Gearhead Gazzette Vol. 18 Issue #29 July 19-25, 2018

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Vol. 18 Issue #29

July 19-25, 2018

Price: FREE



Vol. 18 Issue 29 July 19-25, 2018

inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate/P8 Photography Jack Cobb - Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors PC Svcs, REZ, AMSOIL, PPG, FERRARI, YouTube, AMAZON, Jim Kinne, CARtoon Speed Shop

Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography Web Producer Senior Feature

Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at

The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast USA Shows Midwest USA Shows Western USA Shows West Coast USA Shows Northeast / East Coast Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA Nashville Auto Fest Upcoming Car Shows BUY-SELL-TRADE-WANTED

4 6 –7 8-14 16-18 18—20 20-22 22 24-38 40 44-60 62-63

Cover: Nashville Auto Fest 2018 by Jimmy B Contents Page: Cool auto art from Jim Kinne 2 CARTOON Speed Shop

Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors in the information provided. twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179


“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….” WELCOME & THANK YOU!


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I want to take a few moments and welcome all the new subscribers we have had sign up over the past weeks and months. We appreciate you choosing to subscribe to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE Magazine. We know you have many choices when it comes to “car related” reading, both on-line like we are and in “hard” copy like a lot of auto enthusiast publications are. We know its not just about us being a “FREE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE” deal either. Thee are many other publications available for FREE too. By you choosing to have us deliver each weeks issue into your email box, means a lot to us. THANK YOU and enjoy the ride. If you want to receive the weekly email with the newest issue, head to our website and on the home page sign up...easy to do. Not everyone chooses to subscribe with us. We’re ok with that too! They would rather visit the website and click and open the current issue when they want to and not get the email in their email box. Some actually read each issue off of our

THANK YOU I want to also take time to thank our advertisers. These companies and individuals who buy ad space with us are very important to us. I would ask that when you are thinking of buying something for your cool ride, everyday driver, or even a tool for your shop/hobby, please give our advertisers a look before you buy from someone else. The ad revenue helps us with costs to keep publishing weekly and most importantly keeping every issue to you FREE OF CHARGE! You cant beat free and our great advertisers help keep the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE FREE for everyone. Your turn...go have some gearhead fun this weekend...there’s no good reason not to… FLOOR IT!

Jimmy B.


“the fun starts here”….

‘Ferrari: Race to Immortality’ We’re all gearheads and can appreciate a good show or movie about cars and racing. Here is one that based on watching the trailer looks to us like a very good movie to take a break for and watch it. The movie—Ferrari: Race to Immortality—will be available for streaming on Amazon July 24, 2018. The film carries an 89 percent Rotten Tomatoes score on nine critical reviews. The description of the film is as follows: The 1950s. Dawn of the iconic Scuderia Ferrari in the Formula One World Championship and deadliest decade in motor racing history. As cars pushed the limits of human ingenuity, drivers lived on a knife edge between life and death. At the center of it all was Enzo Ferrari, a towering figure in motor racing and patriarch of Ferrari who dared to dream about speed in ways nobody else could. Amidst the stiff competition within his team, two of its stars, Peter Collins and Mike Hawthorn, decided that their friendship was as important as winning the next race. Ferrari: Race to Immortality tells the story of the loves and losses, triumphs and tragedy of Ferrari's most decorated drivers in an era where it was la dolce vita during the week and a coin toss of whether they lived or died on the weekend. Check out the movie trailer at by copying and pasting in your browser or find it on


AMSOIL to Sponsor PPG Syracuse Nationals’ Builders Block AMSOIL set to be a presenting sponsor for the Builder’s Block at the PPG Syracuse Nationals. The Builder’s Block is a new feature created to feature top builders and key performance parts manufacturers in one concentrated area. Builder’s Block also will feature vehicles from pro builders and emerging builders looking to make a name for themselves in the hot rod and restoration world. PPG Syracuse Nationals is set for July 20-22 (This Weekend) at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, New York. “An industry leading brand like AMSOIL is a natural fit for Builder’s Block,” said Rob O’Connor, event director. “AMSOIL is engrained in every aspect of the automotive world. Car enthusiasts know the quality and performance AMSOIL products represent. The builders displaying in the Builder’s Block count on AMSOIL products to bring the engines and components to life and keep their creations running peak.” The 19th annual PPG Syracuse Nationals presented by Ford and Hot Wheels Car Care Products is the largest classic car show in the Northeast U.S.. Each year over 8,000 hot rods, 450 vendors, and 90,000 people representing 34 different states and six Canadian provinces come together to celebrate America’s love affair with classic cars. To date the event has contributed over $1.2 million dollars to national and local charities.


JULY 2018: JULY 19: ARDMORE AL: Ardmore Boys and Girls Club Cruise-In: Cruise location is at the Sonic Drive-In, 26909 Main Street. Event hours: 6 to 8 pm. Come out for great food, good fellowship, and awesome rides. This event supports the Ardmore Boys and Girls Club by donations. It also supports our local Ardmore Sonic by them sponsoring our event at their location so please come hungry. There will be fun, music, great Sonic treats and food, and beautiful rides to enjoy. This is a wonderful family event. For more about this event visit: events/105140153684352/ JULY 20-21: BOWLING GREEN KY: Car Craft 2018 Summer Nationals: Event location is at Beech Bend Raceway Park, 798 Beech Bend Road. Car Craft Summer Nationals presented by Holley/MSD returns to Bowling Green for America’s premier gathering of performance vehicles. Event's include: Midnight Drags running onsite with bigtire and small-tire classes, Editor’s and Sponsor’s Choice Awards, All-day drag rac-

ing fun runs for participants, Return of Real Street Eliminator, Drift Showcase, Undiscovered Builders, Dyno runs. For more info and updates visit: or or visit or 800-326-7465. JULY 20-21: CHAPEL HILL TN: 42ND ANNUAL LIONS SUPER PULL OF THE SOUTH: VOTED "PULL OF THE YEAR" 8 TIMES in 1988, 1993, 1994, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008 and 2010 by the National Tractor Pullers Association. This NTPA sanctioned Invitational event draws all the top names in the Diesel Super Stock Tractors, Pro Stock

Tractors, 4-Wheel Drive Trucks, Unlimited (multi-engine) Tractors, and the MiniRod Classes. The Excitement never stops as these horsepower monsters roar down the track, chasing their share of over $100,000.00 in prize money, and bragging right for a year as the "Chapel Hill Champ". Grand National Four Wheel Drive (Select Entry). Grand National Modified Mini (Select Entry). Grand National Pro Stock (Select Entry). Grand National Super Stock Diesel (Select Entry). Grand National Unlimited (Select Entry.) Event is held at Lions Motorsports Park, 310 North Horton Parkway. For times and ticket information go to 8


