Jan 30—Feb 2, 2020
Vol. 20 Issue #5
Price: FREE
2020 AMBR Contenders The DeLorean is Back Edd Byrnes & The Kookie Kar Car Shows & Cruise-In’s Buy-Sell-Trade-Wanted Out The Back Door & Lots More Gearhead Fun
Vol. 20 Issue 5 Jan 30 – Feb 5, 2020
It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use! The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Larry Williams – Williams Graphics Butch Pate Michael Corazzelli Craig Wise Web Producer Jack Cobb - tnhost.com Senior Feature Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors PC Svc, Williams Design, Larry Williams, RODSHOWS, DeLorean Motor Company, Edd Byrnes Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography
Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at 615-3002003 8am—6pm CST or at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE maybe reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors
The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings Southeast USA Shows Midwest USA Shows Western USA Shows East Coast USA Shows Cruise-In’s Across the USA AMBR Winner 2020 AMBR Contenders Upcoming Car Shows BUY-SELL-TRADE-WANTED 0ut The Back Door
5 6-7 8 10 10 10 12-16 18 24 26-34 37-39 41
Cover: 2020 AMBR Winner by Jimmy B Contents Page: Cool New Toon from Larry Williams @ Williams Design gearheagazzette@gmail.com www.gearheadgazzette.com www.facebook.com/gearhead-gazzette twitter@gearheadgazzett Instagram@gearheaddgazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”
“I am going to go one day” Why do you keep saying “I have got to go one day”...
Drive In. Almost 1000 pre-72 cars fill the fairgrounds, around all the buildings with cool cars of every kind. That is difficult to see in itself. Add in all the vendors both inside and outside and well you can see what I am talking about.
Back in the office after a gearhead filled 6 days (4-1/2 really because of flight times and time changes) in Southern California attending the Grand National Roadster Show.
I post pics and videos all weekend (long weekend) long on our Facebook and Instagram page to share. I share it as a lot of you enjoy seeing these cool rides and places we head to.
Weather was as they say, Chamber of Commerce perfect at, 75 degrees and sunny. I get asked all the time, why are you out there so long for a car show. The answer is easy...BECAUSE IT”S FUN!!
After I post the videos and pic’s, I read and hear, “I am going to go one day” or “that one is on my bucket list”. My question is….what are you waiting for? You ain’t getting younger!
We, and I say we because there are four of us that have been going to the GNRS for years now, pack the days we are out west full of gearhead fun. Prior to the actual show, we check out any number of hot rod shops and cool gearhead places. We fill the day up and why not. As my good friend Larry Williams says each year, “ We didn't come out here to sleep!”
I understand that a trip cost money. Plane tickets, Hotel, rental car and of course food. If you start setting some $$$ aside right now and do it each week, it wont take long to have more than enough for the trip.
Make it happen folks...go have fun now. You only get so many weekends in life...don’t waste one sitting around saying I need to go there someday.
Some ask, three days at a car show?? I reply this is not just a car show. It’s got many events within the event.
Live It Fully Everyday
Jimmy B.
Saturday alone is so jam packed with cars because of the Grand Daddy
“the fun starts here”….
Actor EDd Byrnes, Who Made the T-Bucket an Icon, Dies at 87 Famous for his hot rod, his jive talk and his hair-combing, Gerald “Kookie” Kookson III was a popular ‘50s and ‘60s TV character who turned the Ford “T-Bucket” into an American icon. Actor Edd Byrnes, who played Kookie, also played Vince Fontaine in the movie version of the Broadway hit “Grease.” Byrnes passed away at age 87 on Jan. 8, 2020.
