generation's sense of loss, creates a very
©QI Ray
compelling audio-visual experience.
About Choreographer
of Minzu University of China. With a
in everyday life and reflects upon his
编舞 / 灯光 / 服装 Choreography/ Lighting/Costume 杨朕 YANG Zhen
youthful insight, YANG finds inspiration
舞者 Dancers 高天、吴雅琦、陶思烨、 秦玉亭、曾桂、曹宁、 杨朕 GAO Tian, WU Ya-qi, TAO Si-ye, QIN Yu-ting, ZENG Gui, CAO Ning, YANG Zhen
country, society and human beings.
His creations have been performed
in Beijing, Gunagzhou, Shanghai and
Hong Kong. One of his works, Just
十一届广东现代舞周,并受到德国慕尼黑 第十四届国际当代舞蹈节的邀请,演出后
Go Forward, was invited to the 11th
Guangdong Dance Festival, and to the
14th International Contemporary Dance
视频 Video 关尔赫 GUAN Er-he
Festival in Munich, Germany, where it
was received with great enthusiasm.
His works include Aria, Root, Just Go
Majoring in choreography, YANG Zhen
音乐 Music 齐慧敏 QI Hui-min
Forward and In the Field of Hope.
graduated from the Dance Department
All photos ©QI Ray
编舞简介 ▲
长度 / Duration
20 分钟 / min
一 / Mon
场地 / Venue 那边艺术空间 THERE Art Space
有机秩序 Organic Order 俞亚男(广州) YU Ya-nan (GZ)
间中探索关于可视性与不可视性,通过一系列身体与空间、物件 的发展在视觉与感知中重组推进。划破视觉的凝固,将痕迹视为 发生的佐证。
在空间中不断交叠变化,将“我”的身份消隐,抽离成一个符号 或是一个纯粹的人类躯体。那么作为一个符号时是否可以重新建 构“意义”?
This piece was choreographed from the perspective of beauty in mathematics. It explores both the visibility and invisibility
in a multidimensional space, including the logical relationship of body movement, the geometric relation between body and and sounds. During a series of development, it marches
forward using mathematic rationality through the overlapped sense and visual perception of dancing.
* 该作品于上海外滩美术馆驻地创作及首演 This site-specific work was created and premiered at the Rockbund Art Museum.
©Rockbund Art Museum
space, as well as the organic combination of bodies, things
编舞简介 ▲ About the Choreographer
Wuhan-born YU Ya-nan received
including conceptual art, fine art and
舞。 曾 于 2010 年 加 入 广 东 现 代 舞 团,
traditional folk dance at a young age. YU
function of the body in performing arts
training in Chinese classical dance and
10 岁时开始学习中国古典舞及民族民间
joined the Guangdong Modern Dance
2014 年成为独立艺术家,并在广州、北
Company in 2010. Since 2014 she has
started to show art pieces in Guangzhou,
mathematics, YU constantly explores the and expands new physical expressions
音乐 Music 法卡特罗 VACATELLO
in contemporary arts.
Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong
服装 Costume 詹文同 ZHAN Wen-tong
as an independent artist. Mixing her
dance background with other genres,
©Rockbund Art Museum
编舞 / 舞者 Choreography/Dancer 俞亚男 YU Ya-nan
长度 / Duration
8 分钟 / min
一 / Mon
场地 / Venue 那边艺术空间 THERE Art Space
归零 Return to Zero
北河身体剧场(南京) BeiHe Dance Theatre (NJ)
归零是一种心态,也是一种状态,在循环往复中放下心中的沉与 浮,用空杯、谦虚的心态回归到最初的状态。
Returning to zero, or back to the beginning, refers to a mental state as well as a physical one. When moving in circles, let
go of the inner unease and return to the initial state with an innocent and humble heart.
舞团简介 ▲ About the Company
Dance Theatre focuses on creating and
the motto“Where there is body, there is
表演团体,创立于 2012 年,践行“有身
theater”, the Company dedicates itself
北河,是北河舞者,2013 年加入北河身
to promoting the art of dancing. LI Shi
Founded in 2012 in Nanjing, the BeiHe
编舞 / 舞者 Choreography/ Dancers 李欣蒙、李诗 LI Xin-meng, LI Shi
performing contemporary dance. With
音乐 Music 吴景略 WU Jing-lue
and LI Xin-meng are BeiHe dancers who
joined the BeiHe Dance Theatre in 2013. 42
长度 / Duration
20 分钟 / min
三 / Wed
场地 / Venue 那边艺术空间 THERE Art Space
时间之内 Within the Time
WDS 现代舞团(贵阳)WDS Dance Company (GY)
这支舞蹈尝试讨论生命中一些深刻的东西。 生命开始之初,时间机器就已经启动,这注定是一场单程的旅行。 我总在问自己将去向何处。现状让我更加相信,这个世界上还有 另一个一模一样的自己,做着我想要做的事情。所以我们一直在 寻找着那个自己。未知在记忆碎片中不断再现,却又模糊不清。 我们之间、时间之内是一个寻找自己的旅途。
This piece of dance attempts to discuss some profound ideas
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
贵阳市舞蹈家协会、 马玲、任展 GuiYang Dancers Association, MA Ling, REN Zhan
about life.
The‘time machine’starts running as the journey of life
begins. But this journey is meant to be one-way, in which I
keep asking myself where to go. The current situation makes
me believe that there is another identical me in the world. This
‘another me’does things that I long to do. Therefore, we are constantly resurfaces among the fragments of memories, yet
it is ambiguous. The journey of self searching lies between us and within the frame of time.
All photos ©ONE Studio
always in the process of searching ourselves. The unknown
About the Company
and has toured with the Company in
and participated in the opening
编舞 Choreography 乌宏志 WU Hong-zhi
Hong Kong, Belgium and Switzerland
ceremony of Sino-European Cultural
舞者 Dancers 乌宏志、谢顺 WU Hong-zhi, XIE Shun
Exchange Year.
The name of WDS means“Wake
WDS 现代舞团由乌宏志于 2012 年成立于
视频 Video 慕然、一米堂、秋墨明 MU Ran, ONE Studio, QIU Mo-ming
up the Dancing Soul”.In 2012, WU
贵阳。WDS 意为“唤醒舞蹈灵魂”。成
founded the WDS Dance Company in
Guiyang city. The name of WDS comes
from "Wake up the Dancing Soul".
服装 Costume 曹晶晶 CAO Jing-jing
The Company members are young
dancers, who are actively pursuing
their careers. These energetic young
州当代舞蹈的现状。WDS 集策划、编排、
dancers are rooted in the diverse
minority cultures of Guizhou and
opento the contemporary art trends.
They strive to create their own works
and invest in Guizhou's contemporary
WU Hong-zhi, a young Jingpo ethnic
dance scene.
dancer. In 2010, he was awarded a
WDS is the first contemporary dance
fellowship from CCDC to further study
company in Guizhou Province. Despite
contemporary dance in Guangzhou, and
the short history of only three years,
he later joined the Guangdong Modern
WDS endeavors to become a new
Dance Company (GMDC). WU took part
driving tone of China's contemporary
in many of the Company's productions
©ONE Studio
舞团简介 ▲
乌宏志,景颇族青年舞蹈家,2010 年获
长度 / Duration
一 / Mon
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
分钟 / min
抽屉人 选段 Cabinet Anthropomorphic (excerpt) 张婷婷独立制作(台北) T.T.C Dance (TP)
中象征性的抽屉符号舞动,编舞试图引发一场时间与空间的对话。 这里,记忆和秘密都被储藏于在心底深处的“抽屉”里。
Inspired by the works of surrealist Salvador DALI, this dance
builds an imaginative world full of aesthetics between the real and the surreal. With dancers moving around a collection of
DALI's symbolic cabinet drawers, the choreographer attempts
to create a dialogue between time and space. Here, memories and secrets are stored away in‘drawers’in the far reaches of
©T.T.C Dance
the mind.
About the Company
McKayle. Based in Taipei, T.T.C Dance
Etude 舞团排练指导。张婷婷独立制作于
contemporary dance company. The
was established in 2012 as a non-profit
2012 年在台北成立。团队宗旨期望回归
Company aims to explore the delicate
舞者 Dancers 吴秉铮、许彤、黄曼钧、 斋藤亚琦 WU Ping-cheng, HSU Tung, HUANG Manjyun, SAITO Aki
interaction among movements, feelings,
and imagination. It is a continuous
experimentation on the fusion of
Eastern and Western aesthetics and
dance theater through inter-and cross-
灯光 Lighting 吴文安 GOH Boon Ann
disciplinary collaboration with different
系列:抽屉人》入选第 11 届台新艺术奖
artists and art forms. T.T.C Dance's debut
初选及法国亚维侬外围艺术节。2014 年
performance, Cabinet Anthropomorphic,
was nominated for the 2012 Taishin Arts
视频 Video 林经尧 LIN Jin-yao
Award. The company has performed
at Festival d’ Avignon Off, WDA Global
Summit in Angers, France, Spotlight
音乐 Music 李世扬、黄钟莹 LEE Shih-yang, HUANG Chung-ying
Project in UK, Asia Pacific Dance
Bridge in Singapore, among others.
Cultivating creative energy, T.T.C
Dance wishes to develop itself as an
CHANG Ting-ting is the Artistic Director
international company that excels in
of T.T.C Dance. She studied under
quality choreography and inspiring
legendary modern dance master Donald
's e c n d a e t D a r .C g T . e T t “… ction in live , u e d g o a r u p g n l a a l u y s bod , and vi ght the li ic s h u g i h m s o ' i t l s a t D c f e o ff e m s i l a e r r u s ” … s 的 work 作 制 立 A N 独 现 婷 、 -- C 婷 言 张 语 … 体 身 “… 出 合 突 糅 去 过 果 通 主 效 实 作品 和视觉 现 超 的 场音乐利画作里 表现达” 社 新 … 华 ─ 义… ─ 编舞 / 服装 Choreography/ Costume 张婷婷 CHANG Ting-ting
©T.T.C Dance
舞团简介 ▲
长度 / Duration
一 / Mon
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
分钟 / min
我们选择的告别 The Time
野草舞蹈聚落(台北) The Tussock Dance Theater (TP)
这支舞蹈作品向观众提出了 一个关于爱的严肃问题。 How deep has love to be to bear the weight of life and death?
All photos ©ZHANG Xiao-xiong
This piece of dance raises a serious question about love.
舞团简介 ▲ About the Company
He was a student of Prof. LUO Man-
used to be a professional dancer at
于 2013 年。舞团以鲁迅散文诗集《野草》
fei and Prof. ZHANG Xiao-xiong. WU
the Käfig Company in France and the
Taipei Crossover Dance Company
and he is focusing on performing and
creating theatrical works as well as on photography.
The Tussock Dance Theater aims to
production. The Company strives to
立足本土,走向国际。舞团创建一年来, 们选择的告别》(2014)皆获得台新奖的
be small-scale and exquisite in its
convey profound meanings in unique
style, and to cultivate its vision with
委派参与 2014 多伦多“台湾当代艺术周”
precise and delicate works. Based on
its native land, it is also building its
international prominence. Only one
The Tussock Dance Theater was
year since its founding, the Company's
founded by young choreographer WU
first two independent productions Two
Chien-wei in 2013. The Company is
Bodies (2013) and The Time (2014) have
named after the anthology Tussock
both been nominated by Taishin Arts
to become unyielding and strong like
the Exile was also assigned to participate
by Chinese litterateur LU Xun, hoping
Awards. The co-produced work Lament of
tussocks. WU Chien-wei is the Artistic
in the“Performing Taiwan”events in
Director of the Tussock Dance Theater.
Toronto at the beginning of 2014.
, 转 风 道 ” 一 … 身 “旋 幅云涌… 一 》 身 报 俯 日 今 《 e h t —— way e h l r T i “ w s s r e c dan w is as o b d a n s a a c i m a n ” . dy m r o t s d s n i w e w N y a d o T 编舞 / 服装 Choreography/ Costume 吴建纬 WU Chien-wei
共同创作 Co-choreography 郑皓 CHENG Hao
舞者 Dancers 吴建纬、郑皓 WU Chien-wei, CHENG Hao 灯光 Lighting 吴文安 GOH Boon Ann
声音装置 Sound Installation 林经尧 LIN Ching-yao
影像 Video 张晓雄 ZHANG Xiaoxiong
长度 / Duration
一 / Mon
场地 / Venue 广东粤剧艺术中心 Guangdong Cantonese Opera Arts Center
分钟 / min
生日快乐? Happy Birthday?
城市当代舞蹈团(香港) City Contemporary Dance Company (HK)
究竟生日为何会不快乐,还是生日一定要快乐?踏入不惑之年, 庞智筠从自己的生辰——人生新的里程碑,反思到现今社会的社
兼具,富黑色幽默又怪诞的生日派对,当中更不失精彩澎湃的舞 蹈篇章。这个生日派对绝对适合你我他,无论你对当代舞认识与 否,城市当代舞蹈团也诚邀你一同参加。
城市当代舞蹈团由香港 特别行政区政府资助 City Contemporary Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Why are birthdays unhappy? Why must birthdays be happy? Turning 40, Noel takes inspiration from her own birthday –
another milestone in life – to reflect on our social circle and our sense of alienation in modern times. Happy Birthday?
creates a quirky“birthday party”full of black humour with dance, entertaining and enlightening. With choreography
teeming with energy and excitement, this“birthday party” welcomes everybody. Whether you are already a fan of
contemporary dance or not, CCDC sincerely invites you to join
us for some great fun!
编舞简介 ▲
带来引人入胜的舞蹈作品。1997 年以一
About the Choreographer
年加入城市当代舞蹈团为舞者。2006 年 凭作品《星期一(雨)》一鸣惊人,一跃 成为城市当代舞蹈团的编舞新星。庞氏为
想曲》 (2006)、 《最佳男女主角》 (2007)、 《案发现场》(2009)、《童话故事未团
人心弦》 (2013)及《购人心弦 2.0》 (2014) ; 其作品深受观众欢迎。《案发现场》于
2009 年获南华早报选为“全年最佳舞蹈”, 并凭《全院满座》荣获 2012 香港舞蹈年 奖“最值得表扬编舞”奖。作品曾先后被 邀于广东现代舞周及北京舞蹈双周演出。
庞氏曾被《南华早报》誉为最有前途的香 港编舞之一。
Noel PONG is a Hong Kong
choreographer talented in combining elements of dance and drama within
her fascinating works. Graduated from
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with First Class Honours in modern dance, she joined CCDC in 1997. Her
choreographic work Crime Scene was
selected by South China Morning Post as one of the“Best Dances”in 2009; and Off Screen won“Outstanding
Choreography”at the Hong Kong Dance Alliance Dance Awards in 2012. PONG was regarded as one of“Hong Kong's South China Morning Post.
©Ringo CHAN
most promising choreographers”by
About the Company
of its Founder and Artistic Director,
elated audiences in Hong Kong and
舞团,于 1979 年由曹诚渊创立,以“立
编舞 Choreography 庞智筠 Noel PONG
Willy TSAO, CCDC has inspired and
及推动现代舞蹈发展为宗旨。三十六年来, 舞团保留了超过二百出本土编舞家的完整
around the world with superb modern productions by leading choreographers such as Helen LAI, MUI Cheuk-yin, PUN
在欧美、澳洲及亚洲等三十多个城市演出, 备受国际艺坛重视。此外,舞团也积极推 动舞蹈教育工作,2004 年成立的城市当
Siu-fai, Yuri NG and TSAO himself, and in innovative collaborations with the best
and brightest artists of other media, this company of Hong Kong's finest dancers
has presented over 200 original works
with popular and critical acclaim.
CCDC is renowned for reflecting the
City Contemporary Dance Company
灯光 Lighting 刘诗豪 LOW Shee Hoe
vigor and creativity of Hong Kong's
(CCDC) is Hong Kong's first full-time
vibrant, multi-faceted contemporary
professional company pioneering in
culture. Founded in 2004, the CCDC
contemporary dance. Over the past
音乐 Music 夏恩蓓 HA Yan-pui
Dance Centre offers a variety of dance
35 years, through the leadership
classes to 50,000 audiences annually.
充 及 准 精 、 致 “一 的舞蹈” 》 量 报 力 早 满 华 h 南 t i 《 —— ncing w a n d o i … s i “ c e r p , y ” t i … n y u g r e n e a d n n i a h C h t u - So ng Post i n r Mo
舞者 Dancers 陈俊玮、黎家宝、林咏茵、 李家祺、乐知霭、麦卓鸿、 麦琬儿、乔杨、谭渼桦、 曾景辉、谢甲贤、黄振邦、 黄狄文 Ivan CHAN, Bobo LAI, Peggy LAM, LEE Kaki, Shirley LOK, Kelvin MAK, Natalie MAK, QIAO Yang, Malvina TAM, Terry TSANG, Tseky TSE, Bruce WONG, Dominic WONG
dance performances. Since 1979, in
服装 Costume 孔德瑄 Charfi HUNG
舞团简介 ▲
长度 / Duration
27 分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
Facebook.com: kwangtungdancecompany
About the Company
二 / Tue
舞团简介 ▲
编舞 Choreography 凌秀眉 Amy LEN
会馆青年部舞蹈组成立于 1980 年 6 月 15
舞者 Dancers 李彩云、钟幼芳、麦俸鸣、 陈美向、洪绣晴、谢彦惟、 陈佩君 LEE Choy Wan, Samantha CHONG, MAK Foong Ming, TAN Bee Hung, FOONG Siew Ching, Fione CHIA, Kym TAN
日,至今已届 35 年,并于 2010 年升级 为雪隆广青舞团。舞团最初着重于民间舞 蹈和传统中国舞蹈,近年逐渐转向现代舞
蹈,推广本土舞蹈艺术文化,栽培舞者, 以及塑造一个舞蹈平台,积极朝专业化方
无限的蓝 Beyond the Blue
向发展。2009 年,雪隆广青舞团更成为 马来西亚首个受邀到中国广州参加第六届
灯光 Lighting 罗国文 LOH Kok Man
得热烈好评;并于 2010 年再次获邀参与
雪隆广东会馆舞蹈团(马来西亚) Kwang Tung Dance Company (MY)
音乐 Music 拉斐尔·西巴巴格 Raphael SEBBAG
Amy LEN was trained in contemporary 这里有理念,这里有梦想。在这里,我发现了一个更好的自己。 也在这里,在孤独中,照见了另一个自己。
dance at the Kwang Tung Dance
服装 Costume 李彩云、凌秀眉 LEE Choy Wan, Amy LEN
Company and is now the Artistic Director
鸣谢 Acknowledgement
of the Company. The Kwang Tung Dance Troupe was established over 33 years
ago, on 15th June 1980. In 2010, the Troupe was upgraded to the Kwang
Here, there are ideals as well as dreams. Here, I found myself a
Tung Dance Company (KTDC). The
better person. Here, in isolation, I also saw another me.
Company's initial focus had gravitated towards folk and traditional Chinese
This dance tends to explore the bright side and the dark side
dance, but its direction has gradually
of a person’ s heart under different circumstances.
shifted to modern and contemporary dance in recent years. Its goal is to
promote dance culture in Malaysia,
nurture dance talents, and build up a
professional platform for dance.KTDC
was the first Malaysian Chinese dance
company to be invited to perform in the
All photos ©aaronz.c
6th Guangdong Dance Festival in 2009
and received rave reviews. In 2010, the
Company was again invited to perform in the“Asian Women”unit of the 7th Guangdong Dance Festival.
长度 / Duration
30 分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
About Choreographers
二 / Tue
编舞简介 ▲
际 Encounter
舞团。连氏曾于 2010 年入选荷兰 Emio
学院编导班。2008 年毕业后留校任教,
Greco/PC 舞团“超越 - 中国”项目,并
在 2012 年获全额奖学金参加美国舞蹈节。
他自 2006 年起以独立舞者的身份与不同
艺术家及团体合作,包括生活舞蹈工作室、 纸老虎工作室、饭剧团、汪建伟、李建军、 丰江舟、提诺·赛格尔、多空间等。及后, 其个人作品多次获选发表于北京交叉艺术
LIAN Guo-dong studied contemporary
and Beijing Dance Academy Continuing
Art School, Hubei Province Art Academy Education Academy Choreography
Program. Upon graduation in 2008, she
Theater, and BeijingDance/LDTX. LIAN
worked as dance teacher and freelance
joined“Beyond China”project of Emio
dancer, and has performed in Beijing
Greco/PC in 2010 and America Dance
Fringe Festival, Beijing Modern Dance
Festival with full scholarship in 2012. As
Festival and Guangdong Dance Festival.
an independent artist, he has worked
This dance tends to depict an ongoing process, or a struggle,
Her choreographies were selected to
with different artists and companies
during which two‘opposite parties’of the same kind
perform in Beijing Cross Festival and
since 2006, including Living Dance
encounter. Seeking their mutual intersection and boundary,
Shanghai Fringe Festival. LEI was part
Studio, Paper Tiger Studio, Fan Theater,
they try to adapt to each other in symbiosis.
与纸老虎工作室、多空间以及连国栋合作, LEI Yan was trained at Hubei Province
Company and was part of Jinxing Dance 间,两个互为“异类”的同类相遇,寻找彼此的交集与边界,并
体剧场,2014 年年底成为自由舞者,曾
dance at Beijing Modern Dance
艺术节。雷氏曾加入北京现代舞团及陶身 并兼任陶身体剧场客席演员。
连国栋、雷琰(北京) LIAN Guo-dong, LEI Yan (BJ)
of Beijing Modern Dance Company and
WANG Jian-wei, LI Jian-jun, FENG
Tao Dance Theater. She has become an
Jiang-zhou, Tino SEHGAL, Y-Space etc.
independent dancer since 2014, and has
Nevertheless, his choreographies were
collaborated with Paper Tiger Studio,
performed in Beijing Cross Festival,
Y-Space and LIAN Guo-dong. She is currently
Shanghai Fringe Festival, Beijing Dance
a guest dancer with Tao Dance Theater.
Festival and Guangdong Dance Festival.
编舞 / 舞者 Choreography/ Dancers 连国栋、雷琰 LIAN Guo-dong, LEI Yan
灯光 Lighting 马悦、连国栋 MA Yue, LIAN Guo-dong
长度 / Duration
9 分钟 / min
二 / Tue
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
“芳计划”(台北) Fang's Dans (TP)
Between the ebb and flow of the tide, just you and me. 血液如水 窜流于身
Blood, like running water, flows through the body.