JULY 2018: JULY 20-22: MYRTLE BEACH SC: NOPI NATIONALS 2018 HEATWAVE: The NOPI Nationals tradition continues! NOPI Nationals Supershow and Myrtle Beach Speedway are excited to announce the return of the nations elite car show and entertainment experience in 2018. Vehicle pre-registration and advance spectator passes for the 2018 July Summer Nationals Nationals are on sale. Purchase your passes before the day of event and save big! Advanced 3 Day Pass $15- Spectator. $35- Non Judged Entry (Car & Driver). $40- Judged Entry (Car & Driver). $75- Drift Entry. $10 – One Day Spectator Pass. Day Of Tickets- 3 Day Pass $20 – Spectator. $50 – Non Judged Entry (Car & Driver). $60 – Judged Entry (Car & Driver). $100 – Drift Entry (Car & Driver). $15 – One Day Spectator Pass. Drifting – Friday & Sunday. Live DJ (DJ Jay Fade) All 3 days. Glow Off- Friday night. Train Horn and Exhaust Sound off – Saturday & Sunday. Burn-Out Contest -Sunday. Swimsuit Competition- Saturday & Sunday. Club games- Saturday & Sunday. Sound Contest- Saturday and Sunday. Car

Show Awards- Sunday. For more info go to https:// JULY 21: PARIS TN: SUMMERFEST CAR - TRUCK – MOTORCYCLE SHOW: 42 Classes, Top 3 awards in each class plus an additional 25 Specialty Awards! People's Choice Trophies, Motorcycle Ride for Change! Goody Bags, Door Prizes & More! Registration opens at 8:00 a.m.$10.00 per vehicle and 2 cans of food, each additional vehicle only $5.00 . Call for pre-registration form. Froggy radio 103.7 Live Remote 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. -- Enjoy the Huge Air Conditioned area, featuring 32 vendors with Hand Crafted Artisan and Specialty Items, Old Tyme Carnival Games, Chinese Auction, Live Music, and more! 16 outdoor vendors including automotive and bike related items, yummy food and more! Spectators Free Admission. *** Acres of Free Parking *** A Fun Filled Family Day at The Henry County Fairgrounds in Paris, TN ! Proceeds help fund our shelters - Israel's House & Luke's Inn. For More Information Call - Gloria @ 731-407-9075 or go to FaceBook Summer Fest In Paris or email -



JULY 2018 JULY 21: FLORENCE AL: The W.C Handy Festival Car Show: Event being held in Wilson Park downtown Florence. Registration starts at 8:00 and the show will wrap about 2:00. Registration is $20.00 with $1700.00 in cash drawings along with many door prizes. Trophies for Best of Show Production and Modified, Car and truck Pre1999 and 2000 to present and Rat Rod. W.C. Handy is now as the “Father of the Blues” and was born in Florence, AL. The Festival is a week long event with many musical acts preforming at many restaurants and other venues. For more information on the Festival and a schedule of events check “ wchandyfestival”. For more information on the Car Show contact JULY 21: LEBANON TN: Blue Devil Show N' Shine Benefit Car Show and Silent Auction: Location: Lebanon High School. 500 Blue Devil Blvd (off s. Hartmann Drive). Proceeds benefit the Lebanon High School Band. Registration: 9 am - Noon, Awards

at 3 pm, courtesy of O'Reilly Auto Parts. Entry fee: $20. Rain date: July 28th. TOP50, Best of Show, Best: GM, Ford, Mopar, Rat Rod, Motorcycle, Club Participation. Longest Distance Driven Award. For more info: Tom, 615-604-3554/ Bill, 615-499 -8192 JULY 21: FRANKLIN KY: Man Up, Men's Ministry, Car Show: Event being held at the Franklin Community Church located at 822 Blackjack Road. All Cars, Trucks, Jeeps, & Motorcycles Welcome! Food, Door Prizes & Trophies. Registration: 8:00am. Car Show 9am - 3pm. Entry Fee $20.00 All proceeds go to provide Turkeys for our Thanksgiving Box Ministry to feed families in our community. For more information, Contact Steven 270-776-0797. JULY 21: LAFAYETTE TN: 2nd Annual MCHS Band Car, Truck, Bike, and Tractor Show: Event location is at Lafayette Key Park. Entry fee: $15 each vehicle entered. Event hours: Registration opens at 10 am, Judging starts at 11 am, Trophies are at 1:30 pm. Top-25, Director's Award, Band Favorite, Booster's Favorite. Concessions, 50/50 Raffle. Proceeds benefit the MCHS Marching Tigers Band. For more info, Susan, 615-388-3281 or Phillip, 615-572-4422 12


JULY 2018 JULY 21: HOPKINSVILLE KY: Bike/Car Night at the FOE #3423: Located on Ft Campbell Blvd, next to McDonalds. Times: 6:00pm til ?? Food and Drink Specials, Good Music & Good Times. For more info, Contact Butch Hudson 270-881-6036 JULY 21: DOYLE TN: 3RD ANNUAL CAR SHOW & CRUICE IN/SWAP MEET: Located at the Doyle Civic Center. All Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Ratrods (in any condition) are Welcome! No Entrance Fee. $20 Entry for the $1,000 drawing / Yard Sale/Swap Meet-$20 for a 20x20 space. $1,000 raffle, $400 award to the biggest car club in attendance, 50/50 drawing, Petting zoo & Pony rides with fun and games. For more info call 931-316-4496 JULY 21: LOUISVILLE KY: STERNBERG TRUCK AND VAN RENTAL CRUISE IN FOR A CURE: This is to support Bike to Beat Cancer Benefitting Norton Cancer Institute. Located at 3700 Crittenden Dr. across from Gate 3 of the Fairgrounds. Lot opens at

3:30 for early display setup. Show time Saturday Night 4:30 – 8:30pm. $10 donation per displayed vehicle goes to Bike to Beat Cancer, with a Silent Auction & Food Truck. For more info: 502-639-8689 or or 502-724-2939 or JULY 21-22: TOWNSEND TN: Summer Jam 10; VW, Porsche, and Audi Car and Bicycle Show ... Location: Talley Ho Inn, Townsend. Sponsored by the Knox Volks Motor Club. or for info and updates.



JULY 2018 JULY 20-22: CANFIELD OH: DAVE & ED’S SUPER AUTO EVENTS CANFIELD SWAP MEET: Event being held at 7265 Columbiana Canfield Rd. The areas oldest meet for Rodders, Classics & Antiques. Swap Meet, Car Corral & Sunday Only Car Show. Vendor spaces available Outdoor spaces $60 each - approximately 15 x 30 size, admit 2 people. Limited Indoor spaces $60 each - approximately 9 x 9 size, admit 2 people. Call to reserve with credit card or pay cash at the gate the weekend of the show. Car Corral: $25 vehicle/driver, cash payment @ gate weekend of show. Sunday Car Show: car/driver FREE, passengers $7 each, Limited dash plaques & goodie bags. General Admission: $7 per day/ $10 weekend pass. FREE parking, FREE part pick up, FREE notary service, Kids 11 & Under FREE. Find Vendors selling car, truck & motorcycle parts, leather goods, sunglasses, t-shirts, shop rags, tires & wheels, titles and much more. This is a family friendly event. For more info go to https://

JULY 20-22: BYRON IL: 9TH ANNUAL MELTDOWN DRAGS: Vintage heads up match racing. Car show, swap meet and night racing. Event being held at Byron Dragway located at 7287 North River Road. Miss Meltdown Pin-up Contest. Open to 1966 and earlier hot rods, super stocks, a?FX, gassers, vintage drag dragsters and altered. NOTE: THERE ARE SPECIFIC RULES TO RACE AND SHOW based on being period correct. Check the website for all the info you need BEFORE YOU GO. Pre-Registration is MANDATORY. For the kids, REVELL Model Make & Take. For more info call 815-3910000 or go to

