Vol.18 Issue #14
April 5-11,2018
Price: FREE
Vol. 18 Issue 14 4/5 – 4/11/18
inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate/P8 Photography Jack Cobb - tnhost.com Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors “PC Svc’s, Super 8, Williams Graphics., Larry Williams
Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography Web Producer Senior Feature
Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors in the information provided.
The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast USA Shows Western USA Shows East Coast & NE USA Shows West Coast USA Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA Upcoming Car Shows BUY-SELL-TRADE-WANTED
4 6 –7 8-12 14-20 22 22-24 26-30 32-46 48-49
Cover: Cool Hot Rod Truck at GNRS 2018 –Jimmy B Contents Page: Cool Art from Williams Design & Larry Williams gearheagazzette@gmail.com www.gearheadgazzette.com www.facebook.com/gearhead-gazzette twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”
Just one More Car... Not a bunch of rambling or pontificating from me this week. This gentleman’s shirt kind of describes my week this week.
Vehicle related activities have put me in time crunch, so you get the benefit this week….LOL
Jimmy B. 5
“the fun starts here”….
Custom Jeep Personifies Super 8 Campaign The Super 8 hotel brand has conducted $100 million in renovations at more than 1,800 hotels across North America. To promote the hoteliers’ stylish new look, the company rolled out a custom Jeep Wrangler—nicknamed ROADM8—at last week’s New York International Auto Show. ROADM8 was commissioned by Super 8 as the ultimate road trip vehicle, as the company targets economy travelers. “There’s a new demand for economy hotels—gas prices are low, enabling road travel,” Super 8 stated in a news release. “According to MMGY Global, 39 percent of U.S. leisure travel in 2017 was by road trip, a 17 point increase from 2016. Super 8, known as the trusted roadside companion, sees this as an opportunity to meet travelers on the road, literally.” Pulling its style and amenities straight from Super 8’s newly refreshed and elevated rooms, ROADM8 fully embodies the sleek, new, modern look and feel of Super 8 while bringing the best of the brand to the open road, according to Super 8. Outside, the vehicle features the red and yellow of the iconic Super 8 sign, while inside are innovative amenities like a built-in, on-demand coffee machine, custom center console mini-fridge, touch-screen entertainment, and more. But why did the hotel brand roll out its custom Jeep at the New York Auto Show? “Super 8 hotels are rarely a destination in and of themselves—rather they allow travelers to go out and see the world,” according to the Super 8 press release. “The brand took an innovative approach to connect with guests and their passion points. The New York Auto Show is a way for Super 8 to celebrate the role as a trusted roadside companion, unlocking the possibilities of the open road for a new generation of travelers.” Following the New York Auto Show, ROADM8 is headed to be with thousands of Super 8 franchisees and associates at the brand’s 2018 Global Conference in Las Vegas. This summer, the ROADM8 will embark on a multi-city tour to meet guests and owners.
APR 2018: APR 5-8: CHARLOTTE NC: CHARLOTTE AUTOFAIR: The Hornets Nest Region, AACA, produces the world famous and much celebrated Charlotte AutoFair Event in April and September each year on the grounds of Charlotte Motor Speedway. These events provide collector car Flea Market Vendor spaces to buy and sell restoration parts and supplies for almost any vehicle ever produced — in addition to Car Corral vehicle spaces on the track oval for buying and selling collector vehicles of all descriptions! The collector car Flea Market includes everything automotive, including memorabilia, vintage signs, tires, wheels, automotive toys, restoration supplies, tools, and classic cars for sale! HNR plans for more than 150,000 Eager Collector Vehicle Buyers and Restorers to attend Charlotte AutoFair! The April event will include about 10,000 assigned spaces and the September event will include about 7,000 assigned spaces. The Hornets Nest Region, AACA, has produced Charlotte AutoFair for more than thirty-five years to thrill auto enthusiasts from all over the
world! For more info go to http://www.charlotte-autofair.com/ APR 6-8: TAMPA FL: NSRA SOUTHEAST STREET ROD NATIONALS: Located at the Florida State Fairgrounds. For more info: www.NSRA-USA.com APR 6-8: MORRISTOWN TN: LAYD OUT AT THE PARK, CAR/TRUCK/MOTORCYCLE SHOW: Event location: Cherokee Park, 3075 Floyd Hall Road. Hours: Friday, 10am 5pm/ Saturday, 8am - 5pm/ Sunday, 8am-2:30pm. Tennessee's Largest Truck and Car Show. Featuring a variety of Classes to Compete in, thousands of custom cars and trucks, vendors, food, music, and more. Lay'd Out at the Park is back. Now's
the time to finish all the custom work on your ride because come Spring 2018 the show is on. Haven't registered yet? Save money by getting your tickets for the event now. Questions about the event? Find out here. Need Hotel Reservations? Reserve your room now. Visit: www.laydoutatthepark.net and www.facebook.com/ laydoutatthepark/
