現代舞周 Guangdong Dance Festival
《拾翠 -猜.情.尋》 The 10
Shamian Programme:
Dance Carnival
Hosts of Honour: Department of Culture Guangdong Province, People’s Government of Liwan District, Guangzhou City Presenter: Guangdong Xinghai Performing Art Group Co-presenters: Guangzhou Liwan District Party Committee Propaganda Department, Culture Broadcasting Television News and Publishing Bureau of Liwan District, Shamian Street Office of Liwan District Guangdong Dance Festival
11/9-162013 www.gdfestival.cn
官方指定酒店 Official Hotel
The 10th Guangdong Dance Festival 音響技術保障 Audio Support
藝術節合作伙伴 Festival Partners
藝術機構合作伙伴 Collaborating Art Institutions
深度合作媒體 Preferred Media Partners
媒體伙伴 Associate Media
1 第 十 屆 廣 東 現 代
指定網絡伙伴 Official Website Cooperation
指定電台媒體 Official Radio
指定咖啡館 Festival Café
Since its inauguration in 2004, the Festival has presented over 1000 works and is regarded as one of the most important dance events in China. Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, the Festival will welcome eight overseas and eight Chinese companies and ensembles coming from Belgium/France, Cameroon, Canada, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, and the U.S.A., as well as Beijing, Dehong/Yunnan, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Zhuhai and Hong Kong, China. Besides presenting five exquisite productions at the Friendship Theatre and No.13 Theater, twentyseven performances of innovative works ranging from full length to short pieces will be presented at the brand new program block, the Dance Carnival. These performances will take place in five different locations on Shamian Island, including Shamian Park, Hexi Exhibition Hall, Art64 Gallery, Voyage12 Café and Orient Express and will be opened to the public for free. We look forward to an exciting week of the Festival where the artists and the city of Guangzhou will inspire each other and bring new imaginations to us all.
舞 周
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
城市當代舞蹈團(香港)、北京雷動天下現代舞團 Department of Culture Guangdong Province Guangdong Xinghai Performing Art Group, Guangdong Xinghai Performing Art Development Co.,Ltd, Guangdong Xinghai Modern Dance Arts Co.,Ltd Co-organizers: City Contemporary Dance Company(HK), BeijingDance/LDTX 協辦: Presenter: Organizers:
社區板塊《拾翠 - 猜.情.尋》 Shamian Programme: Dance Carnival 指導單位:
承辦: 廣東現代舞周辦公室 Hosts of Honour: Department of Culture Guangdong Province, People’s Government of Liwan District, Guangzhou City Presenter: Guangdong Xinghai Performing Art Group Co-presenters: Guangzhou Liwan District Party Committee Propaganda Department, Culture Broadcasting Television News and Publishing Bureau of Liwan District, Shamian Street Office of Liwan District Organizer: Guangdong Dance Festival
2 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
【廣東現代舞周】自2004年創辦以來,已在廣 州上演超過1000台作品,其中不少來自年輕編 舞原創,及國際上具有創意和風格多元的實驗、 先鋒作品,更有國內外頂尖舞蹈團的精彩傑作。 邁入第10年的【廣東現代舞周】將迎來十六個 專業舞團,包括來自荷蘭、美國、加拿大、比利 時/法國、德國、波蘭、日本及喀麥隆的八個海 外舞團及藝術家;及來自中國北京、西安、珠 海、廣州、雲南德宏及香港地區的八個團隊。他 們除了為觀眾帶來五台精致及個性化的節目, 於友誼劇院及十三號劇院上演外,亦同時將多 元而充滿創意的舞蹈節目帶到廣州不同的角落 與市民分享,其中全新的【拾翠 - 猜、情、尋】 節目板塊將利用坐落於沙面不同位置的五個場 地,包括:沙面公園、和曦展館、Art64藝術空 間、Voyage12咖啡以及浪漫法國餐廳,上演二 十七場精彩節目,並免費向觀眾開放。從觀摩到 對話,從觀賞到互動,從劇場到社區,第十屆 【廣東現代舞周】是一場積澱拾年的城市藝術 工程。
World Premie re
Micro-visionary 廣東現代舞團(中國廣州)Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GZ,CN)
Programme Description
3 十 屆 廣 東 現 代 舞
About the Company
劉琦是國家一級編導,作品曾多次獲得全國及國際獎項,並 曾獲邀於世界各地巡演。《微視界》是劉琦最新作品,由純 粹的肢體動作構成。劉琦認為:世界的模樣,是取決於凝視 的目光,而舞蹈,只是大千世界中一粒沙塵、一枚芥子。如 果能駐足凝視,沙塵中也有多彩的世界,芥子中也能藏着氣 象萬千的須彌山。透過舞蹈中的動作,劉琦試圖從稍縱即逝 的動作瞬間,去發現一個早已存在的世界。
中國大陸第一個現代舞專業表演團體,成立於1992年。處於 中國改革開放的前沿地和試驗區,舞團一直吸引着全國深具原 創精神的舞者前來工作,並致力提倡開放性思維,推動國內現 代舞多元發展。舞團除了演出本土編舞家的作品外,也多次與 國際知名藝術家和藝術團體交流合作,展現不同的藝術觀點。 舞團多變的藝術風格,自然流露廣東文化前瞻、包容及開放的 特質,亦多次應邀參加世界各地的國際藝術節及巡演。
LIU Qi is a highly recognized choreographer who has won many awards in national and international levels. She is known for her powerful and intricate choreographic style. Her work has been toured extensively. Micro-visionary is her latest work. It is composed of pure movements. According to LIU, movement is a medium for her to re-discover the world. To her, dance is as ordinary as a grain of sand or a mustard seed. Yet, it can reveal a lot of meanings if one cares to look intently. By trying to catch glimpses of the erratic moment each movement may last, LIU tries to discover the world that might have already existed without being noticed.
Guangdong Modern Dance Company, founded in 1992, is mainland China’s first professional modern dance company. Based in one of the most vigorous regions in China, the company has attracted some of the most talented and daring artists in China. Works created by its dancers, resident choreographers, artistic directors and international guest artists have won critical acclaim and overwhelming audience responses around the world. The company tours extensively to many countries and regions in North America, Europe and Asia.
日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.09 / 19:30
場地 Venue
友誼劇院 Friendship Theater
長度 Duration
約70分鐘(不設中場休息)70 min (no intermission)
編舞 Choreographer
劉琦 LIU Qi
音樂 Music
湯姆.李.皮特森 Tom Lee PETTERSEN
燈光 Lighting
劉詩豪 LOW Shee Hoe
服裝 Costume
舞者 Dancers
余麗君、張聰斌、李翩翩、劉卿羽、黎家寶、吳卉、俞亞男、 肖智仁、趙建瑞、馬可、胡藤騰、李聖雄、賀敏 YU Li-jun, ZHANG Cong-bin, LI Pian-pian, LIU Qing-yu, LAI Ka Bo, WU Hui, YU Ya-nan, XIAO Zhi-ren, ZHAO Jian-rui, MA Ke, HU Teng-teng, LI Sheng-xiong, HE Min
“在叛逆中舞向自由”《人民日報》 “A rebellious spirit that sets dance free” RENMIN RIBAO (People’s Daily)
©Lin Xiao-yi
©Li Jian-yang
4 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
©Lin Xiao-yi
Layer Code 北京雷動天下現代舞團(中國北京)BeijingDance/LDTX (BJ,CN)
Programme Description 桑吉加以藝術家的想像力,尋索虛擬與現實世界之間的 “重置”,進行對可否重復生命過程的思考:虛擬世界裡, 按下按鈕即可修建將來;現實生活卻有着人類情感與時間的 沉澱。在時空顛倒過後,是否一切都可重來?打破的,都可 還原?
5 十 屆 廣 東 現 代 舞 周
About the Company 北京雷動天下現代舞團成立於2005年9月,由曹誠淵與李捍忠 聯合創辦,是中國第一個在政府體制之外正式注冊成立的舞蹈 團體。曹誠淵擔任舞團團長及藝術總監,李捍忠出任執行藝術 總監,團員來自中國各地,擁有精湛的舞蹈技術和優秀的創作 才華。雷動天下在中國推動現代舞,提供良好的藝術平台,讓 中國的舞蹈家充分以肢體為工具、動作為媒介,展示各自不同 的形態、思想和情感。舞團亦參加多種國際項目,足跡遍及世 界各地。 Founded in September 2005 by Willy TSAO and LI Han-zhong, BeijingDance/LDTX is China’s first professional dance company founded independently from the government. Under the artistic direction of Willy TSAO and deputy artistic director LI Han-zhong, the company boasts an ensemble with technically exquisite dancers. With a new generation of artists in China, BeijingDance/LDTX is a platform for creativity and serves as both a leader and a catalyst for the contemporary culture and the modern dance appreciation movement. The company has toured extensively all over the world.