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
萧君玲、曾瑞媛、邱魏 婉怡、陈佳琳 HSIAO Chun-ling, TSENG Jui-yuan, CHIU WEI Wan-i, CHEN Chialin
©HO Chao-sheng
About the Company
编舞 Choreography 孙佳芳 SUN Chia-fang
大舞蹈艺术节及演出活动,并于 2014 年 在台北创立“芳计划”。透过这次连同其 余八名成员一起组成的作品,凸显出舞团
舞者 Dancers 涂又甄、李怡韶、潘盈臻、 黄怡榛、严婕瑄、郭馨茹、 涂立苇、邱芷涵 TU Yu-chen, LI Yi-shao, PAN Ying-jhen, HUANG I-chen, YEN Chiehhsuan, KUO Hsin-ju, TU Li-wei, CHIU Chih-han
方原色搭配鲜明的西方特色,无处不碰撞、 彰显独特自我的领先风潮。
SUN Chia-fang is studying at Dance Department of University of Taipei.
She has taken part in different dance
音乐 Music 乔恩·霍普金斯 Jon HOPSKINS
festivals and performances. She
founded 'Fang's Dans' at Taipei in 2014. Blending elements of East and West,
服装 Costume 台北大学舞蹈系提供 Dance at University of Taipei Department
'Fang's Dans' has its own unique style
and focuses on creating works that are physically experimental and open in
All photos ©HO Chao-sheng
长度 / Duration
15 分钟 / min
二 / Tue
场地 / Venue 那边艺术空间 THERE Art Space
穿越本身 Crossing up to Itself
陈思佳(长沙) CHEN Si-jia ( CS )
结……那种迷失方向的感觉,让人进退两难。那是一种针扎似的 痛,需要有一种内心的强大,不断地告诉自己,要去尝试,跳出
框框,把不习惯变成习惯。当我去到更远的地方,找到真实的自己, 了解自己更多。然后,我知道这个世界上只有一个我,独一无二。 I keep searching for myself in every journey. There were
moments of fright, worry and bewilderment. Feeling lost gets me stuck in the middle. This creates a prickling pain, which requires a great strength inside that keeps pushing me to
experiment, to think out of the box and get familiar with the
unfamiliar. When I reach a further place, I find my true self and understand myself better. I then realize that I'm unique in the
©Etienne PIÉRART & Manuela NOBLE
world. I'm the one and only.
编舞简介 ▲ About the Choreographer
on, she joined the Coline Experimental
with French choreographers Thomas
Dance Company where she cooperated LEBRUN and Emmanuelle GAT, and
joined the Company on its tours. After
working for Coline, she became an
independent dancer & choreographer
to create and undertake her individual
Major in contemporary dance, CHEN Si-
course research.
jia graduated from the Conservatoire National de Région de Poitiers. Later
长度 / Duration
二 / Tue
场地 / Venue 那边艺术空间 THERE Art Space
分钟 / min
边度 Pin-To
易动体(北京) Evomove (BJ)
你在等待一列火车,一列把你带向远方的火车。你知道这火车会 带你到你想去的地方,但你无法确定。然而都无关紧要。告诉我 为什么——因为我们会永远相守在一起。
You are waiting to get on a train, a train that will take you to a distant place. You know the train will take you to where you
want to be, yet you're not sure. But that doesn't matter. Tell me why. Because we will be together forever.
舞团简介 ▲
易动体是由汪圆清和金晓霖创办于 2014
About the Company
编舞 / 舞者 Choreography/ Dancers 汪圆清、金晓霖 Dynamic WANG, KAM Hiu Lam
年﹐以创新、实验、多媒体和多领域艺术 合作为主要发展项目。汪圆清致力于跨领
域、跨平台的融合创作,作品涉及舞蹈、 戏剧、音乐、视觉等,尝试用创作本身来
灯光 Lighting 李骏龙 LI Jun-long
消解这些艺术类别之间的界限。金晓霖, 北京雷动天下现代舞团舞者,毕业于澳门 演艺学院舞蹈学校和北京舞蹈学院芭蕾舞
音乐 Music 刘一纬 LIU Yi-wei
系。易动体通过与不同领域的艺术门类进 行交流合作,易动体探索舞蹈与各种艺术 之间所产生的化学作用,并希望透过各样
视频 Video 汪圆清 Dynamic WANG
跨领域合作发展出一种全新的艺术表演形 式。其作品涵盖剧场演出、环境表演等。
装置 Installation 赵皓欣 Vivian CHIU
Evomove was founded by Dynamic WANG and KAM Hiu Lam in 2014, focusing on developing creative,
experimental, multimedia and multi-
field artistic cooperation. WANG merges different genres and platforms and
involves dance, drama, music and visual
art in the process of creating, with which
、 挡 春 阻 青 可 “ 无 又 、 大胆 力量。” 舞 》 编 志 的 角 三 《 ——
he tries to eliminate the boundary between these art forms. KAM Hiu
Lam, a dancer of BeijingDance/LDTX,
graduated from the Macau Conservatory Dance School and the Beijing Dance Academy. Through communicating
with different fields of art, the Company explores the new possibilities when dance meets with various other art
forms, and hopes to develop a brand new performing approach through
these crossovers. Evomove's works include theatrical and site specific performances.
d n a , s u o e g a r u f o o c , y g g r n e u n o e “y ppble o ” t y s h n p u a r g o e r o h s c w e N t r A -77
长度 / Duration
10 分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 那边艺术空间 THERE Art Space
About the Company
二 / Tue
舞团简介 ▲
灭 Elimination
Her works explore the meeting points
contemporary dance as well as among
2011 年 9 月。旨在探索民族与现代,古
between traditional Chinese and
different art disciplines. The company's
first production Whispering of Water
was premiered at the National Centre of
the Beijing Feminist Theatre Festival.
Performing Arts and was invited to open
Elimination has been performed at
Beijing Dance Festival. YAN was selected
2015 年 11 月首演。
for Young Dance Talents Development Project jointly organized by China
YanHe Dance Theater was founded
颜荷舞蹈剧场(北京) YanHe Dance Theater (BJ)
Association of Literature and China
in 2011 by YAN He. A graduate from
Dancers Association to present her new
Beijing Dance Academy, YAN started her
full evening work, which will premiere
career as dancer in some of the most 《灭》是颜荷舞蹈剧场《水语》的选段。《灭》则有道家物极而 返的意味,生命的邪恶、污垢皆随灭而得到净化,回归到纯洁的 本源。
Elimination is an excerpt from the company's first full length production Whispering of Water. Elimination has a Taoist
inclination. When life reaches an extreme, elimination can be
the way of purification by which evils and dirt will be cleansed
编舞 / 舞者 / 服装 Choreography/ Dancer/Costume 颜荷 YAN He
on November 22nd at the National
prestigious national dance troupes.
Centre of Performing Arts.
音乐 Music 斯特拉文斯基 Igor Fedorovitch STRAVINSKY
out and give birth to a pure new life.
长度 / Duration
8 分钟 / min
二 / Tue
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
何许人 Identity
阿尔伯特·加西亚(澳门) Albert GARCIA (MO)
卡夫卡的著名短篇小说《变形记》将以现代舞的形式被重新演绎。 一天早晨,格里高从不安的噩梦中醒来,竟然发现自己变成了一
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
是他。可是,他身边的人们 -- 你,带同样的身体,毫不怜悯,却 露出丑陋的面孔去排斥他。
Kafka's famous novella The Metamorphosis will be represented
in the form of modern dance.
One day morning, Gregor wakes up from a restless nightmare and finds himself turned into a huge insect! He becomes
unrecognizable, totally lost, and stuck in great pain. But he remains unchanged from the inside. However, the people
around him – you, with the same body, show no sympathy but
©Ricardo VONG
reject him with ugly faces.
编舞简介 ▲ ©Ricardo VONG
About the Choreographer
阿尔伯特 • 加西亚于在澳门出生,自小已
Albert GARCIA was born in Macau. He
troupes, including Black Sand Theatre,
stage since very young. In 2006, GARCIA
Cargotopia (Portugal), MASSFX and
has garnered performing experiences on
经拥有舞台演出经验。2006 年在英语话
won a prize at the English drama
competition“Books Alive.”He has
编舞 / 舞者 Choreography/ Dancer 阿尔伯特·加西亚 Albert GARCIA
Wave & Wind Club, PIA (Portugal),
N'Ivoire que du Bleu Theatre (France).
灯光 Lighting 梁顺裕 Sam LEONG
participated as an actor and as a stilts
performer in the performances of many
长度 / Duration
二 / Tue
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
分钟 / min
重生 Revival
诗篇舞集 Stella & Artists
推向尽头。唯有敢于放弃以往的自己,彻底改变,才有脱胎换骨、 重获新生的希望!
鸣谢 Acknowledgement
一呼一吸之间,我们再次感受到生命的气息。 放下,蜕变,重生! From time to time, people tend to think that life is too stressful and find it hard to breathe. They think that their lives are
being constantly pushed to the end. Only when you dare to
throw away the past and adapt to thorough changes, may you become a different person and reborn into a new life. Inhaling and exhaling, we feel alive again.
©Ricardo VONG
Let go, change, revive!
About the Company
in New York.Her pieces have been
Festival, Macau Arts Festival, and Macau
编舞 Choreography 何雅诗、 桑德拉·巴他格丽雅 Stella HO, Alexandra BATTAGLIA
staged at International Youth Dance
City Fringe Festival respectively. The
creation Revival is co-choreographed
with Alexandra BATTAGLIA who is a
producer, dance researcher and
舞者 Dancers 卢晓薇、郑雅文、艾伯 特·加西亚、布鲁诺·阿 维斯、祖安娜·西非、拉 寇儿·马德拉 Candice LOU, Mandy CHEANG, Albert GARCIA, Bruno ALVES, Joana SILVA, Raquel MADEIRA
professional dancer, choreographer,
总监。自幼学习中国舞,2004 年毕业于
instructor, and creates not only dance
澳门演艺学院舞蹈学校。 2008 年赴美国
works but also productions in the fields
of film, opera and television.
灯光 Lighting 梁顺裕 Sam LEONG
他格丽雅是专业舞者、编舞、制作人、舞 蹈研究员及导师,除舞蹈外作品更涉及电
音乐 Music 瑞·菲利佩·雷斯 Rui Filipe REIS
Stella & Artists aims to pass on
the Chinese dance culture, while
incorporating elements from the daily
life of Macau people into the creation of dance works. The Company promotes dance education and art exchange
between Macau and foreign countries, as well as enhances the development
of the dance and cultural development of Macao together with the artists in collaboration.
Stella HO is the founder and Artistic
Director of Stella & Artists. Stella started to learn dancing at the age of six, and
finished the three-year choreography course provided by the Macau
Conservatory Dance School in 2004. In 2008, Stella received intensive training at the Amy Marshall Dance Company
All photos ©Ricardo VONG
舞团简介 ▲
长度 / Duration
60 分钟 / min
二 / Tue
场地 / Venue 蓓蕾剧院 Bei Lei Theater
当我们遇见…… The Encounter of …… 山西舞洲现代舞团(太原) Shanxi DanceLand (TY)
一鸣创作。作品试图以自由开放的肢体语言和现代人天马行空的 思维碰撞传统文化。舞者无意描绘古代人物或演绎传统哲理,却
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
用冷静的思维和炽热的胸怀,去舞动纯粹的躯体,从而对话、回 应和感受先哲及其思想。
The dance The Encounter of ...... is created by young
choreographer XU Yi-ming from the BeijingDance/LDTX.
This work reflects upon traditional Chinese culture through adopting the unrestrained body language and modern
people's bold ideas. The dancers attempt not to portray the ancient master or interpret centuries-old philosophies, but
instead to dance with a sober mind, a fiery heart and purely physical movement, thereby responding to the sage and
©ZHOU Li-heng
comprehending his thoughts.
About the Choreographer
Dance School in 1997 and joined the
in 2001. He joined Beijing Modern
年考入北京润良舞蹈学校;2001 年进入
2005 年成为雷动天下建团团员;2013 年 成为雷动天下培训中心教师。主要编舞作
Dance Company later in the same year, and became a founding member of
BeijingDance/LDTX in 2005. Currently
自等待》、 《头撞地》、 《当我们遇见……》。 XU Yi-ming was born in Zhangjiakou,
he is a teacher of the BeijingDance/
LDTX Dance Centre. His major works include Dad, Twi and Twa, The Snail,
Waiting Alone, Head Against Earth, The
Hebei Province. He began his dance training at the Beijing Runliang
Guangzhou Song and Dance Company
Encounter of…… among others. 90
©ZHOU Li-heng
编舞简介 ▲
许一鸣 , 汉族,出生于河北张家口。1997
About the Company
time professional dancers and has its
Shanxi Province. The Company aims
2014 年 6 月,是在山西省孝义市歌舞剧
编舞 Choreography 许一鸣 XU Yi-ming
headquarter in Taiyuan, the capital of
全职专业演员 11 人。舞团位于山西省首
舞者 Dancers 田晶晶、李凌、吴彪、 冯晓明、孙蕊、安文斌、 安文武、刘红飞 、陈逸群、 何彦其 TIAN Jing-jing, LI Ling, WU Biao, FENG Xiaoming, SUN Rui, AN Wen-bing, AN Wen-wu, LIU Hong-fei, CHEN Yiqun, HE Yan-qi
to promote a contemporary culture in
Shanxi Province, the heartland of China,
and to provide young Chinese dancers
with chances to create and perform.
Ms. JIANG Nan is the founding Director
of Shanxi DanceLand, and Mr. Willy
TSAO, the pioneer of modern dance
in China, is invited to be the Artistic
Director. The Company has collaborated
灯光 Lighting 李骏龙 LI Jun-long
with BeijingDance/LDTX and many
international artists. Shanxi DanceLand
plans to produce two new works per
音乐 Music 窦唯、李祥霆 DOU Wei, LI Xiang-ting
year and organize performing tours in
Shanxi DanceLand Modern Dance
Shanxi, in China and around the world.
Company (Shanxi DanceLand) was
Apart from creation and performance,
established in June, 2014, evolving from
服装 Costume 朱晋源 ZHU Jin-yuan
Shanxi DanceLand also offers regular
the traditional Song and Dance Troupe
classes and intensive workshops to the
in the city of Xiaoyi in Shanxi Province.
young enthusiasts of modern dance in
The Company is comprised of 11 full-
Shanxi Province.
All photo ©ZHOU Li-heng
舞团简介 ▲
长度 / Duration
二 / Tue
场地 / Venue 蓓蕾剧院 Bei Lei Theater
分钟 / min
涂图 TuTu
侯莹舞蹈剧场(北京) HouYing Dance Theater (BJ)
《涂图》是一部纯肢体动作性的舞蹈作品。从纯粹的舞蹈语言和 运动原理出发,不断解构身体的运动方式,比如在自然放松的状
鸣谢 Acknowledgement
TuTu is choreographed as sheerly a physical dance work,
and developed from the pure dance language and principles of movement. It deconstructs the way the body moves, for
example, when loosen up the body in a relaxing state or in a
four-dimensional space. In this sense, it continually explores and investigates how physical movement is influenced by time and space.
编舞简介 ▲ About the Choreographer
her the gold prize in international dance
东实验现代舞团,1996 年凭借《夜叉》,
Asian Culture Foundation scholarship
蹈剧场艺术总监。侯莹于 1995 年加入广
competition. In 2001, she received the
在国际舞坛崭露头角;2001 年获得亚洲
to study in the U.S. HOU joined the
文化基金支持赴美留学;2002 年加入纽
Shen Wei Dance Arts in 2002. She has
performed at the Lincoln Art Center for
三次登上《纽约时报》,连续 4 年在美国
four consecutive years and appeared in
林肯中心演出;2006 年在美国纽约创建
the reviews of the New York Times for
视野舞蹈剧场;2008 年同沈伟回国编创
three times. In 2006, HOU founded the
奥运会开幕八分钟“画卷”;2011 年侯
Horizon Dance Theater in New York City.
She returned to China in 2008. Together
with SHEN Wei, she created an eight-
minute dance for the Beijing Olympic
HOU Ying is an established
Games opening ceremony. In 2011, Hou
choreographer and Artistic Director of
relocated her company to Beijing and
Hou Ying Dance Theater. She joined the
changed its name to HouYing Dance
Guangdong Modern Dance Company in
1995, and in 1996 the work Yaksha won
、 净 干 品 “作 …” … 粹 对 纯 斯 俄罗 —— 文化副总 流 交 卡 外 斯 阿 · 坦 奥 裁 思 兰 蔻西 97
u T u “T t and a e n is ” . … e r pu n a t O , v e —— zha o k t l n y e d As i s e r P e Vic sian l s a u r of R n Cultu g i e For nge a h c Ex
舞者 Dancers 季鹏飞、詹骊、李怡纯子、 党培龙、刘吟韬、张亚鹏、 JI Peng-fei, ZHAN Li, LI Yi-chun-zi, DANG Pei-long, LIU Yin-tao, ZHANG Ya-peng 灯光 Lighting 吴文安 GOH Boon Ann 音乐 Music 兰德尔·洛夫 Randall LOVE 戈菲 GE Fei 服装 Costume 李薇 LI Wei
长度 / Duration
110 分钟 / min
三 / Wed
场地 / Venue 广东粤剧艺术中心 Guangdong Cantonese Opera Arts Center
DorkyPark, MACRAS has enlisted five Chinese acrobats
and two Chinese musicians. As always, the Berlin-based
Argentinian choreographer approaches her subject matter
using various theatrical means such as dance, music and text.
幽灵 The Ghosts
俗气公园剧团(德国) Constanza Macras | DorkyPark (DE)
新带回舞台。这些杂技表演者曾经为国家赢得过荣誉,现在却被 社会遗忘。通过这个社会边缘群体的故事,本作品呈现给观众的
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
不仅仅是历史悠久的中国杂技,还有对中国在历史、文化和社会 各方面的深入了解。
杂技演员和两位中国音乐家。马克拉斯生于阿根廷,现居柏林。 她一如既往地通过舞蹈、音乐和文本等多种戏剧手法去展现作品 主题。
The Ghosts by Constanza Macras | DorkyPark brings back
to the stage some retired Chinese acrobats, who once won
glory for their country but now have been "decommissioned“ and forgotten by the society. Making this marginalized social group’ s story visible, this piece attempts to present the
aslo give a significant insight into China’ s historical, cultural and social aspects.
Alongside the three members of Constanza Macras | 100
©Thomas AURIN
audience not only the centuries-old Chinese acrobatics, but
Award for her piece Hell On Earth. In
to date over twenty productions that toured widely to Europe, Asia, Africa
2010, MACRAS was awarded the prize
commissioned works for venues
the piece Megalopolis. In 2013, she
DER FAUST for best choreography for
and Americas. MACRAS also created
was invited to direct as the first female
worldwide like Brazil, Sweden, UK,
South Africa and China, and taught
workshops and master classes in several international institutions. In 2008,
choreographer and director at the prestigious L'Ecole des Maîtres.
MACRAS received the Goethe-Institut
About the Choreographyer
程。1995 年,马克拉斯迁往柏林。1997 年, 她创立人生中第一个舞团,取名“千禧电 子宠物”。2003 年,她创立了俗气公园
剧团,至今已编创 20 多部作品,先后在 欧洲、亚洲、非洲和美洲多地巡演。马克 拉斯受到世界各地的表演机构的委约,如
巴西、瑞典、英国、南非和中国,为他们 创作了许多作品。她还在国际上多家舞蹈
机构教授工作坊和大师班。2008 年,马 克拉斯的作品《人间地狱》荣获歌德学院
奖。2010 年,马克拉斯凭借作品《大都市》 被授予被誉为德国戏剧界奥斯卡的浮士德
奖最佳编舞。2013 年,巴黎久负盛名的 国际戏剧艺术大师学院邀请她成为该院首 位女性编舞和导演。
Constanza MACRAS was born in Buenos Aires, where she studied dance and fashion design. She continued her
dance studies in Amsterdam and New
York. In 1995, MACRAS moved to Berlin. In 1997, she founded her own first
company TAMAGOTCHI Y2K, and in 2003 Constanza Macras | DorkyPark, creating
©Thomas AURIN
编舞简介 ▲
About the Company
Company integrates dancers, actors and
员有舞者、演员和音乐家,年龄跨度从 4
range from 4 to 72 years old, combining
岁至 72 岁,创作风格结合文本、现场音乐、 舞蹈和视频元素。
俗气公园剧团得到德国文化部的支持,并 与包括歌德学院在内的多个文化机构合
阿根廷、巴西、智利、哥伦比亚、南非和 美国进行巡演;还受到多家欧洲剧院和艺
术节的邀请,如法国阿维尼翁戏剧节、维 也纳艺术节、首尔表演艺术节、阿姆斯特 丹七月当代舞蹈国际艺术节、罗马欧罗巴 艺术节等等。
Constanza Macras | DorkyPark was
founded in 2003 by Constanza MACRAS
and dramaturge Carmen MEHNERT. The
表 部 了 这 现 “ 展 魅 次 的 再 作品 在舞台上 自留 的 术 忆 艺 》 记 演 报 化 志 文 意 是 德 南 力, 《 —— a ” s i 。 e 地 c e i t p a e h h “T der of w s n t i r a m g re n i m r n o f o r f e o p e l b n a a p g is ca creatin ce a : l e p g s a u st . o y r m o o n m o e t u m a l a r u e t l h c u of c ddeuts ung t ü i e S Z 舞者 Dancers 埃米尔·博尔达什、费尔 南达·法拉、黛西·菲利 普斯、刘艺、朱莉安娜·内 维斯、张焕焕、张慧敏、 潘晓瑞、卢歌 Emil BORDAS, Fernanda FARAH, Daisy PHILLIPS, LIU Yi, Juliana NEVES, ZHANG Huan-huan, ZHANG Hui-min, PAN Xiao-rui, LU Ge
musicians with performers, whose ages text, live music, dance and video. Constanza Macras | DorkyPark is
supported by Germany's Department for Cultural Affairs and collaborates
with cultural institutes including the Goethe-Institut. The Company has
现场音乐 Live Music 陈剑南 CHEN Jian-nan
toured in Korea, Japan, India, Indonesia,
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, South Africa, the United States, and has been
灯光 Lighting 塞尔吉奥·佩桑哈、 乌尔里希·凯勒曼 Sergio PESSANHA, Ulrich KELLERMANN
invited to various European venues and festivals like Festival d'Avignon
in France, Wiener Festwochen, Seoul Performing Arts Festival, Julidans
视频 Video 卡特琳娜·费尔南德斯 Catalina FERNANDEZ
Amsterdam, Roma Europa Festival, and others.
音乐 Music 奇科·梅洛、吴巍、陈剑南、 刘艺、费尔南达·法拉 Chico MELLO, WU Wei, CHEN Jian-nan, LIU Yi, Fernanda FARAH 服装 Costume 埃希桑·桑德斯 Alsison SAUNDERS
©Thomas AURIN
舞团简介 ▲
2003 年,康斯坦扎·马克拉斯和剧作家卡
长度 / Duration
45 分钟 / min
四 / Thu
场地 / Venue 广东现代舞团剧场 GMDC Theater
大猩猩 Grand Singe
尼克拉斯·卡汀(加拿大) Nicolas CANTIN (CA)
出……混合多样的表现手法描摹了一男一女的邂逅,向观众证明 了卡汀对于捕捉冲突和荒诞人性的天赋。
In his dancing play Grand Singe, Nicolas CANTIN's universe imposes its difference and its main characteristics:
制作 Producer
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
minimalism, tragicomic humor and meticulous work on
the performer's presence... This hybrid presence tells about the encounter of a man and a woman. It is a testimony of
* 舞蹈《大猩猩》得到丹尼尔·列维尔舞团的支持,并属于舞团巡演赞助项目的一部分。 The presentation of Grand Singe receives support from Daniel Léveillé Danse Company (Montreal) as part of his touring sponsorship project.
©Simon COUNTURIER; ©Sandra Lynn Bélanger
CANTIN's talent for capturing rifts and human absurdities.
About the Choreographer
类别。卡汀与蒙特利尔埃科勒国家马戏团 以及加拿大国家戏剧学校合作。近年来,
他涉足舞蹈界,以舞者和编舞的身份活跃 在不同的演出项目中。
卡汀捕捉生活的质朴,然后缓缓地进行剖 析。不论是让你感动或者令你不安,他谈
论的东西总是能一针见血。卡汀的作品《狼 蛛》、《美丽之道》和《大猩猩》探索情 感障碍中最令人不安的地方。他凭借作品
《浪漫三部曲》在加拿大蒙特利尔成名。 2005 年,他为克里斯蒂安·布尔热创作了 独舞《休闲》并在多伦多获奖。
2014 年,卡汀成为布鲁塞尔、马赛和蒙 特利尔多个艺术机构的驻地艺术家。
Trained in clowning, masks and
CANTIN captures the simplicity of life
In 2005, he created Jachère, a solo
CANTIN freely mixes different genres.
Whether his discourse touches you or
was awarded the Paula Citron Prize in
improvisation techniques, Nicolas CANTIN collaborates with École
Nationale de Cirque de Montréal and
National Theatre School of Canada. For the last few years, he has brought his
body to the dance scene and worked as a dancer and choreographer in various creation projects.
but then proceeds to slowly dissect it. makes you uncomfortable, it always hits the bull’ s eye. He explores the
work for Christiane BOURGET that Toronto.
most troubled areas of emotional
In 2014, CANTIN resided at L’ L (Brussels),
in Mygale, Belle Manière and Grand
C (Montreal). With the support of these
impairment, which has been presented Singe. With his trilogy, Three Romances,
CANTIN has made his mark in Montreal.
at Montevideo (Marseille) and at Usine institutions, he develops Cheese and Klumzy.
©Sandra Lynn Bélanger
编舞简介 ▲
是 》 猩 猩 大 的 《 巧 “ 精 弘 恢 一 幅 每 一 —— 品 刺绣 雕细琢, 精 以 都 所 寸 。 处 好 的 到 美 恰 完 出 打 们 我 ” 。 十分 当代舞蹈 《 》 志 —— 杂 110
e g n i S d n a r G “ d n a r g y r is a e d i o r b g m n e i h t y r e v – e ified, t s u is j y l t c e e r w r o co S … a . t d u e o s o g d n i d n a h are t ten. ” e c s e n f r a D pe f D 编舞 Choreography 尼克拉斯·卡汀 Nicolas CANTIN
舞者 Dancers 马修·甘博、 安妮·德希理奧特 Mathieu CAMPEAU, Anne THÉRIAULT 灯光 Lighting 弗雷德里·格拉威尔 Frédérick GRAVEL
长度 / Duration
五 / Fri
分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 广东粤剧艺术中心 Guangdong Cantonese Opera Arts Center www.inbalpinto.com
微尘宅事 Dust
平头舞团(以色列) Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak Dance Company (IL)
生的浮浮沉沉。尘埃是一种研磨细腻的物质,不可名状,时而有 形时而无形,会打转,会漂浮于空气中,也会掉到地上之后又重
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
新旋转飞舞。如尘埃,我们都会迷失方向、消解、联合和分裂, 互相找到对方,然后又再分开。由尘埃组成的事物极易被击散, 然后必须从头开始……
Created by the Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak Dance
Company, Dust uses dance movement to demonstrate the constantly varying state of dust, symbolizing the ups and
downs in life. Dust is a finely-ground substance that cannot
be defined; it takes and loses form, it swirls, it rises to the air,
it drops down to the ground and swirls again. Like dust, we all
can lose our way, dissolve, connect and break apart, find each other and separate once more. Things formed of dust can be
easily scattered, and then have to start all over again…
1990 年, 她 成 为 一 名 编 舞。1997 年 和
Artistic achievements.
1998 年,她两度受邀参加美国舞蹈节的
well as the Tel Aviv Municipal Award for
国际编舞项目。2000 年,她的作品《包裹》
赢得纽约舞蹈与表演奖。同年,她获得以 奖。平托也曾为一些戏剧作品如《椅子》 和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等编舞。
Inbal PINTO began her formal dance
training at age 13. As a dancer, she first
比马国家剧院、卡梅里剧院、盖什尔剧院 和海法市剧院。他在多部经典戏剧中饰演
主角,比如在《罗密欧与茱丽叶》中饰罗 密欧,在《奥赛罗》中饰凯西奥等等。
joined The Batsheva Ensemble and
Avshalom POLLAK was trained as a
Company. In 1990, she began her career
The Nissan Nativ Drama School in Tel-
was promoted to the senior Batsheva
as a choreographer. She was invited to The American Dance Festival to take
part in its International Choreographers Program in both 1997 and 1998. In
2000, she won the“Bessie”- the New York Dance and Performance Award,
for her creation Wrapped. PINTO also
classical actor and graduated from
Aviv. He has acted in a large number of
films and television programs as well as many theatrical plays at The Habimah National Theater, The Cameri Theater,
Gesher Theater and The Haifa Municipal Theater including ‘Romeo’in Romeo
and Juliet;‘Casssio’in Othello;‘Valere’
created the choreography for theatrical
in The Miser;‘Tuzenbach’in Three
and Juliet. In 2000, she was given Israel's
works, such as The Chairs and Romeo
Sister, Phillip in Orphans, and many
About the Choreographers
Ministry of Culture Award for Dance as
编舞简介 ▲
茵芭·平托 13 岁开始接受正式舞蹈训练。
舞团简介 ▲
平托和波洛克于 1992 年开始合作,共同
Armide by Christoph Willibald GLUCK.
About the Company
和波洛克的作品《公牛》和《样板人生》 获以色列文化部创作奖。2003 年,二人
and designed the original musical The
建立了以色列平头舞团。2011 年,平托 联手编导克里斯托夫·维利巴尔德·格鲁
克的歌剧《阿尔米德》。2013 年,他们 在日本东京编导了佐野洋子的原创音乐剧
《活了一百万次的猫》,在挪威卑尔根编 导了莱奥什·雅那切克的歌剧《狡猾的小
In 2013, they directed, choreographed Cat That Lived A Million Times by Yoko
Sano in Tokyo, Japan and the opera The Cunning Little Vixen by Leos JANACEK in Bergen, Norway. Their creation
Wallflower received the Israel Critics Circle
award as the“Best Dance Show of 2014.”
列评论界“2014 最佳舞作”奖。他们在
Together, they have been involved in a
creation, direction, choreography and
多处演出,广受好评。舞团有 12 位舞者 兼演员。他们都希望通过融合不同的艺术 类型,以特别的方式向观众呈现他们关于 回忆、憧憬、想法和想象的舞台新作。
Since 1992 PINTO has been working with
variety of artistic endeavors - mainly the design of unique and award-winning
dance performances for their company.
Their productions have been presented and acclaimed in Israel as well as many other countries.
POLLAK, with whom she founded The
The Company consists of 12 dancer/
Company. In 2011, PINTO and POLLAK
motivated by the collective wish to
演 湛 的 精 舞者 配合精彩 把观众带 》 艺 世 事 技 言 宅 的 寓 尘 的 微 伤 《 力 悲 的 绎。 诗意又 然 自 、 进一个关乎生活 国土报》 《 它 。 —— 界 。 望 希 和 量
Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak Dance were given Israel's Ministry of Culture
Award for Creation, for the works Toros
and Rushes Plus. In 2003, they directed,
choreographed and designed the opera
actors working together. They are
make connections among various
artistic disciplines to convey new stage creations informed by memories, longings, ideas and imagination.
编舞 / 布景 / 配乐 Choreography/Set/ Soundtrack 茵芭·平托、奥仲洛姆·波 拉克 Inbal PINTO, Avshalom POLLAK 助理编舞 Assistant Choreography 黛娜·齐夫、埃拉·罗瑟 查尔德(发展) Dina ZIV, Ella ROTHCHILD (development)
灯光 Lighting 古尔库夫·蒂沃利 Yoann TIVOLI
道具 Props 瑞·瓦思比·延耐、 施洛米·艾格尔 Roi Vaspi YANAI, Shlomi EIGER
o , s s o r u e t c “Vir y of dan derful t n i l o a w u q th i e w h g T n . alo ations n a r s t i s illu on Dust e¬quiem i r t a a e o , r t c d l n r o o i t w a t e i l inv airy-ta It is f . d a f a r o s s fo d e n c r a o c f i poet life, the e.” t p u o o h d ab n a e, r u t na s t e r a a H -插图及动画 Illustration and Animation 史米丽蒂·艾尔卡纳提、 罗尼·费希迈 Shimrit ELKANATI, Roni FAHIMA
音乐 Music 安布罗斯及其乐队、安·谢 尔顿、贝多芬、康塔普 森马戏团、茜尔杜·古德 那多特尔、新奥尔良街 头音乐家、维克托·波波 夫 Ambrose and His Orchestra, Ann SHELTON, Beethoven, Circus Contaption, Hildur GUDNADOTTIR, New Orleans Street Musicians, Victor POPOV
服装 Costume 茵芭·平托、奥仲洛姆·波 拉克、罗莎琳德·诺克特 尔(助理设计) Inbal PINTO, Avshalom POLLAK, Rosalind NOCTOR (assistant designer) 演员 Actor 兹维·菲什森、施洛米·艾 格尔 Zvi FISHZON
舞者 Dancers 杰瑞米·阿尔伯格、埃里 尔·吉尔巴特、诺佳·哈 梅林、玛塔 - 路易莎·扬 科夫斯卡、科黛拉·兰格、 阿密特·马斯奴 Jeremy ALBERGE, Ariel GELBART, Noga HARMELIN, Marta-Luiza JANKOWSKA, Cordelia LANGE, Amit MARSINO
概念及导演 Concept and Direction 西蒙·菲尔德斯 Simon FILDES 编舞 Choreography 桑吉加 SANG Jijia
三 / Wed
全天 / All Day
小小舞电影 Tiny Dance Film
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel
不同公众地方拍摄的短片。 影片力求简洁, 拍摄不打灯, 全部一次过。 于方寸之间带给观者清新、 有趣的舞蹈录像欣赏体验。 彼得·凯尔更
特别与广东现代舞团合作拍摄全新舞蹈录像,于 11 月 15 日首播。 American choreographer Peter KYLE and sound artist James
Bigbee GARVER's Tiny Dance Film Series, in which short dance films are screened in darkened kiosks for an audience of one. All films are choreographed, rehearsed, and filmed in public spaces ruled by a strict manifesto - all are done in one take, using only natural light - the results providing a uniquely
personal, interactive experience for the viewer, evoking a
feeling of nostalgia for the old-time penny arcades.KYLE will
produce a new Tiny Dance Film for dancers of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company, which will be premiered on 15 November 2015.
