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Southeast Shows

JULY 2021:
JULY 15-17: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: Mustangs in the Valley: Mustangs in the Valley held in Maggie Valley, North Carolina at the Maggie Valley Festival Ground. Open to all years of the Mustang! Thursday Cruise on the Blue Ridge Parkway along with a miniature golf tournament at Maggie Valley Carpet Golf. Top 25 Awards. 423-6084519. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/298133928341178/ JULY 16-17: Maggie Valley NC: Moonshine Valley F100's: Event being held at Maggie Valley Festival Grounds. TOP 50 Awards. For more info go to www.surfboardpromotion.com JULY 16-17: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: MAGGIE VALLEY SWAP MEET: The Maggie Valley Swap Meet will be held at the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds. This event features a swap meet and new parts vendors. Lots to see and do while at this event in Maggie Valley, North Carolina. Vendors and participants call 423-608-4519 for more information. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/MaggieValleySwapMeet JULY 17: LOUISVILLE KY: 10th Anniversary Showdown Car / Truck / Motorcycle Show with Silent Auction: Event to be held at the Castle, Valor Traditional Academy, 11501 Schlatter Road. Times: 10:00am - 3:00pm Rain date July 18th. PreRegistration $15.00 / Same day $20.00. 1st 100 vehicles receive dash plaque & goodie bag. Trophies Galore!!!! Silent Auction & Door prizes. For more info call 502-321-3160 or go to http://www.summershowdown.org/ JULY 17: LEBANON TN: Alzheimer's Benefit Car Show: Event will be held at the Lebanon Outlet Mall, 1 Outlet Village Blvd. Hosted by Loud N Obnoxious Cruzers. Registration: 8:00am - Noon, Awards at 3:00pm. Entry Fee $20.00 per vehicle. Awesome food in the food court, Live music, Door Prizes. All clubs welcome! TOP 25 Trophies and Specialty Awards. JULY 17: HARRIMAN TN: Riverside Baptist Church Car Show: Event to be held at 629 Clinch St. Times: 10:00am - 2:00pm. FREE admission, FREE hot dogs & drinks, Everyone Welcome! The 1st 150 cars to register will receive a dash plaque. For more info, call 865-717-0102 or 865-882-6584 or 865-882-1083.

JULY 2021
JULY 17: HARTFORD KY: HOSES HOT RODS, CAR AND TRUCK SHOW: 9am-2pm: Free to Public, Bounce House for Kids, Dash Plaques for first 50 entries, 50/50 Drawing, Trophies, Door Prizes, Music, Kids Bring Power Wheels. Event Location Court House Square. JULY 17: BAXTER TN: 5TH ANNUAL HOT RODS IN THE PARK: Registration begins at 10am, judging at 2pm, awards at 4pm. $15. Donation to register, Top 50 Trophies, Rat Rods, Muscle, Street Rod, Club Pick. Event for Christmas for underprivileged children. Event location Baxter City Park. JULY 17: SENTOBIA MS: SUMMER SHOW N’ SHINE: 8am-2pm, Music, Food & Family Fun. Event location 409 Norfleet Drive in Senatobia at the Delta Center
JULY 17: GREENBRIAR TN: CAR / TRUCK / JEEP SHOW FUNDRAISER: Event being held for Millersville Firefighter Joshua Palmer. Times: 9:00am - 3:00pm at the Highland Rim Speedway, 6801 Kelly Willis Road. Car / Truck / Jeep show including trophies for 1st / 2nd / 3rd place in each category. Entry fee is $5.00. Chinese Auction $1.00 per raffle ticket, BBQ Sandwich plates $10.00 for sandwich, chips & drink. JULY 17: MURFRESSBORO TN: Classic Car Auction: Event to be held at Dealers Auto Auction Group, 1815 Old Fort Parkway. Starts at 10:00am. Terms: $25.00 Buyer Registration Fee (1 gate pass included). For individual sales: A bank letter of credit is required. A $150.00 NO SALE FEE. 6% Buyers / Sellers Fee. For more info, Cell: 256508-2276 Office: 256-423-8250. Bryan Willis / Owner/Auctioneer #1599. JULY 17: EAST RIDGE TN: CHILDRENS HOSPTAL AT ERLANGER BENEFIT CAR SHOW: Event being held at The Chattanooga Mercantile located at 6725 Ringgold Rd. Reg Fe is $25.00 per car and all will be donated. All cars welcome but those from 1940 –1981 will be entered into actual judging. JULY 17: LITTLE RIVER SC: CARS & COFFEE: Event being held at Coopers tavern located at 1521 US-17. Event runs from 8-11am. Welcome all muscle cars, hot rods, rat rods, American and British classics, sports cars, exotics and tuner cars welcome.