Byrnes’ son Logan, a California TV newsman, confirmed the news that Byrnes had died with a Facebook posting. The Kookie character was a huge hit on the TV detective show “77 Sunset Strip.” Byrnes had first been cast as contract killer Kenneth Smiley in a pilot called “Girl on the Run.” Smiley spent a lot of time combing his hair. After the pilot got a big reaction from viewers, it was turned into the “77 Sunset Strip” series. The director kept the character and Byrnes, with his mop of hair, comb, windbreaker and jivetalking slang, became a parking lot attendant named Kookie who worked at Dino’s restaurant near the detective agency and helped co-stars Efrem Zimbalist Jr and Roger Smith solve cases. Kookie drove a Ford T-bucket hot rod. It was a car originally a Model A - that famed hot rodder Norm Grabowski purchased in 1952 for $100. Grabowski then bolted a ’22 Model T body to the Model A frame. Norm’s T-bucket started its film career in 1955, but the 1958-1963 Sunset Strip show made it nationally known. The old Ford became known as the “Kookie Kar” or “Kookie Kart” and LIFE featured it in a story focused on hot rods. LIFE’s readership was massive back then and the story showed Americans how cool it could be to drive a hot rod. The original Kookie Kar is still in existence and was recently featured in Mecum Auction Co.’s Mecum Magazine. Over the years, it had been extensively modified and changed from the way it looked on TV. In 2018, it was sold at Mecum’s Indianapolis sale. Hot Rod collector Ross Myers of the 3 Dog Garage in Boyertown, Pa., bought it and sent it to Roy Brizio Street Rods for a complete restoration to its television format. 6
DeLorean to Build ‘New’ DMC-12s DeLorean Motor Company has confirmed to Hagerty that, thanks to newly issued regulations regarding replica vehicle production, it will be producing a new, upgraded version of the DMC-12. The new models will be built using a mix of new-old-stock and brand-new parts, according to the report, and could get up to 350horsepower. The interior will also be upgraded with modern audio and connectivity. Other modern amenities, including power steering and cruise control—which the original version did not have—heated and cooled seats, Bluetooth, navigation and smartphone integration are all reportedly on the table. The new models will also have significantly more power than the original DeLorean. While the new powerplant and its manufacturer have yet to be revealed, James Espey, vice president of DMC, says the company is projecting the car to have 350 horsepower, a significant upgrade from the original DeLorean’s PeugeotRenault-Volvo 2.9-liter V6, which made just 130 horsepower. Espey also told Hagerty that production will be lower than the 325 cars per year permitted by the new regulations and will likely be limited to one or two cars per week. 7
JAN 2019: JAN 31-FEB 1: MURFREESBORO TN: 15th ANNUAL Southern Invitational TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL: Our first event for 2020. Stay tuned ! We will update as we get more information! Mark your calendars now & save the dates!! Event being held at Tennessee Miller Coliseum located at 304 W Thompson Ln. Friday January 31st @ 7pm. Saturday February 1st Mid day 11:00 am. Saturday Night Finals 7pm. Friday Night
