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N’East-East Coast Shows

SEPT 2022:
SEPT 11: SAN JOSE, CA: GOOMBAHS CAR CLUB 14TH ANNUAL CLASSIC CAR SHOW AND FOOD DRIVE: Canned or Boxed Food or Cash Appreciated. Time 9am-4pm. /Location Lincoln Ave in Willow Glen. (Second Harvest)
SEPT 2022:

SEPT 1-4: MAHWAH NJ: DEAD MAN’S CURVE WILD HOT ROD WEEKEND 11: The Biggest Old car EVENT in the east. Over 2500 old cars 1972 and older. Funny cars, Dragsters, Bands, TV cars, and celebrities. Fun for the whole family. Food trucks and much more. Event being held at the Sheraton Mahwah at 1 International Blvd. For more info go to www.deadmanscurveusa.com or https://www.facebook.com/events/451949793425034 SEPT 1-4: MAHWAH NJ: THUNDER ALLEY – FUNNY CAR FRENZY: Hear the thunder, feel the power! Over 20 Fuel burning funny cars, altered and dragsters on display and CACKLING all weekend long. Event is part of the 11th Dead Mans Curve event being held at the Sheraton Mahawah located at 1 International Blvd. For more info go to www.deadmanscurveusa.com SEPT 1-4: MAHWAH NJ: DEUCES WILD AT DEAN MANS CURVE 11: Celebrating 90 years of the DEUCE! Special parking area for the “32’s. Event is part of the 11th Dead Mans Curve. Event being held at the Sheraton Mahawah located at 1 International Blvd. For more info go to www.deadmanscurveusa.com SEPT 1-4: WAYNE NJ: 40th ANNIVERSARY LEAD EAST-WORLD’S BEST OLDIES FESTIVAL: Help us celebrate Our 40th Anniversary. For Additonal Information go to www.leadeast.net or 908-876-9100
SEPT 4: MAHWAH NJ: 6TH ANNUAL FOOD TRUCK FESTIVAL AT DEAD MANS CURVE WILD WEEKEND: Event runs from 9am – 5pm. Event being held at the Sheraton Mahawah located at 1 International Blvd. For more info go to www.deadmanscurveusa.com
SEPT 4: MAHWAH NJ: AIR COOLED NATIONALS 2022 AT DEAD MANS CURVE WILD WEEKEND:: Bugs, buses, buggies, ghia’s & Corvairs all welcome. Event being held at the Sheraton Mahawah located at 1 International Blvd. For more info go to www.deadmanscurveusa.com

SEPT 2022:
SEPT 6: ARENDUL ME: BENTLEY’S SALOON, CRUSIN’ NIGHT: Door Prizes & Cash Raffles, Fun for the Entire Family. All Vehicles Welcome. Time 5pm. to Dusk. 1601 Portland Road, Arundel. www.bentleyssaloon.com
SEPT 10: SPRINGTOWN PA: GASKET GOONS HOT ROD BASH & CAR & BICYCLE SHOW: Screamin’ Rebel Angels Playing at the Bash. Bands & More. Location Rt 212. Note FOR GPS use Hellertown PA
SEPT 11: CLARKSBURG WV: THE CENTRAL WV CORVETTE CLUB CORVETTE SHOW: Dash Plaques, T-Shirts, 50/50 Drawings, Chinese Auction, Door Prizes. Registration $10. Time 10am-3pm. Location 1858 E. Pike Street. No Judging