Vol. 19 Issue #46
Nov 14-20, 2019
Price: FREE
The Cars Are The Stars!
Vol. 19 Issue 46 Nov 14-20, 2019
inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics Butch Pate Michael Corazzelli Craig Wise Web Producer Jack Cobb - tnhost.com Senior Feature Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors PC Svcs., Craig Augustine, DODGE, MOPAR, FCA Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography
The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast USA Shows Midwest USA Shows Western USA Shows West Coast USA Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA SEMA 2019 Upcoming Car Shows BUY-SELL-TRADE-WANTED 0ut The Back Door
5 6-7 8-10 12 12-14 16 18-22 24 28—32 34-35 37
Cover: Paul Higgens Photo Credit
Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
Contents Page: Cool New Auto Art from Craig Augustine
Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors
gearheagazzette@gmail.com www.gearheadgazzette.com www.facebook.com/gearhead-gazzette twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….” “and give it a more nostalgia or traditional look? “
Is it bad to feel nostalgic about our love of cars??
Fuel injection on hot rods is another area for me. Todays EFI systems from companies like HOLLEY, FAST and others, not to mention using an OEM set up work fantastically!! No argument from me. Performance is enhanced, MPG is better and the ease of putting an aftermarket system on has been made easier for sure…..BUT it’s still not 2 4BBL carbs or 2 Two’s on top of a motor or a BIG DOUBLE PUMPER squirting fuel into the manifold. For me there is a visual difference.
This week NASCAR will end their season with the last race being held in Homestead FL on Sunday. They will crown their 2019 Champion after the race ends. High drama for sure! I bring up the nostalgia deal because I am no fan of the 3 part racing deal at each race in the season. I am still a flat out stick the pedal on the floor and run that car as fast as you can go kind of guy.
You may think I am slipping to far back about now, but think about this. Why does more than 1 company make engine covers to go over the EFI manifold and Coil packs on valve covers, and give it a more nostalgia or traditional look? Think about that one.
While the cars are running fast, in each segment, it still is not my cup of tea as they say. A lot of you say the same thing too as I have talked to more than a few of you gearheads on this. NASCAR owns the racing so they get to make the rules… I just don’t care for them.
One of the most popular engine swaps for performance is a variation of the GM LS series of engines. Like the first design Small Block Chevy, LS motors are landing in engine bays everywhere. A lot of people after installing one, then bolts on a set of finned valve covers to hide the coil packs and give the engine an old timey SBC look….like a Vette motor did about 1965-66.
This issue in our OUT THE BACK DOOR shot, we have the 1965 Grand National Champion featured. Ned Jarrett raced at each race with no breaks at certain points. My guess is that the stands were packed too with fans back then. 1/4 Mile Drag Racing. That’s what I grew up on...not 1000ft drag racing. 320 feet difference, but its not the same to me.
Maybe I am just getting old, but I know what makes me feel good. ...love the nostalgia look ...
I know it was shortened for SAFETY reasons after a couple of bad accidents, and the NITRO cars are smoking fast even in 1000 feet, BUT...it’s still not 1320 feet of side by side drag racing.
Live It Fully Everyday
Jimmy B. 5
“the fun starts here”….
