Vol. 18 Issue #36
Sept 6-12, 2018
Car Shows Across the USA Cruise-In’s in your Town
Price: FREE
Vol. 18 Issue 36 Sept 6-12, 2018
inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate/P8 Photography Jack Cobb - tnhost.com Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors PC Svcs, Micha Claycamp, MICAHDOODLES, PPG, RATTRAP RACING, Brian Hope, Ron Hope, SEMA
Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography Web Producer Senior Feature
Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast USA Shows Midwest USA Shows Western USA Shows West Coast USA Shows Northeast / East Coast Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA Upcoming Car Shows BUY-SELL-TRADE-WANTED
4 6 –9 10-24 26-32 32-34 36-38 40-42 44-60 62-84 86-88
Cover: KOOL Olds Kustom at the 2018 GNRS—Jimmy B Contents Page: Cool new art from MICAHDOODLES & Micah Claycamp
Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors in the information provided.
gearheagazzette@gmail.com www.gearheadgazzette.com www.facebook.com/gearhead-gazzette twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”
Where have all the Race Fans gone?
person, but I have to believe it’s a cool place to watch a race. Racers getting a “Darlington Stripe” always makes it exciting to watch. I have been to “INDY for the Nationals may times growing up and living in the Midwest region for many years. INDY was always FULL both on qualifying days and the finals too. We always came early so we could park close instead of out in the north 40 so to speak. I watched some of the Bristol race at night in August too. “IT’s BRISTOL BABY” used to be the hottest ticket in NASCAR. Never an open seat!! Not this year...a lot of open seats during the race. Weather WAS NOT a factor either. I have to believe that the race organizations have got to be nervous as this is not the first year this has happened. Does TV make it to easy to stay home? Are ticket prices getting too high? The cars all look the same and are boring? YES!!! Maybe its; time to re-think the business model….
Labor day weekend has come and gone. With Labor Day weekend come 2 of the biggest motorsports events of the year. The US NATIONALS in Indianapolis IN and The Southern 500 in Darlington SC. Based on my weekend plans, I was able to sneak some TV time in-
for both of these races. When I flipped on the big screen, and watching both qualifying and the finals for the US NATIONALS and watching the opening portion of the Darlington race and then coming back to it a few times, I was struck by a common situation at both od thee historic races….EMPTY SEATS in the Stands!!! I have never been to Darlington in 5
Jimmy B.
“the fun starts here”….
PPG-Painted Cars Big Winn A striking PPG-painted 1933 Ford named Renaissance Roadster took home the top award at the recent Hot August Nights classic car competition in Reno, Nevada. The Hot August Nights Cup—equal to a best-inshow award—is the ultimate prize at the annual car festival, according to a press release. A dynamic mix of car show, music and entertainment, Hot August Nights was held Aug. 7-12 in Reno and Sparks, Nevada. And PPG didn’t stop at the top prize. The secondand third-place finishers in the competition also sported the company’s paint. First Place—Renaissance Roadster Renaissance Roadster is owned by Buddy Jordan of San Antonio and was built by Steve Frisbie and his team at Steve’s Auto Restorations in Portland, Oregon. The original design for the roadster came from a sketch by designer Chris Ito with additional inspiration from Frisbie and designer David Brost, according to the release. Jay Spencer sprayed PPG products to give the Ford its dazzling finish. These included: DELTRON 2000 DBC9700 Basecoat Black, DCU2021 CONCEPT Urethane Clear, DMD1696 Coarse Silver Dollar Aluminum, VIBRANCE COLLECTION RADIANCE II DMX214 Red Violet and DMX213 Red (Blue Shade) and CRYSTALLANCE VM4501 Silver. Renaissance Roadster is well-acquainted with top honors, as it was the Ridler Award winner at the 2017 Detroit Autorama. 6
Second Place—Nickleback
Nickleback is a 1967 Chevy Camaro S Selbyville, Delaware. It was built by Ed or Auto Works, in Frederica, Delaware, bumper-to-bumper customizing service bination of custom colors: Sandstone G pinstripes. Denkenberger did his own w High Performance basecoat and Vibran
ners at Hot August Nights
S owned by Chris and Greg Allen of ddie Denkenberger at his shop, Superi, where he offers comprehensive es. Nickleback sports a gleaming comGold and Lava Rock with Harvest Gold work spraying PPG’s ENVIROBASE nce Collection VC5700 DITZLER
Custom Clear. The tri-color combination caught the judges’ attention.
Third Place—1957 Ford Custom 300 A 1957 Ford Custom 300 two-door sedan built by Craig Wick at Wicked Fabrication and painted by Jon Byers of Byers Custom & Restoration, both in Auburn, Washington, netted third place. The Ford, owned by Gary McKay of Tacoma, Washington featured a deep, rich green finish that Byers achieved using Deltron DP90LF Non Sanding Epoxy Primer Black, K36 Acrylic Urethane Primer Surfacer, PPG code 4235 Polo Green Metallic and DCU2002 Concept High Solids Polyurethane Clear. It all worked to give the Ford a sophisticated and winning look. Hot August Nights is a premier classic car event, annually drawing hundreds of thousands of spectators and participants to northern Nevada to revel in nostalgia, enjoy entertainers from the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s and see an array of classic and custom cars and trucks. Only 20 elite cars from across the country were accepted for the Hot August Nights Cup competition and a chance to win more than $82,000 in cash and prizes. Each entry underwent the scrutiny of three tough judges: Steve Mank, whose custom automobiles have appeared in several movies and TV shows including Knight Rider and The A-Team; Reggie Tibbetts, judge and manager of numerous automotive events; and Search and Restore on-camera personality 7
New Location Announced for The SEMA Show afterparty, SEMA IGNITED, will move to the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) Platinum Lot this year. The lot is located on the east side of LVCC on Swenson Street, between Desert Inn Road and Sierra Vista Drive. Following four days behind closed doors at LVCC, hundreds of custom-built vehicles will roll out of the SEMA Show Nov. 2 for SEMA Ignited’s fifth consecutive year. The open-to-the-public event includes food, entertainment, iconic builders, and hundreds of customized SEMA Show vehicles. The winner of 2018 SEMA Battle of the Builders will be announced during SEMA Ignited, which will be captured by Velocity Channel cameras following several builders’ journey to the SEMA Show. F R I D AY N O V. 2 , 2 0 1 8 3 : 0 0 P. M . - 1 0 : 0 0 P. M . L A S V E G A S C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R · P L AT I N U M L O T 3 1 5 0 PA R A D I S E R O A D , L A S V E G A S , N V 8 9 1 0 9 F o r t i c k e t s g o t o h t t p s : / / w w w. s e m a i g n i t e d . c o m
Ron and Brian Hope of Rat Trap Racing Set Land Speed Records at Bonneville Wendover, UT — Ron and Brian Hope, the father and son team behind Rat Trap Racing, both attained land speed records in their modified roadsters at the recent Bonneville Nationals. Besides the father and son records, Ron’s daughter Wendy achieved a speed of 141 mph on her very first run at Bonneville driving her mother Dianne’s 1984 Dodge Daytona.
“As most people know, we’re a family of dedicated racers.” Said Ron. “We’re usually at the drags with the Rat Trap AA/Fuel Altered but in August we go to the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, where this year we both set records.”
Both Ron and Brian owe a huge thanks to family, friends, MoTec calibrator Shane Tecklenburg and his team and, of course, their sponsors, who help make it all happen including: Aeromotive, ARP, Capital Auto Reconditioning Services, Beech Underwriting Agencies, Donovan, Hedman Hedders, Holley, Hot Heads, Lucas Oil, Probell Racing, Pro Charger Superchargers, Powder Tech Services, SCE Gaskets, Speed Pro, TechnoCraft/TrailerCabinets, Trick Flow Specialties, USAutomotive and VP Racing Fuels.
Born in 1944, Ron grew up in Whittier, California, where he hung out at Ak Miller’s Garage. His first trip to Bonneville was in 1960 and he soon found his way into the record books setting a land speed record in 1964 with partner Jerry Tucker in a Chrysler-powered, ’32 Ford C/Gas Roadster at 165 mph. Despite the success, it was not enough to gain access into the fabled 200 MPH Club and he’s been chasing that elusive red hat ever since. Working with younger brother Steve and teammate Jim Alvaney under the H&H Motorsports banner they have been tweaking Ron’s twin-turbo’d ’28-29 Ford Blown Gas Modified Roadster for a number of years. On August 15, Ron set a record at 257.729 mph and finally became a member of the 200 MPH Club.
Editors Note: Ron & Brian Hope are friends of ours and we want to take a moment to recognize their hard work and commitment to racing. About Rat Trap Racing Rat Trap Racing, Franklin, TN., is an internationally renowned
Only ten minutes prior, driving his Pro-Charger blown, Chevy-powered ’29 Blown Gas Rear Engine Modified Roadster, Brian set a record at 227.522 mph eclipsing the record his daughter Victoria set in the same car in 2013 at age 17. Helping Brian achieve his goal was wife Rebecca, son Michael and teammates Kevin Cradduck, Jim Blenkarn and Herminio Iglesias.