JULY 2021
JULY 17: NORTH GALLATIN TN: WIL-RO INC 1ST ANNUAL TRUCK SHOW: Truck and automotive enthusiasts and families are invited to come and check out some amazing trucks while enjoying food from a local food truck, live music, corn hole, a bouncy house, raffles, prizes and more! Event runs from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Event being held at Wil-Ro, Inc. 1155 Old Highway 109. FREE to attend, but we encourage all attendees to bring a case of water for our ‘Hydrate the Homeless’ drive to support the Nashville Rescue Mission. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/4047394565345589 JULY 18: CROSSVILLE TN: Walmart Inaugural Car Show Benefit for Children's Miracle Network: Event will be at 168 Obed River Plaza. Times: 4:00pm - 8:00pm. Entry fee $20.00. Dash Plaques, TOP 30 plaques plus Best of Show, Door prizes every 15 minutes, Food trucks. For more info, contact Kimberly Hall 931-287-6543 or Pam Baker 931-200-2290.
JULY 18: CLARKSVILLE TN: CLARKSVILLE AUTOCROSS 2021: Event being held at the Clarksville Speedway & Fairgrounds located at 1600 Needmore Rd. . Event runs from 10am – 4pm. Gates open at 9am. Track is hot at 10am. Participants $60.00. Spectators are $10.00. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/340144834160565 JULY 20: SHELBYVILLE TN: Damascus Road Cruise In: Event being held at the Bedford County AG Center, 2119 Midland Road. Time: 6:00pm - ?? Registration is FREE!!!!! 21 people will walk away with $100 just for registering for the show. JULY 23: SEDALIA KY: TOP GUN NATIONAL CAR SHOW & CRUISE IN: Event being held at the Sedliam Elementary School located at 5252 KY-97. Event runs from 8am 5pm. Reg to compete is 8am – 12noon. $30 entry fee per car for competition. $15.00 entry fee for cruise in. Great awards, TOP 60 and many specialty awards. Food & Drink will be available. For more info go to www.topguncarshows.com

JULY 2021
JULY 23-24: BIRMINGHAM AL: MOPARS AT THE MUSEUM: 9am -2pm: Registration fee for 2 days, $90. This includes, 1 car entry, admission for 2 to Motorsports Museum, 3-4 laps around the track, 1 event T-Shirt. Fee for 1 day $35 includes same as two day package with the exception of (laps not included with 1 day pass). Event location- 6040 Barber Motorsports Pky, Birmingham. Additional information: 205699-7275 or www.motorsportshalloffame.com www.barberracingevents.com JULY 23-24: CHAPEL HILL TN: 46th ANNUAL LIONS SUPER PULL OF THE SOUTH: Event being held at the Chapel Hill High Schoo Stadium located right on US-31A ( Horton Hwy). Event starts both nights at 7pm. Tickets available at the gate. No refunds & no rain date. This pullis part of the National Tractor Pullers Assoc and is one of the most highly rated events all year long. NO COOLERS OR BACK PACKS! Beer sales on site.You can buy tickets on line at www.lionssuperpull.com For more info check the website or call 800-364-4872.
JULY 24: LOUISVILLE KY: 20th ANNUAL, FALLS CITY CORVETTE CLUB OPEN CAR SHOW: REGISTRATION 9am -1pm, Awards 4pm. Opent to all Cars, Trucks & Motorcyles. Dash Plaques (first 100 entries) Goodie Bags, Food & Music, Silent Auction, 50/50. Judging by Classes. Trophies for Top 75. Registration fee $20 (includes 1050/50 tickets). Event Location- 11501 Schlatter Rd, Louisville, KY. This event to benefit Louisville Metro Officers & Families relief fund-- for more information 502664-5862
JULY 24: FLORENCE AL: The W.C Handy Festival Car Show: Event is held in Wilson Park downtown Florence at 350 N Wood Ave. Registration starts at 8:00 and the show will wrap about 2:00. Registration is $20.00 with $1700.00 in cash drawings along with many door prizes. Trophies for Best of Show Production and Modified, Car and truck Pre 1999 and 2000 to present and Rat Rod. W.C. Handy is now as the “Father of the Blues” and was born in Florence, AL. The Festival is a week long event with many musical acts preforming at many restaurants and other venues. For more information on the Festival and a schedule of events check “twitter.com/ wchandyfestival”. For more information on the Car Show contact BillyGriffith100@gmail.com

