Vol 17 Issue 51
Dec 21-27, 2017
Price: FREE
Christmas Open House
Vol. 17 Issue 51 Dec 21 –27, 2017
inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate/P8 Photography Jack Cobb - tnhost.com Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors “PC Svc’s, Chevrolet,
Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography Web Producer Senior Feature
Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors in the information provided.
The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Car Shows RAT TRAP RACING Open House Upcoming Car Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA BUY-SELL-TRADE -WANTED
4 6 –7 8 10 14 16 18
Cover: Rat Trap AA/FA by Jimmy B Contents Page: Our Cool Christmas Card designed by Larry Williams of Williams Designs.
gearheagazzette@gmail.com www.gearheadgazzette.com www.facebook.com/gearhead-gazzette twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….” MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
From all of us here at the Gearhead Gazzette, to all of you...Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. Spend time with family and friends and enjoy yourself. Please do not drink & drive or text & drive and always buckle up!
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And Lo the Angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the The Lord shone round them and they were sore afraid. And the Angel said unto them, fear not: For behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ The Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And Suddenly there was with the Angle a multitude of the heavenly host praising GOD, and saying, Glory to GOD in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:8-14
Jimmy B. 5
“the fun starts here”….
While most of our readers and us included are into “Old cars & trucks, a LOT of us have late model trucks for everyday use. Add in that “TRUCK WARS” between the OEM’s is big business for a bigger piece of the market. Looks like Chevrolet just upped the ante in the pick up truck game. These are the first revealed shots of the all new 2019 Chevrolet Silverado. The actual vehicle was shown at a special event in Texas recently. How big is this? Dale Earnhardt Jr Big with 1000 Chevrolet truck owners invited to attend a special 100 Years of Chevy Trucks event. The new truck was “choppered” in for everyone to check out. This version is called the LT Trailboss Trim, one of 8 models supposedly that will be offered. This one has the Z71 package with a factory 2” lift too! Steel is still the name of the game for Chevy trucks with V-6, multiple V-8’s and diesel engines options available. Chevrolet will make the official debut of the All New Silverado at the upcoming DETROIT AUTO SHOW. (Photo’s—Chevrolet) 6
“Make Your Voice Be Heard Today!” RPM Act Passes Committee, Headed to the House The RPM Act has advanced from the Energy and Commerce Committee and is headed to the House of Representatives for consideration. The committee voted on Wednesday, Dec. 6, to approve the bill with 33 yes votes and 20 no votes. “Throughout this Congress, these subcommittees have been working diligently and in a bipartisan manner to develop legislation that prioritizes the consumer, supports American business, and protects the environment,” said Chairman Greg Walden (ROregon). The Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2017 (RPM Act) currently has 141 sponsors (125 Republicans and 16 Democrats) from 36 different states. The bill, introduced by Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-North Carolina), would amend the Clean Air Act to allow the modification of a vehicle's air emission controls if the vehicle is used solely for competition. It was originally introduced in 2016 after EPA removed a proposed regulation challenging the legality of modifying street cars for racing. EPA had sought "to clarify that the Clean Air Act does not allow any person to disable, remove, or render inoperative (i.e., tamper with) emission controls on a certified motor vehicle for purposes of competition.” That language was removed from a July 2015 document proposing new rules for heavy-duty vehicles, but lawmakers still drafted the RPM Act, citing EPA's changing interpretation of the Clean Air Act. Don’t just read this article...contact your Representative TODAY and tell them to support this bill. The more of us tat call or email or snail our Rep’s the better the chance this will be passed! 7
Christmas Weekend and the Car Shows are taking a break for Christmas. Enjoy time with your family and friends. Remember the real reason for the season!
Story & Photo’s by Jimmy B
As many of you have, we get invites to Christmas parties. Generally all area good time, with good food and good people to celebrate this special time of year. Then there are invites to a “gearhead style” Christmas party! These are the ones that all of us can really enjoy..right? RIGHT! We got invited to this years RAT TRAP RACING Christmas Open House & Hot Rod Invitational. This is one we always look forward to attending.