racing team competing in both land speed and drag racing. Headed by Ron Hope and his son Brian, the team is a family affair that sees Ron’s wife, Dianne and granddaughter Victoria taking turns piloting the racecars along with other family members and friends. In addition, crew chief Brian can often be found behind the wheel of Rich Guasco’s “Pure Hell” Altered. Keep up with the team at RatTrapRacing.com For more information, please visit: http://rattrapracing.com/rat-trap-race-schedule/
SEPT 2018: SEPT 6-8: MYRTLE BEACH SC: MUSTANG WEEK 2018: Mustang Week is the country's only all Mustang Trade show open to the public with free admission. In 2017 the event had over 70 exhibitors on hand. We also host a car show on Friday which is limited to 700 judged cars and open to all Ford powered Mustangs and factory SVT vehicles. Saturday is the Southeast’s largest Mustang and SVT Cruise in. Official events start Tuesday with after hour club & sponsor events the action is non stop. Mustang Week 2018 Schedule: DAY 3: Thursday (September 6, 2018) Mustang Week Test-n-Tune at North Myrtle Beach Drag Strip• Test-n-Tune - North Myrtle Beach Drag Strip 10:00am – 5:00pm.• Sponsor Setup at Myrtle Beach Convention Center 10:00am – 6:00pm. DAY 4: Friday (September 7, 2018) Mustang Week Car Show • 15th Annual Mustang Week Car Show –Myrtle Beach Convention Center • CheckIn 8:00am – 11:00am • Judging 11:00am – 4:00pm• **Awards Saturday at 3:00pm. DAY 5: Saturday (September 8, 2018) Mustang Week Cruise-In• East Coast’s Larg-
est Mustang and SVT Cruise-In – Myrtle Beach Convention Center. 9:00am – 5:00pm• Car Show Awards and Raffle Drawing – Myrtle Beach Convention Center 3:00pm. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/201238667097570/ SEPT 6-8: CHATTANOOGA TN: NATIONAL WALTER P CHRYSLER CLUB MEET: Event location is at the Spring Hill Suites, 495 Riverfront Pkwy. Tennessee Valley Region of the Walter P. Chrysler Club, the World's Largest MOPAR Club, will host the 2018 National Meet in downtown Chattanooga, TN. Member response from all over North America has been outstanding and we anticipate a strong turnout in an area of the country which has never hosted a National Meet. We are hosting an open MOPAR Cruise-In on Saturday, September 8th, from 10 am to 4 pm. Cost is only $5. per car. Food vendors will be available. For more info visit our website: www.chrysler.com -and www.facebook.com/groups/TNWPC/about/
SEPT 2018: SEPT 7-8: PIGEON FORGE TN: Shades of the Past #36 Hot Rod Round-Up: Event location is at Dollywood Splash Country, 2700 Dollywood Parks Blvd. Event hours: Friday, 8 am to 5 pm and Saturday, 8 am to 3 pm. All ages will marvel at over 2000 hot rods competing for awards and the grand prizes... a 1932 Ford Hi-Boy Roadster and a $10,000 cash prize. Roundup admission is only $10 a day and children under 12 are Free. Browse the show and find one of your own at the giant swap meet. Vendors will also be set up throughout the event. Visit the website, www.shadesofthepast.com plus get more info and updates at, www.facebook.com/events/236241230558122/ SEPT 7-8: RED BOILING SPRINGS TN: 62ND MID-TENN REGION AACA FALL MEET: Located in the Historic Red Boiling Springs Thomas House Hotel. Join us as we host the Middle Tennessee’s Oldest car show! Friday, Sept 7-registration 8am-12pm & Flea Market. Saturday, Sept 8-registration 8am-12pm & Flea Market. Awards presented
at 3:30pm. There are 57 classes. For more info: 615-400-2054 or 615-308-0586 or 615-444-7315. SEPT 7-8: EAGLEVILLE TN: 31ST PIONEER DAYS ANTIQUE TRACTOR SHOW & PULL: 2018 BIG ORANGE GATHERING: Located at 747 Chapel Hill Pike. This year, Allis Chalmers is the feature tracto of our show. Looking for all Antique Allis Chalmers tractors, Lawn mowers and equipment. So we are putting the call out to everyone to see how many we can get on sight. So please pass the word. Every make and model is always welcome Rusty to Restored! For more info: www.eaglevilletvppa.com
SEPT 7-8: GULF BREEZE FL: VETTES AT THE BEACH 2018: Come join the Miracle Strip Corvette Club for their 16th Annual Vettes At The Beach! This weekend-long event is full of fun, sun and everything Corvettes on Pensacola Beach! Event being held at 7 Casino Beach Boardwalk. Registration includes the welcome dinner for two on Friday night and dash plaque and participation in the show on Saturday. Excellent restaurants, hotels and beautiful sugar white sandy beaches await! Music by Boogie, Inc. For more information and to register for the event please visit http:// miraclestripcorvette.com/vettes-at-the-beach-2018/ or go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/303022313774960/ 12
SEPT 2018 SEPT 7-9: BOWLING GREEN KY: HOLLEY LS FEST 9: Event located at Beech Bend Raceway/NCM Motorsports Park. Holley LS Fest is a celebration of everything and anything powered by the incredible GM LS engine! If an LS based or current generation LT engine is powering your ride or if you are considering a swap to LS power, this is your event! Race cars, street rods, rat rods, muscle cars, trucks, late models – you name it, if it is being powered by an LS there will be something here for you! Take part in our drag racing classes, autocross, 3S Challenge, burnout challenge, off-road challenge, Show-N-Shine, and more! Event/class champions will be crowned as well as an overall event champion for those that want to compete in multiple events. Check out the rest of the site and make plans to join us! For more info: https://www.lsfest.com/bowling-green/ SEPT 7-9: SEVIERVILLE TN: DIXIE GAS SWAP MEET: Located 9 miles north of Sevierville on Hwy 411. Only 15 miles from Pigeon Forge. Gasoline & Oil Collectibles,
Country Store Items, Toys, Pedal Cars, License Plated and Automobilia. Show Hours: 8am-5pm with admission only $5. Set up is the 7th. No early set up on Wednesday. SEPT 7-9: CHATTANOOGA TN: RIVER SLAM AT THE DAM 2018 CAR SHOW: This will be the KICKOFF show to RS becoming a SEPTEMBER event going forward. Proceeds from this event will go to FUND the 4TH ANNUAL RS in 2019. Event being held at the Tennessee River Park. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/193579281472084/ SEPT 7: BOWING GREEN KY: 3RD ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE CRUISE-IN: Event hosted by
RC Components. Cruise is being held at RC Components located at 373 Mitch McConnell way. Cruise runs from 7pm – Midnight. Hangout, show off your ride and take a tour of the RC Facility. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/381283079078385/
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8: CUMBERLAND CITY TN: 6th Annual Crusin' The Creek Car Show: Show being held at Yellow Creek Baptist Church, 4506 Ellis Mills Road. Registration & Judging 8am - Noon, Awards at 2pm. Door prizes, Silent Auction. NO Entry Fee....Donations accepted! They will giving away a 1992 Ford Mustang Convertible
+ 2002 Yamaha XVS650 Motorcycle + Riding Lawn Mower. Open to all Cars - Trucks - Hot Rods - Rat Rods - Motorcycles. For more info, contact Charley Arms 931-494 -1853 or 931-289-2801. SEPT 8: COLUMBUS KY: 2nd Ever River Rats Rumble on the River: Event being held at Columbus-Belmont State Park. Rain date, 09/15. Registration: 8 am till Noon, Judging starts at 11 am, Awards at 3 pm. Open to all makes and models, Entry Fee: $15 per vehicle. Trophies 1st thru 3rd in each class. Food available at park concessions. See all the flyer details. For more info: Robin, 270-254-6206/ Camping available:
270-677-2327/ Visit: www.facebook.com/riverratsmotormafia/ SEPT 8: BATESVILLE MS: 9TH ANNUAL SHOWOFF ON THE SQUARE OPEN CAR SHOW: Located in downtown Batesville Just off Interstate 55. Registration 8am-1pm. $20 entry fee. Trophy Presentation at 3pm. Open to all makes and models of Cars, Trucks, Race Cars, Race Trucks and Motorcycles. Sponsor Trophies + Specialty Trophies Awarded. $3000 cash to be given away, Plus door prizes! Profits from show are donated to Baptist Children’s Village and other local needy Families. The craft fair is sponsored by Merea Ministry. Concessions, Dash Plaques, Door Prizes and a 50/50 drawing. For more info: 662-561-5163, 901-413-5834, 901-493-4129, 662-934-1061. For Craft Fair info: 662-578-4928 or 662-710-6300. SEPT 8: MONTEVALLO AL: 17TH ANNUAL CARS BY THE CREEK: Located at Orr Park. Registration 9am. All years, Makes and Models Welcome. 1st and 2nd place awards by Category, Best of Show Awards for Cars and Trucks. 50/50 drawing and door prizes. Best “Woodie” Award. For more info: FB
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8: PULASKI TN: 11th Annual Fall Cruise-In: Event location is at the New Zion Baptist Church, 1595 Sumac Road. Event hours: 10 am to 2 pm. NO Entry Fees. ALL Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, and Rat Rods welcome. Dash Plaques for the first 50 entries, Door Prizes, Food Concession with money going to the Building Fund. Car related Vendors are welcome. For more info contact: Robert, work-931-363-6375 or home-931-527-3969/ Jaymond, 931-580-335 SEPT 8: GOODLETTSVILLE TN: Kars and Kids Car Show: Event Location is at Goodlettsville Church parking lot, 226 Main Street. Registration Fee: $20, Spectators are FREE. Event hours: 10 am to 4 pm. Trophies at 2 pm. People’s Choice Award, Truck Modified and Stock, Car Modified and Stock, Best of Show, Kids Choice Award and Most Unique/Fun. Join us for a full day of non-stop fun. First 30 vehicles to register receive a dash plaque. 50/50 Drawing. Open to all makes and models. Proceeds to benefit the Samaritan Kids Ministry for Backpack School supplies and snacks for
Goodlettsville Community Schools. For more info call: Dianne Harden, 615-3102276 and visit our website, www.goodlettsville.church SEPT 8: SMYRNA TN: 16th Annual Wings of Freedom Fish Fry and Cruise-In: Hosted by the Rotary Club of Smyrna. Event location is at 276 Doug Warpoole Road. Event hours: 5 to 10 pm, Cruise-In gate open at 3 pm, the Public gate opens at 4 pm. TWO people will be admitted with each Classic Car for the price of ONE ticket $40. Tickets are available at the gate day of the event or in advance at participating businesses or visit, www.wofsymrna.com for more info. An evening of food, music, cars, airplanes, and fun. Benefiting local charities, programs, and scholarships within the community. For more info contact: Jerome, 615-396-7404/ Mike, 615-260-5925 SEPT 8: SPRING HILL TN: MAURY COFFEE & CARS: Cruise is being held at the AMC Theatre in the Crossings Shopping Center located right on Main St. (Hwy 31). Cruise runs from 8-10am. Bring your car, jeep, motorcycle, truck, can-am, or whatever makes you happy to drive! Sonic will have biscuits for sale at $2 each. Also, Dyno services provided by Muletown Mobile Dyno! And as always-FREE COFFEE WILL BE PROVIDED. If you would like to be a vendor for this event message us! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/447032692373804/480156525728087/ 18
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8: DORAL FL: HOT WHEELS LEGENDS 50TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR MIAMI: This event will take place at the WalMart Doral located at 8651 NW 13th Ter. When Hot Wheels launched the original “Sweet 16” die-cast cars in 1968, they were considered some of the most influential and legendary cars in automotive history. And now,
we’re hitting the road to find custom cars worthy of joining them as HOT WHEELS LEGENDS. One finalist from each of the 15 cities will join us at SEMA 2018 in Las Vegas, where one lucky winner will be immortalized as a Hot Wheels Legend and transformed into a die-cast car sold around the world. Don’t miss this family friendly event! Enter your custom car into the competition or come witness the epic event! Each stop will include: Lifesize Hot Wheels Fleet of Cars, 2018 Camaro Hot Wheels Anniversary Edition cars, Photo Ops, Hot Wheels Kids Zone, Microsoft Forza Gaming Zone, Historical Die-Cast Display, Car & Pop Culture Influencers. More Info & Enter Your Car: http://hotwheels.com/legends Register your car: http://bit.ly/
