It’s hard and demands a lot of time. Only true dedication and passion can prepare you for when the right opportunity knocks at your door. Congratulations to those who were ready: the winners of the 2022 Inhouse Design Awards. 1.888.338.4075 |
The creative process takes guts.
© 2022 Robert Half International Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans. RHTS-0822

Why is this relevant — and an opportunity — for graphic and inhouse designers? More Meanwhile,later.
on a cheerier note . . .
And if you are looking for solace elsewhere, do not look to the new Gallup poll on Confidence in U.S. Institutions, which reveals declines in 11 of the 16 institutions tested. The annual poll marks new lows in confidence for the organized religion, big business, newspapers, criminal justice, police, big tech, the Supreme Court, the presidency and, yes, Congress.
Cycle of Distrust
“90% of politicians are giving the other 10% a bad name.” It’s an American folk proverb, or should be, since it reflects our long tradition of distrust in our elites and institutions. And it works in 2022 when you replace “politicians” with “media executives” or “tech giants” or “lawyers” or “clergy” or “big business” or “scientists” and on and on.
I checked back this week with the Edelman firm to see if the news was better in 2022. Spoiler alert: its worse. Among the findings: distrust of information and communications is now the default emotion for Americans; government and media are seen as divisive forces; without faith in our institutions and what they say people fear an unraveling; and corporations are perceived as not doing enough to address social problems or to earn trust.
GORDON KAYE IS THE PUBLISHER OF GDUSA Comments, suggestions and letters can be sent to gkaye @

WELCOME TO GDUSA’S 59TH ANNIVERSARY AMERICAN INHOUSE DESIGN AWARDS EDITION. It features a showcase of winners of the original and premier competition for inhouse design departments. With more than 7,000 entries, a nearly 12% increase, this is among the biggest and best of our Design Annuals. Given our volatile times, it is additional evidence that inhouse people are vital, productive, confident and future-oriented. Or possibly crazy and stubborn. I vote for the former but cannot swear to it.
A little skepticism is good for the national soul but the recent implosion of belief in our laws, customs, practices, myths and institutions is downright scary Trust underpins the social fabric that holds us together, provides the space and forgiveness and resiliency to compromise in a pluralistic culture, keeps us moving forward toward a more perfect union.
Last year around this time I told you that I attended a talk by Richard Edelman, CEO of the Edelman global communications firm whose mission is “to evolve, promote and protect brands and reputations.” He recounted the results of his firm’s 2021 “Trust Barometer” survey which documented an “infodemic” — the collapse of faith in traditional sources of reliable information such as government, media, academia, and big business — leading, in turn, to a loss of faith in the communications and information themselves.
Third, many corporations and CEOs are embracing societal leadership to address and advocate for solutions to hot button issues such as climate change, economic inequality, and workforce reskilling. Again, inhouse designers find themselves at the cutting edge of a new kind of corporate messaging that is not afraid to express values and beliefs.
The myriad unfortunate events of the past three years — pick your poison — have actually contributed to this upward trajectory. From my perspective, there are four reasons for this.
First, inhouse departments have been remarkably agile and adaptable at mastering the technology, infrastructure and managerial resources to make remote working successful. This has led to surprising degree of productivity, an unexpectedly smooth transition, and a growing consensus that a flexible workplace is the wave of the future. Inhouse professionals are at the cutting edge of a massive change on how we work and view work.
Fourth — and here we get to the heart of the issue — an inhouse department’s true value proposition is its intimate knowledge of the institutional identity, corporate culture and organizational objectives. At their best, they are keepers and protectors of the torch, in a unique position to express the essence, the credibility and character of an institution, its products, services and ideas. To communicate the truth, to be transparent, to project authenticity, to use design to help solve as well as explain.
In the sweep of design history, it is fair to say that inhouse departments are better situated than ever. Graphic design is understood to play a critical role in the success of products, services, information and ideas, and it is clear that more and more design and marketing departments are successfully pushing against past constraints. As a result, the contribution that design can make is better understood and respected, inhouse positions are more attractive, the light shines more often on inhouse accomplishments, and inhouse designers are sometimes in the room where it happens.
It comes down to this. A critical element in reversing the cycle of distrust is for public and private institutions to provide trustworthy information and present it in an engaging way: credible, transparent, consistent, meaningful, fact-based, authentic and empathetic. Inhouse departments are proving up to the task because, in a sense, the good and great ones have long been preparing for this challenge. It is who they are and aspire to be.
The American Inhouse Design Awards program addresses these matters, turns conventional wisdom on its head, declares that the best inhouse work is the stuff of design annuals and — most importantly — a fundamental contribution to the institutional mission and to the audiences served.
As for the 2022 competition itself, the winning pieces span the country and touch every segment of the public, private and non-profit sectors. The winning pieces showcase graphic design for commerce and culture at its best by professionals who ably advance their client’s objectives and build meaningful value for their organizations, products, services, causes, ideas. The design is smart, it is appealing, it is strategic, it uses the full range of media available.
Second, inhouse departments, at their best, foster consistent collaboration, communications and reliance between and among inhouse creative professionals and upper management. These characteristics and practices — collaboration, communication, reliability — have proven to be just the soft skill set necessary to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the period of disruptive change.
For our winners the moment is especially sweet, since the path to a successful design solution is often steeper than for their counterparts at independent agencies. Suffice it to say that working in an institutional setting can trigger existential challenges — measuring the immeasurable value that design and communications add, justifying one’s place to senior management in order to secure the resources and freedom to do the job right, overcome the inherent conservatism of institutions, gaining credit and recognition inside and outside, and growing as a professional.
A good place to experience this? In our 2022 American Inhouse Design Awards showcase.
Receiving an American Inhouse Design Award is a triumph on many levels: a personal feat of talent and hard work; a collaborative accomplishment for a team working together to advance an organization’s goals; and a victory for all those who toil inhouse and may not always garner the recognition and reward they deserve.
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GDUSA - Graphic Design USA Volume 58 / No. 4 July/August 2022 Kaye Publishing Corporation (ISSN0274-7499/USPS227020). Published 6 times a year with combined issues in January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December. Executive, editorial and advertising offices at 89 Fifth Avenue, Suite 901, New York NY 10003. Phone: 212.696.4380, Fax: 212.696.4564, SUBSCRIPTION: Domestic, $72 one year, International, $140 one year. Periodicals postage paid at New York NY and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GDUSA – Graphic Design USA, PO Box 3072, Langhorne PA 19047. Permit #224.


As the world’s first and largest specialized talent solutions firm, Robert Half connects top graphic designers and other creative and marketing professionals with companies striving to elevate customer experiences like never before. Looking for your next role or project? We help skilled designers and creatives find great opportunities to fit their skills, interests and work style. Looking to hire on a contract, contract-to-hire, or permanent basis? We have design professionals with the creative vision you need to implement key projects. Contact us to connect with top talent ready to work on-site or remote.
Jennifer Hoff
ADVERTISING SALES + INTEGRATED MARKETING + BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT randriani212.696.4380201.669.9884@gdusa.comMiltonL.Kaye1921-2016
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Scott Sczcypiorski
Angelo Abbondante ACCOUNTS MANAGER
Gordon Kaye
Sasha Kaye-Walsh
This winning poster by Erica Rivera, a Graphics Manager at Fort Worth TX-based Tarrant County College celebrates Juneteenth. The institution serves nearly 100,000 students across several campuses. Director of Creative Services, Arturo Martinez, was featured for his influential and socially responsible design in the October 2020 GDUSA magazine. Our Inhouse Awards showcase starts at PAGE 10.
Maliya Malik
Ron Andriani
As exclusive sponsor of GDUSA’s American Inhouse Design Awards, Robert Half is pleased to help recognize inspiring creative work and collaboration. An equal opportunity employer, we are proud to be named to the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Corporate Equality Index and a Forbes Best Employer for Diversity. To read more about Robert Half’s commitment to inhouse design, see page 126-127 of this edition.

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DREAM JOBS. TOP TALENT. ALL IN ONE PLACE. As the world’s first and largest specialized talent solutions firm, Robert Half connects top graphic designers and other creative and marketing professionals with companies striving to elevate customer experiences like never before. Looking for your next role or project? We help skilled designers and creatives find great opportunities to fit their skills, interests and work style. Looking to hire on a contract, contract-to-hire, or permanent basis? We have design professionals with the creative vision you need to implement key projects. Contact us to connect with top talent ready to work on-site or remote. We are proud to be named to the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Corporate Equality Index and a Forbes Best Employer for Diversity.
GDUSA’s American Inhouse Design Awards™ is the original and premier showcase for outstanding work by inhouse creatives and their departments. This year’s showcase of roughly 400 projects reflects the many and varied ways in which inhouse designers advance the mission of and build value for their companies, institutions, brands, products, services and causes. It also serves as powerful testimony that the inhouse value proposition — creative professionals who have a deep and intimate knowledge of the institutional identity, culture and objectives are positioned to deliver effective, authentic and trustworthy communications — is alive and well. Just when we need it most.
| 2022 |
AARP Brand Creative Services 16, 51
ACS Publications/CreativeLab70, 73, 108
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 121
Bank of America 51, 59
Access Intelligence 33, 39, 87, 113
Acenda Integrated Health 116
Acuity Brands 87
ADP HRO Shared Services/The Creative Shop 39, 87

Auburn University 73, 108

AvidXchange 70, 79, 88
Alliance Bank 26
3M Design 26, 106
American Bankers Association 59
American Society of Nephrology 59
ASAE 39, 59
Auburn University Rural Studio 41
American Bar Association27, 39, 62, 63, 87, 108
AMPP Creative Service Team 63
AICPA Creative Team 121
AAA Northeast 73

© 2022 Robert Half International Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans. RHTS-0822
It’s hard and demands a lot of time. Only true dedication and passion can prepare you for when the right opportunity knocks at your door. Congratulations to those who were ready: the winners of the 2022 Inhouse Design Awards. 1.888.338.4075 |
The creative process takes guts.

DeadLizard,CostcoConceptShell42,CommandCohesityClassicCommunityCityCiscoCharlesCepheid88,CDKBruceBrookfieldBottomlineBonterraBigBialoskyInc.35Cleveland74Village70OrganicEstates98Technologies74Properties27,28,35,41,74,88,113PowerCreativeStrategy28,116,121GlobalInhouseCreative7489E.SmithJewishDaySchool(CESJDS)60Secure28ofHoustonHousingandDevelopmentDepartment28PlayfieldReproductions41CreativeServices36,51,79,121AlkonMarketing52,71116Wholesale98,99LLC42,80 AMERICAN INHOUSE DESIGN AWARDS | INDEX

Barrette Outdoor Living27, 51, 113
Barcoding, Inc. & Weidert Group27, 73, 79, 88
Every asset type. All in 1 plan. Get creative with Shutterstock FLEX, the industry’s 昀rst multi-asset subscription plan. Now you can access everything—images, clips, music, and more—in 1 easy-to-manage plan that bends to your will. Learn more at

ELB I-CARHoustonHMCHillmanHearstGeorgiaGEGAFFSFoodScienceFlukeFloridaFarmE*TRADE43,Equitable29,EnochEndeavorElmhurstLearning42University,DepartmentofArt75BusinessMedia36,42,52,75,80,89PrattFreeLibrary907561BureauFinancialServices60MedicalAssociation43CorporationCreativeServices43,75InternalCreativeTeam58,80,90Investments36,43,52CreativeDesignServices36,90,99,106,114,117GasPower91Pacific/CampfireCreative71,76,91CreativeCommunications29,91,122ProtectiveSolutions58,80Architects/MediaDepartment53,91MethodistCreativeServices122InHouse29,64,81 AMERICAN INHOUSE DESIGN AWARDS | INDEX
East Carolina University, School of Art and Design 52

Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp.89,
DuPage Children’s Museum116
HiretheLatestDesignTalentOurdesignersarethenewesteditiontothelegacyoftheSyracuseUniversitycommunicationsdesignprogram.Theirportfoliosrepresentdiverseprojectsthatspanabroadrangeofskillsincludingbranding,artdirection,editorialdesign,packagingdesign,UI/UXdesign,webdesignandadvertising.Notwoportfoliosarealike.Viewtheimpressivecollectionofworkhere: SCHOOL OF NEWDESIGNTALENTPREVIEW
Morgan State University 53
National PharmacistsCommunityAssociation 53, 66, 106
JCC Rockland 44
Learning Without Tears44, 53, 60, 81, 112
Maxell Corporation of America 120
Moore College of Art & Design 82, 120
Mouser Electronics 65, 71, 72
Mizuho Americas 122
Krystal Pratt Designs 44
mkulpdesigns 33
McKee Properties 44
LMI 29, 81, 109

Infosec 108
Lowe’s Pro Supply 37
Lookout, Inc. 106
Japanese Art Society of America 64
MJH Life Sciences 65, 71, 82, 92, 117
JLL Creative 114
MD Anderson Cancer Center 32 Midlands Technical College 81, 117
Art CopywriterBrandDirectorDesigner Product Designer Digital GraphicDesignerDesigner Senior Designer Visual Designer UI/UX Designer TOP PLACED TITLES
The Great Resignation has left companies scrambling for talented designers and creatives searching for fulfilling projects. That's where Artisan Talent comes in. We're a boutique creative staffing agency here to make things easier for you - whether you’re hiring talent or finding work. From small agencies to major corporations, our team is in the business of connecting people. That’s what makes us Artisan.
PenFed Credit Union Marketing 82, 117
Prudential Creative & Content46, 55, 83, 109
OakNorth 67 Outlook Newspapers 67
Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership30, 37, 76
Patient Care Medical Group (PCMG) 54
Prime Therapeutics Creative Services 30, 54, 77, 83, 92, 122
Quad/DM Design Innovation 60, 61
Parsons/The Core Creative Agency. 45, 54, 82, 109, 112
PepsiCo Design & Innovation 45, 46, 83, 100, 101 102, 103, 107, 114
Questex 47
Petmate 76, 103
RCN Capital 37
Northeastern Retail Lumber Association (NRLA)67
Petals for PHE 46

Red Hat Open Studio38, 68, 83, 93, 118
Protiviti Creative Brand & Studio37, 46, 77, 123
ProAmpac Design and Sample Lab 103
New York Power Authority (NYPA) 66
Promega Corporation 103
BUY SHIRT Here: Donate Here: Scholarship Endowment
Apple is an EOE/AA m/f/disability/vets.
The Organization of Black Designers/OBD created the "Black Designers Matter!" T-Shirt to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. The shirt also references the pressing need for greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the design professions. That has been the mission of OBD since its founding in 1994. Proceeds from the sale of these shirts will go to support and build our OBD Scholarship Endowment Fund. We will also contribute 5% of our T-Shirt sales to Black Lives Matter. Thank you for your support.