JULY 21: MARINE CITY MI: Free 50s 60s 70s Car Show & Music Fest: For more info go to the Event Page



JULY 2018 JULY 21-22: ST CHARLES IL: JP CAR SHOWS: KANE COUNTY FAIR & FESTIVAL 150 YEARS: KANE COUNTY FAIR CAR SHOW: Saturday and Sunday. Saturday total of 25 awards, based on select judging. Best in show & spectator votes. Sunday total of 50 awards based on selected judging, Best in show & spectator votes. Show gates open

10am & close at noon when fair opens to the public. Registration $15: includes 2 free entries to the fair 1 $20 value. Regular Fair admission: Saturday or Sunday: $10 per adult per day. $5 / children 3-12: FREE / children under 3. Food vendors, Miller Lite Sound Stage and many FREE acts found throughout Midway. Location is Kane County Fairgrounds, 525 South Randall Road. Awards will be spread amongst all years makes and models. Up to 100 cars in grass areas. Additional on hard packed stone. Fair select judging: all vehicles will be taken under consideration. Public voting by kids and adult spectators.

JULY 25-29: RENSSELAER IN: 46TH VAN NATIONALS: The 46th Annual National Truck -In, curated by TITT (Truckin In To Tomorrow). Event will be held at the Jasper County Fairgrounds located at 2671 W. Clark St. Keep it tuned here and at for updates, additional event info, limited edition promos. For more info go to


CLASSIC: Bringing people together for a “Corvette Experience”. For more info: or, 605-7594530,



JULY 2018 JULY 20-22: ST PAUL MN: O'Reilly Auto Parts Street Machine Summer Nationals St. Paul: Event being held at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds located at 1265 Snelling Ave. BIGGEST MUSCLE CAR PARTY OF THE YEAR! The event's high-horsepower driving events like the autocross, the stop box, the burnout contest and the dyno are

included FREE as part of a registered vehicle entry. Don't have a hot car? That's ok, come out to feast your eyes on over 2,000 high-end cars on display, watch the action on the Autocross course and be a part of the live music, the prize giveaways, shop the performance marketplace or watch the Miss Contest & more. Performance Marketplace, Rides / Pro-Judged, AutoCross, DYNO Challenge, Stop Box, National Media Coverage, Burnout Competition, SEMA Young Guns, Street Machine Challenge, Editors Choice Awards, Miss Street Machine Contest, Cruising and Giveaways. Early Bird $40 thru 1/31/18. Pre Registration $50 thru 7/15/18. Late Registration $65. Full Event info at: StreetMachineNationalsStPaul

JULY 2018 JULY 21: VISALIA CA: CLASSIC BOMB SHOW: Join Bombs Magazine at the Classic Car BOMB Show. Presented by the Emperors Car Club - Cen Cal, this will be one Badass Bomb show featuring the Baddest Bombs at the Visalia Convention Center. American 1959 & older only. For more info call 559-736-1457. Pinup contest sponsored by Bombs Magazine. JULY 21: LONG BEACH CA: 64th Annual Long Beach Model T Club Swap Meet: Vintage and Classic Parts Exchange hosted by the Long Beach Model T Club. One of the oldest and best swap meets in the West. Long Beach City College Veterans Stadium 5000 Lew Davis St., off Conant St. between Lakewood Bl. and Clark Ave. All makes and models welcome, automotive and hobby related items only. No guns or weapons allowed, no dogs. $5.00 admission, free parking. Spaces are available, (20ft wide by 16ft deep) $40 each or three for $100, call Jeff Hood 562-597-5936, or download registration form at 20


JULY 2018 JULY 21: SAN JOSE CA: NORCAL DUBAFFAIR: Event being held at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds located at 344 Tully Rd. Come out and enjoy great Vintage/ Custom VW Cars & featuring Dyno Day. Food & Live Music with Swap Meet and Vendor Exhibit. Enter your VW into our Car Show for all Volkswagen klasse awards,

Register for Swap Meet or just come out to support our 1st Annual VW Car Show in San Jose, CA. For more info go to

JULY 2018 JULY 19-22: BOXBOROUGH MA: 2018 VIVA EAST/ROCKABILLY WEEKENDER AND CUSTOM CAR SHOW: Located at 424 Adams Place. Jive Contest, Burlesque Cabaret, Pre-65 car show, vendors, pinup contest and more! Check out the full band line up at There will be a Tiki Pool Party. For more info: or JULY 20-22: SYRACUSE NY: 2018 SYRACUSE NATIONALS: The LARGEST CAR SHOW in the Northeast! Event takes place at the N.Y. State Fairgrounds. Open to street rods, Street Rods, Customs, Classics, Antiques & Trucks thru 1985. Event registration is $40.00. After July 1st its $55.00. You don’t want to miss this one! For more info call 800-753-3978 or go to or https:// or SyracuseNationals/ JULY 20-21: YORK SPRINGS PA: 17TH ANNUAL YORK REUNION HERITAGE DAYS: Located at the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing, 100 Baltimore Road. Celebrating our performance Heritage! Admission $10 donation, this event supports the EMMR includes the total show & museum. Fiday: Jungle Jim Liberman Day and with special guest Bunny Burkett. Saturday Bill Grumpy Jenkins and Larry Lomibardo Day. Toys & Models, memorabilia, magazines, apparel, Vintage Photos, Books, Posters, Race Car Art and T-shirts! Pre entry required for all vendors see For more info: or 717-757-2720 or 22


THURSDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: Lebanon, TN - Coach's East Gate Grille Cruise: Located at 6750 East gate Drive. Located off I-40 and Hwy 109. From: 5pm - 8pm. Every Thursday Night. Cruising Start Date April 12th. Peoples Choice Award, 50/50 Drawing and more. Visit: CHATTANOOGA TN: BURGERZ & RODZ CRUISE IN: Hosted by the East Tennessee Street Rods and THE COOK OUT. Cruise takes place every Thursday night thru Nov 1st. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Cruise is held at 5390 Hwy 153. Monthly giveaways, news & information on local and regional cars show and cruise in’s. For more info go to NASHVILLE TN: OLD SKOOL & NEW KOOL CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Thursday night thru Oct. Cruise takes place at Life Church located at 215 Broadmoor DR. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Open to all classic cars, trucks, muscle cars, street rods, Tuners, rat rods, sports cars, low riders and anything cool! For more info call 615668-8090 or go to or oldskoolandnewkool/ Franklin, KY: The Gathering: Cruise fun on the Square in Franklin KY. Cruise runs from 6pm til everyone leaves. Cruising started April 26th, and runs thru Oct depending on weather. NASHVILLE TN: CONCERT CRUISE-IN: Live From the Back Porch at Fontanel is running every Thursday evening from 6:00-8:30 PM. Enter through the gate by the log cabin at 4241 Whites Creek Pike. The event will not be held during the hottest months of the summer and will pick back up in the Fall each Thursday. Bring out your cars and enjoying the terrific atmosphere and vibe of Live from the Back Porch. Bring a blanket, bring a chair…it’s a weekly Thursday night party that is family & dog friendly, and admission is absolutely FREE. In addition to the concerts, there will be food and drink, numerous lawn games, and a firepit.