Hosted by Ron and Brian Hope, (2 of the nicest people you can meet), their wives and family members, it’s nothing but gearhead fun all afternoon long. New this year was the addition of the HOT ROD INVITATIONAL. In past years, some of the attendee’s of the gathering, 10
drove out in their cool rides. Ron & Brian though it would be a great idea to have more cool cars and trucks come on out for an afternoon of fun. Well we have to say “GREAT CALL Guys!�
The weather was perfect being close to 60 degrees in December in Middle Tennessee on a Saturday. As you can see by the pictures here, a nice turnout of hot rodders and car folks made the trip. The RAT TRAP Racing shop was open for everyone to check out. While known for the fiery fuel altered that Ron drives, a lot of people were surprised to see the land speed cars that both Ron & Brian compete in at various places during the year. Not many shops of this high caliber let you wander around for an afternoon, but Ron and Brian invite folks to check out the place and are there to answer any and all questions for folks. Food and drinks were available all afternoon long, and if you went away hungry, it was your own fault. We have to say we had a great time! We saw many of our friends and met some new ones too. If you missed this years open house, make sure you plan for next years...we already know it is going to be nothing but NITRO FUELED FUN! 11
JAN 2018: JAN 5-7: CHATTANOOGA TN: 50TH ANNIVERSARY WORLD OF WHEELS CUSTOM AUTO SHOW: Show hours Friday 3pm-10pm, Saturday 10am-10pm and Sunday 11am6pm. Located at the Chattanooga Convention Center, 1150 Carter Street. Over $50,000. In cash prizes and awards. Chattanooga “BEST’ in each category $400. Over 30 different Cash awards to be given away at each show. For more info: 205-
655-4950 or www.WorldOfWheels.net click on “Awards link for full listing of Prize Money! JAN 5-7: SHREVEPORT LA: 43RD ANNUAL SHREVEPORT WORLD OF WHEELS CUSTOM AUTO SHOW: Event being held at the Shreveport Convention Center located at 400 Caddo St. Shreveport World of Wheels is the area's biggest indoor custom and new auto show! With over 200 vehicles on display and plenty of high-octane entertainment, our three day event is filled with the nation's hottest custom cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Show Hours: Friday: 5-9 pm, Saturday: 10 am - 9 pm and Sunday: 10 am - 6 pm. For more info go to www.shreveportworldofwheels.com
JAN 2018: JAN 5-7: CINCINNATI OH: 58TH ANNUAL CAVALCADE OF CUSTOMS: Located at Duke Energy Convention Center, 525 Elm Street. Guest Appearances, Features and Specials, Student Career Day and Pinup girl contest. Discount tickets available at KOI Auto Parts. Gate info: General admission-$18, KOI discount $15, Children 6-12 $6, KOI discount $5, Children 5 & under free. The purchase ticket does not guarantee
an autograph from special celebrity guests. Hours are: Friday Jan 5, 3pm-10pm, Saturday Jan 6, 10am-10pm, and Sunday, Jan 7 10am-6pm. JAN 6-7: NOVI MI: 45TH ANNUAL DETROIT SWAP MEET: Swap Meet being held at the Suburban Collection Showplace located at 46100 Grand River Ave. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/117136075600688/
JAN 2018: JAN 7: INDIANAPOLIS IN: FREEMAN’S SUPER SUNDAY SWAP MEET: All makes/ domestic, all models, foreign. GM-Ford-Mopar. Midwest’s largest indoor swap meet. Hours 8am-3pm. Admission $7. Save $2 when you purchase your tickets at Freemans Muscle Car Motorsports, 10747 E. US HWY 136. For more info: 317-296-0336 or bailey.hillman@gmail.com
JAN 2018: JAN 6: DUBUQUE IA: RETRO REWIND #5: Held in conjunction with the Fuel Injected Film Festival located at Five Flags Arena. Kick off the 2018 Show scene with Vintage cycles, cars and Guitars. Join us for THE Winter Party for Gearheads. Live bands, pinup contest, car show, vendors, vintage motorcycles, and a fuel injected film festival. See ya at the Five Flags Theater and Event Center in downtown Dubuque on Saturday, January 6th. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/
JAN 2018: JAN 7: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PO SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and high performance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Rodding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to www.longbeachhiposwapmeet.com or call 800-762-9785
JAN 2018: JAN 6-7: HAMPTON VA: 5TH ANNUAL HOT ROD & CUSTOM CAR SHOW: Show being held at the Hampton Roads Convention Center located at 1610 Coliseum Drive. Grab your friends and family and enjoy an amazing showcase of the hot rod culture. Custom builders, manufacturers and regional and national car clubs from the car world will be there. We'll have LIVE music, a Classic American Sweetheart Pin Up Girl Contest, DJ's, Kids Zone, Free Giveaways and much more. Virginia is for car lovers. We pride ourselves on showcasing the best automobiles in the region for this show. The display is made up of the area's most premiere Classics, Customs, Hot Rods, Vintage, Restored Classics, Pro Street Cars, Modern & Vintage Race Cars, Muscle Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles. Friday - Set Up Day 9am - 8pm: Vendor Load-In and Car Packet Pick-up Packet Pick-up on location at Hampton Convention Center, Hampton Virginia. Saturday 10am - 7pm: Show is OPEN to the PUBLIC. You must pre-register to attend this event - space is limited. Military and Senior Citizen discounts available. Sunday 10am - 6pm: Show is OPEN to the PUBLIC. You must pre-register to attend this event - space is limited. 5:15pm: VA Car Show Awards Ceremony. Military and Senior Citizen discounts available. The Virginia Hot Rod & Custom Car Show is only made possible by the significant support by the car clubs and car owners of Virginia. There will be vendors on hand showcasing their products and services. It is the region's premier indoor custom automotive event. We can't wait to see you there! For more info go to www.vacarshow.com
SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located right off Cool Springs Blvd.
4th SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : GOODLETTESVILLE TN: CARS & COFFEE CRUISE-IN: Hosted by Brian’s Motorsports. 4th Saturday of each month – Year Round – Weather Permitting 7 to 10 am at the Dillards Store in Rivergate Mall. 1000 Rivergate Parkway.
MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise happens every Monday night from 59pm. Rain, snow or shine! Held at the WENDY’s just south of I-80 exit 112(Rt47). Open cruise so bring what you are driving and have fun with us! For more info email to willis824@Comcast.net
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers. Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 69pm. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Free Custard. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/313950265718586
WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN DOWNEY CA: BOB’S BIG BOY HOT ROD AND CUSTOM CRUISE NIGHTS: Held every Wednesday Night at the Car Hop. Runs from 5-10pm. Hot rods, Classic’s and Muscle cars. Located at 7447 E. Firestone Blvd. Bring the whole family for a night of fun. For more info call 562-928-BOBS
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1955 DeSoto hemi & trans for sale. Call or text 540-812-6600. Both are located in Jamestown TN. (12-21-17)
WANTED: 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner tail lights. Call or text 540-812-6600. (12-21-17)
Got too much “STUFF laying around? List it in our FOR SALE OR SWAP section. No cost for private individuals and the ad runs for 2 months—FOR FREE! It will be seen weekly in the magazine and also on our FOR SALE OR SWAP page on our website. Send info and pics to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
Send it to us today!