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Apple Inc. has multiple positions available in Cupertino, CA:

T. Rowe Price55
TAG Creative Team47, 105
Sheetz Brand Design Studio84, 94
Southern Poverty Law Center31, 55, 61, 84, 94
Sourcing Journal68 Southern Company30, 123
Thayer Academy85
Targus Marketing Department38
Spectrum Brands Communications/ Creative Team58, 104
Stony Brook University Office of Communications & Marketing94, 95
Spring Hills 55, 85
Tampa International Airport48, 56
Texas A&M Commerce111
The Clorox Company/Electro Creative Workshop31

RTI Corporate Communications47
Tarrant County College District/ Graphic Services 31, 95, 107, 110, 111, 118, 123
Robert Half Creative Brand & Studio 30, 47, 77, 93, 112
RSM93, 104
Telfair Museums33, 68
Cougar® is the quintessential premium paper for connecting ideas to people through design. With options including three finishes, two colors, heavyweights, digital sizes and complementary envelopes, Cougar stands alone to brilliantly serve projects on multiple platforms. Celebrate fifty years of Cougar with us and set your passion for print on the prowl.

Trinity Church Wall Street/Creative Services. 69, 77, 78
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)31
The Idea Factory at Sam Houston State University 48
VIP Tires & Service 96, 118
University of Alabama/CDC Foundation111
Vectorworks, Inc. 50
Verve, a Credit Union 39
Topco Creative Services 105

Youngstown State University Creative Services61
WebMD Health Services 57, 78, 97
Walker & Dunlop 32, 85, 114
The New York Public Library Creative Services38
The Hillman Group/Visual Marketing 107
The Woodlands Methodist Church 48
The Village for Families & Children 32
Uncommon Design, LLC 49
Veritiv 50
ULINE Creative Department 58
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. 32
Wolf Trap Creative 34, 69, 86, 119
The Word & Brown Companies. 33, 38, 49, 56, 95, 96, 112


Design Firm: AARP Brand Creative Services, Washington DC Client: AARP Title: AARP 2020 Annual Report Creative Director: Mike Hilker Designer: Matt Hlubny
Design Firm: AARP Brand Creative Services, Washington DC Client: AARP Title: LCE (Legal Counsel For The Elderly) 2020 Annual Report Creative Director: Mike Hilker Designer: Angela Melito

Design Firm: Alliance Bank, St. Paul MN Title: 2021 Statement of Condition Creative Director: Debra Kosch Designer: Debra Kosch
Design Firm: 3M Design, St. Paul MN Client: 3M Corporate Sustainability Title: 2022 3M Global Impact Report Creative Director: Peter de Sibour Art Directors: Jonathan Alstad, Leah Palmquist Designers: SPOT Communications, Brigitte Fox, Tara Sullivan, Kelley Stafne Production: Erik Lehrke, Lisa Scales, Laura Downs Account Lead: Tory Scales Project Management: Kevin Roed Copywriting: Andrew Vanderiet
Design Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Brookfield Properties 2020 ESG Report Creative Director: Christine Zabel Designer: Brooke Turrell Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton Associate Creative Director: Aimee Guzman Photographer: Nick Fochtman Copywriter: Emily Stone
Design Firm: Barcoding, Inc. & Weidert Group, Baltimore MD Client: Barcoding, Inc. Title: Barcoding Research Study VP of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships: Jody Costa Lead Designer & Content Strategist: Krystal Cotriss Business Coordinator: Iris Huang

Title: Goal III Report 2022: Diversity and Inclusion Report

Creative Director: Nick Panos Art Director: Cory Ottenwess
Design Firm: Barrette Outdoor Living, Middleburg Heights OH Title: Annual 2021 ESG Report Creative Director: Danielle Burgund Jo-Anne Iannone Designer: Jo-Anne Iannone Communications Manager: Kim Espenschied Senior Channel Marketing Manager: Allie Dischinger Contributor: ESG Committee

Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Client: Goal III Reports

Design Firm: City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department, Houston TX Title: 2021 Annual Report - Year In Review Graphics and Brand Manager: LaStephen Maxwell Data and Communications Manager: Abraham Mathew Non-Profit Liaison: Ellary Makuch Staff Photographer/Community Involvement Coordinator: Lester Whiteing
28 GDUSADesign

Design Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Brookfield Properties Next in Retail Report Creative Director: Christine Zabel Designer: Brooke Turrell Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton Associate Creative Director: Aimee Guzman Illustrator: Lisa Tegtmeier

Design Firm: Bruce Power Creative Strategy, Tiverton ON Client: Bruce Power Title: 2021 Annual Review and Energy Report - Celebrating 20 Years Designer: Erin Grandmaison RGD Photographer: Francis Lodaza Writers: Tim Mckay, Megan Adams, Kate Bagshaw

Firm: Cisco Secure, Roswell GA Title: Cisco Secure Cybersecurity Report Series Creative Director: Santos W. Vega III Designers: Santos W. Vega III, Carol Johnston

Design Firm: Equitable, Charlotte NC Title: Equitable Holdings’ 2021 Annual Report Creative Director: Linda Humphrey Art Director: Leanne Scala Pugh Designer: Leanne Scala Pugh

Design Firm: Hearst Creative Communications, New York NY Client: Hearst Title: Hearst Forward 2021 Yearbook Senior Creative Director: Stephanie Schulz Associate Director Creativity Strategy: Wade Lew Senior Art Director: Emily Visich Assistant Creative Director: Julianne Aerts

Design Firm: I-CAR InHouse, Naperville IL Client: I-CAR Title: I-CAR 2021 Impact Report Creative Director: Jeff Carlson

Design Firm: LMI, Tysons VA Title: LMI 2021 Impact Report Creative Director: Theresa Koenig Art Director: Donavan Lyons Designer: Arissa Cheong Writers: Adam Genest, Jessica Kinninger, Robin Milton, Jessica Smith, Austyn Thweat Editors: Marissa Fox, Holly Nixon, Rosie Beckham Vice President, Marketing and Communications: Karen Britton
Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN. Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: PrimeCares 2021 Annual Statement Creative Director: Heidi Ocel Designer: Stacy Berndt Production Designer: Jack Jerome Project Manager: Connie Krell

Design Firm: Southern Company, Atlanta GA Title: 2021 Year in ReviewLeading With Excellence Art Director: Matt Carmack Designer: Matt Carmack
Design Firm: Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, Pittsburgh PA Title: Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership Annual Report 2021 Creative Director: Richard A. Hooper Designer: Wall-to-Wall Studios Contributors: Lynn Glover, Colten Gill, Renee Rosensteel

Design Firm: Robert Half Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: Robert Half ESG Report Art Director: Mandisa Fabris Designers: Kelsi Kohrs (Concept, Layout), Rhia Winkelman-Gilbreath (Omni-channel) Sr. Manager Art Director: Jenny Merritt. Sr. Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Project Manager: Michelle Nowicki Clients: Stephanie Dolmat, Sherri Hart

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX
Design Firm: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Rye Brook NY
Design Firm: Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery AL Title: 2021-22 Year in Hate Report Creative Director: Chris Mihal Designer: Sunny Paulk Illustrators: Dakarai Akil, Jim Cooke, Joan Wong

Title: 2021 Annual Report - Expanding The Possible Art Director: Sharon Mahoney

Designer: Jennifer Lieber Writers: Danna Levy, Paul Bianchi, Lynne Hagerup Printer: Graphic Management Partners
Client: The Clorox Company Foundation Title: Annual Report 2021 Creative Director: Augustus Ang Designer: Michelle Shibata-Schwartz Project Manager: Lily Rojas-Jungenberg Copywriter: Dan Tamura Production Artist: Jana Shellabarger Hand-Lettering: Veronica Runyon
Design Firm: The Clorox Company/Electro Creative Workshop, Oakland CA
Client: TCC Student Experience Principle Title: Community Education Plan 2022-2027 Creative Director: Arturo Martinez Art Director: Arturo Martinez Designer: Arturo Martinez


Design Firm: The Village for Families & Children, Hartford CT Title: FY 20-21 Annual Report - Stories of Resilience Senior Director, Marketing and Communications: Sarah Thompson Vice President, Advancement: Derek Slap Multimedia Marketing Officer: Michael Carretta Photographer: Leslie Gomez, LMG Photography Videographer: Enrique Lebron, Retrospective Films
Firm: Walker & Dunlop, Atlanta GA Title: Multifamily Outlook Quarterly Report - Spring 2021 Creative Director: Matt Cabral Art Directors: Arthur Gorelick (Content), Taj Gaines (Cover)
32 GDUSADesign
Design Firm: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX Title: Stronger. Safer. Better: The Silver Linings of FY20 (Annual Report FY20) Art Director and Designer, Program Director, Creative Communications: Kellye B. Sanford Managing Editorial, Director, Publications and Social Media: Laura Nathan-Garner Editor, Program Manager, Publications: Ronda Wendler Contributing Photographers: Thomas Campbell, Adolfo Chavez III, Wyatt McSpadden, F. Carter Smith

Design Firm: Wolf Trap Creative, Vienna VA Client: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts Title: Wolf Trap 2021 Annual Report - 50 Years Together Art Director: Sara Shaffer. Designer: Andy Kiel

Design Firm: Telfair Museums, Savannah GA Title: 2022 Telfair Ball Invitation Creative Director: Melissa Anne Hill

Design Firm: mkulpdesigns, Douglassville PA Client: The Warehouse Studios, Bruce Becker Title: Art Opening Invitation Designer: Michele Kulp

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: Word & Brown GA Orange County Top Producer Event Invitation Marketing Director: Missy Bynon Studio Director: Homer Villegas Senior Events Manager: Jessica Haluck
Design Firm: Access Intelligence, Rockville MD Client: Chief Marketer Pro Awards Title: 2022 Pro Awards Call for Entries Designer: Haley Harms

Design Firm: Wolf Trap Creative, Vienna VA Client: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts Title: Wolf Trap 2022 Legacy Circle Dinner Invitation Art Director: Sara Shaffer Designer: Michael Avery

Design Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Ala Moana Center Brand Advertising Creative Director: Julia Walker Art Director: Nick Fochtman Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton Copywriter: Gabrielle Nicholson

Design Firm: Berdon Marketing Team, New York NY Client: BERDON LLP Accountants and Advisors Title: 2022 Ease Your BURDEN with BERDON Creative Director: Frank Vitale Art Director: Matina Korologos Velez Designer: Matina Korologos Velez Contributors: Berdon Marketing Team

Design Firm: Berjé Inc., Carteret NJ Title: Berjé B Botanicals Advertising Art Director: Luigi Quaglia Designer: Luigi Quaglia
Design Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Stop Searching Start Living Advertising Campaign Creative Director: Julia Walker Art Director: Nick Fochtman Designer: Jamie Jason Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton Copywriter: Gabrielle Nicholson Motion Graphics: Matt Knutson


36 GDUSADesign
Design Firm: Endeavor Business Media, Tulsa OK Client: DE Principles of Practice Management Title: Rock Your Practice Creative Director: Charles Thomas Art Director & Designer: Genny Pankey Marketing Manager: Samantha Nitz

Firm: FS Investments, Philadelphia PA Title: Never Settle Campaign Creative Director: Lauren Dougherty Designers: Lauren Dougherty, Gina Kernan, Nicholas Yates, Dave Sloboda, Katie Teitelbaum Video Producer: Endrit Faslliaj Copywriting: Bret Wilhite
Design Firm: Cohesity Creative Services, San Jose CA Client: Cohesity, Inc. Title: Defend Your Data Campaign Art Director: Tonya Zenin Director, Creative and Brand: Kaycee Carmichael Chiu Director of Campaigns: Kim Lewis Sr. Director Product Marketing: Raj Dutt Sr. Director Web Marketing: Dawne Rubenzer Director of Web Development: Jayesh Magare
Design Firm: GAF Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Client: GAF Title: Smart Money Print Ad Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Antoinette Prioletti Writer/ACD: Donald Kilcoyne Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Kenya Hagazy
Creative Project Manager: Katie O’Brien Paid Media Manager: Giselle Rodriguez Chief Marketing Officer: Lynn Lucas
Design Firm: Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, Pittsburgh PA Title: PGH Opens Campaign Creative Director: Richard A. Hooper Designer: Richard A. Hooper Contributors: Paige Moyer, Sam Ormond, City of Pittsburgh