2020 Mopar Dodge Challenger Drag Pak to debut, only 50 to be made Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is going red, white and blue for its latest unveiling. That’s the color scheme for the 2020 Mopar Dodge Challenger Drag Pak, a fourthgeneration offering that “displays a modern flavor, seasoned with nostalgia.” A promotional teaser video shows one of the special Challengers — the company only plans to make 50 of them — burning some serious rubber, with a printed message to “Tighten your belts!” The car made its debut at this year’s Specialty Equipment Market Association trade show, more commonly called SEMA, in Las Vegas. FCA says the vehicle is race-ready, “powered by the supercharged 354-cubic -inch Hemi V8 engine, is fitted with a T400 three-speed transmission with a Kwik-Shift manual shifter, lightweight driveshaft, front and rear racing brakes, Racetech seats, Racepak Smartwire fully programmable power distribution center and a new, exclusive Drag Pak lightweight wheel and tire package.” The hood is designed to mimic the look of the Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat, FCA says. Order information and pricing have not been released. In addition, Mopar, FCA’s parts and aftermarket brand, says it plans to bring 14 customized vehicles to SEMA, “the biggest of all aftermarket parts shows.” Among the offerings will be a Ram 1500 Rebel OTG (Off The Grid) concept, what appears to be basically a campsite on wheels, and a Mopar Lowliner Concept, “a reimagined 1968 Dodge D200-series pickup.” 6
SEMA 2019: Hulk Camino Big SMASH! Turns SEMA On Ear! You’ve seen pics of a chopped-up, El Camino rat rod floating around the internet, and were wondered what the backstory was on the car. As everyone got settled in Las Vegas last week, the first car a lot of people saw when hitting the floor in Central Hall, was the ratty, green-machine that had intrigued so many people. Builder Chris Walker and his aptly named “Hulk Camino” was built by his company ITW Hot Rods in Stacy, Minnesota. What you see here are the best parts of a 1959 El Camino. All the fat was cut away, transformed into a relatively small and much cooler version of its former self. The starting-off point was a wrecked 1959 Chevrolet El Camino body. The roof was slid back and a one-off chassis and firewall were fab’d up to hold it all together. The thing is so low, hinged T-tops tilt up to allow ingress and egress. Powered by a 400 cid, Dart block Chevy V8 and crowned with a humongous 671 BDS blower and two Holley 750 cfm carburetors, the “Hulk Camino” lays down a whopping 800 horses spinning a manual transmission, with Dana 60 rearend churning out molten stripes of rubber with ease. This thing is no shrinking violet either. It plays well at the dragstrip as too, snapping off sub13 second runs at 125 mph at will. 7
NOV 2019: NOV 15: SLIDELL LA: 2ND ANNUAL BAYOU SHOWDOWN: With some of the Baddest Rides in the country being at the first year event, we know this year will be Bigger and Better. We moved the show to a much better location so that we can offer inside and outside vehicle and vendor spots. With the Northshore Harbor Center at 100 Harbor Center Blvd. being the new location, we have so much more to offer.
Waterfront location with tons of restaurants, hotels, easy access off the interstate and just minutes from Downtown New Orleans and Bourbon St, it is a show that will assure that you will have a fun filled weekend with great people and custom rides. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/313540932850882/ NOV 15: MADISON AL: Toys for Tots Car & Bike Show: The holidays are about giving, so everyone clean up those cars and bikes and come on out! Let’s make this event huge this year! Event being held at Redstone Harley-Davidson located at 15100 Hwy 20. We are teaming up with the local Toys for Tots organization and
collecting as many toys as we can! Let’s help some kids have a great Christmas this year! Your entry fee for the show will be a new unwrapped toy! We will be awarding the top 3 cars and top 3 bikes a trophy! The Toys for Tots Marines will be on location as well. See you all there! NO burnouts! NO excessive revving! NO loud music! Also please pick up your trash! Let’s respect the area so we can continue to have these events! Thank you! Please take a moment to go over the show policies posted in this event. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/651606102027503/ NOV 15-16: PERRY GA: 10TH ANNUAL FALL PERRY AUTO FEST & SWAP MEET: Event takes place at the Geiorigia National Fairgrounds. Gates open at 8am each days for spectators. Admission is $5.00 per person and 12& under FREE. Swap spaces can be purchased at the gatefor $60.00 after 11/1/19. Car Show is on Saturday only. Registration is from 7-11am. Entry fee is $25.00. With your car show entry you can go into the event both days. 25 Judges Choice awards, 5 Best of the Best Awrds, Best of Show award, Club Participation award and Money Tree drawings with casj based on total car count. For more info call 478-662-2267 or go to www.perryswapmeet.com
Pea-Ridge FL
3rd Saturday Night
Nov. 15th Squeegg’s Open House—Taco9 & Nitro Night—Starts at 5pm Chandler AZ
NOV 2019: NOV 16: DECATUR TN: MEIGS COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENTS ANNUAL TOY DRIVE CAR SHOW: Located at Meigs County High School Parking Lot, 105 Abel Ave. Show time 11am-5pm. Pictures with Santa. Food and Drinks, Raffles and Music. Patrol Car Display. Registration begins at 11am, $20 entry fee per car.
