Gearhead Gazzette Vol 17: Issue 26 June 29 - July 5 2017

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Vol 17: Issue 26

June 28—July 5 2017

Price: FREE



Vol. 17 Issue 26 June 29– July 5, 2017

inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate/P8 Photography Jack Cobb - Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors “PC Svc’s, Michael Corrazzelli

Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography Web Producer Senior Feature

Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors in the information provided.


The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast Car Shows Western USA Car Shows Northeast Car Shows Mr “BONES” Open House Upcoming Car Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA For Sale or Swap

5 6 –7 8-10 12 12 14 18-28 30-42 45-47

Cover: Celebrating America’s Birthday the Hot Rod Way Contents Page: HAPPY 4th of July Gearheads twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179

“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”

“Why not let them enter for free” Passenger in the car had to pay $25 a day to enter the car. I have to say I agree that that is getting way too expensive. Add in hotel, food, gas and well it’s up there.

Have Big Multi-day car show hit their peak? More and more thru conversations, social media, private messages on FB and such, I have been hearing ...being told about the HIGH cost of attending car shows and events.

Now in fairness to the event producers and promoters, the cost of renting the venues goes up every year, event insurance, security and all the other behind the scenes things it takes to make an event happen costs big $$$ too. The unspoken figure in all this is the PROFIT margin. Profit is important as it sustains the company and allows for growth too. How much is enough though?

Specifically it’s the entry fee for car shows. The BIG multi-day events are really catching heck lately. The feeling is, that the organizations and event producers are making $$$ off of the folks entering and showing their cars. “Why not let them enter for free and make the money off the spectators...yea that s what they should do”, is what we hear a lot.

The other observation we have made is that the local cruise-in’s are growing. They are growing in size and participation rate. Good for them!

There is even some push back on local 1 day shows that have raised their entry fees too. Pre-entry saves you a few bucks but a lot of gearheads chose not to preenter as the cutoff date for pre-entry is early on. Things in peoples lives change sometimes and then they cant make it to the event. Try getting a refund...not going to happen.

It’s not hard to see or figure out why. COST! The Majority of cruise-in’s are FREE or a couple of $$ to enter. No hotel, no multiday in a restaurant either. Keep your eye on the cruisein’s, they are going to grow gearheads...the simple reason is their cheaper to attend.

If you don’t pre-register, then the “day of” cost can get up there. A recent multi-day event had a $75.00

Show Producers are ya listening?

Jimmy B.

entry fee for car and driver only. 5

“the fun starts here”….


almost six seconds quicker than the Corvette C6 Z06 and 21 seconds faster than the Camaro Z/28. More impressively, it’s quicker than the previous Porsche 911 GT2 RS, Nissan GT-R and the current Ferrari 488 GTB.

RECORD AT NURBURGRING The newly introduced Camaro ZL1 1LE has just become the quickest Chevy Camaro to lap the Nurburgring track. The supercharged coupe equipped with the revised 1LE package lapped the German track in seven minutes and 16.04 seconds, which makes it 13.56 ticks quicker than the Camaro ZL1 that the company tested in 2016. The record was achieved using a suspension setup adjusted for optimal track performance and running on the production Goodyear tires, so there’s no trickery involved. At least none that stands out.

Pricing starts at $69995 plus options.

As a brief reminder, the 1LE package adds a range of performance-enhancing features, including Multimatic DSSV (Dynamic Suspension Spool Valve) front and rear dampers, special front dive planes, carbon-fiber rear wing, and exclusive Goodyear Eagle F1 Supercar 3R tires. The 1LE is rated at the same 650 horsepower and 650 pound-feet of torque as the standard Camaro ZL1. The 1LE package adds $7,500 to the ZL1’s sticker, increasing the final price to $69995 before options..

McLaren P1 LM


McLaren F 1 Promotional XPS Prototype 7:11 Gumpert Apollo Sport


Dodge Viper ACR


Porsche 911 G13


Lexus LF A Nurburgring Package


Donkervoort D8 RS


Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1 LE

It’s not only the quickest Camaro; the ZL1 1LE is also the fastest Chevrolet on the Nordschleife, having surpassed the Corvette C6 ZR1’s record from 2012 by more than three seconds. The ZL1 1LE is also 6


Porsche 911 GT2 RS


Radical SR3 Turbo


Nissan GT-R


Chevrolet Corvette ZR1


Ferrari 488 GTB


Dealer Allocation Plan Announced for the 840hp Dodge Demon In case you missed it, the 2018 Dodge Demon will hit showrooms with a sticker price of $84,995. The folks at Dodge kindly released the full allocation plan for the 3,300 it will release into the wild in North America (3,000 to the U.S.). Production begins later this Summer and deliveries will occur in the Fall. Worried about cars being sold well above MSRP? Dodge has a plan for that (see below). Worried how you can track your order? A new concierge hotline (800-9981110) and website was created. And before you ask, orders are being accepted .

“We’ve taken that information and created an allocation plan that is clear and concise, builds on Demon’s position as the Dodge//SRT halo and .makes it easy for our customers to understand how they can put a Demon into their garage and, ultimately, out on the drag strip.”

