Vol. 18 Issue #25
June 21-27, 2018
Price: FREE
New From Jay Leno’s Garage! Win This Jeep!
Vol. 18 Issue 25 June 21-27, 2018 inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate/P8 Photography Jack Cobb - tnhost.com Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors PC Svcs, Kahn Media, Nick Avgeres, Michael Corazzelli. Michael Corazellii Photography, Larry Williams, Larry Williams Design
Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography Web Producer Senior Feature
Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast USA Shows Midwest USA Shows Western USA Shows East Coast & NE USA Shows West Coast USA Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA Go West Hot Rodders Upcoming Car Shows BUY-SELL-TRADE-WANTED
4 6 –7 8-16 18-24 24-26 28-30 30 32-46 48 54-70 72-73
Cover: Roadster @ NSRA Western Nationals by Michael Corazzelli
Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors in the information provided.
Contents Page: Cool “Toon Larry Williams created for our Cover Contest Winner gearheagazzette@gmail.com www.gearheadgazzette.com www.facebook.com/gearhead-gazzette twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”
Pre or Post 1948….which is right? Fast forward to now. Both NSRA and now GOODGUYS have “bumped” the eligibility date to 1988 or earlier for entries into events. GOODGUYS had been at 72 & Earlier since forever, but announced last year that they were expanding the date. Now for both organizations, they caught a lot of backlash from members and non members too. We as hot rodders tend to get stuck in a rut, Yes We Do, and folks gave their input on the change. Personally I am ok with it. I believe this will bring some new “blood” into our hobby. The “newer” cars tend to be more affordable for hot rodders just getting started. And As I have written on other occasions, our hobby and lifestyle is getting older with not a lot of younger folks jumping in these days. Take a look around a major event….a lot of guys with gray on top and on their chins too. I will ask you this...to those of you who don’t care for the 1988 & earlier limit, why do you go to local shows that are advertised as OPEN TO ANY & ALL entries? It’s kind of contradictory to say one thing and then do another...isn’t it? How about we just have hot rod fun...I’m IN!
Welcome to Summer 2018 gearheads! Bet you didn’t see that coming. Neither did we! While the calendar says it’s summer on June 21st, in our neck of the woods it has been “summer like” with HOT temps basically since winter ended. We really didn't have any spring...time to quit complaining...lol With summer comes more car fun. Some of the big shows will be going on, so go have some fun, as life is short. Here’s a question for you as you plan your summer fun...does it matter if vehicles from 1988 and earlier are allowed into a show? This is a hot button debate with a fair number of gearheads across the country. For years the national shows and events were open to Pre ‘48 and earlier only. NSRA have the fore thought to create a “STREET MACHINE Division for ‘49 and later. I joined it way back when. Right about now a lot of you are going What is he talking about? If you got gray in your hair or beard, you can relate. This was a smart move (my opinion as a member) as not everybody was into a pre-48 vehicle and muscle cars were the rage too. Over time that deal kind of died a quiet death, as changes were going on all over.
Jimmy B.
“the fun starts here”….
JAY LENO’S GARAGE ANNOUNCES A REVOLUTIONARY, EASY-TO-USE SPRAY SEALANT – RADIANT New advanced silica-based spray sealant is simple to apply and can be used as an alternative to wax.
Jay Leno’s Garage Advanced Vehicle Care line has added Radiant, a silica-based spray sealant that creates a hydrophobic coating, to its existing lineup of high-quality products. This new spray sealant formula is more robust than a wax. The silica-based sealant acts very different from a wax in that it actually generates a curing property once applied to a surface. Once properly applied and cured, silica-based sealants are extremely resistant to water, soaps and environmental pollutants. Applying the product is easy and requires misting a section of the vehicle with a few sprays, distributing Radiant across the entire section with a soft microfiber towel, then using the dry section of towel to buff to a shine. Radiant takes 30-60 minutes to cure and can provide up to three months of durable paint protection. Radiant is available in both 16oz spray bottles and gallon containers. Like all JLG AVC products, Radiant is made and bottled in the USA. The entire Jay Leno’s Garage Advanced Vehicle Care line was specially designed by Jay and his team to clean and protect even the most delicate finishes with professional grade formulations. For more information and to purchase products, please visit www.lenosgarage.com. Jay Leno’s Garage Advanced Vehicle Care – Jay Leno’s Garage is synonymous with beautiful and valuable cars and after more than 20 years of trying every detailing product on the market, Leno and his team decided that they could do a better job of developing superior car care products that would suit their unique needs and the needs of detailers and DIYers around the world. After working closely with inhouse chemists and product engineers, the result is the Jay Leno’s Garage Advanced Vehicle Car line. All of the Jay Leno’s Garage Advanced Vehicle Care chemicals are formulated and bottled in the USA. For more information, visit www.lenosgarage.com. 6
Bidding Now Open for SEMA Student Jeep Build A fully customized Jeep built through a student program supported by SEMA is now complete and available for auction at Bring-ATrailer. All proceeds from the sale of the four-wheel-drive Jeep will go toward future projects that give students hands-on experience and practical knowledge about the automotive industry, according to SEMA. With just 14,500 miles, an Edelbrock Supercharger, Bodyguard Heavy Duty Bumpers, 4.5-inch ICON Suspension Lift, and Atturo Trail Blade Tires, the vehicle includes more than $20,000 in upgrades. The auction closes on June 26. Learn more by visiting Bring-ATrailer.
2015 4WD Jeep Wrangler Unlimited donated by SEMA and customized by students in the Santa Fe Early College Opportunities (ECO) Auto Shop program in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 7
JUNE 2018: JUNE 21-23: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: MAGGIE VALLEY SWAP MEET: Located at Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd. Open Car Show. Street Rods, Classics, Rat Rods, Muscle Cars, Customs, Pick ups and Antiques. 24 hour security, Craft World. For more info: www.MAGGIEVALLEYSWAPMEET.COM JUNE 21-23: PIGEON FORGE TN: 2018 NATIONAL CONVENTION 1949-59 FORD MERCURY ASSOCIATION: Event being held at the Mountain Breeze Hotel located at 2926 Parkway. Registration is $25. The first 50 registrants receive a dash plaque and they are going fast. Pre-register on our website: fordmercassociation.com. Judging starts at 10am on June 23rd. Awards at 2pm. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/588282728215579/ JUNE 22: SOMERSET KY: 4th Annual Don Franklin Heroes Corvette Cruise-In: Each year we help raise money to sponsor US veterans attending the National Corvette Museum Vets 'n Vettes event. Some of the veterans are those receiving recovery and rehabilitation from various military campaigns across the globe and are coming out of Fort Knox and Fort Campbell Kentucky. What an honor to have been the Prime Sponsor and to be able to provide lunch for all who attended! We hope you'll join us as we pull it all together again this year. Thanks to our Communities, Fan Base Support and to our Veterans! Registration starts at 10:00 a.m. Event starts at 12:00 RattleSnake Run (Hwy 192 - Cumberland Falls) 3:00 p.m. Ends at the Somerset Mall JUNE 22-23: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: TRI-FIVE REUNION: Located at 3374 Soco Rd. Awards Top 50. Wednesday set up hours 8:00 am till 6:00 pm. Thursday and Friday