and Saturday Mid-day $15. Saturday Night $20. Kids 10 and under are free. For questions and information about event please visit the following websites : https:// www.facebook.com/Southern-Motorsports-Promotions-197126573225/ OR https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.southernmotorsports.net FEB2019: FEB 1: MILLINGTON TN: 8TH ANNUAL RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE CHARITIES AUTOX & CAR SHOW: Auto-x $40 donation Show and Shine Car Show-$10 donation. Gates open at 8am. Located at the Memphis International Raceway. For more info: FB/midSouthSCCA FEB 1: COMMERCE GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: Automotive and motorcycle swap meet. Event held at the ATLANTA DRAGWAY located at 500 E. Ridgeway Rd. 250-350 vendors every month. For more info go to www.NEGeorgiaSwapMeet.com or call 706-424-5035 FEB 2: NASHVILLE TN: 32ND ANNUAL STONES RIVER REGION, AACA CAR SHOW (DISPLAY ONLY) SWAP MEET: THE BIG ONE IN NASHVILLE! Located at the Fairgrounds Nashville TN. Auto related—Tools—Literature—Toys—Service Station Memorabilia— Parts—Accessories. Show time 6:30 to 3pm. Vendor setup on Feb 1 8am-3pm. $10 donation, children under 12 free. Concessions available. For more info call 615-295 -2400 or go to www.stonesrivercarclub.com
FEB 2019: FEB 1-2: KALAMAZOO MI: 57th Kalamazoo Winter Swap Meet: Kalamazoo winter swap meet Saturday Feb 1st 8am-3pm and Sunday Feb 2nd 8am-1pm. Located at the Kalamazoo County Expo Center, 2900 Lake St. Admission $7 per person per day. Children 16 and under free. For more info: 269-873-8675 or https:// www.facebook.com/events/2535179313382298/
FEB 2019: FEB 1: JONESBURG MO: DINOSAUR CRUISE 2020: RAIN SHINE OR SNOW IT’S A GO! Bikes, Hot Rods, Customs, Classics and Daily Rivers (the are you drive every day). Leaving Frumpy Joes, Jonesburg, Mo @ 9:30am- 1st stop—Swiss Meats or Silver Dollar Bar and Grill, 2nd Stop—Stone Hill Hall, Stony Hill MO., 3rd Stop—Oak Glen Winery, Herman MO., 4th Stop—A Bar Grille New Florence. All donation go to Children’s Hospital. FEB 1: PEORIA AZ: SALUTE TO VETERANS CAR SHOW: Located at the Peoria Sports Complex, 16101 N 83rd Ave. Show time 8am-1pm. Raffle Prizes, Food Trucks and Cool Cars and more!
FEB 2019: FEB 2: WINDBER PA: SWAP MEET 2020: Hosted by the Johnstown Street Survivors Car Club. Event being held at the Windber Community Bldg. located at 1605 Graham Ave. Vendor set up at 6am. Doors open at 8am. Vendor tables $25.00 pre-paid. Spectator admission $3.00. For more info call 814-539-6641
Saturday Feb 1 Commerce GA
EVERY SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located at 633 Frazier Drive. NCC is a free to attend Shine and Show event. If you are a vendor, car club or if you have any questions, please send us a message. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/nashvillecarsncoffee/
1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : MIDDLETOWN OH: HORSEPOWER FARM CARS & COFFEE CRUISE IN: Held the 1st Saturday of every month all year long Rain or Shine. So even on those cold winter or rainy days just come on out and hang out in the Garage. Start time is 8AM till Noon all proceeds benefit the Blue Skies Warrior Fund. Thanks for all your support we have already donated over $20,000 in 2016. Cruise located at the Horsepower Farm at 2227 Trinity Drive. For more info call 937-477-0450 MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Every Monday Night from 5-9 at the Wendy’s on Rt 47. Cruise-In, free small frosty or drink. Dash plaques while they last. Car Cruises, outdoor movies, concerts on the first Monday June –October. We meet all year on every Monday. Call Ken at 815-942-2032, or just show up.
CHANDLER AZ: HAPPY HOUR CAR SHOW & LIVE MUSIC: Cruise held every Friday Night. Cruise is held at the Patio at the Forum located at 2301 S Stearman Drive. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Free wood fired pizza from 5-6:30apm. Bring your cars or just come and have fun.
