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Southeast Shows

DEC 2021:
DEC 3-5: TAMPA FL: 34th Annual Southeast Street Rod Nationals: Event is being held at the Florida State Fairgrounds. ALL VEHICLES OF 1991 AND EARLIER ARE WELCOME TO ENTER THE EVENT. Take advantage of the $10.00 pre-entry discountavailable through the November 12th, mail-in deadline. When this deadline has passed we will be able to accept your entry at the event headquarters, which will be held at Hilton Garden Inn located at 10309 Highland Manor Drive in Tampa. Event Registration Hours: Thursday, December 2nd, - 12 noon to 6 p.m. Friday, December 3rd, 9a.m. to 6p.m. Saturday, December 4th, 9am To 2pm. Even though you may not be in your rod everyone is welcome to attend the event. Bring the whole family for a day at the Florida State Fairgrounds. Spectator gate hours will be Friday, December 3rd, from 8:00a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, December 4th, from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. and Sunday, December 5th, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00noon. Spectator admission will be: $19.00– 13 YEARS AND OLDER / $6.00 – CHILDREN 6 THROUGH 12. FREE – CHILDREN 5 AND UNDER WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT. A special discounted $17.00 admission is available for military personnel with proper military identification. NSRA members with their current membership card or anyone 60 years of age and older. One discounted admission per person. Although everyone will enjoy the spectacular vehicles as well as the vehicles’ owners there are other activities the family will enjoy. Here are a few activities that you will enjoy: the Commercial Exhibitors, Swap Meet, Women’s World (exhibitors with items that will interest women as well as men and children). For additional event information please contact the National Street Rod Association at 901-452-4030 or go to www.nsrausa.com or https://www.facebook.com/NSRAEvents/ DEC 4: MT PLEASANT TN: Rat Trap Racing Annual Christmas Open House & Hot Rod Gathering: Annual Christmas Party for family and friends of Rat Trap Racing. Bring those cool hot rods, muscle cars, trucks and whatever cool ride you have out and join us for some holiday fun! Event being held at TECHNOCRAFT CABINETS located at 1540 N Main St. Event runs from 10am – 2pm. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/609932923752800/

DEC 2021
DEC 4: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: NEW LOCATION FOR THIS EVENT!! Automotive and motorcycle swap meet. This Event is being held at the LANIER RACEPLEX located at 5301 Winder Hwy. 250-350 vendors every month. For more info go to www.NEGeorgiaSwapMeet.com or call 706-424-5035 DEC 4: MURFREESBORO TN: Annual C10 Club Tennessee Toy Drive: We will have some auction items available from several companies such as Pro Performance and GSI Machine & Fabrication. More are coming in. Event runs from 10am – 2pm and is being held at Burks Upholstery located at 1056 Seals Way. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1604756983132330/ DEC 4: SEVIERVILLE TN: TOY’S FOR TOT’S CAR SHOW 2021: Presented by East Tennessee Breakfast Club: Entry Fee and Unwrapped New Toy for Ages 1-10. Sorry No Stuffed Animals. All Makes & Models, Rat Rods, Muscle, Pickups, Jeeps are Welcome. Time 10am-3pm at Quaker Steak & Lube (at the corner of the Parkway & Collier Drive). Rain Date Dec 5- If you cannot attend please drop gifts off contact Bob Millard at 586-703-2381 or bobm1933@yahoo.com for drop off locations DEC 5: SURFSIDE, SC: 12TH ANNUAL EAST COAST ARTIES CHRISTMAS PARTY & CRUISE: Presented by the SURFSIDE BEACH POLICE DEPT. Benefiting Fostering Hope & Blue Star Mothers. Please bring a New Unwrapped Toy and or items to send to the Troops Deployed Overseas. Display Car Owners get a Free Coffee & Bagel (first 100 Participants). Location Hwy 17 Business Center in Surfside Beach Piggly Wiggly Shopping Center. 9-11am Music by Cecil. Additional Information Artie at 843-9951043
DEC 5: MARIETTA GA: GEORGIA REGIONAL MUSTANG CLUB’S TOY’S FOR TOT’S CRUISE IN: $10. Or a New Unwrapped Toy. All Makes & Models Welcome, Great Food and Cars. Time 11am-3pm Location 2365 Power Springs Rd.

DEC 2021
DEC 11: CLARKSVILLE TN: TOYS FOR TOTS BENEFIT CRUISE-IN: Event being held at Rimtyme Custom Wheels and Tires, 672 North Riverside Drive. Times: Noon 3:00pm. Hosted by Clarksville Gearhead Car Club for the 3rd year. Bring an unwrapped toy and show off your ride. Toys for Ages 12 & Under is preferred. Last year they collected over 1,400 toys and gifts. For more info, visit https:// www.facebook.com/events/853017662000589/ DEC 11: LAWRENCEVILLE GA: KARTEL AT COOLRAY AUTO SHOW: Raffles, Music, Prizes, Shopping, Food Trucks. Classic, Domestic, Far East & Euro. $5 entry at Gate per Car. $10.00 For VIP Parking & Awards Showcase. Location 2500 Buford Dr. Time 9am -1pm Kirbs@kartel.life or 770-743-7737 for Additional Information DEC 11: LITHA SPRINGS GA: NRSA APPRICIATION DAY: Supporting Toy’s For Tot’s. Bring an Unwrapped New Toy or Donation. Enjoy Friends, Fun, Music, Food, Great Fred’s BBQ,: Location 213 Thornton Road. Time: 10am-3pm Additional information Greg Grier 770-686-5785 lggrier@gmail.com or Jimmy Ethridge 678-279-1609 jimmy.ethridge@streetsideclassics.com DEC 11: WEST MONROE, LA: 1st Annual Barak Shriner’s Car, Truck & Bike Show: Multiple Categories, Vehicle Registration $35. Spectators $10, Kids 12 and Under Free. Team Tug of War, Volley Pong, Frozen T-Shirt contest, Root Beer Chugging Contest, On Site Food & Vendors. Location IKE Hamilton Expo Center 501 Maine St. Times 10am-6pm