Vol.19 Issue #26
June 27—July 3, 2019
Price: FREE
Car Shows, Cruise-In’s & Gearhead Fun Across The USA “
Vol. 19 Issue 26 June 27-July 3, 2019
inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics Butch Pate Michael Corazzelli Craig Wise Web Producer Jack Cobb - tnhost.com Senior Feature Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors PC Svcs., RacingJunk.com, Car Chix, Lions Drag Race Museum, Jerry Aldous, Aldous Pro Illustrations Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography
Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast USA Shows Midwest USA Shows Western USA Shows West Coast USA Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA Upcoming Car Shows BUY-SELL-TRADE-WANTED Out The Back Door
4 8-9 10-14 16-18 20 20 22-38 40-50 52-55 57
Cover: Cool Cars & Trucks at the 2019 Hot Rod Reunion—Jimmy B Contents Page: Cool new art from Jerry Aldous
Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors
gearheagazzette@gmail.com www.gearheadgazzette.com www.facebook.com/gearhead-gazzette twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”
What other publication gives you all this...NONE
Are Ya’ Having Fun Yet?
With the second half of the year starring at us, we see no let up of gearhead fun for a long time. In fact July August and September are always fully loaded with gearhead fun. Based on what we have to waiting to be listed, it’s going to be a great summer and early fall for gearheads and hot rodders across the USA.
As I write this weeks column, we are 6 days into the “OFFICIAL” Summer Season. The longest day of the year has come and gone and each day moving forward gets a little shorter on sunlight. The other thing that just happened, is the first half of the year has slipped by you...no doubt at a rapid rate. It may even feel like it went by a little faster if you are over the half century mark...HA! I know I fit into that distinguished group my self. You are reading issue #26, the half way point for the publication year for the Gearhead Gazzette. Plenty more fun up ahead...hang on for the ride! Taking a quick look back on the first half of our year around here is pretty interesting: > Over 2028 pages of gearhead fun > We averaged 78 pages per issue with car shows, cruise-in’s & other gearhead events. > Over 5000 Event listing in the first half of the year! What other publication gives you all this...NONE except us here at the Gearhead Gazzette.
On a personal note, I want to thank all of you who took time to shoot an email, call or hit me up on social media about the damage to the house during some recent heavy weather here in Middle Tennessee. Means the world to me and I truly appreciate all of you. The good news is clean up of the trees is complete and we are moving into the repair phase. You see this on TV a lot and hope it never happens to you...but this time it did. No one hurt...everything fixable...we’re good to go.
Jimmy B.
“the fun starts here”….
RacingJunk.com and Car Chix to Showcase Woman in Racing RacingJunk.com has partnered with the Car Chix motorsports organization. The comarketing partnership between the two organizations will support greater awareness and attendance of Car Chix's events while broadening RacingJunk.com's reach to competitors and fans who can benefit from its services. RacingJunk.com, owned by Internet Brands Automotive Group, is an online for those looking to buy, sell, trade or interact with people throughout the automotive and racing and performance communities. In addition to hosting classifieds, RJ partners with tracks, series sponsors, racers, manufacturers & experts to support all levels of the community from grassroots to professionals, connecting users with the best products, services and experiences in the industry, according to the company. Car Chix since 2010 has been advertising, promoting and providing resources world-wide to women in motorsports and the automotive industries. Car Chix has an excellent reputation for delivering motorsports events geared towards women, including the Car Chix Ladies Only Drag Races and the Drag Racing for Life Breast Cancer Fundraiser, according to the company. "It is an honor to partner with Racing Junk, the leading company for racing and performance classifieds. With Car Chix being the premier motorsports organization for women, it was only fitting to partner with RacingJunk.com. We are truly excited about the partnership and look forward to the opportunities it brings to the members, fans and communities of both Racing Junk and Car Chix," said Jeanette DesJardins, founder of Car Chix. 8
Lions Drag Strip Museum Roars to Life! The legend of Lions Associated Drag Strip hasn’t gone away and the amount of memorabilia from the track is huge. In a project that’s been in the works for several years, the Lions Drag Strip Museum opened its doors on June 22, 2019, taking viewers of the museum’s large area filled with cars and memorabilia back to a time when drag racing was in its infancy, through to its growth that today recognizes NHRA’s ascent as the purveyor of straight-line competition. Although it has been gone almost 47 years, the strip — known as “LADS" to the locals — will now have a permanent place to be memorialized. The Lions Drag Strip Museum had it’s Grand Opening in Rancho Dominguez. Check out some of he shots from the Grand Opening Event!