show days 8:00 am till 6:00 pm. Saturday show hours 8:00 am till 4:00 pm. Judges for car show , judging all event days , Awards at 4:00 pm on Saturday. Admission 5.00 per day, 12 and under Free. For more info: www.surfboardpromotion.com
JUNE 2018: JUNE 22-23: SOMERSET KY: SOMERNITES CRUISE: KY's largest monthly classic car event with 1000+ customs, classics and muscle cars. We love Summer for a lot of reasons but, mainly because it brings out all the best hot rods! There's no better place to bring your custom, classic or muscle car than at the Somernites June 22-23 Cruise Weekend. June’s show features a very special piece of automotive history on
display...the very first Prototype Camaro...VIN #N100001, Plus, a Camaro and Corvette Showcase Corral for all years, Vendor Alley and Swap Meet, Kids Kruze Zone. Plus, there's always a few surprises. All entrance gates will open at 1:00pm and admission is always FREE! Friday is a full day too with the 10am-2pm Early Bird Meet & Greet at Danny's Rod Shop, a Hero's Cruise-In for Camaro & Corvettes on the Don Franklin Chevrolet lot beginning at Noon and the big Friday Night Thunder Block Party starting at 6pm at Somerset Mall in the evening! Parking Announcement! There are now a couple of options for both spectator and trailer/tow vehicle parking for Somernites Show & Shine in downtown Somerset. 1.) The closest is at the Cundiff Square Town Center 256 S. Vine Street, approx. one block away from the Main entrance gate. The local chapter of the American Cancer Society will monitor the lot and ask for a $5 donation per vehicle. 2.) The other is approx. 1 mile from downtown at Meece Middle School. Thee is no cost to park here ad spectators can park at the same location and ride the FREE handicapped accessible Shuttle Bus to and from the Show & Shine all afternoon long. We post updates on all the latest Somernites info at our Facebook Fan Page almost daily. Click the link below and "Like" the page. Then, check it regularly to get the latest
scoop! Contact: 606-872-2277 or www.somernitescruise.com JUNE 23: KNOXVILLE TN: 30th Annual "Fun in the Sun" All MOPAR Car Show & Swap Meet at Chilhowee Park Fairgrounds - Midway Side, 3301 East Magnolia Ave. Registration: $20.00, Times: 9am - Noon, Awards at 4pm, 1st 50 cars receive a FREE car show T-Shirt. 1st 125 entries receives a Dash Plaque. Scheduled to appear "Mr 4 Speed" Herb McCandless & Tennessee Thunder. Proceeds benefit the Knoxville Volunteer Rescue Squad. Drive thru judging! 50/50 drawing, Live DJ, Model Car Contest. For even more details, Contact Judy Holman 865-691-6002 or Joe David Stansberry 865-922-7129 or got to http://easttennesseemopars.com/ 10
JUNE 2018 JUNE 23: CROSSVILLE TN: HOLE in your SEAT Truck, Car & Bike SHOW/CRUISEOUT: New location for 2018! The Mason Dixon Speed Shop just south of Lake Tansi. Live entertainment, burnout contest, special guest, trophies for 3 classes (truck, car, bike- people's choice), lots of giveaways, amazing food, top notch vendors
and good times. Family friendly (kids games all day). $20.00 entry for custom trucks, cars and bikes. $5 spectator entry(12and under free). Camping available (call to reserve). Cruise route to be announced and there will be a Sunday cruise to a local state park for the long haulers. Sponsors, Vendors and special guest to be announced ! Stay tuned ...if you had fun at the last one, you will for sure enjoy yourself this year, we are going all out and we are on private property this year ;). For more info call 931-287-4355 JUNE 23: TUSCUMBIA AL: The Hellen Keller Festival Car Show: Event being held on Main Street in Tuscumbia. Tuscumbia, AL is the birth place of Hellen Keller. Registration starts at 8:00 and the show will wrap about 2:00. Registration is $20.00 with $1700.00 in cash drawings plus many door prizes. Trophies for Best of Show Production and Modified, Car and truck Pre 1999 and 2000 to present and Rat Rod. The Festival is a big event in North Alabama, family oriented, arts and crafts and the play “The Miracle Worker” is performed. For more information on the Festival and a map check “Hellen Keller Festival / North Alabama”. For more information on the Show contact BillyGriffith100@gmail.com JUNE 23: ASHLAND TN: Gateway Church Car Show 2018: Event location is at the
Gateway Church, 1642 Hwy 12 South. Registration: 8 am - 11:30 am, Judging starts at 11:30 am, Trophies and Awards at 3 pm. Pre-Register by, June 18th for $15, Day of Show $20. Second vehicle $15. Vendor spaces $15. 31+ Classes for Cars and Trucks. Other Awards: Pastor's Choice, People's Choice. Door Prizes, Dash Plaques for the first 50 entries. Vendor spaces available, concessions available. Rain Date: July 7th. All proceeds benefit the 2018 Iceland Missions Trip. For more info call: 615 -792-5978 or email: mission@gatewatag.org
JUNE 2018 JUNE 23: CROSSSVILLE TN: FAMILY FUN FEST 2018: Located at the Cumberland County Community Complex. Show time 10am-5pm. Admission $5 (10 an under Free). This show is presented by the Christmas on the Mountain. With the help of incredible community member like you we are able to put a smile on the face of over 500 children each year. But to make this possible we need our generous support.
$15 entry fee, multiple classes, Trophies, and cash prizes. Club participation award, food Concessions, T-shirts, silent auction. There is also a BBQ Competition, Jeep show, Motorcycle ride and show, Kids area, Live music, Dessert Competition and Vendors. Find us on FB. For more info: 931-510-7328 or email kerley@LCCA.com JUNE 23: CROSSVILLE TN: SWAP MEET: Located at Crossville Dragway, 1650 Creston Rd. $10 gate fee/person, kids 12 and under are FREE. $50/Vendor spot-includes 2 gate passes truck and Trailer size. Trucks, Cars, Motorcycles, Race Parts, Drag & Dirt, 1930’s-1980’s Parts. Body Parts, Engines, Acessories, Rims, Tires, After mar-
ket, Collectibles, Antiques, Unique one of a kinds. For more info: 931-287-4355. JUNE 23: HENDERSONVILLE TN: Mopar Strong Cruise-In: Hosted by Jonathan Moss. Cruise location is at the Holder Fun Center, 460 W. Main Street. Event hours: 4 to 8 pm. Awesome Mopars, cool people, music, door prizes and free decals. The cruise in is FREE entry. Inside the Holder Family Fun Center is bowling, pool, food, bar, lazer tag, skating, go karts, arcade games, bumper cars, rock wall, gyro and more. Visit: www.facebook.com/events/430393334032753/ JUNE 23: MT JULIET TN: Circle P General Store presents a Pre-1949 Cruise-In: To
be held at 563 E. Main Street. Cruise-In Times: 11:00am - 4:00pm (weather permitting). Restaurant on-site. This is open to PRE-1949 Vehicles only. For more info go to http://www.circleprestaurantmtjuliet.com/home/ or https:// www.facebook.com/AmericasCountryStore/ JUNE 23: NASHVILLE TN: Car Show / Cruise-In at Generation Changers Church, 224 Stewarts Ferry Pike. Rain date July 14th. Entry fee $20.00 and all the money will be given to a local Disabled Veterans Organization 4 Vets www.OT4V.com Door prizes and Trophies. For more info, contact Daniel Ezzell, 615-569-3757 14
JUNE 2018 JUNE 23: NASHVILLE TN: Castrol Appreciation Night at Fairgrounds Speedway Nashville: The Speedway is located at 625 Smith Ave. Event hours: 3:30 pm to 11 pm. Gen Admission $10; SR/Military $8; Kids 6-12 $5; Kids 5 and under FREE. Throw Back Night presented by Castrol Appreciation Night. FREE Blue Bell Ice Cream for the
kids, Bouncy House, Money Drop, Flat Screen TV, Happy Hour from 4 till 5 pm. Gates Open at 3:30 pm Green Flag at 5 pm. Wear any old vintage racing t-shirt and get $2 Dollars Off Admission. Be here to see past track champions, old vintage style cars and more... *Five divisions on the quarter mile: USA Motor & Machine Pro Mod, B. H. Holmes Construction Legends, Pest Doctor Front Runner, Redneck Nation Label Pure Stock, Advance Auto Parts Limited Late Model. *Two divisions on the 5/8th-mile high banked oval, Big Machine Vodka SuperTruck, Big Machine Records Pro Late Model.