APR 2018: APR 7: DECHERD TN: CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR SHOW: Located at the John L Sanders Babe Ruth Park, 117 College St. Rain date TBD. No tents in show area. Bonnie & Clyde themed show. Registration information: $15 for first vehicle, $10 for 2nd. Special gift for the first 80 that register. Door prizes, 50/50 raffle. Trophys/awards: Tractor show: Mud Slinger, Country Choice and Best of Show. Car and Truck Show: Top 10 (Rodders Choice), Peoples Choice (car), Peoples Choice (truck), Chick Magnet, Route 66 (furthest driven), Ultimate Trucking, Cool Rat, Young Blood 2008— Current, Rising Star 1998—2007, Tiguan Award (VW award), Diamond in the Rough, The Warden (race & drag cars), Trail Hog (off the road vehicles), Bonnie & Clyde Theme Award, Low Rider and Retro Mod. Swap meet and Vendors wanted $25—12 x 12 space. There are food vendors. Show info: 931-308-6977, or 931-691-4604; Vendor info: 931-308-3802or 931-588-7546 after 5pm or find us on FB www.facebook.com/packtheparkdecherd APR 7: MADISON AL: 3rd Annual DMS Bands Car Show and Food Truck Rally: Third annual DMS Bands Car Show and Food Truck Rally. Event runs from 5-9pm. Free for spectators, car entries are $20/each. 10 awards given based on section band section leader favorites. Cars can arrive as early at 4:00. Event being held at Discovery Middle School located at 1304 Hughes Rd. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/551707635215865/ APR 7: OWENSBORO KY: The Big O C10 Club Gathering: Event will take place at West Side Truck Parts LLC 2029 Lancaster Ave. Starts at 12:00pm (Noon). This is a meet
and greet, parts swap, and truck corral. We will probably burn some burgers and dogs. Please bring drinks. Ride Tech and A Plus Rod and Kustom will be in attendance. After the meet we will caravan to the SunSet Cruisers Downtown Cruise-In in Downtown Owensboro (trucks are featured in April). So come on out and have a good time. Everyone is welcome to come. Happening Rain or Shine! APR 7: LOUISVILLE KY: CAR SHOW SEASON KICK-OFF PARTY: Event takes place at Mike Linnig’s Restaurant located at 9308 Cane Run Rd. Event runs from 12pm – 3:30pm. 10
APR 2018 APR 7: BIG SANDY TN: Project Graduation Cruise-In: Big Sandy Seniors Host Legend Cruisers. Cruise location is in the Big Sandy H.S. Parking Lot. Rain date, April 14th. Hours: 12-Noon to 3 pm. Entry Fee: $5 donation asked but not required. Food and Drink available, Door Prizes. For more info, Jenny Ross, 731-363-5545 after 8 am and before 9 pm. APR 7-8: HOLDEN LA: BO’S EXTRAVAGANZA: Dukes of Hazard Car chase with 2 car jumps. Meet the Dukes of Hazzard cast. Nascar legend Carl Edwards will try to catch Bo Duke and The General Lee. Food, Autographs, Souvenirs and live Performances by Kix Brooks, Paul Overstreet, Jo-El Sonnier, Thom Bresh, Merla Travis Center Pickers, The Copper Chiefs, Uncle Si and Mountain Man and many more. VIP Fri April 6, Private Kix Brooks performance VIP Parking all weekend. Saturday: 7am Gates open for Car Show Registrants to arrive. $20 entry fee, $10 second vehicle. There will be a special entry gate for registrants to check in. 8am-12pm: Registrants check in. 10:30am-General Lee Star and Bars Parade. 12pm-Participant judging begins. 4pm -awards. Sunday: 8am-Gates open for Car Show Registrants. 1pm-General Lee Stars and Bars Parade. Meet John Schneider and other cast members from the Dukes of Hazzard, Nascar Drivers, Reality TV cast members and others. With each pre-paid registration, you will receive a Family Pack of four free General Admission tickets to the Bo Extravaganza Event and reserved parking. The first 250 paid registrations will also receive a special limited edition “Bo Extravaganza” dash plaque. Kids under 10 free. The cut off date for pre-paid registrations was March 30th. Day of show $40 and does not include Family Pack of four free General Admission. Vehicles registered for the car show event must be in operation condition. All General Lee’s must be in running condition (no trailered) in order to participate in the parade. Top 15 trophies, Best of Show, and Bo’s Choice Awards will be presented by Bo himself, John Schneider! All vehicles from 1955-1979. To register: Betsymazzuola@gmail.com or more info: Johnschneiderstudios.com or www.Bosextravaganza.com or https://www.facebook.com/ events/1796702927290776/
April 135th—8th
APR 2018 APR 5: TAYLOR TX: 7TH ANNUAL ROUNDUP KICK OFF PARTY: Sponsored again this year by MEATHEADS, Meatheads, Thunderbolts and Kontinentals car clubs - held from Noon to 4pm at Old Beyersville Hall, at FM 619 & CR 448 - Southeast of Taylor, Texas. Eat some meat in the Texas heat! A thousand pounds of flesh and a thousand tons of hot rods. Enjoy some great food, hospitality, and live music. For more info go to http://lonestarroundup.com/schedule/ APR 5: AUSTIN TX: PRE LONESTAR ROUNDUP CRUISE-IN: Cruise being held at TOP NOTCH HAMBURGERS located at 7525 Burnet Rd. Fun starts at 7pm and live music is on the menu! Our next Hot Rod Drive In happens 3 nights in April during the Lonestar Round Up! The dates are April 5th, 6th, and 7th. Please allow us to enjoy the vintage cars by saving the parking spaces in our lot for those displaying a vehicle. Neighborhood parking, as well as carpooling, is recommended. Join us for food and drink specials all night. Live music by Ready Betty, Travis Green, Woot Talley and the Box, The Tailgators, and The Phantom Shakers. Movies on the big screen at dusk. See ya there! For more info go to http://lonestarroundup.com/schedule/ or https://www.facebook.com/events/160996687952919/ APR 6: MANCHACA TX: 7TH ANNUAL GIT DOWN AT SLOW POKE’S: Join us for our 7th annual "Git Down", the official party for Lone Star Round Up!! Live music by Doug Moreland, The Boss Jaguars and Conjunto Los Pinkys!! Pecan smoked BBQ, ice cold beer, tons of cool rides and lots of room for parking. Family and pet friendly! Event being held at Slow Pokes Brisket Shack at 737 FM 1626. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/148694925801249/ APR 6: AUSTIN TX: LONESTAR ROUNDUP CRUISE-IN: Cruise being held at TOP NOTCH HAMBURGERS located at 7525 Burnet Rd. Fun starts at 7pm and live music is on the menu! The dates are April 5th, 6th, and 7th. Please allow us to enjoy the vintage cars by saving the parking spaces in our lot for those displaying a vehicle. Neighborhood parking, as well as carpooling, is recommended. Join us for food and drink specials all night. Live music by Ready Betty, Travis Green, Woot Talley and the Box, The Tailgators, and The Phantom Shakers. Movies on the big screen at dusk. See ya there! For more info go to http://lonestarroundup.com/schedule/ or https://
