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Cruise-In’s in the USA
THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : Franklin KY: Gathering on the Square: Cruise is held every Thursday evening. Cruise takes place on the Square in Franklin. Cruise runs from 6pm til everyone leaves. Runs thru October. All makes and models are welcome, if it has wheels bring it. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/GatheringontheSquareFranklinKentucky Gallatin TN: Antique & Classic Cars of Gallatin Cruise-IN: The cruise will be moving to the Gallatin Civic Center parking lot located at 210 Albert Gallatin Ave. Starts April 28th thru October. The new site has over 300 parking spaces and there will be food available. Times: 4:00pm - 8:00pm. Oldies music, Door Prizes, Ride of the Week trophy, concessions available. For more information, call Jim Hall 615-969-2738 FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : CLARKSVILLE TN: FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN: Friday night cruise in! We’ll meet up at 1609 Fort Campbell Blvd at 8pm. Please be respectable and clean up your trash. The address will take you to Dirt Cheap. We will be using the Lot between Popeyes and McDonald’s. Absolutely no burnouts, you’ll be banned from any future event without question. I know some of you question the interest in these events. Not many people mark interested since we’ve been doing this for 10 months, we just post these for new folks so come on out, hundreds of cars show up weekly! Every Friday night weather permitting! 8pm to 10pm. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/clarksvillecarclub Hendersonville TN: Hendersonville Cruise-In: Cruise is held every Friday Night. Starts April 29th thru October 28th. Times: 6:00pm - 9:00pm located at 393 E. Main St at GO STORE IT (old Sears Outlet). Exit 7 off Vietnam Veterans Pkwy, Indian Lake Blvd, left on Main Street. Family Fun, Door prizes & 50/50, Kids Segment @7pm, Ride of the Week and Great oldies music. For more info or updates go to https://www.facebook.com/HendersonvilleCruiseIn MARYVILLE TN: FOOT HILLS CRUISE-IN: Come on out and enjoy the Friday Night Cruise in at the Foothills Mall/JC. Penny 5:00pm.until whenever. Runs thru the last Friday in October. Weather Permitting. Open to ALL/ If you can Drive it you can bring it. (Cruise in to the Past). For more info and weekly updates go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/759316261257014/ DANDRIDGE TN: ARBYS CRUISE-IN: Cruise takes place every Friday Night. Cruise held at Arbys located at Hwy 92,exit 417 on I-40. Cruise runs Thru Nov. Watertown TN: Watertown Cruise-In: Cruise is held every Friday Night. Cruise is held in the parking lot next to Depot Junction Cafe. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Open to all vehicles. Great food and milkshakes right next door. TULLAHOMA TN: TULLAHOMA HOT SUMMER NIGHTS: Cruise is held every Friday Night. Cruise runs from 6-9pm weather permitting. Cruise is held at North Jackson Nutrition located at 800 N Jackson St. Raffles, giveaways, local vendors and more. SMYRNA TN: Mid Tenn American Muscle Cruise-In: Cruise is held at 221 South Lowry. Times: 5:00pm til ???? 1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : Springfield TN: 1st Friday Night Market Cruise: Cruise held on the first Friday night of the month. Starts May 6th thru October 7th on the historic downtown Springfield Square. Enjoy live music, food trucks, kids zone, classic car cruise-in, farmers market, shopping with local artisans. This is a FREE event and family / pet friendly. Times: 6:00pm - 9:00pm.

1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : ASHLAND CITY TN: 2022 Cheatham County Cruise-In: Cruise is held at Sycamore Square, 322 Frey St. "Keeping it simple". Car Friends enjoying Friendship. Cruise Times: 5:00pm 9:00pm. Dates: Starts April 2nd thru October. For more info, Call Sandra @ 615-9578834. EVERY SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: FRANKLIN TN: NASHVILLE CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at the CARMIKE THOROUGHBRED 20 Theatre Complex located at 633 Frazier Drive. NCC is a free to attend Shine and Show event. If you are a vendor, car club or if you have any questions, please send us a message. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ nashvillecarsncoffee/ LAST SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S La VERGENE TN: GATEWAY CLASSIC CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise Location is 320 Tech Park Drive, Ste 600. Bring your classic car and the family! Come out and enjoy our FREE community car cruise at our showroom. We will be serving coffee and snacks as well as new posters and other giveaways. All makes and models are welcome and we have plenty of parking for everyone! Come join and celebrate our local classic car community on the last Saturday of every month. Starts at 9am! For more info, visit us at https:// www.gatewayclassiccars.com/fluid-caffeine-and-chrome Need more info? Call: 615-2131800 or go to https://www.facebook.com/events/473063463739838/
La VERGENE TN: STREETSIDE CLASSIC CARS & COFFEE CRUISE IN: Held the last Saturday of the month (rain or shine) from 9am-12pm. Open to all makes and models. Being held at the Streetside showroom at 6000 Reliance Drive LaVergene TN. Drive your classic car out and check out the showroom too. SODDY DAISY TN: SODDY DAISY CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the last Saturday night of the month from April – Nov. Cruise runs from 8-11am. Cruise is held at the New Salem Baptist Church located at 9806 Dallas Hollow Rd. For more info call 423-316-6435 DAWSON SPRINGS KY: DAWSON SPRINGS CARS & COFFEE: Cruise is held on the last Saturday morning of each month. Cruise runs thru Oct. Cruise is held on the Square in Dawson Springs and runs from 8-11am. Giveaways, music, open to all makes and models, free coffee and donuts. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ groups/310916503691716 1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : DOUBLE SPRINGS AL: Cruise-In Double Springs, AL: Cruise-In on the 1st Saturday of each month. Cruise runs from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM year round. Cruise is located at First United Methodist Church Double Springs. *Rain or Shine* For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/groups/1275512662653723/
DALTON GA: Hot Mugs & Cool Bugs: Volkswagen Cruise-In: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday morning of each month weather permitting. Join us at Gypsy Soul & Co. located at 2962 Cleveland Rd, from 8am to 11am for Hot Mugs & Cool Bugs: Volkswagen Cruise-In! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/758239608064730/? event_time_id=758239608064730

1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : BYRDSTOWN TN: Byrdstown Cars & Coffee: Event is a casual car show held on the 1st Saturday morning of each month from 8:00am- 12:00noon January-December (Rain or Shine) . Whether it's a sports car, super car, collector, or just a unique car or truck, all are welcome. The location is @Byrdstown Town Plaza located across from Town Hall at 109 West Main Street. Doesn't matter when you come or go, just come ready to have a good time looking at and discussing cars over a cup of coffee. Please be safe, no burnouts, loud revving, aggressive driving etc... We are appreciative to have such a great place to have this event and want to keep it. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/327309068478654/
DALTON GA: PHAROHS COFFEE & CHROME CRUISE-IN: Held on the 1st Saturday morning of every month weather permitting. Cruise held at Hardees located at Northside Shopping Center 1301 North Glenwood Ave. Cruise runs from 8-11am. For more info call 423-5800833 ONEONTA AL: All American Cruisers 1st Saturday Cruise In: The All American Cruisers will be hosting a cruise in on the 1st Saturday of every month from April - October from 3:008:00pm. At O’Reilly Auto Parts in Oneonta AL. There will be music, prizes, 50/50 drawing, and food trucks. We look forward to seeing everyone. CAVE CITY KY: Cave City Cars and Coffee: Cruise is held on the first Saturday morning of each month from April 2nd thru October. Cruise runs from 8:00am - 11:00am and is held on Broadway Street in the Historic Ace District. Variety of vendors and live music while coffee is served by Black Magic Coffee, Breakfast by Landers Pot's Bottom. Be sure to bring out the whole family to this FREE to attend event and stay tuned for constant updates and announcements. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/cavecitycarsandcoffee/