Design Firm: Protiviti Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: Most Powerful Women in Banking Campaign Art Director: Brooke Dean Designers: George Yui, Ramandeep Singh Sr. Manager Art Director: Ryan Dahlheim Sr. Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Account Manager: Amanda Koellhofer. Clients: Kathryn Haase, Kate Smith

Design Firm: RCN Capital, South Windsor CT Title: Scotsman Guide Vintage Travel Poster Ad Series Creative Director: Erica LaCentra Art Director: Rob Kavaler Designer: Rob Kavaler Marketing Manager: Erica Sikoski Marketing Associates: Mary Margaret Hogan, Julia Lyon, David Grushetskiy

Design Firm: Lowe’s Pro Supply, Houston TX Title: Units Magazine, It Happens Campaign Creative Director: Monique Orr Designers: Monique Orr, Visualeyes Copywriting: Visualeyes


Firm: The New York Public Library Creative Services, New York NY Client: The New York Public Library Title: Polansky Exhibition of The New York Public Library’s Treasures Creative Director: Katharina Seifert Designers: Maya Sariahmed, Rosalene Perillo Concept Development: Elizabeth Hays, Angela Montefinise Editorial: Julia Joseph
38 GDUSADesign
Design Firm: Targus Marketing Department, Anaheim CA Client: Targus Title: Big Steps, Small Environmental Footprints Campaign Creative Director: Jason Whittemore Designer: Winsam Roderos Advertising & Branding Directors: Cynthia Pleitez, Jaclyn Kone

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: Word & Brown GA 2022 ‘Redefine’ Ad Series Marketing Director: Missy Bynon Designer: Hugo Miramontes Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman
Design Firm: Red Hat Open Studio, Raleigh NC Client: Red Hat Title: Brand Campaign - Connected Industries Creative Director: Mike Esser Strategy Director: Jacques Oury Creative Strategist: Justin Braun Associate Creative Director-Art: Nick Burns Associate Creative Director-Animation: Laura Walters Associate Creative Director-Copy: Casey Stegman Art Director: Jenna Slawson Animator: Eric Kramer Animator: Jingky Gilbert Associate Creative Director-UX: Aaron Williamson Digital Designer: Rachel Ertel Account Manager: Jessica Burkitt Project Manager: Graham Rountree
Design Firm: Verve, a Credit Union, Oshkosh WI Title: Fraud Squad Campaign Creative Director: Jordan Destree

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Design Firm: Access Intelligence, Rockville MD Client: Event Marketer Title: Experiential Marketing Summit Designer: Tara Bekman
Design Firm: ASAE, Washington DC Client: ASAE Public Policy Department Title: ASAE Power of Associations Rebrand Creative Director: Kundia Wood Art Director: Kundia Wood. Designer: Kundia Wood
Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: Center on Children and the Law 2022 Conferences Branding Designer: Amanda Fry
Design Firm: ADP HRO Shared Services/The Creative Shop, Alpharetta GA Client: ADP TotalSource Health & Wealth Title: Open Enrollment Rally Event Logo Development and Execution Art Director: Amy Chaffin Designer: Amy Chaffin

Design Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Curbcierge Branding Creative Director: Christine Zabel Designer: Aimee Guzman Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton Photographer: Nick Fochtman Copywriter: Emily Stone

Design Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Brookfield Properties Corporate Rebranding Creative Director: Christine Zabel Art Director: Nick Fochtman Designer: Heather Hoyt Associate Creative Director: Aimee Guzman Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton

Design Firm: Auburn University Rural Studio, Auburn AL Title: Rural Studio Style Guide Creative Directors: Courtney Windham, Margaret Fletcher

Senior Creative Director: Julie Walker Copywriter: Emily Stone
Art Directors: Courtney Windham, Margaret Fletcher Designer: Courtney Windham Communication & Marketing Specialist, Rural Studio: Natalie Butts-Ball Technical Communication/Writing Styles: Michelle Sidler, Susan A. Youngblood
Art Director: Stuart Wright Designer: Stuart Wright
Design Firm: Classic Playfield Reproductions, Phoenix AZ Title: CPR Branding Logo Designs Creative Director: Stuart Wright

Design Firm: ConceptShell, Kent WA Client: Sergio Hufana, Owner and Barber Title: SergFadez Logo Design Designer: Shayla C Hufana

Design Firm: Endeavor Business Media, Tulsa OK Client: LightSPEC Title: LightSPEC Logo Creative Director: Charles Thomas Art Director & Designer: Charles Thomas Marketing Manager: Wendy Lissau

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Firm: ELB Learning, American Fork UT Title: ELB Learning Branding & Identity Programs Creative Director: Nic Brown Art Director: Stacey Wilhelmsen Designer: Jesse Frost Lead Graphic Design: Ravi Koomera

Design Firm: DeadLizard, LLC, Roseland NJ Title: 2022 DeadLizard Brand Refresh Creative Directors: Todd Reinhart, Bill Skrief Art Director: Joe Reinhart Designer: Arnold Romero

Design Firm: FS Investments, Philadelphia PA Title: FireSide Podcast Branding Creative Director: Lauren Dougherty Designers: Elle Trost, Katie Teitelbaum, Gina Kernan Photographer: Steve Belkowitz

Design Firm: E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley, Jersey City NJ Title of Entry: Morgan Stanley Practice Strategy Toolkit Creative Director: Michael Hovsepian

Design Firm: Florida Medical Association, Tallahassee FL Title: Florida Medical Association Brand Refresh Art Director: Vanessa Lewis COO: Matt Crowley VP of Communications & Strategic Partnerships: Lauren Byrd Director of New Media: Thom Blanton Managing Editor: Erika Peterman Business Development Manager: Cortney Jones

Design Firm: Fluke Corporation Creative Services, Everett WA Title: Fluke Brand Center Web Site Art Director: Matt Yamane Designer: Matt Yamane Illustrator: Bill Shane Copywriter: Jean Breheney Head of Photography: Louis Fliger

Design Firm: JCC Rockland, West Nyack NY Title: JCC Rockland Camp Brand Systems Creative Director: Heather Bloch Art Director: Kim Brown-Irvis Designer: Kim Brown-Irvis Webmaster: Jim Kane

Design Firm: McKee Properties, Cashiers NC Title: McKee Properties Logo Creative Director: Lynda Hodge Designer: Lynda Hodge

Firm: Learning Without Tears, Cabin John MD Title: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Logo Designer: Aaron Jackson

Design Firm: Krystal Pratt Designs, Clifton NJ Client: The Grind Method Title: The Grind Method Logo Rebrand Creative Director + Designer: Krystal Pratt

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Design Firm: Parsons/The Core Creative Agency, Chicago IL Title: APA Alliance Logo Graphic Designer: Kristen Hutton Creative Writer: Noel Sloss Art Direction: Mike Dellinger Associate Creative Director: BO Haynes Creative Director: Kathy Sara

Design Firm: Parsons/The Core Creative Agency, Chicago IL Title: Core Creative Capabilities Icons Illustrator: Azia Sanders Graphic Designer: Elizabeth Clark Brand SME: Elizabeth Clark Associate Creative Director: BO Haynes Creative Director: Kathy Sara

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: PEPSI x SHFW SS2022 Branding Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: PEPSI Culture Cans x People’s Daily Branding Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation


Firm: Protiviti Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: Protiviti Digital Branding Art Director: Brooke Dean Designers: Brin Azzarello, Brooke Dean Sr. Manager Art Director: Ryan Dahlheim Sr. Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Account Manager: Amanda Koellhofer Client: Joan Smith

Design Firm: Petals for PHE, Naperville IL Title: Identity Program Creative Director: Jeff Carlson Designer: Jeff Carlson

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Design Firm: Prudential Creative & Content, Hoboken NJ Client: Prudential International Insurance Title: Africa Roundtable 2022 Event Branding Creative Director/Designer: Azy Brown

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: The Champions Show Branding Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: Robert Half Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: Elevate Black Leaders Art Directors: Mandisa Fabris, Keone Moore Designers: Rhia Winkelman-Gilbreath, Jenny Merritt Sr. Manager Art Director: Jenny Merritt Sr. Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers

Project Manager: Danelle Brady Clients: Bryce Brown, Kacey Jones
Design Firm: RTI Corporate Communications, Durham NC Client: RTI International Title: RTI Health Advance Branding and Identity Art Direction/Design: Alisa Clifford, Maria Ashbaugh Brand Direction/Writing: MaryBeth Branigan
Design Firm: Questex, New York NY Client: Fierce Title: Fierce Rebrand Creative Director: Matthew Poor Designers: Lendi Gleaton, Lia Shaked, Diana Sanmiguel VP Customer Experience: Shelli Winter

Design Firm: TAG Creative Team, Chicago IL Title: Aspen Dental Rebranding Creative Director: TAG Creative Team Art Director: TAG Creative Team Designer: TAG Creative Team
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Design Firm: The Idea Factory at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville TX Client: Black Employee Resource Group Title: BERG Block Logo Creative Director: W. Anthony Watkins Lead Designer: Christopher McKnight Designer: Regan Truong

Design Firm: The Woodlands Methodist Church, The Woodlands TX Title: Forward In Faith Branding Creative Director: Mike Sims Art Director: Conrad Aleshire

Firm: The Idea Factory at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville TX Title: The Idea Factory Logo Creative Director: W. Anthony Watkins Lead Designer: Christopher McKnight Designer: Regan Truong
Design Firm: Tampa International Airport, Tampa FL Client: Airport Concessions Title: TPA To Go Branding and Identity Creative Director: Justin Edwards Art Director: Robert Connelly Designer: Robert Connelly

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: Word & Brown GA Go Adventure 2022 Campaign Marketing Director: Missy Bynon Designer: Hugo Miramontes Marketing Project Manager: Heather Jung Senior Events Manager: Jessica Haluck Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman

Design Firm: Uncommon Design, LLC, Laurel MD Client: Park 12 Capital Title: Logo and Brand Design Creative Director: Carla Conway Designer: Carla Conway

Design Firm: Uncommon Design, LLC, Laurel MD Client: Eze Okwodu, Realtor Title: Logo Design Creative Director: Carla Conway Designer: Carla Conway
Design Firm: Uncommon Design, LLC, Laurel MD Client: D&D Remodeling Title: Logo and Brand Design Creative Director: Carla Conway Designers: Carla Conway, Neal Buck

Design Firm: Veritiv, Fairfield OH Title: Right Edge Logo Senior Graphic Designer: Michael McCall

Design Firm: Vectorworks, Inc., Columbia MD Title: Design Without Limits Branding Creative Director: David Puppos Art Director: Brandol Antol Designers: Brandon Antol, Nick Booth, Patrick Chin, Ivanna Giron, Fatomeh Oreizi

Design Firm: Bank of America, Pennington NJ Client: Merrill Title: A Guide To Your Account - Account Access Guides Designer: Monica PietrasEditor: Greta Latzel Project Manager: Cindy Trabb

Creative Manager: Jo-Anne Iannone Graphic Designer/3D Specialist: Nick Jakubisin Graphic Designers: Matt O’Neill, Eric Schmidt
Design Firm: AARP Brand Creative Services, Washington DC Client: AARP Title: VMF (Veterans, Active Duty, and Military Families) Fraud Booklet
Design Firm: Cohesity Creative Services, San Jose CA Client: Cohesity, Inc. Title: Ransomware Protection Guide Visual Designer: Mara Sahleanu Art Director: Tonya Zenin Sr. Manager Content Marketing: Paul Costanza Director of Program Management: Brian Paulson Sr. Campaign Manager: Kristina Holmgren Chief Marketing Officer: Lynn Lucas

Creative Director: Mike Hilker Designer: Angela Melito
Design Firm: Barrette Outdoor Living, Middleburg Heights OH Title: Brochures + Collateral Creative Director: Danielle Burgund Art Director: Danielle Burgund Creative Manager: Kristin Snyder

Design Firm: FS Investments, Philadelphia PA Title: FS Overview Booklet

Design Firm: Command Alkon Marketing, Birmingham AL Client: Command Alkon Title: Company Brochure Art Director: Sarah Reimer Marketing Specialist: Lori Allen Content Creator: Karli Langner
Creative Director: Lauren Dougherty Designers: Gina Kernan, Dave Sloboda Copywriting: Bret Wilhite
Firm: Endeavor Business Media, Tulsa OK Client: Strategies in Light Title: Connecting the World of Light Creative Director: Charles Thomas Art Director & Designer: Charles Thomas Marketing Manager: Wendy Lissau
Design Firm: East Carolina University, School of Art and Design, Greenville NC Title: Undergraduate Recruitment Brochure Designer: Kate Bukoski


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Creative Director: Joe Ford Designer: Donna Gardner Writer: Perry Sweeper
Design Firm: Learning Without Tears, Cabin John MD Title: Phonics, Reading, and Me Program Overview Creative Director: Shannon Rutledge

Art Director: Carol Miller Designer: Kathleen Strycula Marketing Director: Lindsey Crane VP of Marketing: Eileen Hillebrand
Chapter Title: AIGA Morgan State University - 20th Anniversary Brochure

Design Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association, Alexandria VA
Design Firm: HMC Architects/Media Department, Ontario CA
Design Firm: Morgan State University, Baltimore MD Client: AIGA Student
Client: NCPA Meetings and Convention Team Title: NCPA 2022 Multiple Locations Conference Materials Creative Director: Michael Abernethy Designer: Tyler Poirier
Client: HMC Architects Title: Design for Good Art Director: Steve Potter Designer: David Fennema

