Gearhead Gazzette Vol. 17 Issue 39 Sept 28 - Oct 4, 2017

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Vol. 17: Issue 39

Sept 28—Oct 4, 2017

Price: FREE



Vol. 17 Issue 39 Sept 28—Oct 4, 2017

inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate/P8 Photography Jack Cobb - Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors “PC Svc’s, Cartoon Speed Shop, Jim Kinne, Michael Corazzelli, Joe Pruitt, National Corvette Homecoming

Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography Web Producer Senior Feature

Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at

The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast Car Shows Midwest Car Shows Western USA Car Shows West Coast Car Shows East Coast/Northeast Shows Andy’s Final Last Picnic Upcoming Car Shows National Homecoming News Cruise-In’s Across the USA Sale or Swap

5 6 –7 8-22 22-24 24-26 26 28 30 34-58 55 60-70 72-75

Cover: Andy’s Final Picnic Shot by Michael Corazzelli Contents Page: Cool Artwork by Jim Kinne and the CARTOON SPEED SHOP

Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors in the information provided. twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179


“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”

Are you having car fun? We get asked a lot lately , what the Gearhead Gazzette Magazine is about.

readers and

Take a look at the very top of this page….kinda’ says it all really.

We provide the listings for free to the event producers and organizers too. We offer paid options if you want more than we offer for free too.

followers, for free! You can’t beat free.

Two things we are about. #1….having fun with these cool cars and trucks we own, work on, build, wash and wax and of course DRIVE! Hopefully you drive your cool car, because in our opinion, that’s the most fun about them.

Take for example our recent update on the website of CAR SHOWS. We run the listings out 6 months, by region of the USA. Easy to look up and see what’s going on.

#2 is about knowing where to go. You have a lot of choices, some more some less depending on your part of the USA, to have car fun at. If you do not know where it’s at, you miss the fun.

If you want to see your event listed with us, ya gotta email it to us. It’s that easy. You have choices to get your car show info at. We’d like to think we give you the best and easiest way to find hot rod fun.

We also make getting this info easy. We try our best to make sure it’s timely so you do not miss a minutes fun at some event.

Tell us how we’re doing….

Jimmy B.

And we provide it all to you our

“the fun starts here”….


Summit Racing Announces Dates For Texas Facility’s Grand Opening We all know the pain of waiting for our speed parts. You’re so stoked for that next part, or in such a time crunch, that it can’t possibly show up quick enough. In fact, five minutes after ordering, you’re repeatedly refreshing the shipping details like you’re waiting for a hot girl to text you back after you try to initiate a conversation—it’s not pretty. Well Summit Racing’s new warehouse in Arlington, Texas will now reduced that pain substantially. While we know news of a new warehouse might not be the most exciting thing you’ve heard today, the changes that it represents just might be. With Summit Racing’s now expansive distribution network, anything you order off the site, that is in stock, will likely only take two days or less to get to you, anywhere in the continental U.S. We don’t know about you, but to us that is exciting news. With distribution centers now in Ohio, Georgia, and Nevada, many may be able to get their parts the same day they order them. And if you’re lucky enough to be close to one of their facilities, they’ve got one hell of a speed shop for you to check out.

Summit Racing is kicking open the doors of their new location on Friday, September 29 and will be running an open house until Sunday, October 1. So, if you’re in the Arlington area, be sure to stop by. They’ll have both an NHRA Nitro Funny Car and the legendary BIGFOOT on hand for you to check out. And if the sweet rides aren’t enough to get you there, Summit Racing will be offering discounts on in-store purchases as well. The store is located at 2200 E. Interstate 20 Arlington, TX 76018 if you’re in the vicinity. If not, enjoy the quicker shipping as the warehouse is now fully operational. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re off to refresh our shipping updates. 6

"Renaissance Roadster" Wins Goodguys' America's Most Beautiful Street Rod Award!

We Goofed UP!!

When we did the feature last week on the DEAD MANS CURVE #6 and THUNDER ALLEY Show , we goofed up while editing the story. We left out some very important folks who help make the event a success.

Buddy Jordan's "Renaissance Roadster." Coach built by Steve’s Auto Restorations. Jordan's candy red 1933 Ford roadster was crowned America's Most Beautiful Street Rod Saturday night capping a huge year for the San Antonio-based machine. Earlier this spring it captured the Ridler award at the Detroit AutoRama. With the big win last weekend, the Renaissance Roadster now becomes one of Goodguys Top 12 Cars of the Year.

Our apologies to LUCAS Oil, POR-15, RACING JUNK.COM, Red Line Shirts, MADYSON ICE and Atlantic Marine Inspections. These great companies and the people that are part of the companies support and step up to be part of these events to ensure their success. Thank you for what you do! Again our apologies for not including you in the original feature story. 7

SEPT 2017: SEPT 28-30: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: FALL SURFBOARD PROMOTION MAGGIE VALLEY SWAP MEET: Located at Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd. Street Rods, Classics, Rat Rods, Muscle Cars, Customs, Pick Ups, Antiques. 24 hour security, craft world. NSRA Inspections. Open car show both dates. For more info: SEPT 28-30: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: SOUTHEASTERN GAS & PETROLEUM EXPO: Located at 3374 Soco Rd, Maggie Valley Festival Grounds. Gas and Oil Collectibles, Toys, State Tags, Vintage Signs, Road Maps and Much More! For more info: SEPT 28-OCT 1: BOWLING GREEN KY: 19TH ANNUAL NMRA ALL WORLD FINALS: Located at Beech Bend Raceway Park. Wild all Ford Drag racing with street Outlaws, Renegades and more! Huge All-Ford Car Show on Saturday and Sunday. Shop on Vendor Midway and Swap Meet! Street Outlaw TV Star Bobby Ducote! Celebrity appearances and schedules subject to change. Visit for appearance times and updates. SEPT 28-31: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: MOONSHINE VALLEY F-100’S ALL FORD TRUCK SHOW: Located at Maggie Valley Festival Grounds. Top 100 Awards, fabulous Five, Trivecta. For more info: SEPT 29: SCOTTSVILLE KY: Cruise In: Cruise location is at Tractor Supply (TCS), 1138 Old Gallatin Road. Hosted by the Ridge Runners Car Club of Westmorland, TN. Rain date if needed, 10-06-2017. Starts at 5 pm, Open Event to ALL Makes and Models, Tractors, Motorcycles, and Unique Vehicles. Free TCS Hats to the first arrivals, 50/50 drawing, Door Prizes. We are Christian Based and Family Friendly join our Membership at the Cruise-In. SEPT 29-30: PEARL MS: SPARKZ & RESTORATION CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Located at 3000 HWY 80 E. Registration $25, Pre-registration $20 (Before Sept 1. Friday noon to 10pm, Saturday 7am-5pm. All vehicles Welcome! Fun for the whole family! Food, Games, Silent Auction, Raffles, Car Bash, Kid Zone, Live DJ, Corn Hole Tournament, Vendors Welcome. Grab Bags for the first 100 entries. Top 35 & Custom Specialty Awards, on hand Pin striping by Robby Grant. For more info: 601-573-5139

or email or 8


SEPT 2017: SEPT 29-30: BILOXI MS: ROCK-N-ROLL OPEN CAR, JEEP & BIKE SHOW: Located at the Biloxi Town Green, Hwy 90. Show 4pm-10pm and Sept 30 11am-10pm. This is also known as the Oyster Cook-Off & Festival. Registration/Load in Fri Sept 29th, 9am9pm, Saturday Sept 30 9am-11am. Event includes music, food & Vendor booths. Awards Sat @ 5:45pm. Top 25, Peoples Choice, Ladies Choice, Club Participation, Longest Distance. Registration $25, After 9/15/2017 $30. Vendor or Sponsor info: 228-860-5015 or 228-860-5944. SEPT 30: HAZARD KY: WIGS FOR KIDS: Located at Jabo’s Coal River Grill, 420 Village Ln. Rain date October 7. Helping Children look themselves and live their lives! Registration 10-12, show 12-4, $15 per car. Awards: Best of Show, Top 20 plaques, Top 3 pre 1983, Top 3 1984 to present, Top 3 Imports, Top 3 Mopar, Top GMs, Top 3 Fords. Silent auction. All proceeds go to Wigs for Kids which is a non-profit organization that helps children with cancer and alopecia receive real hair wigs at no cost to the families. Proceeds benefit CARA Community Animal Rescue & Adoption. Holiday Inn Express at 100 Riverwind Dr, 601-936-7005, ask for the Show Rate. For more info: or SEPT 30: CELINA TN: Cumberland Fall Cruise In: Event location is at 100 Courthouse Square. Event hours: 2 pm to 6 pm. Free entry, Free T-Shirt to the first 75 entrants, Music, Door Prizes, Drawings. For more info email, (or) call, 931-243-3464 SEPT 30: CROSSVILLE TN: RAT RUN ON THE MOUNTAIN: Located at the Cumberland County Community Complex, 1398 Livingston Road, Crossville, TN 38555. Event Hours: 10 am til 3 pm. Rat Rods, Trucks, Bikes to Classic Cars and all those who just love to look at the cars. Vendors, Food, Door Prizes, Trophies, and Goodie Bags. Vehicle Entry Donation: $15 per auto early entry, $20. day of entry; Motorcycle Entry Donation: $10. per early entry, $15. day of entry. General Admission $1. to get in. Proceeds benefit, bettering the lives of the children in our homes. For more show, registration or vendor info call: 931-200-5070