www.facebook.com/events/160996687952919/ 14
APR 2018 APR 6: BUDA TX: LSRU GARAGE CRAWL: The 2018 Lonestar Roundup Garage Crawl. This year we will start in Buda, TX (just south of Austin) and will stop at several shops that are new to the crawl. The starting point for the crawl will be Murpho's Rods and Customs. Please note that Murpho's has moved from the Austin location
to a new HUGE shop. The new address is 1131 South Loop 4. Buda, TX 78610. To find the shop from Interstate 35 take exit 219 (Robert S. Light Blvd) which is just south of Cabela's. Turn west at the stop sign onto County Road 132. Go about .08 mile on CR-132 and arrive at South Loop 4 (AKA 967). Turn left onto Loop 4 and Murpho's is immediately on your left. Allow plenty of travel time to arrive as Austin traffic on a Friday can be a challenge. PLEASE NOTE...parking is very limited in front of the shop. Plan to park behind Murpho's. We have permission to park in the Connection Church lot there. We will have members of the Buda Gearheads on hand to assist/direct parking. They will park you in rows facing the road for an easy exit. Currently working with local law enforcement to assist with traffic flow and safety. I have arranged for the incredible breakfast taco trailer that we had last year to be at Murpho's. Food will be ready around 6:30 am. Arrive early and come hungry! Plans are to have the driver's meeting around 7:45 am and we will depart at 8:00 am. This start time should allow us to avoid school zones and buses as well as the morning traffic crush. Direction sheets will be passed out as we start the meeting. General information for participants...Everyone is welcome on the crawl and there is
no charge to participate. Crawl participants do not have to be registered for the Roundup. FYI...some shops are brand new construction (my new shop included) that may not be completely finished so some rooms or stairs may be off limits. I also ask that if you are in a late model vehicle or a rental car please stay at the tail end of the pack. For more info go to https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/theofficial-lonestar-roundup-garage-crawl.1096141/
APR 2018 APR 6-7: AUSTIN TX: 17TH ANNUAL LONESTAR ROUND UP: Hosted by the Lone Star Round Up. A Texas-Sized Weekend of vintage hot rods, custom cars, live music and more! Event being held at the Travis County Exposition Center. G A T E S O P E N 1 0 A M - 6 P M . $15 general admission wristbands are on sale to the public, good for
admission all weekend - kids under 12 are FREE. The car show kicks off at the Expo Center! Pre-registered attendees can pickup their registration packets all day at the front gate. Round Up swap meet begins and vending areas are open. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/462640754127713/?active_tab=about APR 6-8: SAN ANTONIO TX: SAN ANTONIO AUTORAMA 2018: AUCTION, SHOW & CARFEST... ALL! in this one of kind community event featuring a LIVE collector car auction, AutoRama car show, automotive swap meet, car repairs, automotive howto workshops, public car care clinics, battle of the bands, barbeque cook-off, chili cook-off, kids' corner, celebrity appearances, and (10) car giveaways. Over $600,000 has been raised for trade school scholarships and automotive repairs for those in need. Admission is FREE and the event is open to the public. There's nothing like it in the State of Texas and you won't want to miss a minute of the fun! Approximately 500 antique, classic, collectible, custom, muscle, lowriders, luxury and sports cars will be on display. Nearly 200 will be offered to the public via a live auction. Show questions contact 210-289-7515. More information on consigning a car, registering to bid and/or viewing inventory is available online at www.dankruseclassics.com or 866-495-8111.
APR 7: BULVERDE TX: 5TH ANNUAL ROAR FOR KIDS CAR SHOW: Located at Bulverde Baptist Church, 1331 Bulverde Rd. Gearheads and public welcome. Best in Class & Class Award in all 32 classes. Light rain or Shine. Staging 7am-10am. Competently judged. $30 early registration $35 day of event. Sponsored by the Spring Branch Bulverde Family Lions Club. Helping send kids to Texas Lions Camp. Judging at 102, awards @ 3pm. Register and pay on line www.bulverdecarshow.com for complete details. Custom awards: Best in Show, Lion’s Pride, Best Paint, Best Interior, Mayor’s Trophy, Best under the Hood, Most likely to be Pulled over. Spectators Free!, Car Clubs welcome, food vendors on site. Raffles and door prizes. 18
APR 2018 APR 7: AUSTIN TX: AUSTIN SPEED SHOP OPEN HOUSE – THE BIG ONE!: BASF and Hop Up Magazine present: The Austin Speed Shop Lone Star Round Up party. Austin Speed Shop is located at 3507 Chapman Lane. Live music, free booze, great food. Surprise guest. *Lone Star round up wristband is required for entry* 6:00pm Gates open. 7:30-8:30 Blue Bonnets. 9:00 - 10:30 SURPRISE PERFORMER!!, also playing: Lou Ann Barton, Featuring Derek O'Brien, Denny Freeman, Chris Layton, Scott Nelson. 11pm Shop gates close, Party moves to the Texas Club across the street. Beer provided by Lone Star Beer. Liquor by Milam Whiskey and Tito's Vodka. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/387878828343499/ APR 7: AUSTIN TX: LONESTAR ROUNDUP CRUISE-IN: Cruise being held at TOP NOTCH HAMBURGERS located at 7525 Burnet Rd. Fun starts at 7pm and live music is on the menu! Our next Hot Rod Drive In happens 3 nights in April during the