HWLegendsRegistration Check out the official rules to enter your car: http:// bit.ly/2vnWSH7. What We're Looking For In A Car:- Authenticity: Have you ever seen a car and said, “That looks like a Hot Wheels?” We’re looking for that “Hot Wheelsness” that nails the amazing performance and outrageous design we’re known for. – Originality: We’ve made over 25,000 unique vehicle models in the past 50 years, so we’re looking for something with unique details that stands out from the rest. Garage Spirit: It’s built, not bought, just like Hot Wheels. We’re looking to see some elbow grease that exemplifies the challenger spirit it took to build. Entries will be judged by five criteria (20 points per criteria = 100 points total). Even Legends play by the rules! Join our official Hot Wheels Legends Group for more information about exhibiting your car: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HotWheelsLegends/ SEPT 8: TULLAHOMA TN: Gondola Pizza and Steakhouse Restaurant Cruise-In: Cruise location is at 412 East Carroll Street. Event hours: 3 to 7 pm. Free event, Free dash plaques to cruisers. Mark it on your calendars for the Gondola Pizza and Steakhouse Restaurant Cruise-In. Come on out and enjoy one of the best pizzas in Tullahoma, listen to fantastic Music and see some cool Cruise Vehicles while you're at it. For more info. call: Ken Preston, 931-455-8096 20
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8: CHATTANOOGA TN: MoPAR CRUISE-IN: This unique ONE TIME MoPar Cruise -In is being held in conjunction with the 2018 National Walter P. Chrysler Meet & Show in downtown Chattanooga, at 1119 Riverfront Pkwy, on Saturday, September 8, 2018. Calling ALL Chrysler and related automobiles and trucks to attend this one time event! The MoPar Cruise-In is for all non Walter P. Chrysler Club members and is only $5 per car! This event is hosted by the Tennessee Valley Region of the Walter P. Chrysler Club and we encourage all MoPar enthusiast to attend this one in a lifetime event. Come join us for this unique celebration of MoPar History, Muscle, and Luxury! Additional information about the WPC National Meet and the MoPar CruiseIn can be found here: www.chryslercrazy.com SEPT 8: CALHOUN GA: PARADISE DRAG STRIP: Located at 500 Chatsworth Hwy, 225 NE. Heads-up, First to the finish line, no breakouts, no buy backs, single elimina-
tion, Gas Class, Championship racing. Adults $15, Kids 10 and under FREE. Qualifying begins at 4pm. For more info: www.southeastgassers.com, FB and Instagram. SEPT 8: CHAPEL HILL TN: ROCKET RUMBLE CAR SHOW: Located at Forrest High School, 310 North Horton Pkwy. Presented by Rockets Wrestling Team. Show time 10am-1pm. All vehicles welcome: Antique, Custom, Hot Rod, Motorcycle, Sports, Truck. Dash Plaques to 1st 50. Awards: Best in Show 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Coach’s Choice, Delk’s Choice, Fan Favorite Vote, Mayors Choice and Police Chief’s Choice. Concessions available with all proceeds going to the Forrest Takedown Club. 50/50 drawing day of Car Show. Fee $20, Registration 9-10am, Awards given at 1pm. For more info: 931-364-3713 or 931-637-5118. SEPT 8: NOLENSVILLE TN: Cars and Cures Car Show and Family Fun Day: Event location is at Mill Creek Automotive, 2017 Johnson Industrial Blvd Bldg-A. Event hours: 10 am to 4 pm. Bring the family out to see all of the collector cars and have fun in the kids zone. We will have food trucks and a band at the event. This is going to be a fun time for the whole family. For more info and updates visit, www.facebook.com/events/271214643669833/ 22
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8: OGLETHORPE GA: COMMUNITY FUNDRAISER CAR SHOW: The event benefits the Children's Advocacy Center, that helps abused and neglected children. Show will run from 10am - 12pm. Event will be held in the parking lot of MedSTAT, located at 3442 Battlefield Pkwy. Registration fee is $25.00 that will be donated to the Children's Advocacy Center. We are looking to fill 20 spots and we have 5 committed as of today, and wanted to reach out to you to see if you would be interested in participating. At the end of the show there will be a "BEST IN SHOW" trophy awarded. For more info call 706-858-6260 ext 424. SEPT 8: FRANKLIN TN: NISSAN CHUKKERS FOR CHARITY CAR SHOW: Event being held at the Riverview Farm. All Vehicles MUST BE Pre-1980 to be Eligible for Entry. Open to all makes and models. If you have any questions, please contact Doug Hosler at 615.957.9677 or at dhosler@thehimalayangroup.com or visit
www.chukkersforcharity.net/car-show/ SEPT 9: SPRING HILL TN: SPARTAN YOUR ENGINES: Located at Summit High School, 2830 Twin Lakes Dr. A Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show to Benefit the Summit High School Marching Band. Show time 12pm-6pm. Show your vehicle $20. Free admission for the Public, Donations Welcome. Craft & Food Vendors. Numerous Awards for “Best of the Best Categories” and “People’s Choice”. For more info: www.summitspartanband.org. SEPT 9: WHITE HOUSE TN: REVOLUTION CHURCH CELEBRATING 8 YEARS! Located at
3644 Highway 31W. Worship at 10:15am, Cruise in 12-3pm. Cruise in Vehicle Parking beginning at 9am. Food Trucks, Inflatables, Football season opener!
SEPT 2018 SEPT 7-9: KALAMAZOO MI: 39th ANNUAL NSRA STREET ROD NATIONALS NORTH: Located at the Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairgrounds. 2,500 street rods, customs, muscle cars and street machines will be on hand. The NSRA Street Rod Nationals North is the area’s largest automotive participation event and spectators from around the area will attend the event. Almost all of the Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds will be utilized for the event as well as many of the buildings, which will house a large number of manufacturer and dealer displays and other attractions. For more info: www.NSRA-USA.com SEPT 7-8: WEST SALEM WI: MISSISSIPPI MAYHEM 6: Pre-'65 Hot Rod & Pre-'75 Motorcycle & ROCKABILLY WEEKEND. Mississippi Mayhem is a nostalgic celebration of epic proportions. Event is held at LaCrossee Speedway located at N4985 CR-M. One part car show, one part motorcycle show, all-around one helluva lot of fun. All cars and cycles up to 1976 are welcome. 1964 and older criteria-met cars and 1974 and older criteria-met cycles are featured. '65-'76 get special pre-show parking. SWAP MEET, RETRO MARKET, CRUISE, KUSTOMS, HOT RODS, BIKES, BEER, BANDS, VALVE COVER RACING, VINTAGE BICYCLE RELAY RACE, MISS MAYHEM PIN UP CONTEST, LITTLE MISS & MISTER FASHION SHOW, DANCE CONTEST, MAYHEM MIDWAY and anything else we can throw at you. Bonus features: Street Drags LaCrosse Speedway and Eve of Destruction next door! Separate non-mayhem events with additional fees - but so awesome your face will melt off, literally from the heat of the Green Mamba Jet Car. We're not kidding. Get ready kats and kittens, 'cause we are going to party
like it's 1959! SEPT 7-9: SPRINGFIELD OH: CAR & PARTS SPRINGFIELD SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW: For more info: OhioSwapMeet.com or 937-376-0111 or fax 937-372-1171 or info@ohioswapmeet.com
Sept. 7-9
SEPT 2018 SEPT 7-9: FRANKENMUTH MI: FRANKENMUTH AUTOFEST 2018: Event is held in downtown Frankenmuth. Preregister for $20 until August 31st, 2018. Register at the door: Friday- Sunday (Sept 7-9). Opens at 8 am. Schaefer & Bierlein Car Dealership (1015 Weiss St., Frankenmuth, MI 48734). Cost at door Friday & Saturday: $25,
Includes: 2 Weekend Wristbands, 1 window cling*, Goodie Bag. Cost at door Sunday: $20, Includes: 2 Weekend Wristbands, 1 window cling*, Goodie Bag. Over 60 German Steins will be awarded by category from fellow car enthusiasts (NOT JUDGED). Dash plaques for the first 2000 entries. Car Jackets given to Top 25 picks. “New! All 1987 and older show cars show cars are now eligible for the whole weekend!” Who is eligible: 1987 and older classic cars. When are they allowed in park: Friday – Sunday. New (1988 and newer) Car Information: Who is eligible: 1988 and newer show cars. When are they allowed in park: Sunday Only. Interested in Antiques, Street Rods, and Muscle Cars including the latest models of imports and domestics (i.e.
Challenger, Mustang, Camaro, Corvette, Firebird, Viper, Jeep, Pro Streets.) Up to 2018 models! If you do not fall under one of these categories, you can send pictures of your unique vehicle to our office either by email or mail listed below. If you want to know if you meet these criteria, please contact our office at (989) 652-6964. Frankenmuth Auto Fest Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any car that they feel is objectionable to the event’s well- being, including persons, conduct, printed material and things. If you are asked to leave, the Frankenmuth Auto Fest is not liable for refunding entry fees except at its own discretion. Big Block Party! When: Friday 5pm- 10 pm – Road closes at 4pm. Where: Downtown Frankenmuth – Main Street closed from Genesee Street to Jefferson Street. Cost: Free! No cost to enter. You may park on side streets along Main Street on Friday afternoon. At 5, you will be directed onto Main Street by local Law Enforcement and our “Street Corner Buddies” volunteers. Your car must be parked until 10 pm. Spectator Entry: $5- day pass, $10- weekend pass. For more info and to pre-register go to http:// www.frankenmuthautofest.net/
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8: ASHLAND OH: REBEL ROUSERS RUMBLE: Located at Ashland Armory, 512 East Main St. Pre-1964 Rod and Custom Show. Rock N Rockabilly Bands! For more info: www.rebelrouserscarclub.com SEPT 8: SALEM IL: 29TH ANNUAL SALEM SUPER CRUSIE: Located behind the Salem Su-
per 8, 118 Woods Lane. $15 Entry fee for first car, $10 each additional entry. Registration 11am-3pm, Awards 4:30pm, Cruise at 6pm. Top 30 Awards, Top 3 Jeeps, Top 5 Motorcycles, Best of Show, Mayor’s Choice, Salem Tires Choice, Sheriff’s Choice Chief’s Choice, Super 8’s Choice, Denny’s Choice and Applebee’s Choice. Food and entertainment, 50/50 drawing, Smoked to the Bone BBQ, Live music by DJ and Pony Rides. For more info: 618-231-1366. SEPT 8-9: ROSEMONT IL: THE CLASSIC AUTO SHOW: The Classic Auto Show will bring the entire classic car community together for a celebration of all things on
wheels all under one roof. Whether you are a collector, or, working on your project car, or, simply share a passion for the classics – this event is for you. You’ll see the cars you love, rub shoulders with your favorite auto celebrities, view LIVE restoration and auto detailing demos, and shop a vendor marketplace showcasing memorabilia, and the parts, products, and services you need to restore and care for your cars. The show will exhibit over 600 classics including the rarely seen, museum quality classics displayed on the prominent Grand Boulevard, and hundreds of classics from local car clubs representing all the Domestic and Foreign marques you love. Every Car Has A Story. Hear Them at The Classic Auto Show. The Classic Auto Show brings together a diverse collection of classic cars representing domestic and foreign marques, and genres, including; Antiques, Pre-War/Post-War, Hot Rods, Lowriders, Muscle and more. Two Legendary Classics Coming to Chicago Show: The GM Futurliner #10 and The Golden Sahara showcase the artistry and technological advances of yesteryear. Show Dates and Hours: Saturday, September 8: 10:00am-8:00pm and Sunday, September 9: 10:00am-6:00pm. Show Location is at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center (Hall A), 5555 N River Rd. For more info and to save on tickets go to https://www.theclassicautoshow.com/chicago/chicago-show-info 30
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8-9: OSWEGO IL: 13TH ANNUAL OSWEGO DRAG RACEWAY REUNION: Event being held in Oswego. Sat Sept 8th Cruise from 5-8pm. Cruise Entry’s entered in cash drawing for Sunday. Sunday Sept 9 Show from 8am -4pm. Dash Plaques to the 1st 200! Awards. Park ‘N Ride at Station Drive off Orchard – South of overpass. Dragsters, Gassers, Race Cars, Pro Street, Cycles, Modified cars, Original cars, Street Rods, Imports, Orphans, Trucks and MEMORABILIA. Registration is from 8am12noon and costs $15.00. For more info call 630-554-8554
SEPT 2018 SEPT 6-8: OZARK BEACH MO: LAKE OF THE OZARKS FUN RUN: Hosted by the TBucket Alliance. For more info on the event go to www.nationaltbucketalliance.com or go to https://www.facebook.com/National-T-Bucket-Alliance-
204074919637319/ SEPT 7-9: LOVELAND CO: 21ST COLORADO NATIONALS-GOODGUYS 2018 EVENT: Located at the The Ranch Events Complex. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars, Trucks thru ’87, Goodguys AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet and Cars 4 Sale Corral, and All American Sunday. For more info: 925-838-9876, fax 925-8208241 or www.good-guys.com \ SEPT 8: ST LOUIS MO: WRENCHFEST 2018: Rat Rod. Located at Shady Jacks Saloon, 1432 N Broadway.
