2 minute read
The Fun Starts Here
Ya Gotta know where to Go...The FUN Starts Here “Log some miles on it…”
Driving your cool ride...reality or fiction…
Here at the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE we have a motto that we share and live by. It’s simple and to the point….”DRIVE ’EM DON’T HIDE’EM!”
I bring this up as a local cruise in is having to move locations. It out grew the current location, so that’s a good thing.
The cruise made an announcement about the move, and where the new location would be at. Everybody so far agrees on social media that the new location will be great and they can expand the cruise to include some other activities during the cruise. All good.
The new location is about a 20 minute drive further east, may be a little more depending on how you drive. Again most would be on the interstate if you want or take the 2 lane for more fun.
WELL HOLY COW you would think the new location was two states away with some of the reaction in early responses. Folks who have attended the cruise nearly every Saturday morning are now saying the drive is too far!!! TOO FAR...WOW! Time will tell if they really stay away or not.
I believe and feel that the real joy of your specialty ride is the drive. YES building and modifying it gives a sense of satisfaction but when that’s done, getting in the seat, turning the key on, listening to the exhaust rumble and taking off in it is what this is all about...RIGHT?
If you don’t drive your car, why do you have it. I get it, you cant drive it all the time or everyday, but yet you still have it to drive and enjoy...RIGHT? Unless you are running a museum out of your two car garage, what the point of having a cool ride? Even museums DRIVE the cars they have. The NETHERCUTT Museum in Los Angeles DRIVE EVERY CAR at least once a year. Now they have quite a collection (I have been there and HIGHLY recommend it,), but the curator DRIVES each car at least once a year. These are Multimillion dollar cars in some cases.
Come on gearheads, take that cool ride of yours for a drive and more than just around the block. Log some miles on it...