VIOLA TN: Viola's Pizza Co. presents Classic Cruise Nights 2018: Cruise is held every Thursday night. Cruise is held on the Square. Cruise runs from June thru August. Cruise Times are 3-8pm. Classic Cars, Antique Cars, Specialty Cars, Motorcycles & Muscle Car. No Fees, Free Parking and Food Discounts. Weekly Prize for Favorite Car. For more info go to FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: Hendersonville TN: Hendersonville Cruise In: Cruise Location is now at 393 E. Main St., at the old Sear Outlet Parking Lot. Cruising is on every Friday Night thru Halloween. Cruise time is 6 til 9pm. Family fun, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, ride of the week, oldies music. For more info go to HendersonvilleCruiseIn/ 24


FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: LEBANON TN: SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN CRUISE: Held on Friday Nights at Middle Tennessee’s oldest Drive In. Snow White has been serving up great burgers, shakes, fries and more since the early ‘50’s! Add in a whole lot of cool cars on a Friday night and the recipe equals fun! Located at 1714 West Main St. For more info call 615443-4299

JEFFERSON CITY TN: MOSSY CREEK CRUZERS CRUISE-IN: Takes place every Friday night from April – Oct. Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held in the parking lot at BIG LOTS on Hwy 11 E. For more info go to ating their 2018 Benefit Cruise-In Season to A Soldier’s Child Foundation. LYNCHBURG TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: The cruise is held on Friday nights through September. Cruise is hosted by Lynchburg Fixns. Register your ride for the Fan Vote (and be qualified for a monthly prize) plus receive a discount on your dinner … Receive a numbered dashboard plaque to place in the front window — car, truck, or cycle. Park on or behind the square. Votes will be cast from 5-7 p.m. in Lynchburg Fixns. Winner announced at the end of each month. For more info and Details go to MARYVILLE TN: FOOTHILLS CRUISE-IN: Cruise takes place every Friday night, from April till Oct. Cruise Time is 5:00 till 9:00pm. Cruise location is at the JC Penny end of the Foothills Mall. Open to all! For more info call 865-856-8752 or go to https:// 3rd FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : MURFREESBORO TN: 2018 BENEFIT CRUISE-IN SEASON: Presented by the CHRA. Cruise is being held on the 3rd Friday Night of each month from April thru Sept. Cruise is held at the New Vision Baptist Church located at 1750 N Thompsons Lane. Cruise runs from 5pm until dark. $1.00 donation for ASCF. Concessions, Car & Bible Trivia, Door Prizes, Oldies Music For more info contact Peggy at The Christian Hot Rod Association of Tennessee is dedicating their 2018 Benefit Cruise-In Season to A Soldier’s Child Foundation. ASHLAND CITY: Old Guys and Gals Cruise Mob: Cruise held at Mister Tee's, 1114 N. Main Street. Starts on May 18th thru October 19th. Hours: 6 to 9 pm. For more info call: Red (Sandra), 615-957-8834 or Mister Tee's, 615-792-2200 CLARKRANGE TN: CUMBERLAND MOUNTAIN GENERAL STORE AND ROCK-a-BILLY DINER CRUISE-IN: JULY 20th: SPECIAL DATE CHANGE FOR JULY! Cruise is held each month from April – Oct. Cruise runs from 6-8pm. Located at 6807 South York Hwy. Live music, fellowship and relax in a laid back atmosphere! Great Food at the Rocka Billy Diner. For more info call 931-863-3880 26


3rd FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : COWAN TN: COWAN CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the 3rd Friday of each month in downtown Cowan. Cruise Starts on April 20th. Cruise In open to any and all vehicles...Rat Rods, Street Rods, Classics, Antiques, Race Vehicles, Drifters, Pickum Up Trucks. Trailer queens can be unloaded in Monterey Station parking lot. Drive it, Drag it, or Push it... just don't miss the fun!

SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located right off Cool Springs Blvd. 3rd SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : CROSSVILLE TN: CRUISE-IN BREAKFAST: Cruise held on the 3rd Saturday morning of the month. Cruise runs from 8-11am. Cruise is held at the Plateau Christian Church located at 93 Bob Tollett Loop. The church youth will be cooking and serving breakfast for FREE. Donations are appreciated and will be used for the restoration of their project car, 1962 Ford Falcon. For more information call 931-510-7328 SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LAVERGNE TN: CRUISE-IN AT THE DRIVE IN: Cruise takes place every Saturday Night. Cruise runs from April – September. Cruise times are 5-8pm. Classic & New Vehicles are welcome. Main cruise parking is held in the CVS parking lot located at 5210 Murfreesboro Rd with extra parking at SONIC. Sponsored by CVS & SONIC. Free family friendly event. 50/50 drawing. Special offered by SONIC DRIVE IN. Oldies music, great food and good company. For more info call 615-506-8164 or checkout CRUISE-IN at the Drive In on Facebook. GOODLETTSVILLE TN: GOODLETTSVILLE CRUISE-IN: Location: Publix Shopping Center, 460 Long Hollow Pike. Starts, April 21st, From: 5pm til 9pm, Weather Permitting. LEBANON TN: GOOD WHEEL CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: NEW LOCATION for 2018!! Cruise is held every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise runs from 4-10pm. New Cruise location is at the old Kmart lot located at 1443 West Main St. 50/50 Drawing. Trophy for Car of the Week. Join us for fun, fellowship and a good time with cool cars on Saturday Nights. For more info go to groups/552023871629171 MT JULIET TN: Providence Wendy’s Cruise In: Cruise meets every Saturday night, weather permitting, from 5 - 9 pm from April through October. We are located at Providence mall in front of the American Jewelry building. We have music and door prizes. All makes and models of cars are welcome. There are lots of food choices.


Every Tuesday Night at Bruster's Ice Cream Bowling Green KY


3rd SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S MAYFIELD KY: TOP GUN CRUISE IN: Cruise takes place on the 3rd Saturday Night of each month from April – September. Cruise takes place on Broadway & 7th. Cruise Times: 3pm - 8pm. For more info, visit ERIN TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: Music, 50/50 drawing, great door prizes, Great food by Paul's Pizza Palace. Time: 5pm- 9pm. Starts April 21st - October. Sponsored by the local merchants and the City of Erin. PLEASANT VIEW TN: Cruise'n N Groove'n at the Pleasant View Village: South of intersections Hwy 49 & Hwy 41A, starting May 19th thru October 20th. Times: 5pm 9pm. We have music, several food choices, shopping for the ladies, and lots of cars. Each month our Mayor picks his favorite car, they then receive reserved parking the next month. At the October event, all the monthly winners will be up for TOP pick for the year voted on by the people. Each month a different theme: May 19th is Mustangs; June 16th is Jeeps; July 21st is Tri-Five (55-56-57 Chevys); August 18th is Corvettes; Sept 15th is Honoring Veterans; October 20th is Trunk N Treat. For more info, contact 615-746-0600.

Hopkinsville, KY: Pennyrile Classic Car Club Cruise Night: Held on the 3rd Saturday night of the month starting May 19th at the Old Kmart/ Hardees. Visit our NEW location starting June 16th; July 21st; August 18th; September 15th. The Cruise Night is at Brenda's Snack Shack located at Indian Hills Shopping Plaza, 3141 Canton Pike, Hopkinsville, KY. Times: 6pm - 9pm. Bring your Classic Cars & Trucks and a Chair to enjoy the fun, 50/50 Drawing at 8:30 pm. For more info email: SPARTA TN: SPARTA CRUISE-IN: The Sparta Good Time Cruisers will be kicking off the Cruise-In season on Saturday, April 21th and running thru Oct. Cruise is held on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Cruise runs from 3:00 pm until dusk. The cruise is held on Liberty Square in downtown Sparta. Come on out and enjoy some of the most awesome Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Antique, Rat Rods and Trucks in the Upper Cumberland. The fine folks at Christpoint Church will again be providing some delicious grilled burgers, hot dogs, and all the fixins with sides. Bring your chair and your family and come on out for a great time! And as always it is FREE!!! For more info call 931-212-7658. GALLATIN TN: 4th Saturday Night Cruise-In at City Hall: Cruise runs from 48pm.Oldies music, door prizes, ride of the week trophy. Cruise Starts on April 28th: Other Dates: May 26; June 23; July 28; Aug 25; Sept 22, Oct 27. For more info Call Jim Hall 615-969-2738



4th SUNDAY CRUISE IN’S : MANCHESTER KY: 14TH ANNUAL CRUZIN’ IN THE PARK: Hosted by the Clay County Cruisers> Held on the 4th Sunday afternoon of each month from April thru Oct. Cruise starts at 1pm. Cruise is being held at the Clay County Community Center (aka the Crawdad Bldg.). Free Event. Door Prizes. Good clean family fun. For more info call 606-231-4586.

MONDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: LEWISBURG TN: SONIC CRUISE IN: Held every Monday night from 5-7pm.Cruising starts on March 12th and runs until it Nov. Located at the SONIC Drive In at 420 Ellington Pkwy MONDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: WHITE HOUSE TN: CRUISE-IN AT COLORADO GRILL: Cruise is held every Monday Night, weather permitting starting April 9th thru October. Last Monday in Oct will be the Trunk or Treat Cruise. The Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held at the Colorado Grill parking Lot located AT 2747 Hwy 31W. For more info call Wayne Malign, 615-566-7343 cell or Bob Boone, 601-954-3604 cell or go to TUESDAY NIGHT: BOWLING GREEN KY: CRUISIN FOR A CURE: The cruise is held every Tuesday Night from 5-8pm. Cruise is held at Brusters Ice Cream located at 2712 Scottsville Rd. Cruise starts on April 3rd and runs thru Oct. For more info go to https:// WESTMORELAND TN: DOWNTOWN WESTMORELAND CRUISE: Held every Tuesday starting April 10 and runs thru Oct 30th. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Al cars, truck and motorcycles welcome WEDNESDAY NIGHT: SPRINGFIELD TN: CLASSIC TIN CRUISE IN: Located at 501 22nd Ave E. @ Dynamic Collision. Cruise is held every Wednesday night. Cruise runs from 5pm - 9pm. Cruise runs thru October 31st Trunk N Treat. For more info call Shelby Horner (615) 336-2257 THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: LOMBARD IL: BRAUERHOUSE TIRE SWARM CUSTOM CAR AND BIKE ROLL-IN: Cruise is held every Thursday Night. Cruise starts on April 19th. Cruise id held at the Brauerhouse at Rt. 53 & North Ave. Live Music. NO COLORS!. For more info go to 32


FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in May and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in May and runs thru Oct. ROLLING MEADOWS IL: MEADOWS CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise is held every Friday night from May 25-Aug 31. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Cruise is held at the Meadows Christian Fellowship located at 2401 Kirchoff Rd. For more info go to SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in April and runs thru Oct.

HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise happens every Monday night from 5-9pm. Rain, snow or shine! Held at the WENDY’s just south of I-80 exit 112(Rt47). Open cruise so bring what you are driving and have fun with us! For more info email to 4th TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ST CHARLES IL: ST CHARLES CRUISE NITES: Cruise takes place on the 4th Tuesday night of each month starting April 24th and running thru Sept. Cruise is held o Riverside Drive, Entrance is at Walnut & Second Ave. %pm car registration. 7:45pm awards. All cars must be registered. No charge for participants. Food, raffles, music, vendors and more. 4th WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: SOUTH LYON MI: LAKE STREET CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held in downtown on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Runs from May thru Sept. Cruise starts at 6:30pm EXCEPT in Sept when it starts at 6pm. All cruisers are welcome. Music by DJ Paul Peters. Awards each night for Best in Show, Best Paint and Best Engine. 34


4th WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: VERNON HILLS IL: MOTORS ON MILWAUKEE CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise takes place on the 4th Wednesday from May thru September. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Cruise is held at the SEAR Auto Center located at 2 Hawthorn Center. Food and refreshments by SABARRO. All cars, truck, motorcycles and clubs are welcome. Music by the BGV Motorsports DJ. Food Specials. Dash plaques. Top Vehicle award. For more info call 847-235-6528 FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers. Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Free Custard. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to events/313950265718586 CHANDLER AZ: HAPPY HOUR CAR SHOW & LIVE MUSIC: Cruise held every Friday Night. Cruise is held at the Patio at the Forum located at 2301 S Stearman Drive. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Free wood fired pizza from 5-6:30apm. Bring your cars or just come and have fun. 3rd SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: SAN TAN VALLEY AZ: SATURDAY AFTERNOON CRUISE-IN: Hosted by the Saturday Night Cruisers. Cruise runs from 4pm - ??. Cruise starts Oct.21st and runs on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Being held at Freddy’s Steakburgers at the corner of Hunt Hwy & Gary Rd. Music, raffles, Peoples Choice Award, Steakburgers & frozen custard and lights…we have lights. Win a $25 gift Certificate from Freddy’s every cruise night. For info call 480-204-6201

FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ESCONDIDO CA: CRUISIN” GRAND: Cruise is held every Friday night from April thru Sept. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Cruise is held on Grand Ave between Orange and Ivey Streets. The streets are filled with strolling people of all ages, while a parade of pre-1970s vintage cars slowly cruise up and down Grand Avenue. All kinds of vintage cars—from American Hot Rods, Classics, Antiques, and Customs—help make seven blocks of Escondido the place to be on Friday nights! For more info call 760745-8877 or go to 36


WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN DOWNEY CA: BOB’S BIG BOY HOT ROD AND CUSTOM CRUISE NIGHTS: Held every Wednesday Night at the Car Hop. Runs from 5-10pm. Hot rods, Classic’s and Muscle cars. Located at 7447 E. Firestone Blvd. Bring the whole family for a night of fun. For more info call 562-928-BOBS

THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S WOODBRIDGE NJ: THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN: Hosted by the Hollywood Night Cruisers. Cruise is held at the CHICK-FIL-A on St Georges Ave. Cruise is held every Thursday from 6-9pm, weather permitting. FREE ADMISSION! Cruise starts MAY10 and runs to Oct 25. Prizes awarded. Open to antique, classic, custom and restored cars. For more info call 732-636-2074 FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MILLTOWN NJ: HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS CRUISERS CLASSIC CAR SHOW: Friday Nights at Home Depot are kicking in. Our First Home Depot Cruise Night will be April 13th starting 6pm to 9pm and every Friday there after. The Hollywood Night Cruisers hope everyone had a great winter and we look forward to seeing all of you and, another excellent Season. MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: WAYNE NJ: CRUISIN AT HOOTERS RESTAURANT: Cruise happens every Monday from 5:30-9pm at HOOTERS located at 25 Rt. 23 South. Free admission. Sponsored by the North Jersey Classic Cruisers. DJ Nick at Night. Open to all years makes and models. Trophies, contest and prizes. Great food & drink specials. For more info call 201-303-3218 or go to the North Jersey Classic Cruisers FB page. TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: WARWICK RI: OAKLAND BEACH CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise takes place every Tuesday from 4-8pm. Cruise runs thru Sept 11th. Cruise is held at Oakland Beach. Season pass $15.00 or gate pass for $2.00. 50/50 raffle, t-shirts, New England Lemonade, Johnny Dog and More! Hosted by the Warwick Lions Club. Music by DJ Car-Guy. Open to all makes, models and years. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: CLIFTON NJ: CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise is held every Wednesday Night. Located at Maple Valley Diner at 1116 Route 46 West. Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Open to all years and classics. Music by DJ Nick at Night. Contests, prizes, trophy and live entertainment nights. For more info and any weather cancellations call 201-303-3218 38

Friday July 20th—Special Date for July


Winter Hot Rod Fun in Music City USA!

Story / Photography by Jimmy B

Nashville, being located in the MidSouth / Southeast region of the country, doesn't experience what you would call, cold & heavy snowfall winters. Yes it does get very cool and sometimes downright cold too. Snow even pops into the forecast once in awhile, but generally not a terrible time of year.

Still it is winter and gearheads have their cool rides tucked away for a little while. Projects going on in garages and shop across the region too. 40

Sometimes though, the winter blah’s set in after the holidays, and sometimes you just have to take a break from the project work and go have some gearhead fun. For 27 years, the Nashville Auto Fest has provided that relief from “cabin fever” and project overload”. The Nashville Auto Fest is part car show, swap meet, car corral and lots of vendors all under the roof of the Tennessee State Fairgrounds buildings. Even if it’s chilly out in the parking lot, once you get inside it’s nice and warm, especially with all those cool cars and trucks on display. Check out some of the cool rides we captured at this year’s “Fest” and make plans to be part of or check out the 28th annual will help you cure that cabin fever you’ll have about that time! 41



JULY 2018: JULY 27-28: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: 9th ANNUAL HILLBILLY SHOW & SHINE 2018: EXCITING NEWS for the 2018' Show & Shine…it will be Two Days!! The 9th Annual Hillbilly Jam Festival 2018' is a FUN filled weekend complete with tons of good Live Music, Food, TV Celebrities, Crafts, and yes…some real live Moonshiners, plus More! Now add the 5th Annual Hillbilly Show & Shine Car and Bike Show...adding, Hot

Rods, Bikes, 4x4's, Automotive / Motorcycle type vendors, small swap meet, pinstriping, diecast toys, pin-ups and more! Together making a over the top event that will be fun for the whole Family!! Event being held at 3374 Soco Rd. FESTIVAL and CAR SHOW: July Fri.27th - Sat.28th. SPECTATORS: $10.00 per person / per day. KIDS: 10yrs & under FREE! CAR SHOW PARTICIPANTS: $20.00 per entry (includes 2 passes). PEDAL CAR / WAGON PARTICIPANTS: $10.00 per entry. CAR & BIKE SHOW INFO: Rob Honeycutt @ 423-483-4295. HILLBILLY JAM FESTIVAL INFO : Terry Frady @ 828 -450-9795 For more info go to JULY 27-28: SOMERSET KY: SOMERNITES CRUISE 2nd Annual Trucks Showcase: All custom, classic and muscle truck asked for it and here it is. The Somernites show in downtown Somerset, KY will feature the Truckin’ Nationals. ALL makes and models are welcome, admission is FREE. From the mildest completely stock truck to the wildest modified custom ride imaginable, they'll all be at this show. Every show vehicle thru the gates will receive one (1) free chance to win a custom '67 Chevy Stepside to be given away at 6:30pm on Town, don't miss this show. Get all the info at... events/395125047661196/ JULY 27-28: ELIZABETHTOWN KY: 9TH ANNUAL CRUISIN’ THE HEARTLAND: Location in downtown Elizabethtown. Recognized as one of the Top Cruise-Ins the nation by the Chevy Classics Magazine. For more info:



JULY 2018: JULY 28: AURORA KY: KENLAKE CRUISE-IN: Located at the Kenlake State Resort Park. Show time 3pm-7pm. Presented by The Metal MaFia C.C. JULY 28: CLARKSVILLE TN: Valhalla Car and Bike Show: Event location is at 800 Lafayette Road. Event hours: 9 am to 3 pm. $10 Pre-Registration/ $15 Day of Event. Free dash plaque with Pre-Registration. Swap Meet and Vendor Area, Food and Entertainment, Car Bash, Door Prizes, Petting Zoo, Gamez on Wheelz. Custom made trophies for 1st - 2nd - 3rd places. For more info or to Pre-Register email: -or call: 931-291-1939 JULY 28: HOPKINSVILLE KY: 16th Annual Alexis "Lexi" Sabatino Poker Run: Event is located at the Western KY State Fairground Convention Center, 2810 Richard St. Registration at 9am - Ride at 11am (back by 6pm) Entry Fee $20.00 per person. Registration includes one (1) poker hand and a Meal after the Ride. For more info, contact Bobby Cook 270-484-0247 or Wayne Hart 270-350-1990 JULY 28: CHARLOTTE / HUNTERSVILLE NC: HOT WHEELS LEGENDS TOUR: This event is being held at the Walmart Huntersville, located at 11145 Bryton Town Center Dr. Runs from 8am-11am. When Hot Wheels launched the original “Sweet 16” die -cast cars in 1968, they were considered some of the most influential and legendary cars in automotive history. And now, we’re hitting the road to find custom cars worthy of joining them as HOT WHEELS LEGENDS. One finalist from each of the 15 cities will join us at SEMA 2018 in Las Vegas, where one lucky winner will be immortalized as a Hot Wheels Legend and transformed into a die-cast car sold around the world.

Don’t miss this family friendly event! Enter your custom car into the competition or come witness the epic event! Each stop will include: Lifesize Hot Wheels Fleet of Cars 2018 Camaro Hot Wheels Anniversary Edition cars. Cool Swag. Photo Ops. Hot Wheels Kids Zone. Microsoft Forza Gaming Zone. Historical Die-Cast Display Car & Pop Culture Influencers. More Info & Enter Your Car (coming soon): http:// Join our official Hot Wheels Legends Group for more information about exhibiting your car: HotWheelsLegends/ 46


JULY 2018: JULY 28: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: MIS SHOW & SHINE- 2018 HILLBILLY SHOW : Part of the Hillbilly Jam. Miss Show & Shine, Classic Pin up contest. Free to enter. Located at Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3340 Soco Rd. Registration 10am-1:30pm, show at 2pm. Presented by Morgana Divine (Pinups) Pinups Booth, Hair & Makeup Appointment available, Contact to book yours today! For more info: or 828-398-8316 JULY 28: BUTLER KY: 26TH ANNUAL CRUISE IN CELEBRATION: Located at 110 Mill St at the Butler Community Park. 5pm-8pm. Rain date August 4. Presented by the Butler Lions Club.1st 50 vehicles receive Dash Plaques! Food, Drinks, Music, Games and Playground. There is something for the entire family. Lions recycle for sight. For more info: 859-472-2624 or JULY 28: MARION KY: 4TH ANNUAL BLUEGRASS BLOWOUT CAR SHOW: Located at Crittenden County Fairgrounds, 250 Club Dr. Gates open at 9am, awards at 2pm. Rain date: Aug 11. Entry fee $15. Door Prizes, concessions. Top 25 receive awards. First 50 receive dash plaques. Specialty Awards: Lions Club, Most Unique, Peoples Choice, Best Paint, Under construction, and Best Rat Rod. For more info: 270-7041477.