JUNE 2019: JUNE 27-29: CONCORD NC: STREET CAR TAKEOVER CHARLOTTE: SCT-Charlotte! Coming back with another day added for 2019. Roll racing, night meet, drag racing and car show. Over $15,000 in cash payouts!!!! THURSDAY JUNE 27TH TWIN PEAKS NIGHT MEET-PRE PARTY.-Twin Peaks Concord at 8601 Concord Mills Boulevard.5pm-11pm-Mobile dyno (first come first serve)-Food specials-Tons of cars-
Giveaways-Vendors. Parking is limited, we cannot guarantee a spot. We also do not save spots. Cars are free to come and go throughout the night. We ask that you respect this location and its property. If you violate any traffic laws local law enforcement will be on site to write citations. FRIDAY JUNE 28TH 2019 ZMAX DRAGWAY | ROLL RACING Gates open at 3:00pm for racers and 4:30pm for spectators-$80 for weekend tech card or $45 for single day (Racers)-$20 to spectate $35 for weekend pass (FRI-SAT)-Kids 12 and under FREE-Open roll racing between rounds and before eliminations. SATURDAY JUNE 29TH: DRAG RACING & CAR SHOW-ZMAX DRAGWAY-Gates open at 10am for racers and 11am for spectators-$20 single day spectator pass kids 12/under FREE-$45 for tech card/test n tune, classes are extra$25 for car show which includes drivers spectator ticket-Drag Racing 12:00pm8pm or when eliminations are over-Car show 12pm-4pm-Burnout contest 2:30pm. For more info go to https://streetcar-takeover.com/event/pujoisa-fk-isd-fjbh-ladfkjlha-s-sadksd-sdakl-skljhsdf-l-3/ JUNE 28: VALDESE NC: MYRA’S INDEPENCE DAY CRUISE-IN: Event being held at Myra’s Diner. Runs fromn 5pm -?? Food, fun, music, 50/50 drawing and family friendly environment. JUNE 29: PINEY FLATS TN: EAST TENNESSEE SHOWDOWN: East Tennessee Showdown is back again for round two. Sponsored by Direct Paintless Dent Repair. To be held once again at the East Tennessee Distillery located at 220 Piney Flats Road. Top 50 with many best of and specialty awards. Open to all makes and models including Motorcycles. We will have special show labeled legal moonshine available at the distillery again this year. More details to come. If you would like to sponsor or set up at the event contact us. Rj Shelton (276)970-0998 Jason McCracken (423)646-9759 Justin Wyatt (276)780-0969. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ 10
Lynchburg TN 11
JUNE 2019: JUNE 29: TUSCUMBIA AL: Helen Keller Festival Car Show: Event being held on Main Street in Tuscumbia. Tuscumbia, AL is the birth place of Helen Keller. Registration starts at 8:00 and the show will wrap about 2:00. Registration is $20.00 with $1700.00 in cash drawings plus many door prizes. Trophies for Best of Show Production and Modified, Car and truck Pre 1999 and 2000 to present and Rat Rod. The Festival is a big event in North Alabama, family oriented, arts and crafts and the play “The Miracle Worker” is preformed. For more information on the Festival and a map check “Helen Keller Festival / North Alabama”. For more information on the Show contact BillyGriffith100@gmail.com JUNE 29: COOKEVILLE TN: 5th Annual Red, White, and Boom Celebration Car Show: Event location is at the Putnam County Fair Grounds. Event hours: 10 am to 2 pm. NSRA Appreciation Day. Dash Plates to first 200, Cash Prizes every hour. Open to: Classic Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and Antique Tractors. 50/50 Drawing goes to Vet-
erans Honor Guard. Free $ Admission. For info contact, Jim Raines, Pistons Car Club, 931-260-8020 JUNE 29: APISON TN: 2nd Annual FREE Cruise-In & Car Show: Event being held at Apison Elementary School located at 10433 E. Brainerd Road. Bring your cars, trucks, motorcycles or any other vehicle and have a wonderful day with us. We will have a bounce house for the kids, Live Music, Silent Auction, Corn hole, Door Prizes, Dash Plaques for vehicles entries, TOP 10 Awards and a trophy for Best In Show. Also, BBQ and concessions available. All vehicles are Welcome! Spectators are Welcome! Donations will be accepted and please bring School supplies to benefit Apison Elementary School. JUNE 29: CROSSVILLE TN: NOSTALGIA DRAGS: Event being held at the Crossville Dragway located at 1650 Creston Rd. Event runs from 10am-10pm. Old School Drag Racing coming to Crossville Dragway more info coming soon!!!!! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/427251214792561/
4th Thursday Night Cruise 5pm—Til??
JUNE 2019: JUNE 29: SMART TN: First Baptist Church of Smartt Cruise-In: Event location is at 4907 Manchester Hwy. Event hours: 4 to 8 pm. ALL vehicles welcome. Music, food available. For more info contact, Jerry Jones, 931-259-2545 JUNE 29: CLARKSVILLE TN: Jesse Knowles Memorial Car Show: EVENT RESCHEDULED from June 22: Event being held at Richellen Park located at 1466 Hwy 149. Registration 10:00am, Judging at Noon. All proceeds go to the Firefighter Jesse Knowles "Keep Truckin" Scholarship. Door Prizes, Music and much more. JUNE 30: MT JULIET TN: Green Hill Church presents Red Hot & Blue Community Celebration & Car Show: The event will be held at Green Hill Church, 13251 Lebanon Road. Times: 5:00pm - 7:00pm. This is not a judged car show, but local business owners and City leaders will be picking their favorite vehicle. Live Music, FREE food, Kids Games & Water games and much more! You can register your vehicle on www.greenhillchurch.com & For more info, Call 615-758-7238 JULY 2019: JULY 2: PORTLAND TN: July Extravaganza Cruise-In and Fireworks Show: Event location is at the Signature Healthcare of Portland, 215 Highland Circle Drive. Event starts at 6:30 pm. We will be having Live Music, Vendors, Food Trucks, and Fireworks. Signature Healthcare will be hosting a one time Cruise-In on July 2nd as part of our July Extravaganza. We are a rehab and long term nursing home in Portland so any money raised at the event will be given to our Elder Vacation Fund for their trip next year to Florida. The Cruise-In will be completely free of course but we have
vendor opportunities for $25 booth rentals. For more info contact, Dillan Farmer, 615-323-4629 or 615-202-6676
15 Hummelstown PA
JUNE 2019: JUNE 27-29: DUBLIN OH: 37TH ANNUAL CLASSIC AUTO SHOW & CRUISE-IN: Thursday, join the Legends Tour leaving from the Crowne Plaza Dublin and take a cruising tour of the historic Ohio byways with special stops and exclusive tours along the way. And now, we have added free family friendly events Thursday night! Friday, we get the party started with the Cruise-In as we welcome the public to see over 1100 cars on display in the Metro Center competing for 100 6 ft tall trophies. Saturday, we expect to see 1200 classic cars on display in over 50 classes get judged looking for over 300 different awards. Friday and Saturday, we welcome the night with some live entertainment. The Classic Auto Show and Cruise-In is like a fine wine, only getting better with age. Join us June 27-29, 2019 and make history while helping the millions of Ohioans affected by arthritis. For more info go to https:// arthglr.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/2019ClassicAutoShowColumbusOH/tabid/1007998/ Default.aspx JUNE 27-30: ST IGNACE MI: ST. IGNACE CAR SHOW WEEKEND: Drive in Movie night. Friday parade and Cruise. World record for the most Hot Rods on the Mackinac Bridge. Top 40 awards and pros pick awards selection on Saturday. Saturday fireworks. Winners circle with awards ceremony on Sunday. Mid-week Antiques Auto on The Bay Show. Guest of Honor: Dennis Gage of My Classic Car. Over 25,000 spectators arrive in St Ignace for our historic car show weekend. This is the perfect venue for sales, promotion and display of your products and services. New 4 day program. Paved vendor expo and swap meet booth spaces. Booth spaces start at $200. Available Thursday thru Sunday. For more info: 800-338-6660 or info@stignace.com JUNE 29: BYRON IL: VINTAGE DRAG RACING AND PIE CRUST SLICKS: Located at the Byron Dragway, 7287 North River Road. Gates open at 9am, Apple Pie Eating contest at 1pm. $35 / racer, $15/spectator. All cars must meet event criteria and run pie crust slicks. 1966 and older cars. All cars must pre-register. Check out www.vintagedragracing101.com for more info or www.Byrondragwway.com