Hopkinsville KY: CARS n COFFEE: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday morning. Cruise is held at at Dunkin Donuts / Baskins Robbins, 2525 Fort Campbell Blvd. Times: 9:00 am 11:00am. FREE Family Event!! Hosted by the Stampede Mustang Club. All vehicles welcome!! Dates: Starts April 2nd thru November 5th (weather permitting) 1st SATURDAY AFTERNOON CRUISE IN’S : Cadiz KY: Burgers and Hot Rods Cruise-In: Cruise takes place on the 1st Saturday Afternoon of the month. Cruise will be held at 31 Jefferson St. Times: Noon - 3:00pm. Free Family Event. Dates: May 7th / June 4th / August 6th / September 3rd. SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : Lebanon TN: "Time to Cruise“: The Good Wheel Cruisers invite you to join them every Saturday night from 4:00pm - 9:00pm, at the Snow White Drive-In, 1714 West Main St. Cruise starts April 16 and runs thru October. 50/50 Drawing. Trophy for Car of the Week. Food, Shopping, Music & Family Fun. Join us for fun, fellowship and a good time with cool cars on Saturday Nights. For more info, visit https://www.facebook.com/ groups/552023871629171

SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : FT LAUDERDALE FL: VINTAGE CAR & TRUCK CRUISE-IN: Beachside Cruise In held every Saturday Night at Boardroom Bar located at 1343 NE 32nd St. Runs 5pm – until?? Great food and fun. MORRISTOWN TN: MORRIISTOWN WEEKLY CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held every Saturday night from April thru Oct. Cruise runs from 5-8pm. Cruise is located on W Morris Blvd between Burger King and Healthstar Physicians at 300 W Morris Blvd. Refreshments, music and a good time fro all. BLAINE TN: RIDGE RUNNERS CAR CLUB CRUISE IN: Cruise is held every Saturday night from April thru Oct. Cruise is held at the FOOD CITY in Blaine. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/Grainger-County-Ridgerunners-Car-Club-100531364794376
Lebanon TN: LOUD N OBNOXIUS Cruise-In: Cruise is held every Saturday night at the Lebanon Outlet Mall, 1 Outlet Village Blvd. Times: 5:00pm - 8:00pm (weather permitting) Car of the Week Trophies, 50/50 and Door Prizes. Hosted by Loud N Obnoxious Cruzers.
Portland TN: Cruise-In on Main Street: Cruse is held every Saturday night in downtown (125 Main St.) Portland. Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm. Bring your classic cars, trucks, motorcycles and show them off on Main Street under the lights. 1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : CLARKSVILLE TN: Memory Lane Cruisers Cruise Night: Cruise will be held this year at the Hampton Plaza parking lot located at 2884 Wilma Rudolph Blvd next to Red Lobster & Cook -Out. Runs thru September 3rd. Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm. Music, 50/50 drawing, Pick of the Month plaque sponsored by O'Reilly Auto Parts - Wilma Rudolph store, Food Truck by Sassy, and other food choices nearby within walking distance: Cook-Out / Red Lobster / Culvers / Drakes / Buffalo Wild Wings and lots of shopping for anyone interested. For more info, contact Jim 615-517-1423 or Elmer 931-627-2446 BILOXI MS: EDGEWATER MALL CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise is held the 1st Saturday night of the month from 6-9pm. Cruise is held at the Edgewater mall locates on Hwy 90. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Custom cars, trucks, classics, hot rods, retro rods, motorcycles allowed in the Cruise-In Parking area only. Everyone is welcome to come join us. DICKSON TN: FROSTY JUG CRUISE IN: Cruise takes place on the 1st Saturday Night of the month. Starts on March 5th. Cruise is Held at STUFFYS FROSTY JUG Restaurant located at 112 Academy St. Start at 330pm and runs until about 7pm. For more info call( 615) 4460030 or go to https://www.facebook.com/StuffysFrostyJug/
GAINSBORO TN: GAINSBORO CRUISE IN: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday night thru Oct. Cruise hosted by The Rodfathers. Cruise is held on the square and starts at 4pm. Open to all vehicles. 50/50 raffle, drawings, music, food, rest rooms, and custom monthly trophy. ONEONTA AL: All American Cruisers 1st Saturday Cruise In: The All American Cruisers will be hosting a cruise in on the 1st Saturday of every month thru October from 3:00-8:00pm. Cruise is at O’Reilly Auto Parts in Oneonta. There will be music, prizes, 50/50 drawing, and food trucks. We look forward to seeing everyone. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/1612060845804681