三 / Wed
全天 / All Day
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel
编舞之外 Hyperchoreography
编舞 Choreography 彼得·凯尔 Peter KYLE
声音 Sound 詹姆斯 ‧ 加弗 James Bigbee GARVER 鸣谢 Acknowledgement
由城市当代舞蹈团主办之 跳格国际舞蹈影像节策划 Curated by Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival presented by City Contemporary Dance Company
互动舞蹈装置展——舞蹈与科技融合,任谁也能当编舞 《编舞之外》由六面连接传感器的屏幕组成,里面由多部载有由专 业现代舞者演出的舞蹈影像视频的计算器驱动。它能根据观众的动 作互动,观众跳得越快,屏幕上的舞者跳得越急速,音乐的节奏越 强,同时可欣赏到高艺术性的视频, 与舞者一同用肢体感受有趣 的现代舞。 An interactive installation between dance and technology When dance and technology intertwines, you become the choreographer. Hyperchoreography is a six-screen interactive video installation. Move your body freely in front of any of the dancers on the screen and they will dance with you. Try to develop your own moves as you play- stretch wider or move closer - soon you'll realise that when the energy of your movements, builds up the dancers become more dynamic and the music more intense. Experiment with different moves and see how they react to you. Shall we dance? 119
舞者 Dancers 禤天扬、李咏静、阮日广、 吴承芳、杨怡孜、杨浩 HUEN Tin-yeung, LI Yong-jing, NGUYEN Ngoc Anh, WU Cheng Fang, Gigi YANG, YANG Hao 音乐 Music 李劲松 Dickson Dee
互动媒体设计 Interactive Design LazyAnt 摄影 Cinematography 赖荣昌 LAI Wing-cheong 场景设计 Set Design 何海蓝 Leecat HO
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
由香港城市当代舞蹈团主 办之“跳格国际舞蹈影 像节”委约,联同 GOAT Media 合创之项目 Commissioned by Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival of Hong Kong City Contemporary Dance Company in collaboration with GOAT Media
社区之旅 A community walk tour
在 不 处 无 代 体 年 身 十 到 八 觉 视 从 旅 —— 社区之 的 受 感
六、日 / Sat, Sun
在我出生的时候,也是八十年代初,花园酒店刚建成。但因为它, 整个新村发生了很大变化。
小时候,平房之间的邻里关系和如今住在高层楼宇是两种语境的 事。我们能从一家人的矮墙爬进另一家人的屋子里,能站在街口 看到越秀山上绽放的烟花。新村里面有礼堂,有很大的足球场, 还有一家叫“杏花村”的饭店。每逢中秋国庆,整个新村的人都
会来到礼堂参加游园活动,去礼堂看电影,这是以前广州的社区 文化。
如今,当年礼堂的地方已经变成了中环广场,我以为永久消失的 足球场又“轮回”般出现,变成了现在的空中足球场。60 栋平
房如今只剩下一栋,而建设新村也渐渐被“建六”这个名字所代 替。建六,也就是建设六马路。它本是建设新村其中一条马路而
已。但如今这里是广州最具文化标志性的地方——广州包容、多 元的特点都在这里获得了浓郁的体现。它没有天河那么商业,也 没有西关那么古老,不像老东山那么高贵大气,也不像海珠区那 么陈旧无名。这里的洋气与本土的味道总是刚刚好,形成本土孩
建设新村作为 1951 年广州市政府为了改善工人生活 环境而建起的第一个工人社区,它成为了新中国成立 后广州城市规划建设的起点。 120
有机会,我带你走走,在行进间或许你才能体会我说的那个“广 州”。
九姑娘 @WHYHOW 思维创造社
策划人介绍 刘颖璋,人称九姑娘。 出生上世纪七十年代末, 一家四代都在建设新村 生活。她一直在本地媒 体、 文 化、 公 益、 创 意 领域活跃,任职多家重 要媒体,并在新村开设 独立书店“西排艺术书 房”推广本土独立文化 发展,后于广州市少年 宫推动生命教育的发展, 并开发自闭症儿童多元 阅读教育。如今创立机 构 WHYHOW 思 维 创 造 社,继续推动大众挖掘 自身能力更好为社会服 务,并籍此寻获自身的 价值认同。如今实施公 益 项 目“ 拾 房 子”, 调 动社会力量,参与贫困 家庭与弱势群体的空间 改造,让每个人都相信 自己有能力改变社会。
s I s ' 0 a 8 – e Th where k l y a r e w v y E t i n u m m o c r u to
I grew up in the early 80’ s. At that time, the Garden Hotel had just been opened and the Jianshe Estate was experiencing
drastic changes. More and more high risers gradually replaced the old cottages and it brought changes to the community life. When I was a kid, we could easily go from one house to another, or we would gather in the courtyard to enjoy
fireworks on the Yuexiu Hill. There was a community hall, a
huge football field, and a restaurant called Apricot Blossom Village. On a festive day or special celebration, the whole
community would gather around in the hall to see a movie or attend other activities.
The community hall and the football field were gone and the Poly Central Plaza was built on that spot. Recently, I
discovered by surprise that there is a football ground a few
floors above the street level in the building complex. Only one
building still exists and Jianshe Estate as a name has gradually disappeared from daily conversation. Jianshe 6th Street was one of the streets in the Estate. Jian Liu, the abbreviated
name of Jianshe 6th Street, is now a popular place to hang
around. Jian Liu is not as commercial as Tian He. It is not as historic as Xi Guan, nor as snobbish as Dong Shan. In here,
you will see a well balanced mix of local and foreign tastes.
A real Guangzhou, that is characterized by its openness and
Built in 1951 by the Guangzhou City government, the Jianshe Estate was the first public housing for workers and it signified a new trend of city planning in the New China. 122
You will have to experience it for yourself to see the‘real
Guangzhou’that I speak of. I am happy to be your guide. Maggie LAU @WHYHOW Social Innovative Venture 123
About the Curator Maggie LOU, alias Miss Nine, was born in the late 1970’s to a family who lived in Jianshe neighborhood for many generations. Maggie has worked in different major media organizations and is actively involved in cultural, charity and creative fields. She was the founder of Xi Pai Book Store and initiator of special reading programs for autistic kids at the Guangzhou Children’s Palace. She founded WHYHOW Social Innovative Venture, which is a non-profit making organization aiming to mobilize human resources to serve the community. The project WHYHOW is currently involves in “Living space improvement”, in which Maggie tries to gather resources to help the under-privileged families renovate their living space.
11.14 / 15
六、日 / Sat, Sun
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel
长度 / Duration
分钟 / min
老爷随想 Idea de Hombre Viejo 克拉舞团(哥斯达黎加) Colectivo Clá (CR)
生命无需解释。两个角色,在一个我们不认识的世界里,正在走 向生命尽头。记忆就是生命本身。我们在他们的最后时刻遇见, 也陪着他们走到最后。
鸣谢 Acknowledgement
It is life without an explanation. Two characters, in a world
that we do not know, are reaching the last period of their lives, where memory is life itself. We see them in their last moments
and accompany them to the end.
舞团简介 ▲
克拉舞团于 2010 年 6 月在哥斯达黎加圣
About the Company
作艺术创作、以及对人体运动的研究。舞 团从每位成员在生活经历和舞蹈中的知识
前,在克拉舞团名下有两名艺术家,包括 艾德里安·阿里亚加·马德里加尔和迭戈·阿
编舞 Choreography 安东·洛奇基、莱斯·斯 洛瓦克斯 Anton LACHKY, Les SLOVACKS
舞者 Dancers 迭戈·阿尔瓦雷斯·萨努、 阿德里安·阿里亚加 Diego Alvarez Sanóu, Adrian ARRIAGA
尔瓦雷斯·萨努。他们分别在哥斯达黎加、 拉丁美洲和欧洲担任教学和编舞工作。
Colectivo Clá was founded in June 2010, in San Jose, Costa Rica. Clá aims to be a cultural agent that contributes to
the development of the performing arts in Costa Rica and the world,
through workshops, performances, collaborations, and research in
movement of the human body. Clá
explores the possibilities of movement and creation from the knowledge and
concerns of each members in their life
experiences and in dance. Currently, Clá
has two artists – Adrian Arriaga Madrigal and Diego Alvarez Sanou. They teach and create works in Costa Rica, Latin
America and Europe.
音乐 Music 塞西莉亚·芭托莉、菲利 普·雅洛斯基、贝尼亚米 诺·吉里、约翰·塞巴斯 蒂安·巴赫 Cecilia BARTOLI, Philippe JAROUSSKY, Beniamino GIGLI, Johanne Sebastian BACH
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel
choreographer of BeijingDance/LDTX.
including One Place, See You the snail,
About Choreographers
11.14 / 15
六、日 / Sat, Sun
编舞简介 ▲
长度 / Duration
26 分钟 / min
蛾 选段 Moth (excerpt)
年编舞家,创作了多部作品,包括《一处》 等,在世界各地巡演。刘斌以精巧的舞蹈
才情和敏锐的艺术感知,成为当今中国现 代舞艺术领域年青一代,集创作和表演于 一体的佼佼者。
LIU Bin was a young resident
山西舞洲现代舞团(太原) Shanxi DanceLand (TY)
《蛾》,是由北京雷动天下现代舞团驻团编舞刘斌作品,也是山 西舞洲现代舞团的第二部作品。
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
October, Sky, Divination and so on,
and has toured around the world. With his excellent dance talent and acute art perception, he has become an
outstanding creator and performer in the field of dance in China.
请查阅 Pxx
Please refer to P
About the Company
He has created many masterpieces,
编舞 Choreography 刘斌 LIU Bin
舞者 Dancers 吴彪、李凌、孙蕊、唐元、 何彦其、田晶晶、刘红飞、 陈逸群、安文斌、安文武、 冯晓明 WU Biao, LI Ling, SUN Rui, TANG Yuan, HE Yan-qi, TIAN Jing-jing, LIU Hong-fei, CHEN Yiqun, AN Wen-bin, AN Wen-wu, FENG Xiaoming
“Keep flying, searching, keep living...”
