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Swap Meets
OCT 13–15: CHICKASHA OK: CHICKSHA LARGEST SWAP MEET IN OKLAHOMA: Parts, classics, antiques, street rods, Muscle, Special Interest. Spaces 10x30 Outside/ Inside 12x12 $50. Auto Related Only/ Night Guard / Location 712 East Choctaw Ave. Additional Information www.chickashaautoswapmeet.com
OCT 15: MOBILE AL: ANYTHING AUTO SHRINERS SWAP 2022: New, Used, Vintage, Car & Truck Parts, Accessories, Signs, Gas Pumps and More. Free Parking, Onsite Concessions. Donation’s Accepted. Location Abba Shrine Center, 7701 Hitt Road. Additional (Information Vendor Spaces $25. 251-605-1635) or 251-633-5561
OCT 16: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every MonthTime 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com OCT 16: HESPERIA CA: HIGH DESERT AUTO & BIKE SWAP MEET: Buy, Sell, Trade & ExhibitCars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Parts, Collectibles, Tools, Food & More! $25 for 10x10 Space. Free to spectators. Location: Inglis Classics Auto Restoration 17229 Lemon St, Suite A-2. Times 8am-2pm. Additional Information inglisclassics@yahoo.com OCT 16: ST CHARLES MO: SWAP MEET & CAR CORRAL: Event being held at PUR Performance located at 3725 Harry S Truman Blvd. $10 for 2 parking spots. $10 for car corral. No reservations needed. Free to spectators & cruisers. Car, truck, motorcycle & bicycle parts. Mini bikes, go carts, tools, toy pedal cars, trains & resto items. Email for more info to Purswapmeet@yahoo.com
OCT 16: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or www.pomonaswapmeet.com
OCT 22: HAZEL GREEN AL: AIRKOOLED KUSTOMS LOW DOWN IN DUB TOWN CHARITY VW CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: All Proceeds got to St. Jude’s – Starts at 10am/ Location 458 Guy Wilson Rd. Additional information www.airkooledkustoms.com
OCT 22: CARTHAGE TN: RATZ N RODZ ON THE RIVER-2: Classes for all Rat Rodz and Hot Rodz. Trunk or treat, Swap Meet ($50 FOR 10X10 SPACE), Halloween Costume Contest. Spectator’s Gates open 10am-4pm Admission $10. Show Entry $25. Location 159 AG Center Lane. Additional Information 615-364-1828
OCT 22: PORT ST. LUCIE FL: 1ST ANNUAL HOT RODS FOR HENRY CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Pre-1972 Only (Special Parking for All 1932 Fords). Times 10am-4pm. Location 31 Piazza Drive. Additional Information or to pre-register https://hotrodsforhenry.com or Melissa 772-332-4585
OCT 22: LAWRENCEBURG TN: 44TH ANNUAL CAR & TRUCK SHOW & FLEA MARKET: Special Trophies in Multiple Categories, Good & Drinks Available, 50/50, Awards Presentation. Registration 9am.-1pm. Cost $20. /$15. For Each Additional Vehicle. Location 977 North Military Ave. Additional Information www.lawrencebountyclassicscarclub.com or Vern 931242-2491 or Chris 931-279-1415
OCT 23: MANTECA CA: MANTECA CAR SHOW AND SWAP MEET: Spectators $7 Each, Children Under 12 Free, Car Show Entry Fee & Vehicles for Sale $25, Multiple Categories and Prizes. Time 6am-3pm Location Orchard Valley Promenade Center. Additional Information 209-948-5307 or sjvautoswapmeets@yahoo.com
OCT 29: DALTON GA: SOUTHEAST RACERS REUNION, RACE CAR & HOTROD SHOW-PLUS SWAP MEET: Classic Cars & Bikes, Race and Show Cars Free, $5. Per Person Entry Fee. Swap Spaces $25. Gates Open at 9am, Awards at 2pm. Location 1476 Miller Road.
OCT 28-29: ARLINGTON TX: Southwest Swap Meet 2022: Classic & Antique Automobile Swap Meet. Hundreds of classic cars & trucks for sale. Thousands of new and used parts for sale by over 100 different vendors from across the Country. Great food and lots of fun for the entire family. Plenty of hotels, restaurants, and attractions within walking distance. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1099494180887574/ NOV 5: CANTON OH: The Pace Performance Dave & Ed's Super Swap Meets: Presented By Summit Racing RETURNS To The Stark County Fairgrounds, With Canton’s Rock Station… Rock 106.9. Automotive Flea Market Featuring New and Used Car Parts, Shop Equipment, Vintage Signs, Tires, Apparel, Collectibles and So Much More....Vendor Spaces Are On Sale. Reserve Yours Today By Calling (330) 477-8506 or Email Your Request: info@superautoevents.com.