JULY 2018: JULY 25-29: RENSSELAER IN: 46TH VAN NATIONALS: The 46th Annual National Truck -In, curated by TITT (Truckin In To Tomorrow). Event will be held at the Jasper County Fairgrounds located at 2671 W. Clark St. Keep it tuned here and at for updates, additional event info, limited edition promos. For more info go to



JULY 2018: JULY 26-29: JOLIET IL: 13TH ANNUAL NITRO NMRA / NMCA SUPER BOWL: Both the NMRA and the NMCA roll into Route 66 Raceway. This is the ONLY event where the NMRA and NMCA compete against each other for the ultimate bragging rights! The 13th Annual Nitto Tire NMRA/NMCA Super Bowl of Street-Legal Drag Racing is one

of the crown jewels in ProMedia organization’s family of events. By combining all of the classes across both racing sanctions, selecting an outstanding venue like Route 66 Raceway that is centrally located to much of the country, and bringing the baddest door slammers in the country together in one place, the stage is set for ground-breaking, record-setting heads up drag racing plus a giant all American car show and so much more! Over the last several years, the Route 66 surface has been home to many record-setting passes. It’s called the Super Bowl of Street Legal Drag Racing for a reason, and the racing action reflects that title. Over 30 race classes filled with all kinds of awesome Detroit iron, walkin’ and talkin’ down the track – this event is an absolute must! For more info go to http:// JULY 27-28: HAVANA IL: FUNNY CAR CHOAS! Located at the Central Illinois Dragway. Outlaw 16 car field! $23,000 + purse! $5,000 to win!, $3,00 to RU, $2,000 Semi, $1250 RD 2 and $750 RD 1. Outlaw funny car extravaganza. Any & all FC’s welcome! No rules on combination or body style. 1/8 th mile, No Rules! Run whatcha brung! Friday night qualifying, its Funny car chaos! Back up girl contest, Biggest Burnout Bonus! For more info: or JULY 27-28: PEKIN IL: 14TH ANNUAL SUPER CRUISE: Located in downtown Perkin. Friday July 27th Bike Night 5pm-12am. Hundreds of Classic & Custom Bikes. Live Music—Glory Days 7-11pm. Bike show with trophies. Merchandise & Food Vendors, Open Beer Garden, Face painting & Henna Tattoos. Saturday July 28 Downtown Cruise 11am-8pm. Hundreds of Classic & Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Rat Rods, Lowriders, Bikes and More. Live DJ Music all day. Merchandise & Food Vendors, Face painting and Henna Tattoos. 50


JULY 2018: JULY 28: SOUTH LYON MI: 1ST ANNUAL ALL DAY LAKE STREET CRUISE-IN MOTORFEST: Located at Pontiac Trail in Downtown South Lyon. Staging at First Prebyterian Church lot. Rain or Shine. Registration and parking 8-10:30am. Display time 11am-5pm. Awards 4pm at Magic Bus Band Shell. Pre-registration, July 1, $15 entry, receives a dash plaque and t-shirt. Vehicles interested in parting together must arrive together. Registration fee after deadline is $20 and on day of show (t-shirt not included). Dash Plaques to the first 400 entries. Awards of Excellence and Best of Show award. All vehicles pre-registered or not must move through the gate on N Wells Street and Lake Street. No early parking on Pontiac Trail, Lake Street and Wells St will be allowed. JULY 28: PORT HURON MI: MAINSTREET MEMORIES CAR SHOW: Located in downtown Port Huron. This is a non-judged show. Show time is 10am-4pm. Registration 8am-

11am. Register at the Tent in Front of McMorran Place. To park together, arrive together. Entry Fee/Donation. $10 pre-registration. (July 14th Cut off) $15 day of show with US funds only. Donations support Council on Aging Inc. $50 cash prize drawing for Pre-registered entries. Good bags and Magnetic Dash Plaques to the First 200 registrants. Door prizes every ½ hour, Grand prize Giveaway at closing ceremonies, sponsor Choice Awards to be presented. $100 Check Award to Largest Car Club Display from outside St. Clair County with DBA. Mainstreet Memoris Arts & Crafts Show by McMorran Place. For more info: or FB: MainstreetMemoriesPH/for updates, or call 810-689-6575. JULY 28: WINCHESTER IN: 5TH ANNUAL WICK’S PIES AND COOL RIDES; CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Located at the Downtown around the Courthouse. Registration 8 – noon with awards 3pm. Dash Plaques, Door prizes! Pie eating contest—for all ages. Top 25 win awards & Indiana State Pie Plus many specialty awards. “Great Food at Mrs. Wick’s Restaurant”. Home of the Indiana State Pie—“Sugar Cream”. For more info: 260-273-1447.



JULY 2018: JULY 28: BOYNE CITY MI: 2018 NSRA APPRECIATION DAY OPEN HOUSE: Hosted by CLASSIC INSTRUMENTS. Bring your hot rod, classic car, motorcycle, or other cool rides to our annual NSRA Appreciation Day open house for a day of entertainment and good company. Event being held at CLASSIC INSTRUMENTS located at 826 Moll

Drive. We will award a team pick award for cars on display, hold raffle drawings for great prizes, and BC Pizza will be available. Brian Brennan, editor of Street Rodder Magazine, will be in attendance to name two lucky winners Street Rodder Editor’s picks and feature them in an upcoming issue of Street Rodder magazine! This year all proceeds will benefit the Boyne City Police Department for officer training. All are welcome to attend. NEW THIS YEAR Each hot rod, classic car, motorcycle, or other cool ride on display will receive one scratch-off card with the chance to win one of several prizes or use it to enter a drawing to win gauges! For more info go to https:// JULY 28: LYONS IN: SOUTEAST GASSERS ASSOCIATION PRESENTS: Located at Motorsports Park, 4425 W 300 S. Qualifying begins at 5:30pm, adults $15, kids 10 and under free. A, B, C/Gas Championship Drag Racing. A/FX & H/Gas, Official start of Sega Super Stocks! For more info: JULY 28: PLYMOUTH MI: BILLETPROFF MICHIGAN 2018: Billetproof Michigan moves from the drag strip to the golf course! Now part of the Concours d’Elegance of the Americas weekend ( ) traditional hot rods and customs will be displayed in a reserved corral next to over 1000 exotics and classics at the spectacular Inn at St. John’s, located at 44045 Five Mile Road. Best of all? Its now FREE for spectators and participants. For more info go to plymouth-mi-july-28-2018/ JULY 28-29: LAMBERTVILLE MI: 8TH ANNUAL PANTY RAID CAR SHOW: Event being held at the Lambertville Civic Club located at 3907 Dorr St. Come enjoy local music's with great cars and people. Stay the night with free camping and enjoy the good time. More details TBA or go to 54