SEPT 2017: SEPT 30: NASHVILLE TN: Al Menah Car Show: Event Located at Al Menah Shrine Center 1354 Brick Church Pike. Show goes on RAIN OR SHINE Gates open at 7:30, Judging will be performed between 11:30 and 1:30. Awards presented at 3:00 p.m. Entry fee per vehicle is $20.00. Vendor space available for $25.00. SEPT 30: CAMDEN TN: Legend Cruisers Outdoor Swap Meet / Flea Market: Spon-

sored by Legend Cruisers Car Club. Event Location is on Main Street across from Exxon. Event Hours: 7 am til 3 pm. Vendors set-up fee: $10.00. Vendors, you must provide your own tables. Yard Sellers welcome. Free admission for buyers and browsers. For more info call 731-642-8124 or 731-220-1090, or go to Website: SEPT 30: LEBANON TN: Fall Classic Fly-In: Event being held at Lebanon Municipal Airport (M54). Breakfast at 7:00am until 10:00am. Homebuilt, Antique Classic, War birds, LSA/Ultra lights and more. Aircraft judging and Awards. Classic Cars from local clubs on display. Flymarket benefiting the Sattler Memorial Aerospace Education Foundation. For more info, contact Myron 615-347-9108 SEPT 30: Springfield, TN: 3RD ANNUAL SHOW N SHINE CAR SHOW: Hosted by and being held at Cunningham Buick/GMC, 2516 Memorial Blvd. Classic Cars, Muscle Cars and Trucks. Times: 10am - 2pm. Door Prizes! Vendors. FREE event. For more info contact Lindsey @615-212-2267 or email SEPT 30: CROSSVILLE TN: CLASSIC CAR SWAP MEET: Swap Meet being held at the Crossville Flea Market from 7 am til 3 pm. Sell your classic car parts. Located in the far North side open area off North Side Drive. To reserve your spot, call the Flea Market 931-456-9674. For a 12'x14' space ($12.) Bring your own tables or ground cover. Classic Car Corral ($12.) Next Swap meet Nov 4th



SEPT 2017: SEPT 30 BOWLING GREEN KY: Vettes, Pets, and Families: Show Location is at the GM Corvette Assembly Plant located at I-65 exit 28, (GM Plant is visible from I-65). Corvette's 65 year Anniversary. Entry Fee: $20.00 donation per car to register. Gates open at 8 am, Register by 10 am, Awards at 2 pm. Food available, Music, Vendors, Family Fun. Proceeds benefit, Non-For-Profit Charities and Bowling Green

- Warren County, Humane Society. For more info visit: SEPT 30: LAFAYETTE LA: 3RD ANNUAL BAYOU ROUNDUP: Hot Rods, Vintage Cars and Live Music - The Bayou Round Up showcases the fantastic music, food, scenery and culture of Louisiana combined with a great big gathering of incredible hot rods, custom cars, artists, vendors and more along with some of the best live music onstage. Event being held at the Blackham Coliseum located at 444 Cajundome Blvd. Event will run from 10am – 6pm. For more info go to events/1676227289350731/

SEPT 30: MURFREESBORO TN: Tailgate Turnout Truck Show: Show location is at 1056 Seals Way. Event Hours, 4 to 10 pm. Open to All Make and Model Trucks welcome. It is recommended that you arrive early for the best parking spots. Music, Food, Fun, and Tailgates. SEPT 30: THOMPSONS STATION TN: Cruise-In and Guided Rides for Cars and Motorcycles: Event to raise funds for scholarships to send kids to camp. All activities by donation only. Live music, prizes, Poker Run, raffles, food, zip-lines and more! Deer Run is a non-denominational Christian Camp & Retreat Center situated on 100 acres of scenic wooded property. In 2017, 347 scholarships were awarded to families in need and organizations like the Nashville Rescue Mission, A Soldier’s Child, Safe Haven Family Shelter and Boys and Girls Clubs. Event will be at Deer Run Camps and Retreats, 3845 Perkins Road (off Carters Creek Pike). Event runs from 9am - 4pm with 2 tours scheduled More info at fundraising-events/riders-rally/ or call 615-794-2918.



SEPT 2017: SEPT 30: GOODLETTSVILLE TN: 2nd Annual Car Show and Craft Fair: Event location is at the Goodlettsville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 226 South Main Street. Show hours: 9 am to 3 pm, Trophies awarded at 2 pm. Open to ALL makes and models, Got Wheels? Bring it! Vehicle registration, $20.00 each entered. The first 30 vehicles to register receive a dash plaque. Categories include; People’s Choice 1st

and 2nd Place/ Truck, Modified and Stock/ Car, Modified and Stock/ Best of Show/ Kids Choice Award/ and Most Unique-Fun. Door prizes will be given out during the event. Come join us Rain or Shine for a fun filled day of fellowship, oldies music and great cars. Concessions will be available, 50/50 Drawing, Music, Food, and Craft Vendors. Craft Vendors Booths, $25. All proceeds benefit the Samaritan Kids Backpack and Snack Ministry. Every child deserves a new backpack and school supplies. Please help us support the children in our community. For more information, call: 615-859-5888 and visit: SEPT 30: JACKSON TN: Fallen Aviator Car, Truck, Bike Show & Fly-In: Event located at the AASF#3 Flight Facility, McKellar Sipes Regional Airport, Jackson, TN (next to Sculley's Golf Course). Registration fee $20.00 for 1st car, $10.00 for additional cars. Fee for 1st Bike $15.00 / $5.00 for additional bikes. Gates open at 8am, Judging ends at Noon, Awards presented at 2:30pm. All proceeds go to scholarship funds in honor of the five fallen aviators of the TN National Guard. For more info, call 731-425-5600 or visit website at SEPT 30: CLARKSVILLE TN: 1st Annual Willow Chase Dentistry Car Show: Show being held at the Willow Chase Strip Mall, 894 Hwy 76. Times: 8:00am - 1:00pm. Judging will begin at 11:00am. Registration is $20.00 per vehicle day of show or $15.00 per vehicle prior to the show. The classes consists of Best Old School, Best New School, Best Drag Car (modified), Best Motorcycle, Best Truck, Best Rat Rod and People's Choice. For more info contact Shannon Harris 615-767-1549. Door Prizes and Raffles and concessions on site. Sponsors for the show: 101st Adult Dentistry; Willow Chase Dentistry; Clarksville Medical and Dental Repair, Auto Zone and Riverside Muffler & Alignment.


Wheelersburg OH September 30th


SEPT 2017 SEPT 30: MONTEAGLE TN: Fire on the Mountain Chili Cook-Off & Car Show: Sponsored by Tracy City Street Rodders and Monteagle Mountain Chamber of Commerce. Times: 10am - 2pm at Monteagle City Hall - 16 Dixie Lee Hwy. Proceeds benefit Toy for Tots. Rain date October 7th 10am - 2pm. Car & Bike Entry Fee $10.00. For more info call 931-235-1760 SEPT 30: NASHVILLE TN: 33rd Annual All-American 400, presented by FreemanWebb... Location: Fairgrounds Speedway Nashville, 500 Wedgewood Avenue. Check out the Official "FAN" Home Page, visit: http:// . To order tickets in advance call, 615254-1986. Also for complete up to date info visit: events/1654090251302014/permalink/1658626390848400/ SEPT 30: LENOIR NC: GATHERING OF THE PONTIACS, BUICKS, CADILLACS AND OLDSMOBILES: Located at 2581 Hickory Blvd. Show time: 9am-3pm. Registration fee

$10, Food and Drinks for Sale. Free to Spectators, Registration 9am-noon. There will be also 20 classic cars from Rooster Bush’s Private Collection up for sale. All bids welcome. Awards: Best Paint, Interior, Motor, Original, Modified and best of each for the Best of Show. For more info: 828-754-9651 or email SEPT 30: GREENVILLE SC: Carolina Motorfest Fall 2017: Event being held at Greenville -Pickens Speedway at 3000 Calhoun Memorial Hwy. The Upstate's largest car and bike show, auto auction, and swap meet. Show off your ride, take home a tro-

phy, and see amazing cars, trucks and bikes. Buy, sell or trade parts for cars, trucks and bikes. Buy or sell a car, truck, motorcycle or golf cart in the car corral. Enjoy Food, beverages and all things cars. General Admission tickets ONLY $10 each! (kids 10 and under free). Parking is $5 cash per vehicle. Parking on the track is $10 cash per vehicle (car show, car corral, and swap meet only). If it’s on wheels, has been on wheels, or should be on wheels, it’ll be at Carolina Motorfest. Questions? Want More Info? Email: , Phone: 864-2719200 or go to 18

19 1 , 2017 Sept 29—Oct Owensville OH

OCT 2017: OCT 1: SOUTHHAVEN MS: SOUTHHAVEN SUPERCRUISE: A very special edition of the SUPERCRUISE is coming up! We will be benefiting HUNGER 2 HOPE this month. Hunger 2 Hope is a local foundation that gather food to send home with underprivileged kids on the weekends when they don't have the meals at school to depend on. We appreciate any and all donations! Also this month we will be doing a

"Blessing of the cars" if you never seen this or not sure what it is just be there on October 1st and you won't be disappointed. Also we will have FREE HOT DOGS and Drinks this month! Cruise is located at Hwy 51 & Stateline rd. Cruise runs from 4pm – Dark. For more info go to MidSouthHotRodHappenings/ OCT 1: FRANKLIN TN: 28th Annual Antique Classic Car Show: Presented by the Battlefield Region-AACA Car Club. Show location is at The Factory in Franklin at 230 Franklin Road. Registration is from 9 am to 1 pm. Drive thru Judging. Trophies and Awards to follow. Rain or Shine Event. The Music City (AMCA) Antique Motorcycle Club of America will be represented at this event also. DJ Music by, D&D Entertainment. For more info go to .



OCT 2017: OCT 1-8: MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST: 21ST ANNUAL CRUISIN’ THE COAST: AMERICA’S LARGEST BLOCK PARTY! Join us on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, October 1-8, 2017 for the 21st Annual Cruisin’ The Coast featuring all your favorite activities like cruiseins, headline bands & oldies entertainment, a swap meet, the CTC/Vicari Auto Auction and much more! Book your rooms through MS Gulf Coast Hotel Reservations at 1-888-388-1006 and receive a FREE Window Decal! In 2016 we had 7,957 registered vehicles. Car enthusiasts from 41 states plus Canada and Sweden drive to the Mississippi Gulf Coast once a year to showcase their rides and to cruise our beautiful 30-mile stretch of beachside highway with designated stops in Bay St. Louis, Biloxi, D’Iberville, Gulfport, Pass Christian and Ocean Springs. Each venue is set up as a mini festival with a stage for live bands, reserved parking for registered cruisers, spectator parking, and vendors for food and event merchandise. Registered cruisers will receive an ID card in their registration packets to exhibit all week in their car’s

front window; this ID allows entry into the venues where reserved parking is available. A program with maps will also be part of the registration packet so cruisers can plan their individual schedules as this is an open cruise – events are scheduled and you decide which ones you are interested in attending. Our week long event includes cruise-ins, a Salute to Our Veterans event, car auction, swap meet, car corral, and a parade. Spectators are welcome and will find that our cruisers love to talk “old cars.” For more info go to or events/926717964131157/

SEPT 2017: SEPT 30: CLIO MI: 7TH ANNUAL CAR & TRUCK: Located at 218 South Mill St: This is a judged event. 56 Awards: One Pastor’s Pick, Best of Show Car & Truck, Best GM Best Fork, Best Mopar, Best Open Wheel Hot Rod, Best 2000 to Present Men’s & Ladies Ministry Choice, Spectator’s Choice, Veterans Award, Best Original, Best Engine, Best Modified, Best bicycle 1st and 2nd Place. Awards at 3pm. National Anthem @ noon. Donuts/Lunch /beverages/Provided by DJ Marty. For more info: 686-7740 or FB First Baptist Church of Clio (men’s fellowship director) 22


SEPT 29 – OCT 1: OWENSVILLE OH: PUMPKIN RUN NATIONALS 2017: Show is open to vehicles 1974 and earlier. Vehicles must be registered in your name and run under its own power. Each registered car or truck will recieve 1 ticket for the grand prize drawing. Grand Prize for 2017 is a 1930 Model A Pickup. Event being held at the Clermont County Fairgrounds located at 1000 Locust St, located at the intersection of US RTE 50 and Ste RTE 132. Gates open at 6:30am on Friday and 8am on

Saturday and Sunday. Show car gates close at 8pm each night and all other gates close at 12 midnight. Pre-Entry fee is $30.00 and includes T-shirt. Pre-entry open until Sept. 15th. Registration at show is $30.00 and DOES NOT include t-shirt. All registration recieve 2 admissions buttons. Spectators are $8.00 and children under 12 are free. For more info call 513-528-0387 or email at or go to or https:// OCT 1: RANDOLPH OH: RANDOLPH FALL BONANZA: Located at Randolph Fairgrounds, 4215 Fairground Rd. One day swap meet and Car Corral. Over 600 vendor spots.

SEPT 2017: SEPT 29-OCT 1: FORT WORTH TX: GOODGUYS 25th LONE STAR NATIONALS: Location: Texas Motor Speedway. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru ’72, Goodguys AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet and Cars4 Sale Corral, Track Cruise. For more info: call 925-838-9876 or go to



SEPT 30: AUSTIN TX: Cars for the Coast Hurricane Relief Fundraiser: SRE Promotions, Circuit of the Americas and Edge Addicts are teaming up to host a “Show and Shine” Hurricane Relief Fundraiser like you have never seen before. The main parking lot A will be open to anyone who gives a monetary donation. If you want to park as a group please arrive as a group. Come out and enjoy the cars, music, and vendors. Anything on wheels is welcome and everyone is invited to join us. To be a vendor at this event please contact Shawn Jones at . 100% of the donations from this event will go towards the Salvation Army to help the Hurricane victims all over the Texas Coast. Event runs from 10am – 2pm and is being held at the Circuit of America located at 9201 Circuit of America Blvd. For more info go to events/529836840686512/

SEPT 2017: SEPT 30: LAKESIDE CA: 1ST NITRO REVIVAL AND RACERS REUNION: Located at Barona Drag Strip, 1750 Wildcat Canyon Rd. Gates open at 9am. Celebrating the history of San Diego Drag Racing and Hot Rodding. Hall of Fame racers and Hot Rodders share memories of your favorite tracks-Paradise Mesa, Ramona, San Diego Raceway, Holtsville, Carlsbad. Unlimited Cackle Action. Dozens and dozens of Nitro burners. Featuring static starts at will – side by side push starts on the track. Smoky old style burnouts—“Line of Fire” Mass Fire-up-Nitro Exhibition Runs, Classic Hot Rods-Best Push Truck Award. All this and more giving you a chance to get together with old friends and celebrate the “Golden Age” of drag racing, 9am-9pm. For more info

email: or SEPT 30: ESCONDIDO CA: 1932 SAN DIEGO DEUCE DAY: Located at Felicita Park. 8am -2pm. Limited to the first 100 “32 Fords only. $20 per car entry fee (advance registration recommended. Jim Sheridan BBQ lunch available $10. Event T-shirts available (Pre-order when you register $15 ea. Paved parking, picnic tables, advance order T- shirts $15, Shade trees, dog friendly, Dash plaques, 35 mi to San Diego, Clean restrooms. Escondido”s Nitro Nite is Friday Sept 29—so plan the weekend! For more info: 858-449-2379 or or 26


SEPT 2017: SEPT 30: SEASIDE HEIGHTS NJ: OKTOBERFEST MUSCLE AND CLASSIC CAR SHOWDOWN: Show being held at 502 Boulevard in Seaside Heights. $25.00 pre registration and $30.00 day of show registration. Each registration includes 1 entry to Oktoberfest. Open to all muscle cars. Friday Night kickoff party. Saturday night Bavarian costume afterparty. Wing eating contest by Quaker Steak & Lube. For more info and to register got to OCT 4-7: HERSHEY PA: AACA EASTERN REGION FALL MEET: Hershey Region and the Antique Automobile Club of America welcome antique and classic car enthusiasts from all over the world to the Eastern Regional Fall Meet. Admission to the public for all events is free. Flea market with 9,000 vendor spaces and over 1,000 cars for sale in the Car Corral. Open dawn to dusk, Wed. thru Sat. On Saturday, Oct. 7, 1,250 antique vehicles will enter the show field starting at 7:00 am, spectator’s welcome, and judging begins at 10:00 am. Top 5 Reasons to Attend the AACA Eastern Fall

Meet at Hershey: 1. It’s the largest antique car show in the world! 2. Free admission. 3. Antique race car driving. 4. Over 9,000 flea market spaces. 5. The largest collection of antique cars and parts for sale in one location! Many free programs scheduled over all days. All events are held on the grounds surrounding Hersheypark and the Giant Center.Interested in selling your antique car in the Car Corral? Limited registration, you must be an AACA member, will start Wed. at 9am during the event. For additional information, please visit our website at or call 717-566-7720.