1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : ATHENS AL: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday night each month thru Oct. Cruise starts at 6pm. Cruise is located at 200 W Washington St. Shine ‘em up & bring ‘em out for a good time on The Square in Historical Downtown Athens. We ask that you leave parking on the north side of the square for patrons of the restaurants. All cars, trucks, and bikes are welcome. If you think it’s cool, we want to see it! No judging, no trophies, just an evening of hangin’ out, checkin’ out nice rides and making new friends. Several of the merchants on the Square stay open for this event, so be sure to stop in and see what they have to offer. Let’s support those that support us. There are multiple restaurants nearby, so bring a few buddies and enjoy some great food together. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1958502544352717/
GAINSBORO TN: GAINSBORO CRUISE IN: Cruise is held the 1st Saturday night of each month thru Oct. Cruise is held on the square in Gainsboro; Cruise starts at 4pm. Open to all vehicles. 50/50, music, food, rest rooms and custom monthly trophy. For more info call Charlie at 931-310-1784 Owensboro KY: SUNSET CRUISERS 2022 Downtown Cruise-In: Located on 3rd Street & Allen Street. Runs thru October 1st. Times: April and October 3pm - 7pm, May thru September 4pm - 8pm. Open to all makes and models. Each month has a different theme. TIFTON GA: SOUTHERN GEARHEADS CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday night of the month. Cruise is held at Harbor Freight Parking lot located at 144 Virginia Ave. Cruise runs from 5:30-9:30pm. CADIZ KY: Cadiz Cruz-In: Cruise is held downtown on Main Street. Runs thru September 3rd. Times: 5:00pm - 7:00pm. FREE Family Fun. Trophies & Door Prizes given away at 7:00pm. Dash plaques for the 1st 50 Entrants. DATES: April 2nd - May 7th - June 4th - July 2nd - August 6th - September 3rd. For more info, contact Barbara Jones 270-350-0216. HARTSVILLE SC: HARTSVILLE CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday night of the month. Cruise starts at 4pm. Cruise is held in the WALMART Parking Lot near McDonalds. Everyone Welcome. For more info call 843-307-5607 MURFREESBORO TN: “CRUISIN’ THE ‘BORO”: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday night of the month on May 7, June 4 and July2. Cruise is held at River Rock Church located at 2248 Hwy 99. Cruise time is 4-8pm. Music, door prizes(with $1.00 donation) and games for the kids. Concessions available. For any questions call 615-405-5271 MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S: White House TN: WHITE HOUSE CRUISE-IN: New Location!!!!! Cruise-in at American Legion Post, 3321 US-31W. Every Monday night through October 31st. Come out and join us for good food and fellowship, we will start at 5:00pm to 8:30pm. Weather permitting! The American Legion has paved parking, along with a grassy area for overflow parking, plus a large pavilion with picnic tables and space for lawn chairs. The American Legion will provide food from the kitchen on the 3rd Monday each month and food trucks are planned for the other nights. For more information, Contact Wayne Malugin at 615-566-7343 or email robertmalugin@gmail.com or Bob Boone, Cell 601-954-3604

MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S: OOLTEWAH TN: OOLTEWAH CRUISE IN & BIKE NIGHT: Cruise takes place every Monday night from Jan – Dec. Cruise times are 4pm - ?? Cruise is held at Cambridge Square located at 9435 Bradmore Ln. Everyone is welcome to join. TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S: Nolensville TN: Cruise-In at Marco's Pizza: . Cruise is held every Tuesday night. Located at 7180 Nolensville Road. Starts April 5th. All makes and model vehicles welcome! Times: 5:45pm - 8:15pm. For more information, contact David 615-925-2276. Bethpage TN: RIDGE RUNNERZ Cruise-IN: Hosted by Ridge Runnerz Car Club of Westmoreland and Oak Grove General Store. Starts April 5th thru October 31st - Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm. To be held at 2708 Hwy 52 W (corner of Hwy 52 & Hwy 174 / Dobbins Pike). Come join us for Fun & Fellowship, Door Prizes, 50/50 drawing, Ride of the Week Award. For more info, Text Bill Miller 615-308-1491. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S: SPRINGFIELD TN: Classic Tin Cruise In: Located at 2008 Memorial Blvd, next to Waffle House. Cruise is held every Wednesday nights from 5pm - 9pm. Runs thru October 26th . For more info call Shelby Horner (615) 336-2257 1st WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S: HUNTSVILLE AL: First Wednesday Car Meet: The goal of this meet is to provide a fun family friendly environment. ALL CARS ARE WELCOME!!!! Cruise is held on the 1st Wednesday night of each month. Cruise is held at The Village at Providence located at 7 Town Center Drive NW, Ste #102. We will be parking on the grass (we will park large trucks and SUV's in the lot behind the stage to help maximize parking). Please use the entrance near Mellow Mushroom unless we direct you to use a different entrance. Once the front lawn is full we encourage you to find any available space to park aside from the reserved spaces for the hotel parking lots. This year we plan to highlight a different group of iconic cars each month so this will just be a preview of what is to come. Check our FACEBOOK page for more info. Please don't leave trash, no burnouts, no speeding, no excessive revving, no loud music, or anything else that would disturb residents in the area. We are very fortunate to have such a great venue so let’s keep it and make this year bigger and better than ever!!!!! Thanks again for everyone's continued support. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/287223170022064/ EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S COLLIERVILLE TN: Collierville Cruise Night: Memphis Street Rods is excited to partner again with Collierville Classic Cars to host another terrific season of cruise nights in the historic Collierville Town Square. Cruise is held EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY night. Next one is May11th. Whether you have a set of wheels you want to show off or just looking for a fun night out, come down and enjoy an evening with friends and family to check out some of the best rides the Mid-South has to offer. Cruise nights will be held every other Wednesday, so help spread the word! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/639105783829345/639105813829342/?event_time_id=639105813829342

1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : MT VERNON IL: 13th ANNUAL CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise is held on the 1st Friday night from May thru Oct. Cruise is held at the MT Vernon Elks Lodge located at 1107 Jordan. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. For more info call 618-244-7711 LAST SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : O’FALLON IL: Caffeine and Chrome Cruise In: Bring your classic car and the family! Come out and enjoy our FREE community car cruise at our showroom. We will be serving coffee and snacks as well as new posters and other giveaways. All makes and models are welcome and we have plenty of parking for everyone! Come join and celebrate our local classic car community on the last Saturday of every month. Starts at 9am and is held at the Gateway Classic Cars facility located at 1237 Central Park Dr.For more info, visit us at https:// www.gatewayclassiccars.com/fluid-caffeine-and-chrome or https://www.facebook.com/ events/221236812928254/. Are you a vendor? Contact us to find out how to be a part of this amazing event 1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : MIDDLETOWN OH: HORSEPOWER FARM CARS & COFFEE CRUISE IN: Held the 1st Saturday of every month all year long Rain or Shine. So even on those cold winter or rainy days just come on out and hang out in the Garage. Start time is 8AM till Noon all proceeds benefit the Blue Skies Warrior Fund. Thanks for all your support we have already donated over $20,000 in 2016. Cruise located at the Horsepower Farm at 2227 Trinity Drive. For more info call 937-477-0450 1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : MURPHYSBORO IL: MURPHYSBORO CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday night. Cruise thru September. Cruise hours are from 4:00PM to 8:00PM. Parking begins at Courthouse and goes West to 13th St. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ MurphysboroCruiseNight 1st SUNDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S: EVANSVILLE IN: ROAD KNIGHTS CRUISE-IN: Cruise is held on the 1st Sunday night from April thru Oct. Cruise runs from 4-7pm. Cruise is held at the Arbys at 6100 E Lloyd Expressway. Custom trophies, dash plaques, free prize drawings, 50/50 half pot, kids activities, monthly raffles and music! For more info call 812-202-0900 or go to www.evansvilleroadkinights.com MONDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISE-IN: Every Monday Night from 5-9 at the Wendy’s on Rt 47. Cruise-In, free small frosty or drink. Dash plaques while they last. Car Cruises, outdoor movies, concerts on the first Monday June –October. We meet all year on every Monday. Call Ken at 815-942-2032, or just show up. FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: CHANDLER AZ: HAPPY HOUR CAR SHOW & LIVE MUSIC: Cruise held every Friday Night. Cruise is held at the Patio at the Forum located at 2301 S Stearman Drive. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Free wood fired pizza from 5-6

FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: PASADENA TX: FREDDYS STEAKBURGERS FRIDAY NIGHT CAR, TRUCK & BIKE MEET: Cruise happens every Friday night from 6-10pm. Takes place at the Freddy's location at 4637East Sam Houston Pkwy. Open to all makes & models. Kid & pet friendly. No burnouts and no revving. 1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: 1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers (Northside). Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 6-9pm on 1st Friday of the month. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/Northsidecruisein/ 1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE-IN’S: CAPE GIRARDEAU MO: RIVER CITY RODDERS CARS & COFFEE: Cruise is held the 1st Saturday morning of the month from Mar thru Oct. Cruise runs from 8-10am and is held at KRISPY KREME located at 2130 Williams St. For more info check rcr cars and coffee on FB. LAST SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: ORO VALLEY AZ: LAST NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT: Brought to you by Freddys Frozen Custard & Steakburgers (Northside). Cruise takes place at 11143 N Oracle Rd. Cruise runs from 69pm on the Last Saturday of the month. Open to cars & bikes from all era’s. All makes and models from car clubs or lone wolf’s. Simple Rules. No burnouts, no loud music, be respectful of others and the property and parking lot must be left clean. Hosted by the Obsessions Car Club. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/Northsidecruisein 1st SUNDAY MORNING OF THE MONTH: HOUSTON TX: BRUNCH, COFFEE, CARS & PEOPLE SUNDAY CAR MEET: Cruise runs on the 1st Sunday of the month. Cruise is held at 10555 Pearland Pkwy at Penas Donuts & Diner. Cruise runs from 8-1aam. Open to all vehicles. See you there! LAS VEGAS NV: SHOW OFF SUNDAY CAR MEET: Cruise is held on the 1st Sunday morning of the month. Cruise is held at TEAM Chevrolet at i95& Ann Rd at 5501 Drexel Rd. Cruise time is 8-11am. All makes and models welcome.
THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN: TORRANCE CA: THURSDAY CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise takes place every Thursday night thru Sept. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Cruise is held at 20150 Hawthorne Blvd. For more info check out @gasratz.customs on Instagram FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN LEMON GROVE CA: ROLL WITH THE DIRTY BOMBS OF SAN DIEGO: Cruise happens every Friday night starting at 7pm. Cruise is held at Charley’s Famous Burgers located at 8213 Broadway. Cool cars, good people and great food. BURBANK CA: VALLEY CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise takes place every Friday night. Cruise is being held at the FOSTERS FREEZE located at 201 South Glenoaks Blvd. Cruise runs from 7-9pm.

FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH CRUISE NIGHT: Held every Friday. Meet at Rosie’s at Dog Beach Parking lot. Leave the beach at 8pm. Head to the IN-N-Out in Signal Hill over around 9pm. For more info go to Long Beach Cruise Night on IG . GARDEN GROVE CA: GARDEN GROVE MAIN ST CAR SHOW: Cruise is held every Friday night from 5-8pm. Enter on north side off Acacia Pkwy. Hot Rods, Muscle cars, trucks, trophies, awards, raffles, music, food and vendors. Bring your friends and family for good times. NORTHRIDGE CA: Bob's-Northridge FridayCruz’20: EVERY FRIDAY IN NORTHRIDGE [since 2009!] the local hot rodders and classic car enthusiasts have rolled in to cruise their favorite burger joint. Bring out your hot rod (be it a classic cruiser or modern muscle), unpack your folding chairs and join in while enjoying something from Bob's menu or shopping the local stores! Cruise runs from 4-10pm at Bob’s Big Boy Northridge located at 8876 Corbin Ave. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/165520048066705/ 1st FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN SAN DIMAS CA: CLASSIC CAR CRUISE NIGHT: Cruise takes place on the 1st Friday night of each month. Cruise is held at the Via Verde Plaza located at 1190 Via Verde. Cruse runs from 3-8pm. Open event, no trophies, no registration fees and plenty of parking on-site. Restaurants and businesses will be open. No burnout, no loud engine revving and no loud music. Keep a safe distance an wear a mask. STOCKTON CA: CLASSIC CAR & HOT ROD MEET & GREET: Cruise takes place on the 1st Friday night of the month. Cruise located at 4343 N Ashley Ln. Cruise runs from 5-9pm/ See cool classic cars. East good food. Food and drinks available t Heritage Dining. All are welcome to attend. FRESNO CA: RODS ON THE BLUFF: Cruise is held on the 1st Friday Night of the month. Cruise is held at Park Place Shopping Center in Fresno. on Palm and Nees, 7775-7785 N. Palm Ave. This picturesque venue offers beautiful sunsets, cool breezes on triple digit days, an inviting park, maturing shade trees, first class dining, shopping, and much more. Many participants park their car and never look back until the event is over because there is simply so much to do at the event and options within the venue itself. 500 Plus classics, thousands of spectators, vendors and great restaurants. $10.00 entry fee. 5pm roll in. For more info. Email: info@hotrodcoalition.com or Phone: 559-825-6808 SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE-IN’S: CONCORD CA: CARS, COFFEE & BIKES: Cruise is held every Saturday morning from 10am –1pm. Cruise is held at Perfect Brew & Juice located at 1776 Arnold Industrial Way Ste A. Parking lot event. Masks and Social Distancing in effect. BONITA CA: Bonita Cars & Coffee, The BCC: Bonita Cars & Coffee, The BCC, every Saturday morning, 7 A.M. to 9 A.M., Rain or Shine, Vons Shopping Center, at Bonita Donuts located at 4414 Bonita Road, Bonita. Open to all makes, all models, all years welcomed, please adhere to social distancing and wearing masks for the safety of all. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/707808933213420/

1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE-IN’S: MOUNTAIN VIEW CA: CARS AND COFFEE: Hosted by the GOOMBAH’s Car Club benefitting The Family Giving Tree. Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday morning of each month. Cruise runs from 7-9am. Cruise is held at the KRISPY KREME & COSTCO located at 2146 Leghorn St (Rendstorff & 101). Everyone is welcome. For more info go to www.goombahcarclub.com or INSTAGRAM @goombahs_cc
ORLAND CA: CAR SHOW & BREAKFEST BUFFET: Takes place on the 1st Saturday morning of each month. Located at 7544 Cutting Ave. Cruise runs from 8-11am FAIRFIELD CA: JELLY BELLY CARS AND COFFEE: Cruise takes place on the 1st Saturday morning of each month. Cruise runs from 9am – 12noon. Cruise held at the Jelly Belly factory located at 1 Jelly Belly Lane. ALAMEDA CA: CARS & COFFEE ALAMEDA: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday morning of the month thru Nov. Cruise runs from 8-10am. Cruise is held at the Greer Family Mortuary located at 2694 Blanding Ave. EL SEGUNDO CA: 1ST SATURDAY CRUISE-INS: Event held on the 1st Saturday morning of each month, at the Zimmerman Automotive Driving Museum located at 610 Lairport Rd. Cruise runs from 9am – 12noon. Coffee & pastries, awards. FREE event for spectators, classic cars and collectors. Donations requested. For more info go to www.theadm.org SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN ANAHEIM CA: SUPER STAR SATURDAY CAR SHOW: Cruise is held every Saturday night. Cruise runs from 5-7:30pm. Cruise is held at 1091 N Tustin Ave. Food & Drink specials. 50/50 raffle. Raffles & prizes. Fun for the whole family. Open to cars, trucks, rods, bikes and customs. For more info email racerx3@Hotmail.com LOS GATOS CA: CLASSIC CRUISING: Cruising every Saturday Night starting at 7pm. Cruise is on unless it rains. Cruise is held at Classic Burgers of Los Gatos at 15737 Los Gatos 1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN SIMI CA: COACHMEN Monthly CRUISE-IN: Another season of Coachmen Monthly Cruise-Ins is about to begin! Cruise is held every Saturday night from 6-10pm. Cruise is held in Old Town Simi. Come out and join us for some classic and collector car cruise meets starting Saturday, April 2nd. FREE to the public. No entry fees. Just show up! Enjoy lots of MUSCLE CARS, HOT RODS, CLASSIC TRUCKS, VINTAGE VEHICLES, MODERN MACHINES, COOL VANS, LOWRIDERS, SPORTS CARS and anything else on four wheels turning heads everywhere they gooooo!!! Plus MUSIC, RAFFLE PRIZES and DELICIOUS FOOD all around! For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1580532695643386/
SAN JOSE CA: SAN JOSE CRUISE NIGHTS: Cruise held on the 1st Saturday night thru Aug. Cruise runs from 6-11pm. Cruise is held at 901 E. Santa Clara St.