JULY 2018: JULY 29: BUNKER HILL IN: 9th ANNUAL BATTLE AT THE HILL: Road Kings Car Club presents the 9th annual "Battle at the Hill" at the legendary Bunker Hill Dragstrip. A day of good old fashioned vintage drag racing/car show fun! $20 Race Entry/Show-Car Entry. $20 Swap. $5 Spectators. Gates open at 9am. All

cars in pit area will be Pre-1965. All show cars and drag cars newer than 1965 will have their own area to display and set-up. Last two hours of racing open to cars of any model year. JULY 29: VILLA PARK IL: Strat's Show Cars & Show Gals 2018: All show vehicles welcome old or new. Great photo opps and the Bikini Wash Cars & Cycle optional. Entry Fee $15. Wash the bigger the tip the better the detail. Awards at 2:45 must be present to win. The Gals will be the Judges today! BREAKFAST & LUNCH SPECIALS! BASEBALL, FOOTBALL & NASCAR ON TV STRAT’S IS LOCATED AT 231 E

North Ave, A ¼ OF A MILE WEST OF RTE. 83 FOR MORE INFO CALL 630-832-0435 or go to JULY 29: SYCAMORE IL: 19TH ANNUAL FIZZ EHRLER MEMORIAL TURNING BACK TIME CAR SHOW: Located at downtown Sycamore. Gates open 6am. Enter on California Street. All motorcycles will be classified and judged, directed and sponsored by Barbed Wire Harley-Davidson. For more info: 815-756-4558 or



JULY 2018: JULY 26-29: SALINAS KS: 38TH LEADSLED SPECTACULAR: GET READY HOTRODDERS! THE KING OF DRAG RACING! “Big Daddy” DON GARLITS is coming to the Kustom Kemps Of America LEADSLED Spectacular, And He’s Bringing SWAMP RAT-12 TO CACKLE! Don Garlits (born January 14, 1932, Tampa, Florida) is an American icon

race car driver and automotive engineer. He is considered the father of drag racing. He is also known as "Big Daddy" to drag racing fans around the world. Always being a pioneer in the field of drag racing, he perfected the rear-engine top fuel dragster design, an innovation motivated by the loss of part of his foot in a dragster accident. This design was notably safer since it put most of the fuel processing and rotating parts of the dragster behind the driver. The driver was placed in front of nearly all the mechanical components, thus protecting the driver and allowing him to activate a variety of safety equipment in the event of catastrophic mechanical failure or a fire. Garlits was an early promoter of the full-body, fireresistant Nomex driver's suit, complete with socks, gloves, and balaclava, (knit cap for the head and neck). Garlits was the first drag racer to officially surpass the 170, 180, 200, 240, 250, and 270 miles per hour marks in the quarter mile; he was also the first to top 200 mph in the 1/8 mile. In May of 2014 at age 82, Garlits set a 184 mph (296 km/h) speed record in an EV dragster, a battery-powered electric vehicle that does not burn fuel. Garlits has been inducted into several Halls of Fame and has won many awards though out his on going career. KKOA highly suggests, from a personal experience, if you’re in Ocala, Florida to take the time to visit the

“Big Daddy” Don Garlits Museum of Drag Racing. It’s located just off busy I-75 @ 13700 SW 16th Ave. And, guess how long his driveway is to his home and Museum! One “Quarter Mile.” Well deserving, to a true American hero. Don’t Miss This Chance To Meet & GreetThe Worlds Most Famous Drag Racer.



JULY 2018: JULY 27-29: PUYALLUP WA: 31ST PACIFIC NORTHWWEST NATIONALS-GOODGUYS 2018 EVENT: Located at the Washington State Fair Events Center. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars, Trucks thru ’87, Indoor Car Show, Vendors, Swap Meet and Cars 4 Sale Corral, Friday Night Vintage Drags at Pacific Raceways

and All American Sunday. For more info: 925-838-9876, fax 925-820-8241 or JULY 28: FALLBROOK CA: THE FALLBROOK KUSTOM CAR HOP: Presented by the Kustoms of San Diego C/C. Event runs 6 -9 P.M! Event being held on Main street Fallbrook at Brooktown Coffee and Kitchen. Roll your Kustom or hot rod and enjoy a fine evening of cars, food, coffee, music, great people and a beautiful historic setting. Main st is open for cruising. Come have fun, bring your peeps and enjoy. Please hit me up with any questions at media/1819108733726142233

JULY 2018: JULY 26: BRONX NY: THROGGS NECK CAR CRUISE: 5:30-9pm. Exclusively at Trump Gold Links Ferry Point. Located at 500 Hutchinson River Parkway. Over 200 Hot Rods, Kustoms, Muscle Cars, Race Cars, Stockers, Beaters & Rat Rods. All American RWD Cars and Welcome. Food, Drinks, Music, Yard Games, 50/50, Pin ups. Rain date: August 9th. Find us on FB @ThroggsNeckClasicCarCruiseNights or email JULY 28: BRIDGEPORT CT: 2ND ANNUAL DOWN TO THE SOUND: Located at eh Norden Club, 4 Seabright Ave. Hot Rods, Live music! Surf Dance Party in the sand! Tabletop shuffleboard contest! GoGo dancers & more! Donate a non- perishable food item and receive one complimentary beer to benefit the Food Pantry. Gates open at 10am, Admission $5, Open to all cars.



Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to

FOR SALE: Original 69 Camaro drivers side door glass, green tinted. Has date code and DOT code etched into the glass. Believe the glass will fit 68-69 Camaro-firebird. Good condition. $150.00. For more info call 931-4861031 (6/14/18)

FOR SALE: 1951 MERC. Has 383 stroker/350 turbo. Air ride in back. Thunderbird interior house of color paint and many mods and bling bling under the hood. Professional built. $85,500. Call 931-261-1947 or email at

WANTED: 4 barrel intake manifold

for a 250 C.I. Chevy in-line 6 cyl. Please call or text Mark 615-509-7361 or email (5/24/18) 62

Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to

FOR SALE: 1956 Chevy. Fuel Injected 5.3 VORTEC , 4L60 OVERDRIVE TRANS. , power disc brakes on front, drum rear, new sway bars on front and rear, new bumpers, new package tray, new carpet, new headliner, am/fm/cd, new taillights, new steering knuckle, new emblems, new wiper motor and wipers, new ball joints, new hood bar and hood bar extensions, new fender trim, new cold air intake, flow master exhaust, nice interior, correct color scheme exterior and interior EMAIL- phone 615-586-8550 (7/5/18)

FOR SALE: New 2015 United trailer UXT 8.5 x 24- Tag tandem axle. Spare tire,

winch plate, rolled marble flooring, transition Flap, 8-ft overhead cabinets, Generator compartment insulated with slide out generator shelf, 110 volt electrical package. FINISH LINE PACKAGE. 5200 dexter axles. More. Showroom condition. I had bought this new but sold my race car. Includes 3000 SUPERWINCH. Includes EB3000c Honda Generator. $12,500.00. Call 931-698-3810 (7/5/18)



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