Lonestar Round Up! The dates are April 5th, 6th, and 7th. Please allow us to enjoy the vintage cars by saving the parking spaces in our lot for those displaying a vehicle. Neighborhood parking, as well as carpooling, is recommended. Join us for food and drink specials all night. Live music by Ready Betty, Travis Green, Woot Talley and the Box, The Tailgators, and The Phantom Shakers. Movies on the big screen at dusk. See ya there! For more info go to http://lonestarroundup.com/schedule/ or https://www.facebook.com/events/160996687952919/ APR 8: AUSTIN TX: T H E S U N D A Y S L O W R I D E T O T H E O A S I S : The LSRU show
is over out at the Expo Center, but enjoy the day with a cruise starting at 10am at La Mancha Tex Mex Tavern (2203 Hancock Dr.) and making its way up a scenic hill country drive up to Oasis Texas Brewing Company (6612 Comanche Trail) enjoy lunch with a view high above Lake Travis that can’t be beat. 10am - 3pm. Plenty of free parking and great live music. For more info go to http://lonestarroundup.com/ schedule/ APR 8: AUSTIN TX: MERCURY CHARLIE’S HOT RODS & HONEYS: Event takes place at Mercury Charlie’s shop located at 9914 Highway 290 W. Event starts at Noon and runs to whenever! Dance till you drop! Live Music. Hot Rods & Bikes welcome. 20
APR 2018 APR 7: FEDERALSBURG MD: 3RD ANNUAL AMERICAN CORNER AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIC: Located at 25631 Auction Rd. Automotive Parts Swap meet & Auction. Opens at 8am. For more info/Reserve A space/Auction listing call 410-754-8826 or www.aurtisandrewaction.com APR 7: MOHNTON PA: MAPLE GROVE RACEWAY 2018 SWAP MEET: Gates open at 7am. 15 x 20 space is $35.00. Swap meet located at 30 Stauffer Park Lane, 10 miles south of Reading PA. Admission is $5.00 and 12 & under free with paid adult. For more info call 610-856-9200 or go to www.maplegroveraceway.com APR 7-8: OAKES PA: MID ATLANTIC INDOOR NATIONALS CAR, TRUCK AND BIKE SHOW: Located at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center. A variety of Makes, models, and years on display. Over 10,000 in cash, awards and prizes. More that 90 awards from weekend drivers to professional show vehicles, vendors space is available. For more info, judged class list and event schedule: www.midatlanticindoornats.com. For vehicle exhibitor questions: 717-269-2625 or swish@midatlanticindoornats.com. For vendor info 717-307-5466 or andy@midatlanticindoornats.com APR 8: CLIFTON NJ: CLASSIC CAR CRUISE: Hosted by the North Jersey Classic Cruisers. Cruise runs from 11am – 2pm. Cruise takes place at The Hearth located at 1116 Route 46 West. Open to all years and models. Indoor-Outdoor event. Music, prizes and trophies. Cruise is held weather permitting. For more info or to check if
cancelled due to weather call 201-303-3218
APR 2018 APR 6-8: DEL MAR CA: 18TH MEGUIAR’S DEL MAR NATIONALS-GOODGUYS 2018 EVENT: Located at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Featuring All years of American Made or Powered Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars, Trucks Goodguys Auto Cross, Indoor Car Show, Vendors, Swap Meet and Cars 4 Sale Corral. For more info: 925838-9876, fax 925-820-8241 or www.good-guys.com 22
APR 2018 APR 8: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PO SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and high performance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Rodding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to www.longbeachhiposwapmeet.com or call 800-762-9785 APR 8: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON CYCLE SHOW AND SWAP MEET: Located at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds. Indoor show, Rain or Shine. Show time 6am-3pm. All bikes, pedal cars & wagons welcome. In conjunction with the Stockton Car Show & Swap meet. General admission $8, $25 per space. Future show October 14. Bicycle drag racing. Bike raffle/tickets $1. Kids 12 and under free. For more info: 209-
471-1387. APR 8: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON CAR SHOW AND SWAP MEET: Located at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, 1658 S Airport Way. $8 Admission, Kids 12 and under free. 100s of Sellers, 1000s of buyers. Come see some of the best Hot Rods Muscle Cas, Rat Rods, VWs, Lowriders, Original Classic Cars, and Trucks competing for over 20 trophies. Car Show entry fee $20. Dash Plaques given to the first 100 show entries. Swap meet spaces 20x20 on lawn or pavement $20 each pre-paid or $25 each at the gate (day of the show). Overnight setup and camp out Saturday, 2pm-
8pm. Overnight security provided. Huge Model Car Show in Building #2-Huge Bicycle Show April and October. Huge Collectible Show, Valley Con July Show, Huge Rust and Shine Show July Show. Future dates July 8, October 14. For more info: 209-948 -5307 APR 8: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON SWAP MEET: Free Parking, Bugs, Buses, Bands. Located at the Stockton Fairgrounds, 1658 S Airport Way. Entry for the Show $20, $8 Admission. Big Swap Meet Spaces 20 x 20 / $20-$25 each. Overnight setup and Camp out, April 7 after 2pm. Held in conjunction with the Auto Swap Meet N’ Car Show. Future Bug Show October 14. For more info: 209-948-5307 24