JUNE 24: SOUTHHAVEN MS: SOUTHPOINT SUPERCRUISE: The supercruise is being held at Hwy 51 and Stateline Rd. Cruise runs from 4pm til dark. Free rinks. Cruise n in for a good time. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ MidSouthHotRodHappenings/ JUNE 24: MEMPHIS TN: Mid South SCCA Autocross Event #3: Event location is at MidSouth Coliseum, 996 Early Maxwell Blvd. Gates open at 9 am. Too scared to RACE? Just come and show off your ride and watch some awesome Racing. FREE admission. Racing/Tech registration schedule, track fees, and more information can be found at www.facebook.com/events/385947728561250/
JUNE 2018 JUNE 22-24: CANFIELD OH: HOT ROD SUPERNATIONALS: Hot Rod and MotorSport Extravaganza! The Hot Rod Super Nationals returns to the Canfield Fairgrounds for another year of classic and late-model muscle cars, sport compacts, hot rods, trucks and customs. Jam-packed with over 2,000 vehicles on display, predominant
aftermarket vendors on hand and plenty of extracurricular automotive activities to engage in, the Hot Rod Super Nationals is the go-to event to attend in Northeast Ohio during the summer. For more info and to register go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/313687649136406/ or www.supernats.com JUNE 23: HICKORY CORNERS MI: ULTIMATE VINTAGE TRUCK SHOW: Located at the Gilmore Car Museum. Show time 9am-4pm. This is also including Military and Emergency vehicles. Exhibitor admission $10/truck, includes admission for 2 people. Spectator admission $14/person, children 11 and under free, members free. Please note that Museum memberships are not valid for Exhibitor Admission. For more info: www.GlmoreCarMuseum.org 269-671-5089 or info@gilmorecarmuseum.org
JUNE 2018 JUNE 21-23: INDIANAPOLIS IN: BLOOMINGTON GOLD 2018: Bloomington Gold offers attendees three days of fun-filled events including fast laps, autocross, laps on the Iconic Indianapolis Motor Speedway, their prestigious judging of Corvettes, Corvette vendors and so much more! The 2018 Event will once again be held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Bloomington Gold IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Daily- Gates Open each day at 8:00 am with daily events such as AutoCross, GoldLaps and Chevy Ride and Drive starting at 9:00 am. The judging field, Gold Collection, and vendors are all open to the attendees starting right at 8:00 am. Thursday, June 21- In addition to the daily events Thursday’s special events are: >Survivor Road test- Watch these classic Corvettes take a spin on the track to prove their youth! Each Corvette going for certification must take part of a road test at 10:00 am. >Gold School with Paul Koerner- C7 Diagnostics at 9:00 am and then the Not So Basic Info about Your Corvette at 1:00. >Certification Field- Corvettes will start to be parked on the judging
field located within the plaza at 12noon. >Meet the Cars and Owners of the Gold Collection – 3:30 in the Gold Collection- Stop by and learn about the people and the cars behind the 1967 Gold Collection! Friday, June 22: Usual events. >On the Certification Field- Cars will be judged throughout the day on the Certification field. >At 1:00 in the Gold Collection, Jerry Burton will present My 10 Most Memorable Moments. This is free and hosted by Hagerty Insurance. >Gold School starts the day with a C4/C5 diagnostic class with Paul Koerner (Pre-reg required) as well as a c6 diagnostic seminar later in the morning. > Don’t miss “Learning to Drive Fast. Safely with a Ron Fellows driving instructor, which is also part of Gold School.
>GoldMembers will enjoy dinner in the Pagoda Friday evening. Gold Member credentials are required to attend. Saturday, June 23th. The final day of a spectacular 3 day weekend will start with a very exciting day on the Judging field. Corvettes going for Survivor will be judged starting at 8:00 am followed by the Certification Awards Ceremony which is held on the historic yard of bricks at 3:00. >GoldSchool-Ladies can learn everything they wanted to know about the Corvette in a Ladies Only seminar being held at 1:00. >Corvettes will start staging for the 2017 Gold Tour at 4:00 which ends with a block party in downtown Speedway! An event for everyone!!! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/119135355590026/ 20
JUNE 2018 JUNE 23: MT VERNON IL: 3RD ANNUAL HOT RODS & HEROS CAR, TRUCK AND BIKE SHOW: Rain or Shine event. All Makes and Models. Located at Veterans Memorial Park, 800 S 27th Street. Registration 9am-noon. Awards at 3pm. Kids Activities, Food and Drinks. Silent Auction, Door prizes 50/50 Raffles, Event T-shirts with pre-
order only. Limited Vendor spaces available outside only. Pr-registration $10, day of event $15 or donation. All proceeds donated to DAV. Top 25 Cars & Trucks, Top 5 Motorcycles, Unique Specialty Awards. Best of: Show, Car, Motorcycle, Engine Paint, Rat Rod, Ford, Mopar, GM, People’s Choice, Mayor Choice, Fire Chief Choice DAV Choice. For more info: 618-214-6330 or 618-246-4732 or 618-214-1185 or 618920-2730 or FB event updates—Hot Rods & Heros Car Truck & Bike Show or email hotrodheroes2016@gmail.com. JUNE 24: YORKVILLE IL: 41ST GEARS & EARS CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Midwest Street Rod Association of Illinois presents the nationally known Gears & Ears Midwest Car Show & Swap. With over 600 cars on display the MSRA Gears & Ears is one of the best car shows in the Chicagoland area! Event being held at the Kendall County Fairgrounds located at 10826 Rt. 71. Gate entry fee of $25.00 admits one vehicle, two adults and all children under 18. All participants receive free corn and pop, goodie bags, door prizes (while supplies last), participation in all games, eligible for our famous hand-made MSRA awards. Additional event shirts available for purchase. In addition to free pop, water & corn for participants, our “world famous” grilled brats and hot dogs will be available for purchase. Adult and kid’s games.
Split-the-pot raffle with all proceeds to benefit a local charity. Gates open at 7:00 am, Registration 8:00 am to 1:00 pm (). Free coffee and rolls available for early arrivals. All items available for purchase by spectators. (Try as we might to figure out how much food we need, it’s while supplies last). Spectators: $5.00 at the gate, children under 16 free. Active veterans admitted free with military ID. TAKE A KID TO CAR SHOW. For show Info call Wayne at 773-775-4696 or go to www.gearsandears.com
JUNE 2018 JUNE 24:-28 WISCONSIN DELLS WI: 2018 POCI: Located at the Chula Vista Resort, 2501 River Road. 6/15/18 - Convention Activities Update: Pre-registration and activities sign up is now CLOSED. We will be accepting registrations on site and entries for the Popular Vote and Road Warriors Car Shows on Mon. 6/25 - Weds 6/27 (until Noon). Please call the club office if you have any other event questions at (763) 479-2111 or go to https://secure.poci.org/index.cfm
JUNE 2018 JUNE 21-23: DENVER CO: BUICK NATIONALS: Registration pick-up opens at Denver Marriott South. Registration pick-up opens at Denver Marriott South. Red Rocks Park, Buffalo Bill Museum Clive Cussler Auto Museum (Lunch included), Swap Meet Social with DJ at Denver Marriott South parking lot. THURSDAY, JUNE 21Air Force
Academy, Garden of the Gods (Lunch included) Denver “The Mile-High City” Tour. Cruise to Rambler Ranch Museum with BBQ Buffet. FRIDAY, JUNE 22 Mount Evans, Echo Lake Lodge, Georgetown Railroad (Train & Lunch included). Forney Auto & Transportation Museum. Buick Heritage Alliance Gala- Featuring Sonya White, Comedian & 2017. SATURDAY, JUNE 23 Denver Botanic Gardens. Buick Judging. Social Time with Cash Bar. Buick Club of America Nationals Banquet & Awards 2018 BCA National Meet. For more info BuickNationals@verizon.net or call 214-354-1348 or go to http://www.buickclub.org/ JUNE 22-24: SAINT PAUL MN: 45TH ANNUAL BACK TO THE FIFTIES WEEKEND: Located at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Free park & Ride service, Saturday June 23rd only 8am-10pm, south of the fairgrounds. Pre-registration information will be forwarded to you. Advance registration deadline April 27. In 2017 11,955 registered vehicles, over 325 Commercial Vendors, 135 crafters, 400 Swappers, Dance to Live 50’s Music Friday and Saturday evening. For more info: www.MSRA.com
JUNE 2018 JUNE 22-24: PUEBLO CO: 34th ANNUAL NSRA ROCKY MOUNTAIN STREET ROD NATIONALS: 2,000 street rods, customs, muscle cars and street machines will be on hand at the Colorado State Fairgrounds this summer. We’re expecting an all time high number of participants and spectators this year. Almost all of the Colorado State Fairgrounds will be utilized for the event as well as many of the buildings, which will house a large number of manufacturer and dealer displays and other attractions. This is truly unique mix of old and new together for the first time at Colorado State Fairgrounds as any vehicle 30 years old or older is welcome. The NSRA Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals is the area’s largest automotive participation event and spectators from around the area will attend the event. For more info: www.NSRA-USA.com JUNE 23: PECULIAR MO: PECULIAR SESQUICENTENNIAL CAR SHOW: All day city wide celebration with an evening concert. Show time 9am-2pm. $10 donation per vehicle. Top 20 Awards plus Specialty Picks. Located at the West Peculiar Fire Station, 200 S Main St. To benefit First Church of Peculiar. For more info: 816-779-4511 or 816-898-3698. JUNE 23-30: CLOVIS NM: CLOVIS DRAGGIN’ MUSIC FESTIVAL: June 23 Races at High Plains Motor Speedway. June 25-28 at 5 p.m. - Tour of Clovis' Classic Drive-Ins. June 25 Foxy Drive In, 720 W. 7th St. June 26 Taco Box, 136 W. 21st St. June 27 Twin Cronnie Drive In, 709 Commerce Way. June 28 Wienerschnitzel, 1220 N. Main St. June 27-29 Clovis Music Festival. June 27 Doug Stone (Country Concert) at Mar-
shall Auditorium, 100 Commerce Way. June 28 4:30-6:30 p.m. Days Inn Rocks! Reception. June 28 Remembering Bobby Vee featuring The Killer Vees (50's Concert) at Marshall Auditorium, 100 Commerce Way. June 29 Warrant with special guests Steelheart (Rock Concert) at Marshall Auditorium, 100 Commerce Way. June 28-30 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tours of the Rock & Roll Museum and Norman Petty Studio. June 30 Draggin' Main Event: 9 a.m.-3 pm. Gearhead Gathering at Marshall Middle School Practice Field-Food, fun, & shopping with vendors and food trucks, kid zone, stereo contest, 5 p.m.-midnight Draggin' Main Cruise along Main Street. For more info go to http://www.clovisnm.org/pages/clovis-music-festival 26
JUNE 2018 JUNE 22-23 HARRINGTON DE: 29TH ANNUAL ROD & CUSTOM JAMBOREE: Hosted by the SOUTHERN DELAWARE STREET ROD ASSOCIATION. Located at the Delaware State Fairgrounds. NSRA Safety Insp Avail. Spectators: $7.00 Admission, Children Under 10 Free Please note all prices are subject to change. Spectator Gate
Hours: Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (opened 2 hours longer) Saturday: 8:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Please note hours are subject to change. Registration Gate Hours: Thursday: 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Judging: Must be on Fairgrounds by 12:00pm on Saturday Please note hours are subject to change. Visit our Information Booth located in the Dover Building. Shirt sales, registered vehicle door prizes, info. Everyone welcome! FREE to Registered Participants: Friday Night Kick Off Party: Steamed Clams - Hot Dogs - Soda - Beer (until gone) T-Shirts to First 200 Pre-Registered Dash Plaques to First 500 Registered Top Thirty Plaques Plus 6' Best of Show Trophy Best P/U & Best Panel Best Sedan Delivery & Best Pro-Street All registered vehicles eligible for cash prizes Please note formation is subject to change. Events taking place during Jamboree: Information Booth Located in Dover Building (All Weekend) Huge Automotive Flea Market (All Weekend) Arts & Crafts Vendors (All Weekend) New Item Vendors (All Weekend) Food Vendors (All Weekend) Door Prizes (All Weekend) DJ (All Weekend) Teeter Totter Contest (All Weekend) NSRA Safety Inspection & Repair Shop (All Weekend) 50/50 Sales (All Weekend)Womens Games (All Weekend) Chinese Auction (All Weekend) Live Enter-
tainment (All Weekend) Parade of Show Cars through the town of Harrington (Sat. Morning) Rap Off Contest (Sat) Poker Run (Sat) Car Auction (Saturday at 11:00am) Kids Games (Sat) Cash Bingo (Sat) Grandstand show (Sat at 7:00pm) Slow Drags (Sat. Night) Adult Games (Sat) Burn Outs (Sat Night) Neon Lights Parade (Sat Night) Flame Throwing Contest (Sat Night) Awards Ceremony (Sat evening) New for 2018 a concert featuring THE FABULOUS GREASE BAND(Sat. Night) 24 Hour Security - Camp Sites with water & electric (limit 200) Please note all events are subject to change. For more info call 302-249-1402 or go to www.sdsra.net 28
JUNE 2018 JUNE 22-24: CARLISLE PA: CARLISLE CHEVROLET NATIONALS: Event being held at the Carlisle PA Fairgrounds. All GM Brands welcome. 2018 Features: LS Engine Celebration, 100th anniversary of Chevrolet Trucks, 2nd Generation Chevelle celebration and 60th anniversary of the Impala. Showfield, Vending & Car Corral, Autocross & Ride Along, Burnout contest and Fun for everyone! Anything under the General Motors umbrella is welcome to attend, from antiques to the modern 6th generation Camaro. You can see it all here! Bring your car or trucks and join over 1000 other GM show vehicles or just walk around and enjoy the event. For more info call 717-243-7855 or go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/1166358936800472/
JUNE 2018 JUNE 24: ANAHEIM CA: 42ND ANNUAL FORTY FORD DAY: Event being held in La Palma Park. Event runs from 8:AM to 3:PM Open to All Pre '72 Makes & Models. Raffle Prizes, 50/50 Raffle, Bake Sale and BBQ & Soft Drinks for Sale. Event T-Shirts. NSRA Inspections. Trophies / Trophies / Trophies. Spectators are free.
THURSDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: Lebanon, TN - Coach's East Gate Grille Cruise: Located at 6750 East gate Drive. Located off I-40 and Hwy 109. From: 5pm - 8pm. Every Thursday Night. Cruising Start Date April 12th. Peoples Choice Award, 50/50 Drawing and more. Visit: www.coachseastgate.net CHATTANOOGA TN: BURGERZ & RODZ CRUISE IN: Hosted by the East Tennessee Street Rods and THE COOK OUT. Cruise takes place every Thursday night thru Nov 1st. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Cruise is held at 5390 Hwy 153. Monthly giveaways, news & information on local and regional cars show and cruise in’s. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1428295254145934 NASHVILLE TN: OLD SKOOL & NEW KOOL CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Thursday night thru Oct. Cruise takes place at Life Church located at 215 Broadmoor DR. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Open to all classic cars, trucks, muscle cars, street rods, Tuners, rat rods, sports cars, low riders and anything cool! For more info call 615668-8090 or go to www.lifechurchnashville.org or www.facebook.com/ oldskoolandnewkool/ Franklin, KY: The Gathering: Cruise fun on the Square in Franklin KY. Cruise runs from 6pm til everyone leaves. Cruising started April 26th, and runs thru Oct depending on weather. NASHVILLE TN: CONCERT CRUISE-IN: Live From the Back Porch at Fontanel is running every Thursday evening from 6:00-8:30 PM. Enter through the gate by the log cabin at 4241 Whites Creek Pike. The event will not be held during the hottest months of the summer and will pick back up in the Fall each Thursday. Bring out your cars and enjoying the terrific atmosphere and vibe of Live from the Back Porch. Bring a blanket, bring a chair…it’s a weekly Thursday night party that is family & dog friendly, and admission is absolutely FREE. In addition to the concerts, there will be food and drink, numerous lawn games, and a firepit.
VIOLA TN: Viola's Pizza Co. presents Classic Cruise Nights 2018: Cruise is held every Thursday night. Cruise is held on the Square. Cruise runs from June thru August. Cruise Times are 3-8pm. Classic Cars, Antique Cars, Specialty Cars, Motorcycles & Muscle Car. No Fees, Free Parking and Food Discounts. Weekly Prize for Favorite Car. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1831846177120824/ FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: Hendersonville TN: Hendersonville Cruise In: Cruise Location is now at 393 E. Main St., at the old Sear Outlet Parking Lot. Cruising is on every Friday Night thru Halloween. Cruise time is 6 til 9pm. Family fun, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, ride of the week, oldies music. For more info go to www.facebook.com/ HendersonvilleCruiseIn/ 32
FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: LEBANON TN: SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN CRUISE: Held on Friday Nights at Middle Tennessee’s oldest Drive In. Cruising Start Date April 13. Snow White has been serving up great burgers, shakes, fries and more since the early ‘50’s! Add in a whole lot of cool cars on a Friday night and the recipe equals fun! Located at 1714 West Main St. For more info call 615-443-4299 JEFFERSON CITY TN: MOSSY CREEK CRUZERS CRUISE-IN: Takes place every Friday night from April – Oct. Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held in the parking lot at BIG LOTS on Hwy 11 E. For more info go to www.mossycreekcruzers.org ating their 2018 Benefit Cruise-In Season to A Soldier’s Child Foundation. LYNCHBURG TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: The cruise is held on Friday nights through September. Cruise is hosted by Lynchburg Fixns. Register your ride for the Fan Vote (and be qualified for a monthly prize) plus receive a discount on your dinner … Receive a numbered dashboard plaque to place in the front window — car, truck, or cycle. Park on or behind the square. Votes will be cast from 5-7 p.m. in Lynchburg Fixns. Winner announced at the end of each month. For more info and Details go to https://lynchburgfixns.com/ 4th FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : ROCKY TOP TN: RODS IN ROCKY TOP CRUISE: Cruise is held Downtown Rocky Top from 6:00pm - 9:00pm on the 4th Friday nights. Cruise starts May 11th and runs thru August 24th. Come on out and enjoy the cars, music, food and friends. We will not cancel any cruise-ins due to weather. It will be up to each individual to decide if they want to bring their car out. https://www.facebook.com/RodsInRockyTop/ CLARKRANGE TN: CUMBERLAND MOUNTAIN GENERAL STORE AND ROCK-a-BILLY DINER CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the 4th Friday night of each month from April – Oct. Cruise runs from 6-8pm. Located at 6807 South York Hwy. Live music, fellowship and relax in a laid back atmosphere! Great Food at the Rock-a Billy Diner. For more info call 931-863-3880 SHELBYVILLE TN: CELEBRATION CITY CRUISE-IN: Held on the 4th Friday night of each month from April to Oct. Cruise is held on the Courthouse Square. Cruise runs from 6-8pm. Everyone is welcome. Food is available and Live Music too! No entry fee. Bring your car or just come look! Hosted by the Celebration City Region Car Club. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/celebrationcityregioncarclub/
SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located right off Cool Springs Blvd. 4th SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : GOODLETTESVILLE TN: CARS & COFFEE CRUISE-IN: Hosted by Brian’s Motorsports. 4th Saturday of each month – Starting March 2018 – Weather Permitting. 7 to 10 am at the Dillard's Store in Rivergate Mall. 1000 Rivergate Parkway. SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LAVERGNE TN: CRUISE-IN AT THE DRIVE IN: Cruise takes place every Saturday Night. Cruise runs from April – September. Cruise times are 5-8pm. Classic & New Vehicles are welcome. Main cruise parking is held in the CVS parking lot located at 5210 Murfreesboro Rd with extra parking at SONIC. Sponsored by CVS & SONIC. Free family friendly event. 50/50 drawing. Special offered by SONIC DRIVE IN. Oldies music, great food and good company. For more info call 615-506-8164 or checkout CRUISE-IN at the Drive In on Facebook.
LEBANON TN: GOOD WHEEL CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: NEW LOCATION for 2018!! Cruise is held every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise runs from 4-10pm. New Cruise location is at the old Kmart lot located at 1443 West Main St. 50/50 Drawing. Trophy for Car of the Week. Join us for fun, fellowship and a good time with cool cars on Saturday Nights. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ groups/552023871629171 GOODLETTSVILLE TN: GOODLETTSVILLE CRUISE-IN: Location: Publix Shopping Center, 460 Long Hollow Pike. Starts, April 21st, From: 5pm til 9pm, Weather Permitting. MT JULIET TN: Providence Wendy’s Cruise In: Cruise meets every Saturday night, weather permitting, from 5 - 9 pm from April through October. We are located at Providence mall in front of the American Jewelry building. We have music and door prizes. All makes and models of cars are welcome. There are lots of food choices within walking distance. Come join the fun! 4th SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : CAMDEN TN: CAMDEN CRUISE-IN: sponsored by the Legend Cruisers Car Club. Event Hours: April thru September, 4 pm till ? October 3 pm till ? Located at Ray Smith Chevy, 260 W. Main Street. Dates: 04/28; 05/26; 06/23; 07/28; 08/25; 09/22; 10/27. Music, Concessions, Door Prizes, 50/50 Drawing. For more info: Rick, 731593-5583 or Jerry, 731-584-2858 36
Every Tuesday Night at Bruster's Ice Cream Bowling Green KY
4th SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : CROSSVILLE TN: CROSSVILLE CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: The cruise is held on the 4th Saturday of each month from April thru Oct. Cruise runs from 12 noon to 4pm. Cruise is held at Main St. (aka Highway 127) at the Courthouse in Crossville, TN. (about 10 miles south of I-40). Door Prize drawings every 30 minutes; 50/50 drawing about 3:30pm, winner MUST be present for each. For more info call Charlie @ 931-4561549 or email to crosstncruz@gmail.com ELKTON KY: Cruise-in on the Public Square: Cruise is held in downtown Elkton. Starts May 26th thru September. Music and great food from L&R Soda Shoppe. Times:5pm - 7pm. For more info, Call 270-265-7070 4th SUNDAY CRUISE IN’S : MANCHESTER KY: 14TH ANNUAL CRUZIN’ IN THE PARK: Hosted by the Clay County Cruisers> Held on the 4th Sunday afternoon of each month from April thru Oct. Cruise starts at 1pm. Cruise is being held at the Clay County Community Center (aka the Crawdad Bldg.). Free Event. Door Prizes. Good clean family fun. For more info call 606-231-4586. MONDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: LEWISBURG TN: SONIC CRUISE IN: Held every Monday night from 5-7pm.Cruising starts on March 12th and runs until it Nov. Located at the SONIC Drive In at 420 Ellington Pkwy WHITE HOUSE TN: CRUISE-IN AT COLORADO GRILL: Cruise is held every Monday Night, weather permitting starting April 9th thru October. Last Monday in Oct will be the Trunk or Treat Cruise. The Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held at the Colorado Grill parking Lot located AT 2747 Hwy 31W. For more info call Wayne Malign, 615-566-7343 cell or Bob Boone, 601-954-3604 cell or go to www.facebook.com/White-House-Cruise-In-1509561229255974/ TUESDAY NIGHT: BOWLING GREEN KY: CRUISIN FOR A CURE: The cruise is held every Tuesday Night from 5-8pm. Cruise is held at Brusters Ice Cream located at 2712 Scottsville Rd. Cruise starts on April 3rd and runs thru Oct. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/1666015903486109/ WESTMORELAND TN: DOWNTOWN WESTMORELAND CRUISE: Held every Tuesday starting April 10 and runs thru Oct 30th. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Al cars, truck and motorcycles welcome
WEDNESDAY NIGHT: SPRINGFIELD TN: CLASSIC TIN CRUISE IN: NEW SITE!!! Located at 501 22nd Ave E. @ Dynamic Collision. Cruise is held every Wednesday night. Cruise runs from 5pm 9pm. Cruise starts May 2nd and runs thru October 31st Trunk N Treat. For more info call Shelby Horner (615) 336-2257
THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: LOMBARD IL: BRAUERHOUSE TIRE SWARM CUSTOM CAR AND BIKE ROLL-IN: Cruise is held every Thursday Night. Cruise starts on April 19th. Cruise id held at the Brauerhouse at Rt. 53 & North Ave. Live Music. NO COLORS!. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/brauerhouse/ FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in May and runs thru Oct.
HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in May and runs thru Oct. ROLLING MEADOWS IL: MEADOWS CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise is held every Friday night from May 25-Aug 31. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Cruise is held at the Meadows Christian Fellowship located at 2401 Kirchoff Rd. For more info go to www.facebook.com/meadowscruisenights SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in April and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise happens every Monday night from 5-9pm. Rain, snow or shine! Held at the WENDY’s just south of I-80 exit 112(Rt47). Open cruise so bring what you are driving and have fun with us! For more info email to willis824@Comcast.net
TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: BERWYN IL: BERWYN’S CRUISE NITES: Tuesdays from 6PM-9PM at Windsor & Grove Avenues in Berwyn's Depot District. This year we are featuring Themed Nites: June 19 - Orphan Car Nite. July 17 - Pony Car Nite. August 7 - Bike Nite. August 21 Jeep Nite. Sponsored by Paisans Pizzeria And Bar. Come to unwind or to show off your prized car, truck, motorcycle or scooter at no charge. Registration is not necessary – just show up! Trophies are awarded to the 10 most stunning vehicles and sponsored by Superior Awards. Gates open at 5PM for display vehicles. Line-up along Home Ave with gate entrance located at the intersection of Clinton & Windsor Aves. Event starts at 6PM. For more information, visit www.WhyBerwyn.com & click on Events. 4th TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ST CHARLES IL: ST CHARLES CRUISE NITES: Cruise takes place on the 4th Tuesday night of each month starting April 24th and running thru Sept. Cruise is held o Riverside Drive, Entrance is at Walnut & Second Ave. %pm car registration. 7:45pm awards. All cars must be registered. No charge for participants. Food, raffles, music, vendors and more. 4th WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: SOUTH LYON MI: LAKE STREET CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held in downtown on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Runs from May thru Sept. Cruise starts at 6:30pm EXCEPT in Sept when it starts at 6pm. All cruisers are welcome. Music by DJ Paul Peters. Awards each night for Best in Show, Best Paint and Best Engine.
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers. Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Free Custard. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/313950265718586
CHANDLER AZ: HAPPY HOUR CAR SHOW & LIVE MUSIC: Cruise held every Friday Night. Cruise is held at the Patio at the Forum located at 2301 S Stearman Drive. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Free wood fired pizza from 5-6:30apm. Bring your cars or just come and have fun.
LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH: KILLEEN TX: CARS & COFFEE KILLEEN: A free event held on the last Sunday of each month from 9am -12noon. Cruise is at the Domain Clear Creek Plaza at 2408 S Clear Rd. Community*Coffee*Car. A monthly social event for car enthusiasts. For more info follow them at www.facebook.com/killeencandc
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ESCONDIDO CA: CRUISIN” GRAND: Cruise is held every Friday night from April thru Sept. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Cruise is held on Grand Ave between Orange and Ivey Streets. The streets are filled with strolling people of all ages, while a parade of pre-1970s vintage cars slowly cruise up and down Grand Avenue. All kinds of vintage cars—from American Hot Rods, Classics, Antiques, and Customs—help make seven blocks of Escondido the place to be on Friday nights! For more info call 760745-8877 or go to https://cruisingrand.com/ WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN DOWNEY CA: BOB’S BIG BOY HOT ROD AND CUSTOM CRUISE NIGHTS: Held every Wednesday Night at the Car Hop. Runs from 5-10pm. Hot rods, Classic’s and Muscle cars. Located at 7447 E. Firestone Blvd. Bring the whole family for a night of fun. For more info call 562-928-BOBS
THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S WOODBRIDGE NJ: THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN: Hosted by the Hollywood Night Cruisers. Cruise is held at the CHICK-FIL-A on St Georges Ave. Cruise is held every Thursday from 6-9pm, weather permitting. FREE ADMISSION! Cruise starts MAY10 and runs to Oct 25. Prizes awarded. Open to antique, classic, custom and restored cars. For more info call 732-636-2074 FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MILLTOWN NJ: HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS CRUISERS CLASSIC CAR SHOW: Friday Nights at Home Depot are kicking in. Our First Home Depot Cruise Night will be April 13th starting 6pm to 9pm and every Friday there after. The Hollywood Night Cruisers hope everyone had a great winter and we look forward to seeing all of you and, another excellent Season.
TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: WARWICK RI: OAKLAND BEACH CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise takes place every Tuesday from 4-8pm. Cruise runs thru Sept 11th. Cruise is held at Oakland Beach. Season pass $15.00 or gate pass for $2.00. 50/50 raffle, t-shirts, New England Lemonade, Johnny Dog and More! Hosted by the Warwick Lions Club. Music by DJ Car-Guy. Open to all makes, models and years.
Thursday Nights
Viola TN.
Photo’s by Michael Corazzelli—Story by Jimmy B
The National Street Rod Assoc. put out the call for hot rodders, street rodders and all gearheads to head west for the 42nd time this past April. They invited car lovers to one of the biggest West Coast car shows all year long.
For the 32nd time since the event moved, it was held once again at the Kern County Fairgrounds in little ‘ol Bakersfield CA.
Like most car show organizations, NSRA has bumped up eligibility to be part of the fun to vehicles 1988 and older. 48
“Street rods, Hot rods, Vintage vehicles, Rat rods, Trucks, Customs, Muscle Cars and Street Machines both foreign and domestic were on hand at the Kern County Fairgrounds the last weekend in April.
Almost all of the Kern County Fairgrounds was utilized for the event as well as many of the buildings, which housed a large number of manufacturer and dealer displays and other attractions.”
Like always, participants and spectators both, checked out the vast array of cars from different eras, Included in this event are muscle cars, factory produced high horsepower machines from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s along with the classics cars of the 50’s. This is truly unique mix of old and new together at the KC Fairgrounds and a national gathering of fine vintage automobiles of every description. 50
The NSRA Western Street Rod Nationals is the area’s largest automotive participation event and spectators from around the area as well as neighboring states and some long distance haulers attended the event. The NSRA Western Street Rod Nationals is an excellent event for spectators and those who attended were treated to the sights and sounds of some of the most beautiful, best constructed vintage vehicles ever assembled in one place. As the participant already know, but one of the special attractions for the spectators is that they can walk right up to the vehicles and check each one out close up as they are not roped-off or otherwise confined. All are in the open and can be examined top to bottom, front to back, inside and out. While the exquisite paint and other features of the cars were not be touched, spectators were free to look to their heart’s content. If you missed this year Big GO WEST Event, check out all these cool shots we have here for you and make your plans now to attend the 43rd Annual Western Street Rod Nationals in Bakersfield, California. You’ll be glad you did
JUNE 2018: JUNE 28: ARDMORE AL: Ardmore Boys and Girls Club Cruise-In: Cruise location is at the Sonic Drive-In, 26909 Main Street. Event hours: 6 to 8 pm. Come out for great food, good fellowship, and awesome rides. This event supports the Ardmore Boys and Girls Club by donations. It also supports our local Ardmore Sonic by them sponsoring our event at their location so please come hungry. There will be fun, music, great Sonic treats and food, and beautiful rides to enjoy. This is a wonderful family event. For more about this event visit: www.facebook.com/ events/105140153684352/ JUNE 29: CLARKSVILLE TN: Cruise-In Fireworks at Hilltop Market: Event located at 400 TN Hwy 149. Times: 5:00pm - til??? Food, Fun and Band. Need more info, Call Cody 931-552-9668. JUNE 29-30: LEBANON TN: M6A's 4th National Show: Event location is at the Wilson County Fair Grounds, 945 East Baddour Pkwy. Spring 2018 is here, do you know where your pony is? Hopefully its out on the open road stretching its legs or stopping to graze and be admired at a car show or cruise-in. In the National Show section the pony trail information is included as well as lots of other new information concerning our 4th National Show, which is just months away. There is still time to register and be a part of our biggest National Show / family reunion yet. Keep up to date, visit: https://mustang6association.org/ Check it out the Six Banger... March 2018 Newsletter LINK: https:// sable.godaddy.com/c/168399‌ JUNE 29-30: ARDMORE AL: Stateline Powder Coatings presents Open House & Swap
Meet: Event times are 7am - 3pm. Event being held at 331 Jo Mar Road. Demo’s on Dustless Blasting Unit and Swap Meet of Automotive parts. For more info, call Tim Johnston 256-679-8144 JUNE 30: COOKEVILLE TN: 4th Annual Red, White and Boom 4th of July Celebration Cruise-In @ Putnam County Fairgrounds. Times: 12 noon till 4pm. Cash Prizes, Vouchers, Fun for all. Prizes every 30 mins. Dash Plaques to first 200 drivers, music, 50/50 Drawing @ 3:45 pm. FREE ADMISSION. Entrance at Westgate off of Walnut Ave. only. For information call Jim @ 931-260-8020. 54
JUNE 2018: JUNE 30: MADISON TN: 2nd Annual Operation Music City Car Show: Event to benefit Operation Stand Down (www.osdtn.com) at Cornerstone Church, 726 W. Old Hickory Blvd, Madison, TN 37715. Registration from 8am - 12pm. Awards at 2pm. Top 50 trophies, 29 other specialty and class awards. 50/50 Drawing and several giveaways. All proceeds benefit Operation Stand Down. $20 to show, free for spectators. Rain Date July 14th. JUNE 30: DUNLAP TN: Veterans Memorial Park Car Show: Times: 9-2pm. Event to be held at Sequatchie High School, 7067 TN-28 Scenic. For more info Call 423-2407767 JUNE 30: SPRINGFIELD TN: 4th Annual Haiti Missions Motorcycle & Car Show: Event being held at the Stewart Williams, 801 Memorial Blvd. Times: 10:00am 3:00pm. Gift bags, Dash plaques, Trophies & Door Prizes, Food & Drink for sale, Talent Show, Bake sale and more. There will be a SILENT AUCTION during the show. Also the show is asking for all participants to please bring some canned goods for
the local food bank! For more info, contact 615-557-8410 or EMAIL at purplekingcab@yahoo.com JUNE 30: MT PLEASANT TN: CRUISE-IN – WINGS & WHEELS THUNDER OVER MAURY: Event being held at the Mt. Pleasant Airport, located at 1200 N Main St. Event runs from 10 AM – until ?? $10.00 Donation per car for cruise in cars. Proceeds support Maury County Veterans & Shop with a Cop. 50/50 drawing, door prizes, fireworks, live music, food, family fun all day long. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/153271008689705/
JUNE 30: APISON TN: Apison United Methodist Church Free Car Show: Event being held at Apison Elementary School (near Chattanooga, TN). Event runs from 9am – 2pm. Bring your cars, trucks, motorcycles or any other vehicle you want to bring and have a wonderful day! We will have a bounce house castle for the kids, music all day, a silent auction, corn hole, door prizes, dash plaques for vehicle entries, plaques for the top 10, and much, much more. Car entries and spectators are absolutely FREE! Donations will be accepted and please bring school supplies to benefit Apison Elementary School. For more information, contact Jake Herron (423) 236-4322. 56
JUNE 2018: JUNE 30: COOKEVILLE TN: NSRA Appreciation Day: Event being held at Putnam County Fairgrounds located at 155 Fairground Street, in conjunction with the RED WHITE & Boom festival. Hosted by the Pistons Car Club and the City of Cookeville. NSAR Safety Insp. Avail. Times: 10:00am - 4:00pm. FREE Cruise-In - Door Prizes.
For more info, call James 931-510-4199 JUNE 30: CHATTANOOGA TN: 7th Annual Cruise-In: Event being held at the Chattanooga Church, located at 6188 Adamson Circle (off Bonny Oaks Drive). Times: 4:00pm - 8:00pm. Door prizes, Petting zoo, Free Food & Music. Come join the fun! Please bring a canned good to support the Service Ministry. NO entry Fee!!! For more info, call Mark Grimsley 423-316-3798 JUNE 30: LEBANON TN: 6TH ANNUAL HONOR RIDE FOR VETERANS: Meet at the Fiddlers Grove at the Wilson County Fairgrounds, 945 Baddour Parkway. Help support
the Veterans’ Park and Museum to honor all those who served and sacrificed to keep us free! Registration 8am. Kickstands up 10:30am. Entertainment, food vendors all motorcycles and Riders welcome. $25 per Rider and $10 per passenger, includes Tshirt. Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of World War I. For more info: Call the Veterans office at 615-444-2460 or email robertsl@wilsoncountytn.gov JUNE 30: MURFREESBORO TN: 17th Annual Muscle Car Mayhem - Vintage Muscle
Car Auction: Auction being held at Dealer's Auto Auction of Murfreesboro, LLC 1815 Old Fort Pkwy. Open to the public - Spectator's Welcome! - $10.00 ad-
mission. Starts at 10:00am. To sell or buy call 615-496-2277 or go to http:// www.southernclassicauctions.com/
JUNE 2018: JUNE 30: PINEY FLATTS TN: East Tennessee Showdown: Presented by Direct Paintless Dent Repair will be held at East Tennessee Distillery 220 Piney Flats Road. This car/ truck show is open to all makes and models. This one day event will be packed with stuff for everyone and as always we encourage you to bring the family. East Tennessee Distillery is home to Mello Moon Moonshine and will be offering sampling and
Distillery tours. You will also be able to purchase Mixed drinks and Moonshine. Top 25 with Best of awards. Food for sale on site prepared by Johnny Woos Surf and Turf. Magazine coverage by Logan Wadephotography for Gaugemagazine.com and Adam Johnson for All time Low magazine. Vendors on site. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/181542149260338/ JUNE 30: ATLANTA / DAWSONVILLE GA: HOT WHEELS LEGENDS TOUR: This event is being held at the Walmart Dawsonville, located at 156 Power Center Dr. . Runs from 8am-11am. When Hot Wheels launched the original “Sweet 16” die-cast cars in
1968, they were considered some of the most influential and legendary cars in automotive history. And now, we’re hitting the road to find custom cars worthy of joining them as HOT WHEELS LEGENDS. One finalist from each of the 15 cities will join us at SEMA 2018 in Las Vegas, where one lucky winner will be immortalized as a Hot Wheels Legend and transformed into a die-cast car sold around the world. Don’t miss this family friendly event! Enter your custom car into the competition or come witness the epic event! Each stop will include: Lifesize Hot Wheels Fleet of Cars 2018 Camaro Hot Wheels Anniversary Edition cars. Cool Swag. Photo Ops. Hot Wheels Kids Zone. Microsoft Forza Gaming Zone. Historical Die-Cast Display Car & Pop Culture Influencers. More Info & Enter Your Car (coming soon): http:// hotwheels.com/legends Join our official Hot Wheels Legends Group for more information about exhibiting your car: https://www.facebook.com/groups/
JULY 2018: JULY 1: MT JULIET TN: RED HOT & BLUE COMMUNITY CELEBRATION AND CAR SHOW: Event runs from 5-7pm. FREE!! Car/Motorcycle Show, Live Music, Food, Kids Games and Water Games. Goodie bag to the first 75 registered cars/motorcycles. Pre Register online at http://www.greenhillchurch.com/ Event being held at 13251 Lebanon Road. For more info call 615-758-7238 JULY 4: MAYFIELD KY: Top Gun's Firecracker Sparkle & Shine Car Show: National Car Show competion. Being held in downtown Mayfield, KY at Broadway & 6th Street. First 100 to register gets a collector dash plaque. Lots of great trophies and other Specialty Awards. Huge 6 ft trophies. 7ft Mayors Choice Award! Food Vendors and Kids play area and more. $$$CASH$$$$ All makes and models welcome. Fireworks show and free concert too. For more info call 270-970-0883
JUNE 2018: JUNE 29-30 & JULY 1: YPSILANTI MI: 27TH ANNUAL CAMARO SUPERFEST 2018: Located at Riverside Park. Our 27th annual, is a THREE day Camaro EVENT, designed for YOU, the Camaro Owner!! 2018 schedule: THURSDAY, JUNE 286pm-9pm- Registration at HQ hotel (The Marriott at Eagle Creek, 1275 S. Huron St.) 7pm-9pm- Open House at Vanguard Motor Sales. Tour of their facility from 7pm-9pm. This is FREE to anyone registered for CAMARO SUPERFEST! FRIDAY, JUNE 29: 7am-9am- Registration at HQ hotel. 7am- Leave for COPO Build Center & GM Heritage Center. This is where the 69 factory drag Camaros are hand built. We return this year, so see the new HOT WHEELS COPO being built! CAMARO SUPERFEST is the ONLY ALL Camaro event to be able to bring you this exclusive tour! You MUST register for CAMARO SUPERFEST 2018, in order to attend this activity. We’ll also be traveling to the north side of metro Detroit area to the GM Heritage Center. This is a GM history museum, showing examples of all of GM history with displays of all of
GM’s brands! There is nothing like it anywhere! To attend this activity, just fill out the box on the application page. You MUST register for CAMARO SUPERFEST 2018, in order to attend this activity. 7pm-9pm- Open House at Livernois Motorsports. They are opening up its doors for a tour of their facility from 7pm-9pm. This is FREE to anyone registered for CAMARO SUPERFEST! SATURDAY, JUNE 30: 8am-4pmShow Hours at Riverside Park. 9am-11:30am- Show Judging. 1pm-4pm- Show Judging. 6pm-11pm- Dinner at Lingenfelter Collection. We’ve had an offer we couldn’t refuse! Ken and Kristen Lingenfelter and the Lingenfelter Collection have offered to host a pizza dinner and tour of the Collection for Saturday night! If you have been here… you know it is an exciting place. If you have not been here, expect to see one of the most amazing car collections in the USA! Everything from muscle cars, race cars to exotics! This activity is open to all registered participants of CAMARO SUPERFEST 2018! We’ll also do some very special charity auctions and some poster signing! Com’on and join us for great food, fun and some special auction items for our charity efforts! A great way to end DAY TWO of CAMARO SUPERFEST
2018!. SUNDAY, JULY 1: 8am-4pm- Show Hours at Riverside Park. 9am-NoonShow Judging. 10am- RFC Service by Mike Oginsky. 2pm-The Awards!! For more info go to https://camarosuperfest.com/ 64
JUNE 2018: JULY 4: RED BUD IL: 34TH ANNUAL RIVER ROAD CRUISERS CAR SHOW: Rain or Shine with 24 classes, Best of Show & Lion’s Club Choice Trophies. The Car Show will be help on the grass at Lion’s Club Pavilion West End of Red Bud off route 3 & Powell Rd. Registration 9am-noon. Registration fee $15. Dash Plaques for first 150 cars.
Trophy presentation at 3:30pm. 50/50 drawing, with the River Road Cruisers donating their portion of the 50/50 to the Red Bud Lion’s Club. Trophies and Music. 3 Trophies per class, No stereos in Car Show area. Food and Beverages provided by Red Bud Lions. Attendance prizes for Car Show participants. The River Road Cruisers Reserve the right to change classification of any judged entry. All decisions are final. Vehicles having three modifications or less to be registered in stock class if offered. For more
info: 618-282-
2852 or 618-967-
JUNE 2018: JUNE 28-30: CLOVIS NM: CLOVIS DRAGGIN’ MUSIC FESTIVAL: June 28 Wienerschnitzel, 1220 N. Main St. June 27-29 Clovis Music Festival. June 27 Doug Stone (Country Concert) at Marshall Auditorium, 100 Commerce Way. June 28 4:30-6:30 p.m. Days Inn Rocks! Reception. June 28 Remembering Bobby Vee featuring The Killer Vees (50's Concert) at Marshall Auditorium, 100 Commerce Way. June 29 Warrant with special guests Steelheart (Rock Concert) at Marshall Auditorium, 100 Commerce Way. June 28-30 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tours of the Rock & Roll Museum and Norman Petty Studio. June 30 Draggin' Main Event: 9 a.m.-3 pm. Gearhead Gathering at Marshall Middle School Practice Field-Food, fun, & shopping with vendors and food trucks, kid zone, stereo contest, 5 p.m.-midnight Draggin' Main Cruise along Main Street. For more info go to http://www.clovisnm.org/pages/clovismusic-festival
JUNE 2018: JUNE 29 - JULY 1: DES MOINES IA: 27TH SPEEDWAY MOTORS HEARTLAND NATIONALS -GOODGUYS 2018 EVENT: Located at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. The Mid-Summer Classic! Over 4,000 Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru '87. Spectre Performance All American Sunday welcoming American made or powered
vehicles of all years. Goodguys Saturday Twilight Autocross Fun Runs. Goodguys Autocross - Featuring 16 car "Duel in Des Moines" presented by Speedway Motors. Goodguys Nitro Thunderfest presented by FuelCurve.com. Saturday Night Fireworks Extravaganza. Free Style Motocross Stunt Show. Vendor & Manufacturer Exhibits. Swap Meet, Cars 4 Sale Corral, Model Pedal Car Show, Live Music Entertainment, Goodgals Arts & Crafts Gallery, Kids Zone - Free Arts and crafts, games, prizes & more! Kids Free Revell Model Car Make-N-Take - Get your kids involved in model building. RC Car Exhibition, Hosted by the Central Iowa RC Addicts. Hot Rod Repair by ISRA. Thursday Poker Run - Leaves registration office at Iowa State Fairgrounds at Noon. Thursday Kick-Off Party - 5pm at Marriott West Des Moines on 1250 Jordan Creek Pkwy. T.G.I.F. Party - 5pm at Marriott West Des Moines on 1250 Jordan Creek Pkwy. For more info: 925-838-9876, fax 925-820-8241 or www.goodguys.com JUNE 29-JULY 1: BLUE SPRINGS MO: 2018 MIDWEST FORD FEST: Hosted by Midwest BLUE OVAL FORD Club. Event being held in downtown Blue Springs. Music, awards, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, Kids Korner, and many other activities for all ages. $25 entry fee. Plenty of shade and food will be available. We hope to see you there! For
more info www.MidwestBlueOvalClub.com or FB/MidwestBlueOvalClub
JUNE 2018: JUNE 28-30: PORTSMOUTH NH: THE NEW ENGLAND LOBSTA RUN: Hosted by the TBucket Alliance. For more info on the event go to www.nationaltbucketalliance.com or go to https://www.facebook.com/National-T-Bucket-Alliance204074919637319/ 68
JULY 2018: JULY 1: NEW CASTLE DE: 45TH ANNUAL DELAWARE STREET RODS ROD RUN & PICNIC: Event runs from 8am – 3pm. Event being held at Bellance Airfield at Rt 273 and Centerpoint Blvd. Open to Rods, Customs & Performance Vehicles 20 years old and older. NSRA Safety Insp Avail. Large tent with tables for shade. Awards at 2 PM. Breakfast and lunch served. Vendors, tons of giveaways and a GREAT selection of cars to gaze at. $15.00 per car INFO: Sharon Piccolo 302-422-5105 sharonpiccolo@yahoo.com or go to http://www.delawarestreetrods.com/index1.html JULY 1: ENGLISHTOWN NJ: HOT ROD SURFIN’ SAFARI: Event being held at Old Bridge Township Raceway Park. Muscle cars, Batmobile, Batcycle, burnout contest, food, live music and more! Gates open 9am-4pm. Enter at Airport gate #4. Adults $10.00, kids 6-12: $6.00 and under 6 for free. For more info www.racewaypark.com
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1930 MODEL A COUPE. Restored in 2012 - 4 K on rebuilt engine. Rebuilt Transmission - Mitchell Overdrive. New Radiator, shocks and tires. 6V alternator. Runs and Stops great. Clean inside and out. Much more. Have all paperwork. Must Sell Price Reduced $16,500 or best offer. Stan Carter 774-213 -5697 Middleboro MA. (5-17-18)
FOR SALE: 1980 Buick Regal; One owner; 100,400 original miles; V6; auto; PS,
PB; clean car, no rust, very minor dings. Custom factory paint- no other yellow, 1980 Regals out there. Asking $4,990.00. Email: tom.murrah50@gmail.com or 615-509-0108. Leave mgs for call back. (6-7-18)
WANTED: 4 barrel intake manifold
for a 250 C.I. Chevy in-line 6 cyl. Please call or text Mark 615-509-7361 or email mkosiba2@aol.com (5/24/18)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: Original 69 Camaro drivers side door glass, green tinted. Has date code and DOT code etched into the glass. Believe the glass will fit 68-69 Camaro-firebird. Good condition. $150.00. For more info call 931-4861031 (6/14/18)
FOR SALE: 1997 HARLEY ULTRA CLASSIC: Original owner, excellent condition, Mike Lavallee custom striping, new: stator, starter, front tire, battery, only synthetic fluids, K&N air filter, Corbin 2 piece saddle, Sampson exhaust, mild cam, lifters, push rods, low profile smoked windshield, LED headlight & driving lamps, blue dot taillight, lowered, upgraded stereo, 100k miles, ride anywhere. Good friend hung up riding, made me a deal I couldn't refuse on his newer Ultra, thus the reason for selling. Asking $5,500 obo. Mark 615-400-2542 or mrikal@comcast.net (6/21/18)