日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.12 / 20:00
場地 Venue
十三號劇院 No.13 Theater
長度 Duration
約70分鐘(不設中場休息)70 min (no intermission)
編舞 Choreographer
桑吉加 SANG Ji-jia
音樂 Music
李勁松 Dickson DEE
燈光 Lighting
李鑫 LI Xin
視頻 Video
楊振業 Adrian YEUNG
服裝 Costume
王彥 WANG Yan
舞者 Dancers
李玥、湯婷婷、劉吟韜、謝欣、謝勇超、龔興興、訾偉、 許一鳴、扎西旺加、錢琨、阿迪亞、郭偉、高揚 LI Yue, TANG Ting-ting, LIU Yin-tao, XIE Xin, XIE Yong-chao, LI Ke-hua, ZI Wei, ZHAXIWANGJIA, QIAN Kun, HU Shen-yuan, ADIYA, GUO Wei, GAO Yang
現場攝像 Live Video Recording 郭翹楚 GUO Qiao-chu
“桑吉加的《重置》能像電影一樣 承載更深刻的主題。” 《新京報》
“Sang Ji-jia’s Layer Code has a cinematic touch that serves to convey profound and layered meanings.”
©Wang Da Sheng
New Beijing Journal
©LI Wei
©Wang Da Sheng
©Wang Da Sheng
6 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
SANG Ji-jia imaginatively looks for the layers between virtual world and real world to philosophically examine the possibility of humans reliving the past all over again: the virtual reality prevails nowadays, where people can erase the past record by one simple press of a button. What if this life is real? Could the accumulation of the past experience of the real world be started all over again? Could the motion and emotion, while repeated, be the same as those before the reboot?
與路奶奶的一席話 Dialogue with Lucinda
妮可博樂舞蹈團(荷蘭)NBprojects (NL)
Programme Description
7 十 屆
路辛達.查爾茲早期作品中突顯的極簡主義激發了博樂重新 創作她的兩部無伴奏作品:《徑向軌跡》(1976)和《內 在世界》(1977)。妮可.博樂將重塑後的作品重心放在 舞者個體的付出與責任,用樂感和精妙的幽默感,用對細節 清晰的感覺創造簡單卻栩栩如生的作品。
妮可博樂舞蹈團成立於阿姆斯特丹,其作品由妮可.博樂及合 作藝術家共同創作。舞團致力於創作令人共鳴和反思的作品, 尤為擅長創作與時代精神相關的節目,也嘗試跳出常規去探索 舞蹈的可能。在其舞蹈作品裡,豐富的歌劇、木偶、電影、表 演和視覺等藝術元素,讓舞團作品的表達方式更為豐富。
Fascinated by the radical and deceptively simple minimalism of Lucinda CHILDS' early work, BEUTLER chose to remake two of CHILDS' silent dance pieces, Radial Courses (1976) and Interior Drama (1977). The reinterpretations centre on the individual dancer’s efforts and responsibilities with musicality and subtle humour, using an articulate sense of detail to create minimal and highly visual works.
Based in Amsterdam, NBprojects produces dance and performance projects by Nicole BEUTLER and partner artists. NBprojects feels most at home in an artistic practice that is closely connected to the spirit of the times, while also exploring outside the bounds of established disciplines. Although dance and movement form are the basis for NBprojects’ work, it frequently ventures into areas such as drama, puppetry, film, performance and the visual arts.
Chin Premiea re
www.nbprojects.nl 日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.13 / 20:00
場地 Venue
十三號劇院 No.13 Theater
長度 Duration
50分鐘 50 min
編舞 Choreographer
妮可.博樂 Nicole BEUTLER
音樂 Music
加裡.謝帕德 Gary SHEPHERD
燈光 Lighting
明娜.蒂卡耶 Minna TIIKAINEN
服裝 Costume
傑西卡.海爾巴赫 Jessica HELBACH
舞者 Dancers
妮阿爾.明蒂奧拉斯、艾馬爾.佩雷斯.加利、 哈維爾.瓦吉奧.奧耶爾、馬基林.沃格爾、亞倫.庫普曼斯 Naiara MENDIOROZ, Aimar PEREZ GALI, Javier VAQUERO OLLERO, Marjolein VOGELS, Airen KOOPMANS
廣 東 現
“冷酷,面無表情,儀式般 卻充滿冷幽默,這些都是基 於查爾茲原著的再創作。”
代 舞 周
“Cool, expressionless and ritualistic, leavened with adust-dry humour, this is a legitimate expansion of Childs’ severe original.” The Stage
©Anja Beutler
8 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
About the Company
©jean van lingen
©Anja Beutler
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
Chin Premiea re
Dévorer le ciel
平板小腹舞蹈團(加拿大)Le Carré des Lombes (CA)
Programme Description
About the Company
這是一部打破藝術分類的條條框框的作品。作品以舞蹈融合 不同領域的藝術家進行一系列創作,呈現迪斯偌耶斯想要 “吞噬”空間的渴望,表達對人性的深刻感受及對真理、美 的執著追求。
平板小腹舞蹈團來自蒙特利爾,1989年由魁北克最具創新意 識的編舞家達妮埃爾.迪斯諾耶斯創立,現為蒙特利爾東方巡 回舞蹈中心的成員之一。舞團作品多次獲得世界各地藝術節和 劇場的邀請,作品采用多媒體技術打破舞蹈的局限。
With Dévorer le ciel Daniéle DESNOYERS created a work that defies categorization, weaving a delicate pattern of diverse textures. The work reveals her urge to “devour” the space and to communicate her deep feelings of humanity and the quest for the absolute, for truth and beauty.
Le Carré des Lombes was founded in 1989 by one of Quebec’s most innovative choreographers, Daniéle DESNOYERS. The company has been invited to perform in festivals and theatres all over the world in North America, Europe and Asia, and is now also a member of the Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique in Montreal. The company’s works are characterised by multimedia projects that go beyond the confines of dance.
9 十 屆 廣 東 現 代 舞 周
“天空變幻莫測,或烏雲密布,或陽光燦爛。奇特的能量相互交織, 瘋狂的舞者在台上就像吞噬了天空似的。”《新聞報》 “The variable climate, with skies of heavy grey or incandescent orange, is constantly apparent. A unique interweaving of energies… and dancers so bold that we can well imagine them devouring the skies.” La Presse
日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.14 / 20:00
場地 Venue
十三號劇院 No.13 Theater
長度 Duration
55分鐘(不設中場休息)55 min (no intermission)
編舞 Choreographer
達妮埃爾.迪斯諾耶斯 Daniéle DESNOYERS
原始音樂 Original Music 克拉拉.福雷 Clara FUREY 音樂 Music
朱利亞.沃菲、猛獸樂隊、彼得裡斯.柏拉裡迪斯、 弗蘭茲.李斯特、烏爾馬斯.西沙斯克 Julia WOLFE, Beast, Peteris PLAKIDIS, Franz LISZT, Urmas SISAK
音响設計 Sound Design 米歇爾-安東尼.卡斯頓圭 Michel-Antoine CASTONGUAY 燈光 Lighting
馬克.帕倫特 Marc PARENT
服裝 Costume
平板小腹舞團 Le Carré des Lombes
舞者 Dancers
卡琳娜.尚普、安娜貝爾.格蘭、莫莉.約翰遜、詹森.馬丁、 皮埃爾.馬克.歐萊特、尼古拉斯.帕特裡 Karina CHAMPOUX, Anabel GAGNON, Molly JOHNSON, Jason MARTIN, Pierre-Marc OUELLETTE, Nicolas PATRY
鳴謝 Acknowledgements ©Luc Senécal
©Luc Senécal
©Luc Senécal
10 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
馬勒與猛男 - 猛男斗秀場
The Best Man Show - an international men solo gala ©Jesse Clockwork
節目簡介 《我要飛》
Programme Description
I Want to Fly
胡藤騰,畢業於四川大學藝術學院舞蹈系。2008年1月 HU Teng-teng graduated at Department of Dance, College of Art, Sichuan University. He studyed contemporary dance in Sejong University from 2008 to 2010, worked for 至2010年1月於韓國世宗大學學習現代舞。曾任四川師 the Department of Choreography, College of Dance, Sichuan Normal University and 範大學舞蹈學院編導系教師。2012年加入廣東現代舞 joined Guangdong Modern Dance Company in 2012. XING Liang graduated at the 團。邢亮畢業於北京舞蹈學院古典舞表演專業,旋即 Beijing Dance Academy Chinese classical dance, and had danced with Guangdong Modern Dance Company since 1993, with the City Contemporary Dance Company 成為該院中國青年舞團主要演員。邢亮1993年加入廣 since 1998. XING was the deputy artistic director for GMDC between 2000 and 2002, 東現代舞團,1998年加入香港城市當代舞蹈團,2000 and the resident artist with CCDC since 2002. He is currently an independent artist.