1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : ROGERSVILLE AL: FIRST FRIDAYS CRUISE IN DOWNTOWN ROGERSVILLE: Come join in on some good times in Downtown Rogersville. The goal of this meet is to bring folks together to a fun, family friendly event. All cars, trucks, and bikes are welcome. Please respect the town and the event; no speeding, no burnouts, no loud music. All stores in the Downtown area will be open, so be sure to go in and checkout what they have to offer. There will be some great food options as well. The Honeysuckle Cafe is right downtown and will offer Cruise In specials, so bring your appetite with you. Cruise starts at 6pm on Lee St. MURFREESBORO TN: 2018 BENEFIT CRUISE-IN SEASON: Presented by the CHRA. Cruise is being held on the 1st Friday Night of each month from April thru Sept. Cruise is held at the New Vision Baptist Church located at 1750 N Thompsons Lane. Cruise runs from 5pm until dark. $1.00 donation for ASCF. Concessions, Car & Bible Trivia, Door Prizes, Oldies Music For more info contact Peggy at Dixie718@Comcast.net The Christian Hot Rod Association of Tennessee is dedicating their 2018 Benefit Cruise-In Season to A Soldier’s Child Foundation. SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located right off Cool Springs Blvd. 1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : MURFREESBORO TN: 2018 CARS AND COFFEE CRUISE: Presented by City Auto. Held on the 1st Saturday morning from April to Sept. Cruise runs from 8am-11am. Cruise is located at 1023 Bridge Road. For more info call 615-713-4900 or email rprice@cityauto.com 1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : CLARKSVILLE TN: Memory Lane Cruiser's Cruise Night: Starts April 7th - October 6th. Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm, at Books A Million parking lot, located at 125 Hampton Place, Clarksville, TN 37040 (corner of Hampton Place & Wilma Rudolph Blvd.) We welcome all classic cars/trucks, muscle cars, street rods and hotrods. Oldies Music - Lots of Food Choices - Family Fun. Come visit with us each month. For more information, click on http://memorylanecruisers.net/ -or call Elmer Jones (931) 627-2446 or Jim Hutchens (615) 517-1423. McMINNVILLE TN: KRUISE-IN FOR KIDS: Cruise-In's start the first Saturday in April at 3-Star Mall in McMinnville, TN. 5pm until ? Free of charge. A different dash plaque each month with donation. Plenty of parking with food and clean restroom access. 26
1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : GOODLETTSVILLE TN: Brian’s MotorsportS Cruise-In: Held on the 1st Saturday night of the month. Starts: April 7th. Cruise runs from 6 pm till ?? in the Dillard's parking lot, Rivergate Mall across from Chic-fil-A. MONDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: LEWISBURG TN: SONIC CRUISE IN: Held every Monday night from 5-7pm.Cruising starts on March 12th and runs until it Nov. Located at the SONIC Drive In at 420 Ellington Pkwy WHITE HOUSE TN: CRUISE-IN AT COLORADO GRILL: Cruise is held every Monday Night, weather permitting starting April 9th thru October. Last Monday in Oct will be the Trunk or Treat Cruise. The Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held at the Colorado Grill parking Lot located AT 2747 Hwy 31W. For more info call Wayne Malugin, 615-566-7343 cell or Bob Boone, 601-954-3604 cell or go to www.facebook.com/White-House-Cruise-In-1509561229255974/ TUESDAY NIGHT: BOWLING GREEN KY: CRUISIN FOR A CURE: The cruise is held every Tuesday Night from 5-8pm. Cruise is held at Brusters Ice Cream located at 2712 Scottsville Rd. Cruise starts on April 3rd and runs thru Oct. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/1666015903486109/ WESTMORELAND TN: DOWNTOWN WESTMORELAND CRUISE: Held every Tuesday starting April 10 and runs thru Oct 30th. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Al cars, truck and motorcycles welcome. 1st FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: NEW BADEN IL: NEW BADEN CRUISE-IN: NEW DATE for the cruise-in. Being held on the 1st Friday of the month from April 6th thru Oct. Cruise times 5-11pm. Cruise is held at the Threeway Creation Shed at 600 East Hoover St. (next to the cemetary) Live music 6-9pm. Bring your coolers and lawn chairs. For more info call 618-7999699 or go to CLINTON COUNTY CAR CLUB on Facebook. 1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : MIDDLETOWN OH: HORSEPOWER FARM CARS & COFFEE CRUISE IN: Held the 1st Saturday of every month all year long Rain or Shine. So even on those cold winter or rainy days just come on out and hang out in the Garage. Start time is 8AM till Noon all proceeds benefit the Blue Skies Warrior Fund. Thanks for all your support we have already donated over $20,000 in 2016. Cruise located at the Horsepower Farm at 2227 Trinity Drive. For more info call 937-477-0450 28
MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise happens every Monday night from 59pm. Rain, snow or shine! Held at the WENDY’s just south of I-80 exit 112(Rt47). Open cruise so bring what you are driving and have fun with us! For more info email to willis824@Comcast.net FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers. Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Free Custard. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/313950265718586 1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: SAN TAN VALLEY AZ: SATURDAY AFTERNOON CRUISE-IN: Hosted by the Saturday Night Cruisers. Cruise runs from 4pm - ??. Cruise starts Oct. 7th and runs on the 1st Saturday of the month. Being held at Freddy’s Steakburgers at the corner of Hunt Hwy & Gary Rd. Music, raffles, Peoples Choice Award, Steakburgers & frozen custard and lights…we have lights. Win a $25 gift Certificate from Freddy’s every cruise night. For info call 480 -204-6201 1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: FRESNO CA: 1st FRIDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISE: Cruise starts April 6th and runs on the 1st Friday night thru Oct. Cruise is held at Park Place located at Palm & Nees. Open to Pre-’72 only. $10.00 entry fee of if you have a VISIBLE Hot Rod Coalition sticker it’s $5.00. 5:30pm roll in. Vendors, food, music and more! 500 plus hot rods. Top 10 awards.