NOV 16: COOKEVILLE TN: Cookeville Car Meet: The Car Meet is behind the old Cookeville Mall (Behind The JCPenney's) located at 400 DuBois Rd. Event runs from 7 -9PM. No Spinning tires of any kind. No Excessive Revving. Maximum is 300 Cars, So plan ahead we have a Instagram that runs most of our registrations, and the number “Going” is actually a lot higher than what you see on here. The meet is off of I-40. We have a mass majority of people traveling so if you need any help at all getting there please let us know here on Facebook or Instagram we’ll be glad to help. Fore more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/2323985671056927/ NOV 16: SEYMOUR TN: MONTE’S DOWNTOWN AUTO BODY 1ST ANNUAL CRUISE-IN: Event being held at 332 Boyds Creek Hwy. Event runs from 10am-4pm. Cruise In Car Show with no fee’s and just for fun. Food available. Open to all entries, anything you want to show is welcome. Vendor table spaces available. For more info call 865257-8858. NOV 17: ORLANDO FL: MENARDS CHEVY SHOW: The Menards Chevy Show is a premier national event for Chevrolet enthusiast. The show offers something for everyone, from high-powered Chevy racing to the spectacular show cars at venues across the country. The Menards Chevy Show is widely considered one of the best
brand-specific events in the nation, so come on out, bring the family and enjoy allthings Chevy! Show time 10am-3pm, registration 9am-1pm. Awards for Top 30 Best in Show! Awards for Top 10 Specialty Chevy's! 50/50 Raffle! Pin Up Girls! Great food & cold drinks! Free for spectators and register your car at
NOV 2019: NOV 17: PRINCETON IL: WALNECK’S MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEETS PRINCETON IL: Indoors—Rain or Shine. This is two time a Year HERE! Show time 8am-2pm. Located at the Bureau County Fairgrounds, 811 Peru St. This is much better than the internet! Search for it! Find it! Inspect it! Buy it! And then BRAG about it! Antique, Classic, American, British, and Modern, Dirt Bikes, Parts, Leather, T-shirts, Jewelry, Novelties
and Much more! Admission $7 under 14 free plus free parking. 3-heated and connected buildings. Free tables (nice ones). Vendor spaces 10x10. One Low Price--$40. Great food in the building. For more info: www.walneckswap.com or 630-9852097. NOV 19: JOHNSBURG IL: GEARHEAD MOVIE NIGHT: Presented by McHenry Moose Lodge 691. Event being held at the Moose Lodge located at 3535 N Richmond Rd. FREE EVENT! Fun begins at 5pm. Featuring “The Cannonball Run”> This is a fundraiser to support the 2020 “Cruise the Moose Night”. 50/50 raffle/ Taco Tuesday &
Beveverages too. Enjoy great gearhead fun followed by a classic movie. Got Model Cars? Bring them and show them off. Bring in your fastest HOT WHEELS car and race on our track. For more info call 815-482-5304.
NOV 2019: NOV 15: CHANDLER AZ: TACO’S & NITRO: Squeeg's Kustoms is throwing an Open House Taco's and Nitro Party Friday Night during Goodguy's weekend. Party starts at 5 PM. Live Band with Kevin Daly & Grave Danger! Will have 6 or more Nitro cars to
be lit throughout the evening! Street Taco's - Free to the first 400 people to arrive! Come on by for a fun evening at the shop. Everyone attending Goodguy's is invited! Event location is at 341 E. Alamo Dr. NOV 15-17: GRAPEVINE TX: 2ND ANNUAL LAYIN AT THE LAKE: CUSTOM CAR AND TRUCK SHOW. Located at Salmon Lake Park.Pre-register $20, Day of Show $40. Spectators $10 for one day, $15 for the weekend. 8am-6pm each day. Tent camping $20, 22 cabins for rent, 300 RV hookups. Top 50 awards, 10 Best of Awards, and Xtreme Lowz Choice. 12
NOV 2019: NOV 15-17: SCOTTSDALE AZ: 22nd SOUTHWEST NATIONALS: Located at the Westworld of Scottsdale. Over 3,000 Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru '87. See the 2019 "Top 12" Cars & Trucks of the Year sponsored by Meguiar’s, Snap-on and Race Deck. Spectre Performance All American Sunday welcoming American made or powered vehicles of all years. Goodguys AutoCross - featuring 32