“The 2018 Dodge Challenger Demon represents the best of what Dodge//SRT stands for – performance capabilities that are second to none, iconic styling and a heritage built on pushing the boundaries of what is possible at a price Here’s how Demon will be allocated to that is attainable. We know some dealers dealers: may be tempted to sell to the highest bidder, but we are encouraging them to  To be eligible to order a Challenger leverage the Demon as a halo for both SRT Demon, dealers must have sold more the brand and their dealership, to bring than one SRT Hellcat in the last 12 months customers into their showrooms and see  Dealer allocation will be based on 60 everything we have to offer.” percent SRT Hellcat and 40 percent Charger and Challenger sales perforThe 2018 Dodge Demon, the world’s mance fastest quarter-mile production car  Dealers can only order as many Deand first-ever production car to do a mons as they are allocated  Demons sold at or below MSRP will re- front-wheel lift, as certified by Guinness ceive priority scheduling resulting in lower World Records serial numbers  Demons sold for a price that exceeds MSRP will be produced after priority production is completed “We learned a lot when we launched the wildly popular SRT Hellcats,” said Tim Kuniskis, Head of Passenger Car Brands, Dodge, SRT, Chrysler and FIAT—FCA North America.


JULY 2017: JULY 1: COOKEVILLE TN: 3rd Annual Red White and Boom, Cruise-In: Cruise location is at the Putnam County Fairgrounds, 155 Fairground Street. Event Hours are12Noon until 4 pm. Welcome Classic Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles. Cash Prizes, Trophies, and Vouchers. FREE Admission and fun for ALL. Prizes will be given every 30 minutes, Dash Plaques for first 200 drivers, Music, 50/50 drawing at 3:45 pm. Directions: Enter at the Westgate off Walnut Avenue. For more info, call 931-2608020. JULY 1: MOREHEAD KY: 2ND ANNUAL GRAVITY FALLS MOTORSPORTS CRUISE IN: Located on Main Street. Show time 6pm-9:30pm. Fireworks 9:45. Family fun for all ages! This is a charity event for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. For more info: JULY 1-2: BYRON GA.: 13TH ANNUAL SUMMER SHOWDOWN: Event being held at the North Peach Park located at 461 White Road. Magazine Coverage, Video Coverage, & E-Zine Coverage. Cash payouts for Best Car, Best Truck, and as always CLUB PARTICIPATION!! Hosted by Freaks Of Nature. AS ALWAYS, SUMMER SHOWDOWN IS OFFERING ***FREE VENDOR BOOTHS*** AGAIN THIS YEAR! IF YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THE ONLY 2 DAY EVENT LEFT OF ITS KIND IN GEORGIA, CONTACT ME TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT!!! DEADLINE IS MAY 31ST. EMAIL or call 478-808-7889. Gates open at 8 am (Sat & Sun). Pre-Registration $20 (Deadline 06/23/17), Paypal pre-registrations to PLEASE SEND ALL PRE-REGISTRATIONS AS A GIFT. Registration day of show: $30 (Driver & 1 ride-in). Each additional ride-in $10. Spectators: $10 per day / $15 for weekend

(Spectators free w/donation of dog/cat food - Min. 5 lb bag). R/C Airplane show on Saturday starting @ 10am, presented & sponsored by Perry R/C Flyers!!! For all info regarding the show, please check-visit our OFFICIAL Facebook page, , AND/OR contact Jason Barnes at or 478-808-7889.



JULY 2017: JULY 4: MAYFIELD KY: TOP GUN FIRECRACKER SPARKLE & SHINE CAR SHOW: Show Location is Downtown Mayfield KY at the Glory Days Celebration. Entry Fee: $25.00 Registration is 7am until 12noon. Collector Dash Plaques. Lots of Awards, 6 ft Trophies for Best of and Choice Trophies plus Specialty Awards. Free Tailgate Party at 4:30. Free Concerts, Fantastic Fireworks, and lots of fun at Top Gun. Open to all entries. For more info contact Top Gun Car Shows LLC at 270-970-0883 or 270-217-

0732 or on Facebook, or at the website JULY 4: CHATTANOOGA TN: 21ST ANNUAL FIRECRACKER ROD RUN: Located at Soddy Lake, take Hwy 27 to the Hixson Pike exit. Show time 9am-2pm. All Entries receive Dash Plaque & Goody Bags. Entry $20 donation. Swap meet! People’s Choice and Club Participation Trophy, Plus $100 cash. Come celebrate the 4th with us at this Firecracker event! Just lots of fun for everyone: no classes, no judging! Do you like to buy, swap, or sell cars and parts? Be sure to check out our swap meet and vendor area. There will be door prizes so make certain you stay till the very end. For more info: 423-718-2138 or 423-505-7221. JULY 4: ROCKVALE TN: 4TH OF JULY JEEP & BIKE RALLY: Event runs from 10am12:30pm. Being held at the Rockvale Community Center located at 9972 Rockvale Rd. $5.00 entry fee. Peoples Choice awards, family activities, corn hole, hay rides, food vendors and live music. For more info go to RockvaleRuritans JULY 4: NASHVILLE TN: Picnic, Cruise-In, and Craft Exchange: Event Location is at the Covenant Baptist Church, 8201 McCrory Ln. Event Hours: 12-Noon to 5:00 pm. NO entry fee. Do you have a nice car? Cruise on in to show it off and talk shop. We invite you to cruise on in and enjoy some food and fun. We are just 3 miles from Loveless Cafe at the Head of the Natchez Trace Pkwy. Look for me (Pastor Stephen), I hope to have my '73 Vette there. Covenant Baptist Church will provide Hotdogs and Drinks. (While Supplies Last). Feel free to bring chips and desserts to share The Craft Exchange will offer those who make jewelry, pottery or crochet as a hobby and opportunity to bring your crafts to show off, trade or sell. (Hobbyist only please – No Merchants) Need more info visit: 10


