flaharty.qxp_feb news play 2/2/22 3:51 PM Page 118
You’ve found a great candidate for your open creative role,
● Attract Top Talent — Building a workforce full of people with
moved them through interviews (without cutting corners, of
high-value skills could enable you to expand your client base
course) and extended a job offer. Your hopes are high — until
or execute more complex projects. Having a top-notch team
they tell you they’re going with a different opportunity. With
also helps boost your firm’s reputation — among potential
competition for top talent so fierce right now, building your
clients and talented creatives alike.
ideal creative team may feel like an impossible quest. ●. Drive Down Recruiting Costs — Cost-per-hire is a crucial metric
How can you make the most sought-after creatives choose you over your competitors?
for hiring managers, particularly in smaller firms. By improving compensation, you reduce the risk of talented candidates slipping through your fingers after you’ve spent time and
Understanding what today’s creative professionals look for in
money pursuing them.
a compensation package will help. Research from the 2022 Salary Guide From Robert Half shows not only what salary
● Retain Your MVPs — When staff are well-compensated and
levels are appropriate for creative positions in cities across the
feel valued, they’re more likely to stick around, saving managers
country, but also what benefits and perks job seekers value
time and money on recruitment, onboarding, and training.
most and other trends in the hiring market. Taken all together, this information can help you craft an attractive offer that makes
● Add Value Through Improved Performance — Competitive com-
top talent say yes to yours instead of another company’s.
pensation (particularly when it’s linked to performance) incentivizes employees to produce work that leaves stakeholders,
WHY COMPETITIVE COMPENSATION MATTERS Salaries, benefits and bonuses may feel like expenses, but they’re actually investments in your firm’s future. Offering competitive compensation allows you to:
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customers and clients impressed.