ORANGE CA: Good Times Block Party: Good Times Block Party hosted by Cambra Speed Shop. Vintage Dragster Cackle, Car Show, Shop Tour, Games, Prizes and BBQ too. Held on the 1st Saturday morning of each month starting in April and running thru Oct. Cruise is held at Cambra Speed Shop at 726 W Angus Ave. Cruise runs from 9am – 1pm. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/3033237220338392/

SUNDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : NORTHRIDGE CA: CLASSIC CARS & COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise takes place every Sunday morning year round. Cruise is held at BOBS BIG BOY located at 8876 Corbin Ave at Nordhoff. Enter off Shirley Ave. Cruise runs from 7-10am. Free Event. Celebrating classics on Sunday mornings NEWPORT BEACH CA: CARS AND BRUNCH: Join us every Sunday at Chihuahua Cerveza Tap room with your classic ride. Every Sunday is a surprise of who will be there. Located at 3107 Newport Blvd, 32nd and Newport / Balboa Blvd. Find us on Instagram: Cars_and_Brunch or go to https://www.facebook.com/Cars-and-Brunch102518288320876 LAST SUNDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : ROHNERT PARK CA: ROHNERT PARK CARS & COFFEE: Cruise is held on the last Sunday morning of each month. Cruise runs from 8-10am. Cruise is held at the Rohnert Park Starbucks at 459 Rohnert Park Expressway West. Located by the Juice Shack, TARGET & Panda Express. RIVERSIDE CA: CAR MEET: Cruise takes place on the last Sunday morning of the month. Cruise is held at The Riverside Airport Café. Cruise starts at 9am. All 1960’s and earlier cars, cycles, scooters and submarines welcomed. MODESTO CA: SUNDAY MORNING HOT RODS: Cruise is held on the last Sunday of every month. Cruise runs from 8am-12noon. Pre-1980 vehicles only. Held at Ridgeways Restaurant located at 2401 E Orangeburg Ave. Family Event. No burnouts, no revving and NO IDIOTS. VENTURA CA: CARS AND COFFEE VENTURA: Cruise is held on the last Sunday morning of the month. Cruise runs from 7-1oam. Cruise is held at 4360 Est Main St. 1st SUNDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S : NOVATO CA: MARIN COUNTY CARS AND COFFEE: Cruise takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month. Cruise is held in the Starbucks Parking lot located at 132 Vintage way. Cruise runs from 7:30-10am. ANTIOCH CA: COFFEE n CLUTCHES: Held on the 1st Sunday morning of each month. Cruise runs from 8-10am. Cruise is held in the Starbucks parking lot at 5779 Lone Tree Way. For more info go to Coffee N Clutches on FACEBOOK or email to coffeenclutches@gmail.com
SACRAMENTO CA: NATOMAS CARS & COFFEE: Cruise takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month. Cruise runs from 8-11am. Open to all makes and models. FREE coffee & donuts. Held at 4700 Natomas Blvd. Like and follow us on FB @ NatomasCarsandCoffee SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA: CLASSIC CAR SHOW: Cruise held on the 1st Sunday of each month. 949-485-9743Event being held at Marbella Plaza located at 31115 Rancho Viejo Rd Cruise starts at 9am. No registration fee. Food, crafts, coffee, sweets, beer, wine garden, tacos and margaritas

SUNDAY AFTERNOON CRUISE IN’S : LOS GATOS CA: RIBS & RODS: Cruise is held every Sunday afternoon starting at 12noon. Cruise is held at The Cats located at 17533 Santa Cruz Hwy. Rib Specials. Bring what you got! Presented by The Cats. TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN: GRANADA HILLS CA: GRANADA HILLS CRUZ-IN: Cruise is held every Tuesday night starting at 6pm. Cruise held at Carl Jr’s at Chatsworth St & Lindley Ave. We appreciate you bringing you vehicle to our cruise night. No burnout or racing. No dumping or littering. Respect the spot! WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISEIN’S: LOS ANGELES CA: COFFEE CRUISE: Cruise is held on Wednesday nights. Cruise runs from 79pm. Cruise is held at 9829 Venice Blvd.
FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : CHESAPEAKE BEACH MD: ROOF TOP CAR CRUIZE NITE: Cruise held every Friday Night. Cruise runs from April thru Oct. Cruise is held at Rod & Reel located at 4165 Mears Ave. Cruise runs from 4-9pm. Cruise open to all. For more info call 866-312-5596 1st SATURDAY MORNING CRUISE IN’S: GLOUCESTER NJ: CARSN’ CAFFINE: Cruise is held on the 1st Saturday morning of the month from Apr 2nd thru June 5th. Cruise is held at Gloucester Outlets mall. For more info go to www.americancollectors.com/carsncaffine