JUNE 2017: JUNE 29-30: LOGAN UT: US 35 ANNUAL CACHE VALLEY CRUISE-IN: Located at Cache County Fairgrounds, 400 S 500 W. Show and Shine, In-Valley Poker Run, Games, US89 Cruise to Bear Lake, Food and Fun for the Whole family, Awards ceremony, Booths & Prizes, Main Street Parade & Sock Hop, & Women’s World. Can win the 1937 Fork Pickup. In concert Friday June 30 Night Ranger. Scheduled special Cruisein guests. Bob Mehlhoff Street Rodder, iiene roth Representing Rat Fink Productions, CruZin’ Magazine Representative, Pinstripping by Jeff Dastrup. For more info: or 435-799-7149 for the Cruise-In info. JUN 30-JULY 2: DES MOINES IA: GOODGUYS 26th HEARTLAND NATIONALS: Location: Iowa State Fairgrounds. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru ’72, Goodguys AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet, Cars 4 Sale Corral, Saturday Night Fireworks Extravaganza and All American Sunday. For more info: call 925-838-9876 or go to

JUNE 2017: JUNE 30-JULY 2: NEW CASTLE PA: 31ST ANNUAL BACK TO THE 50’S WEEKEND CAR SHOW AND CONCERT: Located at Cascade Park. Proceeds from the event will benefit 2 great organizations, The American Diabetes Association and all parking proceeds benefits Par for the Cure, raising money for Breast Cancer Research. Corvettes and Kids: stop by and have your childs phot taken in a “Steel Town Corvette Club Vette”. Photos free to all children. Spectator admission $5 per person, children 12 and under free. For more info:

JULY 2017: JULY 2: NEW CASTLE DE: DELAWARE STREET RODS 44 TH ANNUAL ROD RUN & PICNIC: Event happens rain or shine. Event runs from 8am – 4pm. Event beheld at Carcierge at 200 Centerpoint Blvd. Entries must be 20 years and older. Awards, event t-shirts, door prizes concessions and more! For more info call 302-422-5105 12


MR. “BONES” OPEN HOUSE Photo’s by Michael Corazzelli / Story by Jimmy B

crowd in attendance, but somehow, many hot rodders make it there to enjoy the friendship of Keith & Ken, talking hot rods with like minded folk and digging all those cool “BONES” built hot rods on display.

Earlier this year, while it was cold and snowy outside, in many parts of the country, , including the update New York region, it was warm and toasty inside a cool hot rod shop. Located in Greenfield Center NY, the Rolling Bones Hot Rod Shop, threw open it’s doors, in a manner of speaking, on a frosty weekend. Once the doors were open, a whole lot of hot rodders walked thru them to check out the latest from Mr. Bones’’ hot rod mind.

For many years now, Ken Schmidt and Keith Cornell have welcomed hot rodders from around the globe into their hot rod shop. It’s a simple formula that have down pat. Open the doors, have some killer grub for everyone to enjoy, add in some cold drinks and adult beverages and let it run until about midnight and then shut the doors. Weather always dictates the size of the 14

This year as an extra added bit of hot rod fun, The Rolling Bones had a display set up at the prestigious Saratoga Automobile Museum. And a special dinner one night too. Enjoy the pics here, since our friend and contributor Michael Corazzellii made the trip and had a ball! They’re going to do it again next winter, so get ready make the trip to Mr “BONES” open house in 2018. 15



JULY 2017: JULY 8: JAMESTOWN TN: CUMBERLAND PLATEAU BBQ COOK-OFF & CRUISE-IN: Located at East Fork Stables, 3598 S Your Hwy. Cruise In Registration begins at 11am and show will begin at noon. Registration fee-$15. 50/50 drawing. For more info: call 931-704-8873

JULY 8: SPRINGFIELD TN: 3rd Annual HAITI Missions Car Show / Motorcycle Show: Show being held at Stewart Williams, 801 Memorial Blvd. Times: 10am - 3pm. Gift bags, dash plaques, trophies & door prizes. Food & Drinks available, Music, Talent Show & Bake Sale. Vendor booths available $15.00. Please bring a can good for the Food Bank. Call or email Deborah at or 615-557-8410 JULY 8: JEFFERSON CITY TN: 7TH ANNUAL SHOW: Antiques, Classics, Street Rods, Sports Cars, Trucks & Motorcycles. Located at the Jefferson Middle School. Show time 9am-3pm. Dash Plaques, Trophies, 50/50 Tickets, Food, Music, Auctions and Craft vendors. Pre-registration $15, Day of show $20. For more info:

JULY 8: DECATUR AL: 30TH ANNIVERSARY GREATER TENNESSEE VALLEY ANTIQUE CAR SHOW: Located at 2900 Point Mallard Circle, SE-Decatur Al. Registration 8am – noon. Saturday Vendors set up on Friday. Registration fee: $25, First 500 will receive a Free Dash Plaque. There will be a huge swap meet and Arts and Crafts for the ladies. Live Entertainment. $8,000 cash Give-away. Prizes to be given away: $500 given away every 15 minutes starting at 12:15 PM. (4) $1000 Cash prizes given away at the end of the show. Chevy 350 engine, (4) sets of 15” Legend 5 Chrome Wheels from Minor Tire. For more info: 256-773-9652 or 256-303-4762 or 256350-3383 JULY 8: GOODLETTSVILLE TN: TOYZRUZ CARCLUB CARSHOW: Event runs from 16pm. Event being held at RNR located at 715 Rivergate Parkway. Reg fee $20.00. Admission $5.00. Kids Free. Trophies for 1-2-3 place. For more info call 615-569 -1117 18