PASADENA TX: FREDDYS STEAKBURGERS FRIDAY NIGHT CAR, TRUCK & BIKE MEET: Cruise happens every Friday night from 6-10pm. Takes place at the Freddy's location at 4637East Sam Houston Pkwy. Open to all makes & models. Kid & pet friendly. No burnouts and no revving. 1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: SAN TAN VALLEY AZ: SATURDAY AFTERNOON CRUISE-IN: Hosted by the Saturday Night Cruisers. Cruise runs from 4pm - ??. Cruise starts Oct. 7th and runs on the 1st Saturday of the month. Being held at Freddy’s Steakburgers at the corner of Hunt Hwy & Gary Rd. Music, raffles, Peoples Choice Award, Steakburgers & frozen custard and lights…we have lights. Win a $25 gift Certificate from Freddy’s every cruise night. For info call 480-204-6201. 12
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH CRUISE NIGHT: Held every Friday. Meet at Rosie’s at Dog Beach Parking lot. Leave the beach at 8pm. Head to the IN-N-Out in Signal Hill over around 9pm. For more info go to Long Beach GARDEN GROVE CA: GARDEN GROVE MAIN ST CAR SHOW: Cruise is held every Friday night from 5-8pm. Enter on north side off Acacia Pkwy. Hot Rods, Muscle cars, trucks, trophies, awards, raffles, music, food and vendors. Bring your friends and family for good times. 1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE-IN’S: MOUNTAIN VIEW CA: CARS AND COFFEE: Hosted by the GOOMBAH’s Car Club benefitting The Family Giving Tree. Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday morning of each month. Cruise runs from 7-9am. Cruise is held at the KRISPY KREME & COSTCO located at 2146 Leghorn St (Rendstorff & 101). Everyone is welcome. For more info go to www.goombahcarclub.com or INSTAGRAM @goombahs_cc 1st SATURDAY AFTERNOON CRUISE-IN’S: PALM SPRING CA: PSCA CRUISE-IN 2019-2020: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday Afternoon of the month thru April. Cruise runs from 1-4:30pm. Cruise is held at the Westfield Palm Dessert Mall located at Monterey and Hwy 111 on the north side of the mall behind Macys. Cruise takes place rain or shine. Custom, Rods, Classics, Muscle Cars, Trucks Motorcycles, Special Interest & Vintage Vehicles of all kinds. Spectators Free. Non Members $10.00 per entry. For more info go to https:// palmspringscruisinassociation.com/ SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN LOS GATOS CA: CLASSIC CRUISING: Cruising every Saturday Night starting at 7pm. Cruise is on unless it rains. Cruise is held at Classic Burgers of Los Gatos at 15737 Los Gatos
1st SUNDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : NOVATO CA: MARIN COUNTY CARS AND COFFEE: Cruise takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month. Cruise is held in the Starbucks Parking lot located at 132 Vintage way. Cruise runs from 7:30-10am. ANTIOCH CA: COFFEE n CLUTCHES: Held on the 1st Sunday morning of each month. Cruise runs from 8-10am. Cruise is held in the Starbucks parking lot at 5779 Lone Tree Way. For more info go to Coffee N Clutches on FACEBOOK or email to coffeenclutches@gmail.com
1st SUNDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : SACRAMENTO CA: NATOMAS CARS & COFFEE: Cruise takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month. Cruise runs from 8-11am. Open to all makes and models. FREE coffee & donuts. Held at 4700 Natomas Blvd. Like and follow us on FB @ NatomasCarsandCoffee SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA: CLASSIC CAR SHOW: Cruise held on the 1st Sunday of each month. 949-485-9743Event being held at Marbella Plaza located at 31115 Rancho Viejo Rd Cruise starts at 9am. No registration fee. Food, crafts, coffee, sweets, beer, wine garden, tacos and margaritas
Article & Photography by Jimmy B
The Grand National Roadster Show, the world’s longest-running indoor car show, recognizes the top roadsters in the country during its awards ceremony. This ceremony includes the presentation of one of the custom car world’s most coveted awards – the America’s Most Beautiful Roadster (AMBR). One of the oldest and most prestigious awards in the automotive world, America’s Most Beautiful Roadster is presented each year to the best “open” hot rod in the country.
was initially built at Angie's Auto Center. The original bodywork and red paint was handled at Mike's Street Rods. Over time, Belsham ending up buying the car and his dreams
This year, once again the field was full of great hot rod roadsters all wanting to win that BIG Award. Everyone of them was a potential winner. The judges had a tough decision to make to say the least. For 2020, Monty Belsham and his 1932 Ford highboy roadster built at Squeeg's Kustoms took home the AMBR 9.5 foot trophy and $12,500 check sponsored by ARP, besting the 9 other contenders (see them elsewhere in this article) for the BIG TrophyMonty joins a who’s who” of hot rodding, including legendary builders like George Barris, Andy Brizio, Boyd Coddington, Barry White, Troy Ladd and Chip Foose. The Muroc body and chassis started life out under the ownership of Nick Barron and 18
and idea was to truly make it his own with changes he had come up with, to make it “his hot rod”. After he locked down what was in his head, he took the car and his ideas to Doug Jerger of Squeeg's Kustoms in Chandler, Arizona, and the transformation began. The 71st AMBR winner is a Kugel Muroc ‘32 is a steel body (Kugel Komponents #4 of 10 that came from the ultimate metal men at Marcel's Custom Metal) with a Kugel chassis under it, that features their independent front and rear suspensions with coilover shocks and Corvette brakes on all 4 corners. The roadster was then repainted utilizing PPG black with orange and red flames licking from the grille shell (Dan Fink insert) rearward going just past the doors. The roadster also features a metal handmade top made from aluminum and features 3/8-inch chrome trim around the opening all crafted by Matt Tomb out of Phoenix. A cool roadster needs some go under the right pedal and power for this AMBR Roadster comes by way of an LS1 topped off with Hilborn stacked EFI injection and hooked up to a 4L60-E overdrive transmission. The LS1 is dressed and detailed using a whole lot of a polishing from Russel's Custom Polishing. As we pointed out earlier, the chassis is a Kugel and while it holds up the newly appointed body it rolls on one-off wheels wrapped with Dunlap SP Sport rubber. You have to have a great interior for the AMBR winner and inside this one the "lipstick red" leather was stitched by Gabe Lopez at Gabe's Street Rods Custom Interiors. 19
There are bucket seats and a center console giving this hot rod an additional distinctive appearance keeping with its blend of traditional and contemporary appearance. As is part of any quality interior, work the owner is brought in to the trim shop several times during the process for fittings. This ensured Monty would be as comfortable as possible and to enhance the long drives that are about to happen. (The roadster has 3,000 miles on the odometer already.) Other interior appointments include the Dakota Digital analog gauges with a hint of digital and a tilt steering wheel with a hint of vintage banjo wheel appearance. The center console houses the custom shifter as well as a digital readout also. It was a long time coming but Monty’s got one sweet hot rod now. He also has the 71st America’s Most Beautiful Roadster, and that was worth the wait!
Owner: Monte Belsham 22
Builder: Squeeg’s Kustoms 23
Article & Photography by Jimmy B
Every year at the Grand National Roadster Show, they give out a BIG trophy for America’s Most Beautiful Roadster. This year was no different and it was the 71st time it would be handed out. Every year any number of roadsters, it varies from year to year, enter and try to be named the AMBR winner. A huge honor for sure! For 2020 it was no different. 12 car owners and builders entered the AMBR competition. When the initial judging and qualifying was complete on Thursday, 10 roadsters were in the mix for 2020. 1 car failed to show at all after entering and 1 showed up late (you have to be in the building by a specific time on Thursday to be in the mix) which knocked them out of competition. The AMBR judging team goes over the cars BEFORE they set up in their display’s, they look them over very carefully. They look at stance, how the car looks over all, how does it run and move around, does everything work….you get the picture. After the cars go thru this scrutiny, they then go set up in their displays and get cleaned up for their debut on Friday. Just making the cut to be in contention for the AMBR award is a HUGE deal. Yes winning the AMBR is BIG, but being a contender puts a person in an elite group also. In the end of every competition, only 1 can be a winner. You have already seen this 24
years AMBR winner on the previous pages. What you see here, are the 9 roadsters who were contenders in 2020. All of them are awesome roadsters, there was just 1 that was a little bit better to the judges. These car owners & builders need to hold their heads up high as they did an awesome job on their builds.. While it would be a huge honor to be a judge for the AMBR, I am glad I am not one...one tough job for sure. 25
FEB 2020 FEB 7-8: MOULTRIE GA: MOULTRIE SWAP MEET: Here we go again! 3 Day Automotive Event where you can find Parts, Tools, Literature, Equipment, Antique and Performance Parts, Jewelry, Crafts, Clothing, Candles, Women's Accessories, Collectible and Special Interest Items. Our Car Corral offers hundreds of vehicles displayed for
sale. Moultrie Swap Meet is The South's Fastest Growing Swap Meet with 70,000 Sq. Ft. of Inside Spaces and over 4,000 outside spaces. We offer over 50 Acres of FREE Parking, FREE Parts Hauling (TIPS ARE ALLOWED), 24 Hour Security, Plenty of Great Tasting Food and Multiple Restroom Facilities plus we have a 5,000 Ft. Airstrip on site just for added convenience. NO PETS ALLOWED! NO GOLF CARTS ALLOWED! Don't miss out this year. Make plans now to attend! Event is located at Spence Field on Hwy 133 South. The weather is looking like its gonna be a great weekend down south for us this year. Bring the kiddos out and let them experience the past, children 12 and under are FREE! $10 Adult ADMISSION. For more info go to http://
moultrieswapmeet.com/ FEB 7-9: BIRMINGHAM AL: 49th ANNUAL WORLD OF WHEELS CUSTOM AUTO SHOW: Located at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. It really is the Super Bowl of car shows. Come see the 1933 Ford Phaeton, “Gold Digger.” The highly acclaimed Ridler Award Recipient will be in the house all weekend! Featuring a wide variety of custom cars, custom trucks and custom motorcycles as well as restored and antique vehicles, our exhibitors, our vendors and tens of thousands of spectators make these annual shows informative, exciting, and fun! For more info: 205655-4950 or www.WorldOfWheels.net or go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/256728635214743/
FEB 2020 FEB 8: OCALA FL: 2020 All Truck Season Opener: The 2020 All Truck Season Opener classic and custom truck show presented by Street Trucks Magazine. Held at Don Garlits Museum of Drag Racing. All custom and classic trucks only. No cars, bikes, jeeps, off-road trucks or paddle tires allowed. Meet Big Daddy Don Garlits! $20 Per Vehicle Registered. $40 for one of 35 Premier Spots on Concrete. No Cost For General Admission! Friday 02/07/20 set up day. SHOW CLASSES TOP 50 TRUCKS, BEST OF SHOW, BEST PAINT, BEST INTERIOR, BEST ENGINE &BEST FEMALE OWNED TRUCK SPECIALTY CHOICE AWARDS: BIG DADDY DON GARLITS CHOICE, STREET TRUCKS CHOICE, C10 BUILDERS CHOICE, F100 BUILDERS CHOICE & OFFICIAL SPONSOR CHOICE. Sponsors, Vendors and Volunteers please contact info@alltruckseasonopener.com. This is not a Street Trucks event. We are just sponsoring and covering the event. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/3250184915056546/ FEB 2020 FEB 7-9: INDIANPOLIS IN: O’REILLY WORLD OF WHEELS PRESENTED BY RAY SKILLMAN: Hot Rods, Custom Cars, Motorcycles and More return to Indianapolis with the O'Reilly Auto Parts World of Wheels presented by Ray Skillman, at the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center. Three big days of automotive fun including: Lincoln Tech's RaceWorld, Motorama Traditional Rod & Custom section and Gauge Magazine's Featured Builders section! See top show cars competing for Lincoln Tech's Hoosier Award, BAM & Families Circle City Award plus Best and Outstanding Awards sponsored by Ivy Tech! Don't miss the Pinstriper panel jam and charity auction benefiting the Diabetes Youth Foundation of Indiana on Saturday and Sunday. Live Rockabilly music and special guest appearances including NASCAR Star Tony Stewart on Saturday from 12-2 and Duke's of Hazzard Star John Schneider on Sunday from 1-4 (schedule subject to change & updates. Check worldofwheels.com for information). Discount tickets are available through participating O'Reilly Auto Parts beginning 30 days prior the event. See www.worldofwheels.com for full show information. 28
FEB 2020: FEB 7-9: FLINT MI: 5TH ANNUAL Chrome & Ice WINTER CLASSIC CAR EVENT: We're gearing up for the 5th Annual CHROME & ICE™ 2020, our spectacular indoor car show at the Dort Financial Credit Union Event Center in Flint. Sponsored by General Motors and brought to you by the Dort Financial Credit Union with special thanks to
ABC-12, Chrome & Ice™ 2020 promises to be bigger and better than ever as we celebrate Flint, the birthplace of AMERICA'S SPORTS CAR. The Lobby will showcase ONE CORVETTE from EACH of the 8 GENERATIONS, and a pictorial history of the Flint Corvette Assembly Facility. Visitors to Chrome & Ice™ will have a rare opportunity to see the exciting 8th GENERATION CORVETTE, the all-new 2020 mid-engine model up close! Beyond the Lobby, you will find more than 125 amazing vintage, classic, and collector vehicles of every description, and Rat Rod Alley (a new feature this year), more than 50 sponsor, automotive vendor, and special interest displays, and live entertainment by Country Crooner Dave Lagness on Friday at 7:30 PM, and
Classic Rock by the 3rd Degree Burns on Saturday at Noon and 2 PM. Chase away the Winter Blues at family-friendly prices. Tickets are $9 for adults, and $6 for youth 12-17! Children under 12 are free! Plan now to ESCAPE THE WINTER BLAHS at Chrome & Ice™. JOIN THE FUN, and help us choose the winners, FRIDAY, February 7 - 9, 2020. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/1464647193685917/ FEB 9: BELLEVILLE IL: 40TH YEAR SEMI-ANNUAL BELLEVILLE AUTOMOTIVE SWAP MEET. Located at the Bell-Clair Fairgrounds, 200 South Belt East. General Admission $4, hours 6am-1:30pm. Vendors space rental—inside and outside available 10x10 spaces--$25. Larger spaces also available-$$ determined by size car corral--$25. To reserve previous spaces-confirm by Jan 1, 2020. In order to be guaranteed spaces, all payments must be received by Feb 1, 2020. No Exceptions. (No refunds or cancellations). The fairgrounds rent tables for inside booths only--$4 each. Take advantage of Saturday set up—Saturday set up hours—7pm – 9pm. Sunday set up hours 4:30 am-7am. No vehicles will be allowed inside after 5:30am. Only hand carry set up allowed inside after 5:30am. For more info: call Rainbow Shows LLC 217-491-8822. Find us on FB @ the big Belleville swap meet. 30
FEB 2020: FEB 9: WARREN MI: WPC CLUB-GREAT LAKES REGION WINTER SWAP MEET: Located at Macomb Community College Expo Center, 14500 E 12 Mile Rd, 8am-4pm. Admissions for Sunday early bird special, $20—7am-8am general $5 8am-3pm. Vendor set up Friday Feb 8 Large vendors only, call for times. Saturday Feb 9, 9am-5pm
Sunday Feb 10 6am-7am. Swap space $35 per table. For more info: 586-322-8518 and general info 8am-5pm 586-859-2579 FEB 2020: FEB 8: INDIAN WELLS CA: PSCA’S DR. GEORGE CHARITY CAR SHOW: The annual Dr. George Charity Car Show is one of the preeminent car shows in the Coachella Valley. On display are cars, trucks and motorcycles from all over the country. It is held at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden on the grass in the sun. All proceeds benefit the Desert Cancer Foundation. There will be a raffle, silent auction and live entertainment plus special events to entertain children. On site will be various food and specialty vendors all intended to make your visit enjoyable and fun for the entire family. Entrants are limited to the first 1000 registered vehicles. The show is open to all street rods, classics, muscle cars, special interest vehicles, trucks and motorcycles. You must pre-register to show. Preregistrations dated before January 25th, 2020 include a free commemorative t-shirt. RAIN OR SHINE • NO PETS • NO ALCOHOL • NO GOLF CARTS • NO REFUNDS • NO BURN OUTS. Show starts at 9am. For more www.palmspringscruisinassociation.com