Design Firm: Parsons/The Core Creative Agency, Chicago IL
Design Firm: Parsons/The Core Creative Agency, Chicago IL
Title: Union Station Architectural Photo Photographer: Greg Jones Creative Director: Kathy Sara

Creative Director: Heidi Ocel Art Director: Nils Oiseth Designer: Stacy Berndt
Production Designers: Eric Stevens, Tim Fink Production Manager: Anna Rechtzigel Project Manager: Connie Krell
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Firm: Patient Care Medical Group (PCMG), Edison NJ Title: PCMG Wellness Ecosystems of the Future Brochure Director of Branding + Media: Krystal Pratt Vice President of Branding + Media: Christina Everett
Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN
Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Code of Conduct Booklet and Resource Guide

Title: 2021 Space Coin Graphic Designers: Joanna Piotrowicz, Elizabeth Clark
Creative Director: Kathy Sara

Design Firm: Prudential Creative & Content, Woodbridge NJ Client: Chief Investment Office Title: 2021 Responsible Investing Policy Art Director/Designer: Manisha Amin

Design Firm: Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery AL Title: 2022 CalendarVision For A Just Future Creative Director: Chris Mihal Designer: Alex Trott Illustrators: Zoe Van Dijk, Simone Martin-Newberry, Lorraine Nam, Camilla Rosa, Kristen Uroda, Kim Salt, Cornelia Li, Lisk Feng, Glenn Harvey, Sena Kwon

Design Firm: Spring Hills, Edison NJ Title: Spring Hills PAC Digitally Interactive Playbook Graphic Designer + Digital Media Specialist: Ciara Perozzi Director of Branding + Media: Krystal Pratt Vice President of Branding + Media: Christina Everett

Design Firm: T. Rowe Price, Owings Mills MD Title: Destination Retirement Interactive Experience Creative Director: Dan Klos Art Director: Rob Adams Designer: Paige Johnson Writer: Jack d’Epagnier Project Manager: Michelle Plakatoris

Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: CaliforniaChoice Member Marketplace Brochure Executive Vice President: Polly Neves Senior Marketing Manager: Rikki Nedelkow Studio Director: Homer Villegas Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: Word & Brown GA Superhero Calendar 2022 Marketing Director: Missy Bynon Designer: Hugo Miramontes Marketing Project Manager: Heather Jung Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman

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Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: CaliforniaChoice ‘Fast Facts’ Executive Vice President: Polly Neves. Senior Marketing Manager: Rikki Nedelkow Studio Director: Homer Villegas Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman
Design Firm: Tampa International Airport, Tampa FL Client: Association of Airport Internal Auditors Title: AAIA Conference Event Collateral Art Director: Robert Connelly Designer: Robert Connelly

Creative Director: Nicole Cornett Art Director: Mark Arriola
Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Title: Self-Care Challenge
Designer: Sarah Nelson Senior Copywriter: Pete Latriano Senior Communication Strategist: Angela Redeau

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Design Firm: FoodScience Internal Creative Team, Williston VT
Senior Designer: Amber Webster Copywriter: Jon Krouner
Design Firm: Hillman Protective Solutions, Atlanta GA Title: AWP Catalogs (Work Gear & Work Gloves) Creative Director: Kyle LeBlanc Designer: Key Gray Brand Manager: Pete Castellino

Design Firm: ULINE Creative Department, Pleasant Praire WI Title: Monumental Safety Catalog Cover Creative Director: Sarah Fritz Art Director: Heidi Stieber Designer: Joel Kruse Photo Director: Jim Bertz Image Specialist: Jeff Hoven Photographer: Matt Baldwin Vice President of Creative: Elizabeth Tenner

Client: Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden
Title: 2022 Global Pet Care Catalogs Designer: Spectrum Brand Communications/Creative Team

Firm: Spectrum Brands Communications/Creative Team, Earth City MO
Client: FoodScience LLC Title: Pet Naturals Retail Guide

Design Firm: American Bankers Association Creative Services, Washington DC Client: American Bankers Association Title: The Inside Advantage Direct Mail Creative Director: Gary Bloom Writing Director: Kerry O’Leary Marketer: Natasha Rodriguez

Design Firm: American Society of Nephrology, Washington DC Title: 2022 Board Review Course & Update Mailer Creative Director: Crystal Anderson Designer: Crystal Anderson
Design Firm: ASAE, Washington DC Client: ASAE Learning Department Title: MMCC 2022 Direct Mail Creative Director: Kundia Wood Art Director: Kundia Wood Designer: Kundia Wood Printer: Corporate Communications Group
Design Firm: Bank of America, Pennington NJ Client: FCA Title: Conversion Go Live Mailers Designer: Monica Pietras Editor: Ken Twining Project Manager: Maria Colella Engagement Consultant: Alysa Hammond



Design Firm: Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School/CESJDS Marketing Department, Rockville MD Client: CESJDS Marketing Department Title: Ma’ayan 2022 Annual Campaign Brochure + Mailing Art Director: Rachel Van Gorden Designer: Rachel Van Gorden Additional Contributors: Suzie Thompson, Lauren Scheinert, Treesa Gomez Printer: Navistar Direct Marketing

Design Firm: Quad/DM Design Innovation, Chalfont PA Title: Chef Avo ‘Get In My Belly!’ Cross Design Creative Director: Lauren Haggerty Art Director: Lauren Carline Graphic Designer: Linda Sanchez Sr. Technical Designer: Charlene Hirst

Firm: Learning Without Tears, Cabin John MD Title: Connecting Thoughts and Words: Cursive Campaign Mailer Creative Director: Shannon Rutledge Art Director: Carol Miller Designer: Kathleen Strycula Marketing Manager: Louisa Dorado Copywriter/Editorial Supervisor: Frank Smith
Design Firm: Farm Bureau Financial Services, W. Des Moines IA Title: 2023 All American Direct Mail Promotion Art Director: Michael Sarcone
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Design Firm: Youngstown State University Creative Services, Youngstown OH Title: Youngstown State University Admissions Office Search Piece

Design Firm: E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley, Jersey City NJ Title: Platinum Welcome Package Creative Director: Anthony Boskins

Design Firm: Quad/DM Design Innovation, Chalfont PA Title: Portfolio of Possibilities Creative Director: Lauren Haggerty Art Director:Lauren Carline Graphic Designer: Mark Maffin Lead Product Designer: John Hayes
Design Firm: Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery AL Title: SPLC 50th Anniversary Postcards Creative Director: Chris Mihal Art Director: Chris Mihal Designer: Hillary Andrews Illustrators: Zoe Van Dijk, Kristen Uroda, Lisk Feng, Camilla Rosa
Chief Marketing Officer: Ross Morrone Marketing Creative Specialist: Erin DeBernardo Graphic Designer: Rachell Joy-Tupay Associate Director, Office of Admissions: Bill D’Amico

Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: TYL Spring 2022 Issue Designer: Amanda Fry

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Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: Checklist For My Family, 2nd Ed., Book Cover Designer: Jill Tedhams

Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: The Deadly Force Script Book Cover Creative Director: Nick Panos Art Director: Cory Ottenwess

Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: Championship Mock Trial Book Cover Designer: Sara Wadford

Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: SciTech Lawyer Spring 2022 Creative Director: Nick Panos Art Director: Cory Ottenwess

Design Firm: AMPP Creative Service Team, Houston TX Title: 2022 AMPP Annual Conference + Expo Final Program Creative Directors: Helen Kwok, Rosalind Hoang Art Director: Helen Kwok Designer: Helen Kwok Project Managers: Rosalind Hoang, Lesley Martinez Copywriter: Rosalind Hoang

Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: ABA Journal: Food Fight Editorial Feature, June-July 2022 Designer: Sara Wadford

Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: Judges’ Journal Winter 2021 Designer: Mary Ann Kulchawik

Firm: Japanese Art Society of America, New York NY Client: Impressions. The Journal of the Japanese Art Society of America Title: Number 43, Part One Creative Director: Margery Cantor Designer: Margery Cantor Editor: Julia Meech Associate Editor: Jane Oliver

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Design Firm: MAUGEDESIGN LLC, Acworth GA Clients: Yvonne Weekes and Wendy McMahon, Authors Title: DISASTER MATTERS: DISASTERS MATTER Creative Director: Carole Maugé-Lewis Art Director: Carole Maugé-Lewis Designer: Carole Maugé-Lewis Project Manager: Lasana M. Sekou

Design Firm: I-CAR InHouse, Naperville IL Client: I-CAR Title: Open Road E-Newsletter Creative Director: Jeff Carlson Designer: Megan DeNicolo

Design Firm: I-CAR InHouse, Naperville IL Client: I-CAR Title: Collision Reporter, The Collaboration Issue Creative Director: Jeff Carlson Designer: Cameron Anhalt

Title: Winter 2021 Issue Cover Creative Director: Robert McGarr
Title: Summer 2022 Issue Cover Creative Director: Melissa Feinen
Art Director: Nicole Slocum Designer: Chrissy Bolton Contributors: Jacob Lund, Adobe Stock

Design Firm: MJH Life Sciences, Cranbury NJ Client: Aesthetic Authority
Design Firm: MJH Life Sciences, Cranbury NJ Client: Heal
Art Director: Melissa Feinen Designer: Melissa Feinen Photographers: Jessica Underwood and BK Rose Studio Art: Valedi, Adobe Stock
Design Firm: Mouser Electronics, Mansfield TX Title: Methods AI eBook Design Manager: Robert Harper Creative Design Director: Jennifer Krajcirovic Technical Content Specialist: Christina Unarut Technical Content Director: Raymond Yin

Design Firm: MJH Life Sciences, Cranbury NJ Client: Urology Times Title: April 2022 Issue Cover Creative Director: Robert McGarr Art Director: Kristen Morabito Designer: Rachel Keatley Contributors: Fresh Idea, Adobe Stock

Design Firm: New York Power Authority (NYPA) Corporate Communications, White Plains NY. Title: Powered From Within, Summer 2022 Creative Director: David Dell'Accio Art Director: Diana Witkowski Internal Communications Specialist: Jeremy Brown Director, Employee & Executive Communications: Gina Recine

Design Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association, Alexandria VA
Client: America’s Pharmacist® Title: Carolina on Our Mind, August 2021

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Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association, Alexandria VA
Client: America’s Pharmacist® Title: Generating Bright Ideas, July 2022
Design Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association, Alexandria VA Client: America’s Pharmacist® Title: Break Free from the Chains, February 2022 Creative Director: Michael Abernethy Designer: Tyler Poirier

Creative Director: Michael Abernethy Designer: Tyler Poirier
Creative Director: Michael Abernethy Designer: Tyler Poirier
Design Firm: Northeastern Retail Lumber Association (NRLA), Rensselaer NY Title: Lumber Co-operator (LC) March 2022 Issue Art Director: Melissa Stankovich Digital Illustration: Melissa Stankovich

Design Firm: OakNorth, New York NY Title: The ONside Magazine Creative Director: Sam Stone CMO: Jess Reiter Senior Director, Demand Generation: Beth McEnery Deputy Vice President: Rohit Yadav Director, Growth & Communication: Valentina Kristensen Associate Director, Growth & Communication: Tom Pavey-Smith

Design Firm: Outlook Newspapers, La Canada CA Client: Pasadena Outlook (Special Section) Title: 2020 Summer Camps & Activities Guide

Cover Art Director: Aisa Reyes Designers: Aisa Reyes, Kelly Spiotto Copy Editors: Mark Geers, Karin Esterhammer Editor: Camila Castellanos
Design Firm: Northeastern Retail Lumber Association (NRLA), Rensselaer NY Title: Lumber Co-operator (LC) Covers Art Director: Melissa Stankovich
Design Firm: The Heritage Foundation, Washington DC

Art Director: Amy Baumgardner Designer: Lydia Emrich
Design Firm: Sourcing Journal, New York NY Title: Rivet Issue 11, April 2021 Associate Art Director: Celena Tang Designer: Arani Halder Photographer: Kevin Sinclair Executive Editor, Rivet: Angela Velasquez Editor in Chief, Sourcing Journal
Title: Solutions Journal Spring 2022 Creative Director: Elizabeth Fender

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Firm: Telfair Museums, Savannah GA Title: Member Magazine (’21-’22 Issues) Creative Director: Melissa Anne Hill

Design Firm: Red Hat Open Studio, Raleigh NC Client: Red Hat Title: Open Studio Community Internal Newsletter Visualization Designer: Kalyn Haba Writer: June Spence Senior Project Manager: George Hage Brand Designer: Ryan Williams Graphic Designer: Claire Allison Content Strategist: Shawn Deena Project Manager: Matias Faundez

Art Director: Rea Ackerman Designer: Marc Tremitiere
Design Firm: Trinity Church Wall Street/Creative Services, New YorK NY
Design Firm: Wolf Trap Creative, Vienna VA Client: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts Title: Wolf Trap 2022 Opera Insider Guide Digital Publication Art Director: Sara Shaffer Designer: Cherlyn Rubultan

Client: Trinity Church Wall Street Title: CDSP Crossings Magazine, Fall 2021

Firm: AvidXchange, Charlotte NC Title: Infographic Resources Series
Creative Director: Lesley Childers Designer: Rob Singh Copywriter: Malik Gay
Creative Director: Kenneth Pham Designer: CreativeLab
Client: ACS Publications Title: ACS Au Infographic

Creative Director: Kenneth Pham Designer: CreativeLab
Design Firm: ACS Publications/CreativeLab, Washington DC
Senior Director, Design & Digital: Josh Howard
Design Firm: Big Village, New York NY Title: The Pulse of the American Consumer Infographic Series Designer: Ashley Mendelbaum


Client: ACS Publications Title: ACS Publications Year in Review 2021
Design Firm: ACS Publications/CreativeLab, Washington DC
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Design Firm: Georgia Pacific/Campfire Creative, Atlanta GA Client: Sparkle® Title: Just Right Turkey Guide Thanksgiving Content Creative Director: Andre Arriaga Art Director: Eden Peterson Designer: Eden Peterson Copywriter: Andre Arriaga Director of Campfire Creative: Jeff Bixler
Design Firm: Mouser Electronics, Mansfield TX Title: Advantech Working Components of Industry Infographic Senior Digital Designer: Hannah Baker Creative Design Director: Jennifer Krajcirovic Technical Content Specialist: Christina Unarut Technical Content Director: Raymond Yin Copywriter: David Fambrough Supplier Marketing Manager: Kara Stephens

Design Firm: MJH Life Sciences, Cranbury NJ Client: Oncology Live Title: Pathways Infographic, February 2020 Creative Director: Ray Pelesko Art Director: Melissa Feinen Designer: Julianne Costello Contributor: Kellie Ehrmann

Design Firm: Command Alkon Marketing, Birmingham AL Client: Command Alkon Title: Apex + Ruckit Integration Infographic + Video Art Director: Sarah Reimer Content Creator: Karli Langner Motion Artist: Matt Kennedy

Design Firm: Mouser Electronics, Mansfield TX Title: Amphenol EV Sensors Infographic Senior Graphic Designer: Katie Sandoval Senior Digital Designer: Hanna Baker Creative Design Director: Jennifer Krajcirovic Sr. Technical Content Specialist: Paul Golata, Sr. Technical Content Director: Raymond Yin


Design Firm: Mouser Electronics, Mansfield TX Title: AI in Pop Culture Infographic Digital Designer: Sam Cooper Senior Digital Designer: Hannah Baker Creative Design Director: Jennifer Krajcirovic Technical Content Specialist: Christina Unarut Technical Content Director: Raymond Yin
Design Firm: AAA Northeast, Providence RI Title of Entry: Summer of Savings Campaign Creative Director: Jenna Ewing Designer: Stephen Sauer Copy Editor: Joy Brennan

Design Firm: ACS Publications/CreativeLab, Washington DC Client: ACS Publications Title: ACS Journal Metrics 2021 Creative Director: Kenneth Pham Designer: CreativeLab

Design Firm: Barcoding, Inc. & Weidert Group, Baltimore MD Client: Barcoding, Inc. Title: National Barcode Day Campaign VP of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships: Jody Costa Lead Designer & Content Strategist: Krystal Cotriss Business Coordinator: Iris Huang
Design Firm: Auburn University, Auburn AL. Title: Showcase 2023: Layered Landscape Assistant Professor of Graphic Design: Mario F. Bocanegra Martinez Associate Professor of Graphic Design: David Smith

Design Firm: Bottomline Technologies, Portsmouth NH Title: Bottomline at AFP 2021 – The Future of FinTech Is Connected Creative Director: Phil Davis Art Director: Ted Bettcher Designers: Matthew Bonneau, Kyle Gorecki

Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Stop Searching Start Living Campaign Creative Director: Julie Walker Art Director: Nick Fochtman Designer: Jamie Jason Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton Motion Graphics: Matt Knutson Copywriter: Gabrielle Nicholson
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Design Firm: CDK Global Inhouse Creative, Elgin IL Client: CDK Global Title: CDK OnePay - Touchless Marketing Campaign Creative Directors: Frank Nazal, Neil Tobin Senior Designer: Alice Nita Designer: Frank Nazal Media Designer: Anthony Carnevale Web Developer: Mike Sena
Design Firm: Bialosky Cleveland, Cleveland OH Title: Bialosky 70th Anniversary Campaign Creative Directors: Paul Taylor, Hallie Crouch Art Director: Chelsey Finnimore Designer: Ally Griffin Marketing Campaign & Event Coordinator: Andrianna Peterson
Creative Director: Rob Singh Art Director: Jen Ford Designer: Becca Bradley
Art Director: Andrew Sobol Designer: Andrew Sobol
Design Firm: Elmhurst University, Department of Art, Elmhurst IL Client: Theatre at the Mill Title: The Bear Campaign

Creative Director: Charles Thomas Art Director & Designer: Charles Thomas Marketing Manager: Wendy Lissau
Design Firm: Equitable, Charlotte NC Title: Tooth Fairy Dental Campaign

Design Firm: Endeavor Business Media, Tulsa OK Client: Firehouse Expo Title: Learn It. Lead It. Love It. Integrated Campaign

Design Firm: Fluke Corporation Creative Services, Everett WA Title: Fluke Solar Tools Campaign Art Director: Mark Inouye Designer: Michelle Stewart Head of Photography: Louis Fliger Marketing Manager: Allison Wyatt

Design Firm: Georgia Pacific/Campfire Creative, Atlanta GA Client: Dixie® Title: Cutting Board Integrated Marketing Campaign Creative Directors: Andre Arriaga, Trey Ehart Art Director: Eden Peterson Designers: Ace Outlaw, Atiya Rahman Copywriter: Andre Arriaga Photography: TAG Creative Director of Campfire Creative: Jeff Bixler
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Design Firm: Georgia Pacific/Campfire Creative, Atlanta GA Client: EcoSmart® Title: Marketing Launch Campaign Creative Director: Ashley French Art Director: Eden Peterson Designers: Eden Peterson, Lindsay Gerson Copywriter: Andre Arriaga Photography: TAG Creative Director of Campfire Creative: Jeff Bixler
Design Firm: Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, Pittsburgh PA Title: Pittsburgh EDGE Card Campaign Creative Director: Richard A. Hooper Designers: Carney Agency, Richard A. Hooper Contributors: Paige Moyer, Sam Ormond, James Hill, Colten Gill
Firm: Petmate, Arlington TX Client: Gamma2 Title: Gamma2Gives Campaign Creative Director: Glenn M. Crochet, Jr. Art Director: Glenn M. Crochet, Jr. Designer: Tony Stubbs Sr. Director of Brand Marketing & Product Development: Erica Goode CMO: Chris Wison Assistant Brand Manager: Lindsey Tanoff

Design Firm: Robert Half Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: Robert Half Salary Guide Campaign Art Director: Keona Moore Designers: Allison Bosworth (Concept), Kelsi Kohrs, Rhia Winkelman-Gilbreath, Janet Lee, Zac Oransky (Presentation) Sr. Manager Art Director: Jenny Merritt Sr. Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Project Manager: Kesha Seeley Production: Arianna Fernandez, Derek Anuen, Luca DiCandelorom Copywriters: Ben Stephenson, Dan Kutler Clients: Michael Herrmann, Reesa Staten
Design Firm: Trinity Church Wall Street/Creative Services, New YorK NY Client: Trinity Church Wall Street Title: Trinity Stewardship 2022 Campaign Art Director: Rea Ackerman Designer: Marc Tremitiere

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: HighTouchRx® Product Campaign Suite Creative Director: Heidi Ocel Designers: Nils Oiseth, Mike Rupert, Jerry Stenback Writer: Nancy Mandella Copy Editor: Lynn Blake Production Designers: Tim Fink, Jack Jerome, Eric Stevens Account Manager: Cincy Schradle Project Managers: Andrea Doran, Connie Krell

Design Firm: Protiviti Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: Protiviti 20th Anniversary Campaign Art Director: David Laurenzi Designer: Brin Azzarello Sr. Manager Art Director: Ryan Dahlheim Sr. Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Account Manager: Craig Batty Client: James Gardner

Client: Trinity Church Wall Street Title: Discovery Spring 2022 Program Series Art Director: Rea Ackerman Designer: Marc Tremitiere

Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Title: Meaningful Connections

Design Firm: Trinity Church Wall Street/Creative Services, New YorK NY
Creative Director: Nicole Cornett Art Director: Nicole Cornett Designer: Cindy Burger Marketing Manager: Megan Kizer
Design Firm: AvidXchange, Charlotte NC Title: AvidXchange Foundation Tech Rising Video Creative Director: Lesley Childers Art Director: Tyler Lukacs Videographer/Editor: Tyler Lukacs
Design Firm: Cohesity Creative Services, San Jose CA Client: Cohesity, Inc. Title: Holiday Social Animations Art Director: Tonya Zenin Director, Creative and Brand: Kaycee Carmichael Chiu Director of Social Media: Holly Nielsen Creative Project Manager: Katie O’Brien Chief Marketing Officer: Lynn Lucas

Design Firm: Cohesity Creative Services, San Jose CA Client: Cohesity, Inc. Title: Swiss Cheese Security Animation Art Director: Tonya Zenin Director, Creative and Brand: Kaycee Carmichael Chiu Sr. Manager Content Marketing: Paul Costanza Sr. Director of Corporate Postioning: Peter Linkin Director of Program Management: Brian Paulson Chief Marketing Officer: Lynn Lucas

Design Firm: Barcoding, Inc. & Weidert Group, Baltimore MD Client: Barcoding, Inc. Title: National Barcode Day Video VP of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships: Jody Costa Lead Designer & Content Strategist: Krystal Cotriss Business Coordinator: Iris Huang Strategist: Stacy Bouchard

Consultant: Kate Eastman Content Manager: Jo Phillip Director of Video Services: Todd Dively Lead Editor: Matt Troge

Title: Good Egg Feature Film Open Sequence Creative Director: Todd Reinhart, Bill Skrief Art Director: Joe Reinhart Designer: Arnold Romero

Design Firm: Endeavor Business Media, Tulsa OK Client: RDH Under One Roof

Design Firm: DeadLizard, LLC, Roseland NJ Client: HarLuQuin Productions, LLC
Client: FoodScience LLC Title: Pet Naturals Short Brand Video

Title: Welcome Video - RDH Under One Roof Creative Director: Charles Thomas Motion Designer: Charles Hipp Videographer: Kim Hutton Chief Editor: Jackie Sanders
Creative Director: Kyle LeBlanc Brand Manager: Pete Castellino
Design Firm: Hillman Protective Solutions, Atlanta GA Title: AWP Brand Video

2D/3D Animator: Mike Feuer
Design Firm: FoodScience Internal Creative Team, Williston VT
Senior Designer: Amber Webster Multi Media Manager: Emir Horozovic Copywriter: Jon Krouner
Design Firm: LMI, Tysons VA Title: LMI’s Digital Transformation Creative Director: Theresa Koenig Art Director: Tara Garwood Closed Captioning Review: Nathan Miller

Design Firm: I-CAR InHouse, Naperville IL Client: I-CAR Title: Pit Stop Video Open Creative Director: Jeff Carlson Designer: Jason Goebel

Design Firm: Learning Without Tears, Cabin John MD Title: A-Z for Mat Man and Me Promotional Video Creative Director: Shannon Rutledge Video/Animation Director: Christopher McManus Animator: Tory Van Dine Video Producer: Alejandro Vargas Jr. Animator: Ricky Hawkins Writer: Frank Smith

Design Firm: Midlands Technical College, West Columbia SC Title: Our Logo Sucks (You in) School of Business Motion Design Creative Directors: Lee Price, Heather Price
Design Firm: MJH Life Sciences, Cranbury NJ Client: CURE Magazine Title: CURE 20th Anniversary Video Creative Director: Jeff Brown

Design Firm: PenFed Credit Union Marketing, McLean VA Client: PenFed Credit Union Title: 10 Tips To Help You Qualify For A Credit Card Animation Creative Director: Kelly Clasen Art Director: Christine Janaske Designers: Lance Bell, Shesh Batni Project Managers: Morgan Vaughan, Kayla Carney Content Lead: Jeremy Ott Voice: Elizabeth Nevers

Title: Meet Your Major Video Series Creative Director: Nicole Steinberg
Design Firm: Moore College of Art & Design, Philadelphia PA Client: Admissions

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Art Director: Jeff Brown Designer: Tatiana Holt Senior Motion Graphics Designer: Tim Vernile Logo Design: Gwendolyn Salas Music: Thoribass
Firm: Parsons/The Core Creative Agency, Chicago IL Title: PeARL™ Flash Video Graphic Designer: Elizabeth Clark Multimedia Design: Theodore Laich Creative Writers: Jax Glass, BO Haynes 3D Visualization/ Multimedia Director: Paul Pilewski Associate Creative Director: BO Haynes Creative Director: Kathy Sara
Art Director/Editor: Dave Rizzio Designer: Dave Rizzio Cinematographer: Dave Rizzio Copywriter: Nicole Steinberg

Design Firm: Prudential Creative & Content, Maple Grove MN
Design Firm: Red Hat Open Studio, Raleigh NC Client: Red Hat Title: Open Source Stories: Opening the Loop Autonomy, Access, and Insulin Director: Pasha Gray Producer: Rachel Rooney Story Producer: Jimmy Ryals Directors of Photography: Pasha Gray, Tyler Northrup Camera Operator: Brett Mullen Photographer: Josh Steadman Editor: Pasha Gray Assistant Editor: Jesse Paddock Motion Graphics: Eric Kramer, Payton Osbourne Graphic Design: Liz Wetzel Web Design: Renee Mansell Music Composition/Sound Design: Matthew Chilelli Project Manager: Graham Rountree Art Director: Kieran Moreira Associate Creative Director: Brett Abramsky Executive Producers: Kim Jokisch, Mike Esser, Leigh Day
Client: Prudential Advisors Title: 2021 PCC Event Animations Creative Director: Tamika Rivera Art Director/Designer/Animator: Jeremy Johnston

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Messaging Toolkit Video Creative Director: Heidi Ocel Art Director: Nils Oiseth Designers: Mike Rupert, Tim Fahey Writer: Alisa Regnier Account Manager: Cincy Schradle Project Manager: Connie Krell

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Doritos Solid Black Animation Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Title: Baker Act Video Creative Director: Chris Mihal
Design Firm: Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery AL
Design Firm: Sheetz Brand Design Studio, Claysburg PA Client: Sheetz, Inc.
Title: Sheetz POP Product Launch Video Director of Brand Design: Tammy Dunkley Creative Manager: Zack Sheffield Visual Media Specialist: Jorge Jovel Senior Digital Designer: Keith Hall

Art Director: Chris Mihal Designer: Hillary Andrews
Title: Sheetz National Coffee Day Celebration Video Director of Brand Design: Tammy Dunkley Creative Manager: Zack Sheffield Visual Media Specialist: Jorge Jovel Senior Graphic Designer: Molly Humphrey Senior Digital Designer, Keith Hall

Design Firm: Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery AL

Title: Voting Rights Video Creative Director: Chris Mihal Art Director: Chris Mihal Designer: Hillary Andrews
Design Firm: Sheetz Brand Design Studio, Claysburg PA Client: Sheetz, Inc.

Design Firm: T. Rowe Price, Owings Mills MD Title: 2022 Forum Conference Day 1 Video Art Director: Leigh Gunning Designer/Animator: Ali Walton Writer: Melissa Cohen Project Manager: Wendy Davis

Design Firm: Thayer Academy, Braintree MA Title: You Got In! Video Creative Director: Paul Kahn Chief Marketing & Communications Officer: Joanna Gilman Editorial Director: Craig Salters Digital Marketing Director: Tina Lim

Design Firm: T. Rowe Price, Owings Mills MD Title: B2B Product Update Video Art Director: Leigh Gunning Designer/Animator: Ali Walton Writer: Melissa Cohen
Design Firm: Walker & Dunlop, Atlanta GA Title: Hispanic Heritage Video Creative Director: Matt Cabral Art Director: Taj Gaines
Design Firm: Wolf Trap Creative, Vienna VA Client: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts Title: Wolf Trap 2022 Children's Theatre-In-The-Woods Video Art Director: Sara Shaffer Videographer: Angelina Namkung

Design Firm: ADP HRO Shared Services/The Creative Shop, Alpharetta GA Client: ADP TotalSource Health & Wealth Title: Virtual Environment Creation: Open Enrollment Rally Event Art Director: Amy Chaffin Designer: Amy Chaffin

Design Firm: Acuity Brands, Decatur GA Title of Entry: Acuity Brands Specs Campaign Creative Director: Ryan Paul Art Director: Sarah Schad
Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: 3L Week Class of 2022 Campaign Designer: Elmarie Jara
Design Firm: Access Intelligence, Rockville MD Client: Via Satellite Title: Via Satellite Digital Issue - January 2021 Designer: TaJon (TJ) Sydnor


Designer: Aimee Guzman Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton Motion Design: Matt Knutson Copywriter: Emily Stone
Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Iconic Collection Website

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Design Firm: AvidXchange, Charlotte NC Title: FastPay Digital Campaign Creative Director: Lesley Childers Art Director: David Eller Designers: Katie Trott Cher Smith Copywriter: Malik Gay

Creative Director: Christine Zabel Art Director: Nick Fochtman
Design Firm: Barcoding, Inc. & Weidert Group, Baltimore MD Client: Barcoding, Inc. Title: IntelliTrack Website VP of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships: Jody Costa Lead Designer & Content Strategist: Krystal Cotriss Business Coordinator: Iris Huang Strategist: Stacy Bouchard Consultant: Hayden Fredriksen. UX Director: Jon Stanis Sr. Web Developer: Bryan Scheidewind Designer: Dakota Perock Director of Design & Technology: Brent Senske VP of Creative & Operations: Meg Hoppe Creative Directors: Justin Harrison, Eric Severstad Service Delivery Specialist: Amanda Retzki Video Director: Isaiah Wells Lead Editor: Matt Troge
Design Firm: Cepheid Internal Marcom Team, Sunnyvale CA Client: Cepheid Title: 2022 Sales Meeting Zoom Backgroup Creative Director: Jared Tipton Art Director: Bijal Patel Designer: Kristin Bialaszewski

Design Firm: Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp., Marmora NJ Title: DK Xpress Promotional Advertising Creative Director: Coleen Bogle Designers: Sarah Beckett, Rachel Modelski Copywriter: Rachel Modelski

Design Firm: Endeavor Business Media, Tulsa OK Client: Endeavor Business Intelligence Title: Research & Intelligence Services Website Creative Director: Charles Thomas Art Director: Genny Pankey Designers: Genny Pankey, Charles Thomas Copywriters & Customer Marketing: Jacquie Niemiec, Angie Gates
Design Firm: Cepheid Internal Marcom Team, Sunnyvale CA Client: Cepheid Title: PCRplus Signage and Environmental Graphics Creative Director: Jared Tipton Art Director: Bijal Patel Designer: Kristin Bialaszewski

Design Firm: Cepheid Internal Marcom Team, Sunnyvale CA Client: Cepheid Title: Choose PRCplus Online Banner Creative Director: Jared Tipton Art Director: Bijal Patel Designer: Kristin Bialaszewski

Design Firm: FoodScience Internal Creative Team, Williston VT Client: FoodScience LLC Title: Pet Naturals Website Relaunch Senior Designer: Amber Webster Copywriter: Jon Krouner

Design Firm: GAF Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Client: GAF Title: Instagram Stories Stickers Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Michael Comiskey Designer: Angelica Calello Writer/ACD: Donald Kilcoyne Writer: Mike Comiskey Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Creative Operations Manager: Kim Bistromowitz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel

Firm: GAF Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Client: GAF Title: Earth Day Instagram Stories Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Michael Comiskey Writer/ACD: Donald Kilcoyne Writer: Mike Comiskey Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Creative Operations Manager: Kim Bistromowitz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Jennifer Belthoff
Design Firm: Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore MD Title: Enoch Pratt Free Library Website Creative Director: Candice Zhu UI/UX: Brian Weiner Designer/Front-end Developer: Brian Weiner Back-end Developer: Sean McGuire Content Creation: Sandra Files, Teresa Duggan

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Art Director: Steve Potter Designer: Jillian Melgosa
Design Firm: Hearst Creative Communications, New York NY
Design Firm: HMC Architects/Media Department, Ontario CA
Design Firm: GE Gas Power, Schenectady NY Title: GE’s Cutting Carbon Podcast Logo and Episode Graphics Creative Director: Gina Alteri Art Director: Gina Alteri Designer: Gina Alteri

Art Director: Eden Peterson Designer: Lindsay Gerson Copywriter: Andre Arriaga Photography: THS Creative Director of Campfire Creative: Jeff Bixler
Design Firm: Georgia Pacific/Campfire Creative, Atlanta GA Client: Brawny® Title: eComm Content & Lifestyle Photography Creative Director: Ashley French

Client: HMC Architects Title: Earth Week Campaign 2022

Client: Hearst Title: 135th Anniversary Timeline Assistant Creative Director: Julianne Aerts Associate Director Creative Strategy: Wade Lew

Designer: Conor Wylock Senior Manager, Copy: Emily Walsh
Designer: Josh Hermes
Copywriter: Chris Ruscillo
Art Director: Nils Oiseth Designer: Nils Oiseth Website Development: Fjorge
Design Firm: HomeServe, Norwalk CT Title: Seasonal Email Marketing Series

Design Firm: MJH Life Sciences, Cranbury NJ Client: AJMC Title: AJMC’s Patient-Centered Care Event Website Art Director: Josh Hermes
Project Manager: Connie Krell
Art Directors: Michael Anderson, John MacRae, Jennifer Corsano
Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Corporate Website Design Creative Director: Heidi Ocel

Design Firm: HomeServe, Norwalk CT Title: HomeServe Canada Website
Creative Director: Jacquelyn Candelas Art Director: John MacRae
Design Firm: RSM, Charlotte NC Client: Unilever + Walgreens Title: Get Back to School Ready Concert Livestream Creative Director: Chloë Power Art Director: Chloë Power Designer: Chloë Power Program Execution: Chris Jackson, Nathan Spang, Andi Poch Digital Component Execution: Brielle Stephenson, Alissa Melsopp, Chloë Power

Design Firm: Red Hat Open Studio, Raleigh NC Client: Red Hat Title: Red Hat Summit 2022 Creative Director: Joseph Schlosser Art Director: Stephanie Whedbee Design Lead: Ruben Moreno Designers: Boo Boo Howse, Clara May Copywriter: Leah McCann Associate Creative Director-Animation: Laura Walters Senior Motion Graphics Designer: Jingky Gilbert Senior UX Designer: Adam Thornburg UX Producer: Carrie DaSilva. Manager, Digital Content Strategy: Scott Vogelsberg Content Strategist: Ruka Osoba Global Events Lead: Cody York Marketing Communications Specialist: Lauren Edwards Project Manager: Ashley Lowe Account Manager: Foss Johnson Associate Account Manager: Meredith Smith
Design Firm: Robert Half Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: Make Finding Work, Less Work Mobile App Art Director: Federico Abrahams Designer: Allison Bosworth Sr. Manager Art Director: Federico Abrahams Sr. Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers

Design Firm: RSM, Charlotte NC Client: True Myth Title: True Myth Into The Wild Campaign Creative Director: Chloë Power Art Director: Chloë Power Designer: Chloë Power Content Creators: Maria Bigalli Digital Component Execution: Brielle Stephenson, Alissa Melsopp, Chloë Power

Design Firm: Stony Brook University Office of Communications & Marketing, Stony Brook NY Client: Advancement Title: Advancement Careers Website

Photo Editor: Angela Greer Web Designer: Luke Knox
Design Firm: Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery AL
Design Firm: Sheetz Brand Design Studio, Claysburg PA Client: Sheetz, Inc.

Title: Sheetz Social Media Campaign Director of Brand Design: Tammy Dunkley Creative Manager: Zachary Sheffield Senior Digital Designer: Keth Hall Digital Designer: Maggie Matela
Design Firm: Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery AL
Title: The Road To January 6 Digital Timeline Creative Director: Chris Mihal
Creative Director: Lynn Zawie Art Director: Loren Moss Meyer Designer: Loren Moss Meyer Project Manager: Mitchell Trinka Developer: Harbir Deol
Title: Sounds Like Hate, Season 2 Creative Director: Chris Mihal Senior Creative Lead: Michelle Leland Illustrator: Zoe Van Dijk
Design Firm: Stony Brook University Office of Communications & Marketing, Stony Brook NY Client: SBU Alumni Title: SBU Magazine Website, Spring 2022 Designer: Loren Moss Meyer Managing Editor: Shelley Catalano Developer: Gargi Bhowmick, Harbir Deol

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: TCC Student Activities Department Title: Women’s History Month Creative Director: Paul Quinones Art Director: Lizabeth Castruita Designer: Lizabeth Castruita

Design Firm: Stony Brook University Office of Communications & Marketing, Stony Brook NY Client: SBU Undergraduate Admissions Title: The SBU Difference Creative Director: Lynn Zawie Art Director: Loren Moss Meyer Designer: Loren Moss Meyer Illustrator: Justine Foster Developer: Harbir Deol, Hamid Diakite
Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: ChoiceBuilder Website Email Series Senior Marketing Manager: Rikki Nedelkow Studio Director: Homer Villegas Marketing Project Manager: Brandi D’Amuro Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman Senior Digital Marketing Specialist: Noe Villasenor

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: CaliforniaChoice ‘That Cali Different’ Social Media Campaign Senior Marketing Manager: Rikki Nedelkow Studio Director: Homer Villegas Senior Digital Marketing Specialist: Noe Villasenor
Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: Word & Brown GA 2022 ‘Redefine’ Email Series Marketing Director: Missy Bynon Designer: Hugo Miramontes Marketing Project Manager: Heather Jung Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman
Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: CaliforniaChoice Member Marketplace Email Series Senior Marketing Manager: Rikki Nedelkow Studio Director: Homer Villegas Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman Senior Digital Marketing Specialist: Noe Villasenor

Design Firm: VIP Tires & Service, Auburn ME Title: VIP Recruitment Graphic Designer: Melinda Vorhees
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Designer: Sarah Nelson Senior Copywriter: Pete Latriano Lead Communication Specialist: Lori Samuels Communication Specialist: Kaitlyn Chock
Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Title: Well-Being Awareness - Nutrition Creative Director: Nicole Cornett Art Director: Nicole Cornett

Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Title: Well-Being Awareness - Finance Creative Director: Nicole Cornett Art Director: Nicole Cornett

Designer: Alexandra Howard Senior Copywriter: Pete Latriano Lead Communication Specialist: Lori Samuels Communication Specialist: Kaitlyn Chock
Designer: Alexandra Howard Senior Copywriter: Pete Latriano Lead Communication Specialist: Lori Samuels Communication Specialist: Kaitlyn Chock
Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Title: Well-Being Awareness - Mental Health Creative Director: Nicole Cornett Art Director: Kelly Bieksha
Firm: Bonterra Organic Estates, Santa Rosa CA Title: Chilean Wine Send Packaging Creative Director: AAron Woolsey Photographer: Bruce Shippee
Design Firm: ASEA, Pleasant Grove UT Title: RENUAdvanced Packaging Creative Director: Robb Bruce Art Director: Dave Barton Designers: Erin Thomas, Steve Richardson, Riley Giles, Janae Shepherd Product Manager: Akiko Larkins Chief Marketing Officer: Jina Anson
Design Firm: ASEA, Pleasant Grove UT Title: Cell Performance Packaging Creative Director: Robb Bruce Art Director: Dave Barton Designers: Erin Thomas, Steve Richardson, Riley Giles, Janae Shepherd Product Manager: Saakshi Agarwal Chief Marketing Officer: Jina Anson
Design Firm: Costco Wholesale, Issaquah WA Title: Kirkland Signature Chocolates of the World Package Design Art Director: Heather Day Designer: Becka Wilson


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Design Firm: Costco Wholesale, Issaquah WA Title: Kirkland Signature Roasted Garlic & Herb Seasoned Almonds Package Design Art Director: Heather Day Designer: Nathalie Robles

Design Firm: GAF Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Client: GAF Title: Timberline Solar HD Packaging Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Michael Comiskey Designer: Carolina Monza Icon Illustrations: David Shin Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Senior Program Specialist: Donald Jackson Packaging Design Program Specialist: Shanna DiSimone 3D Renderings: Carolina Monza

Design Firm: Costco Wholesale, Issaquah WA Title: Kirkland Signature Nature's Domain Dog Food Package Design Art Director: Heather Day Designer: Blair Breese

Design Firm: GAF Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Client: GAF Title: GAF Coatings Rebrand Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Designer: Carolina Monza Icon Illustrations: David Shin Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Senior Program Specialist: Donald Jackson Packaging Design Program Specialist: Shanna DiSimone 3D Renderings: Carolina Monza Bucket Images: Dany Muro Retoucher: Richard Toonkel

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Gatorade x Muhammad Ali Collaboration Packaging Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: bubly bounce Packaging Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: EP Squid Roll Visual & Package Design Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Celebrating 7UP Summer Beaches Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Lay’s Potato Vodka Packaging Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Lay’s Smiles Campaign Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Lay’s Baked Redesign Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Lay’s to the MAX Packaging Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Mirinda Like Winter LTO Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Neon Zebra Brand Launch Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Soulboost Brand Launch Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Pepsi Cola China Series (Osmanthus and Peach+Oolong) Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: Promega Corporation, Fitchburg WI Title: Custom Solutions for You Packaging Designer: Taylor McAda Science Writer: Natalie Larsen Packaging Engineer: Ben Peters

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: MTN Dew Cake-Smash Promotion Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: Petmate, Arlington TX Client: Pet Querks Title: BarkBone Packaging Update Creative Director: Glenn M. Crochet, Jr. Art Director: Ashley Cassano Designer: Ashley Cassano Sr. Director of Brand Marketing & Product Development: Erica Goode CMO: Chris Wilson Brand Manager: Alyson Thathiah

Design Firm: ProAmpac Design and Sample Lab, North Hampton NH Title: Inverted Tube Package Sample Creative Director: Ellie Sargent Art Director: Ellie Sargent Designer: Ellie Sargent VP Global App & Innovative Development: Sal Pellingra Manager of the Collaboration and Innovation Center: Nicole Cocuzzi

Client: Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden
Design Firm: RSM, Charlotte NC Client: Arrow Sparkling Water Title: Arrow Sparkling Water Rebrand Creative Director: Kevin Mabey

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Design Firm: Spectrum Brands Communications/Creative Team, Earth City MO
Art Director: Chloë Power Designers: Kevin Mabey, Chloë Power Illustrator: Chloë Power
Client: Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden
Design Firm: Spectrum Brands Communications/Creative Team, Earth City MO
Title: Dreambone® Dental Chews Designer: Spectrum Brand Communications/Creative Team

Firm: Spectrum Brands Communications/Creative Team, Earth City MO
Title: Tetra® STEM Kit Activity Guide Designer: Spectrum Brand Communications/Creative Team

Client: Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden
Title: Wild Harvest® Healthy Benefits Designer: Spectrum Brand Communications/Creative Team

Production Art: Judy Driscoll Brand Manager: Marlo Michalek-Fogel
Design Firm: Topco Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Topco Members Title: Crav’n Flavor Salty Snacks

Title: Wide Awake Cold Brew Coffee Creative Director: Brian Carron.

Creative Director: Brian Carron Art Director: Jorjann Howell
Design Firm: Topco Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Topco Members Title: Crav’n Flavor Frozen Novelties Creative Director: Brian Carron Art Director: Jorjann Howell Production Art: Judy Driscoll Brand Manager: Marlo Michalek-Fogel

Art Director: Jorjann Howell. Designer: Terrence Tong Production Art: Judy Driscoll Brand Manager: Marlo Michalek-Fogel
Design Firm: Topco Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Topco Members
Design Firm: TAG Creative Team, Chicago IL Title: Motto Package Design Creative Director: TAG Creative Team Art Director: TAG Creative Team Designer: TAG Creative Team
Firm: Lookout, Inc., Alameda CA Title: RSA Conference Booth 2022

Principal Strategist: Tyler Croak Event Marketing Partners: Nationwide Displays
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Creative Director: Michael Abernethy Designer: Tyler Poirier
Design Firm: 3M Design, St. Paul MN Client: 3M Carlton Society

Senior Director, Product Marketing: Akhilesh Dhawan
Art Director: Peter de Sibour Designer: Joe Kral Project Manager: Maren Burow

Creative Director: Muhamed Causevic Corporate Events Manager: Kelley Lansing
Interior Designer: Megan Kennedy Copywriter: Evelyn Padilla Photographer: Howard Berg, Tom Strand
Title: 3M Wall of Innovators Creative Director: Christine Jones
Design Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association, Alexandria VA Client: NCPA Membership Department Title: Membership Table Top Banner
Design Firm: GAF Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Client: GAF Title: Repair Pro Display Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Designer: Carolina Monza Icon Illustrations: David Shin Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Senior Program Specialist: Donald Jackson Packaging Design Program Specialist: Shanna DiSimone 3D Renderings: Carolina Monza Retoucher: Richard Toonkel

Design Firm: The Hillman Group/Visual Marketing, Tempe AZ Title: World of Disney QT 3.0 Machine Wrap Designers: Kim Bridgford, Kris Samel Director, Visual Marketing: Jim Smith

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: MTN DEW INDY 500 Display Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: TCC Human Resources Department Title: ‘You Belong Here’ Table Tops Creative Director: Arturo Martinez Art Director: Arturo Martinez Designer: Arturo Martinez

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Design Firm: Infosec, Madison WI Title: Road to Cybersecurity Poster Series


Creative Director: Kenneth Pham Designer: CreativeLab
Design Firm: ACS Publications/CreativeLab, Washington DC
Design Firm: American Bar Association, Chicago IL Title: ABA Techshow 2022 Poster Designer: Elmarie Jara

Client: ACS Publications Title: Biochemistry Timeline Poster

Firm: Auburn University, Auburn AL Title: Photo Communications Course Poster Assistant Professor of Graphic Design: Mario F. Bocanegra Martinez
Creative Director: Alexandra Waller Designer: Alexandra Waller Illustrator: Brent Bollenbach Copywriter: Catherine Butzen
Design Firm: Parsons/The Core Creative Agency, Chicago IL Title: Charter Accountability Poster Illustrator: Melissa Patino Graphic Designer: Elizabeth Clark Brand SME: Joanna Piotrowicz 3D Visualization/Multimedia Director: Paul Pilewski Creative Director: Kathy Sara
Design Firm: Parsons/The Core Creative Agency, Chicago IL Title: Rendering Your Reality Poster. 3D Artist: Azia Sanders Technical SME: Ricky Lavin Creative Writing: BO Haynes 3D Visualization/Multimedia Manager: Paul Pilewski Associate Creative Director: BO Haynes Creative Director: Kathy Sara

Design Firm: LMI, Tysons VA Client: U.S. Army Title: 2022 U.S. Army Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) Posters Creative Director: Theresa Koenig Art Director: Donavan Lyons Designer: Victoria Stoehr Illustrator: Donavan Lyons

Design Firm: Prudential Creative & Content, Oak Grove MN Client: Prudential International Insurance Title: 2023 PII Promotional Poster Creative Director: Azy Brown Art Director/Designer: Kristie Derendinger

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Art Director: Erica Rivera Designer: Erica Rivera
Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX
Client: TCC Northwest Biology Department Title: Earth Day Fest 2022 Poster Designer: Denise White

Title: African American Read-In Poster Designer: Keith Meloy

Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX
Client: TCC Trinity River Student Activities Department Title: Trinity River Club Crawl Spring 2022 Poster Creative Director: Erica Rivera

Client: TCC Northeast Music Department Title: Jazz Flyer Creative Director: Arturo Martinez Art Director: Angel Briseno Designer: Christina Green

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX
Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX
Client: TCC Southeast Academic Affairs & Student Activities
Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: TCC Northwest Dance Department Title: Merge 2022 Dance Concert

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: TCC Trinity River Student Activities Department Title: Trinity River Juneteenth Celebration Poster Creative Director: Erica Rivera Art Director: Erica Rivera Designer: Erica Rivera

Design Firm: Texas A&M Commerce, Royse City TX Client: The Shining Title: Redrum Poster Creative Director: Sofia Sanchez

Art Director: Sofia Sanchez Professor: Cory Say
Design Firm: University of Alabama/CDC Foundation, Tuscaloosa AL Title: Vaccine Confidence Posters Creative Director: Jonathan Cumberland Art Director: Jonathan Cumberland Designer: Jonathan Cumberland

Poster Designer: Diane Castro Photographer: Chris Baylor Performer: Kiera Amison, Instructor of Dance
Design Firm: Learning Without Tears, Cabin John MD Title: EdWeb Webinar: What Role Do the Five Pillars of Reading Play in Today’s Classroom? Designer: Massiel Gonzalez

Design Firm: Parsons/The Core Creative Agency, Chicago IL Title: I-81 Virtual Interactive Public Meeting Space Multimedia Designer: Nick Ward Supporting Multimedia Designer: Eliana Barnett Graphic Designer: Jax Glass 3D Visualization/ Multimedia Manager: Paul Pilewski Creative Director: Kathy Sara
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Firm: Robert Half Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: CEO Tracker Presentation Art Director: Keone Moore Designer: Zac Oransky Sr. Manager Art Director: Jenny Merritt. Sr. Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Clients: Garry Reynolds, Beth Hardwick
Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: Word & Brown GA Value Proposition Presentation Executive Vice President: Polly Neves Marketing Director: Missy Bynon Designer: Hugo Miramontes

Design Firm: Access Intelligence, Rockville MD Client: P3 Higher Education
Title: Brand Press Kit Creative Director: Erika Kaempfer
Title: P3 Higher Education Summit Prospectus Designer: TaJon (TJ) Sydnor
Magazine/Sales Promotion Creative Director: Christine Zabel
Creative Director: Coleen Bogle Art Director: Taylor Adams
Art Director: Danielle Burgund Designer: Jo-Ann Iannone
Design Firm: Brookfield Properties, Chicago IL Title: Iconic Collection

Design Firm: Barrette Outdoor Living, Middleburg Heights OH

Art Director: Nick Fochtman Designer: Aime Guzman Executive Creative Director: Andrew Barton Copywriter: Emily Stone
Design Firm: Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp., Marmora NJ
Title: Marketing Capabilities Recruiting Brochure

Design Firm: GAF Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Client: GAF Title: SG+ Time Release Sample Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Michael Comiskey Designer: Angelica Calello Writer/ACD: Donald Kilcoyne Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Creative Operations Manager: Kim Bistromowitz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Jennifer Belthoff
Design Firm: JLL Creative, Chicago IL Title: JLL Creative Identity Campaign Creative Director: Becky Mikrut Art Directors: Mary-Beth Fedor, Ricardo Gomez, Rachel Snow, Rebecca Behm, Jennifer Bachand Designer: In-House Team Associate Creative Director: Shaina Nielson Associate Director of Creative Operations: Joel Caracci

Design Firm: Walker & Dunlop, Atlanta GA Title: Balcones Urban Flats Offering Memorandum Creative Director: Matt Cabral Designer: Alexi Campbell

Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: MTN Dew Cake-Smash Promotion Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
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Design Firm: DuPage Children’s Museum, Naperville IL Title: The Questioneers®: Read. Question. Think. Play! Sofia Valdez Exhibit Designers: Nancy Abbott, Rebecca Bootz Illustrator: David Roberts Exhibit Design: Peter Exley, Sharon Exley of Architecture is Fun Production: Chicago Sonic Studio

Design Firm: Acenda Integrated Health, Glassboro NJ Title: Acenda Q1 Billboard Creative Director: Zachary Ruhl

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Firm: ConceptShell, Kent WA Client: Urban Artworks and Seattle Storm, Force4Change Title: ‘We Are Human’ Utility Box Signage Public Art Designer: Shayla C Hufana Sponsored by: Seattle Storm, Uptown Alliance, Uptown Arts & Culture Coalition, and Office of Economic Development

Design Firm: Bruce Power Creative Strategy, Tiverton ON Client: Bruce Power Title: Visitors’ Centre Exhibits Creative Director: Erin Grandmaison RGD Designers: Kathleen Scott RGD, Stacey Hill Photographer: Mandy Lubjenka Copy Writer: Dwight Irwin

Design Firm: Midlands Technical College, West Columbia SC Title: That’s A Weird Place To Stop Signage Creative Director: Heather Price Art Director: Lee Price Designer: Anna Turner
Design Firm: PenFed Credit Union Marketing, McLean VA Client: PenFed Foundation Title: Night of Heroes Gala Creative Director: Kelly Clasen Art Director: Christine Janaske Designers: Jessica Meyer, Michelle Winberry, Leanna Bowers Project Managers: Morgan Vaughan, Kayla Carney Director: Kristina Henry

Design Firm: MJH Life Sciences, Cranbury NJ Client: MJHLS Oncology Network Title: Chicago Campaign @ ASCO 2022 Creative Director: Jeff Brown Art Director: Kristin Grogg Designer: Kristin Grogg Art: Anttoniart, Adobe Stock

Design Firm: GAF Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Client: GAF Title: International Roofing Expo Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Antoinette Prioletti Writer/ACD: Donald Kilcoyne Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Creative Operations Manager: Kim Bistromowitz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel

Design Firm: Red Hat Open Studio, Raleigh NC Client: Red Hat Title: GITEX Booth Experience Creative Director: Joseph Schlosser Art Director: Stephanie Whedbee Designer: Ruben Moreno Copywriter: Leah McCann Manager, Events Strategy: Kathy D’Angelo Global Event Marketing Manager: Hannah Voso Associate Manager: Ashley Lowe Associate Account Manager: Isabel Hernandez Partner Agency: Freeman

Design Firm: VIP Tires & Service, Auburn ME Title: Valvoline Counter Mat Designer: Melinda Vorhees

Firm: The Hillman Group/Visual Marketing, Tempe AZ Title: Hillman Vendor of the Year Banners Creative Director: Kyle LeBlanc Senior Designer: Peter M. Storch Director, Visual Marketing: Jim Smith
118 GDUSADesign

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: TCC Graphic Services Title: One IT/TCC Information Technology Wall Graphics Creative Director: Paul Quinones Art Director: Paul Quinones Designer: Paul Quinones

Design Firm: Wolf Trap Creative, Vienna VA Client: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts Title: Wolf Trap Campaign Backstage Donor Wall Art Director: Sara Shaffer Designer: Andy Kiel

Design Firm: Moore College of Art & Design, Philadelphia PA Title: Moore Shuttle Bus Wrap Creative Director: Nicole Steinberg Designer: Darian Ehya
Design Firm: Maxell Corporation of America, Woodland Park NJ Title: Blown Away Guy Wall Decal Creative Director: Ashley Walbrecht Designer: Ashley Walbrecht Production: SpeedPro Imaging Services Group


Design Firm: Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, Durham NC Title: AICPA Diversity and Inclusion Glossary Creative Direction: Association Creative Team Art Director: Association Creative Team Designer: Association Creative Team

Design Firm: Bruce Power Creative Strategy, Tiverton ON Client: Bruce Power Title: 2022 Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Report Designer: Erin Grandmaison RGD


Design Firm: Cohesity Creative Services, San Jose CA Client: Cohesity, Inc. Title: DEI Employee Resources Visual Designer: Mara Sahleanu Director, Creative and Branding: Kaycee Carmichael Chiu DEI Program Manager: Ruth Grigsby Creative Project Manager: Katie O'Brien Chief Human Resources Officer: Amy Cappelanti-Wolf Chief Marketing Officer: Lynn Lucas
Design Firm: American Geophysical Union (AGU), Washington DC Title: Eos November/December 2020: DEI Issue Creative Director: Beth Bagley Designers: Valerie Friedman, Henry Pereira Editor in Chief: Heather Goss

Firm: Mizuho Americas, New York NY Title: 2021 Heritage Months Graphics Creative Director: Max Alex. Art Director: Beryl Bai Designers: Katherine Gresham, Hiroko Muroshima, Cynthia Yin
Design Firm: Hearst Creative Communications, New York NY Client: Hearst Title: RISE DE&I Report Senior Creative Director: Stephanie Schulz Assistant Creative Director: Brooke Sadighi
Design Firm: Houston Methodist Creative Services, Houston TX Client: Houston Methodist Title: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Annual Report

Creative Director: Hillary Brindell Designer: Amy Andrade Writer: Ami Brezina
122 GDUSADesign
Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Prime Pride Visual Identity

Creative Director: Heidi Ocel Art Director: Nils Oiseth Designers; Jerry Stenback, Stacy Berndt Production Designers: Susie Patterson, Jack Jerome
Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN
Production Manager: Anna Rechtzigel Project Manager: Connie Krell
Designer: Arturo Martinez Writer: Modesta Lopez Tollison
Design Firm: Protiviti Creative Brand & Studio, San Ramon CA Title: Employee Network Groups System Art Director: Brooke Dean Designers: Brooke Dean, George Yui, Meuy Browder Managing Art Director: Ryan Dahlheim Account Manager: Amanda Koellhofer

Design Firm: Southern Company, Atlanta GA Title: 2021 Transformation Report - Moving To Equity Art Director: Jennifer Higgins Designer: Jennifer Higgins Communications Manager: Justin Averette

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: TCC Graphic Services Title: International Leadership of Texas Festival Campaign Creative Director: Arturo Martinez Art Director: Arturo Martinez

But the story doesn’t end there. Recognizing an increasing need for more environmentally conscious packaging solutions, Burgopak and Mohawk have now teamed up to provide sustainable packaging with a story.
124 GDUSAAtits
Blending expertise with sister company Duallok, Burgopak launched Kolluda in 2020 — a contemporary and branddefining packaging range meeting the needs of the rapidly growing CBD and wellness industry. Created by an awardwinning design team, each design can be widely customized to house products of all shapes and sizes from tinctures and oils to edibles, chocolate, supplements, and more.
Presented on Mohawk Renewal Hemp, Rough, Clean White, 325gsm, and Mohawk Renewal, Rough, Flower, 325 gsm (Sustainable Collection), the hemp-based packaging solution nods to the origins of the industry with a visually beautiful and physically tactile experience. In matching Pantone P 7498 U print and white hot foil, the cover reads:
Burgopak, the team behind the mesmerizing packaging slider has partnered with Mohawk to conceptualize a packaging solution that ticks all the boxes when it comes to CBD and wellness products.


core, Mohawk is a company of makers. A family-owned business since 1931, it serves the creative needs of designers, brand owners, and printers in more than 60 countries with carefully crafted papers designed to make print more beautiful, effective, and memorable. It sources pulp responsibly, conserves the water its craft relies on and harnesses wind power for its mills. Mohawk papers help print go from simply good to truly great.
The Mohawk portfolio of ground-breaking Renewal papers made from hemp, straw, and recycled cotton fiber, extends the CBD story from product to package, while simultaneously presenting a planet-friendly solution.

With four proprietary formats, each solution includes a subtle and intuitive opening mechanism, housing an angular and easily customizable insert to present your product with contemporary simplicity, while keeping it well supported — perfect for retail and e-commerce sale.
From white to black, supersmooth to textured, stiff to supple, Mohawk Packaging Papers bring consistency to every element of packaging projects. The possibilities are endless with Mohawk Packaging Papers because papers of this caliper are suited for many packaging vertical applications and multiple printing processes.
“Reuse, Recycle, Rediscover, Revive, Reimagine, Restore, Reclaim, Renew”
Mohawk Renewal is a part of Mohawk’s Sustainable Collection — Papers with recycled or alternative fibers and a compelling sustainability story. The Sustainable Collection is 1 of 5 Collections in Mohawk’s refined and reorganized paper portfolio.

Set to inspire, this holistic packaging range can give your product stage presence among a backdrop of bottles or extend a customer experience through an inviting e-commerce journey from purchase to product and an environmentally conscious design.
Several Sustainable Collection papers including Mohawk Renewal Hemp are considered to be Mohawk Packaging Papers. Mohawk Packaging Papers are approximately 18pt and higher, but many Mohawk papers can be used for packaging purposes outside of this thickness (caliper) range.
Find out more about Mohawk Packaging Papers at you a near real-time look into Mohawk's inventory. See what's in stock and available to order by visiting Whatmohawk-xpress-check.willyoumake today?
In October of 2021, Mohawk introduced its “Paper With a Plan” approach to paper specification. Mohawk’s Collections help make choosing paper by its properties and attributes easier. All the legendary grades that Mohawk produces still exist, but the new Mohawk Collections eliminate the guesswork behind paper specification giving you a simpler, more straightforward way to think about paper.
The range can be viewed at and you can learn more about Mohawk's innovative line of papers made with hemp and recycled cotton, Mohawk Renewal, at
They need business sense, too. Creative directors don’t just bring a vision to life. They also deliver it within budget, on time and aligned with the broader goals of the organization that requested the product. They ferret out ideas, analyze them, turn them into practical plans and ensure each milestone is met. Meanwhile, they connect and coordinate with other teams whose skills are needed on the project, especially IT.
In light of these achievements, I wanted to explore what makes a successful in-house design team. Who are the key players? What do they do? What kind of team alchemy must they generate to snag these coveted awards? So without further ado, here’s what I learned about the heavy hitters you might find on an all-star design team.
In a nutshell, it is uncertain how any design team survives without a first-rate creative director.
126 GDUSAFirst and foremost, huge congratulations to the winners of GDUSA’s 59th Annual In-house Design Awards. The talent and ideas on display were no less than brilliant, crafted by some of the brightest minds in the industry.

A graphic designer’s art should linger in your mind after you’ve forgotten where you saw it. They’re visual specialists, conjuring up unique illustrations and images that represent the brand,
The best creative directors are jacks of all trades. They’re superb marketers and advertisers, as well as managers and designers. They could perform these roles independently, but since they can’t be everywhere at once, they use their knowledge and motivational skills to draw out high performance from those around them. Creative directors are also actively involved in the hiring and development of staff.
Just as an orchestra conductor can make a tuba sound good with a cello, the creative director unites the disparate elements of the project into a harmonious whole. Drawing from deep wells of inspiration and experience, they manage, mediate, guide, mentor and even dive into the nitty gritty themselves to make the design dream a reality.
Project managers share many skills and responsibilities with creative directors, with a tighter focus on the budget and delivery schedule. They coordinate and supervise team members, nurture relationships with clients, and communicate goals, pain points and triumphs to everyone who needs to hear about them. Unlike some creative team members, most project managers are happiest out of the limelight and embrace the role of a practical facilitator who keeps things running smoothly. A good project manager misses no opportunity to grumble about the budget while always finding (no one quite knows how) the resources necessary to get the job done.
Paul is a spokesperson for Robert Half and frequently quoted expert on various hiring trends and workplace topics. A graduate of Cornell University, Paul is now based in Los Angeles and is proud to be raising two incredible children.

PAUL FLAHARTY is executive director of the marketing and creative practice at global talent solutions firm Robert Half, which connects professionals with companies hiring in marketing, creative, digital, advertising and public relations. His primary responsibility is to develop and oversee the growth strategy for the company's marketing and creative contract talent solutions teams across the United States.
If your organization is looking to put together a winning design team, why not let Robert Half do the heavy lifting? We’re experts at finding the right talent to expand your in-house team.
personality and goals of their company or client. Cleverly creating memorable visuals is only one aspect of their role, though. Graphic designers also tend to be people-people and ace communicators, as they’re expected to collaborate with other creatives to develop concepts before pitching them to clients. These artists need to have a firm grasp of different software, including but not limited to Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. They should also have a deep understanding of composition, color, typography and photography, and a sense of how these aspects of their trade are evolving across the industry. In some cases, they may use physical and digital tools to develop brand identity, marketing or packaging concepts. In short, graphic designers fashion those compelling first impressions that organizations are proud to stand behind.
Knowledge of programming languages and tools, such as JavaScript, CSS, Illustrator or GIMP, is fundamental. Web designers put together websites with the user experience in mind, including visuals, functionality, information access and cohesion between pages and types of devices. They combine media and text to present a captivating and accessible online presence and coordinate with marketing teams to incorporate relevant statistics and analytics. From preparing templates and test pages to working out last-minute kinks before a site goes live, the web designer is involved in every step of the product journey.
If graphic designers conceptualize, production artists execute. They take ideas and perfect them practically, ensuring visual i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. Text will line up on a webpage when production artists have finished their work. Visuals will be cohesive across all media types — billboards, banners, emails, posts, prints, etc. They work closely with creative directors and graphic designers to achieve creative goals and meet deadlines. They are the perfectly balanced creative and practical gurus of any company squad.
Nowadays, a company doesn’t really exist if it doesn’t have a digital display window to showcase its wares and services. During the COVID-19 era of lockdowns and social distancing, many companies wouldn’t have survived without the skills of a web designer pulling them into the digital light. Web designers are responsible for creating one-stop information hubs while honoring client and stakeholder parameters and preferences. So, they need to understand their client as well as their craft.
Paul began his career with Robert Half in New York City in 2005. After seven years of building successful operations in the tri-state area, he relocated to Los Angeles. Paul has held several leadership positions, including division director, regional vice president and district director. He most recently oversaw operations throughout Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area for the company’s technology and marketing and creative practices.
Copywriters are usually the storytellers behind whatever text you see or hear in a variety of media formats: websites, e-books, scripts, blog and social media posts, ads and so on. They weave words into ideas to convince, inform or express, and they meet deadlines with in mind. Often working under time pressure, copywriters need to be more organized than you’d expect an artist to be and just as self-critical. They tailor their language to their audience while adhering to the organization’s style guide. Their thoughts become your thoughts.
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