JULY 2017: JULY 8: JENKINS KY: JENKINS SWAP MEET: Set up time is 8am. Open to the public 10am-4pm. Spot prices are $5.00 outdoors, $10.00 under shed. 10x10 spots outside. Door Prizes and Concessions will be sold. For more info or to reserve your spot call 606-794-7479 JULY 8-9: MILLINGTON TN: 14th Annual All Star Event: Hosted by Relaxed Atmosphere. Event location is at Millington Centennial Park. This year the proceeds will be donated to Youth Villages. If you pre-register by June 1st you will on pay $30, after June 1 will be $40. This car show is open to all cars and trucks. Hurry and register today. Any question email, Jerry Lewis at, (or) call, 901-212-7497 or visit:

JULY 2017: JULY 6-8: GREEN BAY WI: GREEN BAY FUN RUN 2017 U.S. TOUR OF THE NATIONAL T -BUCKET ALLIANCE: For more info: or go to JULY 6-8: IOLA WI: 45TH ANNUAL IOLA ’17 CAR SHOW AND SWAP MEET: Featuring Camaro & Firebird 50th Anniversary Plus Trans-AM series Pony Cars. One of the Biggest & best car show & Swap meets in America. 2,500 Show cars, 4,200 Swap spaces, 1000 Car Corral Spaces, 1,600 Camping spaces. Live entertainment, Admission $10 daily, $18 3 day pass, children 12 and under free. Free parking and bus service. Special Guests: Big Daddy Don Garlits, Courtney Hansen, Jo Coodington, Kevin Schiele and Dave Kindig . For more info: 715-445-4000 or JULY 7-9: COLUMBUS OH: 29th GOODGUYS PPG NATIONALS: Location: Ohio Expo Center. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru ’72, Goodguys AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet, Cars 4 Sale Corral, Friday Night Vintage Drags at National Trail Raceway and All American Sunday. For more info: call 925838-9876 or go to


NOW HIRING! Wanted an experienced radio advertising sales person. Results wanted and willing to pay for it. World wide internet programming, a new show weekly that runs 24-7 on demand with a huge listener audience. Highest commission of any local radio station! Earn what your worth, we have no problem with you doing that. Interested? Contact Spivey Williams 270-320-7222 and we will return your call, leave message. 21

JULY 2017: JULY 7-8: BELLEVUE MI: 23RD ANNUAL BELLEVUE CAR, TRUCK & MOTORCYCLE SHOW: Featuring: U.S.M.C. and “Toys for Tots in July”. Please bring a toy to share. The Military order of The Purple Heart, Chapter 110. Friday night “Music in Washington Park. Cruise-in, Dance and Beer tent. DJ 6-8pm. Beer Tent with live music 8-11:30pm. Cornhole Tournament starts at 6pm, Students Showcase of Wheels starts at 7pm. Saturday July 8: The Bellevue Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show. Located in downtown

Bellevue. Registration begins at 8am show is 9:30-2pm. Judging begins at 11am. 1st 100 registered receive Dash Plaques. Classes: Street Rod, Rat Rod, and Off-Road plus bonus Trophies (Best Engineered, Best Paint, etc.) Registration fee of $10 Participant door prizes. Event throughout the weekend—Vendor booths available. Pancake & Sausage Breakfast 8:30-10:30am at the Bellevue United Methodist Church. Hot Dog lunches at the Bellevue Fire Station. Sunday July 9, 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Contact 517-282-2254 or www.kwhitmyer23@gmail for tournament registration. For show information: 269-501-4393 or JULY 7-9: LEXINGTON OH: 2017 AMA VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE DAYS: Event being held at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course located at 7721 Steams Corner Rd. A Threeday Motorcycle Fest! If cool people and cool motorcycles are your thing, you need to check out AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days -- the country's grandest rally for vintage motorcycles. AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days is all-in with racing, a massive swap meet, thrill shows, bike shows, live music, seminars and more. Gates are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. For more info go to events/300745056984010/ JULY 7-9: CHILLICOTHE OH: 1ST ANNUAL OHIO JEEP FEST: Located at Ross County

Fairgrounds. JULY 8: CEDAR LAKE IN: 2ND ANNUAL AMERICAN MUSCLE CAR TRUCK AND BIKE SHOW: Located at Cedar Lake Town Grounds, 7408 Constitution Ave. Free admission to the public. Registration for cars, trucks and bikes $20—10am-noon. Pin up contest, tire throw, arm wrestling. Kids games—bounce house, photo booth, limbo contest. Custom made trophies. CVMA Benefit ride noon to 5pm. 25 mile ride, registration 9am and kickstands up 10:30. $10 ride registration. Passenger rides free. All proceeds benefit Operation Combat Bikesaver. Beer garden, DJ/Band and much




JULY 2017: JULY 8: LYON IN: SOUTHEAST GASSERS IN LYONS: For the first time ever, Lyons' Raceway Park will open their gates to some of the best vintage drag racing in the world!!! Based off the 1967 gasser rules, the SEGA is proud to show the Hoosier State why we pride ourselves in heads up, 4 speed, no breakout RACING! 3 classes of A,C & D/Gas battling in single elimination ladders to be first to the finish line!!! We support our moonshiners and Josh Owens is one of our favorites! Meet and greet with Josh in between every round and watch him compete in his '53 "White⚡️Lightning" Chevy! Every Southeast Gassers' event is a hot rod show! Traditional car clubs and hot rodders are welcome to cruise in and showcase their rides!!! So, come be a part of drag racing history as we re-live it and make it our own...ONLY in The Southeast Gassers Association!! Event will start at 4pm. Being held at LYONS RACEWAY PARK located at 4425 W. 300 S. For more info go to JULY 9: LAKE ORION MI: 7TH ANNUAL MOTOR CITY FEST CAR SHOW AND SWAP MEET:

Located at the Canterbury Village. A family friendly event! Large manufacturers midway. Check out new 2017 parts, talk with factory reps, see parts installed. Starts at 9am, Trophy presentation at 2pm. All makes, models, race cars and street machines welcome. Trophies, Goodie Bags, T-shirts for the first 200 entrants, $10 registration. Fine food, live DJ music. Free swap spaces. For more info: swap spaces -800-843-2821 or pre-register-586-790-4157 or JULY 10: GARDEN CITY MI: 17TH ANNUAL AUTOS FOR AUTISM CAR SHOW: Located at

formerly Garden City West High School, 1851 Radcliff-participants enter from Wildwood. Show time 5pm-9pm. Entry fee $10 in advance, $15 on day of show. Registration cutoff: 7pm. 10 classes…9 Car Classes and a Motorcycle Class! Dozens of Trophies including “Celebrity’s Choice” Awards, Club participation Award and many more! Dash Plaques to first 200 cars. Your sponsorship fee is a Tax-deductible donation. For more info: 734-323-3010 or email, Mobile: text A4A to 28748 JULY 12-16: MANFIELD OH: VANS ON THE RUN-45TH VAN NATIONALS: We salute our Vets! 24


JULY 2017: JULY 8: VICTOR ID: LAID-BACK RIBS & RIDES: ONE SMOKIN’ Car Show. Show takes place at The Knotty Pine. Pretty chill. Show up, pay $20 for your entry and get a free Laid-Back Tee.

JULY 2017: JULY 8: SAN JOSE CA: THE SIT DOWN 2017: Kustom Car Extravaganza. Located at 645 Horning Street. 11am till evening. Special Parking for invited Cars, Pre-64 Traditional Kustoms & Hot Rods. Special Guests, Live music, BBQ, Raffle, Awards. JULY 8: MARCH AIR RESERVE BASE CA: RATTLETRAP STAMPEDE CAR AND MOTORCYCLE SHOW: Event being held at the March Field Air Museum located at 22550 Van Buren Blvd. Car & Motorcycle roll in at 7am. Open to the public at 10am. Food, beer, vendors, WW2 Planes and more. Pinup Contest. $20.00 car/drive & passenger. $15.00 for bike/rider. $10.00 for spectators, $5.00 for children. Under 4 free. Live music and DJ’s all day long. For more info go to http:// or email to JULY 9: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PO SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and high performance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular

Hot Rodding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to or call 800-762-9785 JULY 9: STOCKTON CA: RUST N SHINE: Located at San Joaquin Fairgrounds. Car and Truck Show, show time 6am-3pm. $8 admission, Kids 12 & under free. Live bands. $15 entry fee per vehicle, Trophies and dash plaques awarded. Held in conjunction with the Auto Swap Meet & Car Show. For more info: 209-505-1654.


Murphysboro IL.


JULY 2017: JULY 9: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Located at San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, 1658 S Airport Way. $8 admission Kids 12 & under free, 100’s of sellers, 1000’s of buyers. Come see some of the best Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Rat Rods, VWs, Lowriders, Original Classic cars, & Trucks competing for

over 20 trophies! Car show entry fee $15, Dash Plaques given to first 100 show entries. Swap meet spaces 20 x 20 on lawn or pavement. $20 each pre-paid or $25 each at the gate (Day of the show). Overnight setup and camp out Saturday, 2pm8pm. Overnight security provided. Huge Model Car Show in building #2. Huge Bicycle show October. Huge collectible show, Valley Con May Show, Huge Rust & Shine Show July show. For more info: 209-948-5307. JULY 9: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON GAS BASH SWAP MEET: Located at Building 2 of the San Joaquin Fairgrounds, 1658 S Airport Way. held indoors. Dealers/seller tables $25 each. General admission $8.100’s of sellers, 1000s of customers. Saturday Setup—2pm-8pm. Just show up day of show! Held in conjunction with the Auto Swap Meet & Car show. For more info: 209-629-8089.



THURSDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: Lebanon, TN - Coach's East Gate Grille Cruise: Located at 6750 East gate Drive. Located off I-40 and Hwy 109. From: 5pm - 8pm. Every Thursday Night. Starts April 13th. Peoples Choice Award, 50/50 Drawing and more. Visit: Franklin, KY: The Gathering: Cruise fun on the Square in Franklin KY. Cruise runs from 6pm til everyone leaves. Cruising starts April 13th. SPRING HILL TN: SPRING HILL CRUISE IN: Open Cruise in hosted by the CIGAR STATION. Cruise takes place in THE COMMONS shopping center located at 5075 Main St (U.S. 31) just north of LOWES. Bring your Hot Rod, Muscle Car, Cool Truck, Motorcycle and have some fun from 6pm-?? every Thursday evening. Cruising runs through October. For more info call 615-302-4848 NASHVILLE TN: CONCERT CRUISE-IN AT FONTENAL: Cruise takes place each week rain or shine. Cruise begins Thursday May 4 through Thursday September 28. Cruise runs from 6:00-8:30 in tandem with a new Back Porch Concert Series at Fontanel presented by Champion Car Wash. Enter through the main Mansion gate, and turn left where the entire field behind the Inn at Fontanel will be the cruise location. Located right beside the Back Porch Concert Series, food trucks (unless you prefer a dine-in meal at Cafe Fontanella), a full bar, and a variety of music genres for 22 fun -filled weeks! Evening Raffles & 50/50 will continue as before with awesome swag from the automotive industry's top manufacturers. FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: LEBANON TN: SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN CRUISE: Held on Friday Nights at Middle Tennessee’s oldest Drive In. Starts April 7th. Snow White has been serving up great burgers, shakes, fries and more since the early ‘50’s! Add in a whole lot of cool cars on a Friday night and the recipe equals fun! Located at 1714 West Main St. For more info call 615-443-4299 Hendersonville TN: Hendersonville Cruise In: Cruise Location is at the Streets of Indian Lake shopping center, behind the Regal Theater. Cruising starts April 14th and runs thru Halloween. Cruise time is 6 til 9pm. Family fun, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, ride of the week, oldies music. JEFFERSON CITY TN: CRUISE-IN AT BIG LOTS: Cruise In is held at Big Lots parking lot. 264 E Broadway Blvd, every Friday Night. Cruise times: 5pm - dark. Starts April 7th thru October 27th. Contact Mossy Creek Cruisers at EMAIL



FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: NASHVILLE TN: Old Skool & New Kool Cruise-In: Cruise being held at Life Church, 215 Broadmoor Dr. Cruise Times: 6:00pm -9:00pm. Welcome all Classic Cars Trucks - Muscle Cars - Street Rods – Street Tuners - Rat Rods - Sports Cars - Low Riders & Anything Cool! For more info call Keith Abrams 615-668-8090 or Brian Hayes 615-419-3067. For more info oldskoolandnewkool/?sw_fnr_id=1292302284 SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located right off Cool Springs Blvd. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LEBANON TN: SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE: Hosted by the GOOD WHEEL Cruisers car club. Cruise runs every Saturday weather permitting from 4-10pm. Cruise starts on April 1st. Cruise located in the Old Courthouse parking lot located on the Square. Trophy for Car of the Week and 50/50 drawing too. For more info go to Facebook and then Good Wheel Cruisers page. MT JULIET TN: PROVIDENCE CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Saturday. We meet at Providence Marketplace in front of American Jewelry, 401 S. Mt. Juliet Road. From 5 to 9 pm. If anyone needs more info, call Lester Bentley at 615-405-6056 or e-mail: Goodlettsville TN: GOODLETTSVILLE CRUISE IN: Cruise location is at the Publix Shopping Center, 460 Long Hollow Pike. Cruising starts April 29 th and runs thru Oct. Cruise times are from: 5 til 9pm, Weather Permitting. More info: Billy Wakefield, email: LAVERGENE TN: CRUISE IN AT THE DRIVE IN: Cruise In’s on the Sonic Lot. Located at 5210 Murfreesboro Rd. Starting Saturday April 15th AND RUNNING EVEY Saturday Night. Cruise runs from 6 to 9 pm. Limited parking so get there early. The show vehicles will be parking in the Sonic stalls. Parking at CVS is no longer an option. 50% off of a combo for the CAR OWNER ONLY (when you get here Ask for Somer, for your coupon) Large drinks are 99cents for everyone (flavors cost extra) Oldies music, Old and New cars, and family fun. Please come join us. As always this is. FREE EVENT. For more info call 615-506-8164. 1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : MT PLEASANT TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: 1st Saturday of the month cruise. Starts May 6th thru August 5th. Hosted by Classics for a Cause car club. Times: 5pm - ??, door prizes, 50/50 drawing. Proceeds benefit local causes. Call Donny Lippard614-286-2648 or JR Roberts 931-446-2385 32


1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : Clarksville TN: Memory Lane Cruiser's Cruise Night- BRAND NEW LOCATION!: Starting April 1st - October7th. Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm, we will be cruisin at Books A Million parking lot, located at 125 Hampton Place, (corner of Hampton Place & Wilma Rudolph Blvd.) We welcome all classic cars/trucks, muscle cars, street rods and hotrods. We plan on Door prizes, 50's/60's Music and more. For the shoppers, in addition to Books A Million who retails books, toys & tech items, there is Kohl's Academy Sports - Hancock's Fabrics - IT's Fashion -Lily's As Seen on TV - Kirklands - CATO Fashions. And for food, there is a Cook-Out Restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings, Red Lobster, Starbucks, Joe Muggs Coffee Shop. Come visit with us each month. MURFREESBORO TN: “CRUISIN’ THE BORO’”: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday Night of the month starting on May 6th & June 3rd. Additional dates will be added. Cruise is held at the Central Magnet High School at 701 E Main St. Cruise times are 4-8pm. Music, Door Prizes and games for the kids and the BEST HOT DOGS in the ‘Boro!. For more info call 615-405-5271 or 615-556-0547. CADIZ KY: CADIZ CRUZ-IN 2017: Cruise takes place on the 1st Saturday night from April 1st thru Sept. Cruise runs from 5-8pm and is held at the Cadiz-Trigg Farmer's Market, Renaissance Square. A different featured class each month, park in the former location of the Cadiz-Trigg County Farmers Market (top of the hill next to Renaissance stage area). All others park along Main Street. Cadiz Cruz-In is open to all vintage vehicles- cars, trucks, and motorcycles welcome. Free entry! Music, door prizes cash prizes and fun!. Cruise happens rain or shine. Free trophies each month!. For more info call 270-348-7718 or go to the website at or like us on, OWENSBORO KY: SUNSET CRUISERS DOWNTOWN CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday Night from April thru Oct. The April & Oct cruise hours are 3-7pm and the rest of the cruise-in’s are held from 4-9pm. Each month features a special theme: See their flyer listed here in the cruise listings for details. Enter 3rd and Allen Streets; Shopping, Restaurants, Door Prizes contact 270-313-6136 or check Facebook or e-mail for more details. CARTERSVILLE GA: CRUISE-IN CARTERSVILLE: Cruise is held in downtown Cartersville. Cruise takes place on the 1st Saturday night of the month from March thru Sept. Cruise supports the Etowah Valley Humane Society, DICKSON TN: STUFFY’S FROSTY JUG CRUISE IN: Held the first Saturday Night of each month, starting April 1st and running thru Oct. Cruise hours are 4-8pm. Open to all makes and models. Cruise located on Academy St. Plenty of room to park in the Middle School Parking lot next door. Great food and fun. For more info go to 34