1st SATURDAY AFTERNOON CRUISE-IN’S: PALM DESERT CA: PALM SPRINGS CRUISIN’ ASSOC. CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday of each month thru May 2018. Cruise is held at the Westfield Shopping located at Montery & Hwy 111, behind MACY’s. Cruise Runs from 1–4:30pm. Cruise is rain or shine. Non Members $10 entry. Spectators free. Open to all vehicles. For more info go to http://www.palmspringscruisinassociation.com/ WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN DOWNEY CA: BOB’S BIG BOY HOT ROD AND CUSTOM CRUISE NIGHTS: Held every Wednesday Night at the Car Hop. Runs from 5-10pm. Hot rods, Classic’s and Muscle cars. Located at 7447 E. Firestone Blvd. Bring the whole family for a night of fun. For more info call 562-928-BOBS 30
Every Tuesday Night at Brusters Ice Cream Bowling Green KY
APR 2018: APR 12-14: BALDWIN LA: CAJUN FUN RUN: Hosted by the T-Bucket Alliance. For more info on the event go to www.nationaltbucketalliance.com or go to https:// www.facebook.com/National-T-Bucket-Alliance-204074919637319/ APR 13-14: MOULTRIE GA: SUMMER SWAP MEET & CAR CORRAL: Come to the South’s fastest growing swap meet with over 4,000 spaces, offering parts, tools, literature, equipment, antique and performance parts, crafts, collectibles and special interest items. Our car corral offers hundreds of cars displayed for sale. We have 50 acres of FREE parking, 24 hour security and great food and drink to enjoy during your visit. Stay at any of the 2,500 + hotel rooms available within a 28-mile radius of this spectacular automotive event. For more info: www.summerswapmeet.com or call 229-686-1771 APR 13-14: BOWLING GREEN KY: 9TH ANNUAL CHALLENGER FEST: Located at the Beech Bend Raceway / Holiday Inn University Plaza. For more info:
www.challengerFest.net or visit www.BGKY.com or 800-326-7465. The dates and times subject to change. Please verify on event websites before making plans! APR 14: MADISON AL: REAL FATHERS MAKING A DIFFERENCE SPRING FLING CAR & BIKE SHOW: Located at 15100 Highway 20 West. Show time noon to 5pm rain or shine. Got Wheels? Bring it! Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks, Suv. Registration and Day of Entry Fee/Donation: $20 per entry. Free admission for the entire family. Registration 11am-3pm. Awards 4pm. $10 entry fee for non-judging cars, trucks, or bikes. Door Prizes every ½ hour. Custom Trophies & Awards. Food Trucks, Moon Bounce, Video Game Track and Draft Beer. Visit online registration: www.rfathersmad.or/ carandbikefest.php or call 256-830-9992 or 256-274-4356. All donations are tax deductible and will support our augustea Bolden College scholarship fund for outstanding students we celebrate each year, and support will also assist our education and mentoring programs.
APR 2018: APR 14: PELHAM AL: DIXIE VINTAGE ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC CAR SHOW: Event being held at Oak Mountain State Park located at 200 Terrace Road. Show to Benefit Travelers Aid—Gates Open at 7:AM, Registration Starts at 8:AM, Awards start at 2PM, Cash prizes, Food, Music by DJLarry, Parts Vendors, Car Corral & Top 5 trophies in 4 Classes: Original 1950 and older, Original 51-66, Original 67-86, Rods & Modified. Watch drone footage from last year here: https://youtu.be/gue108qfSOo. Shuttle service for visitors to car show area will be provided. Follow signs. For more info Gadams2@bellsouth.net or call 205-7067614 go to https://www.facebook.com/events/491020024625852/ or https:// www.facebook.com/dixievintageauto/ APR 14: CHATTANOOGA TN: CHATTANOOGA CRUISE-IN 2018: The Chattanooga Cruise In is gearing up for a HUGE 2018 event. Located at First TN Pavilion, 1826 Reggie White Blvd. It will run from 8am until 4pm. We have secured additional park-
ing areas, (overnight security) and will make better use of the space for vendors, food and the Scenic City Swap Meet. This event is FREE to the public, and that includes the Swap Meet this year. We will be bringing back the blemished tire and wheel sale this year, so start saving your money now! Used parts, Vintage Memorabilia & Car Corral including Coker Tire’s Annual Blemished Tire Sale. 2017 was our biggest event yet, with more than 2,000 cars invading the Southside of Chattanooga, Tennessee. We will once again utilize the Finley Stadium and First Tennessee Pavilion property, as well as the surrounding streets and parking lots. We will have event T-shirts on hand for only $10 each, and once again we will be ordering MORE than last year, due to the high demand. We will use this event page to keep you informed about the event. Be sure to click "Interested" or "Going" to get notifications every time we post important information about the event. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, retail vendor or food vendor, please contact Rachel Keeley at rachelk@coker.com. Vendor fee $50-for Pre-registered Vendors only, (no on-site payment)If you're interested in becoming a Scenic City Swap Meet vendor, contact Tommy Lee Byrd at tommyleeb@coker.com.
APR 2018: APR 14: SPRING HILL TN: DBR 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: 2018 is DBR High Performance's 10 year anniversary. Come and celebrate this family friendly event with us!! Event located at 601 Beechcroft Rd. The celebration will include a dyno day, food trucks, bounce houses, DJ and special guest appearances. To top off the day, there will be races at US43 from 6pm until late!! with $5,000 in prizes for the race winners!!! Dyno Runs must be preregistered, it is on a "first come, first serve basis". So please register on our 10 year anniversary event page. http:// dbrhighperformance.com/10th-anniversary/ More details to follow about the $5,000 race at US43 that evening. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/144878079551266/ APR 14: HOHENWALD TN: HILLBILLY HOT ROD SHOW: Located at the Natchez Trace Wilderness Preserve, 1363 Napier Rd. Portion of proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital. Presented by the Grave Robbers Car Club. 50/50 drawing, burn out box competition, dyno testing, vendors, pinup contest, pinstripers, trophies swap meet, food, DJ, and much more. Event open to all years, makes, and models of cars and trucks including motorcycles, bicycles, and tractors. Awards will be given for all classes. Gates open at 8am. For more info: 931-69-8719 or 931-201-1386 or visit the Grave Robbers Car Club on FB. APR 14: WHITE HOUSE TN: Inaugural Southern Styles 2018: hosted by Scion Culture of TN and Perfectly Posh Consultant Jessica Sautter... Location: Revolution Church,