car "Duel in the Desert" presented by BF Goodrich, Clayton Machine Works, Speedway Motors, K&N Filters and Tremec. Nitro Thunderfest Dragster Exhibition. Burnout Competition. Vendor & Manufacturer Exhibits. Swap Meet. Cars 4 Sale Corral. Model & Pedal Car Show. Live Music Entertainment. Kids Zone - Free Arts and crafts, games, prizes & more! Complimentary Guest Shuttles provided from spectator parking. For more info: www.good-guys.com or 925-838-9876. NOV 16: NEEDVILLE TX: 8TH ANNUAL REBEL ROUNDUP: Located 3001 Violet St, Needville Harvest Park. 1972 and older car show only. Registration 10am awards
4pm. $20 car registration, spectators free. NOV 16: DENVER CO: BURNIN’ RUBBER THROUG HISTORY: Presented by the Denver Timing Association. A ONE TIME ONLY event, paying tribute to our Hot Rod Pioneers, Denver Timing Association (D.T.A.) president Troy Hastings has been working tirelessly with the board and the members to bring history to reality. Special Exhibits: Progression of a Hot Rod: 20 Hot Rods from teens Model T's to a 50's era Blown Olds Model A Roadster. Local Specials: Local Hot Rods that were extremely significant in the early days of Colorado racing Roaring Roadsters, Bonneville Legends, 1955
NHRA Drag Safari at Lowry AFB, & More. Local Survivor Hot Rods: The Deluxe Speed Shop 570c roadster, Charlie Palmer's Gasser T, Tommy Thomsons 990C Streamliner. Local Clubs: Denver Roadsters, Sabers, Early Ford V8, Colorado Vintage Oval Racers (CVOR), Vintage Drag Racing Assn (VDRA), & More. Engines: Stephens OHV Flathead, Kenz's Reverse Cam Cragar, Joe Umphenour's cast iron GMC Wayne 12-Port, Ardun OHV Flathead, Cal Kennedy's Chevy Wayne 12-Port, Bob Corbett's world record GMC, & More. Memorabilia: Photos, News paper articles, Club jackets, NHRA Official Shirts, Flags, Banners, & MORE! Event being held at the Denver Mart located at 451 E 58th Ave. For more info go to www.dta1949.com 14
NOV 2019: NOV 16: PALM DESERT CA: 2019 HOT DESERT MOPARS INFORMAL MOPAR MEETS: Any year Mopar//Any Mopar Enthusiast//Any Car//We Welcome All! Fun, Education, History and Friendship. Time for meet 3-5pm. Located at the Desert Crossing Shopping Center, Hwy 111 at Fred Waring, the furthest east parking area north of Target. Dates and times subject to change. Best source for info: www.SoCalCarCulture.com www.HotDesertMopars.com, 760-861-8075, www.HotDesertMopars.com@gmail.com FB Hot Desert Mopars or Instagram/ HotDesertMopars. NOV 17: THOUSAND OAKS CA: 5TH ANNUAL ADA CHARITY CAR SHOW: Featuring the stars of American Graffiti and Emcees Bob Beck and Randy Kerdoon. Show time 10:30-4pm. Roll in at 9am. MB2 kart racing, 1475 Lawrence Dr. Early entry fee $25. For more info: www.5adacarshow.eventbrite.com.
3rd FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : PEA RIDGE-MILTON FL: HOMER DEPOT CAR,TRUCK & BIKE CRUISE-IN: This is a non judgmental Show and Shine where we are all family and equal. We do not hand out trophies. This is a family event, we are not club affiliated, no acting out will be tolerated and those that do will be escorted from the property and be banned from returning. This once a month, 3rd Friday evening event show and shine will be year round; weather permitting. Y'all Come on out for a evening of family fun, hot cars and the greatest folks in the world. We welcome cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, etc. If it is old and you are proud of it, Bring it and Show It Off. We'd love to have you. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/yallcomeclassicauto/ EVERY SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located at 633 Frazier Drive. NCC is a free to attend Shine and Show event. If you are a vendor, car club or if you have any questions, please send us a message. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/nashvillecarsncoffee/ HENDERSONVILLE TN: Community Cars and Coffee Cruise-In: Cruise location is at Community Church parking lot, 381 West Main Street (behind McDonalds). Hours: 7 to 10 am, thru October 26th. Cruise being held on every Saturday morning. NO Loud Music, NO Burn-Outs! For more info contact, Wayne, 615-582-1958 3rd SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : COLUMBIA TN: CARS AND COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise being held in the Columbia Motor Alley District at 7th & Woodland. Cruise runs from 7-10am. Cruise kicks off on April 20th. CROSSVILLE TN: CRUISE-IN BREAKFAST: Cruise held on the 3rd Saturday morning of the month. Cruise runs from 8-11am. Cruise is held at the Plateau Christian Church located at 93 Bob Tollett Loop. The church youth will be cooking and serving breakfast for FREE. Donations are appreciated and will be used for the restoration of their project car, 1962 Ford Falcon. For more information call 931-510-7328 CLARKSVILLE TN: Clarksville Cars and Coffee: Hosted by the Clarksville Gearhead Car Club. Held on the 3rd Saturday Morning each month. Cruise location is at Governor Square Mall, 2801 Wilma Rudolph Blvd. Hours: 9 am to Noon. Rain or Shine. Everyone and all rides welcome, FREE event. More info e-mail, clarksvillegearheads@gmail.com