FEB 9: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and high-performance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Roding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to www.longbeachhiposwapmeet.com or call 800-762-9785 32
FEB 2020: FEB 7-9: ATLANTIC CITY NJ: ANNUAL JOKER’S WILD COMPETITION CAR SHOW: Located at the Atlantic City Convention Center. $50 registration fee. $2,500 Prize money. $500 cash prize for Best of: Truck, Custom, Restored, Street Rod and Street Machine. Top 25 Awards, Discount Hotels, Complimentary Trailer Parking. Vehicle
resumes now being accepted, email info@GPKAUCTIONS.COM FEB 7-9: ATLANTIC CITY NJ: 1st ANNUAL DEUCE’S WILD COMPETITION CAR SHOW: Located at the Atlantic City Convention Center. $100 registration fee. Awards in each class, 1st place $1,000, 2nd Place $500, 3rd Place $250 over $8,500 in prize money. Vehicle classes Truck, Custom, Restored, Street Rod, Street Machine. Vehicle resumes now being accepted, email info@GPKAUCTIONS.COM
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: .24-inch long Limited Edition (#4 of 200) 1/16th Scale Model George Poteet’s Speed Demon World Land Speed Record Streamliner was special livery that supported 100 Years of Scouting celebration. Certificate of Authenticity signed by artist Joel Dunford in April 2011 This ancient art form of ceramic modeling honors a strikingly accurate modern masterpiece. Operating under the Carllectibles! banner, renowned artist Joel Dunford captures the power and energy of a great American hot rod icon that reset motorsports history when, in one season, ran in excess of 400MPH 12 times to set 6 records – 3 National and 3 FIA World. This finely detailed ceramic replica is intricately sculpted example of fine automotive art with accents detailed in 24K white gold. Gotta admit it looks fast just sitting still on the shelf. The base color gets 3 firings in the kiln starting at 2000 degrees for 8 hours, the gloss glaze applied before the 2nd 1800 degree firing and the 24kt gold accents are brushed on before the final 1500 degree firing. $400. Plus your choice of shipping and insurance details. It will be shipped in its original, authentic box also designed by Dunford. Contact: L. A. Noeth lsl458mph@att.net or talk/txt: 805.312.0893 Well known in the domain of automotive collectibles, Dunford has turned out other historic streamliners including: Mickey Thompson Challenger I, Summers Brothers Goldenrod, and the So Cal Streamliner. This Speed Demon extreme limited edition of 200 has been sold out for years. (1/23/2020)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 1979 Ford F-800 FIRE TRUCK Tanker / Pumper. 429 Engine. Less than 7000 miles !!! No dents, no rust !!! Volunteer Fire Dept located in Middle Tennessee Region needs to sell. For more info call Jeff at 931-510-2900 (12/19/19)
FOR SALE: 1932 Ford Chassis with New Rebuilt 53 Ford Flathead. New Rebuilt C4 Trans and Ford-O-matric. It comes just like you see it and I have a 4 piece hood that comes with it. I will separate if you want . I had a 32 5 Window on it, but it will take any 32 body or I can get you one. If you are interested call me for more details. Please don't call me if it is available unless your serious Thank You. $21.000.00. 888-680-1932 (12/19/19)
Ad’s are FREE and run for 2 months. Send ad’s and 3 photo’s to gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
FOR SALE: Four 14 inch “5 X 4 ¼” bolt pattern steel wheels with chrome trim rings mounted with Grand AM Radial GT 225/70R14 tires. Very little wear with like new tread. Located in Athens, AL 35613. Due to shipping costs request local pick-up or delivery only. $500.00 for all. Price is negotiable. Contact Htrumbull18868@charter.net (1/23/2020)
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Out The Back Door The Back Page is about cool cars, hot rods, race cars or?? We’re going to share a cool shot right here each issue. Got one you think should be here...send it to us at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com.
We’ll pick the best for the week and use it right here.