1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LENOIR NC: LENIOR DOWNTOWN CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise takes place on the 1st Saturday night of each month staring April 1st thru Oct. Cruise takes place in downtown Lenoir. Cruise happens rain or shine. All vehicles must be street legal. No Drugs or Alcohol. No bicycles or skateboards around the vehicles. Cruise runs from 4pm until ?? Fro more info go to or find them on Facebook at Lenoir Downtown Cruisers JENKINS KY: JENKINS CRUISE IN: Cruise is held in the park in downtown Jenkins on the 1st Saturday night from May thru Oct. Cruise starts at 4pm. No entry fee no admission family friendly fun. For more info go to FB Jenkins Cruise In. COOKEVILLE TN: COOKEVILLE CRUISERS 2017 CRUISE-IN’S: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday Night of the month from April thru August. Apr-June will be at the Cookeville Antique Mall from 4-7pm. July will be at the Putnam Co. Fairgrounds from 12-4pm. August will be at Hillbilly Restorations from 9-11am. Classic cars, Trucks and cycles welcome. MCMINNVILLE TN: THREE STAR MALL CANS & CARS CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the first Saturday from 5-8pm, from April – Oct. NOTE: There is no MAY Cruise due to the BACK TO THE STRIP EVENT that day. Cruise is located at 1410 Sparta Road. Bring a can of food to donate and make a difference. Proceeds benefit Warren County Food Bank. Music and prizes. ATHENS AL: ATHENS CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: Cruise-In every first Saturday of each month. Cruise takes place from 6-9pm. Cruising starts April 1st and runs thru Oct. Please be respectful to the town & support the merchants. Without either, this won't happen. No burnouts, no speeding, & pick up your trash. No parking available on the north side of the square. Regardless of what you drive or ride, come hangout with other gearheads! active_tab=about BYRDSTOWN TN: BYRDSTOWN COUNTRY CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise takes place on the 1st Saturday Night of each month thru Oct. Cruise is from 4 - 7pm and is held at the Dale Hollow Shell at 1005 Livingston Hwy (Junction of Hwy 111 & Hwy 325). For more info go to 36


MONDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: White House, TN - Cruise-In at Colorado Grill: Cruising starts April 10th and runs through Oct 30th. Come out and join us for good food and fellowship, from 6 til 9pm, bring out you're ride. Location: 2747 Hwy 31W. For more info call 615-5667343 or email: LEWISBURG TN: SONIC CRUISE IN: Held every Monday night from 5-7pm.Cruising starts on March 20th and runs until it Nov. Located at the SONIC Drive In at 420 Ellington Pkwy TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: GOODLETTSVILLE TN: DANA’s CAFÉ CRUISE-IN: Being held at Dana's Restaurant, Hwy

31W, 1264 Louisville Hwy. Cruise is every Tuesday from 5pm- 9pm. Cruise Starts April 25th & runs until October 31st. Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and drinks available. Need more info Call Milton 615-406-4089

WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: Springfield, TN: Classic Tin Cruise In: Cruise Location is at 2008 Memorial Blvd, between Hardees and Burger King. Cruising is every Wednesday Night from 5 til 9pm. Cruising starts April 26th and runs thru October 25th. For more info call 615-3362257. 1ST WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: HUNTSVILLE AL: FIRST WEDNESDAY AT [PROVIDENCE VILLAGE CRUISE-IN: Cruise located at 7 Town Center Drive NW, Ste 102. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Cruise starts April 5th. This event is in the spirit of the old Dairy Queen Cruise-In in Madison. If you loved that event, you'll love this one—same atmosphere, same vibe, same fun, and even more food choices. ALL CARS ARE WELCOME!!!! We will be parking on the grass (we will park large trucks and SUV's in the rear lot to help maximize parking). Please use the entrance near The Brickhouse unless we direct you to use a different entrance. Please don't leave trash, no burnouts, no speeding, no excessive revving, no loud music, or anything else that would disturb residents in the area. We are very fortunate to have such a great venue so lets keep it and make this year bigger and better then ever!!!!! This event is rain or shine and year round. For more info go to

THURSDAY NITE CRUISIN’: LOMBARD IL: 2017 TIRE SWARM CAR & BIKE SHOW: Held every Thursday at the Brauerhouse located at the corner of RT 53 & North Ave. FREE! Live Bands. Great food. Bring the Kids. NO M.C. Colors! For more info go to



FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in April and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct. 1ST FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN: NEW BADEN IL: NEW BADEN CRUISE-IN & CAR SHOW: Cruise is held on the 1st Friday night of the month starting April 7th and running through Oct. Cruise from 6pm to ??? For more info call 618-799-9699 1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : MIDDLETOWN OH: HORSEPOWER FARM CARS & COFFEE CRUISE IN: Held the 1st Saturday of every month all year long Rain or Shine. So even on those cold winter or rainy days just come on out and hang out in the Garage. Start time is 8AM till Noon all proceeds benefit the Blue Skies Warrior Fund. Thanks for all your support we have already donated over $20,000 in 2016. Cruise located at the Horsepower Farm at 2227 Trinity Drive. For more info call 937-477-0450 SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in April and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct. 1ST SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN: MURPHRYSBORO IL: MURPHYSBORO CRUISE NIGHTS: Murphysboro Cruise Nights are held on the First Saturday of each month April thru September- 5:00PM to 9:00PM. Parking begins at Courthouse and goes West to 13th St. April Cruise - Opening Night, 50/50 Raffle, Free hot dogs, DJ show, Free Cruise Nights T-shirt to first 100 registered vehicle owners, 3 trophy Classes and dash plaques For more info go to In the event of an inconvenient weather situation or a rain out we will notify everyone through every means possible of the cancellation by 12:00PM on the Saturday of the Cruise MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise happens every Monday night from 5-9pm. Rain, snow or shine! Held at the WENDY’s just south of I-80 exit 112(Rt47). Open cruise so bring what you are driving and have fun with us! For more info email to 40


1st MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: SYLVANIA OH: The Mayberry Dream Cruise And Burnouts: Cruise is held on the first Monday of the month from June to September. Cars start rolling in around five and hanging out till about 8. The burnouts start just after 7 and everything is welcome. Live music, 50/50 drawing and other activities. For more info and updates go to: TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: HUNTLEY IL: CRUISE-DAY TUESDAYS: Cruise is held every Tuesday in the Huntley Tow Square. Cruise starts June 5th and runs thru Sept. 12th. Cruise hours are 5-8pm. Open to all makes of classic cars, hot rods and Kustom Cycles. Parking is located on Coral St. and featured weekly vehicles are parked in the Chamber lot. Crusin Music by DJ Rudy. Food & Drink Specials. Cool Rides, Door Prizes and Great tunes. For more info call 224-587-6803 or go to HUNTLEY CRUISE NIGHT on Facebook.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN DOWNEY CA: BOB’S BIG BOY HOT ROD AND CUSTOM CRUISE NIGHTS: Held every Wednesday Night at the Car Hop. Runs from 5-10pm. Hot rods, Classic’s and Muscle cars. Located at 7447 E. Firestone Blvd. Bring the whole family for a night of fun. For more info call 562-928-BOBS 1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN: FRESNO CA: RODS ON THE BLUFF CRUISE: It's back! Starts April 7th and it will be massive. Join Hot Rod Coalition on the first Friday of each month thru Oct. Located at the Park Pace Shopping Center 500+ hot rods - thousands of spectators - it's a Valley Tradition. For more info go to hotrodcoalition on Instagram.


1st Monday of the Month

Sylvania Ohio



WANTED: WANTED TO BUY: RESTORED 1940’S ERA CHEVY COE CAR HAULER. LOOKING FOR DEPENDABLE DRIVER READY TO LOAD AND GO. WILL PAY $200.00 FOR INFO LEADING TO PURCHASE. CONTACT GARY LAND 901-212-1021 or (4/6/17) FOR SALE: original Numbers Matching 9C1 Two Door Malibu Black on Black high option car. original build sheets and GM purchase/ window sticker documentation. Car was purchased new by the City of Homewood ( Birmingham) Alabama Police Chief. Always an undercover car and never wrecked. The car paint was stripped and repainted prior to my purchase, however I had the car repainted show quality last fall(16), added the rear spoiler and SS stripe. I have the four original 14" Cop rally wheels. Currently has 15x8 and 15x7 American Racing aluminum wheels and BFG Radial T/A tires. Less than 100 miles. Very, very rare special order car. Drive anywhere, very good gas mileage. Replaced the original HEI last fall, but have the original one. These cars (G body) are very popular now for good reason, they look good and are very light ( about 3,000 pounds), handle and ride well and will carry 5 passengers comfortably. Regular cop cars are fleet purchases and four door sedans. 9C1 C.O.P.O. COP Car. 350 V8 Corvette Drivetrain only available in 9C1. 350 HD Trans/ 2.73 Posi rear. Full Dash instrumentation with 120MPH Speedo and Tach. A/C. F-41 Plus suspension. Pwr Disc Brakes. Pwr steering. AM/FM radio with windshield antenna. Special Highway Pursuit Bucket seats. Dual SS exhaust. Dual Courtesy lights/dome. Trunk popper . $22,500.00 or OBO. For more info call Steve Roth 615-743-5100 Franklin, TN. (4/27/17)


FOR SALE: 1968 Firebird. 400ci Eng. / TH 350 trans. Mickey Thompson tires Torque thrust wheels. Factory air car. Black deluxe interior. Runs great. New carb. & Tune up. $16,000.00. Call Mark 615-477-6341. Car in Columbia TN. (5/11/17)

FOR SALE: 1941 Ford Coupe. 350 GM drive train. Many custom features. New tires, Crager SS Wheels. Custom interior. Fender well Headers. New carb. & Tune up. $16,000.00. Call Mark 615-477-6341. Car in Columbia TN. (5/11/17)

FOR SALE: Very nice 1995 Buick Riviera, almost pristine condition, with a supercharged engine. Loaded, it has factory moon/sun-roof and factory tint. Leather interior. $3500. obo. Ask for Randy or Cindy. Ph: 615-838-9151 (5-17-19)


FOR SALE: Vintage shifter knobs for sale. $90.00 each shipping is $3.00 per knob. Great for hotrods or ratrods. My paypal is Chelsea MA. Telephone number is 617 466 2296. Email me at Thanks for looking (6-1-17)

FOR SALE: Set of 22" Starr wheels with 245/45/22 Vercelli Tires that are less than 8 months old. They are in excellent condition with less than 5000 miles on them. They will fit a Chevy Traverse, GMC Acadia or a Buick Enclave. The only reason for selling is that we sold the Traverse that they were on. Paid $1900 for them new and I'm asking $1300 to move them fast. If you have any questions please call me at 931-698-4779. (6-8-17)



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