Making a 1-page pocket zine
One page pocket zines are made from a single sheet of A4 paper, folded and cut like this one.
To create your own you need: An A4 or A3 sheet of paper Scissors
Fold your piece of paper in half along the long edge - this is called hamburger style then fold it again in the same direction.
Unfold it, it should be divided into four even columns.
Fold the paper again, but the opposite direction (hotdog style, because it's long and narrow like a hotdog bun). Open it up, it should now be divided into eight even rectangles.
Fold it back in half the same way you did at the very start. You should have an open edge, and a folded edge. Cut from the centre of the folded edge into the centre of the paper.
Open your paper up and fold it hotdog style. Stand it up on it's open edge. Take the two ends of it in your hands, and bring them together. The cut you've made should create a hole that opens up as you push, and then collapses into a star shape.
Flatten this and fold it in half to create your zine. This part can take a bit of practice - head to for a video and audio guide which might help if you're stuck!
Some helpful tips:
You might find it easier to work on your zine unfolded, so number your pages so you don't get muddled.
What's great about this format is how easy it is to reproduce - you can just stick it in a photocopier. But be aware of margins - don't put anything too important at the edges of the page.
Make the most of the space - you've got two sides of A4 to play with, so don't be afraid to continue the zine on the other side, or create a poster for the inside.
easy to repr0duce
easy to distribute
Turn me inside out to find a template for a pocket zine and some prompts to get you started.
where are you right now?
what are you listening to?
what can you see out of your window?
List everything around you:
what do you carry with you?
who would you dedicate this zine to?
You can use this
as an extra page, or for a blurb or description of your zine.
You might want to consider adding some other information to your zine including: 1. your name (or not, if you want this to be an anonymous zine); 2. a way to contact you (or not, if you don't want to be contacted); 3. when you made this zine: the month, the year; 4. where you made this zine; 5. what permissions or freedoms you want to allow people with your zine (for more information on this see page 52 of the Take It Back workbook zine).