The dance, Moth, is created by Liu Bin, the resident
choreographer of Beijing Dance/LDTX. It is also the second work of Shanxi DanceLand.
All photos ©ZHOU Li-heng
灯光 Lighting 李骏龙 LI Jun-long
音乐 Music 迪俄碧、史蒂文·普莱斯 Deupree, Steven Price
服装 Costume 朱晋源 ZHU Jin-yuan
11.14 / 15
六、日 / Sat, Sun
长度 / Duration
分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel www.cienfuegosdanza.com
老鼠先生 Ratas
西恩富尔戈舞团(西班牙) CienfuegosDanza (ES)
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
“The day I was born, my mother gave birth to two twins; Me and my fear.”
We analyze fear – our own fears, and confront them while
also looking at their opposites, such as hope. It allows us to
understand social, religious and political problems.
About the Company
National Theatre of San José, National
Dance Company of El Salvador, etc.
和南美地区的著名编舞,亦是西恩富尔戈 斯达黎加国家舞蹈团,圣何塞国家剧院,
Dance Company of Venezuela, National
委内瑞拉国家舞蹈团, 萨尔瓦多国家舞蹈
In 2009, Cienfuegos initiated a revolution
and began to develop renewed stylistic
团等创编作品。2009 年起西恩富尔戈推 风格。与过去十五年见,约书亚为舞团创 作了多部作品,并赢得多个重要奖项以及 获得舞蹈评论和观众的一致认可。让舞团 跻身国际一流舞蹈团体行列。
型节目、街头演出、小品及与不同艺术家 的合作项目及委约创作等。舞团的足迹遍
codes which were the starting point
for a new methodological and artistic earned the company important awards, as well as the recognition of critics and group among the major dance
companies on the international scene.
shows, short pieces to collaborations
director of dance in Spain and South America, Yoshua CIENFUEGOS is founder and artistic director of
CienfuegosDanza. He has created
multiple works for his company, and for National Dance Company of Costa Rica,
音乐 Music 拉特·克里斯、西摩·阿 里亚斯 Rut QUILES, Ximo ARIAS
audience and has placed this Valencian
An established choreographer and
灯光 Lighting 维可多·安东 Víctor ANTÓN
approach. The works he created has
The work of CienfuegosDanza ranges
舞者 Dancers 玛丽亚·阿尔克·蒙乐娜、 罗娜·加西亚·卡拉斯科 María Arques MONERA, Laura García CARRASCO
in his method of choreographic creation
服装 Costume 派斯丘·派里斯 Pascual PERIS
from large-scale productions, street
and commissioned choreographies. The Company has been presented
extensively over the world. Currently the Company's work focuses on the exploration and experimentation
of movement, getting deeper into
the abstract language and effective expressions of emotion.
性 的 覆 目 颠 的 种 蹈 一 舞 … “… ……观看 而是去欣 , 言 解 语 》 理 的 志 去 杂 要 化 是 文 并非 ——《 ” 。 赏 e v i s c i r t e e v o b p u s e r a e h … w “ , e e g h a t u lang y rests in body. t e u h a t s e f e b o v a y e l m t e o a t n a h o t n , a y g l l n i a s i u l t a n o e t e r v d e E e tr a gn be i e s h e t the is not d but to , e c d n o a o d st r e d n la be u ed. ” o c i n r r i e d adm -- Mo
编舞 Choreography Yoshua CIENFUEGOS 约书亚·西恩富尔戈
舞团简介 ▲
11.14 / 15 长度 / Duration
分钟 / min
六、日 / Sat, Sun
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel www.aurora-borealis.org
就是他 Juxta
延斯·皮耶格德 / 北极光舞团(丹麦) Jens BJERREGAARD /Aurora Borealis (DK)
鸣谢 Acknowledgement
Juxta, is part of a larger dance project in which Bjerregaard conceived around the six Cello Suites of Bach. It draws inspiration from a desire to create a constant flow of
movements that embodies the energy of Bach's music.
Instead of following the music, the dance creates an opposite
©György Jókúti
to the music – a mirror that can reflect one's journey.
编舞 / 舞者 Choreography/ Dancer 延斯·皮耶格德 Jens BJERREGAARD
音乐 Music 约翰·塞巴斯提安·巴赫 Johan Sebastian BACH
编舞简介 ▲ About Choreographers
competitions. For the past five years,
蹈圈。1998 年,创办城市精灵舞蹈团,
time in the Middle East, performing,
学习舞蹈及编舞,1992 年开始活跃于舞 获奖无数。2005 年创立人体拷贝舞团,
2007 年成立了丹麦首个编舞中心,以该 中心为基地策划艺术节,举办了国际性舞 蹈比赛和开拓外展项目。他经常受邀为不 同舞蹈团编舞,并在国际性舞蹈比赛中担
任评委。过去 5 年里,皮耶格德一直在中 东表演、教学和创建项目。2014 年,他
节目的编舞。2015 年,他创立了北极光 舞团作为其国际舞蹈项目交流平台。皮耶
格德视舞蹈为一种抽象、超然的表达方式。 他坚守自己的编舞方向,创作风格独具诱
BJERREGAARD has been spending teaching, and creating projects. In
2014, he became the choreographer on the So You Think You Can Dance TV show, in its first edition in the
Arab World. In 2015 he established
Aurora Borealis as a platform for his international dance projects. As an
artist BJERREGAARD practices dance as an abstract, transcendent form of
expression. He has persistently followed his own choreographic direction. His style is spellbinding and displays a
certain‘Scandinavian feel’ , based on a consciousness of form and visual design.
Trained in at the Laban Centre (UK), BJERREGAARD has been active in
dance since 1992 and established in
舞团简介 ▲
1998, the award-winning ensemble
Urban Elves. In 2005, BJERREGAARD
founded Mancopy. In 2007, he founded
About the Company
Archauz, the first Choreographic
Centre in Denmark. He has also been
choreographing for companies, curating festivals and creating professional
opportunities for young artists and been jury member on several international
延斯·皮耶格德 / 北极光舞团成立于 2015 年初,是丹麦编舞家延斯·皮耶格德的创 作和国际合作平台。
Jens Bjerregaard/Aurora Borealis was established in early 2015 to serve as a platform for the artistic work and
international collaborations of Danish choreographer Jens BJERREGAARD.
11.14 / 15
六、日 / Sat, Sun
长度 / Duration
分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel www.cobosmika.com
你我之间 One to Another
可博斯米卡舞蹈团(西班牙) CobosMika Company (ES)
受希腊神话启发,这段舞蹈带着观众踏上一段寻找自我的旅程。 作品探索外在和内在真实的我之间的差异,编舞认为这该是尝试
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
你是否有另一半的自己?你是否有一个从未被发现的自己?你认 为自己是谁?
Inspired by the Greek mythology, this piece of dance takes the audience on a journey of self-searching. The choreographers explore the dichotomy of what do people project versus
what do they feel, which, according to the choreographers, is perhaps where the search for knowledge of their true selves
should begin. It is the instant between the private and the seen – that brief affirmation of the self which the choreographers
find deeply affecting, and strive to capture and pass along to the audience.
Do you have another half? Do you have a self never revealed? Who do you think you are?
舞团简介 ▲ About the Company
可博思米卡舞蹈团由彼得·米卡及奥尔加 •
and co-artistic Director Olga COBOS was
well known choreographers in Germany
编舞 Choreography 彼得·米卡、 迭戈·辛尼戈 Peter MIKA, Diego SINNIGER DE SALAS
born in Spain and has collaborated with
可博斯共同创立。 彼得生于斯洛伐克,曾于
and Portugal.
提名最佳舞者。 奥尔加生于西班牙,于马德 里皇家艺术学院舞蹈系毕业。 奥尔加是个
In 2005, the company was relocated to
金奖及多次被提名德国最佳舞者。 二人于
became the resident company at Teatre
舞者 Dancers 迭戈·辛尼戈、纳撒尼尔·沙 罗尔 Diego SINNIGER DE SALAS, NathanaëL CHARROL
Palamós, Olga’ s hometown, where they
La Gorga. In 2009, Cobos and Mika
2000 年在德国慕尼黑成立舞团,2005 年
inaugurated CobosMika-Espai de Dansa
灯光 Lighting 乔治·富恩特斯、 以撒·卢卡斯 Jorge FUENTES, Isaac LUCAS
i Moviment, a new creation, training and
常驻舞团。 2009 年创立可博思米卡舞蹈和
research centre for professionals and
业余舞蹈爱好者提供一个新的创作、 培训
和研究的平台。 除了为本团创编作品外,二
视频 Video 伊格纳西·奥塔诺 Ignasi CASTAÑÉ
“Live is movement and movement
expresses the soul”defines and
synthesizes the philosophy that
可博斯米卡舞蹈团的艺术理念可概括为 “生
音乐 Music 本·弗罗斯特 Ben FROST
has inspired CobosMika along its
international trajectory. The Company
活即舞动, 舞动即灵魂表达” 。 舞团获奖无数, has been awarded with prestigious 包括 2002 年在伦敦获罗宾·霍华德基金会
“最佳编舞作品”一等奖; 2003 年获慕尼
prizes, such as the 1st Prize at the Robin Howard Foundation to the
黑福尔德舞蹈大奖的 “最佳编舞作品” 一等奖, best choreographic work at The 等等。 二人大胆、 具有爆发力和美感的编舞
Place, London (2002), the 1st Prize
choreographic work (Munich, 2003), and
语言糅合舞蹈与即兴,并加入武术和身体 Cobosmika Company was founded in 2000 in Munich by Olga COBOS
and Peter MIKA. Peter was born in
Slovakia and has danced with many
prestigious companies in Europe and
has created choreographies for several
at Fördertanz Preise to the best
the 1st Prize of Scenic Arts at Inund’ Art (Girona, 2008). Their daring, explosive and virtuous choreographic language
blends dance with improvisation, and adds elements from martial arts and physical theatre.
dance companies like Stattheater
Landesteater Linz, and Bratislava Dance Theatre. A Winner of many dance
awards and nominations, co-founder
©Octavi Pahissa
Braunschweig, Ballet Theatre Munich,
11.14 / 15
日 / Sun
长度 / Duration
分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel
essential as the two performers throw knives and dance at the same time, evoking an intense yet delicate image that keeps the audience sitting on the edge of their seats.
刀锋汉子 Of Knives and Men 巴拿马映画舞蹈团 (荷兰) Panama Pictures (NL)
在《刀锋汉子》中,人刃之间,舞蹈和杂技浑然一体,把两个男 人的之间故事娓娓道来。
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
弟,但已经许久不联系了。重逢时,他们能多信任对方?他们的 关系还能走多远?“风险”是节目的关键词。备受赞誉的舞者米 克尔·德·勇和天才青年杂技演员费边·克雷斯戴,在舞蹈与六把
飞刃之间配合得天衣无缝。节目效果紧张震撼,又不乏细腻之处, 令观众屏息。
In Of Knives and Men, elements of circus and dance merge
seamlessly to become one story about two men in their own wilderness.
