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Swap Meets


DEC 4: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: NEW LOCATION FOR THIS EVENT!! Automotive and motorcycle swap meet. This Event is being held at the LANIER RACEPLEX located at 5301 Winder Hwy. 250-350 vendors every month. For more info go to www.NEGeorgiaSwapMeet.com or call 706-424-5035

DEC 5: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or www.pomonaswapmeet.com DEC 5: SACRAMENTO CA: NOR-CAL CYCLE & CAR SWAP MEET: Event being held at the West Winds Sacramento 6 Drive-in. Located at 9616 Oates Dr. Event runs from 8am – 2pm. For more info or to reserve a spot go to https:// www.norcalcycleandcarswap.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/thecycleswap DEC 12: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and highperformance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Roding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to www.longbeachhiposwapmeet.com or call 800-762-9785 JAN 8: LEBANON TN: 11th Annual Tennessee Motorama: Car show open to all models, swap meet with new and used parts, vehicle memorabilia and more. Best of Show Wins $500.00. All indoor event. Event happens rain or shine. Custom bicycle show. Event being held at the Wilson County Fairgrounds located at 945 E Baddour Pkwy. Admission is $10.00 and 12 & under are free. For entry info or more call 615364-1828 or go to www.bothbarrels.us or https://www.facebook.com/ events/434336861740608

FEB 6: NASHVILLE TN: 34th Annual Stones River AACA Swap Meet: Event will be held at the Nashville Fairgrounds, 625 Smith Ave. Swap meet is auto related, Tools, Literature, Toys, Memorabilia, Parts and Accessories. Times: 6:30am - 3:00pm. Admission $10.00, Concessions available. For more information or to reserve spot call 615-631-3004 or go to http://www.stonesrivercarclub.com/ or go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/635555154120890/

FEB 26: Carthage TN: Parts is Parts Swap Meet: Event being held at the Smith County Ag Center located at 159 Ag Center Lane. New and used parts, motorcycle parts, auto memorabilia, vintage toys and collectibles. Spectator gates: 10:00am 5:00pm, Admission $5.00 per person. For more info contact Both Barrels 615-364 -1828 or go to https://www.facebook.com/both.barrels.1 MAR 26: Lebanon TN: Spring Thaw Motorcycle Show & Swap Meet: Event to be held at the Farm Bureau Expo Center located at 945 E. Baddour Pkwy. More info to come. For more info contact Both Barrels 615-364-1828 or go to https:// www.facebook.com/both.barrels.1

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