Photo’s by Michael Corazzelli—Story by Jimmy B

The majority of you our readers have heard of Andy Brizio. If you haven’t, take some time and GOOGLE him and get a BIG glass of your favorite drink and read and learn about the “Rodfather” will be glad you did. The “Rodfather” has been a mainstay in the Northern California hot rod scene for over 50 years. Yea some of you reading this have not been around that long. If it is happening in Northern California, you can bet Andy was involved or was there. One of the premier events over his many years in hot rodding, is his “Andy’s Picnic”. For a long time the picnic, which was done primarily for lovers of early Ford hot rods, (Andy is a ‘32 Roadster guy...period) was held yearly after starting in 1966. Many locations were used to hold the annual event, with lager venues being used as participation grew over the years. Everyone with a 30

pre 49 hot rod went to or wanted to go to Andy’s Picnic each year. As Andy and his wife Sure throttled back after running Andy’s T’s for so many years, (you probably have a shirt in your dresser printed by them) they too pulled back on doing the picnic every year too. It still took place, just not every year. Enjoying retirement, Andy & Sue moved from the Bay area out to where life is quieter out in Gold Country in Northern California. Fast forward to 2017, Andy being 85, wanted to do 1 more final picnic. He felt it was important with him getting up in years. Late August was the prime time to make this event happen. The location he picked just seemed so appropriate...the Italian Picnic Grounds in Sutter Creek California. The word went out and over 700 hot rodders, friends, and close friends came out to picnic with Andy. Once again, as this is Andy, it was a pre-49 deal and many of those in attendance were driving roadsters. A sea of color, chrome and cool hot rods made a warn summer day that much more special. Andy says that this was the Final Picnic. Maybe that’s true. We’d like to think that the Rodfather will have one more Last Final Final Picnic next year too.




OCT 2017: OCT 5-7: PIGEON FORGE TN: 40th Edition F-100 Supernationals Truck Show: Presented by Mid Fifty F-100 Parts. Show location is at Dollywood's Splash Country Water Park, 2603 Veterans Blvd. See the flyer for show registration, complete daily details, host hotel reservation and vendor reservation information. Show Chairman is Charlie Cobble, his information follows, 423-623-4644 Office/ 423-623-1871 Home/ 423-465-5855 Cell/ or e-mail, and visit, OCT 6-7: HICKORY NC: 3RD ANNUAL HICKORY VINTAGE SWAP MEET & AUTO FAIR: Located at the Hickory Motor Speedway. Friday, Oct 6 9am-6pm. Saturday, Oct 7 9am-6pm and Sunday Oct 8, 9am-6pm. Car-Truck-Motorcycle Show. Classic Car Parts, Gas Pumps, Vintage Signs, Vending Machines, Antique Bikes & Toys, Car Corral! Fun for the whole family. Come show your ride off or Just Cruise In. Great food, D.J. Music, Door Prizes, 50/50 Raffle, Pinstripers. Primitive camping available. Rat Rods, Customs, Classics and Original. Admission $5 each (kids under 12 free). Swap

meet & Show Registration. Pre-registration $12 or $22 w/Event T-shirt by Sept 1. Includes 2 free passes for the event. Day of show registration $15 or $25 w/event T -shirt. Benefit local Charities. OCT 6-8: BIRMINGHAM AL: 3TH ANNUAL BARBER VINTAGE FESTIVAL: The Annual Barber Vintage Festival is one of the most highly anticipated motorcycle events in the world. The three-day festival features a Fan Zone, food and entertainment, Ace Corner, a Century Parade, a swap meet with hundreds of vendors selling vintage motorcycles and parts, as well as the AMCA and VJMC gatherings, and

the Motorcycle Classic Bike show. Read about these attractions - and more - below. Don’t forget… the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum features extended hours as well as seminars during the 13th Annual Barber Vintage Festival Presented by the Triumph. So when you’re not in the park, be sure to check out what’s going on in the museum! For more info go to OCT 7: SHELBYVILLE TN: 3rd Annual Damascus Road Cruise-In: Cruise location is at the Gateway Church, 1304 Madison Street. Cruise Hours are 10 am to 2 pm. Food available, Giveaways, Music, and Fun. Come out to Support Local Ministries. 34


OCT 2017: OCT 7: COURTLAND AL: Antique and Classic Car Show: Event Location: Cruise In On the Square. Registration from, 9am to 12-Noon. No Judging, No Trophies, Open Show. Register Fee is $20.00 first and $15.00 each additional vehicle. Concessions, Vendors, Arts and Crafts. Door Prizes, Ten $100. Prizes, plus other Prizes, and the Grand Prize is (1) Set of Wheels. For more info, 256-637-2707 OCT 7: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: 44TH ANNUAL FALL SHELBY/MUSTANG AND FORD MEET: Hosted by the NE Georgia Mustang Club. Meet will be held at the Festival Grounds in Maggie Valley Festival Grounds located at 3340 Soco Rd. October 8, 2017 rain date if needed. Show runs from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM with registration until noon. Early registration will be available on Friday, October 6 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the show site. As in the past this show will be a popular vote format with awards presentation at 4:00 PM. There will be over 25 classes available with top 3 awards in each class. For more info go to

events/1677634912541809/?active_tab=about OCT 7: MILLS RIVER NC: Southeast Willys - Jeep Get Together: Event being held at Grace Arts Center, 495 Cardinal Road. Swap meet, Tech session, Story swappin, and Awards. Willys Jeeps 1941-1964. Military - CJ - FC - Jeepster - Truck - Wagon GPW. Event times: 10:00am-3:00pm. To register or for more information visit or call Will Springer 828-687-0334. OCT 7: COLUMBIA TN: COLUMBIA LIONS 6TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW: Show runs from 9:00am - 3:00pm. The show will be held in Maury County Park located at

1018 Maury County Park Dr. Proceeds to support humanitarian needs within the middle TN area. General show judging to be used. Cash awards, door prizes, music and food available. For early Registration go to OCT 7: BOWLING GREEN KY: 7th ANNUAL VOODOO HOODOO KUSTOM CAR AND BIKE SHOW: NEW LOCATION THIS YEAR>> Harley-Davidson of Bowling Green 251 Cumberland Trace Road. Show time 10am-4m load-in at 9am. Silent auction to benefit Bowling Green/Warren County Humane Society. Little Miss HooDoo Contest, Model Car Car show, Bands, Vendors. Karaoke at Dolphies on Friday, Oct 6th @ 9pm. Trophies for Frist & Second place. For more info: FB the voodoo hoodoo. 36


OCT 2017: OCT 7: ALAMO TN: CROCKETT COUNTY: CRUISIN’ FOR CROCKETT’S KIDS: Located at the Court Square. Top 15 & Specialty Awards, Door Prizes, Antique Tractor Category, Motorcycles & Race Cars Welcome! Pre-registration deadline : Oct 1. First 100 entries receive goody bags. Entry Fee: Pre-registration (by Oct 1O $20, After October 1 $25. Vendor Fees before Oct 1 $20 and after Oct 1, $25. Make checks payable to Crockett Christmas Store, send to: The Crocket Christmas Store, PO Box 177, Bells, TN 38006. All proceeds to benefit the Crockett Christmas Store. Club Participation Award. This is a Show & Shine. No Alcohol or Disruptive music – No Burnouts. For more info: 731-617-0976 or 731-617-0988 OCT 7: MURFREESBORO TN: 4th Annual CHRA SON SHINE Car Show: Show location is at the New Vision Baptist Church, 1750 N. Thompson Lane. Show Hours: 9 am to 3 pm. Registration Fee: $20.00. Registration Fee for CHRA Members: $10.00 Registration from: 9 am to 12-Noon. 38 Trophies/Plaques Awarded. See Flyer for Details or E-mail: (Rain date 10/14/17). OCT 7: ROCKY TOP TN: 2nd Annual Rocky Top Fall Festival Car and Motorcycle Show: Event location is at the Rock Top Ball Field. Event hours: 11 am to 6 pm (EDT). The Rocky Top Fall Festival will be a day filled with various family activities, a Bass Tournament, Music, Car and Bike Show, Bounce Houses, Food, Games, Craft Vendors and more. We are also collecting toys for the Rocky Top Kids Association at the entrance, for any other info: and events/1343926029009058/ OCT 7: HENDERSONVILLE TN: Mopar Strong GTG-8: Event location is at 248 Sanders Ferry Road. Event hours: 3 to 6 pm. Mopar Strong is the host, but all clubs are welcome to attend. It will be Rain or Shine. It is free to come to the GTG and free to join the club. We will have free Mopar Strong decals, a $20 cash drawing, and a detail basket giveaway. More info coming soon. Visit: events/115642235791469/



OCT 2017: OCT 7: CALHOUN GA: “NORTH GEORGIA HOTRODS” PARADISE DRAGSTRIP SHOW & GO: Located at Paradise Drag Strip, 500 Chatsworth Hwy. Gates open 7am for vendor set up. Rain Date Oct 14th. Nostalgic Drag Meet, Car Show & Swap meet. Eastern Hot Rodder Magazine –Nostalgia Nationals. Come see Vintage Gassers, Nostalgic Super Stocks & Front Engine Dragsters. Don’t miss the chance to run you car on the

Historical Paradise Drag Strip. Or drive your Hot rod out on the strip for one of the most fun car shows around. Show/Swap meet $25, Drag Race $35, Admission $10 age 10 and under free. For more info: or 706-934-3437 or 706-278-2846 OCT 7: MCDONOUGH GA: 12TH ANNUAL MUSTANG AND ALL FORD SHOW: Event being held at SUMMIT RACING EQUIPMENT located at 20 King Mill Rd. Presented by the Tara Mustang Club. Open to all Mustangs and Ford powered vehicles. Awards in multiple categories. Door prizes, music and food. 50/50 raffle with proceeds going

to the Georgia Baptist Childrens Home in Palmetto, Georgia. Judging: Noon to 2 pm, awards at 3 pm. Registration: 9 am to 12 pm. $20.00 pre-registration, $25.00 day of show. Event rain date: Saturday October 14th. For more info go to https:// OCT 7: RED BOILING SPRINGS TN: 9TH ANNUAL CAR, TRACTOR, AND RAT ROD SHOW: Located at the Harvest Fellowship Church, 618 Bennett Hill Rd. Registration 8am-12pm, Entry Fee $10 per vehicle. Trophies awarded at 1:30pm. Door prizes, Silent Auction items, Goodie Bags, 50/50 drawing, Concessions available. Proceeds go to Youth Group and Building Funds. For more info: 931-510-1280 OCT 7: WESTMORELAND TN: 2nd Annual Garretts Creek Church Car Show: Show Location is at 7414-US 231/Highway 31-E (halfway between Westmoreland, TN & Scottsville, KY). Rain date, October 14th. Register from 9 to 11 am. Entry Fee $15.00. Awards at 2 pm. Participants vote for the TOP-5. First 50 receive Dash Plaques. Trophies for Best of Chevy, Ford, and Mopar also a Rat Rod Award and several more will be Awarded. TOP-20 receive plaques. Food and Drink available, Craft Booths. For more info, contact: Gail Gearlds, 615-841-3167 or 615-478-0303 (cell) / Paula Huntsman, 615-644-3914 or 615-388-2369 (cell) 40


OCT 2017: OCT 7: LYNCHBURG TN: CRUISIN THE HOLLOW: Whiskey Runners Car Club presents Crusin in the Hollow in historic Lynchburg Wiseman Park. Event runs from 10am2pm. Free to all, donations accepted. All proceeds go to local programs/charities or individuals in need. DJ, cash prizes, silent Auction, food, 50/50, dash plaques for cruisers. Vender fee $35.00. For more info call Rick Cook 931-703-2644

OCT 7: DOTHAN AL: CELEBRATING 40 YEARS! CAR SHOW: Registration $10 includes admission from 8-10am. Trophies for Top 50 Cars. First 100 cars Receive dash Plaque and Goodie Bag. Public General Admission: Adults $5, Kids $3, (ages 3-12) View the cars 10am-2pm. This is also Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Camaro and Firebird! Proceeds to benefit Landmark Park. For more info: 334-7943452 or OCT 7: Cornersville TN: 2nd Annual Destination Delina Toys For Tots Toy Run: Event Location is at the Delina Country Store, 4397 John Barnes Road. Classic Cars, Motorcycles, Rat Rods, Hot Rod Cars, and Trucks. Event hours, 9 am to 5 pm. *Toy Run - Entry, $20.00 plus a new unwrapped toy for a boy or girl ages 1 thru 12 years of age. Includes one free Event T-Shirt. *Car Show - Entry, $20. plus a new unwrapped toy for a boy or girl ages 1 thru 12 years of age. Includes one free Event T-Shirt. All riders welcome, meet at the Delina Country Store, sign up at 9 am KSU at 10 am. Door Prize at 3 pm (Must Be Present). Toys and Proceeds benefit Marshall, Lincoln, and Giles County, children. For more info, call 931-659-6958 OCT 7: HARTSVILLE TN: 3rd Annual Fall Festival Car Show: Event location is at the Hartsville Trousdale County City Park, Marlene Street. Registration: 8 to 10 am. Top -50 Trophies Awarded at 11 am. People’s Choice, Dash Plaques for the first 100 entries, 50/50 Raffle, Cakewalk, Hayride for the kids, Food, Fun, and Music. For more info, call: 615-374-9574 OCT 7: BIRMINGHAM AL: FORMULA THUNDER PRO CHALLENGE: Located at the Barber Motorsports Park. Over $18,000 Cash Purse Payout! First Place $8,000. Pay out back to 5th. Racers must be current AHRMA members, have met Barber entry criteria as well as complete in AHRMA Formula Thunder Class Series. For Eligibility info: or to learn more 42


OCT 2017: OCT 7: DICKSON TN: 5th Annual Celebration of Aviation: Exhibition for cars, motorcycles, planes and more! Event runs from 9am to 4pm. Event being held at the Dickson County Municipal Airport. Plane rides available for a fee so get there early to sign up. Celebrate the 80thAnniversary of the original DC-3! Fun for the entire family! Contact the airport at 615-446-6611 or visit for more info. OCT 7: DRESDEN TN: 2nd Annual City of Dresden Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show: Event being held at Dresden's Court Square, 116 W. Main Street. Event Times: 2pm - 6pm, Entry Fee $15.00; 1st 25 to register will receive a Shirt and Dash Plaque. 41 Trophies and plaques to be given away. For more information, contact DeDe McClure 731364-2270. OCT 7-8: CARTHAGE TN: Justified Izzy Cruz-In Benefit & Scott Allmon Memorial Poker Run Car Show (along w/CMT Abate Caney Fork): Event Location is at the Defeated Creek Marina, 160 Marina Lane. *Saturday, 7th - Car and Bike Registration

from 10:30 to 12-Noon. Judging at 2pm. NO Fee's. 1 Car and 1 Bike will win Peoples Choice. Admission is $5.00, kids 10 and under are Free. Bands, Corn Hole Games, Auction, Raffle, Vendors, and more. *Sunday, 8th - Poker Run, Register from 9:30 to 10:30 am. KSU at 11 am. Leaving from Gordonsville, TN Shell Station. (see flyer for stops). Fee's are $20 a Bike, $10 extra riders, $20 a Car includes one hand, $10 each additional hand, 50/50 at each stop, Prizes for Best and Worst hands. *No contact information. OCT 8: LaVERGNE TN: DubFest 2017 of Middle Tennessee: Hosted by Wolfsburg Alli-

ance. Show location is at Veterans Memorial Park, 115 Floyd Mayfield Drive. Event hours: Show Cars get in starting at 8 am Registration ends at 1 pm, General Admission at 10 am, Trophies and Awards at 3 pm. Show Car pre-registration, $8./ Show Cars admission at the gate, $10./ Vendor Spaces, $25./ Spectators get in Free. Top 25 awards, Best of Show, Best Engine, Peoples Choice, Best Interior, Best Paint. Goody bags for the first 50 entries, Food Vendors, Music, Door Prizes, Raffle Prizes. Pre Registration is now open. For more info and to pre-register: https:// - and for updates visit: events/768371193330255/ 44


OCT 2017: OCT 10: Morristown TN: Cruise-In for Alley Katz of East TN: Cruise location is at Western Willow Shopping Center, 3606 West Andrew Johnson Hwy. Cruise-In hours: 6 to 8 pm. Free Hot Dogs, 50/50 Raffle. For more info or directions, call: 423-5870355

OCT 2017: OCT 7: WOODSTOCK IL: 6TH ANNUAL THE THRILL OF THE YEAR IRON INVASION: Located at McHenry County Fairgrounds. Rain or Shine event. This will benefit the charity Heling Hannah’s Heart. Get together with great people, make new friends, see killer cars and bikes and raise money for a great cause. Hope to see you there. Hot Rods, Customs, Motorcycles, Pin ups, Bands, Motocross, Swap Meet, Vendors, Charity Auction. OCT 7: STERLING IL: RALLY IN THE VALLEY, VINTAGE MOTOR FESTIVAL/CAR SHOW/ SWAP MEET: Located at 110 South 2nd Ave. Sign up @8am, Trophies @ 3pm. $5 entry fee includes car show, vendor space and entertainment. Food, Beer, Live Music, Rock’n Roll, Rock-a-billy, Pin-up girls, Fire Show, Barbers and More crazy fun! Bands are Three Blue Tear Drops and Tripp’n Molly, The Magnetos, Slick 50 and more. For more info: 815-499-9127. OCT 8: HOFFMAN ESTATES IL: SWEET CAROLINE’S BAR-N-QUE 1ST ANNUAL CAR SHOW: Located at 2525 W Higgins Rd. Hoffman Estates. Show time 10am-2pm. Rain date is Oct 15. Register on site 10am-2pm. Awards at 1:30pm. $10 To enter your

ride, 50/50 raffle, door prizes, trophies for car participants. Bring your family meet your friends, enjoy the Food and The Cars! Brunch Menu Sat and Sun 10am-2pm. Full menu also available. All proceeds to benefit the Anderson Animal Shelter. For more info: 847-519-7575 or



OCT 2017: OCT 6-7: WINSLOW AZ: 23RD ANNUAL JUST CRUISIN’ CAR SHOW: Located on the streets of historic downtown Winslow on Old Route 66 at the Standing on the Corner Park, 2nd St and Kinsley. Show time Saturday: 8am-3pm limited to the first 250 entries. 35 Classes Plus “Best of Awards”: Best of Show, Best Interior, Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Ford, Best Chevy, Best Mopar, Best Muscle Car, Best Engineered, People’s Choice, Mayor Award, Best 3 picked by Just Cruis’n Car Club, Best Represented Club, Longest Distance Award. Poker Run: Friday night 5pm-6:30pm. Cash Awards! 1st place $4, 2nd place $300, 3rd place $200, 1st place $100. Cacklefest 6:30pm. Burnout Contest Friday 7pm. Cash Awards! 1st place $4, 2nd place $300, 3rd place $200, 1st place $100. Automotive Swap meet contact: 928-587-3330. Winslow pride RV Park 10% discount if you are with car show—928-289-9177. For more info: Entry forms on OCT 7: SEALY TX: Lone Star Mopar Fest 2017 - The Fall Finale: Event being held at Lonestar Motorsports Park located at 9281 SW I 10 Frontage Rd. OPEN TO ALL MOPAR ANY MOPAR CARS, TRUCKS, JEEPS & CLASSICS. Lone Star Mopar Fest is where appearance and performance converge. Whether you are new or experienced, a novice or knowledgeable, join in to share what you know, learn something new, and make valued friendships with other owners. Put #LSMF17 on your calendar to meet, show, and race, all in one place. We have something for everyone! Friday: LSMF Ice Cream Social at Hemi Hideout. The MOPARty and Prize Bash. Saturday: Meet and Greet, Concours d'Enthusiast Car Show, Autocross Racing, Drag Racing and Foodie Fun. Come to Show. Come to Race. Come to Hang Out and Have Fun. For more info go to or https:// OCT 7: OAK GROVE MO: OCTOBER WHEELS CAR SHOW: FORMERLY SEPTEMBER FEST CAR SHOW: If it rolls & it’s cool, Bring it!!!! Hot Rods, Bikes, Rat Rods, Project Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Antique Cars, Race Cars. Free admission, open to the public. Car Show hours: 10am-4pm, registration 8:30am-noon. Located at 605 E 12th St. (Football Stadium Parking Lot behind the High School. Auto Entry Fee $20. Supports community outreach and Dyslexia Awareness. Trophies at 4pm. There will be movie cars, Smokey & the Bandit, Jake & Elwood Blues and Kansas City Elvis. DJ, concerts and any event fit for a “King”. For more info: or 816-625-3552.



OCT 2017: OCT 8: MONTICELLO IA; 33RD ANNUAL FALL AUTO PARTS SWAP MEET: Event runs from 7:30am-1pm. Being held at the F’grnds Parking Lot at 700 N. Maple St. Open to Hi-performance, custom, stock and antique(domestic & foreign parts, cars, trucks and motorcycles)For more info call 319-465-5119* or go to

OCT 2017: OCT 6-8: CRESCENT CITY CA: 26TH ANNUAL SEA CRUISE CAR SHOW: Join us for a Show ‘n’ Shine in downtown Crescent City on Friday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Wander down 3rd Street between G & K Streets to view classic cars up close. After the Show ‘n’ Shine, a sanctioned closed cruise, limited to vehicles which are registered for the car show, will go through downtown Crescent City as part of

the Blues, Brews & Cruise event, which will feature a blues band, microbrews and food. For more information on the Blues, Brews & Cruise go to event/blues-brews-cruise/ . The Car Show is in Beachfront Park on Saturday and also features live music. Judging will be between 10:00am and noon; awards are announced at 3:00pm. Food and marketplace vendors will be open throughout the day. The Dance is returning Saturday night at the Fairgrounds! Dance to the music of “California Dreamin'”. Hosted by the 41st Agricultural District, it will include dinner and a dance from 6:00pm to 11:00pm.

The Del Norte Senior Center is holding a Poker Run Sunday morning. Call Charlene Mazzei, at (707) 464-3069 for more information. REGISTRATION FORMS: Download, fill out and return this form with your payment to Sea Cruise 2017, 1001 Front Street, Crescent City, CA 95531. (Hint: If you open the form in Adobe, then you

can fill it out on your computer.) For more information, call 707-464-3174 or go to



OCT 2017: OCT 7: SAN BERNARDINO CA: 5TH ANNUAL RENDEZVOUS BACK TO WHERE IT ALL BEGAN: Located in downtown San Bernardino. Show time 10am-10pm. Car Registration by Sept 22 is $35 and includes one event T-shirt. Additional Event T-shirts must be ordered by Sept 22. Registration after Sept 22 including the Day of the Event $40 and does not include T-shirt…Shirts must be purchased on day of the

event. Early car check-in will be Friday, Oct 6 5pm-9pm. Club/groups wishing to part together must bring in completed registration forms by sept 22. Clubs/groups PLEASE organize all your car registrations to be submitted at one time in order to part together. Reserved parking assigned on a first come, first serve basis by date received at Chamber or Office. There is a poker run 7:30 am--$5 per car. For more info: 909-885-7515 or or email OCT 7: ANAHEIM CA: 3RD ANNUAL PATRIOTS AND PAWS: HOMETOWN HEROES CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW: Show time 9am-3pm. Located at Canyon RV Park, East Anaheim Gypsum Canyon and 91 Freeway. Classics, Customs, Hotrods, Surf Wagons, Woodies, Ratrods, Muscle, Motorcycles, Military and First Responder Vehicles. We need your support-Help us Help our Veterans: Fun for the whole Family. Live Music, Great Food, Shaved Ice, 50/50 and Kids games. Drawings every hour, Vendors. Event details and online car registration: www.PATRIOTSANDPAWSCARSHOW.COM OCT 7-8: FIREBAUGH CA: 9th ANNUAL HOT ROD GATHERING & EAGLE FIELD RUNWAY DRAG RACING: Event being held at Eagle Field located at 11100 W Eagle Ave, Near I5 & Ness Ave. Saturday is run what ya brung 1/8 mile drags with flag start. Saturday

Night Hanger Party with Historic NITRO Fire Ups and live band. FREE 74 and earlier car show parking and swap spaces with paid admissions. Gassers, Dragsters, HOT RODS, Muscle Car, the Beast Jet Dragster & More! A whole weekend of fun! For more info call 559-351-3537 or go to



OCT 2017: OCT 8: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PO SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and high performance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Rodding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to or call 800-762-9785 OCT 8: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Located at San Joaquin County Fairgrounds. Show time: 6am-3pm, $8 admission Kids 12 & under free, 100’s of sellers, 1000’s of buyers. Come see some of the best Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Rat Rods, VWs, Lowriders, Original Classic cars, & Trucks competing for over 20 trophies! Car show entry fee $15, Dash Plaques given to first 100 show en-

tries. Swap meet spaces 20 x 20 on lawn or pavement. $20 each pre-paid or $25 each at the gate (Day of the show). Overnight setup and camp out Saturday, 2pm8pm. Overnight security provided. Huge Model Car Show in building #2. Huge Bicycle show October. Huge collectible show, Valley Con May Show, Huge Rust & Shine Show July show. For more info: 209-948-5307. OCT 8: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON MODELRAMA: Located at the Stockton Fairgrounds, 1658 S Airport Way. Held Indoors in Conjunction with the Classic Car Show and Swamp Meet Held Outdoors. Set up Saturday 2pm-8pm. $25 Sellers Tables. For more info: 209-943-0602. OCT 8: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON CYCLE SHOW AND SWAP MEET: Located at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds 6am-3pm. This is in conjunction with the Stockton Car Show and Swap meet! Kids12 and under are free. Bike Raffle! Tickets are $1. Indoor show rain or shine. All bikes, pedal cars and wagons welcome. General admission $8 / $25 per space. For more info: 209-471-1387.



OCT 2017: OCT 4-7: HERSHEY PA: AACA EASTERN REGION FALL MEET: Hershey Region and the Antique Automobile Club of America welcome antique and classic car enthusiasts from all over the world to the Eastern Regional Fall Meet. Admission to the public for all events is free. Flea market with 9,000 vendor spaces and over 1,000 cars for sale in the Car Corral. Open dawn to dusk, Wed. thru Sat.

On Saturday, Oct. 7, 1,250 antique vehicles will enter the show field starting at 7:00 am, spectator’s welcome, and judging begins at 10:00 am. Top 5 Reasons to Attend the AACA Eastern Fall Meet at Hershey: 1. It’s the largest antique car show in the world! 2. Free admission. 3. Antique race car driving. 4. Over 9,000 flea market spaces. 5. The largest collection of antique cars and parts for sale in one location! Many free programs scheduled over all days. All events are held on the grounds surrounding Hersheypark and the Giant Center.Interested in selling your antique car in the Car Corral? Limited registration, you must be an AACA member, will start Wed. at 9am during the event. For additional information, please visit our website at or call 717-566-7720.



OCT 2017: OCT 5-8: OCEAN CITY MD: 37TH ANNUAL HOT ROD & CUSTOM CAR SHOW: Located at the Ocean City Maryland Convention Center. Brilliant paint, bright chrome and tricked out American street rides will be showcased in the Ocean City Convention Center. For the seventh year in a row the Hot Rod & Custom Car Show will be held in conjunction with Endless Summer Cruisin. From wild customs to cool classics, ex-

treme trick trucks to hot muscle cars and more, all will be on display at this Championship auto show. Trophies will be given out to the top three in each class as well as over $2,000 cash and specialty awards including Best Paint, Engine, Interior, Undercarriage, Display, and Engineered. Joining the fun this year is television and movie star, Ernie Hudson, best known for his role as Winston Zeddemore from Ghostbusters. Ernie will be at the event Friday and Saturday 11-4. Check out the Ecto-1show car that will be on display. Get the rare opportunity to take a picture with Ernie and the famous Ghostbuster car! Also scheduled to appear at Endless Summer Cruisin, star of the hit show American Restoration and Pawn Stars, Rick Dale. Rick, who owns Rick's Restorations will be available for Meet & Greets Friday and Saturday 11-4 at the Beachside Inlet. Live music, give-aways, door prizes and more. Taking the stage during the Hot Rod & Custom Car Show is THE HIGHWAYMEN LIVE Thursday, in the OC Performing Arts Center. The Highwaymen Live features a musical tribute to Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash. Relive the glory days at this must see event. For tickets call or visit the OC Box Office, 1800-OC-OCEAN. Space is limited so don’t delay, register today! For vendor information please call 410-798-6304 or email Please

note the town of Ocean City has implemented a new trailer parking ordinance which prohibits trailer parking on city streets from May 1st – October 31st. Limited free trailer parking is available for the indoor show participants at the OC Convention Center as well as the route 50 Park & Ride located at the south side of route 50 just before you cross the bridge into Ocean City. Additionally many hotels are offering free trailer parking. Please check with your OC accommodations or call the visitor center for a list of places offering trailer parking, 1-800-OC-OCEAN. Any participants that wish to park a trailer on city streets will need a trailer parking permit. 58


THURSDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: Lebanon, TN - Coach's East Gate Grille Cruise: Located at 6750 East gate Drive. Located off I-40 and Hwy 109. From: 5pm - 8pm. Every Thursday Night. Starts April 13th. Peoples Choice Award, 50/50 Drawing and more. Visit: Franklin, KY: The Gathering: Cruise fun on the Square in Franklin KY. Cruise runs from 6pm til everyone leaves. Cruising starts April 13th. NASHVILLE TN: CONCERT CRUISE-IN AT FONTENAL: Cruise takes place each week rain or shine. Cruise begins Thursday May 4 through Thursday September 28. Cruise runs from 6:00-8:30 in tandem with a new Back Porch Concert Series at Fontanel presented by Champion Car Wash. Enter through the main Mansion gate, and turn left where the entire field behind the Inn at Fontanel will be the cruise location. Located right beside the Back Porch Concert Series, food trucks (unless you prefer a dine-in meal at Cafe Fontanella), a full bar, and a variety of music genres for 22 fun -filled weeks! Evening Raffles & 50/50 will continue as before with awesome swag from the automotive industry's top manufacturers. FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: LEBANON TN: SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN CRUISE: Held on Friday Nights at Middle Tennessee’s oldest Drive In. Starts April 7th. Snow White has been serving up great burgers, shakes, fries and more since the early ‘50’s! Add in a whole lot of cool cars on a Friday night and the recipe equals fun! Located at 1714 West Main St. For more info call 615-443-4299 Hendersonville TN: Hendersonville Cruise In: NEW CRUISE LOCATION! Cruise Location is now at 393 E. Main St., at the old Sear Outlet Parking Lot. Cruising is on every Friday Night thru Halloween. Cruise time is 6 til 9pm. Family fun, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, ride of the week, oldies music. JEFFERSON CITY TN: CRUISE-IN AT BIG LOTS: Cruise In is held at Big Lots parking lot. 264 E Broadway Blvd, every Friday Night. Cruise times: 5pm - dark. Starts April 7th thru October 27th. Contact Mossy Creek Cruisers at EMAIL NASHVILLE TN: Old Skool & New Kool Cruise-In: Cruise being held at Life Church, 215 Broadmoor Dr. Cruise Times: 6:00pm -9:00pm. Welcome all Classic Cars Trucks - Muscle Cars - Street Rods – Street Tuners - Rat Rods - Sports Cars - Low Riders & Anything Cool! For more info call Keith Abrams 615-668-8090 or Brian Hayes 615-419-3067. For more info oldskoolandnewkool/?sw_fnr_id=1292302284



SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located right off Cool Springs Blvd. EVERY OTHER SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: GUTHRIE KY: Cars & Coffee at Tommy's Quality Used Cars: Will be held every other Saturday Morning starting May 27th. Cruise located at 424 State Street. Cruise Times: 9:00am - 10:00am. For more info, call (270) 483-0386. Cruise Dates left: Sept 30th. LAST SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: LaVERGENE TN: CARS & COFFEE CRUISE AT GATEWAY CLASSIC CARS OF NASHVILLE: Cars and Coffee is now Year Round and starts on Jan 28th! Cruise Location is 320 Tech Park Drive, Ste 600. We get it, you do not want to drive your prized jewel in the winter months, Gateway Classic Cars doesn't want you to either. Bring your daily driver and still enjoy donuts and coffee on us! Come hang out, have breakfast/ coffee, and check out all our New Arrivals on the 3rd Saturday of every month from 9am till 12 noon. Need more info? Call: 615-213-1800 or Visit: LaVERGENE TN: STREETSIDE CLASSIC CARS & COFFEE CRUISE IN: Held the last Saturday of the month (rain or shine) from 9am-12pm. Open to all makes and models. Being held at the Streetside showroom at 6000 Reliance Drive LaVergene TN. Drive your classic car out and check out the showroom too! EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LEBANON TN: SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE: Hosted by the GOOD WHEEL Cruisers car club. Cruise runs every Saturday weather permitting from 4-10pm. Cruise starts on April 1st. Cruise located in the Old Courthouse parking lot located on the Square. Trophy for Car of the Week and 50/50 drawing too. For more info go to Facebook and then Good Wheel Cruisers page. MT JULIET TN: PROVIDENCE CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Saturday. We meet at Providence Marketplace in front of American Jewelry, 401 S. Mt. Juliet Road. From 5 to 9 pm. If anyone needs more info, call Lester Bentley at 615-405-6056 or e-mail: Goodlettsville TN: GOODLETTSVILLE CRUISE IN: Cruise location is at the Publix Shopping Center, 460 Long Hollow Pike. Cruising starts April 29 th and runs thru Oct. Cruise times are from: 5 til 9pm, Weather Permitting. More info: Billy Wakefield, email:



EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LAVERGENE TN: CRUISE IN AT THE DRIVE IN: Cruise In’s on the Sonic Lot. Located at 5210 Murfreesboro Rd. Starting Saturday April 15th AND RUNNING EVEY Saturday Night. Cruise runs from 6 to 9 pm. Limited parking so get there early. The show vehicles will be parking in the Sonic stalls. Parking at CVS is no longer an option. 50% off of a combo for the CAR OWNER ONLY (when you get here Ask for Somer, for your coupon) Large drinks are 99cents for everyone (flavors cost extra) Oldies music, Old and New cars, and family fun. Please come join us. As always this is. FREE EVENT. For more info call 615-506-8164.