Two men are testing the boundaries of their relationship. They might be good buddies. But they haven't seen each other for a long time. How much can they trust each other when they element of risk plays an important part in this performance
for highly acclaimed dancer Miquel DE JONG, young talented acrobat Fabian KRESTEL and six sharp knives. Timing is 142
©Rob Hogeslag
meet again? How much further can their friendship go? An
编舞 Choreography 皮亚·缪森 Pia MEUTHEN
舞者 Dancers 费边·克雷斯戴、 米高·德·勇 Fabian KRESTEL, Miquel DE JONG
灯光 Lighting 埃德温·范·斯滕贝亨 Edwin VAN STEENBERGEN 音乐 Music 杰斯克·德·布罗 Jeske DE BLAUW
All photos ©Rob Hogeslag
服装 Costume 桑妮·赖克特 Sanne REICHERT
六 / Sat
长度 / Duration
分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel www.panamapictures.nl
阿发职场手札 ALPHA - the new wilderness 巴拿马映画舞蹈团(荷兰) Panama Pictures (NL)
典歌曲的劲爆演出。在《阿发职场手札》中,编舞皮亚·缪森把 总裁们的身体语言放到显微镜下,观察入微,带着讽刺的快慰,
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
跟猩猩的行为进行鲜明对比,舞者们婉转舞台,但彼此关系平衡。 她没有说教,只是试图去阐述文明这层纱有时候可以是多么的单
薄。观众看到的究竟是经理老总之间的激烈争论,还是他们犹如 一群嘈杂不休的猴子?人类和动物之间的界限被模糊了。在这股
对权力无法抗拒的欲望背后又究竟隐藏着什么?《阿发职场手札》 和我们当下的生活息息相关。
Five men and a female soprano deliver an explosive mix of dance, acrobatics and classical song. In ALPHA - the new wilderness choreographer Pia MEUTHEN places the body observant but with satirical relief, the show exposes the insatiable hunger for power.
©Rinse Fokkema
language of executives under the microscope. Sharply
In ALPHA - the new wilderness, Pia MEUTHEN examines
the conduct within the 'old boys network' and draws sharp parallels with the ape population. She portrays, without
moralizing, how thin the layer of civilization can sometimes be. ALPHA - the new wilderness makes a direct link to our current state of affairs. Three dancers and two Chinese pole acrobats whirl across the stage, climb, slide and balance on poles and on each other. The boundary between human and animal is
blurred. Are we watching a heated discussion between senior managers or a group of quarreling monkeys? And what is actually hiding behind the irresistible desire for power?
About Choreographer
have been commissioned by various
groups in the Netherlands. In 2002, she
院和方提斯舞蹈学院。从 1998 年开始, 多制作公司和舞蹈团体的委托进行创作。
2002 年,她成立了自己的巴拿马映画舞 蹈团。2005 年起,她在方提斯舞蹈学院 任客席讲师。其作品入围多个国际舞蹈创
作平台,其中一部更获荷兰 VSCD 舞蹈大 奖赛最佳制作奖提名。皮亚·缪森多次受
《舞蹈》对她作品评价甚高,并称誉她为 《2014 希望之星》。
Pia MEUTHEN received her dance
education at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Amsterdam and Fontys
Dance Academy in the Netherlands. She has become an active freelance
choreographer since 1998. Her works
production companies and dance
founded her own company – Panama Pictures. Since 2005 she has become a guest teacher at the Fontys Dance
Academy. MEUTHEN’ s performances were selected for international dance networks such as Aerowaves and
Modul Dance. One of the performances was nominated for the VSCD Dance
Prize for the‘Best Production’in the Netherlands. She was selected by
several international talent programmes for young choreographers. Tanz, the
renowned European dance magazine, honoured her with the review titled Bearer of Hope 2014. 148
©Rob Hogeslag ©Rinse Fokkema
编舞简介 ▲
About the Company
circuit but also enjoys international
dance networks and awards such as
杂技完美结合。其作品活泼又不失壮观, 人经历编入舞蹈动作中去。在她的作品
中,她主动与观众分享自身对社会规范 和人际关系的看法。舞团的舞者和杂技
演员来自世界各地,年龄、经历各不相同, 组成一个国际化阵容。这些魅力非凡的表
演者对缪森的舞蹈作品进行个性化演绎, 他们独一无二的个人风格对于作品的发 挥非常重要。
recognition with selections for various Aerowaves, Modul Dance, Masdanza
舞者 Dancers 米格尔·费奥尔·杜兰、 托比亚斯·斯波利、弗朗 切斯科·巴尔巴、加布里 埃莱·曼卡、费边·克雷 斯戴 Miguel FIOL DURAN, Tobias SPORI, Francesco BARBA, Gabriele MANCA, Fabian KRESTEL
and Berner Tanzpreise, residencies
at The Place and Tanzhaus NRW and international performance venues including Oslo, Frankfurt, Leipzig,
Cologne, Weimar, London, Gdansk, Moscow, Beijing and Guangzhou.
歌手 Singer 琳达·辛克尔 Linde SCHINKEL
巴拿马映画舞蹈团享誉荷兰国内外,作品 入围多个国际舞蹈创作平台,舞团在奥斯
灯光 Lighting 埃德温·范·斯滕贝亨 Edwin VAN STEENBERGEN
Panama Pictures makes performances
at the crossroads of dance and circus in
音乐 Music 斯瑞布斯、范·莱斯韦克 STRIJBOS, VAN RIJSWIJK
which the disciplines seamlessly merge. The work is dynamic and at times
spectacular, but also always intimate and vulnerable. Choreographer Pia
服装 Costume 桑妮·赖克特 Sanne REICHERT
MEUTHEN translates personal stories into movement. In her productions,
she allows the audience to share her
perspective on social codes and human relations. Her performances are carried by the personality of her charismatic
performers; an international cast that consists of dancers and acrobats with varying ages and backgrounds. Their personal touch and uniqueness are
paramount in the development of the productions.
Panama Pictures is an established
company in the Netherlands' dance
员 不 演 家 的 技 大 上 杂 ; 达 “ 具 表 工 在 对 的 者 相 力 舞 , 有 和 量 件 力 一 入 体 是 注 肢 就 演 的 同 表 大 技 巨 杂 都拥有的舞蹈, 味道。” 野 畅 狂 流 的 于 奋 兴 网 人 团 令 戏 了 马 in 兰 e c 荷 e n h t —— differe n e e w s e t r h e e T b c n “ n a o i d s e h es t r p d x n e a t a s t e r a w g b o o a r fl s c e a a h s t n s o o t t i t a . . c b fun ment… e acro h u t h r g s t r u s e o c in r n g a n d i t e i c h t x f e o y r e v a d d nu . a t n u p ” . s e u c r i not c . w w w -编舞 Choreography 皮亚·缪森 Pia MEUTHEN
©Rob Hogeslag
舞团简介 ▲
长度 / Duration
日 / Sun
分钟 / min
场地 / Venue 花园酒店 The Garden Hotel www.ergaodance.com
二高表演(广州) Ergao Dance Production Group (GZ)
80 年代初,Disco 在中国开始风靡,因为周遭环境的改变以及
西方文化的撞击,产生了许多关于这个年代的标志性符号:除了 Disco 舞曲与 Disco 舞厅之外,墨镜、喇叭裤、红唇、蝙蝠衫也 慢慢演变成为时代的符号。
恰是在如此标志性的符号之下,他们,在舞厅之外的社会环境里, 开始问:我是谁?我从哪里来?我是要到哪里去?而在舞厅之内,
出品 Producer
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
声音需求。或许,正是在如此节奏强烈的 Disco 舞曲之下,纯粹 的肢体与声音本身就可以传递“我”的存在状态。 我的存在是什么?来舞厅之内寻找答案。 Since the beginning of the 1980s, when China opened its
door to the world after a long period of political chaos, discos and disco music have burst into the mainland through Hong Kong and quickly swept the country with huge popularity. Bright lipsticks, wild hairdos and trendy clothes were also introduced.
After decades being dominated by collectivism, the idea of
individualism was unleashed and the sense of self-awareness was wakened at the dance floor in China. Inside the disco,
people forgot about their identities, social status and genders, and submitted to sheer instinctive pleasure brought by strong beats. Outside, they started to ask:“Who am I?” “What , am I
doing here?” “What , am I looking for?”.Disco in that particular era could be considered a container of various shapes and characters as well as an incubator for new trends.
“What is my existence?”One asks. Come to the disco and find out.
舞团介绍 ▲
请参阅 Pxx
Please refer to Pxx
About the Company
编舞 Choreography 何其沃 Er Gao
舞者 Dancers 鄢妮、俞亚男、卢晓薇、 张凯森 YAN Ni, YU Ya-nan, Candice LOU, TEO Khai Shen 灯光 Lighting 刘诗豪 LOW Shee Hoe
音乐 Music 梁奕源 LIANG Yi-yuan
Official China Distributor | 中国总代理 www.phoenix-audio.com T (大陆)
+86 20 8323 0840 |
T (香港)
+852 2439 0432 157
第十二届广东现代舞周工作团队 The 12th Guangdong Dance Festival Team 艺术总监 Artistic Director
节目总监 Programme Director
技术总监 Technical Director 项目经理 Project Managers
节目统筹 Programme Coordinator 项目统筹 Project Coordinators
媒体宣传经理 Publicity Manager
公共关系 Public Communication
行政及票务 Administration & Ticketing 技术经理 Technical Manager
技术统筹 Technical Coordinators
舞台监督 Stage Manager 财务 Accountant 出纳 Cashier
总务 General Affairs Coordinator 设计 Graphic Design
英文编辑 English Text Editing 摄影 Photography
音响技术支持 Audio Support
官方指定酒店 Official Hotel
曹诚渊 Willy TSAO
张月娥 Karen CHEUNG 林礼长 Anther LAM
王冠(《在建设路上起舞》)、陈耀麟 (舞蹈交织会) Summer WANG(Dance on the Way) Nicholas CHAN(DanceX) 廖国颖 Sophie LIEW
深度合作媒体 Preferred Media Partners
特邀媒体 Special Media Partners
刘芙蓉 、陆矜儿 Lotus LIU, Olivia LUK 吴骏东 John NG
曹诚漪 / 天虹意象 Lulu TSAO/Rainbow Spectrum
媒体伙伴 Media Partners
蒲雅雯 PU Ya-wen
陈穗中 CHEN Sui-zhong
刘诗豪 、梁伟清 、霍树荣 、邓志峰、王士杰 LOW Shee Hoe, LIANG Wei-qing, FOK Shu Wing, DENG Zhi-feng, WANG Shi-jie 张咏宜 Jess CHEUNG 冼丽冰 XIAN Li-bing 卢颖莉 Winnie LU
宋金玲 SONG Jin-ling
陈彬杨、黄露 Bevan CHAN, Yellow WONG 覃苑明 Shane QIN
CUX Studio QI Ray
特别鸣谢:赖颖诗、邓韵怡、陈彦霈、张圆昊、关慧玲、张颖、林淑晶、陈相月、黄之伊及所有志愿者朋友。 Special thanks to the dedicated team of internees: Sisi LAI, Windy DENG, Kaylee CHAN, Cercle ZHANG, Cherry GUAN, ZHANG Ying, Evelyn LAM, CHEN Xiang-yue, HUANG Zhi-yi and all volunteers.
场地伙伴 Venue Partners
鸣谢 Acknowledgements
Kingdom of the Netherlands