NOV 5: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: The next NE GA Swap Meet will be at Lanier Raceplex located at 5301 Winder Hwy. Winter Hours: Priority Vendor Set-up 78AM; $30 for all the space you want. Vendor General Admission: 8am; $20 for all the space you want. Spectator Entry: 8am, $6. Show wraps up about 12-1pm. For more information on our show schedule, Priority Vendor Set-up, the Spring and Fall 3-Day swap meets etc. , send your email address to me here, or text it to (706) 424-5035 NOV 6: TURLOCK CA: 25TH ANNUAL AUTUMN TURLOCK SWAP MEET: Event takes place at Stanislaus County Fairgrounds at 900 N Broadway. Public gates open at 6am. Vendor set up at 3pm Saturday. For info or to get swap spot call 209-579-4797 or go to https:// norcalcarculture.com/events/summer-turlock-swap-meet-2/ NOV 11-12: OCALA FL: 35th Annual Sunshine State Mopar Show & Swap Meet: “The Original” Sunshine State Mopar Car Show & Swap Meet. Event being held at the Florida Horse Park located at 11851 SW 16th Ave. For more info go to www.floridamoparassociation.com or https://www.facebook.com/events/942698706442288/ NOV 13: SACRAMENTO CA: NORCAL CYCLE & CAR SWAP SHOW & SHINE CORRAL: Buy, sell, trade. New, used and one-of-a-kind. Vintage, custom, one-off and antique. British, Japanese, European and American Big Twin. Dirt, drags, track and street. You name it—you’ll probably find it at the NorCal Cycle Swap. Event being held at West Wind Sacramento 6 Drive-in 9616 Oates Drive. Spectator Gate Opens @ 8:00 a.m. $10 entry for spectators. VENDORS: Gates open 7:00 a.m. Save money by registering online. All vendors, whether registered online or paying cash day of event will be granted access on first come first serve basis. Click here to reserve your spot! https://thecycleswap.us17.list-manage.com/ track/ GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS: No animals. No exceptions. No guns or firearms with or without concealed carry permits. NorCal Cycle Swap and West Wind Sacramento 6 Drive-In management, employees and volunteers reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone.
NOV 13: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and highperformance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Roding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to www.longbeachhiposwapmeet.com or call 800-762-9785 NOV 20: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every MonthTime 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844532-3366 o
NOV 20: HESPERIA CA: HIGH DESERT AUTO & BIKE SWAP MEET: Buy, Sell, Trade & ExhibitCars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Parts, Collectibles, Tools, Food & More! $25 for 10x10 Space. Free to spectators. Location: Inglis Classics Auto Restoration 17229 Lemon St, Suite A-2. Times 8am-2pm. Additional Information inglisclassics@yahoo.com NOV 20: ST CHARLES MO: SWAP MEET & CAR CORRAL: Event being held at PUR Performance located at 3725 Harry S Truman Blvd. $10 for 2 parking spots. $10 for car corral. No reservations needed. Free to spectators & cruisers. Car, truck, motorcycle & bicycle parts. Mini bikes, go carts, tools, toy pedal cars, trains & resto items. Email for more info to Purswapmeet@yahoo.com DEC 3: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: The next NE GA Swap Meet will be at Lanier Raceplex located at 5301 Winder Hwy. Winter Hours: Priority Vendor Set-up 78AM; $30 for all the space you want. Vendor General Admission: 8am; $20 for all the space you want. Spectator Entry: 8am, $6. Show wraps up about 12-1pm. For more information on our show schedule, Priority Vendor Set-up, the Spring and Fall 3-Day swap meets etc. , send your email address to me here, or text it to (706) 424-5035

DEC 4: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or www.pomonaswapmeet.com
DEC 11: SACRAMENTO CA: NORCAL CYCLE & CAR SWAP SHOW & SHINE CORRAL: Buy, sell, trade. New, used and one-of-a-kind. Vintage, custom, one-off and antique. British, Japanese, European and American Big Twin. Dirt, drags, track and street. You name it—you’ll probably find it at the NorCal Cycle Swap. Event being held at West Wind Sacramento 6 Drive-in 9616 Oates Drive. Spectator Gate Opens @ 8:00 a.m. $10 entry for spectators. VENDORS: Gates open 7:00 a.m. Save money by registering online. All vendors, whether registered online or paying cash day of event will be granted access on first come first serve basis. Click here to reserve your spot! https://thecycleswap.us17.list-manage.com/ track/ GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS: No animals. No exceptions. No guns or firearms with or without concealed carry permits. NorCal Cycle Swap and West Wind Sacramento 6 Drive-In management, employees and volunteers reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone.
DEC 11: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and highperformance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Roding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to www.longbeachhiposwapmeet.com or call 800-762-9785 DEC 20: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every MonthTime 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com