3rd SUNDAY CRUISE IN’S : NORCROSS GA: CRUISE IN AT THE VARSITY: Cruise is held on the 3rd Sunday afternoon all year long. Cruise runs from 3-6pm. Cruise is held at the Varsity Gwinett located at 6045 Dawson Blvd. This is a FREE Cruise-In open to ALL Years-MakesModels! Even if it's COLD outside, you can enjoy some tasty HOT food inside and catch the games on their TV! Bring your friends! These Cruise-Ins are hosted by the Georgia Cool Cruisers and Southeast Wheels Events and sponsored by Streetside Classics. All our events benefit charities. We will be accepting donations (optional) for one of our favorite causes! For more info call 404-732-6842 MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : OOLTEWAH TN: OOLTEWAH CRUISE-IN & BIKE NIGHT: Cruise takes place every Monday night from March to November. Cruise is held at Cambridge Square located at 9453 Bradmore Ln. Cruise starts at 4pm - ?? All our welcome.
MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Every Monday Night from 5-9 at the Wendy’s on Rt 47. Cruise-In, free small frosty or drink. Dash plaques while they last. Car Cruises, outdoor movies, concerts on the first Monday June –October. We meet all year on every Monday. Call Ken at 815-942-2032, or just show up.
CHANDLER AZ: HAPPY HOUR CAR SHOW & LIVE MUSIC: Cruise held every Friday Night. Cruise is held at the Patio at the Forum located at 2301 S Stearman Drive. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Free wood fired pizza from 5-6:30apm. Bring your cars or just come and have fun. PASADENA TX: FREDDYS STEAKBURGERS FRIDAY NIGHT CAR, TRUCK & BIKE MEET: Cruise happens every Friday night from 6-10pm. Takes place at the Freddy's location at 4637East Sam Houston Pkwy. Open to all makes & models. Kid & pet friendly. No burnouts and no revving.
3rd FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: 3rd FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers (Northside). Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 6-9pm on 3rd Friday of the month. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/Northside 3rd SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: SAN TAN VALLEY AZ: SATURDAY AFTERNOON CRUISE-IN: Hosted by the Saturday Night Cruisers. Cruise runs from 4pm - ??. Cruise starts Oct.21st and runs on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Being held at Freddy’s Steakburgers at the corner of Hunt Hwy & Gary Rd. Music, raffles, Peoples Choice Award, Steakburgers & frozen custard and lights…we have lights. Win a $25 gift Certificate from Freddy’s every cruise night. For info call 480-204-6201
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN GARDEN GROVE CA: GARDEN GROVE MAIN ST CAR SHOW: Cruise is held every Friday night from 5-8pm. Enter on north side off Acacia Pkwy. Hot Rods, Muscle cars, trucks, trophies, awards, raffles, music, food and vendors. Bring your friends and family for good times. LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH CRUISE NIGHT: Held every Friday. Meet at Rosie’s at Dog Beach Parking lot. Leave the beach at 8pm. Head to the IN-N-Out in Signal Hill over around 9pm. For more info go to Long Beach SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN LOS GATOS CA: CLASSIC CRUISING: Cruising every Saturday Night starting at 7pm. Cruise is on unless it rains. Cruise is held at Classic Burgers of Los Gatos at 15737 Los Gatos 3rd SUNDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : PETALUMA CA: CARS & COFFEE PETALUMA: Held the 3rd Sunday morning of each month. Cruise runs from 8-10am. Cruise is held at 389 S McDowell Blvd, in the parking lot between Pete’s Coffee and Noah’s Bagels. Open to al vehicles and motorcycles.