4th Thursday Night Louden TN
JUNE 2019: JUNE 29: DETROIT MI (DEARBORN MI): HOT WHEELS LEGENDS TOUR: Event being held at the WALMART DEARBORN located at 5851 Mercury Drive. Detroit, we're comin' back for you! Hot Wheels is hitting the road once again with the nationwide traveling car show in search of a custom car worthy of becoming a Hot Wheels diecast car! One finalist from each of the 18 cities will join us at SEMA 2019 in Las Ve-
gas, where one lucky winner will be immortalized as a Hot Wheels Legend and get made into a die-cast car sold around the world! This is something you don’t want to miss. Enter your custom car into the competition or come witness the epic event! Each stop will include:- Lifesize Hot Wheels Fleet of Cars- Photo Ops- Historical Die -Cast display- Hot Wheels Kid Zone - Car and Pop Culture Influencers- And much more! More Info & Enter Your Car: www.hotwheels.com/legendstour Register your car: https://apply.hotwheelslegends.com Check out the official rules to enter your car: http://bit.ly/HWLegends2019Rules What We're Looking For In A Car:- Authenticity. Have you ever seen a car and said, “That looks like a Hot Wheels?” We’re looking for that radical ride that nails the amazing performance and outrageous design we’re known for.- Creativity. We’ve made over 25,000 unique vehicle models in the past 50 years, so we’re looking for something with unique details that stands out from the rest. - Garage Spirit. It’s built, not bought, just like Hot Wheels. We’re looking to see some elbow grease that exemplifies the challenger spirit it took to build. Join our official Hot Wheels Legends Group for more information about exhibiting your car: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HotWheelsLegends/ JUNE 30: AUSTINTOWN OH: 25TH ANNUAL CORVETTE & STEEL CAR SHOW: Rain or Shine. Located at 4665 Mahoning Ave. Event time 9:30am-3pm. Awards @ 2:30pm. Registration 9:30am-11:30am. $20 NCCC entries, $10 Non NCCC Entries. Free dash plaque for first 100 cars. Show proceeds to benefit Making Kids Count.
JUNE 2019: JUNE 27-29: CLOVIS NM: CLOVIS DRAGGIN’ MAIN MUSIC FESTIVAL 2019: New Mexico’s largest cruise. Cruise, kid’s zone, food, prizes, live music and hundreds of vehicles.
JUNE 2019: JUNE 27: HUMMELSTOWN PA: POSIES SUMMER CRUISE-IN: MAKE UP DATE DUE TO RAIN OUT ON JUNE 20th: Event being held at Posies shop located at 219 N Duke St. Event runs from 6-8pm. All are welcome. Hot Dogs & Refreshments will be for sale with proceeded going towards sending a scout to camp. For more info call 717-566 -3340 ot go to www.posiesrodsandcustoms.com
THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : Franklin, KY: The Gathering: Cruise: Cruise is held every Thursday evening. Cruise takes place on the Square in Franklin. Cruise runs from 6pm til everyone leaves. All are welcome, if it has wheels bring it. Updates and info at: www.facebook.com/pg/ GatheringontheSquareFranklinKentucky/ Lebanon, TN - Coach's East Gate Grille Cruise: Located at 6750 East gate Drive. Located off I-40 and Hwy 109. From: 5pm - 8pm. Every Thursday Night. Peoples Choice Award, 50/50 Drawing and more. Visit: www.coachseastgate.net 4th THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S LYNCHBURG TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: Presented by Lynchburg Fixin’s. Cruise held on the square in Lynchburg. Lynchburg Fixin’s is giving away a free meal including drink up to $10 to all cruisers on May 23rd !! That's right...you read that correctly!! All other businesses on the square are closed at this time so the square is open to all cruisers!! Great food and a great time. Cruise time is 5 pm til 7 pm!! LOUDEN TN: Smoky Valley Riders Cruise-Ins: VINTAGE/NEW CAR, JEEP, TRUCK AND MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIAST. Cruise ins will be held on the Fourth Thursday of the month March 28th through October 24th. (Aug. Cruise in will take place at RIVERFEST on Sat. Aug. 24th). No Fee Required. 2019 DATES & LOCATIONS: June 27 – Cobb’s Napa Auto Parts. July 25, – Loudon Courthouse. August 24 (Saturday) – Loudon Riverfest @ Legion Park, September 26, – Bethany Baptist Church. October 24 – Loudon Funeral Home/ Loudon Auto Repair. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/362983304552386/?event_time_id=362983307885719 HIXSON TN: HOT RODS & ICE CREAM CRUISE IN: Cruise is held on the 4th Thursday night of each month thru Oct. Cruise is held at the DQ Grill & Chill located at 5433 Hwy 153. Hosted by the East Tennessee Street Rods. East Tennessee Street Rods would like to invite everyone out to our 2019 Cruise in. Every 2nd Thursday of the month. It will run from April 25th through October. 6pm-? Come on out, sit a spell, chew the fat, and enjoy some amazing ice cream!! More info at https:// www.facebook.com/events/283366482544775/ COOKEVILLE TN: THURSDAY NIGHT HANGOUT: May 23rd we kick off our monthly hangout and meet up at the shop! So come on out with your ride and enjoy some food and drinks on us! Starting at 6pm! HotRods, lifted trucks and Jeeps bring them all, we can't wait to see everyone here! Event runs from 6-9pm. Event held at RLC Motorsports located at 3171 Hwy 111 N. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/804463939935165/