3644 Hwy 31-W. Event Hours: 10 am to 4 pm. Entry Fee: $15. Spectators are FREE, T -shirt and Dash Plaque to the first 75 entered, Door Prizes, 50/50. Awards (see flyer for classes). For more info and updates visit, www.facebook.com/ events/138624513338584/ APR 14: MCMINNVILE TN: Cruise-In Benefit for Meals on Wheels: Event being held at the VFW Post 5064, 3340 Sparta Hwy. Times: 11:00am - 2:00pm. Donate a #10 Canned Good & Receive a FREE meal. For more info, Call 931-668-8392
April 8, 2018
APR 2018: APR 14: CHARLOTTE NC: THE CONGREGATION 2018: The Congregation Show is returning to Charlotte, North Carolina, bigger and better than ever. A collaboration between DicE Magazine and Prism Supply Company, the invitation-only show brings a carefully curated blend of traditional motorcycles, hot rods and custom cars to the historic Camp North End. Think your—or a friend’s—car should be invited? Or how about your car club? Will you be free that weekend? If you answered yes, send us an email to editorial@roddersjournal.com with the subject “Congregation Show.” Make sure to include your contact information or you will not be eligible. Camp North End is a massive, multi-building complex that has served a wide range of purposes in the past 90+ years; Ford used two of the oldest buildings for Model T and A production in the ’20s and ’30s. With such rich history, it’s only fitting that there will be an abundance of traditional machinery on the grounds come show time. The Congregation brings together some of the East Coast’s best machines on two and four
wheels. It’s a bike show. It’s a car show—and it’s the place to be this spring if you appreciate vintage iron of all kinds. For more info go to https:// www.thecongregationshow.com/ APR 14: GRANVILLE TN: National Mustang Day Celebration: Hosted by Music City Mustang Club. Event Hours: 8:45 am to 4 pm. We will leave the Cracker Barrel on Hwy 231 in Lebanon, TN at 8:45AM and cruise to Historic Granville, TN. We have a great back roads cruise mapped out. There will be a 50's Car Show, visit the Sutton General Store, many street activities and a Wine Tasting (Upper Cumberland Wineries) Tickets for wine tasting are $20.00 - $15.00 in advance - call Brenda at (931) 653-4151 for tickets) APR 14: GRANVILLE TN: STROLLING THRU THE 1950’S LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL CAR SHOW: Event taking place Granville. Event runs from 10am-4pm. The 1950’s car show runs from 9am-3pm. Car registration from 9am-12noon. Awards at 3pm. 1st / 2nd/ 3rd place trophies in all classes. Registration fee $10.00. 15 classes covering 1950 – 1959 with separate classes for TRI-FIVE Chevy’s. Lots of other events going on like Sock Hop, ‘50’s dress up contest, ‘50’s bands. Mayberry Diner will be serving ‘50’s food and more. For more info call 615-945-8492 38
APR 2018: APR 14: NASHVILLE TN: Nashville's Convenient and Secure Vehicle Storage Solution - 1st Annual Open House: Event location is at 2832 Logan Street, Suite F. Event Hours: 10 am to 2 pm. Rain or Shine, Food Truck available. Come out and tour the faculty, show off YOUR ride, many will be in attendance and lots of car talk. For
more info visit: https://myothergarage.net/ APR 14: SARDIS MS: SARDIS APRILFEST OPEN CAR SHOW: Located in downtown Sardis. Car show registration is 8am-1pm. $10 entry fee, open to all makes, Trucks and Motorcycles. Awards at 3pm. Trophies specialty Awards, 50/50 drawing. Attention Arts and Craft Vendors, if interested in a booth-call 662-473-7681or visit www. By March 31 for a vendor application. Booth fee $35. Door and Cash Prizes! For more info call 662-473-7681 APR 15: GREENVILLE SC: 3RD ANNUAL SPRING DUST OFF: Come out for the 3rd An-
nual Spring Dust Off at Old Crow Barbershop located 738 Wade Hampton Blvd! Greenvilles first and biggest classic barbershop car show. This year we will be donating all the proceeds to Jack Williams and his family. Jack is 3 year old boy in our community who is battling leukemia. As always we will have some awesome bands, good food, trophies and in true OCB fashion, a damn good time. So bring those pre 72 american made classics and the family and help support a good cause. More details to come!! This will be a truely memorable show you wont want to miss. Entry fee will be 10 dollars for cars entering the show and that includes admission. Spectators will be 5 dollars per person kids free. As usual ALL proceeds go to the family. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/111831516265893/ APRIL 15: HUNTSVILLE AL: GEARHEAD DRAG DAY: Located at 4546 Research Park Blvd. Run what you bring. Test and Tune, Grudge Race, 1 st place Trophy, Door Prizes and Concessions. Must cruise with us to Huntsville Dragway to participate. No trailers, no motorcycles, $20 to race, $10 to spectate.
APR 2018: APR 13-15: NORTH OLMSTEAD OH: 62ND ANNIVERSARY ROD & CUSTOM SHOW: Hosted by the Choppers Hot Rod Association. Event is being held at the Soccer Complex. Show is open to ’72 & Earlier only. $20.00 registration fee. Show hours are 5-9pm on Friday, 9am-9pm on Saturday and 9am – 5pm on Sunday. For more info or to register call 440-458-6886 or go to http:// choppershotrodassociation.com/ APR 14: ALTAMONT IL: 31TH ANNUAL AUTOMOTIVE & MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEET: Located at the Effingham County Fairgrounds. 7am-2pm. $3 spectator fee/swap meet spaces $20 each. 6am vendor set up time (Friday early set up after 4pm) 10x12 inside heated spaces and under roof spaces $20. Outside truck & trailer spaces $20, vehicles only for sale spaces $10 each. Also an Auto Truck and Motorcycle Cruise-in show. 7am-11am registration day of show. Awards at 12:30. $10
entry—includes 2 Swap Meet passes. For more info: 217-273-9683 or www.classpack.com. No alcohol allowed on Fairgrounds.
