1 minute read
The Fun Starts Here
Put your tools down and go have some fun!”
And Just Like That We Are Saying Hello To September…
If you haven't been paying attention to the 2022 calendar...IT’S SEPTEMBER gearheads!
The upcoming weekend, Labor Day Weekend is seen by many as the last bit of summer in the northern hemisphere. The holiday is looked on as the un-official end of summer, even though the calendar says it’s still summer until September 21st.
On September 5th, our country celebrates working men and women with the Labor Day Holiday.
The Labor Day Holiday is a creation of the labor movement in our country, dedicated to the achievements of the American workers.
The first Labor Day celebration took place in New York City in 1882. As years went by, the Labor Day holiday took shape across the growing United states. It was a day to recognize the labor movement in our country with celebrations, parties, festivities and parades.
If you have the day off and hope fully a LONG weekend, go out and enjoy it and the fruits of your labor all year long.
We know that there are many who will be on duty over the holiday weekend and on Labor Day itself. Our Country’s Military will be on post wherever that are stationed, protecting us. Our FIRST RESPONDERS, Fire, Police, EMS, 911 and Hospital staff’s don’t get the day off. Thank you for manning your post! Take the time off as you have earned it and put your tools down and go jump in that cool ride of yours or get in with a friend in theirs, and go have a whole lot of gearhead fun on the holiday weekend. The grass, yardwork or whatever is waiting to be done, will be there on
Tuesday. Use the day and weekend for what it is for… CELEBRATING what you do all year long for work and a paycheck.
From me to all of you who punch a time clock for a living...thank you for what you do...Happy Labor Day.
“Drive ’Em Don’t Hide ’Em”
Jimmy B.
“the fun starts here”….