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : HENDERSONVILLE TN: HENDERSONVILLE CRUISE IN: Cruise is held every Friday thru Oct 25th. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Cruise is held at The Old World Market Parking Lot in the Glenbrook Shopping center located at 1006 Andrews Run, located off exit 6 off Vietnam Veterans Parkway. Family fun, 50/50 raffle, Kids segment, ride of the week and oldies music. For more info and updates follow them on Facebook at Hendersonville Cruise In. MARYVILLE TN: FOOT HILLS CRUISE-IN: Come on out and enjoy the Friday Night Cruise in at the Foothills Mall/JC. Penny 5:00pm.until whenever. Starting the 1st Friday in April to the last Friday in October. Weather Permitting. Open to ALL/ If you can Drive it you can bring it. ( Cruise in to the Past ). For more info and weekly updates go tohttps://www.facebook.com/Foothillscruisein JEFFERSON CITY TN: MOSSY CREEK CRUZERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Friday night from April – Oct. Cruise runs from 5:30-8:30pm. Cruise is held at the BIG LOTS located on Hwy 11-E. Everyone is welcome. Good Friends, Good Times…cruise on in! For more info go to www.mossycreekcruzers.org LEBANON TN: SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN CRUISE: Held on Friday Nights at Middle Tennessee’s oldest Drive In. Snow White has been serving up great burgers, shakes, fries and more since the early ‘50’s! Add in a whole lot of cool cars on a Friday night and the recipe equals fun! Located at 1714 West Main St. For more info call 615-443 -4299 4th FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : KNOXVILLE TN: ADVANCED AUTO PARTS CRUISE NIGHTS: Come join Summer Knight Cruisers Knoxville each month year round for a night of cool rides, good people and family fun. If you like talking cars, trucks, or motorcycles then stop by and see us. All are welcome. Cruise is held on the 4th Friday night at 7700 Oak Ridge Hwy. Cruise starts at 5pm. Cruise runs year round as long as weather permitting and 60 degrees or above. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/288777841667635/ SHELBYVILLE TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: Hosted by the Celebration City Region Car Club. Takes place on the 4th Friday of each month starting Apr. 26th.Cruise is held at the Bedford County Courthouse at 1 Public Square. Cruise runs from 6-8pm. Come out for a great time back out in the sun after the long winter. Looking forward to Chase Clanton and Vintage Vibes providing some live music as well as Charlotte's Famous Cooking and their down-home burgers. See you then! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/628709870907806/ 24
4th FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : CLARKRANGE TN: FRIDAY NITE CRUISE IN: The cruise takes place on the 4th Friday night of each month from April thru Oct. Cruise is held at the Cumberland Mountain General Store & Rock-A Billy Diner located at 6807 South York Hwy. The Friday Nite Cruise-In is open to all makes and models. Bring your new car, old car, hot rod, rat rod, bike, trike, gasser, low rider anything you want to show off or you can just come on out and enjoy all the great vehicles. The general store and the Rock-a-Billy Diner will be open for some of the best food around! Live music from Herschel Meadows. Herschel is a young and upcoming musical star. So come on out, grab a lawn chair and just have a great time enjoying some great vehicles, great music and some wonderful shopping. For more info call 931-863-3880 or go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/574356769747369/ LAST FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S HUNTSVILLE AL: HPT CRUISE IN: Cruise is held the last Friday night of each month Cruise runs from 5-7pm. Horsepower Therapy and Rocket City Tavern have teamed up again this year up to provide a location for veterans and non veterans to cruise in, hang out, talk about cars, tell stories (lies), and enjoy each other’s company. This is a GREAT location with some amazing cold beverages. One of the primary missions of Horsepower Therapy is to provide methods and opportunities for veterans and families to be around cars and experience the benefit of horsepower therapy. What better way, locally, then to have a place to meet, greet, and be a community of veteran car owners. Maybe you need help with a project, maybe you could use some advice on a project, or maybe you just want to show off. Ultimately, it’s not about what you drive, it’s that you showed up to have some fun! Come on out, stay for a little bit or stay for a while! Let your friends know!!! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/284562849121072 EVERY SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located at 633 Frazier Drive. NCC is a free to attend Shine and Show event. If you are a vendor, car club or if you have any questions, please send us a message. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/nashvillecarsncoffee/ SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LEBANON TN: GOOD WHEEL CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise runs from 4-9:30pm. New Cruise location is at the Lebanon Outlet Mall located at 1 Outlet Village Dr. at the Market Place area . 50/50 Drawing. Trophy for Car of the Week. Food, Shopping, Music & Family Fun. Join us for fun, fellowship and a good time with cool cars on Saturday Nights. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1441115595938504/ 26
LAST SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : La VERGENE TN: STREETSIDE CLASSIC CARS & COFFEE CRUISE IN: Held the last Saturday of the month (rain or shine) from 9am-12pm. Open to all makes and models. Being held at the Streetside showroom at 6000 Reliance Drive LaVergene TN. Drive your classic car out and check out the showroom too. La VERGENE TN: GATEWAY CLASSIC CARS & COFFEE CRUISE SPONSORED BY GRUNDY INSURANCE: Gateway Cars and Coffee is now Year Round. Cruise Location is 320 Tech Park Drive, Ste 600. We get it, you do not want to drive your prized jewel in the winter months, Gateway Classic Cars doesn't want you to either. Bring your daily driver and still enjoy donuts and coffee on us! Come hang out, have breakfast/ coffee, and check out all our New Arrivals on the 3rd Saturday of every month from 9am till 12 noon. Need more info? Call: 615-213-1800 or Visit: www.facebook.com/events/1151199428311489 SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : MT JULIET TN: Mount Juliet Providence Cruise-In: Cruise is held every Saturday Night thru Oct. 26th 5:00pm to 9:00pm, and will be held at American Jewelry parking lot, across from Wendy’s off South Mount Juliet Road. Music, door prizes and fellowship. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/441033899583988/ MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : White House, TN: Cruise-in at Colorado Grill: Cruise takes place every Monday evening. Located at 2747 Hwy 31W. Runs through October 28th & our annual trunk or treat. Come out and join us for good food and fellowship, we will start at 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Weather permitting! For more information, Contact Wayne Malugin at 615-566-7343 or email robertmalugin@gmail LEWISBURG TN: SONIC CRUISE IN: Held every Monday night from 5-7pm.Cruising starts on March 11th and runs until it Nov. Located at the SONIC Drive In at 420 Ellington Pkwy OOLTEWAH TN: OOLTEWAH CRUISE-IN & BIKE NIGHT: Cruise takes place every Monday night from March to November. Cruise is held at Cambridge Square located at 9453 Bradmore Ln. Cruise starts at 4pm - ?? All our welcome. TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : MILLERSVILLE TN: Vintage Shine Cruise: Presented by Vintage Shine Cruisers. Cruise is held every Tuesday night thru October. Cruise Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm. Cruise being held at 1650 HWY 31W, Millersville, TN 37072. Contact Info: Glenn Gerow 615-812-6417 or Milton Dorris 615-406-4089.
TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : BETHPAGE TN: RIDGE RUNNERZ CRUISE IN: Cruise is held every Tuesday. Cruise In hosted by Ridge Runnerz Car Club and Oak Grove General Store. Cruise location is 2708 HWY-52 W (Corner of HWY 52 W and HWY 174). Cruise hours are 5 pm till ?? Cruise runs thru October 29th. Come join us for Fun and Fellowship, Door Prizes, 50/50 drawing, Ride of the Week. For more Info text, Bill Miller, 615-308-1491 BOWLING GREEN KY: BRUSTERS ICE CREAM Cruise-In: Cruise is held in the parking lot behind Bruster's Ice Cream, 2712 Scottsville Road. Cruise takes place every Tuesday night. Free Admission, 50/50 drawing and door prizes. Times: 5:00pm 7:00pm. The money raised will go to Hospice of Southern Kentucky, JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) for kids and The Alzheimer's Association. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/406 WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : Springfield, TN: Classic Tin Cruise In: Cruise takes place every Wednesday evening thru October 31st. Cruise located at 2018 Memorial Blvd, next to Burger King. Cruise runs from 5pm - 9pm. For more info call Shelby Horner (615) 336-2257. 1st WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : HUNTSVILLE AL: First Wednesday at the Village of Providence CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held at the Villages of Providence located at 7 Town Center Drive NW Ste 102. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Cruise runs on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Starting April 3rd. The goal of this meet is to provide a fun family friendly environment. ALL CARS ARE WELCOME!!!! We will be parking on the parade lawn grass (we will park large trucks and SUV's in the lot behind the stage to help maximize parking). Please use the entrance near The Brickhouse unless we direct you to use a different entrance. To kick off this years events we will be featuring coupes on the front row. For more info on the cruise go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/2232524440128568/
THURSDAY NITE CRUISIN’: MARTINSVILLE IN: CRUISE-IN ON TEH SQUARE: Cruise is held every Thursday until Oct 24th. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Cruise is held at the Morgan County Court House Square. Free and open to all vehicles, cars, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, etc. New restaurants and shops downtown. No cruise on July 11th and Oct 10th due to other events downtown. For more info call 317-281-1003 FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts on Apr. 19th and runs thru Oct. 30
FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct. SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. Starts in April and runs thru Oct. HIGHLAND IN: CRUISING THE BLUE TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. For info call 219-836-1233 Starts in April and runs thru Oct. TAYLOR MI: BIG BOY CRUISE IN CAR SHOW: Cruise is held every Saturday night running thru Sept. Cruise times are 5-9pm. Cruise happens weather permitting. 50/50 drawing, prizes and music. Open to all makes and models. Located at the BIG BOY at 10450 Telegraph Rd. LAST SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : WHEELERSBURG OH: Ohio River Street Rodders Monthly Cruise-In: The Ohio River Street Rodders hosts a monthly Cruise-in at the McDonalds in Wheelersburg. Cruise is held the last Saturday thru September & the 2nd Saturday in Oct. This is Southern Ohio's largest cruise-in, never an entry fee, Live DJ playing 50's thru 80's music, door prizes and a grand door prize at every event. 50-50 drawing with all proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House. 300+ vehicles at each one. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/267337767514176/ LAST SUNDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : LANSING IL: LYNNIE QUES AIRPORT BAR & GRILL CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the last Sunday of the month in June, July & Sept. Cruise runs from 3-7pm. Cruise located at 3249 Airport Drive/Glenwood Lansing Rd. Free to participants. For more info call 708-474-7837 TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: TALLMADGE OH: CRUISIN TUESDAYS: Hosted by the Akron Car Club. Cruise takes place every Tuesday. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Music, 50/50 drawing, food and drink specials. Cruise is held at Firehouse Grill & Pub located at 10 Tallmadge Circle. For more info and weather updates go to www.firehousetallmadge.com
1st WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: LAKE ZURICH IL: LAKE ZURICH CRUISE NIGHT: Lake Zurich Cruise Night is CHANGING for 2019!!! New location for 2019, will be PAULUS PARK located at 200 South Rand Rd. Private parking, no traffic, space for over 200 cars and overflow spaces if needed. Separate spectator parking. Cruise is held on the 1st Wednesday Night of each month thru Oct. Five restaurants, Ice Cream and Coffee across the street or less than a block away. Bathrooms on site. Kids playground next door. Kids skateboard park next door (no skateboard riding between cars please!!) Fun for the whole family!! FREE to participants and spectators. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/2253343534905582/
CHANDLER AZ: HAPPY HOUR CAR SHOW & LIVE MUSIC: Cruise held every Friday Night. Cruise is held at the Patio at the Forum located at 2301 S Stearman Drive. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Free wood fired pizza from 5-6:30apm. Bring your cars or just come and have fun.
PASADENA TX: FREDDYS STEAKBURGERS FRIDAY NIGHT CAR, TRUCK & BIKE MEET: Cruise happens every Friday night from 6-10pm. Takes place at the Freddys location at 4637East Sam Houston Pkwy. Open to all makes & models. Kid & pet friendly. No burnouts and no revving. LAST SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: LAST NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers (Northside). Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 6-9pm on the Last Saturday of the month. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/Northsidecruisein LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH: KILLEEN TX: CARS & COFFEE KILLEEN: A free event held on the last Sunday of each month from 9am -12noon. Cruise is at the Domain Clear Creek Plaza at 2408 S Clear Rd. Community*Coffee*Car. A monthly social event for car enthusiasts. For more info follow them at www.facebook.com/killeencandc MESQUITE TX: BUBBA’S 33 CLASSIC CAR SHOW: Cruise is held on the last Sunday of each month. Located at Bubba’s 33 at 19089 Hwy 635. Event runs from 12-4pm. 30 classes with awards. 30 classes. Open to all makes, models and years. Motorcycles are welcome. Free dash plaques to the 1st 50 cars to register.$15.00 registration fee. Registration from 11:30am – 2pm. For more info call 469-632-6993 34
THURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN: SANTA ROSA CA: OZZIES CLASSIC GRILL CRUISE IN: Cruise is held every Thursday night from 5-8pm all summer long. Located at 799 Montectio Center. Food and drink specials. LAST THURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN: PINOLE CA: SUMMER CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise takes place on the last Thursday night from March thru Oct. Cruise is held at FOSTERS FREEZE located at 993 San Pablo Ave. Cruise runs from 6pm onward! Live DJ, Vote for your favorite car. Enjoy delicious food. Win great prizes. Bring your classic car to Pinole! For more info call 510724-8782 FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN GARDEN GROVE CA: GARDEN GROVE MAIN ST CAR SHOW: Cruise is held every Friday night from 5-8pm. Enter on north side off Acacia Pkwy. Hot Rods, Muscle cars, trucks, trophies, awards, raffles, music, food and vendors. Bring your friends and family for good times. BURBANK CA: VALLEY CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise takes place every Friday Night from 79pm. Cruise is held at the Fosters Freeze located at 201 South Glenoaks Blvd. ESCONDIDO CA: CRUISIN’ GRAND: Celebrating 20 years of CRUISIN’ GRAND in 2019. Cruise takes place every Friday night. Pre-1974, American made cars. Largest Cruise west of the Mississippi. Cruise is held in downtown Escondido. For more info go to www.cruisingrand.com or https://www.facebook.com/cruisingrand/ LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH CRUISE NIGHT: Held every Friday. Meet at Rosie’s at Dog Beach Parking lot. Leave the beach at 8pm. Head to the IN-N-Out in Signal Hill over around 9pm. For more info go to Long Beach SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN LOS GATOS CA: CLASSIC CRUISING: Cruising every Saturday Night starting at 7pm. Cruise is on unless it rains. Cruise is held at Classic Burgers of Los Gatos at 15737 LAST SUNDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : ROHNERT PARK CA: ROHNERT PARK CARS & COFFEE: Cruise is held on the last Sunday morning of each month. Cruise runs from 8-10am. Cruise is held at the Rohnert Park Starbucks at 459 Rohnert Park Expressway West. Located by the Juice Shack, TARGET & Panda Express.
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: NEWTON NJ: THE RODFATHER GANF CAR CRUISE: Cruise held every Friday night from 4pm to sunset, weather permitting. Cruise is held at Friendly’s located at 9 Hampton House Road (Rt 206). Show your car or browse and admire. All collectable cars welcome new or old. For more info go to www.rodfathergang.com SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: CLIFTON NJ: SATURDAY CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise is held every Saturday night. Cruise is held at the Maple Valley Dinner located at 1116 Route 46 West. Cruise runs from 430-830pm. Cruise is open to all classics 25 years and colder. Music by DJ Nick at Nite. Free admission. Music, prizes, trophies and great food. For info and weather updates call 201-303-3218 MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: WAYNE NJ: CRUISIN AT HOOTERS: Cruise is held every Monday night. Cruise is held at HOOTERS located at 25 Rt 23 South(next to Willowbrook mall). Sponsored by the North Jersey Classic Cruisers. Open to all years, makes and models. Cruise runs from 530-9pm. Trophies, contest, prizes, great food and drink specials. DJ Nick at Nite. For more info call 201-.303-3218 or follow them on facebook at North Jersey Classic Cruisers. TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: PAWCATUK CT: CRUISIN’ THE PHOENIX: Cruise is held every Tuesday night. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Cruise is held at Phoenix Dining & Entertainment at 215 Liberty St. Cruise runs from April 23 thru Sept 24th. 50/50 raffles, give-a-ways, outside grill & drinks, inside dining & bar. Admission $2.00. Music by DJ Car-Guy productions. For more info call 401-575-6933 or go to www.djcarguy.com WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: CLIFTON NJ: CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise is held every Wed night. Cruise is held at the Maple Valley Diner located at 1116 Route 46 West. Open to all years makes and models. Cruse runs from 530-830pm. Contests, prizes, trophy's and live entertainment nights. For more info and weather info call 201-303-3218
JULY 2019: JULY 4: COLUMBIA TN: Red White and Cruise-In: Event location is in Maury County Park, Bridle and Saddle Pavilion Parking Lot. Event hours: 5 to 8 pm. Entry fee donation: $5. Open to ALL Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles. Awards, Trophies include: Cool Chevy, Fab Ford, Mighty Mopar, Cool On Two Wheels, and Just Because It's
Cool. Food Trucks, Music, and more! Proceeds benefit, Non-Profit Columbia Counseling Ministries. Visit, www.columbiacounseling.org JULY 4: LEBANON TN: 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW: Hosted by the City of Lebanon. Event location is at the Wilson County Fairgrounds. The Car and Motorcycle Show is in conjunction with the City of Lebanon July 4th festivities. Registration is from 9 am to Noon, Awards at 3 pm. $20 Entry fee. Festivities begin at 11 am, Food Trucks, Entertainment from 3 to 9 pm, Children's activities begin at 6 pm. Fireworks at 9 pm. JULY 4: BRENTWOOD TN: 7th Annual Classic Car Show & Meet Up: This is a casual, welcoming event with 75+ participants. All welcome - antiques, hot rods, classic, military and bikes. Lot entrance is just before the gates to Crockett Park, Brentwood. Large outdoor pavilion provides comfort and complimentary iced coffee for participants and guests. Sonic gift cards presented to the Top 10 “notable” entries. No registration fee. Dogs welcome – plenty of shade and grass. Hosted by Holy Family Knights of Columbus. Show cancelled in event of rain. Event being held at Holy Family Catholic Church9100 Crockett Road. For more info contact rittler.andrew@gmail.com
JULY 4: DOYLE TN: The Doyle Community Presents 4th of July Car Show-Swap Meet -Yard Sale-Live Music-Food-Fireworks: To be held at the Doyle Community Center, 156 Mountain Street. Car show will be from 8:00am - 4:00pm, Entry fee $20.00. Prizes based on participation. All proceeds go to the Doyle Volunteer Fire Dept. Coordinator: Jerry Rogers 931-316-4496.
Last Friday Night—Huntsville AL
June 29th: 5th Annual Red, White, and Boom Celebration Car Show: Event location is at the Putnam County Fair 41 Grounds. Event hours: 10 am to 2 pm.
JULY 2019: JULY 4: WHITE PINE TN: Freedom Fest Open Car -Truck-Motorcycle Show: Event to be held at 3109 Circle Drive. Event hours 10:30am - 2:00pm. No Entry Fee! Trophies & Awards! Trophies awarded at 2:00pm. Drive in the White Pine parade, then go to the lot for the car show. Sponsored by Freedom Fellowship Church
www.freedomfellowship.church For more info, Dwayne Cole 423-312-7575 JULY 4: NASHVILLE TN: ALL AMERICAN RIDE-COOKOUT: Hosted by BOSWELL’S Harley -Davidson. Kick stands up at 10am! 10AM All Amercan ride with Bubba. 12pm Noon back to Fesslers for lunch. It starts and ends at Boswell’s Harley Davidson located at 401 Fesslers Ln. JULY 5: DECHARD TN: American Hero Celebration Cruise-In: Event location is at John L. Sanders Park (aka Babe Ruth Field), 117 College Street. Event hours: 5 to 9 pm. Come celebrate Our Service men and women. Money raised will be donated to
our local DAV. Vendor spots are available. Call or text 931-308-3802 for more info or go to www.facebook.com/events/645134062592733/ JULY 6: COMMERCE GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: Automotive and motorcycle swap meet. Event held at the ATLANTA DRAGWAY located at 500 E. Ridgeway Rd. 250-350 vendors every month. For more info go to www.NEGeorgiaSwapMeet.com or call 706-424-5035 JULY 6: JEFFERSON CITY TN:9th Annual Car Show: Presented by Mossy Creek Cruzers Car Club. To be held at Jefferson Middle School, 361 West Broadway Blvd. Open Car
Show, Food, Music, Door Prizes, Craft Show, Dash plaques for 1st 150 entrants, 50/50 drawing and much more. Car Show judged "professionally" by Bob Millard (ISCA). Car Show times 9:00am - 3:00pm - Registration Fee: $15.00 PreRegistration / $20.00 Day of Show. For more info, contact Larry 828-280-2119 or
JULY 2019: JULY 6: JEFFERSON CITY TN: GRUMPY’S PLASTIC MODEL CAR SHOW OF EAST TENNESSEE AND CLASSIC CAR/HOTROD CAR SHOW: We are east Tennessee’s largest model car, model train, military models, model airplanes, table top war games, and the #1 spot for all of our RC needs. Located at Jefferson Middle School, 361 West
Broadway Blvd. $5 for the first 3 _ $1 per entry thereafter. 13 Classes. For more info: http://grumpysplasticmodelcarclub.webs.com JULY 6: CAVE CITY KY: THE MAMMOTH CAVE CAR SHOW: The Mammoth Cave Car Show is an annual event located here in beautiful Cave City KY. Hosted by the Cave City Proud Committee and several other local sponsors. Event being held at Gaunce Dr. Event runs from 10am – 6pm. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/2170422729710498/ JULY 6: COOKEVILLE TN: DBVFD Independence Day ͏Ca͏r Show: Hosted by the Dodson
Branch Fire Department. Event location is at the Dodson Branch Community Center, 16160 Dodson Branch Hwy. The car show is in conjunction with the annual Independence Day Fun Fest. Sign ups will begin at 9 am. The judging will begin at Noon. Entry fee is $15. Awards will be announced at 2 pm. Awards include: TOP-50, Best in Show, People's Choice, and Chief's Choice. Door Prizes, 50/50 drawing. Any questions, please contact Keith at 931-704-9902 or Derek at 931-644-9690 Visit, www.facebook.com/events/2323653054578518/ JULY 6: WHITWELL TN: 5th Annual Fire Department Car Show: hosted by Whitwell Fire Dept Car Shows and Cruise In’s: Event location is at Whitwell City Park. Event
hours: 9 am to 2 pm CST. Benefiting the Whitwell Volunteer Fire Department. Entry fee: $15 dollars for car participants. Awards include: TOP-50, Specialty, Kids Choice, Fireman Pick, Club Participation, and Longest Driven. Also music, 50/50 drawing, door prizes, and more. For more info contact: Josh, 423-762-3697 or Kaleigh, 423-883-1795 and visit, www.facebook.com/events/2292127400854657/
JULY 2019: JULY 6: AUBURN KY: Annual July Cruise-In Times: Event times are 9:00am - 1:00pm. Event being held at the Auburn City Park (Use the Amanda Gordon Entrance from Main Street). Free Beans & Cornbread for all Entries & Family. Bring your lawn chairs & come check out the cars / motorcycles. Relax & Listen to the oldies by the creek in the shade. JULY 2019: JULY 5-7: CANFIELD OH: 32ND ANNUAL HOT ROD SUPERNATIONALS: The Hot Rod Super Nationals returns to the Canfield Fairgrounds. One of the most-popular annual events in car-crazy Mahoning Valley, the Supernats draws thousand of hot rods, muscle cars and assorted of street machines. Throngs of cars aficionados attend as spectators to bask in the automotive energy. The Hot Rod Super Nationals is the goto event to attend in the Northeast Ohio during the summer. For more info go to
https://www.facebook.com/events/2177968748893327/ JULY 5-7: MORROCO IN: AREA 41 NOSTALGIA DRAGS: Show car registration 3-day pass preferred parking and entry $20 at Gate. First 100 prepaid registered $15. Participant registration 3-day unlimited dragstrip passes + preferred parking $50 at gate. First 100 prepaid registered $40. Jet cars, Gassers, Pro stocks, funny cars, wheel standers front engine dragsters, US 90 Dragstrip/Nostalgia Memorabilia, professional photography + videos & Drone. Pre-sold discount tickets available at White’s Pit Stop Racing, 330 E US 30 Hwy, 219-865-3337 or www.wpsracing.com. Swap meet $20 a spot at gate, $15 a spot 1st 50 prepaid. Saturday 8am-2pm Sunday 8am-noon. Sunday Gambler space $30 entry. Free Parking and Camping. Spectator 3 day pass $10. Participant registration 3 day unlimited dragstrip passes + preferred parking $50 at gate. First 100 prepaid registered $40. JULY 6: MONTGOMERY IL: SAMS CLUB CHARITY EVENT CAR SHOW: Event takes place at 1050 Ogden Ave. Charity Raffle Fund raiser for Ann & Robert H Lurie / Children's Hospital of Chicago. Event runs from 11am – 2pm. Hosted by the Prison City Kruisers. Awards for Favorite car, Best paint & Motor. All proceeds donated to Luries Childrens Hospital of Chicago. For more info call 630-449-1946 46
JULY 2019: JULY 5-7: DES MOINES IA: 28th HEARTLAND NATIONALS: Located at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Over 4,000 Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru '87. Spectre Performance All American Sunday welcoming American made or powered vehicles of all years. Goodguys Autocross - Featuring 16 car "Duel in Des Moines". Goodguys Nitro Thunderfest. Burnout Competition. Saturday Night Fireworks Ex-
travaganza. Vendor & Manufacturer Exhibits. Swap Meet. Cars 4 Sale Corral. Model Pedal Car Show. Live Music Entertainment. Goodgals Arts & Crafts Gallery. Kids Zone - Free Arts and crafts, games, prizes & more! Thursday Poker Run - Leaves registration office at Iowa State Fairgrounds at Noon. Thursday Kick-Off Party - 5pm at Marriott West Des Moines on 1250 Jordan Creek Pkwy. T.G.I.F. Party - 5pm at Marriott West Des Moines on 1250 Jordan Creek Pkwy. Saturday Night Firework Extravaganza: 8pm at the Grandstands Road Tour to Columbus - Details coming soon. For more info: www.good-guys.com or 925-838-9876.
JULY 2019: JULY 4: ANAHEIM CA: 3RD ANNUAL QUALITY CONTROL CAR SHOW: Event being held at 1563 S State College Blvd. Event runs from 9am-2pm. Limited car space, contact Mike Ramos at 562-716-2977. Awards for best Car-Truck-Hot Rod- LowriderMotorcycle. Music, food & Drink. Free food while supplies last. Beer Bar. Kinds dollar jumper. NO OUTSIDE ALCOHOL ALLOWED. Raffle prizes, Disney Tickets, Knotts Tickets & O. C. Fair tickets. JULY 7: GUISTINE CA: 40TH ANNIVERSARY LINGUICA RUN 2019: Located at Henry Miller Park. JULY 7: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Event being held at the San Joaquin Fairgrounds located at 1658 S Airport Way. 100’s of seller, 1000’s of buyers. Event runs from 6am – 3pm. Come see some of the best hot rods, muscle cars, rat rods, VW’s, lowriders, original classis cars & trucks competing for awards. Car show entry is $20.00. Dash Plaques given to the first 100 show entries. Huge model show. Huge rust & shone show. For more info call 209-948-5307 or go to https://www.facebook.com/StocktonSwapMeet/ 50
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1940 Ford Coupe. New build. 351 Cleveland, AOD trans, power windows, disc brakes, stereo/amp, 18’s and 20’s, distressed leather interior, beautiful black paint 45K obo or trades considered. For more info contact Dave at https://www.facebook.com/dvsdesigns11 (5/23/19)
***BROKE MY HAND SO IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, now is the time I will negotiate*** Matching numbers Charger. AC, Center Console, Bucket Seats, front disc brakes already converted & rare 400 engine. Buy as is or the price goes up as I start restoring her. 84,439 original miles. One owner title in hand. Broke my hand so I need to sell her ASAP. Will make you a good deal while I heal!! $7499 Cash. FREE DELIVERY WITHIN A COUPLE HOURS DRIVE of Birmingham, Alabama. Call 205-514-5367 or Email to BradElliott@msn.com (5/16/19)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1941 Willy's Gasser. BeBops Fibber Glass 41 Willys — Modifications None. Paint PPG Petty Blue Painted by S.R.B.M. All graphic painted by Gary Mizar including the Decals. Interior: Dash BeBops Fibber Glass. Gauges by Classic Interments. Shifter by Hurst. Seats Gt Classics 1940 Zepplin Upholstery Aluminum and Old style perforated Fabricated by S.R.B.M. Engine: 496 BBC, Heads by Big Al, M/T Valve covers, Ignition by MSD, Headers & Exhaust ZOOMIES Fabricated by S.R.B.M. Hill born Fuel Injection with FAST Fuel management system. Billet Specialties Tru-Trac pulley system. Transmission Richmond 5 Speed & Clutch/flywheel Mc Cloud. Chassis: Frame Built by S.R.B.M. 525 Borgesen Steering Box. Front/rear Pete & Jakes Gasser Front Suspension & Rear Ladder bar . John’s Industry 9” , GM Brakes. Wheels: Front: E/T Gasser, Rear: E/T Fueler. Tires: Front Hoosiers Quick Time 170/70/15 & Rear Hoosiers Quick Time 29x14.5. $67,500.00 OBO. Call 931-703-8501 or email to info@srbymichael.com (6/13/19)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1933 Ford 3W Cpe. Ford Racing 5.0 Coyote engine w/Cobra Jet intake & duel bore throttle body. Custom tuned by Lund Racing. BBK ceramic coated headers & stainless steel exhaust. Performance automatic 4R70W transmission. Ford 8.8 rear end with 31 spine Moser axles & Ford Racing Tracloc limited slip differential - 3.55 gears. This car was featured in the 2018 SEMA Show in the Vintage Flatz booth. Also featured in the Jan 2019 Car Kulture Deluxe magazine in a full page Vintage Flatz advertisement (page 97). The art work and graphics are truly amazing. The interior and exterior paint and body work was done by Tom Prewitt known for his work with Jesse James at West Coast Choppers and With Jessie on the television show Monster Garage. It has an ultra rigid powder coated Factory Five Racing frame and hand laid 3/16” laminate composite body made with Vinyl Ester Resin. Koni coil - over shocks at all four corners. Features include Vintage Air AC - Heat and Defrost, Power Windows, Keyless door poppers and shaved suicide doors. Custom built center console with storage and usb phone charger port. Lokar shifter and throttle pedal, Rack and pinion steering, 4 link rear suspension, 4 wheel disc brakes, California smog exempt - titled as 2017 Special Construction. Distressed interior with stainless steel grommets for that vintage look. American Racing VF526 wheels (one off paint from American Racing). 18” x 12” rear and 17” x 8” front with Toyo Proxes R888 tires 335/30/18 and 225/45/17. 78k OBO. Call Mike 714 290 7382. (5/9/19)
Out The Back Door The Back Page is about cool cars, hot rods, race cars or?? We’re going to share a cool shot right here each issue. Got one you think should be here...send it to us at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com.
We’ll pick the best for the week and use it right here.