JULY 2021
JULY 23-24: SOMERSET KY: Somernites Cruise-in 5th Annual "Somernites Cruise Truckin Nationals": Don't miss the July 23rd-24th Somernites Cruise Weekend as we continue our 21st year of cruising fun in Somerset!! Come join us in your custom, classic, muscle car or hot rod! There are new show times as gates will now open at 12:00 noon on show day and go until 6:00pm(6:30 this month due to previously scheduled raffle drawing). Fri:10am to 2:00pm- Circle K Meet and Greet. This is a new location!! Between lights #9 & #10 right on Hwy 27 (the strip).There are several sponsoring restaurants located in the area for the new Meet & Greet. Come show your support and check this new event out!! Fri: 5pm to 9pm - Friday Night Thunder Block Party hosted by the Somerset Mall. It's back and better than ever!! Come enjoy hundreds of hotrods and live music! Sat: 8:30am - Fun Run to Haney's Appledale Farm. Come join us from 8am to 8:30am for a free breakfast at Hardees South!! Fun Run leaves at 8:30am sharp. Sat: 12:00pm - Gates open for the Saturday Show & Shine! Drawing for the raffle Truck at 6:30, "5th Annual Truckin' Nationals" showcase presented by Auto Kustoms with associate sponsors NPD and LMC Truck, Vendor Alley & Swap Meet plus, 20 city blocks packed with great rides! Admission is FREE! Sat: 6:30pm - Raffle drawing for the 1985 Chevrolet C10!!!! Sat: 6:30pm-??? Cruisin' the Strip action on US 27 wraps up the weekend! For more info visit www.somernitescruise.com
JULY 24: DAWSON SPRINGS KY: 73rd Annual BBQ Festival Car Show: Event will be held downtown Dawson Springs on the Square. Times: 11:00am - 2:00pm. Vendors, Fresh BBQ, 50/50 drawing, Awards by People's Choice and Mayor's Choice. JULY 24: SPRING HILL TN: RASHAD THOMAS MEMORIAL RIDE: The Rashad Thomas Memorial Motorbike Ride is happening on July 24th! Please arrive at 10 am to get signed up at the UAW 1853 Union Hall located at 125 Stephen P Yokich Pkwy(behind Food Lion). After a Blessing from our Chaplain, the ride will commence at 11:30am. The ride will then conclude at Gary's Place in Springhill where we will meet for Lunch. There will be a special UAW discount for food & beverage for this event. EVERYONE is encouraged to attend as we celebrate the life of Rashad. For more info call 931-486-0125

JULY 2021
JULY 24: NASHVILE TN: 615 Scout Club Meet: Event taking place at Tailgate Brewery, 7300 Charlotte Pike. Times: 11:00am - 4:00pm. 615 Scout Club presents a classic 4x4 meet-up featuring International Harvester trucks. Any questions, contact Jeff Goyette 973-600-4636 or go to https://fb.me/e/1tnpfUqmE JULY 24: GADSEN AL: Gadsden Airport Fly-in/Drive-in: Event being held at the Northeast Alabama Regional Airport. Event runs from 10am – 2pm. Airplanes, Classic Cars, Food Trucks & More! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/849816422303906/
JULY 24: Tullahoma TN: CORVETTE DAY: Presented by Stan McNabb Chevrolet & Middle TN Corvette Club. Will be held at Stan McNabb Chevrolet, 2000 N. Jackson St. Times: 9:00am - 2:00pm. Hot dogs and drinks will be available to enjoy! Please join us as we entertain Corvette Clubs across the South. JULY 24: WINCHESTER TN: BENEFIT CAR, TRUCK & MOTORCYCLE SHOW: Event raising money for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Evet runs from 2-6pm. Event being held at the Old Franklin County High School; Football Field located at 839 Dinah Shore Blvd. Reg fee is $15.00. Dash plaques to the first 50 registered vehicles. Spectators are free. Lots of trophy's to be awarded. For more info call 931691-4604
JULY 25: LOUISVILLE KY: HIGHLAND VW AIR SHOW: 9am-3pm: A Celebration of Friends w/Street Food, Beverages to purchase, register at www.highlandairvwshow.com JULY 25: NOLENSVILLE TN: 12th Knight Car Show: Event to be held at Nolensville High School, 1600 Summerlyn Drive, between the hours of 3:00pm - 7:00pm. PreRegistration $30.00 / Day of Show $40.00. Participants will receive 12th Knight Charter Participant Sign / Prizes and trophies / Half-off Event T shirt ($10.00). All makes and models welcome! Awards for TOP 12 chosen by the NHS Senior Football Players. JULY 25: OAK GROVE KY: ASYMCA 1st Annual Classic Car Show & Fundraiser: THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED: