2 minute read
The Fun Starts Here
Is Hot Rodding really about a $10.00 trophy...
We’re halfway thru the year and half way thru the busiest time for car shows during the year, and it is time to break out the CAR SHOW CREED for 2021. I say this and share this because it needs to be said in my opinion.
Car shows, whether a one day deal on the weekend or a multi day national event are supposed to be about fun with cars...not getting a trophy. Having been to some events in 2021 and seeing posts on social media about events, apparently there are folks who are living for that $10.00 trophy, whether their ride is the nicest or not.
This may sting, but there is always a car or truck nicer than the one we own and drive. That is the cold hard truth. This doesn't mean your ride isn't nice...it doesn’t. I will raise my hand first on this, as there are many much nicer cars than mine. I am ok with that.
Don’t get me wrong, we all like to be recognized for our efforts and cars and trucks. This includes me, as its human nature to be recognized by our peers.
If we don’t win that trophy though, it’s not the end of the world and we shouldn't bad mouth the event or people who put them on. Picking a winner is subjective to the person(s) doing it. That's ok too.
Going to car shows should be about fun! Go enjoy all the cars and trucks. Check them out and more importantly meet the owners of them. There is the best part of going to a car show...THE PEOPLE. The people in our hobby are the true trophies! The vehicles are nothing without the owners and their families. Spend some time getting to know the car owners parked next to you and you make a friend for life...how cool is that. If you want to really see how your ride stacks up, hit the ISCA Car Show circuit over the winter. The same judging is used from show to show. It’s not easy but if you get picked for an award there...CONGRATS!
In the past year we have learned how quickly life can be snatched away from us. Why not go focus on fun and meeting people versus that $10.00 trophy...I promise you will feel better at the end of the day.
Now raise your right hand and read the Car Show Creed