Words– Jimmy B / Photo’s by “Big” Al Liebmann
If it’s the first week in November, then it must be SEMA week in Las Vegas. SEMA is all about Specialty Manufacturers, specialty services, companies doing business in the automotive aftermarket and a whole lot more. The OEM’s( GM FORD, Doge, etc.) all have a presence at SEMA every year., showing off the latest in house custom builds that sometimes actually hit the show room floors. Add in HOT ROD ALLEY, the AUTOMOTIVE ARTISTS area and a whole lot more and it makes for a busy week for everyone in attendance. SEMA is still about “parts” for cars, & trucks. Improving performance (the original SEMA Show set the tone of all the shows since), looks, handling and every facet of the vehicles. With a few exceptions, you can gat just about any part for your vehicle to make it what you want it to be. Dream it and you can find it at SEMA. 24
SEMA is closed to the public and is a “TRADE SHOW” for people in the “INDUSTRY” as they describe and adhere to when approving credentials for folks and businesses to attend. As many “INDUSTRY people that do come to SEMA each year, I don’t think it would be possible to open it up to the public. You cant move now in some area’s and it would be total gridlock in the aisles.
While the companies that have their wares and services on display, and this is what SEMA is all about, the TRUE STARS of the event and the week are all the cool cars, truck and motorcycles that are on display both inside the convention center and out side too. This is where buyer can really see real world how a part looks, fits and works. Thanks to our good friend, “Big” Al Liebmann, we are able to bring a sampling of what was inside and out side at SEMA this year. Al took time to break away from the RACINGJUNK.COM booth and even went in extra early to grab shots of many of the vehicles on display. If you are looking for more exposure for your business, send Al an email to Aliebmann@internetbrands.com and he will hook you up to make your business a bigger success. Your turn now...stroll the aisles of SEMA 2019 on the next few pages. 26
NOV 2019: NOV 23: CHATTANOOGA TN: 5TH ANNUAL Chattanooga Cruise In Toy Drive: Join us for the 5th annual Chattanooga Cruise In Toy Drive, benefiting the Toys for Tots foundation. We're closing the streets and taking over local parking lots to provide plenty of parking for classic cars, hot rods, late model performance cars and much more. The event is free to the public, but we do ask that all participants bring a toy to donate to the cause. Event T-shirts will be available for only $10 and every penny of T-shirt sales will be donated to Toys for Tots, thanks to Custom Werks Graphics. Please join us at Toy Drive cruise in and invite your friends! Event located at COKER TIRE at 1317 Chestnut St. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/2540000729573798/ NOV 23: HOUMA LA: CACKLEFEST & CAR SHOW: Located at south Louisiana Dragway Reunion. Southland Dragway and LaPlace Dragway, Pel State Dragway. More details to be announced at a later date. For more info: www.Southlanddragway.com
NOV 23: SEVIERVILLE TN: Toys for Tots Car Show: Presented by the East Tennessee Breakfast Club. To be held at Quaker Steak & Lube from 10:00am - 3:00pm at the corners of the Parkway & Collier Drive. All makes and models are welcome! NO Entry Fee!!!! Must bring a new unwrapped for ages 1-10. (No stuffed animals). Over $4,000 worth of prizes will be awarded during the event. For more info, contact Bob Millard 586-703-2381 or email bobm1933@yahoo.com NOV 23: MARTIN TN: 4th ANNUAL HOT ROD HOLLOW HO DOWN: Hosted by LEGENS Hot Rod Shop located at 802 N. Lindell Street. Schedule: Show registration 8:00 -
11:00 & Show 11:00 - 2:00 12324 Hwy 45. Car show will begin at 802 N Lindell at 8:00 a.m. and we will travel together to 12324 Hwy 45 at 11:00 a.m. Pre '79 cars, trucks, buses, RV's, campers, boats, and bicycles only. Swap meet available. No alcohol or pets allowed. No fees-no prizes--just meet old and new friends and show off your rides. Friday afternoon (Nov. 22) fun run in the making. Details to come. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/LegensHotRods/
