Towards the clouds, together NREN collaboration on cloud services in GÉANT
SUPPORT TO CLOUDS Help NRENs achieve the benefits of cloud services
Empower users to consume the online services they want and need: users are choosers Disrupt the traditional software distribution model and supply chain; Require collaboration between research and education organisations, to prevent 'cloud fragmentation' and provide interoperability and security.
Connect the clouds Connect | Communicate | Collaborate
Together !
‘End user push’ 2,4 BILLION PEOPLE ONLINE 34% OF POPULATION IT USED TO BE SCARCE NOW AVAILABLE IN ABUNDANCE Choose your own devices Choose your own services
‘Cut the cord’ 1.5 BILLION SMARTPHONES
Global tablet sales to overtake sales of traditional PCs by 2015 17.4% of global traffic consists of mobile data
Traditional supply chain ; cd-rom distribution, on-premise hosting
New supply chain ; cloud distribution model
+ fast de livery, rapid upon-premise Traditional supply chain ; cd-rom distribution, dates, elahosting stic, pay-per-u se - Data ou tside of y organiza our own tion, trus t and con trol
New supply chain ; cloud distribution model
NRENs are aware of the power of the cloud distribution model and the need to get involved in this field
The opportunities it presents to them as a provider of services and the way the cloud empowers users to select and use the services they really want, in an easy and often economically attractive manner. The challenges regarding how to make the delivery of cloud services compatible with the needs of of higher education and research.
OPPORTUNITIES Cloud services offer higher education and research organisations the opportunity to become more agile and provide their users with a wider range of relevant IT services at a faster pace and fulfill user demand. IT departments can use the instant availability and elasticity of cloud services (rapid expansion or contraction of capacity) to reduce development time and modify their expenditure profile, reducing the need for periodic and large capital expenditure (capex) to a smoother, increased, more predictable operational expenditure (opex, pay-per-use model)
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OPPORTUNITIES Cloud services allow higher education and research to add value to their users New Services Innovative Services Increased Collaboration Reduced Development and Capital Costs Integrating public services reduces training and support for users Increased flexibility, reduced risk
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CHALLENGES The standard delivery of cloud services by commercial organisations is often incompatible with the requirements of higher education and research. There are significant challenges on trust, security, privacy, legislation and regulation. These issues have different implications between cloud services used in a private capacity, compared to services used within an education or research environment, where the ownership of data and the need to ensure strong custodial control are important. There are also issues regarding data portability and interoperability. Vendors have a commercial imperative to maintain users and reduce churn within their user base and so have little incentive to collaborate with competitors on these issues. The cloud is evolving rapidly. Users are making these choices now. In its most basic form and from an user perspective, the cloud is about consuming ready to use online services, provided by external providers, through a pay-per-use model. There is a real danger that if NRENs and institutions do nothing, users will drift into fragmented islands of incompatible services that may not have a sustainable future.
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GÉANT is at the forefront of Network R&D The GÉANT fibre platform provides an unrivaled testbed for advanced technologies Research into innovative uses for these services is key to ensuring NRENs can support their users into the future.
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GOALS The NRENs working together in GÉANT, want to bring cloud services to the European Research and Education community, through a model where they are able to provide their users with: choice multi-vendor approach: offer multiple services from different cloud providers, to accommodate the plurality and multiformity of the community; a large and varied customer base; users with many different needs and capabilities: users are choosers
openness, ease of use collaborate and share data across organizations and borders in a straightforward way;Â interoperability between vendors, services and systems
a safe and secure work and learning environment user and data protection, taking into account a data risk classification and different levels for data security and privacy, fitting the type of data and scope of use
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support to clouds
Help NRENs to bring cloud services to their users with the right conditions of use
Build a framework for NRENs to develop their cloud strategies Agree standards for cloud services Improve interoperability Develop and share cloud best practices Broker inter-NREN contracts and manage vendors (demand aggregation) Integrate cloud services with NREN infrastructure
The synergy between An advanced network with fixed connections and mobile capabilities A strong AAI middleware integration infrastructure Attractive cloud ser vice offerings will propel higher education and research
e h t f o s e v i t a er i t d i a n o i r b e c e i h v t r e r fo d s The synergy s u e o c l i c between rv g e s n i p t a s r t xi . s e t y o n t o i o b n d u ly m k c Buil i m o u c q T o t N s An advanced network with fixed connections and mobile capabilities A N É E G R N
A strong AAI middleware integration infrastructure Attractive cloud ser vice offerings nformation di n a n o i t a n g emi s n s i i t d u p e g m d o e c l oud now l k c h n s o i l y b t a i t n s E will propel higher mu m o education and research c e h t n i h t r i e w h t e e g tog n r a exchan e l d n a - evolve
How can higher education and research institutes benefit from cloud services?
In close collaboration with Terena The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association offers a forum to collaborate, innovate and share knowledge in order to foster the development of Internet technology, infrastructure and services to be used by the research and education community.
The Adoption of Cloud Services SEPTEMBER 2012
CONNECT THE CLOUDS GÉANT will help NRENs to bring cloud services to their users, with the right conditions of use. Our primary objective is to ensure that GÉANT and NRENs are optimally positioned and play an active role with respect to this rapidly developing paradigm, so that the benefits of the cloud can be fully realised and the attendant risks appropriately managed. We will align, support and provide synergy in the cloud activities of NRENs. We 'connect the clouds': raise awareness about the opportunities and threats of cloud services and the need for NRENs to collaborate on clouds. align NRENs (willingness to collaborate), and create a 'cloud foundation':
information sharing; learn and evolve together; establish a common cloud language overview of available cloud capabilities and components at NRENs and gaps which need to be filled comparable organizational transformation at NRENs, to adapt to the cloud distribution model and end-user centric approach of cloud services (users are choosers) standardization through defining joint requirements, policies and specifications on technical and legal aspects, to achieve interoperability and data portability (open) and security and privacy (closed)
aggregate demand and engage cloud providers together integrate the cloud services with each other and the NREN network and middleware AAI assets, through close collaboration with vendors and the GÉANT teams working on networks and middleware. make these brokered and integrated services available in a GÉANT cloud catalog (service aggregation, discovery and distribution) support the community to adopt the cloud services Connect | Communicate | Collaborate
HOW TO ACHIEVE GOALS By establishing a cloud distribution model fitting the needs, structure and strengths of the European research and education community and using GÉANT as cloud catalyst: GÉANT cloud framework establish clarity on conditions of use, define requirements GÉANT cloud certification / accreditation program apply framework: engage providers, certify compatible cloud services GÉANT cloud catalogue make certified services available in an online portfolio NRENs, cloud procurement contracting and adoption Connect | Communicate | Collaborate
Support to clouds – FOCUS AREAS 2013 CLOUD SERVICES focus areas and catalogue Collaboration suites
File storage and synchronization
Realtime communication
Infrastructure as a Service
Cloud certification program
Integration cookbooks
Cloud framework
Good practices
Cloud assessment study and report / align community
Towards the clouds, together
Andres Steijaert
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