Recount lessons

Page 1



 Introduction


 Grammar


 Recounts


 Practice tests  Writing


 Speaking


 Listening


A day at the park. During the holidays, my family went to a park. First we had a picnic lunch. Then the boys kicked an old footy around because they were bored. After a while, Jimbo kicked it into a tree and it got stuck. They threw long sticks and big stones at it, but it stayed firmly stuck in the tree. Later on, Tommo climbed the tree but he couldn’t reach it. Eventually we went home and left the football in the tree.

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


INTRODUCTION What is a recount? A recount tells what happened. It tells events in the order they happened.

Its social purpose: Its purpose is to talk or write about things we have done in the past. A holiday, the weekend, watching TV, what our children have done.

In a recount you will find staging: 

Orientation – tells about people, where and when it happened

Record of events – tells what happened in the order they happened

Conclusion – ends the story

Grammar of a recount: 

Staging – Orientation, record of events, conclusion ………………………………………..3

Time markers – First, after that, next, finally, last Saturday ……………………..4

Independent clauses - simple sentence (words, groups + 1 verb) …………………6

Noun groups – noun + adjective …………………………………………………………………………….7

Conjunctions – and, but, so, because ……………………………………………………………………8

Past tense verbs – past simple – was/were …………………………………………………..…...9

Action verbs – drove, jumped, ran, kicked ……………………………………………………….10

Personal pronouns – I, we, they, us …………………………………………………………………….11

Correct spelling of important words ………………………………………………………………….12

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity



Orientation – is always at the start. It tells us who, where and when it happened.

Who is this recount about? …………………………………………………………… Where did it happen? ……………………………………………………………………… When did it happen? …………………………………………………………………………

Record of Events – makes the body of the story. It tells what happened in order of the events.

What did we do first? ………………………………………………………………………… What did we do next? ………………………………………………………………………… Then what happened? …………………………………………………………………………. What else did they do? ………………………………………………………………………. What was the last thing they tried? ……………………………………………….

Conclusion – tells how the story ends.

What two things did they do at the end of the story? 1. ………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………….

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


GRAMMAR Time Markers

Time markers tell when things happened, and in what order.

What happened during our day at the park?

Listen to the recount and write down the time markers

………………….. the holidays, my family went to a park. ………………. we had a picnic lunch. …………….. the boys kicked an old footy around because they were bored. ………………………………, Jimbo kicked it into a tree and it got stuck. They threw long sticks and big stones at it, but it stayed firmly stuck in the tree. ……………………, Tommo climbed the tree but he couldn’t reach it. ………………………. we went home and left the football in the tree.

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


List the time markers from the above recount: 1. ………………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………………….. 3. ………………………………………………….. 4. ………………………………………………….. 5. ………………………………………………….. 6. …………………………………………………..

Can you think of some other words that are time markers?






















During this term, record other time markers that you learn

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


GRAMMAR Independent Clauses

An Independent clause is a simple sentence made up of words and groups. It must have 1 verb.

Clause Group

We had a picnic lunch. We had a picnic lunch.







The groups in these sentences are like this Naming who or what (Noun Group) Subject My family We Tommo He We

Naming the action (Verb Group) Verb went had climbed couldn’t reach went

Naming who or what, (Noun Group) Object to a park. a picnic lunch. the tree. it. home.

See if you can write some clauses by filling spaces below My friend

ate ran

into the water.

My son

out of a tree

Your dog

my lunch. gave

me some money.

Our family fell a computer.

Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


GRAMMAR Noun Groups The main part of a noun group is the noun. 1. We had a picnic lunch. 2. The boys kicked an old footy. 3. Tommo climbed the tree.

Sometimes, we add an adjective to tell more about the noun and this makes a (NOUN GROUP). 1. We had a (picnic lunch). 2. The boys kicked an (old footy).

What are some adjectives you could add to these nouns? ………………… girl

……………….. woman

……………….. teacher

………………… book

……………….. party

………………… brother

………………… chair

……………….. table

………………… job

………………… picture

……………….. day

………………… tree

………………… boys

……………….. game

………………… box

………………… friend

……………….. boat

………………… carpet

………………… water

……………….. cat

………………… house

………………… cup

……………….. coat

………………… dress

………………… hat

……………….. hands

………………… shoes

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


GRAMMAR Conjunctions A simple sentence has one independent clause. 1. The boys kicked an old footy around. 2. They were bored.

A compound sentence has two or more clauses. We join the clauses with conjunctions (joining words). The boys kicked an old footy around


The conjunctions we use a lot are: and

they were bored.





I went to town and did some shopping. (positive) (positive) But:

I like living in this city but it’s very expensive. (positive) (negative) They haven’t got much money but they’re very happy. (negative) (positive) So:

It was a very wet day so we stayed at home. (reason) (result) Because:

I didn’t go to work because I felt sick. (result) (reason)

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Practice Conjunctions: (and, but, so or because)

1. It was a lovely day………….. we decided to go out. 2. We walked to the station ………… caught the train. 3. I like John very much ………… I don’t like his brother. 4. I’d like to live somewhere by the sea ………… I love the sun. 5. She enjoys learning English ………… she finds it very difficult. 6. The restaurant had to close down ………… very few people went there. 7. I got up ………… had my breakfast 8. I’m very busy today ………… I can’t come and see you. 9. It’s a very interesting job ………… the pay isn’t very good. 10. We can’t go out tonight ………… we haven’t got any money 11. The music was playing very loudly ………… I didn’t hear the phone. 12. He went to the theatre last night ………… had a wonderful time. 13. They didn’t want to walk home ………… it was very dark. 14. It’s a beautiful place ………… the people aren’t very friendly. 15. I felt very tired ………… I left the party early.

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


GRAMMAR Past Tense Verbs For more information about past tense verbs, please see page ….…. of your blue book. I walked to school. Past simple tense: positive I You She He It We They


like liked study studied stop stopped Play


Spelling e, add d consonant + y, change y to i + ed vowel + consonant, double the consonant + ed y and w at the end of a word are not consonant sounds, so verbs ending in y or w do not double the consonant

Write the past simple of these verbs: Stay






















© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


GRAMMAR Personal Pronouns Subject I She We

Verb see knows don’t like

Object them. me. it.

Subject pronouns I












Object pronouns me


Circle the correct word in the following sentences: 1. Can you help we/us with these bags? 2. We/Us usually see they/them at the weekend. 3. How did you teach he/him to read? 4. I/Me write to she/he once a month. 5. He/Him loved she/her very much. 6. Why did you ask they/them to come? 7. I/Me don’t think she/her understands I/me. 8. Please don’t wait for we/us. 9. Did they/them tell she/her the news?

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


GRAMMAR Spelling  Words ending in s, ch, sh, or x, add e before final s: glass
















 Words ending in consonant + o often add es: tomato




 But words ending in vowel + o, add s: radio


 And abbreviated endings ending in o, add s: Kilo




 We drop the single e at the end of a word before adding another ending:  Before ing:



live ……………………….

 Before ed:



dance …………………..

 Before er and est:



 Verbs ending in ee:







© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


My Granddaughter Last Friday I took my granddaughter to kindy. First she played with some blocks and put three on top of each other! Then she read a book, and showed me a picture of a big red car. After that all the children sat on the floor. They all listened to a story. Finally she was tired so we went home. We both had a really good time at kindy. 1.

This is about a. b. c.

A day out My family Going to kindy

2. What did she do first? _______________________________________________ 3. What did she do after she read a book? _______________________________________________ 4. What picture was in the book? _______________________________________________ 5. What happened when she sat on the floor? _______________________________________________ 6. Why did they go home? _______________________________________________ Staging: Write the orientation: _______________________________________________ Write the conclusion: _______________________________________________ Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Now you do some writing about somewhere you went with a friend or someone in your family. What is your title? _________________________________________ First, write your orientation. It tells us who, where and when it happened. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Now, your body. It tells what happened in order of the events. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Now your conclusion. It tells how the story ends. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Speaking: Close your book, and tell this recount to your partner

Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Cleaning the house Yesterday I decided to clean the house. I started in the kitchen. First I washed the dishes and put them in the cupboard. Then I washed the floor. While it was drying I went into the bedroom and made the beds. After that I did some washing and hung it on the line to dry. My house is nice and clean now. 1.

This is about a. Washing b. Cleaning c. Shopping

2. Where did I put the dishes? _______________________________________________ 3. What did I do while the floor was drying? _______________________________________________ 4. What did I do in the bedroom? _______________________________________________ 5. What was the last thing I did? _______________________________________________ 6.

Draw lines to show the order that I did things (the first one is done for you) 1 2 3 4 5 6

Wash the floor Do the washing Hang clothes on line Wash the dishes Made the beds Put the dishes in the cupboard

7. Draw circles around all the time markers in the recount. Add them to your list on page 5. Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Now write about some work you do.

What is your title?

_________________________________________ Orientation. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Body. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Conclusion. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Editing: Check what time markers you have used. Circle them in your writing and write them below: …………………………….. …………………………….. ………………………………. …………………………….. …………………………….. ………………………………. ……………………………. ……………………………… ……………………………….

Speaking: Close your book, and tell this recount to your partner © 2010 Glenda Inverarity


A Day at Tea Tree Plaza I had a really good weekend but Saturday was especially good. First I realised that I still had a gift voucher from my birthday so I caught the O-bahn to Tea Tree Plaza to spend it. When I got there I went to Myer and found a very nice pair of jeans. Then I went to look for some shoes, but I couldn’t find any that I liked. I still have $40 left on my gift voucher for another day! 1.

What is this about? a. A bus ride b. Shopping c. A day out


How did I get to Tea Tree Plaza? __________________


What did I buy? ______________________________


What did I do after I bought jeans? _______________


What didn’t I buy? ____________________________


Did I spend all the money on my gift voucher? ________

Write the order that I did things Went to Myer Realised I had a gift voucher Looked for some shoes Caught the O-bahn

Underline some independent clauses in the recount

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Write about somewhere you have been.


____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Editing: Check your work for independent clauses. In the spaces below, write your independent clauses as groups. Naming who or what (Noun Group)

Naming the action (Verb Group)

Naming who or what, (Noun Group)

Speaking: Close your book, and tell this recount to your partner

Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Victor Harbor Last year, we had a really good holiday at Victor Harbor. The first day, we went fishing. My husband caught four fish but I didn’t catch any! After that we went for a long walk along the beach and collected some pretty shells. The next day was very hot so we went for a swim then played cards before we went to the pub for a meal. It was only a short holiday, but I really enjoyed it. 1.

This is about: a. Fishing b. Walking c. A Holiday

2. What two things did we do on the first day? _______________________________________________ 3. What did we find on the beach? _______________________________________________ 4. What did we do before we played cards? _______________________________________________ 5.

Number the order that we did things (the first one is done for you) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


walk on the beach go for a swim go fishing go for a meal play cards

List some noun groups from the recount:







© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Today, we will speak first. Think about last weekend. What did you do? When you finish speaking, write your recount. _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Ask your partner to check your work and list all your noun groups below: ………………………………………….












© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


A Weekend Away We went to Sydney last weekend. We flew there on Friday night and stayed in a nice hotel in the city. On Saturday we caught the ferry to Manley and ate fish and chips on the beach. On Sunday I visited my Sister. It was her birthday and we had a lovely party. After the party, we went straight to the train station and had a relaxing trip home on the train. It was a very busy weekend, but we had a really good time. 1.

When did we fly to Sydney? ____________________________


Where did we stay? With friends At a hotel In a camping ground With her sister


What day did we go to Manley? _________________________


What did we eat on Saturday? _________________________


What day did we go to a birthday party? __________________


Number the events in the story in the correct order. We went to Manley We went to the train station We went to a party We flew to Sydney


This recount is about A birthday party A trip to Manley A weekend away


What conjunctions have been used in the recount?




© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


………………….. 21

Tell your partner about your trip to Australia (You should tell your story in less than 2 minutes)

_________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Edit your work: Which conjunctions did you use? Write your sentences and label with positive or negative (See page 8)

........................................... ( ) ........................................... ( ) ........................................... ( ) ........................................... ( )

………….. ……………………………………………… ( ) ………….. ……………………………………………… ( ) ………….. ……………………………………………… ( ) ………….. ……………………………………………… ( )

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


My Best Friend’s Wedding Last month my best friend got married. It was a busy day for me. First I got up early and drove to her house. Then I took her to the hairdresser and we both had our hair done. After that, we stopped at the florist to collect the flowers before we went home. Next we had to get dressed. It took a long time to help her get dressed because there were a lot of buttons to do up. When she was dressed, I got ready and then the wedding car came to pick us up. Finally we got to the Rose Gardens and the ceremony began. I’m very happy for my friend because it was a beautiful wedding. 1.

Where did they go to get their hair done? __________________


What did the get at the florist? _________________________

3. Why did the dress take a long time to put on? ______________________________________________________ 4.

Where did they go to get married? _______________________

Number the events in the story in the correct order Picked up the flowers Drove to my friend’s house Got dressed Had the wedding ceremony Went to the hairdresser 5.

This story is about A day out A wedding Hairdressers Getting dressed

6. Make a list of the simple past tense verbs: ………………………… ……………………………. …………………………. ……………………….. ………………………… ……………………………. …………………………. ……………………….. ………………………… ……………………………. …………………………. ……………………….. © 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Tell your partner about a wedding or celebration (You should tell your story in less than 2 minutes) Partner to time how long …………………… minutes Your partner must list the simple past tense verbs they hear you use:

………………………… ……………………………. ………………………… ……………………………. ………………………… …………………………….

…………………………. ……………………….. …………………………. ……………………….. …………………………. ………………………..

Write about your trip to Australia:

_________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

What simple past tense verbs have you used? ………………………… ……………………………. …………………………. ……………………….. ………………………… ……………………………. …………………………. ……………………….. ………………………… ……………………………. …………………………. ……………………….. © 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Rose’s Day Rose had a good day. She woke up and had some mango for breakfast. She ate a whole mango and after that we went for a walk up to the lighthouse with Mater and Pater. By the time we got to the lighthouse, she was really cranky, so we came straight back home and she went to sleep. She slept for a while but not too long because I was waiting for Joe to come around. I was really keen for her to play with Joe and we all went down to the beach for a swim. She’s getting really confident in the waves now. When we finished swimming I wrapped her up in a towel and we walked back up the hill and now she’s playing on the swing with her cousin Rosalee.


Number the events in the order they happen in the story. The first one has been done for you. ____

Rose went for a swim


Rose had a sleep


Rose played with Joe


Rose ate breakfast


Rose played on the swing


Rose went for a walk

Answer these questions in no more than four words 2.

How much did Rose eat for breakfast? ______________________________________________


Where did Rose go on her walk? ______________________________________________


Where did Rose go after her sleep? ______________________________________________


Who did Rose go swimming with? ______________________________________________

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity



Who did Rose play with on the swing?________________________________


Write some past tense verbs from the story






Write some noun groups from the story








Write some conjunctions that are in the story






Write some time phrases from the story








Write the personal pronouns that are used in this story














Who is Rose? a. The person’s friend b. The person’s husband c. The person’s wife d. The person’s child

© 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Writing a Recount checklist More than 60 words Staging Conjunctions Time markers Noun groups Past tense verbs Personal pronouns Punctuation & all one paragraph Spelling

Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Homework Test Practice 1. Each day of the weekend, write a recount 2. Edit your writing using the written recount checklist (page 27). 3. The recount can be real or pretend. Thursday _______________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Friday _______________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Saturday _______________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Sunday _______________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Monday class practice _______________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Practice speaking test Speaking a Recount checklist Ask your listening partner to tick off the things they hear.

More than 30 seconds Staging Conjunctions Time markers Noun groups Past tense verbs Personal pronouns Vocabulary appropriate to topic Pronounce words with clarity and stress

Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Practice listening test On the Murray The best holiday I ever had was on the Murray River. I went for two days on a river boat. On the first day we travelled slowly up the river from Renmark before stopping for the night. We made a wonderful dinner of Australian food such as kangaroo with wild yams, and blackberries for desert. On the second day, we returned to Renmark but stopped at several places along the way. One place we stopped was an aboriginal park and they told us about their culture. It was really relaxing to be on the river. 1.

Where did I go for my holiday? __________________________


How many days did I go for? __________________________


What did I eat on the first day? _________________________


Number the events in the story in the correct order Ate dinner Returned to Renmark Visited an aboriginal park Left Renmark


What was this story about? A holiday The River Murray Aboriginal culture Australian food

Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


Practice listening test (Ask a friend to read aloud for you) Mother-in-law Last weekend my mother-in-law came to visit us from Sydney. We picked her up from the airport very early on Saturday morning and took her home. After we got home, I cooked a big breakfast for all of us. After that, we went to Harbour Town and did some shopping, then we went to Glenelg for lunch at a Seafood restaurant. In the evening we went to the movies and then went home. On Sunday we all went to church together before we took her back to the airport. I like my mother-in-law, but it was good to say goodbye too. 1. When did my mother-in-law arrive from Sydney? _______________________________________________________ 2.

Where did they go shopping? ____________________________


Where did they eat lunch? ______________________________


What day did they go to the movies? ______________________


Number the events in the story in the correct order Went to Harbour Town Went to the movies Went to church Had breakfast Took her to the airport


What was this story about? Going shopping Visit from mother-in-law Going to the airport Going to Glenelg

Š 2010 Glenda Inverarity


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