APR 2018: APR 13-15: OKLAHOMA CITY OK: NSRA SOUTHWEST STREET ROD NATIONALS: Located at the State Fair Park. For more info: www.NSRA-USA.com
APR 2018: APR 13-15: SPOKANE WA: SPOKANE SPEED AND CUSTOM SHOW: All indoors Car Show. Held at the Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. For more info: www.SPOKANESPEEDANDCUSTOMSHOW.COM or email SpokaneSpeedandSustomShow@gmail.com or follow us on FB and Instagram
APR 2018: APR 14: POMONA CA: 16th Annual Chino Corn Feed Run: The 16th Annual Corn Feed Run Car Show & Cruise, presented by Kiwanis Club of Chino and City of Chino will be on April 14, 2018. The show will be located in downtown Chino on the City
Hall (located at 13220 Central Ave) lawn, parking lot and surrounding streets. PICKUPS LIMITED OF ORANGE COUNTY WILL DO THE PARKING FOR THIS EVENT. MEET AT CITY HALL AT 6:30am. SEE RICH MILLER FOR MORE DETAILS. There is a $25 show vehicle entry fee before April 1, 2018 and the entry fee will be $30 after that date. The entry fee includes t-shirts for all participants. Spectators are admitted free. Over 800 vehicles are expected, and the show is open to all pre1975 cars and all working show trucks. There is 15 blocks of cruising from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be an open header contest, vendors, awesome trophies, a huge raffle, and great food and music. There will be a huge display of operational
antique engines set up by the WPA. All proceeds go to local youth & senior charities of the Chino Kiwanis Club. For general information, contact Walt Pocock at 909.591.4164 or at cornfeedrun@aol.com . Vendor spaces are available. #iamkiwanis #kiwanis APR 14: PERRIS CA: 10TH ANNUAL HIPPY KILLER HOEDOWN CUSTOM CAR AND MOTORCYCLE SHOW: Located at the Farmers Fairgrounds, 18700 Lake Parris Dr. Show time is 10am- 8pm Rain or Shine. Load in for Customs and Motorcycles 7am-noon. Flat Track Load in 7am- 10am. Food-Booze-Vendors-Free Stuff-Cash Prizes for
Best Hot Rod, Custom Car and Best Custom Motorcycle. Live Music. The Beach Grease Beer Co presents oil & water art exhibit. For more info: HTTPS:// TICKETS.THEFOAT.COM/HIPPYKILLER . Vendor/sponsorship contact sales@hippykiller.com or hkhoedown.co. hippykillergarage.blogspot.com or Facebook.com/hippykillerhoedown or Instagram: hkhoedown.
APR 2018: APR 14: BALDWIN PARK CA: 3RD ANNUAL DRIVING TOWARDS CURE, FIGHT THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER! Located at the Baldwin Park High School. 8am-2pm. $25 pre-register/$30 day of show. Guaranteed Tee Shirt for early Registration. Food, exciting prizes, giveaways & opportunity drawings. Spectators free, come out for a
family fun day! No pets please. Free Goodie bags to first 50 cars. Gates open at 7am. For more info: 626-798-0197. Calls will be returned within 24 hours. APR 15: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per
adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or pomonaswapmeet.com
APR 2018: APR 13-15: ENGLISHTOWN NJ: 36TH ANNUAL SPRING ENGLISHTOWN SWAP MEET AND AUTO SHOWS: Location for the show is Raceway Park. All indoors Car Show. APR 15: ATCO NJ: YESTERYEAR DRAG SHOW CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Located at 1000 Jackson Rd. 1980 and older American powered race cars & trucks permitted New Hot Rod Class 1957 & older Street legal race cars. Rain date June 3. Gates open at 8am, Time trials 10am, Eliminations start 1pm, Car Show trophies 3pm. Exhibition Cars, Gassers, Altereds, Funny cars Dragsters. For more info: 856-7682167 or www.philadelphiamodifers.com
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: Big block Chevy race engine, 477 ci (454+.100) . Eagle crank and rods, TRW race pistons, gas ported, 12.5:1 comp. JE 1/16th rings. Pro Max aluminum heads, 320 cc , Stainless valves, Harlan Sharp rockers. Bullit cam, solid lifters. Holley single plane intake. Includes electric water pump, SFI balancer, SFI flywheel, 850 Holley carb, full sump oil pan. Built with all high quality name brand parts and hardware, no junkyard stuff. Complete engine, less ignition system. Was run at the Ohio Mile, made six full throttle passes and five tryout/ license passes, ran good every time, engine is in excellent shape. Changing class to small turbo motor, don't need this one anymore. Asking $6500. Call Brad Thomas 931-981-1534 thommysgarage@aol.com (2-7-18) FOR SALE: 1936 Dodge Coupe RARE. Color-red. Interior- tan leather. Mustang 2 front end. PS, PB, PW, EDL, TC. Chevy 350 engine with Transmission 700r. 18in wheels. Excellent condition. $42,000. Call- 615-419-6232 (3/28/18)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1940 Packard coupe. This is the last year of the freestanding headlights. It looks a lot like a ’40 Ford coupe except for the grill and hood. The car is original, very solid, in good shape. All of the chrome has been re-chromed, some still in paper wrap. All new tinted glass, as well as the original glass, a roll of upholstery material, but the seats and headliner are in nice shape, (door panels need some work. The dash has the instruments removed to re-wood grain, (I have vinyl wrap burled wood that I was going to use to cover the dash), but all of the instruments are in good original shape, wires are tagged and everything comes with the car. I also have paperwork and history that dates back to the late ‘60s. Going with my plan, I figured I’d have it back on the road with a few weeks work. Reality is, however, that I have no time and must get the house in shape to sell before April. If you are interested or know someone that might enjoy this fine car please have them give me a call, (256) 665-3345. (3-15-18)
FOR SALE: 1986 Mazda, RX7. This is a one owner car in nice shape but has been parked inside for about 8 years. It is all original with the original rotary engine and 5 speed manual transmission. There is an easy conversion kit made right here in Lacy Springs, that lets you install a LS engine if anyone wants to make a street rod daily driver out of it. I’ve seen this done and it looks like factory equipment. (256) 665-3345. (3-15-18)