My dream is in the sky, I want to fly…
編舞 邢亮(中國香港) 舞者 胡藤騰(中國廣州)
Choreographer XING Liang (HK,CN) Dancer HU Teng-teng (GZ,CN)
Waiting Alone
The dancer choreographer presents a very unique style of movement in the piece. 作品呈現出編舞獨特的動作風格。在發力過程中,肢體宛如 Fearlessly throwing himself into the random spaces on stage, the hysterical and 失控般向着不定的空間投射,跌跌碰碰,給人一種支離破碎 stumbling movements conveys a strong feeling of loneliness and helplessness. 的無助感。 Choreographer/Dancer XU Yi-ming (BJ,CN) 編舞/舞者 許一鳴(中國北京)
Choreographer/Dancer Szymon OSIŃSKI (PL)
編舞/舞者 西蒙.歐辛斯基(波蘭)
I am Lost to the World
涯,昂首闊步地站上了更大的舞台。躊躇滿志之際可能是滑 落的開端,意志與力量流逝,垂頭喪氣。人生路途起落跌
I am lost to the world with which I used to waste so much time. It has heard nothing from me for so long, that it may very well believe that I am dead! I am 我已不再存在於那曾經熟悉的世界,但這已無關緊要,因為 dead to the world's tumult, and I rest in a quiet realm! I live alone in my heaven, 塵世的紛擾與我無關,我獨自活在一片安寧---只屬於我的天 in my love and in my song!
Choreographer/Dancer Kevin POLAK (NL)
編舞/舞者 凱文.波拉克(荷蘭)
Sous la peau, la nuit - an excerpt
東 現
The choreographer has probed the sources of movement to find a new emotional density, a new world of sensations and desires. Allowing the work to take shape 編舞追求更深度情感上的舞動,感覺,渴望。通過層次的疊 through an accumulation of layers, and the meaning to percolate through the 加,身體的神秘感賦予作品生動力。迪斯偌耶斯的舞蹈創 mysteries of the body, Danièle DESNOYERS has created long sequences of 作,動作細微,結構分明,在引人無限想像的音樂的襯托 finely textured movement, which remind us that dance has the power to fuel the imagination, unfurling its silent score within the music that completes it. 下,展現它的靜謐。 Choreographer Daniele DESNOYERS (CA) 編舞 達妮埃爾.迪斯諾耶斯(加拿大) Dancer Pierre-Marc OUELLETTE (CA) 舞者 皮埃爾.馬克.歐萊特(加拿大)
Free Without Limit
It lasts. It doesn’t change. It’s really there. How can we stay unaffected? Ignorance. Is 任鬥轉星移,它亙古不變,是置若罔聞,還是處之泰然…… it fatal? How can the unsolved past be digested? In a half light of an illuminated circle, 宿命過往,如何釋懷?半明半暗中,舞作如詩歌般流露出微 Simon ABBE shows poetically what has been going through his mind. Albeit helpless he tries, he acts his words through the delicate expression. 妙之情。 編舞/舞者 西蒙.阿比(喀麥隆) 日期/時間 Date/Time 2013.11.15 / 20:00
Choreographer/Dancer Simon ABBE (CM) 場地 Venue 十三號劇院 No.13 Theater
長度 Duration 70分鐘 70 min
年任廣東現代舞團執行藝術總監。2002年為香港城市 XU Yi-ming danced with Guangzhou Song and Dance Company in 2001 before joining Beijing Modern Dance Company. In 2005, he became a founding member 當代舞蹈團的駐團藝術家,現為獨立藝術家。 of BeijingDance/LDTX and began teaching modern dance in the training centre. He 許一鳴,2001年進入廣州市歌舞團,半年後改投北京 has toured a lot with the company and performed in many creations by outstanding choreographers. 現代舞團。2005年,成為北京雷動天下現代舞團建團 成員,並任培訓中心現代舞導師。他隨團到世界各地 Szymon OSIŃSKI – dancer, choreographer, contemporary dance teacher. Specializing in techniques of jazz and modern jazz. He was connected to the Busters Contemporary 巡演,參演了許多優秀編舞的作品。 Dance Group and Pro Contemporary Dance Theatre. Now performs with Zawirowania Dance Theatre. 西蒙.歐辛斯基,舞者、編舞、現代舞老師。擅長爵 士舞和現代爵士舞技巧,曾為波斯特現代舞團及普洛 Kevin POLAK graduated from the High School of Art in Amsterdam. He joined NDTII dancing with globally renowned choreographers. He is now teaching classical ballet 現代舞蹈劇場工作,現為旋轉舞蹈劇場舞者。 classes at a variety of company’s open classes, and is a policy office at Codarts. He’s also a board member for different foundations in the Netherlands. 凱文.波拉克畢業於阿姆斯特丹藝術學校,曾擔任荷蘭 頂尖舞團荷蘭舞蹈劇場二團舞者,期間與多個國際知 Pierre joined Le Carré des Lombes in 2006 and received the schorlaship of Canada Council for the Arts and took part in the ImPuls Tanz – Vienna International Dance 名編導合作。凱文2006年起與米高.德.勇合組荷蘭 Festival for further study in 2009. He currently performs with Le Carré des Lombes. 2動舞團並任藝術總監,現於不同的舞團教授古典芭蕾 A leading figure in Quebec’s contemporary dance scene, Danièle DESNOYERS, the choreographer, has made her mark with an art in which dance, the visual arts and 舞課程,同時為荷蘭Codarts學校制定該校政策方針, music converge. She established herself on Canadian and international stages with 亦是荷蘭多個基金組織的董事會成員。 mysterious and intimate pieces, followed by works that incorporated astonishing stagecraft and sound environments that shaped the language of the body. 舞者皮埃爾2006年加入蒙特利爾的平板小腹舞蹈 Simon ABBE started hip-hop dance in 1998 and was awarded “champion of 團。2009年,獲得加拿大文化藝術理事會獎學金,並 Cameroon” with his group, Black Star, in the category urban dance for four times. 到維也納國際舞蹈藝術節深造,現隨平板小腹舞蹈團 Afterwards, he joined the National Ballet Company of Cameroon and trained himself 進行魁北克巡演。編舞達妮埃爾.迪斯諾耶斯是加拿 for contemporary dance technique and gradually began to choreograph. In 2008, he established his own dance company, Abbe Dance Company. Since then, the company 大魁北克現代舞界的風雲人物,她將舞蹈、視覺和音 has been collaborating with several dance companies in Europe, Asia and Africa. The 樂完美結合,別具一格。其早期作品充滿神秘色彩和 collaborations have been presented in many festivals around the world. 個人情感。後來的創作中,她卻用無與倫比的舞美和 音效來烘托舞蹈。 西蒙.阿比,1998年開始嘻哈舞表演,帶領黑色的星 星舞團參加喀麥隆流行舞大賽,獲四屆冠軍。他在喀 麥隆國家芭蕾舞團期間,進修了現代舞技巧,並嘗試 編舞。2008年,西蒙.阿比成立了阿蓓舞團,與歐 洲、亞洲及非洲的舞蹈團聯合創作,作品在許多藝術 節上演出。
12 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
Everyman describes the circle of life. When young, we venture and gain new territory. The moment we develop the feeling of pride marks the beginning of the downfall, confronting us with the possibility of losing strength and power, forcing us to realize that life is full of ups and downs. In Everyman we can observe a dancer fighting his limitations and weaknesses. When controlling the body, he gains power that allows him to dominate.
About the Dancers/Choreographers
performing arts YEARBOOK
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Last chance to advertise and get noticed by thousands of keys decision makers in the performing arts. Covering 65 countries. Contact Kada now kada@impromptupublishing.com and get your advert and your free listing in the directories Performing Arts Yearbook Europe 2014 and Performing Arts Yearbook Asia 2014.
咫尺大觀園 牽引今古眾生相 香港葵青劇院演藝廳 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium, Hong Kong 地址 Address 香港葵涌興寧路12號 12 Hing Ning Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
編舞及舞台設計概念 燈光
服裝 音響
信用卡電話購票 有關加料節目及折扣優惠詳情,請參閱CCDC網頁。 提示:演藝廳外的演出部份於晚上7時45分開始,歡迎提前到達劇院。
更多詳情 CCDC城市當代舞蹈團
(六 / Sat)
(日 / Sun)
(一 / Mon)
(二 / Tue)
(三 / Wed)
(四 / Thu)
(五 / Fri)
(六 / Sat)
09:00 10:30
大師班 Master classes
大師班 Master classes
大師班 Master classes
11:00 12:30
大師班 Master classes
大師班 Master classes
大師班 Master classes
16:30 《尋找大觀園》 In Search of the Grand View Garden 城市當代舞蹈團 CCDC (中國香港 HK,CN)
21 第
節目安排詳情請參閱 【拾翠 - 猜.情.尋】節目時間表 Please refer to Dance Cannival @Shamian programme schedule
大師班 Master classes
大師班 Master classes
節目安排詳情 請參閱 【拾翠 - 猜.情.尋】 節目時間表
大師班 Master classes
Please refer to Dance Carnival @Shamian programme schedule
十 屆 廣 東 現 代 舞 周
花園酒店 Garden Hotel
沙面 Shamian
沙面 Shamian
19:30 20:00 21:45
開幕演出 Opening Performance
《親》 Closeness
《微視界》 Micro-visionary
旋轉舞蹈劇場 Zawirowana Dance Theater
廣東現代舞團 GMDC
(波蘭 PL)
《 中國新銳 》 China New Wave
《重置》 Layer Code
《與路奶奶的一席話》 Dialogue with Lucinda
《狂舞天空》 Dévorer le ciel
北京雷動天下現代舞團 BeijingDance/LDTX
妮可博樂舞蹈團 NBprojects
平板小腹舞蹈团 Le Carré des Lombes
(中國北京 BJ,CN)
(荷蘭 NL)
(加拿大 CA)
十三號劇院 No.13 Theater
十三號劇院 No.13 Theater
十三號劇院 No.13 Theater
(中國廣州 GZ,CN)
友誼 Friendship Theater
和曦展館 Hexi Exhibition Hall
沙面 Shamian: 沙面公園 Shamian Park,和曦展館 Hexi Exhibition Hall,Art64藝術空間 Art64 Gallery, 浪漫法國餐廳 Orient Express,Voyage12咖啡 Voyage12 Café
和曦展館 Hexi Exhibition Hall
《马勒与猛男》 The Best Men Show 猛男獨舞滙演 An International Men Solo Gala
閉幕派對 Closing Party
(多國藝術家 Various Artists)
十三號劇院 No.13 Theater
花園酒店 Garden Hotel
22 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
歡迎酒會 Welcome Reception
《拾翠 - 猜.情.尋》II Dance Carnival II
《拾翠 - 猜.情.尋》I Dance Carnival I
藝術節合作伙伴 Festival Partners
第十屆廣東現代舞周工作團隊 The 10th Guangdong Dance Festival Team
波蘭旋轉舞蹈劇場藝術節 Poland Zawirowania Dance Theatre Festival
藝術總監 Artistic Director
曹誠淵 Willy TSAO
節目總監 Programme Director
張月娥 Karen CHEUNG
2014年6月底至7月初 From late June till early July 2014
技術總監 Technical Director 林禮長 Anther LAM
http://zawirowania.pl 日本橫濱舞蹈節 Yokohama Dance Collection EX 2014年2月4-16日 February 4th-16th, 2014
項目總監(外展)Project Director (Outreach)
閆瀟瀟 YAN Xiao-xiao
節目經理 Programme Manager
麥伊娃 Eva MIKES
項目經理(社區)Project Manager(Community)
李靜賢 LI Jing-xian
項目實習生 Internee 黃露 Yellow HUANG 節目統籌 Programme Co-ordinator
行政統籌 Administrator
吳駿東 John NG
媒體宣傳助理 Co-ordinator 廖國穎 Sophie LIEW 票務 Ticketing
湯建英 Isabelle TANG
2014年11月 November, 2014
票務實習生 Internee 譚蔓菁 TAN Man-jing
技術經理 Technical Manager
陳穗中 CHEN Sui-zhong
舞台監督 Stage Manager
梁鴻略 Thomas LEUNG
技術統籌 Technical Coordinators
梁偉清 LIANG Wei-qing
霍樹榮 FOK Shu Wing
劉詩豪 LOW Shee Hoe
十 屆 廣 東
財務 Accountant
冼麗冰 XIAN Li-bing
出納 Cashier
盧穎莉 Winnie LU
總務 Logistics Coordinators
宋虹 SONG Hong
鄧安成 DENG An-cheng
宋金玲 SONG Jin-ling 攝影 Photographers
黃民傑 Jesse Clockwork
吳依純 WU Yi-chun 特別鳴謝:馬元喆、佘平傑、劉逸飛、陳立嘉、胡欣欣、蔣湘源、葉子祥、陳易、蘇揚、盧黛、莊楚珊、梁山、 張華微、黃帆、劉繼平、王甜、黃力奇、黃旎、曹煥君、梁鳳至、鐘梓欣及所有志願者朋友 Special thanks to MA Yuan-zhe, SHE Ping-jie, LIU Yi-fei, CHEN Li-jia, HU Xin-xin, JIANG Xiang-yuan, YE Zi-xiang, CHEN Yi, SU Yang, LU Dai, ZHUANG Chu-shan, LIANG Shan, ZHANG Hua-wei, HUANG Fan, LIU Ji-ping, WANG Tian, HUANG Li-qi, HUANG Ni, CAO Huan-jun, LIANG Feng-zhi, ZHONG Zi-xin and all other volunteers
24 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
澳門城市藝穗節 Macau City Fringe Festival
王冠 Summer WANG
行政實習生 Internee 劉瑤瑤 Yoyo LIU 媒體宣傳 Publicity
劉忠磊 LIU Zhong-lei
節目實習生 Internee 陳雅芳 Effie CHEN
怒放的生命In Full Swing
食在廣州Eating in Guangzhou
雲南盈江民族文化工作隊(中國德宏)Yingjiang Dance Troupe (DEH,CN)
廣東現代舞團(中國廣州)Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GZ,CN)
節目簡介 Programme Description
舞團介紹 About the Company
節目簡介 Programme Description
As the whole country develops in a supersonic speed, even the most remote corners are changing. The simple and quiet lives are replaced and the young people are struggling with this new situation. They are caught between the tradition and the flashy urban life. Although difficult to find a solution, the young dancers from Yunnan are fearless and will go on their lives in full swing no matter what.
The Yingjiang Dance Troupe in Yunnan was established in 2009. With a strong and rich background of the local ethnic art heritage, the troupe has also been keen on the development of arts in contemporary China. It advocates utilizing different art forms to enliven the local ethnic culture. One of its main concerns is to investigate the tension arising from the transformation of the local community in the rapid urbanization trend.
材,利用公園場地展現城市車水馬龍的景象。舞者化身成各式各樣 的人物穿插登場,盡顯廣府繁華及食在廣州的味蕾體驗。 The program is composed of two parts and is about two of the basics of our daily life – food and mobility. The choreographer has used popular Cantopops from different times, funny props and costumes to paint a humorous picture of a Cantonese life style.
日期/時間 Date/Time 場地 Venue 長度 Duration 編舞 Choreographer 舞者 Dancers
2013.11.16 12:00/15:05 沙面公園 Shamian Park 15分鐘 15 min 曹誠淵 Willy TSAO 胡藤騰、馬可、余麗君、張聰斌、李翩翩、 劉卿羽、黎家寶、吳卉、俞亞男、肖智仁、 趙建瑞、李聖雄、賀敏 HU Teng-teng, MA Ke, YU Li-jun, ZHANG Cong-bin, LI Pian-pian, LIU Qing-yu, LAI Ka Bo, WU Hui, YU Ya-nan, XIAO Zhi-ren, ZHAO Jian-rui, LI Sheng-xiong, HE Min
舞團介紹 About the Company 詳查閱第3-4頁,廣東現代舞團簡介 About the Guangdong Modern Dance Company, please refer to P3-4.
25 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
第 十 屆 廣 東 現 代 舞 周
日期/時間 Date/Time 場地 Venue 長度 Duration 編舞 Choreographer 音樂 Music 服裝 Costume 舞者 Dancers
2013.11.16 12:00/13:50 沙面公園 Shamian Park 35分鐘 35 min 張銀忠 ZHANG Yin-zhong 張銀忠、李敏 ZHANG Yin-zhong, LI Min 張銀忠 ZHANG Yin-zhong 排昆生、景振雄、尚諾叁、明玉、刀承興、 陳德昌、楊善波、曹喊石、刀罕凹、尹鑫、 葉寧、刀承英、寸守艷、克加艷、楊玲、 線雙義、岳慶、謝小芳 PAI Kun-sheng, JING Zhen-xiong, SHANG Nuo-san, MING Yu, DAO Cheng-xing, CHEN De-chang, YANG Shan-bo, CAO Han-shi, DAO Han-ao, YIN Xin, YE Ning, DAO Cheng-ying, CUN Shou-yan, KE Jia-yan, YANG Ling, XIAN Shuang-yi, YUE Qing, XIE Xiao-fang
鳴謝 盈江縣邊僑經貿有限責任公司 Acknowledgement Yingjiang Bianjiao Economic Co., Ltd.
似曾相愛You Told Me You Loved Me K&N舞團(荷蘭/中國珠海)K&N(NL/ZH,CN)
都市變奏Urban Distortions 過渡景象舞團(比利時/法國)t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e (BE/FR)
節目簡介 Programme Description
舞團介紹 About the Company
節目簡介 Programme Description
K&N是由兩位不同風格但經驗豐富的藝術家凱文.波拉克跟寧曦合辦 的舞團。他們的作品結合了舞蹈理論與肢體表達來釋放張力,為舞者 帶來頗多靈感。
《都市變奏》是一個融合了舞蹈、音樂以及地域的跨界表 演,試圖引發公眾對於親密接觸意識的關注。作品着重表現 地域、速度與運動之間不同規模的衝突。同時,兼任歌手和 作曲的馬蒂厄.哈的音樂具有實驗音樂和巴洛克時期音樂的 風格。
曾經 你一字一句地說 但你還是轉身離去 我卻在原地等你 就像在機場等候一艘船 I love you
K&N is a collaboration between the artists Kevin POLAK and NING Xi, two experienced performers that studied different therapy’s. They combine movement and therapy to release emotional tension in their physical therapy workshops and inspire performers in their work.
You said, over and over But you still left me Now I’m still waiting here Like waiting for a ship in an airport
日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.16 12:45/14:35
場地 Venue
浪漫法國餐廳 Orient Express
長度 Duration
20分鐘 20 min
編舞/舞者 Choreographers/Dancers 凱文.波拉克、寧曦 Kevin POLAK, NING Xi
音樂 Music
倫納德.科恩 Leonard COHEN
服裝 Constume
舞團介紹 About the Company
2003年,舞團總監及制片人皮埃爾.拉勞左和舞者及編舞 艾曼紐.文森特為了實踐他們各自的創新型舞蹈設想及教 學理論而成立了過渡景象舞團。過渡景象舞團自2004年以 來,立足於比利時的布魯塞爾,聚集來自世界各地的跨學科 人才,並在亞洲、美國以及整個歐洲的國際藝術節上展現他 Urban Distortions is an interdisciplinary performance 們的舞蹈作品以及舞蹈電影。 through which dance, music and territory meet, triggering The contemporary dance company t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e is the the public’s mobility in a spirit of proximity and intimacy. The result of the meeting in 2003 between director/filmmaker creation takes an interest in the clash of territories, speeds Pierre LARAUZA and dancer/choreographer Emmanuelle and movements of different scales. The singer/musician VINCENT, who both wished to confront and crossbreed Matthieu HA develops a language without words, a musical their respective disciplines. Based in Brussels, Belgium, style close to minimal and baroque music. they bring together international collaborators with multidisciplinary talents and have been showing their dance performances and dance films in international festivals in Asia, the U.S. and all over Europe. 27 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
第 十 屆 廣 東 現 代
舞 周
日期/時間 Date/Time 2013.11.16 13:50/16:30 場地 Venue
沙面公園 Shamian Park
長度 Duration
25分鐘 25 min
編舞 Choreographer
艾曼紐.文森特 Emmanuelle VINCENT
音樂 Music
馬蒂厄.哈 Matthieu HA
燈光 Lighting
皮埃爾.拉勞左 Pierre LARAUZA
服裝 Costume
韋小姐、王舜脩 Miss Vee, Mike WONG
舞者 Dancers
艾曼紐.文森特、皮埃爾.拉勞左、徐艾薇 Emmanuelle VINCENT, Pierre LARAUZA, Ivy TSUI
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
©Yu Taniguchi
光影中的蛻變Light of Change
廣東現代舞團、香港一鋪清唱(中國廣州/中國香港)GMDC/Yat Po Singers (GZ/HK,CN)
節目簡介 Programme Description 廣東現代舞團與香港第一個專業無伴奏合唱劇團首次跨 界合作, 無伴奏合唱是一種音樂的形式,僅由人聲來哼唱 配樂與歌曲,層次感極強。一鋪清唱用五首全新編曲的 民歌,挑戰廣東現代舞團一眾舞者的現代肢體語彙,是 身體與聲音的一次發現之旅。 A crossover performance of the very first encounter of acappella with contemporary dance. Yat Po Singers is the first professional acappella ensemble in Hong Kong. They will dare the versatile dancers of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company with five innovatively arranged folk songs and music. It is an interative meeting of the human body and the human voice.
十 屆 廣 東 現 代 舞 周
2013.11.16 13:20
場地 Venue
沙面公園 Shamian Park
長度 Duration
20分鐘 20 min
導演 Director
曹誠淵 Willy TSAO
音樂 Music
都市山歌 - 作曲:黃峻傑 Metropolis – Composer: Keith WONG
康定情歌 - 編曲:陳智謙 Kang Ding Qing Ge – Arranger: Raoul CHAN
樂興之時 - 編曲:陳智謙 Moment Musical – Arranger: Raoul CHAN
Founded in 1992, the Guangdong Modern Dance Company has created about 300 works over the years. Light of Change is a mixed bill of some of the most memorable works or excerpts from the company’s creations from different times. It is a table of delicacies pleasing to the most refined palate.
你是如此的 - 作曲:陳智謙 Ni Shi Ru Ci De – Composer: Raoul CHAN
舞團介紹 About the Company
南泥灣度假村 - 編曲:劉兆康 Nan Ni Wan Resort Villa – Arranger: Sam LAU
About the Guangdong Modern Dance Company, please refer to P3-4.
廣東現代舞團自1992年創團以來,曾發表大小原創作品上三百部,其 中不乏經典傑作。《光影中的蛻變》彙集了舞團創作於不同年份的精 選節目或節目選段,誠然是一桌精致的美宴。
一鋪清唱是香港第一個專業無伴奏合唱劇團,專注發展 原創音樂劇目。劇團致力創作及炮制富香港本土特色的 無伴奏合唱新劇目,並作為試驗平台,培育新一代創作 人。劇團亦肩負培訓專業表演藝術家及教師的使命,透 過高質素的表演技巧及教授模式以開拓觀眾層面及普及 藝術教育。 請查閱第3-4頁,廣東現代舞團簡介 Yat Po Singers is the first professional acappella choral theatre company in Hong Kong focusing on developing original theatrical works. The Company’s artistic mission is to promote the acappella art form in Hong Kong, especially among young people, through original work by local artists that demonstrate the innovative interaction of music and theatre. About the Guangdong Modern Dance Company, please refer to P3-4.
清唱演員 Acappella
舞者 Dancers
黃峻傑、張國穎、陳智謙、曾浩鋒、 WONG Chun Kit Keith, CHEUNG Kwok Wing Margaret, CHAN Chi Him Raoul, TSANG Ho Fung Ronald,
日期/時間 Date/Time 2013.11.16 17:05 場地 Venue
沙面公園 Shamian Park
長度 Duration
30分鐘 30 min
29 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
節目簡介 Programme Description
日期/時間 Date/Time
音响設計 Acoustic Design 夏恩蓓 Candog HA
藝團介紹 About the Company 30
廣東現代舞團(中國廣州)Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GZ,CN)
余麗君、張聰斌、李翩翩、劉卿羽、 黎家寶、吳卉、俞亞男、肖智仁、趙建瑞、 馬可、胡藤騰、李聖雄、賀敏 YU Li-jun, ZHANG Cong-bin, LI Pian-pian, LIU Qing-yu, LAI Ka Bo, WU Hui, YU Ya-nan, XIAO Zhi-ren, ZHAO Jian-rui, MA Ke, HU Teng-teng, LI Sheng-xiong, HE Min
©Jimmy Luk
©Yvonne Chan
www.yatposingers.org 一鋪清唱獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的躍進資助。節目內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見。 Yat Po Singers is financially supported by the Springboard Grant under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
©Liang Yu
5. 尋找過程Label No Labels 二高表演(中國廣州)Er Gao Production (GZ,CN)
節目簡介 Programme Description
舞團介紹 About the Company
《尋找過程》揭示藝術家對美的追求。何謂“美”?它有沒 有絕對的標准?透過作品中肢體、聲音、環境、生活器皿的 拼貼,作者邀請觀眾一起跨越我們對日常事物的認知,嘗試 衝出約定俗成的慣性邏輯,去尋找美的可能性。觀感與觀念 不斷配對、更新、重置,美感找到了會迅即溜走,沒有比尋 找的過程更誘人,也許那才是美的終極意義。
二高,廣州獨立藝術家,是中國大陸舞蹈劇場創作先鋒之 一。其作品從肢體和視覺的角度探討性別、身份與性的迷 思。2007年,組成“二高表演”,與各類藝術家跨界實驗 創作。曾與廣東現代舞團、香港編舞伍宇烈、德國環境舞蹈 編舞安吉·海澤等合作。作品獲邀參加北京交叉藝術節、上 海越界藝術家、日本當代舞蹈聯盟、波蘭旋轉舞蹈劇場藝術 節、廣東現代舞周、香港藝術節等。
What is beauty? Can it be measured? In Label No Labels, choreographer Er Gao employs body movements, soundscape, the ambience and some daily life gadgets to engage the audience to a dialectic of the definition of beauty and rock on the general understanding of the word beauty. New definitions may arise and the concept of beauty may vary in different context and perspectives. Perhaps, the true sense of the word lies in the ever ongoing process of searching and discovering. 32 十 屆 廣
日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.10 12:15/15:15 2013.11.10 20:00
場地 Venue
浪漫法國餐廳 Orient Express 和曦展館 Hexi Exhibition Hall
長度 Duration
30分鐘 30 min
編舞/舞者 Choreographers/Dancers 二高、王炎、周佳傑、林婧 Er Gao, Jerry WANG, ZHOU Jia-jie, LIN Jing
裝置 Installation
東 現
Er Gao, an independent choreographer based in Guangzhou, is one of the pioneers of dance theatre in mainland China. He established Er Gao Production in 2007, collaborating with artists of all sorts ever since. Sex, gender and identity are the recurrent themes in his choreographies. His works have been presented in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Japan and Poland. He was involved in projects with a variety of dance companies and artists, including Guangdong Modern Dance Company, Yuri Ng (Hong Kong), and Angie Heiser (Germany), to name a few.
歆舞界-藝術實驗室(中國北京)XIN-ART-LAB (BJ,CN)
節目簡介 Programme Description
舞團介紹 About the Company
史晶歆,1982年8月28日出生,生於蘭州,長在上海,學於 北京,處女座 - 這是編舞基本數據。
歆舞界—藝術實驗室由史晶歆於2009年初創立,團員來自各 藝術院校畢業的年輕創作者、獨立藝術家。他們對當代藝術 抱有同樣執著的追求與嚴謹的創作態度,在創作過程中不斷 挖掘個體對自我體驗的反思。舞團的初衷是建立對表演概念 的思考,以肢體語言為主要創作元素,結合聲音、影像、戲 劇、環境空間等探索當代表演藝術,力求在傳統與當代的語 境中尋找以肢體為主的表演藝術的多元性。
在當今數據充斥的世界裡,我們不可避免建構自己的數 據系統。編舞通過人的主要數據編寫身體文本,傳達對世 界、對自我的認識和感悟。該作是歆舞界-藝術實驗室新作 《瞬間》的第一部分。 SHI Jing-xin, Virgo, born August 28, 1982 in Lanzhou, grew up in Shanghai, educated in Beijing. These are the personal data of the choreographer. Like it or not, we are all part of a data system in today’s electronic media world. The choreographer attempts to transform her own data into physical dialogue to connect to the world through evoking self-awareness and reflective perception. This work will be the first part of SHI’s new project called Moments.
XIN-ART-LAB was founded in 2009 by SHI Jing-xin. The collaborators include graduates from various art academies and independent artists who share similar artistic pursuits and attitudes towards creation. As a group, they continually reflect upon their personal experiences through the process of creation. XIN-ART-LAB aims to search for physical expressions. The company integrates different modes of expression, merging sounds, images, theatre and other elements to provide an outlet for China’s contemporary performance art.
郭振江 Jason GUO
©Grandee GOO
日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.16 16:30
場地 Venue
Art64藝術空間 Art64 Gallery
長度 Duration
15分鐘 15 min
編舞/舞者/視覺 Choreographer/Dancer/Visual
史晶歆 SHI Jing-xin
視頻 Video
閆非 YAN Fei
音樂 Music
斯蒂夫.萊奇 Steve REICH
平面設計 Graphic Design
韓嫻、王子豹 HAN Xian, WANG Zibao
www.xinartlab.com ©Grandee GOO
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
31 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
委約節目Commissioned Work
©Wang Bo
中國新銳 China New Wave
2. 白映Brightness
日期/時間 Date/Time 2013.11.11 20:00 場地 Venue 和曦展館 Hexi Exhibition Hall
王俊建(中國西安) WANG Jun-jian (XA,CN)
1. 藍小姐搭飛機The Flight of Lady Blue 羅月冰(中國廣州)Maureen LUO (GZ,CN)
34 十 屆 廣 東
節目簡介 Programme Description
編舞簡介 About the Choreographer
藍小姐是一位被抽離了個人主體的虛擬角色,帶着所有平均 化的都市女性標簽。單色的藍小姐在多彩世界中被自動地區 別出來。她漫畫式的情緒、異質的行為有別於周圍地帶的正 常人。她將在不同的公共場所,執行群體行為的範式。通過 戲劇性的語境交叉,觀眾被帶進編導布置的語意世界。《藍 小姐搭飛機》是這位女士的首度出場。編舞羅月冰以“搭飛 機”這一行為探討機場隱喻的群體價值。
羅月冰,來自廣州的獨立編舞。她擅長以肢體劇場為主要載 體,探索糅合多種表現手法的舞台創作。其作品專注於探 討兩性關系、城市生活空間與精神現狀等議題。羅月冰目前 已編創了六個長篇作品及多個短篇。2008年,她開始涉足 環境舞蹈,在中國、韓國和德國的多種公共空間編創作品。
The new choreography of Maureen LUO studies the existence of international airports and examines the social reflections linked to the activity of taking a flight. Airports are domains of power. The procedure of taking a flight is a strict obedience to disciplines and voluntary compliance to social norms. By studying the regulatory mechanisms exercised in an international airport, the choreographer sees the activity of taking a flight a good metaphor for the governance of an authority over an individual. This observation will be shown in the choreography in a set-up of Lady Blue catching her international flight.
現 代 舞 周
©Grandee GOO
長度 Duration
30分鐘 30 min
作為一位非科班出身的舞蹈藝術家,羅月冰更多是受到環 境、社會和身份認同的啟發,而學術理論和肢體技巧對她的 影響較小。從作品中可看到她對舞蹈、對藝術、對生活的態 度。羅月冰創意無限,像探索無垠宇宙時空一樣,任何素材 都可以成為創作主題。 Maureen LUO is an independent choreographer based in Guangzhou, whose talent lies in physical theatre and fusing with variety styles in her creations. She has created 6 fulllength works and several series of shorts since 2005. At the heart of LUO’s works are the topics of gender issues, social behavior, urban space and urban mentality. In 2008, LUO began to create site-specific productions. By now, she has several works presented at very different public spaces in China, Korea and Germany. As an artist without professional dance training, Maureen LUO’s dance pieces seem to draw more inspiration from the environment, society, and her own identity rather than from movement or theory. LUO’s dedication to dance, to art, and to life itself is evident in all of her works, and her creations are unbounded, like an endless exploration of time and space.
編舞/舞者 Choreographer/Dancer 羅月冰 Maureen LUO 文本 Text
費律南 Fernando PANIAGUA
影像 Video & Photography
陳鳴華、古天長、袁歡 CHEN Ming-hua, Grandee GOO, YUAN Huan
原創音樂 Original Music
熊胡俊 XIONG Hu-jun
音樂 Music
胡安合.裡帕爾達、 帕斯卡.卡麥拉、 麥斯崔塔、艾爾·賀特 Juanjo RIPALDA, Pascal COMELADE, Mastretta, Al HIRT
動畫 Animation
馮舜旭 FENG Shun-xu
白,常被看作是無色,卻包含了光譜中所有顏色光。它看 似無物卻飽含眾物。一切事物的本貌如同白那樣純淨、空 靈。舞作以白色物語紀念心靈的潔淨,讓腦海重新留下白 色映像,對生命進行最真實的解讀。
長度 Duration
6分鐘 6 min
編舞/舞者 Choreographer/Dancer 王俊建 WANG Jun-jian
When white light is dispersed through a prism, the full range of colours can be observed. White is usually considered as blank, but in fact it contains all colours. Brightness tries to probe on the nature of life trying to return to the honesty and simplicity of the mind and the heart like blending all colours into white again.
3. 桃子味伏特加Peach Flavored Vodka 胡清清(中國珠海)HU Qing-qing (ZH,CN)
節目簡介 Programme Description 當你嗅到那股蔓延開的氣味,你開始想像了……
長度 Duration
5分鐘 5 min
編舞/舞者 Choreographer/Dancer 胡清清 HU Qing-qing
The imagination begins with the spreading smell of peach flavored vodka.
4. 阿麗婭Aria 中央民族大學舞蹈學院(中國北京)College of Dance, Minzu University of China (BJ,CN)
節目簡介 Programme Description 它是誰,它去哪了? 它為什麼不停地旋轉? 它去哪了? 它又為何離開…… ©Grandee GOO
©Chen Minghua
Who is it? Where has it been to? Why does it keep rotating? Where did it go? Why does it leave?
長度 Duration
6分鐘 6 min
編舞 Choreographer
楊朕 YANG Zhen
舞者 Dancers
阿麗婭.克日木江、焦維龍 Aria KERMEJIANG, JIAO Wei-long
33 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
委約節目Commissioned Work
節目簡介 Programme Description
得了!約多克!Ja Ja der Jodok
旋轉舞蹈劇場(波蘭)Zawirowania Dance Theatre (PL)
節目簡介 Programme Description
舞團介紹 About the Company
節目簡介 Programme Description
舞團介紹 About the Company
舞作從一個疑問鋪開:兩情相悅時,雙方愛的是真實的對 方,還是自己心目中的他?如果女主角一直與她眼中的男主 角相戀,她愛的是真實的他嗎?作品將意識具像化,男主角 遭遇女主角意像裡的自己,從意像的“他”到真正的他,轉 折點在哪裡?或許,意像之外,一切皆空?這個問題仍有待 探討。
旋轉舞蹈劇場自2004年起,在波蘭藝術界非常活躍,作品 在國內外多個享負盛名的藝術節上演出,足跡遍及歐亞。舞 團擁有一群富有才華的現代舞舞者,他們非凡的個人風格成 就了舞團特色。舞團注重聯合制作節目及發展伙伴關系的國 際合作。
《得了!約多克!》講述朋友之間的友誼、欺騙、利用 或冷落。作品的肢體動作靈感源於彼得·比克瑟爾的小說 《Jodok läßt grüßen》(德)。節目大膽、狂野、性感、打 破常規。
舞團由迪蘭.埃瑞克、丹尼斯.替莫和特薩.替莫三人於 2001年成立。於2007年獲得“值得關注的年輕編舞家” 提名及被《Theater Pur》提名為“最佳年輕編舞家”。 《得了!約克多!》是舞團裡程碑式的作品,被著名雜志 《StadtRevue》評為“最重要的舞蹈作品”。2010年,他 們的作品在歐洲享譽盛名的青年舞蹈家交流平台“電波” 上演出,舞團作品的質量與舞蹈特征從無數的正面評論中 可見一斑。
If you, when being in a relationship, really involve with someone, are you actually with this person or only with the idea that you have about your partner? How can a woman “really” meet with a man, if in every situation she “creates” him? The man is confronted with the image of “masculinity” that the woman has created. Where does the feminine vision end, and where does the actual man himself begin? Or maybe beyond imagination, there is nothing? The question remains open. 36 十 屆 廣 東 現
Zawirowania Dance Theatre is a company actively working in the Polish artistic scene since 2004. Its creations have been presented numerously in Poland and in prestigious international festivals in Europe and Asia. It consists of a group of talented contemporary dancers, whose phenomenal personal styles create the unique brand of the company. The company focuses on international cooperation, like coproduction and exchanges.
“演出令人興奮又緊張,觀眾報以最熱 烈的掌聲與喝彩”《新威斯特伐利亞日報》 “The thrilling, intense performance was rewarded by the DansArt audience boisterous ovation.”
©Wolfgang Weimer
Neue Westfälische
代 舞 周
Inspired by Peter BICHSEL’s novel Jodok läßt grüßen, Ja Ja der Jodok tells the story of self-constructed friendship; friends who can be inflated on demand, who can be used, abused, or just left alone. Brash, wild and sexy, this piece avoids any formal etiquette.
日期/時間 Date/Time 2013.11.10 20:00 場地 Venue 和曦展館 Hexi Exhibition Hall 長度 Duration 45分鐘(不設中場休息) 45 min (no intermission) 編舞 Choreographers 埃爾維拉.皮歐倫、卡羅利娜.克羅恰克、 西蒙.歐辛斯基、托馬斯.尼皮辛思凱 Elwira PIORUN, Karolina KROCZAK, Szymon OSIŃSKI, Tomáš NEPŠINSKÝ 燈光 Lighting 維特.卡奇科夫斯基 Wit KACZKOWSKI 舞者 Dancers 埃爾維拉.皮歐倫、卡羅利娜.克羅恰克、 西蒙.歐辛斯基 Elwira PIORUN, Karolina KROCZAK, Szymon OSIŃSKI
www.zawirowania.pl 鳴謝 Acknowledgements
©Katarzyna Jakubowska
日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.10 15:15/16:30 (1) 2013.11.16 12:45/14:35 (2)
場地 Venue
(1) 和曦展館 Hexi Exhibition Hall (2) 沙面公園 Shamian Park
長度 Duration
20分鐘 20 min
編舞/舞者 Choreographers/Dancers 迪蘭.埃瑞克、 丹尼斯.替莫、特薩.替莫 Dilan ERCENK, Denise TEMME, Tessa TEMME
©Katarzyna Jakubowska
音樂 Music
彼得.比克塞爾、桃子 Peter BICHSEL, Peaches
燈光 Lighting
菲利普.桑德 Philipp SANDER
服裝 Costume
撲高舞蹈團 POGOensemble
www.pogoensemble.de 鳴謝 Acknowledgements
POGOensemble, namely Dilan ERCENK, Denise TEMME and Tessa TEMME, was founded in 2001. The quality and specificity of their works are reflected in numerous positive reviews, and nominations such as “Young Choreographer to watch” in the magazine Ballettanz in 2007 or as “Best Young Choreographer” in the critics’ poll of the magazine Theater pur in 2008. Their choreography Ja Ja der Jodok marks a particular point within their artistic creation, which has been mentioned as “the most important theater production” in the magazine StadtRevue and selected to the prestigious European performance network for young artists Aerowaves 2010.
“頑皮,是他們的特性……在保持力量強 度的同時顯得狂野且具魅惑……” 《科隆城市州彙報》
“Cheekiness. That’s their quality. And their dance, retaining formal strength while simultaneously being wild and sexy. The audience in the Arkadas-Theatre hooted and romped – match that if you can!” Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger ©Wolfgang Weimer
35 T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
撲高舞蹈團(德國)POGOensemble (DE)
熱火輕煙 、 露西點播
Fire and Air (1), Lucy’s Local Playlist (2)
鈴木優理子(日本)Yuriko SUZUKI (JP)
寶文.麥可莉舞蹈團(美國)Bowen McCauley Dance (US)
節目簡介 Programme Description
編舞簡介 About the Choreographer
節目簡介 Programme Description
舞團介紹 About the Company
情感舞姿如同矛盾心理般善變,百感交集的矛盾心態在舞作 中無限放大。創作靈感來源於獨特的肢體語言,映照人的 矛盾心理,並將情感投射到物品上,儼然一場聯想的游戲。
鈴木優理子畢業於日本大學藝術學院現代舞專業,從2008 年開始受訓於薩爾斯堡實驗舞蹈學院,並參與過菩提項目, 與馬耶.科扎兒和瑪雅.卡羅爾合作。鈴木優理子最著名的 作品是《出生》系列,此作品曾在多個國家演出,並獲得 2012橫濱舞蹈節評審團大獎。
寶文.麥可莉舞蹈團曾多次與最受推崇的華盛頓音樂家、藝 術家合作,這次也因一連串在美國引人矚目、深受歡迎的保 留劇目在中國首演而感到興奮。是次作品體現舞團的多元風 格,其中以對舞者身體素質要求極高的作品最為突出。
寶文.麥可莉舞團位於弗吉尼亞阿靈頓,舞團以充滿激情的 現場音樂演奏,將運動美學及精雕細琢的原創編舞融合在一 起。舞團以創新、充滿生氣的編舞作品,以及不同的音樂類 型配合現代舞和古典舞技巧的融合,感染廣大不同類型的觀 眾,使其充滿熱情和能量。
Ambivalence is the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. The concept grew out of investigating the reaction of contradictory emotion on the body and in relation with objects. It plays with association game.
Yuriko SUZUKI graduated from the contemporary dance program at the Nihon University College of Art, and has been training at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance since 2008. She took part in BODHI Project, in works by Majej Kejzar and Maya M. Carroll. One of her best-known works, a series of BORN, was performed in several countries and won the Jury Prize in Yokohama Dance Collection ex 2012. ©MILLA
38 十 屆 廣 東 現 代 舞
日期/時間 Date/Time
2013.11.10 14:15/16:30
場地 Venue
Art64藝術空間 Art64 Gallery
長度 Duration
20分鐘 20 min
編舞/舞者 Choreographer/Dancer 鈴木優理子 Yuriko SUZUKI 音樂 Music
葛塔諾.多尼采蒂 Gaetano DONIZETTI
Having worked with some of the most well-respected musicians and artists from the Washington DC area, Bowen McCauley Dance is excited to premiere an array of the Company’s most compelling and well-received repertory from the United States in China. The performance of their two programs Fire and Air and Lucy’s Local Playlist will showcase BMD’s wide variety of styles featuring highly physical pieces. 日期/時間 Date/Time 2013.11.10 12:15/15:55 (1) 14:15/17:05 (2) 場地 Venue 沙面公園 Shamian Park (1) (2) 長度 Duration (1) 15分鐘 15 min (2) 30分鐘 30 min 編舞 Choreographer 露西.寶文.麥可莉 Lucy Bowen MCCAULEY 音樂 Music 傑森.穆爾、帝制中華樂團、 眼鏡蛇藏品樂團、德裡克.艾弗裡、 華盛頓交通樂團、泰勒.卡森、 貼心干預樂團、大場面樂團、調搖滾樂團、 恰克.布朗、兄弟樂團、派翠克.索魯裡 Jason MOORE, Imperial China, Cobra Collective, Derek EVRY, DC Traffic, Taylor CARSON, Sweet Interference, Crowd Scene, TONE, Chuck BROWN, Half Brother, Patrick SOLURI 舞者 Dancers 露西.寶文.麥可莉、瓊.阿耶、 莉斯.克萊恩.斯特法尼利、 羅倫.克裡斯蒂、艾麗西亞.柯蒂斯、 福田淳一、達斯丁.金比爾、 亞歷桑德拉.金、阿爾瓦羅.帕勞 Lucy Bowen MCCAULEY, Joan AYAP, Liz CLAIN-STEFANELLI, Lauren CHRISTIE, Alicia CURTIS, Junichi FUKUDA, Dustin KIMBILL, Alexandra KEEN, Alvaro PALAU
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
Based in Arlington, VA, Bowen McCauley Dance (BMD) blends athleticism and finely crafted original choreography with an abiding passion for live music. BMD energizes broadly diverse audiences with inventive and vibrant choreography – a fusion of contemporary and classical techniques set to a sweeping range of musical styles.
©David Moss
©John McCauley - Antoine_Heather
T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
尋找大觀園 In Search of the Grand View Garden 城市當代舞蹈團(中國香港)City Contemporary Dance Company (HK,CN)
舞團介紹 About the Company 城市當代舞蹈團是香港首個全職專業現代舞團,於一九七九年 由曹誠淵創立,以體現香港當代文化及推動現代舞蹈發展為宗 旨。三十四年來,舞團保留了超過二百出本土編舞家的完整舞 碼,每年演出的參與人數超過五萬人次。自一九八零年以來, 舞團開展頻密的國際文化交流活動,先後代表香港在美洲、歐 洲、澳洲及亞洲共三十多個主要城市進行了超過二百場巡回演 出,備受國際藝壇重視。 Through the leadership of its Founder and Artistic Director, Willy TSAO, City Contemporary Dance Company has inspired and elated audiences in Hong Kong and internationally with superb modern dance performances over the past 34 years. Founded in 1979, CCDC has presented over 200 original works to critical acclaim. CCDC is renowned for reflecting the vigour and creativity of Hong Kong’s vibrant, multifaceted contemporary culture. It presents its work to an audience of over 50,000 annually and has earned over 200 overseas invitations to the world’s foremost dance stages and festivals in over 30 major cities in the US, Europe, Australia and Asia.
十 屆
©Ringo Chan
廣 東 現 代 舞 周
“當代香港藝術靈魂”《南華早報》 “Artistic soul of contemporary Hong Kong.” South China Morning Post
節目簡介 Programme Description 以中國名著《紅樓夢》為藍本,《尋找大觀園》述說一群來自 現代的十四位青年人,他們愛好古典文學,旅游到某個園林, 被景色所迷,在園內吟詩飲酒、唱歌跳舞,不知不覺間化身為 園林的主人……尋找那個著名的大觀園。觀眾將乘著聲音裝置 穿梭時空,走進大觀園,置身於《紅樓夢》中詩意濃濃的夢幻 場景,窺看現實的人生百態。 Based on the classic novel The Dream of the Red Chamber, In Search of the Grand View Garden is about 14 young travelers fond of classic literature who arrive in an extraordinary garden. Enchanted by the beautiful landscape, they drink and recite poetry, sing and dance and assume the roles of the imaginary characters in the novel. Surrounded by sound installations, audiences will be engaged by the ambiguities of roles and apparent conflicts in time and space as found within The Dream of the Red Chamber all while the stories of the travelers‘ ever shifting lives are revealed.
鳴謝 Acknowledgement
日期/時間 Date/Time 2013.11.9 16:30 2013.11.10 13:00
城市當代舞蹈團由香港特別行政區政府資助 City Contemporary Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
場地 Venue 長度 Duration
花園酒店 Garden Hotel 沙面公園 Shamian Park 60分鐘 60 min
編舞 Choreographer 曹誠淵 Willy TSAO 音樂 Music
傳統評彈 Traditional Pingtan Music
服裝 Costume
黃志強 Edmond WONG
舞者 Dancers
黎德威、林詠茵、林波、李家祺、樂知靄、 呂沅蔚、莫嫣、麥卓鴻、龐智筠、喬楊、 譚 樺、曾景輝、黃振邦、黃狄文 LAI Tak-wai, Peggy LAM , LAM Po , LEE Ka-ki , Shirley LOK, Evains LUI, Jennifer MOK, Kelvin MAK, Noel PONG, QIAO Yang, Malvina TAM, Terry TSANG, Bruce WONG , Dominic WONG
©Ringo Chan
T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
【拾翠 - 猜.情.尋】節目時間表
Dance Carnival @Shamian Programme Schedule 12:15
《熱火輕煙》Fire and Air
《尋找大觀園》In Search of the Grand View Garden
《露西點播》Lucy’s Local Playlist
《尋找過程》Label No Labels
《熱火輕煙》Fire and Air 《得了!約多克!》 Ja Ja der Jodok
16:30 17:05
《啼笑皆非》Ambivalence 《得了!約多克!》 Ja Ja der Jodok
15:15 11月10日 Nov 10th
《尋找過程》Label No Labels
《露西點播》Lucy’s Local Playlist 跳格分享會 Jumping Frames
18:00 《親》Closeness
42 十 屆
沙面公園 Shamian Park 12:00
廣 東 現
《怒放的生命》In Full Swing
和曦展館 Hexi Exhibition Hall
Art64藝術空間 Art64 Gallery
《食在廣州》Eating in Guangzhou
《得了!約多克!》Ja Ja der Jodok
《似曾相愛》 You Told Me You Loved Me
代 舞 周
11月16日 Nov 16th
《怒放的生命》In Full Swing
《得了!約多克!》Ja Ja der Jodok
浪漫法國餐廳 Orient Express
《都市變奏》Urban Distortions
《食在廣州》Eating in Guangzhou
《與路奶奶的一席話》Dialogue with Lucinda
《都市變奏》Urban Distortions
《光影中的蛻變》Light of Change
黃色標識部分為主辦方推薦之沙面節目攻略。 The yellow highlight is the recommended itinerary.
《似曾相愛》 You Told Me You Loved Me
Voyage12 咖啡 Voyage12 Café
T h e 1 0 th G u a n g d o n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l
場地 Venue