Gearhead Gazzette Vol. 21 Issue #15 July 15 - 28, 2021

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JULY 2021: JULY 15-17: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: Mustangs in the Valley: Mustangs in the Valley held in Maggie Valley, North Carolina at the Maggie Valley Festival Ground. Open to

all years of the Mustang! Thursday Cruise on the Blue Ridge Parkway along with a miniature golf tournament at Maggie Valley Carpet Golf. Top 25 Awards. 423-6084519. For more info go to JULY 16-17: Maggie Valley NC: Moonshine Valley F100's: Event being held at Maggie Valley Festival Grounds. TOP 50 Awards. For more info go to JULY 16-17: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: MAGGIE VALLEY SWAP MEET: The Maggie Valley Swap Meet will be held at the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds. This event features a swap meet and new parts vendors. Lots to see and do while at this event in Maggie Valley, North Carolina. Vendors and participants call 423-608-4519 for more information. For more info go to JULY 17: LOUISVILLE KY: 10th Anniversary Showdown Car / Truck / Motorcycle Show with Silent Auction: Event to be held at the Castle, Valor Traditional Academy, 11501 Schlatter Road. Times: 10:00am - 3:00pm Rain date July 18th. Pre-

Registration $15.00 / Same day $20.00. 1st 100 vehicles receive dash plaque & goodie bag. Trophies Galore!!!! Silent Auction & Door prizes. For more info call 502-321-3160 or go to JULY 17: LEBANON TN: Alzheimer's Benefit Car Show: Event will be held at the Lebanon Outlet Mall, 1 Outlet Village Blvd. Hosted by Loud N Obnoxious Cruzers. Registration: 8:00am - Noon, Awards at 3:00pm. Entry Fee $20.00 per vehicle. Awesome food in the food court, Live music, Door Prizes. All clubs welcome! TOP 25 Tro-

phies and Specialty Awards. JULY 17: HARRIMAN TN: Riverside Baptist Church Car Show: Event to be held at 629 Clinch St. Times: 10:00am - 2:00pm. FREE admission, FREE hot dogs & drinks, Everyone Welcome! The 1st 150 cars to register will receive a dash plaque. For more info, call 865-717-0102 or 865-882-6584 or 865-882-1083. 10

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