SEPT 8: TOMBSTONE AZ: WILD WEST CAR SHOW: Located at 501 E Allen St. Parade 9am, Line up 8am on 6th and Allen Street. Show time 9am-2pm. 50/50 drawing, door prizes, Music by Wild Bill. There will be 10% off your bill at Longhorn Restaurant and Café Margarite. Proceeds to the American Cancer Society. For more info: 520-237-6180.
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8: ST JAMES MO: MISSOURI VETERANS HOME CLASSIC CAR DISPLAY: This is to benefit those who served, show your appreciation of our veterans by joining us on this special Day at the Missouri Veterans Home, Just off I44 on Hwy 68 South. Show time 10am-2pm. Entry fee $10 (all proceeds go to MO vets Home). 50’s – 60’s music, dash plaques, cool cruiser awards, attendance prizes and a 50/50 drawing. For more info: 636-359-2562. SEPT 8-9: RIVERSIDE MO: 19TH ANNUAL MIDWEST TRUCK NATIONALS: Located at the E.H. Young Riverfront Park. Swap meet, food, music, burn out, loud exhaust, high/ low contest, auction, door prizes and vendors. Presented by Classic Parts of America. For the Benefit of these Kansas City Children’s Charities. Pre-entry fee received by Aug 31 $30, After Aug 31 or Day of Show $40. For more info: www.alltrucknats.com or 816-560-1229 or 816-564-8453 or info@alltrucknats.com SEPT 8-9: SALEM MO: CURRENT RIVER BLUE OVAL RALLY: Located at the Dent County Courthouse Square. All Makes and Models welcome. Gates open Saturday 8am. Car show, art & Crafts, live music stage, performances by Salem Marching Band, Salem Acadamy of Dance, Salem High School Choir also the Second Time Around Band and more. Saturday 6pm, town cruise, meet at Scoop’s Sunday September 9, meet at the Courthouse squar at 12:45 for a cruise to Echo Bluff then lunch Courtesy of Curts Mobile Homes. Awards at 2pm, Trophies with awards for: Salem Marching Blue Band Choice, Mayor’s Choice, Police Chief’s Choice, People’s Choice, Best of Show, Best Ford, Best GM, Bests Mopar. Club participation award $50. For more info: www.MidwestBlueOval.club. SEPT 8-9: BRANSON MO: SHOW ME SHAKE UP 5: Show is being held at the Outback Pub located at 1922 MO 76. 50 Awards & $500.00 in cash for Best Of Awards too. No outside drinks allowed. Spectators are free. Gates open Saturday and Sunday at 8am. Registration s $20.00 for judged and $15.00 for Non Judged. Awards at 2pm Sunday. For more info call 417-699-0122
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8-9: GRASS VALLEY CA: 19th ANNUAL CRUISIN THE PINES CAR SHOW: Rain or Shine Event. Located at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. Roamin Angels Car Show: $5 weekend pass. Kids under 12 accompanied by a paying adult FREE. Military with ID FREE. $5 Visitors Parking Available. Car, Exhibits, Displays, Pinstriping Demos, Gravity Drag Races, Car Corral, Art Show, Arts and Crafts, Vendors, Music, Raffles and Killer 4 X 4’s. Young Gear Heads “Show within a Show” for kids with cars. For families: GVPD Bike safety course, win a BIKE! CHP safety displays and activities, Radio Control racing, Track & Off Road Slot Cars A Go-Go. Impact teen drivers—what your teen needs to know to “Survive the Drive” high lite on High School Tech Ed. Plus The Famous High Performance Engine Raffle. New This year: Classics Past & Future. Classic British, American and Japanese Motorcycles brought to you by the Nevada County Motorcycle Food and Toy Run. Americana & Overseas Road Fest. Friday Registration opens at 11am, participants only. Gates open 1:30pm. Registration, Wine and Beer Pavillion, Early Evening Barbeque, Raffle, Rock & Roll, dancing
and Entertainment. Saturday and Sunday—registration open at 6am, Car show and judging. Open to public at 8am. Awards ceremony Circle of Champions 50 + class & club trophies plus awards for Vintage Trailers, Classic Boats and more! . Saturday and Sunday (dinner tickets purchased separately--$13 each. Show off your 1972 and older American made or foreign car, truck, vintage trailer, classic boat, classic motorcycle or Big A 4WD entry $35. Included: for the award ceremony and show on Sunday, car show judging and more, $5 Engine Raffle Ticket, Artisan Raffle Ticket. Sunday only—any year—show off your favorite foreign or current muscle car or truck, classic boat or vintage trailer, classic motorcycle, 4WD-any year $15 includes
stay for the award ceremony and show on Sunday. Fri, Sat, Sun: Eligible are 1972 & older American made, classic Foreign Vehicles, Trucks, Classic Boats, Vintage trailers and Classic motorcycles, $40 show registration at the gate. Saturday and Sunday only: Eligible are 1972 & older American made, classic Foreign Vehicles, Trucks Classic Boats, Vintage trailers and Classic motorcycles. Sunday only: Eligible are all years, makes, and models-classic Cars, Hot Rods, Trucks, Classic Boats, Imports & Foreign Cars, Current Era Muscle Cars and Motorcycles. Must be registered and parked by 9am to be eligible for trophy selection. Pre-registration deadline 8/31 with $15 registration at the gate. For more info: www.roaminangels.com 36
SEPT 2018 SEPT 9: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PO SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and high performance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Rodding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to www.longbeachhiposwapmeet.com or call 800-762-9785 SEPT 9: SAN JOSE CA: CRUISE FOR A CAUSSE CLASSIC CAR SHOW AND FOOD DRIVE: Located at the Lincoln Ave in Willow Glen. Show time 9am-4pm. No pre-registration required. Special guest Gene Winfield. Benefiting Second Harvest Food Bank. Canned / Boxed food and cash donations appreciated. For more info: www.goombashscarclub.com or FB Goombahscarclub or #cruiseforacause18 SEPT 9: MANTECA CA: 2ND ANNUAL CAR SHOW: Presented by Central Valley Early Iron Car Club and Chubby’s Diner. Event is being held on the grass at Cardoza West Shopping Center at 265 Louise Ave. All car/Truck years welcome. 120 LIMIT! Reg at 7am - $10.00 fee. Arrive early to get one of the 100 Goody Bags. Award Categories are Custom, Best Truck, Best of Show, Street Rod (to ’35) Best Tri Five Chevy, Cruiser, Peoples choice, Muscle car (to ’75), Fat Fender (36-48 and Original Vehicle car or truck. All proceeds bebfits TOYS FOR TOTS. No pets No Alcohol. Show runs from 8am-3pm. Music, Raffles, Awards and 50/50 Raffle.
SEPT 2018 SEPT 6-9: LAKE GEORGE NY: 2018 30TH ADIRONDACK NATIONALS: Event being held at Fort William Henry Resort. We are pleased to announce that the Albany Rods & Kustoms ADIRONDACK NATIONALS KICK OFF PARTY on THURSDAY NIGHT... is back by popular deIn conjunction with Fort William Henry we will be hosting the party in
our tried and true fashion! Dust off your fanny pack, And tease up your hair, Grab your acid wash jeans, To be there or be square! Get ready to relive the 80's (costume/dress encouraged) with us from 7pm to 10pm! The cost will be $10 per person at the door, and will include Beer, Wine, Soda and Assorted hors d'oeuvres for snacking... the entertainment will be a BLAST. Night Car Cruisin'. Grab a spot on the sidewalk and get ready for a thrill! It's time for the Adirondack Nationals nightly cruise! Both Friday and Saturday night, registered show participants take their cars to the street. Lake George Village is transformed into a moving showcase of Hot Rods, Customs, Trucks, Classics, and Muscle Cars. It is truly a sight to behold. The cruise starts at 7pm each night and runs till 10pm. Awards Ceremony. The Awards Ceremony is held on the veranda at the rear of the Fort William Henry hotel. The Ceremony begins at 4:00 pm. The "Winner Circle" Show is held on Sunday from 9:00 am - Noon. This show gives award winners a chance to show off there rides one more time and also to compete for the Fort's Favorite Award. The Staff of the Fort William Henry Resort chooses their favorite vehicle in the "Winner Circle" to receive a prize package. For more info go to http://www.adirondacknationals.com SEPT 8: WASHINGTON PA: THE STEELTOWN SHAKEDOWN 2018: Hosted by the Sacred
Piston Car Club, The Steeltown Shakedown is an epic destination cruise held at the historic Carrie Furnace in Rankin, PA. This car show is open to pre-84 automobiles, motorcycles, vans, gassers, cruisers, and old school hot rods. The Steeltown Shakedown is a car cruise dedicated to those same old school ideals from generations ago. Built from the ground up and some still a work in progress, vintage cars and motorcycles, some a little shiny, some a little rusty, are all welcome. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1964831117172758/
SEPT 2018 SEPT 8: SPRINGTOWN PA: 8th ANNUAL HOT ROD BASH: Presented by the Gasket Goons. GATE OPENS 8AM to 6PM. Open to 1969 and older cars and trucks. (RAIN DATE SEPT 9th). Event being held at the Silver Creek A.A. located at 2943 Rt 212. Bands, Beer, Pin up contest, Bicycle show, Valve cover racing, Large swap meet, DJ, Pin stripping, 50/50 , Food grunpys awesome smoke house , Show shirts , Custom hand made trophies, Silver creek has plenty of shade and pillivions with loads of picnic tables, The grass is always mowed beautiful where u park, First 800 cars get dash plagues, This is a kid friendly show with a great playground for the kids, So come on out for a fun day, MORE INFO ON SHOW AT OUR PAGE https:// www.facebook.com/gasket.goonspa/ SEPT 8: BETHPAGE NY: TERROR ON THE TURNPIKEVII: Hosted by the Tiki Kings CCC. Event being held at Mr Beefys located at 4019 Hempstead Tpke. Hot Rod parking in
lot behind Mr Beefys. Live Music with 4 bands. Trophies for best cars. Event starts at 2pm. $10.00 admission. For more info call 516-579-7049 SEPT 9: LANCASTER MA: TY-RODS 46TH OLD TIMERS’ REUNION: Located at Lancaster Fairgrounds, Rt 117. Show time 9am-4pm. Hot Rods, Racecars, Kustoms and Trucks. Pre-registration required for Show vehicles. 1972 & older, Give-aways@ 3pm. Find us on: Instagram @tyrodscc, or FB Ty-Rods Club inc. or 978-357-3801 or www.ty-rods.org or oldtimers@ty-rods.org No pets allowed except for service animals.
THURSDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: Lebanon, TN - Coach's East Gate Grille Cruise: Located at 6750 East gate Drive. Located off I-40 and Hwy 109. From: 5pm - 8pm. Every Thursday Night. Cruising Start Date April 12th. Peoples Choice Award, 50/50 Drawing and more. Visit: www.coachseastgate.net CHATTANOOGA TN: BURGERZ & RODZ CRUISE IN: Hosted by the East Tennessee Street Rods and THE COOK OUT. Cruise takes place every Thursday night thru Nov 1st. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Cruise is held at 5390 Hwy 153. Monthly giveaways, news & information on local and regional cars show and cruise in’s. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1428295254145934 NASHVILLE TN: OLD SKOOL & NEW KOOL CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Thursday night thru Oct. Cruise takes place at Life Church located at 215 Broadmoor DR. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Open to all classic cars, trucks, muscle cars, street rods, Tuners, rat rods, sports cars, low riders and anything cool! For more info call 615668-8090 or go to www.lifechurchnashville.org or www.facebook.com/ oldskoolandnewkool/ Franklin, KY: The Gathering: Cruise fun on the Square in Franklin KY. Cruise runs from 6pm til everyone leaves. Cruising started April 26th, and runs thru Oct depending on weather. NASHVILLE TN: CONCERT CRUISE-IN: Live From the Back Porch at Fontanel is running every Thursday evening from 6:00-8:30 PM. Enter through the gate by the log cabin at 4241 Whites Creek Pike. The event will not be held during the hottest months of the summer and will pick back up in the Fall each Thursday. Bring out your cars and enjoying the terrific atmosphere and vibe of Live from the Back Porch. Bring a blanket, bring a chair…it’s a weekly Thursday night party that is family & dog friendly, and admission is absolutely FREE. In addition to the concerts, there will be food and drink, numerous lawn games, and a firepit.
VIOLA TN: Viola's Pizza Co. presents Classic Cruise Nights 2018: Cruise is held every Thursday night. Cruise is held on the Square. Cruise runs from June thru August. Cruise Times are 3-8pm. Classic Cars, Antique Cars, Specialty Cars, Motorcycles & Muscle Car. No Fees, Free Parking and Food Discounts. Weekly Prize for Favorite Car. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1831846177120824/
FRIDAY NIGHT EACH MONTH: Hendersonville TN: Hendersonville Cruise In: Cruise Location is now at 393 E. Main St., at the old Sear Outlet Parking Lot. Cruising is on every Friday Night thru Halloween. Cruise time is 6 til 9pm. Family fun, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, ride of the week, oldies music. For more info go to www.facebook.com/ HendersonvilleCruiseIn/
LEBANON TN: SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN CRUISE: Held on Friday Nights at Middle Tennessee’s oldest Drive In. Snow White has been serving up great burgers, shakes, fries and more since the early ‘50’s! Add in a whole lot of cool cars on a Friday night and the recipe equals fun! Located at 1714 West Main St. For more info call 615443-4299 JEFFERSON CITY TN: MOSSY CREEK CRUZERS CRUISE-IN: Takes place every Friday night from April – Oct. Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held in the parking lot at BIG LOTS on Hwy 11 E. For more info go to www.mossycreekcruzers.org ating their 2018 Benefit Cruise-In Season to A Soldier’s Child Foundation. LYNCHBURG TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: The cruise is held on Friday nights through September. Cruise is hosted by Lynchburg Fixns. Register your ride for the Fan Vote (and be qualified for a monthly prize) plus receive a discount on your dinner … Receive a numbered dashboard plaque to place in the front window — car, truck, or cycle. Park on or behind the square. Votes will be cast from 5-7 p.m. in Lynchburg Fixns. Winner announced at the end of each month. For more info and Details go to https://lynchburgfixns.com/ MARYVILLE TN: FOOTHILLS CRUISE-IN: Cruise takes place every Friday night, from April till Oct. Cruise Time is 5:00 till 9:00pm. Cruise location is at the JC Penny end of the Foothills Mall. Open to all! For more info call 865-856-8752 or go to https:// www.facebook.com/Foothillscruisein/
1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : ASHLAND CITY TN: CHEATHAM COUNTY CRUISE-IN: Cruise takes place on the 1st Friday of the month from May to Oct. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Cruise is held at 175 Cumberland St. Custom trophies presented by the Kids. 50/50 raffle. Music and more. Food Vendors can set up for FREE! Follow the cruise on FB at Cheatham County Cruise In or contact Sandra Red Gregory at 615-957-8834 for more info.
1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : MURFREESBORO TN: 2018 BENEFIT CRUISE-IN SEASON: Presented by the CHRA. Cruise is being held on the 1st Friday Night of each month from April thru Sept. Cruise is held at the New Vision Baptist Church located at 1750 N Thompsons Lane. Cruise runs from 5pm until dark. $1.00 donation for ASCF. Concessions, Car & Bible Trivia, Door Prizes, Oldies Music For more info contact Peggy at Dixie718@Comcast.net The Christian Hot Rod Association of Tennessee is dedicating their 2018 Benefit Cruise-In Season to A Soldier’s Child Foundation. ROGERSVILLE AL: FIRST FRIDAYS CRUISE IN DOWNTOWN ROGERSVILLE: Come join in on some good times in Downtown Rogersville. The goal of this meet is to bring folks together to a fun, family friendly event. All cars, trucks, and bikes are welcome. Please respect the town and the event; no speeding, no burnouts, no loud music. All stores in the Downtown area will be open, so be sure to go in and checkout what they have to offer. There will be some great food options as well. The Honeysuckle Cafe is right downtown and will offer Cruise In specials, so bring your appetite with you. Cruise starts at 6pm on Lee St. SPRINGFIELD TN: 1st FRIDAY MARKET NIGHT CRUISE-IN: Join us the 1st Friday night of each month starting May 4th thru September 7th on the Historic Downtown Springfield Square. Times: 6:00pm - 9:00pm, Enjoy live music, food trucks, kids zone, classic car cruise in, farmers market, shopping with local artisans / makers and your favorite downtown merchants. This is a FREE event and family/pet friendly! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/217102135535907/ DECHARD TN: CRUISIN’ TO KRYSTAL’S: Cruise is held on the 1st Friday Night from May to October. Cruise location is the Krystal’s at 2540 Dechard Blvd. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Door Prizes. Music & Fun. For more info call 931-308-1921 JENKINS KY: JENKINS CRUISE IN: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday from May thru Oct. Cruise is held in the downtown park and starts at 4pm. Open to all types of vehicles and bikes too. Door Prizes, food, no entry fee and no admission. EVERY SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located right off Cool Springs Blvd.
Every Tuesday Night at Bruster's Ice Cream Bowling Green KY
SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LAVERGNE TN: CRUISE-IN AT THE DRIVE IN: Cruise takes place every Saturday Night. Cruise runs from April – September. Cruise times are 5-8pm. Classic & New Vehicles are welcome. Main cruise parking is held in the CVS parking lot located at 5210 Murfreesboro Rd with extra parking at SONIC. Sponsored by CVS & SONIC. Free family friendly event. 50/50 drawing. Special offered by SONIC DRIVE IN. Oldies music, great food and good company. For more info call 615-506-8164 or checkout CRUISE -IN at the Drive In on Facebook. GOODLETTSVILLE TN: GOODLETTSVILLE CRUISE-IN: Location: Publix Shopping Center, 460 Long Hollow Pike. Starts, April 21st, From: 5pm til 9pm, Weather Permitting. LEBANON TN: GOOD WHEEL CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise runs from 4-10pm. New Cruise location is at the old Kmart lot located at 1443 West Main St. 50/50 Drawing. Trophy for Car of the Week. Join us for fun, fellowship and a good time with cool cars on Saturday Nights. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/552023871629171 MT JULIET TN: Providence Wendy’s Cruise In: Cruise meets every Saturday night, weather permitting, from 5 - 9 pm from April through October. We are located at Providence mall in front of the American Jewelry building. We have music and door prizes. All makes and models of cars are welcome. There are lots of food choices within walking distance. Come join the fun! 2nd SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : GALLATIN TN: 2ND Saturday Night Cruise-In at City Hall: Cruise runs from 48pm.Oldies music, door prizes, ride of the week trophy. Dates: June 9; July 14; Aug 11; Sept 8; Oct 13. For more info Call Jim Hall 615-969-2738 Charlotte, TN: Charlotte Cruisin The Square: Cruising starts April 14th. Cruise runs from 5 til 9pm Food available by T's Custom Smoker. Free admission, indoor restrooms. Welcome all Antiques, Classics, Muscle Cars, Street Rods. Sponsored by The City of Charlotte. SPANISH FORT AL: EASTERN SHORES CRUISERS CRUISE IN: Cruise held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, all year long. Cruise held at the Eastern Shore Centere front parking lot by Dillard's. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Oldies rock & roll music. Everyone is welcome. For more info call 251-709-5900 or go to www.easternshorecruisers.com BAXTER TN: DOWNTOWN BAXTER CRUISE-IN: Cruise In presented by the Baxter Gear Heads Club. Cruise held on the 2nd Saturday Night from April – Sept. Cruise held on Broad Street. Cruise runs from April 14th thru September 8th, from 4 to 9 pm. All Makes and Models are Welcome. Trophies for top picks, 50/50, food and music. 50
2nd SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : MURFREESBORO TN: “CRUISIN’ THE ‘BORO”: Cruise is held on the 2nd Saturday Night of each month from July thru Sept. Cruise is held at the Central Magnet School at 701 E Main St. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Music, door prizes(with a $1 donation) and games for the kids. The BEST HOT DOGS in the Boro too. Plenty of shade. For more info call 615-556-0547 go to https://www.facebook.com/ Murfreesboro-Hot-Rod-Club-229330704945/ GRAND RIVERS KY: TOP GUN CRUISE IN: Cruise is held on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Cruise is held at the Little Lake Park downtown. Cruise hours are 3-8pm. Cruise starts April 14 and runs thru Sept 15. For more info go to www.topguncarsshows.com OWENSBORO KY: OWENSBORO SUMMER CRUISE-IN: Hosted by Owensboro Antique Auto Club. Cruise is held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from April thru Oct. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Cruise is held in the LOWES parking lot located at Fulton Dr & Southtown Blvd. 50/50 drawing, Lowes Trophy of the month, attendance prize and door prizes. For more info call 270-925-4080 HUNTINGDON TN: Small Town Cruisers Cruise-In: Cruise is held at the SONIC Drive -In on Main St. Cruise Time is 5:00pm til ?? Cruise takes place on the 2nd Saturday of each month starting April 14 and running thru Oct 13th. For more info, Email Terry at therodsite@gmail.com or go to http://smalltowncruisers.com/ CORBIN KY: CUMBERLAND VALLEY CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the 2nd Saturday from May to Oct. May 12 Cruise will start at 10am at 222 Corbin Center Dr. and leave at 1030am to cruise to Cumberland Falls State Park. June 9 & July 14 Cruise is from 4-8pm and being held on Main St in Corbin KY. No Cruise In Aug. Sept cruise will be on Depot St from 9am-3pm. Oct cruise will start at 10am at 222 Corbin Center Dr. and leave at 1030am to cruise to Cumberland Falls State Park. For more info go to www.cumberlandvalleycruisein.com or find them on FB 2nd SUNDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : CLARKSVILLE TN: Last Century Hot Rodz and Haulers Cruise-In: Cruise location is at O'Charley's, 674 N. Riverside Drive. Hours: 4 p to ?? Dates: 09/09; 10/14. Door Prizes, 50/50, Member's Choice Award, Paved Lighted Parking. Info: Mitch Kelly, 931-249-1057 Visit: www.facebook.com/Last-Century-Hot-Rodz-Haulers24621164558…/ MONDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: LEWISBURG TN: SONIC CRUISE IN: Held every Monday night from 5-7pm.Cruising starts on March 12th and runs until it Nov. Located at the SONIC Drive In at 420 Ellington Pkwy 52
MONDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: WHITE HOUSE TN: CRUISE-IN AT COLORADO GRILL: Cruise is held every Monday Night, weather permitting starting April 9th thru October. Last Monday in Oct will be the Trunk or Treat Cruise. The Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held at the Colorado Grill parking Lot located AT 2747 Hwy 31W. For more info call Wayne Malign, 615-566-7343 cell or Bob Boone, 601-954-3604 cell or go to www.facebook.com/White-House-Cruise-In-1509561229255974/ TUESDAY NIGHT: BOWLING GREEN KY: CRUISIN FOR A CURE: The cruise is held every Tuesday Night from 5-8pm. Cruise is held at Brusters Ice Cream located at 2712 Scottsville Rd. Cruise starts on April 3rd and runs thru Oct. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/1666015903486109/ WESTMORELAND TN: DOWNTOWN WESTMORELAND CRUISE: Held every Tuesday starting April 10 and runs thru Oct 30th. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Al cars, truck and motorcycles welcome
2nd TUESDAY NIGHT: TULLAHOMA TN: Chick-fil-A Cruise-In: Chick-fil-A and Southern Wheels 'N Motion Car Club are partnering again this year... Starts April 10th thru September 11th that's 6 cruise-ins. Hours: 5 to 8 pm and each cruiser will receive a free Chick-fil-A sandwich. WEDNESDAY NIGHT: SPRINGFIELD TN: CLASSIC TIN CRUISE IN: Located at 501 22nd Ave E. @ Dynamic Collision. Cruise is held every Wednesday night. Cruise runs from 5pm - 9pm. Cruise runs thru October 31st Trunk N Treat. For more info call Shelby Horner (615) 336-2257 THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: LOMBARD IL: BRAUERHOUSE TIRE SWARM CUSTOM CAR AND BIKE ROLL-IN: Cruise is held every Thursday Night. Cruise starts on April 19th. Cruise id held at the Brauerhouse at Rt. 53 & North Ave. Live Music. NO COLORS!. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/brauerhouse/ 1st THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISIN’: CRYSTAL LAKE IL: CRYSTALLAKE CAR SHOW: Event is held on the 1st Thursday from May to Oct. Event runs from 6-9pm. Event is held at Park Place Banquets located at 406 W Woodstock St. 54
FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in May and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in May and runs thru Oct. ROLLING MEADOWS IL: MEADOWS CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise is held every Friday night from May 25-Aug 31. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Cruise is held at the Meadows Christian Fellowship located at 2401 Kirchoff Rd. For more info go to www.facebook.com/meadowscruisenights 1st FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: NEW BADEN IL: NEW BADEN CRUISE-IN: NEW DATE for the cruise-in. Being held on the 1st Friday of the month from April 6th thru Oct. Cruise times 5-11pm. Cruise is held at the Threeway Creation Shed at 600 East Hoover St. (next to the cemetery) Live music 6-9pm. Bring your coolers and lawn chairs. For more info call 618-7999699 or go to CLINTON COUNTY CAR CLUB on Facebook. SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in April and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct 2nd SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN: MORRIS IL: MORRIS CRUISE IN: Held on the 2nd Saturday Night of each month from June thru October. Only cruise night participants will be able to park on or cruise on Liberty St. Many eating establishments within walking distance. Any classic car owner is invited to participate. Registration Fee: $10..00. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Entry closes at 8pm. No rain dates. For more info go to www.morriscruisenight.com MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Every Monday Night from 5-9 at the Wendy’s on Rt 47. Cruise-In, free small frosty or drink. Dash plaques while they last. Car Cruises, outdoor movies, concerts on the first Monday June –October. We meet all year on every Monday. Call Ken at 815-942-2032, or just show up. 56
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steakburgers. Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Free Custard. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/313950265718586 CHANDLER AZ: HAPPY HOUR CAR SHOW & LIVE MUSIC: Cruise held every Friday Night. Cruise is held at the Patio at the Forum located at 2301 S Stearman Drive. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Free wood fired pizza from 5-6:30apm. Bring your cars or just come and have fun.
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ESCONDIDO CA: CRUISIN” GRAND: Cruise is held every Friday night from April thru Sept. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Cruise is held on Grand Ave between Orange and Ivey Streets. The streets are filled with strolling people of all ages, while a parade of pre-1970s vintage cars slowly cruise up and down Grand Avenue. All kinds of vintage cars—from American Hot Rods, Classics, Antiques, and Customs—help make seven blocks of Escondido the place to be on Friday nights! For more info call 760745-8877 or go to https://cruisingrand.com/ 1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: FRESNO CA: 1st FRIDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISE: Cruise starts April 6th and runs on the 1st Friday night thru Oct. Cruise is held at Park Place located at Palm & Nees. Open to Pre-’72 only. $10.00 entry fee of if you have a VISIBLE Hot Rod Coalition sticker it’s $5.00. 5:30pm roll in. Vendors, food, music and more! 500 plus hot rods. Top 10 awards. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN DOWNEY CA: BOB’S BIG BOY HOT ROD AND CUSTOM CRUISE NIGHTS: Held every Wednesday Night at the Car Hop. Runs from 5-10pm. Hot rods, Classic’s and Muscle cars. Located at 7447 E. Firestone Blvd. Bring the whole family for a night of fun. For more info call 562-928-BOBS
THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S WOODBRIDGE NJ: THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN: Hosted by the Hollywood Night Cruisers. Cruise is held at the CHICK-FIL-A on St Georges Ave. Cruise is held every Thursday from 6-9pm, weather permitting. FREE ADMISSION! Cruise starts MAY10 and runs to Oct 25. Prizes awarded. Open to antique, classic, custom and restored cars. For more info call 732-636-2074 FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MILLTOWN NJ: HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS CRUISERS CLASSIC CAR SHOW: Friday Nights at Home Depot are kicking in. Our First Home Depot Cruise Night will be April 13th starting 6pm to 9pm and every Friday there after. The Hollywood Night Cruisers hope everyone had a great winter and we look forward to seeing all of you and, another excellent Season. MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: WAYNE NJ: CRUISIN AT HOOTERS RESTAURANT: Cruise happens every Monday from 5:30-9pm at HOOTERS located at 25 Rt. 23 South. Free admission. Sponsored by the North Jersey Classic Cruisers. DJ Nick at Night. Open to all years makes and models. Trophies, contest and prizes. Great food & drink specials. For more info call 201-303-3218 or go to the North Jersey Classic Cruisers FB page. TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: WARWICK RI: OAKLAND BEACH CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise takes place every Tuesday from 4-8pm. LAST CRUISE IS SEPT 11th Cruise is held at Oakland Beach. Season pass $15.00 or gate pass for $2.00. 50/50 raffle, t-shirts, New England Lemonade, Johnny Dog and More! Hosted by the Warwick Lions Club. Music by DJ Car-Guy. Open to all makes, models and years. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: CLIFTON NJ: CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise is held every Wednesday Night. Located at Maple Valley Diner at 1116 Route 46 West. Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Open to all years and classics. Music by DJ Nick at Night. Contests, prizes, trophy and live entertainment nights. For more info and any weather cancellations call 201-303-3218
SEPT 2018: SEPT 13-15: PIGEON FORGE TN: SPRING 2018 PIGEON FORGE ROD RUN CRUISIN THE STRIP: Presented by Tennessee XXX Moonshine. Event being held at the LeCOnte Center. Top 25 awards, Ultimate 5 awards and Specialty Awards too. Pre-register for extra cash! Fall: $10,000 Cash Giveaway. Door prizes. Huge swap meet with hundreds of show cars and car corral. Registration info at: www.rodrun-
pigeonforge.com For more info: 865-687-3976. You can also check at www.corvetteexpo.com & www.etmotorgear.com SEPT 13-15: TOWNSEND TN: Fall Ford Festival: Hosted by Bronco Driver Magazine, Talley Ho Inn, and James Duff Inc. Event location is at the Talley Ho Inn, 8314 State Highway 73. This event is open to All Fords so there will be even more variety to check out. You can also venture out on your own and explore, shop the outlets, hike, horseback ride, visit Dollywood, the Moonshine distilleries or Wineries, sightsee over in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg or just relax with a great group of people.
The schedule of events, registration, hotel info, trailer parking, the show 'n shine, and a lot more can be found at, www.broncodriver.com/index.php/events/fall-ford -truck-festival/ and also visit, www.facebook.com/events/2071472023181700/ SEPT 14: PLEASANT VIEW TN: Heritage Bank Customer Appreciation Day: Event located at 2556 Highway 49 East. Drive on down to our Pleasant View Office and let us THANK YOU for the privilege of serving you this year! Check out the COOL cars, grab some lunch, and chat with your friends and neighbors. Times: 11am - 2pm. SHOW & SHINE is from 11am – 2pm.
SEPT 14-15: LEBANON TN: 13th Annual Redneck Rumble: Located at the Wilson County Expo Center,945 E Baddour Pkwy. Pre-1968 Hot Rods, Customs, Rat Rods, Old School Motorcycles, swap meet, Live music, Demo Derby and more. Friday 12pm-VIP setup/must be pre-registered. Fri: 6am Pre-registered set/Fri & Sat 7amnon registered set up. Fri and Sat Show and Live Music/Demo Derby Weather permitting. $15 passes, $25 show entry, includes driver pass, $50 for camp per person, includes admission for Fri & Sat. For more info go to www.bothbarrelspromotions.com 62
SEPT 2018: SEPT 15: BRENTWOOD TN: Touch of Gold Open Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show: NEW EVENT LOCATION for 2018 - The Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home. Located at 1310 Franklin Road, (just off I-65 and south of Concord Road) The Nashville Corvette Club presents their annual Touch of Gold Show at a new venue for 2018. Show is open to all cars, trucks, motorcycles and specialty vehicles. Registration is $25
per vehicle from 9am to noon. 46 classes with 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place awards and other specialty awards presented by 3pm. Judging done by the Nashville Corvette Club; all Corvettes judged by the Battlefield and Music City AACA clubs. Food and bake sale items available indoors in the fellowship hall, all priced “by donation only”. Silent auction, door prizes, DJ, plenty of shade and more... fun for the entire family! No charge for spectators. Come out and support the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home and other local charities. Rain or shine! Car Show Contacts: Ken Miller at 615333-3400 or kmiller5101@comcast.net or Randy Shemin at 615-604-9075 or randyshemin@gmail.com SEPT 15: MT JULIET TN: 16th Annual Glade Fest Antique Car Show: Hosted by the Middle TN Region, AACA Car Club. Event location is in the Lot next to Gladeville Church of Christ, 1435 Gladeville Road. Registration: 9 am to 12:30 pm (Drive-thru Judging at the same time you register), Awards at 2:30 pm. Entry fee: $15/ 2nd Car $10. First, 150 receive a Dash Plaque, 57 Classes with Trophies for each, Auto Related Vendors, Food Festival, Kid Games, Inflatables, plus more family fun. For more info contact: Glenn, 615-444-7315/ Marc, 615-308-0586/ Jim, 615-400-2054 SEPT 15: CROUSE NC: BIG IRON SATURDAY 2018: This is our 7th annual Big Iron Sat-
urday! Where the baddest rides around come out to, where the best trophies are given away, where the most door prizes are given away, and most of all where the best bbq, chicken, and homemade ice cream is! We hand out best of show, best paint, best interior, best engine, most unique, best under construction, farthest distance driven, pastors pick, youth pastors pick, best club participation, and top 25! This year we will also we raffling off a Honda motorcycle and the award ceremony at 2pm! Please come out and support our cause and our youth. All proceeds go to help them out! Any questions you call the church office (704) 435-6001 or go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/468956583545667/ 64
SEPT 2018: SEPT 15: SAWDUST TN (Columbia TN): 2ND ANNUAL POSSUM HOLLER GARAGE CRUISE-IN: CALLING ALL CARS, CALLING ALL CARS, AND OLD TRUCKS TOO! ! Mark your calendars and come on out to Possum Holler Garage located at 2980 Williamsport Pike Columbia,Tennessee for our Annual Cruise In from 9am-3pm. No judging - no pressure - just a lot of people that love old cars. Food Trucks will be on hand all day as everyone knows Max has got to eat! Also Pee Wee and Country Boy's Gourmet kettle corn will be here as well serving up all kinds of pork skins and delicious varieties of Kettle Corn. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ ThePossumHollerGarage SEPT 15: FRANKLIN KY: 1ST ANNUAL HOPE CAR SHOW: 1st Annual HOPE Show is a car show for our veterans/active duty service members. All money raised/donated will go to a specific veteran/active duty service member every year we continue to do this. This year we are doing a project for one of our city's own, Jamin!! Event is
being held at the 31W Drive In at 6250 Nashville Rd. Car Show details: Classic Cars, Classic Trucks, Lifted Trucks, Low Riders & Motorcycles. 1st place in every class will receive trophy. 2nd/3rd will receive medals. We will also have a show and shine that will receive medal and a surprise. Please feel free to message or comment any questions you may have. Let's make this happen for our country's heroes!!!!! We have only a few sponsors, if you are interested in sponsoring, setting up food trucks etc... please contact us!!! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/437647260075754/ SEPT 15: FRANKLIN KY: 56th Annual Franklin Car Show: Event location is on the Courthouse Square. Event hours: 9 am to 4 pm. Entry fee: $15. Register 8 am to Noon, Trophies at 3 pm. T-Shirts to the first 200 enties, Dash Plaques. Over 100 Trophies Awarded, several categories including Best of Show and 2nd thru 25th Place Overall Stock and Modified. Arts and Crafts Show. For vendor info call: F-S Chamber of Commerce, 270-586-7609 or email: cfreese@f-schamber - For Car Show and Swap Meet Info call: Mason Barnes, 270-598-1428 or email: masonbarnes@bellsouth.net
Saturday September 8—Nolensville TN
SEPT 2018: SEPT 15: PORTLAND TN: Classic Car Cruise-In: Hosted by Sumner Crest Winery. Cruise Location is at 5306 Old Hwy 52 (just off I-65). Event hours: 4 pm to 9:30 pm. Entry fee: FREE. Bring your classic cars or just come stroll and look at all the big boy toys that we will have on the lawn. Cruise in is from 4 to 6 pm. We will give away an Award for the car or truck that gets the most votes for the day. Then the LIVE MUSIC "Four on the Floor" will take the stage at 6:30 pm and play all of our favorites from the past decades. You may bring a picnic and enjoy a bottle of Sumner Crest Wine but no other alcohol is allowed. For more info visit, www.facebook.com/ events/1222255537906291/ SEPT 15: SPRINGFIELD TN: Springfield High School (SHS) Baseball Car Show: Event location is at SHS, 5240 Old State Route 76. Registration: 8 am till Noon, Awards at 3 pm. Entry Fee: $25 with multi-car discount ($15 after 1st Vehicle). Welcome, all
Classic Cars, Trucks, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, and Motorcycles. Food provided by Drunken Pig BBQ Company. Live Music, Silent Auction, Bake Sale, and Door Prizes. Proceeds benefit the SHS Baseball Team. For more info call, Cliff Reid, 615-3195798 SEPT 16: CHATTANOOGA TN: HOT ROD AUTO SHOW: Cruise-in for one of our most revved up events. Whether you’re a hobbyist or just enjoy checking out these classic beauties, it’s a sight to see. Over 50 cars (and their owners) show up to cruise-in and show off their babies. It’s a great opportunity to get under the hood and see these classics up close while enjoying a day at Chattanooga Market, located at 1829 Carter St. Want to bring your A-bone, Classic Corvette, Grocery Getter, Highboy, Woodie or other classic and join the fun…you’re invited. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1641442112568506/ SEPT 16: JEFFERSONTOWN KY: 2018 GASLIGHT FESTIVAL CAR SHOW: Located at 10000 Block of Taylorsville Rd. Show time 1pm-4:30pm. Participants should enter the show approaching from Hurstbourne Parkway driving south on Taylorsville Rd. Top 20 Trophies will be awarded including Best In Show & People’s Choice. Registration 10am-1pm, Car show 1pm-4:30pm. For more info: 502-267-1674 68
SEPT 2018: SEPT 16: WEST PALM BEACH FL: SOUTH FLORIDA CAR SWAP MEETS: Swap meet being held at the South Florida Fairgrounds located at 9076 Southern Blvd. Enter thru Gate 8. Admission is $5.00 with children under 12 free. Automotive, Antique, Swap meet. Car Corral. Held the 2nd Sunday Monthly. For more info go to www.southfloridaswapmeets.com
SEPT 2018: SEPT 14-15: FRANKLIN IN: HOOSIER VINTAGE WHEELS SHOW: Event being held at the Johnson County Fairgrounds located at 250 Fairgrounds St. ONE OF THE LARGEST INDOOR & OUTDOOR AUTO RELATED SWAP MEETS IN THE INDIANAPOLIS - CENTRAL INDIANA AREA. What you are likely to see includes: New, Used and Reproduction parts for Antique and Classic Auto's including Muscle cars, Race cars, and Vintage hot rods. Restoration hardware, sheet metal, paint and body supplies, chrome plating and other related service vendors. Vintage cars, trucks, campers, scooters, mini-bikes, gocarts and bicycles, For Sale and on display. Model car show and swap meet. Saturday car show $10 registration awards at 3 pm. Vendor spots $25/$40 month of show. Event runs from 7am – 4pm. Entry is $5.00 per person and free for chidren. For more info call 317-501-5266 SEPT 14-15: MADISON IL: 2018 MONSTER MUSCLECAR WEEKEND: Located at Gateway Motorsports Park. Home of the Demon & Hellcat Nationals. Car Show, Over 10 Drag Race Classes, Generous payouts, Swap Meet, Manufacturers Midway and Car Corral. 50th Anniversary of the 1968 Models. All ’68 Models will receive a commemorative 50th Anniversary sticker (must be pre-entered to qualify). GMSP Wednesday, Sept 12, open test n tune 5pm-10pm. Pre-enter by August 31. For race rules and details go to www.mmwstl.com. All race entries include 1 admission and 1 race tow parking pass. For more info call: 314-669-1656 or 702-256-8254. Find us on FB, YouTube or #MMWSTL.
SEPT 2018: SEPT 14-16: CANFIELD OH: DAVE & ED’S SUPER AUTO EVENTS CANFIELD SWAP MEET: Event being held at 7265 Columbiana Canfield Rd. The areas oldest meet for Rodders, Classics & Antiques. Swap Meet, Car Corral & Sunday Only Car Show. Vendor spaces available Outdoor spaces $60 each - approximately 15 x 30 size, admit
2 people. Limited Indoor spaces $60 each - approximately 9 x 9 size, admit 2 people. Call to reserve with credit card or pay cash at the gate the weekend of the show. Car Corral: $25 vehicle/driver, cash payment @ gate weekend of show. Sunday Car Show: car/driver FREE, passengers $7 each, Limited dash plaques & goodie bags. General Admission: $7 per day/ $10 weekend pass. FREE parking, FREE part pick up, FREE notary service, Kids 11 & Under FREE. Find Vendors selling car, truck & motorcycle parts, leather goods, sunglasses, t-shirts, shop rags, tires & wheels, titles and much more. This is a family friendly event. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/pg/daveedsautoevents/events/ SEPT 15: BLUE ISLAND IL: 7TH ANNUAL ROMIN’ THE ISLAND 2018: Located at 1962 Broadway. Pre-1987 Car Show. 3pm-7pm. $15 per car, free to spectators! Music, Food and Raffles! 100% of Proceeds donated to Blue Cap. SEPT 15: STERLLING IL: RALLY IN THE VALLEY: Located at 770 South 2nd Ave. Swap meet set up at 10am til noon. Runs till 5pm, cruise in time 3pm till 8pm. Food available. Vendors, Swap meet, music party, Cruise in all FREE!!! Burn Out Pitt. For more info: 815-499-9127.
SEPT 15-16: GOSHEN IN: 2018 ISCA CAVALCADE OF WHEELS: Located at Elkhart County 4H grounds, 17746 CR 34. Admission $5, 12 and under free. Entry fee $50 ISCA sanctioned show. Cash awards & trophies. Over 200 vehicles! 3 building of spectacular one-of-a kind vehicles! Food/Merchandise vendors. On sight RV camping available (4hfair.org) free spectator parking. We will also have an outside Cruise -in type show for anybody who wwant to participate. Entry fee $10 per day or $15 for weekend. No pre-registration is required for the cruise-in. For more info: www.coachmenautoclub.com 72
SEPT 2018: SEPT 15: TECUMSAH MI: 2018 CAR SHOW & OPEN HOUSE AT IDIDIT: The 2018 ididit Car Show & Open House will be bigger and better than ever, now that owners of any show-worthy vehicle—regardless of year, make or model—are invited to participate. An end-of-summer tradition dating back to 1991, the event previously only show-
cased hot rods, street rods, muscle cars, sports cars and trucks model year 1985 and older. “We are extremely excited to open up our annual car show to all of the great vehicles in Michigan and throughout the Great Lakes region, regardless of year, make or model” said Ted Keating of ididit. “We want everyone who loves beautiful cars and trucks to join us in celebrating the hot-rodding lifestyle.” Held on the ididit campus in Tecumseh, the ididit Car Show & Open House offers a day of fun for the whole family including facility tours, a vendor tent, food trucks and a live DJ. Attendees are encouraged to bring canned goods for the food drive, and the Lenawee Humane Society will raffle a custom golf cart featuring an ididit steering column. Of course, the cars are the real stars, with owners competing for coveted trophies made in-house by ididit in eight categories: 1948-Older Street Rod, 1949-’64 Car, 1965-’79 Car, 1980-Newer Car, 1948-’66 Truck, 1967-’87 Truck, 1988-Newer Truck, Best Restored. Also new this year is a T-shirt design contest involving students from the graphic imaging classes at LISD Tech Center in Adrian, Michigan. Submissions will be posted on Facebook prior to the show, with the top vote-getter becoming the official T-shirt design for the event. The open house tradition was started nearly three decades ago as a way for ididit to thank customers and the local
community for their support. Registration is free and available at ididit.com. Deadline for registration is September 7, 2018. For more info go to https:// www.ididitinc.com/p-37709-2018-car-show.html
September 9, 2018
SEPT 2018: SEPT 16: JOLIET IL: SUPER CHEVY SHOW: Located at the Chicago Speedway. Featuring Midwest's finest Chevy’s including Bel Airs, Corvettes, Camaros, any and all Vintage and Modern GM Cars. Plus live entertainment throughout the day! Tickets on sale April 9. Join us for a great day of fun, food, entertainment, car show, Midway &
Swap Meet. For more info: WWW.CHICAGOLANDSPEEDWAY.COM/SUPERCHEVY SEPT 16: WARREN MI: 19TH ANNUAL UAW REGION 1 CAR/MOTORCYCLE SHOW: Located at 27800 George Merrelli. Everyone is Welcome! All car types, all motorcycle types. Sunday Sept 16, Registration 8am-11am (Pre-registration included). Judging takes place during the registration. $20 Registration ($18 Pre-registration cars/ motorcycles-must be received by Sept 10). Open to the public 11am-4pm. Dash plaques & goodie bags for car owners. Car Show proceeds are used by the Veteran’s Council to support veterans causes and awareness. For more info: 586-427-9200
SEPT 16: BELOIT WI: 42ND ANNUAL BELOIT AUTORAMA CAR SHOW-PARTS SWAP, ARTS AND CRAFTS-CAR CORRAL: Show time 8am-4pm. Located at 3444 South Riverside Dr., Town of Beloit preservation Park on the Rock River. Spectators $7 over 15 yrs, $2 for 8-15 years, Under 8 Free. Participation car registration $10 on/or before Sept 7. $15 after Sept 5th & on show day. To be considered for judging, cars must be parked by 11am in correct class. Vendor registration: all spaces outside 20x20 ft space-$25. Vendors may also register & set up on Saturday Sept 16 from noon to 5pm. Car Corral $25 driveable, $50 trailered. No pre-registration on Car Corral. Proceeds from this event will be used for Lions Club Community Projects & Programs to aid the visually handicapped. Over 1250 participant show cars, 130 vehicles for sale in car corral and 300 vendor spaces in previous years show. For more info: 608-290-3628 or 608-751-3572. All participant vehicles must be driven into the show.
SEPT 2018 SEPT 14-15: BASTROP TX: 42ND ANNUAL DEUCE REUNION: Event being held at Hyatt Lost Pines Resort, Bastrop TX. for Registration Info Email: deuceslimited32@gmail.com. ALL DEUCES WELCOME!!! More info to come. SEPT 14-15: CENTRAL CITY CO: 6TH ANNUAL HOT ROD HILL CLIMB: 8475 Start Line Elevation. 500 foot climb, Reliability Run Friday. Hill climb race Saturday. Partys, Live Bands, Vendors, Camping and so much more! Hot Rod Hill Climb event registration. This gets you and your car in the show, we have more parking on main street this year. Also includes the world famous Reliability Run. Indicate on the registration that you would like to be considered for the Saturday Hot Rod Hill Climb. Additional weekend passes are $25, this includes access to the Friday Night VIP party and pit passes. We will select 150 pre-1955 era Hot Rods for the feature Hill Climb on Saturday. Once you register, we will review your car and bio, you will be notified on our decision. This is the meat of the show, we cater to 1954 and old-
er, early 1950's Hot Rods, they must be authentic to that period. Motors are generally limited to Flatheads, Bangers, OHV Conversions, and early Inlines. We do on occasion let OHV cars in if they fit that early 1950's theme! Indicate on the registration that you would like to be considered for the Saturday Hot Rod Hill Climb. All Registrations include: Reliability Run - Starts at Wooly Mammoth at 9am. Friday VIP Kick-Off Party in Central City. Weekend Pit Pass. Parking on Main Street all weekend. Truck and Trailer Parking. Peak to Peak Run on Sunday. General Admission: FREE! Downtown Block party Friday and Saturday, includes live music, food trucks, and classic cars lining main street. Pit Passes $10: Get close to the Hot Rods and Drivers
Running the Hill! (13 and older) available at the gate. For more info or to register and check out the schedule updates at hotrodhillclimb.com
SEPT 2018: SEPT 15: 5TH OKLAHOMA HOT ROD HUNDRED: We are planning something really special for the 5th annual run. When we did our first run back in 2014, we drove south towards Texas and met up with the North Texas guys driving north. We met at a park near Lake Murray outside of Ardmore and had a great time. We're going to
meet in the middle again for 2018! We will begin in Mustang at Wild Horse Park and cruise south and meet up with the crowd coming north from the DFW area. We've been talking with the city of Tishomingo, Ok and they are excited to host the end of our run. Check-in will begin at 7:30 and we will plan to get on the road before 9:00 after everyone is checked in and we have a brief driver's meeting. Please Note: The focus of the event will be for cars and trucks 1972 and older. All preregistration entries must be postmarked by September 1st, 2018 to receive the event T-shirt. You may still register after September 1st, but the T-shirt and lunch will not be included. For more info go to http://www.hotrodhundred.com/
oklahoma-city.html SEPT 15: CHESTERFIELD MO: 6TH ANNUAL CCC CRUISE-IN: Cruise is being held at the Chesterfield Community Church located at 14647 Ladue Rd. Cruise runs from 3 -7pm. Admission is FREE. Featuring Kurt McCormick's World Famous BARRIS KUSTOMS “Pisano Bros 1941 Buick Roadmaster�. Free ice cold bottled water. Food will be available for purchase. Proceeds from food sales go to help the childrens ministry. Open to all classics, customs, hot rods, exotics, special interest vehicles and motorcycles. Live music so bring your chairs and blankets to listen on the lawn.
Awesome Attendance
SEPT 2018: SEPT 15: ANTIOCH CA: BILLETPROOF CA 2018: Billetproof is back with one-of-akind events, live bands, great vendors, and the sickest 64 and prior do-it-yourself traditional rods, kustoms and motorcycles on the planet. We will be limiting attendance to 1000 vehicles, so register early! Event being held at the Contra Costa County Fair located at 1201 W 10th St. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/1011183475686173/ 80
SEPT 2018: SEPT 16: EL SEQUNDO CA: 1ST PORSCHE GATHERING 2018, FEATURING THE 914: Come join us for a gathering of Air Cooled Porsche’s at the Automobile Driving Museum, 610 Lairport Street. All Air Cooled Porsche’s welcome! Admission $5 that includes Swap meet, Museum and collectible sales entry. Kids free with paying adult.
Tables for the Porsche collectibles and Swap spaces are $30 each. For more info: 310-909-0650 to reserve your spot.
SEPT 2018: SEPT 14-16: BURLINGTON VT: NSRA NORTHEAST STREET ROD NATIONALS: Located at the Champlain Valley Exposition. All vehicles of 1988 and earlier manufacture are welcome to register for this event. Take advantage of the $10.00 pre-entry discount available through the August 24th mail-in deadline. Once the deadline has passed we will only be able to accept your entry at the event headquarters, which will be held at the Double Tree by Hilton Burlington located at 870 Williston Road in Burlington. Event Registration Hours: Thursday, September 13th - 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, September 14th - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, September 15th - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Even though you may not be in your rod everyone is welcome to attend the event. Bring the whole family for a day at the Champlain Valley Exposition. Spectator gate hours will be: Friday, September 14th - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 15th - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday, September 16th - 8:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Spectator Admission: $17.00 - 13 years old and older, $6.00 Children 6 – 12, FREE - Children 5 and under when accompanied by an adult. A special discounted admission is available for military personnel with proper military identification and for current NSRA members with their current membership card or anyone 60 years of age and older. One discounted admission per person. For additional event information please contact 901-452-4030. You can register online at https://www.nsra-usa.com/northeast-entry-form.html or get more info: www.NSRA-USA.com 82
SEPT 2018: SEPT 15: ENGLISHTOWN NJ: 42ND ANNUAL US DIESEL TRUCKIN’ NATIONALS & MONSTER TRUCK MASH UP: The tradition Lives On! Located at Raceway Park. Celebrating truckers and the glory days of Trucking at Raceway Park. Monster Trucks! The ETC Beast is Back! Truck Buyers Guide and Elizabeth Truck Center present the Nation’s
largest single day Truck show and Tailgate Party! Order tickets in advance! Tickets always available at the gate on event day. No Sellouts! Gates open at 8am, Thrill show 7pm, Adults $25, Kids ages 4-11 $10 and Kids 3 and under free, free parking. For more info: www.usdieselnationals.com or www.racewaypark.com or call 732 -446-7800. SEPT 15: WASHINGTON PA: STEEL CITY ROD RUN. Cruise in on 2 or 4 wheels. Show is open to pre-1973 cars. Event being held at Steel City Harley-Davidson located at 1375 Washington Rd. Show runs from 12-5pm. Car Show & Trophies by the Blacktop Cannibals. Vendors, prizes, cookout all day long. For more info call 724-2257020 or go to www.steelcityharley.com
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1951 MERC. Has 383 stroker/350 turbo. Air ride in back. Thunderbird interior house of color paint and many mods and bling bling under the hood. Professional built. $85,500. Call 931-261-1947 or email at T.bryant@nctc.com (7/12/18)
FOR SALE: 1956 Chevy. Fuel Injected 5.3 VORTEC , 4L60 OVERDRIVE TRANS. , power disc brakes on front, drum rear, new sway bars on front and rear, new bumpers, new package tray, new carpet, new headliner, am/fm/cd, new taillights, new steering knuckle, new emblems, new wiper motor and wipers, new ball joints, new hood bar and hood bar extensions, new fender trim, new cold air intake, flow master exhaust, nice interior, correct color scheme exterior and interior EMAIL- road-king004@hotmail.com phone 615-586-8550 (7/5/18)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1934 FORD CABRIOLET. 350/700R. Mustang II front end curry nine inch rear end. Fiberglass body. Leather interior with folding canvas top with chrome top irons. Also have fenders and running boards goes with the car. Gennie shifter, CD Player, door poppers, and crate motor about 1500 miles. Many mods. Asking $28,500.00. Call or Text 931-261-1947. Email t.bryant@nctc.com (7/26/18)
FOR SALE: 2007 CHEVROLET CORVETTE. Only 5,116 miles on it. 6SPD Trans. Heated leather seats. Heads up display. BOSE Satellite ready sound system. Adjustable suspension. Alloy wheel with run flat tires. Targa top. Feel the 400hp. $29,000.00. For more info call 615-497-4140 (8/30/18)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: Original 69 Camaro drivers side door glass, green tinted. Has date code and DOT code etched into the glass. Believe the glass will fit 68-69 Camaro-firebird. Good condition. $100.00. For more info call 931-4861031 (8/2/18)
FOR SALE: 2000 FORD 350 dually 7.3 diesel power stroke engine with only
40,000 original miles. Never seen a winter. Set up for gooseneck or 5th wheel towing has chip and larger exhaust for performance and mileage. Great for Hotshot , campers, farmers or hobbyists that need a tow vehicle without paying 75 to $ 80,000. Call with questions come test drive it . George at 815-343-6770. (8/30/18)