NOV 2019: NOV 24: LOUISVILLE KY: 2ND ANNUAL Cruisin for a Claus Hot Rod Toy Run: Here we go again! Don’t put those hot rods away just yet! Join us for the 2nd annual Cruisin For A Claus Hot Rod Toy Run. We are meeting in the parking lot at Iroquois park, near the amphitheater at 10am. We will line up in the parking lot, and the parade starts at noon. We have a police escort this year, and Santa himself will be joining us again this year. We had 100 cars last year and raised over 4 thousand dollars in toys. l’m hoping for 150 hot rods this year! All toys and donations go directly to Norton’s Children’s Hospital. Let’s put a smile on a child’s face again this Christmas! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/933954913608414/ NOV 23: CLARKSVILLE TN: CHARITY CAR SHOW: Cash Express is hosting a car, truck, and bike show! November 23rd from 11am to 2pm at Safe Harbor Marina, 1190 Cumberland Drive, Clarksville, TN. Trophies will be awarded along with a lot of great prizes. The first 35 to enter the show will receive vouchers for a free appe-
tizer or dessert at Longhorn. Some of the prizes will be a $150 exterior detail from Attention to detail, Two (2) - $30 fast passes, and 10 one time single use washes. There will also be other prizes as well. Registration: $20 money registration fee or $20 in toys/coats for a kid/teenager. Hotdogs and water will be provided to everyone that comes as well. They will be selling baked goods from Panera. If you enter the show, you will get a free baked item. For $2, you can get a Santa packet for your child to write to Santa. Spectators can visit for free but any donation will be greatly appreciated if you don't want to enter! If you're a vendor and want to be apart of the event, please contact 931-503-2477 or 931-645-8514 or go to https://www.facebook.com/events/539483133567272/?active_tab=about
NOV 2019: NOV 23-24: ROSEMONT (CHICAGO AREA) IL: 11TH ANNUAL Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals: All indoor show devoted to the country’s finest Muscle Cars, Dealer-built Supercars and Corvettes. “The Center of the Muscle Car Universe” says Muscle Car Review magazine. Over 500 prime examples of American Muscle. Ford and Mercury Total Performance Invitational display, Pontiac Ram Air GTO Invitational, Super Bee & Roadrunner A12 Reunion, Chevelle Post Body Sedan Invitational, Shelby & Mustang Pinnacle competition, 1969 50th Anniversary display, Corvette Central Triple Diamond display and competition and more TBA. Also featuring Vintage Certification for unrestored originals and our fun Barn Finds and Hidden Gems along with Muscle Bicycles and automotive only vendors. Event being held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center at 5555 N River Rd. Located minutes from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Title Sponsor; Mecum Auctions, Presenting Sponsor; Bill Stasek Chevrolet. For more info call (586) 549-5291 or email bashton426@gmail.com or go to www.mcacn.com . NOV 24: SPRINGFIELD OH: WALNECKS MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEET: Swap/Show will have American, British, Japanese, Euro, Dirt Bikes, parts, used and new, Leather, Patches and Sewing, T- Shirts and all kinds of bikes and what-nots for sale; including motorcycle posters. Location: Clark County Fairgrounds at 4401 South Charleston Pike. Commercial Vendors. Hours: 8am-2pm. Admission: Admission Charge (no price given). For more info call (937) 323-3090 or go to https:// www.eventcrazy.com/Springfield-OH/events/details/78910-Walnecks-MotorcycleSwap-Meet
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 2007 Chevy Corvette. It has a 6.0 LS2 motor, Big cam and headers. It has been tuned and also has new tires and exhaust. 34,900 miles. Contact Dennis Seals at (606)-536-9660 or (606)-634-4198. Email: dennisseals@rocketmail.com. Location: Whitesburg, KY (9/26/13)
FOR SALE: Chevy 6 cyl. motor engine 1966 Chevy II 194 C.I. $275.00. Motor is from a 1966 Chevy II. 194 C.I. Head has about 3000 miles since 3 angle valve job, hardened valve seats and milled flat. The motor looked like a recent rebuild. Ran very good. Would make a nice ratrod motor. A 350 or 700r4 trans bolts up to it with no modifications. Call or text Mark 615-509-7361. (10/3/19)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
WANTED: I saw this blue 1969 Chevelle at the Wilson County Fair a few weeks ago. I would like find the owner to see if he is interested in selling it. I believe it is from the Nashville area. It has a big block with aluminum heads and a 5 speed transmission. Thanks, Gene Normandy TN email: ltgene@hotmail.com (10-3-19)
Out The Back Door The Back Page is about cool cars, hot rods, race cars or?? We’re going to share a cool shot right here each issue. Got one you think should be here...send it to us at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com.
We’ll pick the best for the week and use it right here.