LAST SATURDAY NIGHT OF THE MONTH: COVINGTON LA: G3C MONTHLY CRUISE: Hosted by the Gulf Coast Classic Cruisers (G3C). The monthly cruise start on Saturday March 25th and runs each month thru Oct. Cruise takes place from 5p-9p at Pinnacle Shopping Center, right behind Texas Roadhouse. 50/50 raffle, door prizes and of course great music from the one and only DJ Wanda. If you have an questions please contact them at LEWISBURG TN: LEWISBURG CRUISE IN: Cruise is held the last Saturday Night rom May thru September; Cruise runs from 4-7pm. Cruise is held on The Square in downtown. 50/50 drawing. No alcoholic beverages or boom boxes allowed. COOKEVILLE TN: COOKEVILLE CRUISERS 2017 CRUISE-IN’S: Cruise will be held on the Last Saturday Night of September, at the Cookeville Antique Mall from 4-7pm. July will be at the Putnam Co. Classic cars, Trucks and cycles welcome. EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: LEBANON TN: MUSCLE CARS & COFFEE: Cruise starts on Aug. 6th and runs every Sunday morning. Cruise times are 10am-Noon. Cruise being held at the Old Applebees in Lebanon located at 609 South Cumberland St. SUNDAY NIGHT EACH WEEK: SOUTHHAVEN MS: SONIC CRUISE IN: Cruise is back and being held every Sunday night. Cruise is held at the Sonic Drive In at Goodman & Getwell. Cruise starts at 6pm. MONDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: White House, TN - Cruise-In at Colorado Grill: Cruising starts April 10th and runs through Oct 30th. Come out and join us for good food and fellowship, from 6 til 9pm, bring out you're ride. Location: 2747 Hwy 31W. For more info call 615-5667343 or email: LEWISBURG TN: SONIC CRUISE IN: Held every Monday night from 5-7pm.Cruising starts on March 20th and runs until it Nov. Located at the SONIC Drive In at 420 Ellington Pkwy. 64


TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: GOODLETTSVILLE TN: DANA’s CAFÉ CRUISE-IN: Being held at Dana's Restaurant, Hwy 31W, 1264 Louisville Hwy. Cruise is every Tuesday from 5pm- 9pm. Cruise Starts April 25th & runs until October 31st. Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and drinks available. Need more info Call Milton 615-406-4089 NOLENSVILLE TN: Rita's Cars, Custard, and Country Cruise-In: Cruise-In is held every Tuesday Evening and starts at 6 pm. Cruise is held at Rita’s located at 7171 Nolensville Pike. Bring your Ride to Rita's Italian Ice/Frozen Custard Social. Receive 20% Off a Frozen Treat. Facebook: NolensvilleRitas CARTHAGE TN: Hart's Hot Rod Diner Cruise In: Takes place every Tuesday evening. Located at 630 Lebanon Hwy. Event hours, 5 pm till ?? Great food, drinks, great people, and food specials, check our Facebook page. For more info, Tommy @ 615-588 -3182 or email: (&) visit, HartsHotRodDiner/ for those daily specials. WESTMORELAND TN: Ridge Runnerz Car Club Cruise-In: Cruise takes place every Tuesday night. Held downtown next to Veterans Memorial. Judges pick “Ride of the Week” each week. Bring your ride and join us for Fun , fellowship and prizes, plus 50/50 drawing Everyone Welcome!! Cruise runs from 5:30pm till ??Pledge of allegiance and closing prayer. For more info call 615-478-0303 WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: Springfield, TN: Classic Tin Cruise In: Cruise Location is at 2008 Memorial Blvd, between Hardees and Burger King. Cruising is every Wednesday Night from 5 til 9pm. Cruising starts April 26th and runs thru October 25th. For more info call 615-3362257.

THURSDAY NITE CRUISIN’: LOMBARD IL: 2017 TIRE SWARM CAR & BIKE SHOW: Held every Thursday at the Brauerhouse located at the corner of RT 53 & North Ave. FREE! Live Bands. Great food. Bring the Kids. NO M.C. Colors! For more info go to FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in April and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct 66


LAST FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: O’FALLON IL: CRUZ 4 CANCER: Cruise is held on the LAST Friday Night of July –Sept. Cruise runs from 6-10pm. Cruise is held at Sybergs O’Fallon at 1310 Central Park Drive. Open to all makes, models and motorcycles. Live Music and Silent Auction too. Hosted by the Party Tyme Cruzers. SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in April and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct. LAST SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN: WHEELERSBURG OH: OHIO RIVER STREET RODDERS MONTHLY CRUISE-IN: The Ohio River Street Rodders hosts a monthly Cruise-in at the McDonalds located at 8808 Ohio River Rd. Runs 5– 8pm every month from May to September and the 2nd Saturday in October. We are Southern Ohio's largest cruise-in, never an entry fee, Live DJ playing 50's thru 80's music, lots of door prizes and a grand door prize at every event. We also have a 50-50 drawing with all proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House. Usually 300+ vehicles at each one. Bring the family and enjoy a good time. For more info go to MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise happens every Monday night from 5-9pm. Rain, snow or shine! Held at the WENDY’s just south of I-80 exit 112(Rt47). Open cruise so bring what you are driving and have fun with us! For more info email to

FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers. Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Free Custard. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to events/313950265718586 68


WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN DOWNEY CA: BOB’S BIG BOY HOT ROD AND CUSTOM CRUISE NIGHTS: Held every Wednesday Night at the Car Hop. Runs from 5-10pm. Hot rods, Classic’s and Muscle cars. Located at 7447 E. Firestone Blvd. Bring the whole family for a night of fun. For more info call 562-928-BOBS

THURSDAY NITE CRUISIN’: WARWICK NY: RJR MEMORIAL CRUISE IN CAR SHOW NIGHTS: Cruise is held every Thursday evening thru Sept. Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held at Pennings Farm Market located at Rte 94 & Warwick Turnpike. Weekly awards, raffles and live music. Registration: Any donation is welcome and all monies raised will be donated to charity. For more info go to



FOR SALE: 1967 NOVA. This beautiful high quality frame off pro built 1967 Nova started with all original body panels, body stripped to bare metal. Now has gorgeous hugger orange paint. SBC 350 ci.4 bolt main, Comp Cam 30/30 chop cam, mild head work, Corvette manifold, HEI Ignition, new wires, new flow cooler thermostat, fender well headers coated and painted white into full exhaust to rear. Manual Tremec 5 speed, Ansen scatter shield. Ford posi rear w/4:10gears. New rear brakes & wheel cylinders. Pro sub frame with disc brakes and chrome shocks. Custom one off ladder bars. Frame straps front to rear. FD fuel delivery system with polished aluminum 15 gallon fuel cell. New battery, new Holley fuel pump.15x4 ET spokes in front. 15x8 americans in rear with cheater slicks. New wiring harness. Complete new black interior top to bottom. Black anodized aluminum door panels and rear panels. Northern aluminum radiator w/front puke tank. Freshly painted undercarriage. Hand lettered with Italian gold leaf, all lettering hand painted. Too much to list! Call for details..973857-1781 leave message. (8/24/17)

FOR SALE: Super nice Coca Cola Trailer. Vintage Coke box mounted on a 49"X48" trailer. Coke box is 44"X27". Brand new tires and New Baby Moon Wheels. LED light bar that blinks with turn signals. Would look great behind a streetrod or hotrod. $2500 OBO Call Aubrey at 731-697-9150. (8/31/17)


FOR SALE: 2005 Chevrolet SSR LS2 V-8 Ricochet Silver Metallic, only 1226 built in this color (rarest color of all 2005 SSR’s). 33,138 (Currently) (will be garage kept and not driven in rain, but will be driven to car shows and enjoyed until sold). 390HP @ 5400 RPM, 4L65-E Automatic Trans, 3:73 rear end, 4 Wheel Disc Breaks NSStainless Steel exhaust. Black Leather, Bose Stereo with 6-CD Changer, Power Windows/Power Locks/Power Top and Black/red SSR Logo Floor Mats. Carpeted Covered Bed. Tires in excellent condition. Body does have a few minor rock chips on the front and is a used and driven vehicle, but is in Excellent condition. This was my Dad’s truck he purchased from a family friend who obtained it from a Mecum Auction in Florida and driven back to Lexington Kentucky and fully inspected at a GM Dealership. Dad bought it to collect and to show and he can no longer enjoy it or take care of it the way he would like to, so I will be selling it for him. I have the clear Tennessee Title in hand in my name and will sell it for 22,000 or best offer!!! I cannot Deliver, but will work the buyer who is out of town. If interested please call: Jeff Wolf 615-319-6238 or Email: (9/14/17)

FOR SALE: 1935 Ford Pick up Project, all original steel parts and stick frame. No engine or drive train. Call for more info or email me. (9/21/17)


FOR SALE: FOR SALE OR TRADE. 4 Brand New Kazera Mag Wheels and Pirelli Tires. Kazera Chrome Mags 8 lug, 4 lug small (100) and 4 lug large (4 ½”) with Pirelli PZERO NERO, P-215-35-ZR 18 84 MS tires18x7.5. $800.00 or BO or Trade (Costs $1600.00 new) Call Bob 973-838-1675 and leave message OR EMAIL AT (9/21/17)


! David Tinsley writes I am in need of a 1988-1998 Red or Maroon Chevrolet Z71 pickup for a Chevy promo that will be shown during the 2017 CMA awards show on November 8th. The truck will be needed 2 days for filming Oct 3rd and Oct 4th in a couple different locations around Nashville. There are no crazy or reckless driving scenes. Just some beauty shots of actors getting in and out, pulling up to different places and sitting in the truck and on the tailgate. They would like a pickup that looks stock with not a lot of aftermarket modifications and that has been fairly well taken care of (grandpa’s truck). No major rust or body damage. As always it will be fully insured and the owner is more than welcome to bring the pickup, hang out and watch or we will gladly come pick the truck up and bring it back when we are finished. Either way, they will be compensated for the use of the pickup. Any pictures or questions can be emailed to or texted to 615-579-3799. The production company would like to see pictures no later than this Saturday, September 23rd. (I know short notice but it can be done). Again, email pics too, David Tinsley, or text pic too, 615-579-3799 Thanks!



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