Geauga County Maple Leaf 8-29-24

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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Vol. 30 No. 35 • Chardon, Ohio


Kenston Supt. Outlines Plan To Combat Student Racism

In the wake of a Kenston Schools student making threatening, racist remarks on social media last month that spurred deeper conversations about racial culture in the district, Kenston Superintendent Bruce Willingham outlined a plan to address the issues Aug. 20. Willingham, who was hired in April to replace outgoing Superintendent Steve Sayers at the start of the school year, delivered his inaugural report to a room packed to the gills.

See Kenston • Page 6

West Geauga Superintendent to Step Down In 2025

After nearly a decade at the helm of West Geauga Schools, Superintendent Richard Mark wardt officially announced Aug. 19 his decision to resign at the end of his current contract, July 31, 2025.

Budget Commission Slams County Over Closed-Door Cuts

Geauga County Budget Commission members made no secret of their frustrations with the county’s budgeting methods during two recent hearings.

Geauga County Auditor Chuck Walder and Prosecutor Jim Flaiz — who sit on the commission along

rector Adrian Gorton Aug. 19 on cuts made to department budgets without discussing them with department heads during weekly public meetings.

Last year, Gorton and County Administrator Gerry Morgan told the commission plans to improve county offices that remain on Chardon Square were in the “architectural phase,” but Walder,

lic access and need major repairs — have heard nothing since.

Instead, the county chose to take money out of a fund set aside for the geographic information system, Walder said.

GIS funds are used in part to maintain maps necessary for tax collection, according to a state government website.

Gorton said the money was cut because Walder intended to use

Century Village Museum in Burton Village turned into a town out of a Jules Verne novel last weekend as the Northeast Ohio Steampunk Festival staged a twoday takeover.

The West Geauga Schools Board of Education accepted Markwardt’s letter of resignation during its regular board meeting.

“When I accepted my current position in 2015, I would not have

See Superintendent • Page 6

This year’s event, held Aug. 24-25, was a hit, said museum curator Stefanie O’Connor.

“There were people of all ages and I think that the people who showed up enjoyed themselves because the comments that we

The steampunk festival has been in operation for three years, with this year’s and last year’s held

See Steampunk • Page 9


Two attendees face off in tea dueling, a competition in which both parties dunk a biscuit in a cup of tea for five seconds and hold it upright for as long as possible. A round ends when an individual manages to eat their biscuit last, or the biscuits crumble.

Iacampo: Judge Overrules Motions To Dismiss page 11

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Aquilla Village Fiscal Officer Resigns, Budget Approved

Fiscal Officer Brittany Knife submitted her letter of resignation at the Aquilla Village Council meeting Aug. 21, apologizing for her departure after only six months in the office.

“I appreciate you guys and this was not an easy decision. I’m truly sorry,” she said near the end of the meeting after all five council members voted to accept her letter.

After the meeting, Knife, daughter of council member Kevin Knife, said she was resigning as of Aug. 31 for personal reasons that did not involve the potential dissolution of the village.

The dissolution issue will be on the November ballot for residents of the small community to vote on.

“My situation has prevented me from completing the job as it should be done,” Knife said, adding there were a multitude of reasons for her action.

“I really wanted not to let you guys down,” she said.

It is possible the state may have a traveling fiscal officer who can help the village get through the next few months, she said.

the state could appoint an interim fiscal officer to take her place.

Mayor Rich Wolfe said he would make some phone calls and talk to county Auditor Chuck Walder about that possibility.

In other business, Wolfe told council

the Geauga County Budget Commission approved the village’s 2025 budget during its annual hearing Aug. 20.

See Aquilla Budget• Page 5

Community Meetings

Listed are public meetings and executive sessions in the county for the coming week, unless otherwise noted. To have a public meeting included in this section, fax information to 440285-2015 or email editor@geaugamapleleaf. com no later than Monday noon. These meeting notices are NOT legal notices.

Geauga County: Aug. 29, 10 a.m., Board of County Commissioners, at The Great Geauga County Fair, Junior Fair Stage, Burton; Sept. 4, 6 p.m., Board of Mental Health & Recovery Services, 13244 Ravenna Road, Munson; Sept. 5, 9:30 a.m. – Board of County Commissioners, 6 p.m. – Airport Authority, at 15421 Old State Road, Hangar 3 Pilot Lounge, Middlefield. All county meetings are held at the Geauga County Administrative Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive (Ste. #), Claridon, unless otherwise noted. County commissioners’ meetings are held in Suite 350. Auburn Township: Sept. 3, 7:30 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings are held at the Ad-

ministration Building, 11010 Washington St., unless otherwise indicated.

Burton Township: Sept. 4, 7:30 p.m., Board of Trustees, special meeting. All meetings are held at the Township Administration building, 14821 Rapids Road, unless otherwise noted.

Chardon Township: Sept. 4, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings are held at Township Hall, 9949 Mentor Road, unless otherwise noted.

Chester Township: Sept. 4, 7 p.m., Zoning Commission; Sept. 5, 6:30 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings are held at the Township Hall, 12701 Chillicothe Road, unless otherwise noted.

Hambden Township: Sept. 4, 6 p.m., Zoning Commission; Aug. 7, 6 p.m., Zoning Commission. All meetings are held at the Town Hall, 13887 GAR Highway, unless otherwise noted.

Huntsburg Township: Sept. 3, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings held at the Town Hall, 16534 Mayfield Road.

Montville Township: Sept. 3, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings held at the Montville Community Center, 9755 Madison Road, unless noted.

Newbury Township: Sept. 4, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings held at the Town Hall, 14899 Auburn Road, unless noted.

Parkman Township: Sept. 3, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings are held at the Community House, 16295 Main Market Road, unless otherwise noted.

Russell Township: Sept. 5, 2 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings are held at Russell Town Hall, 14890 Chillicothe Road, unless otherwise noted.

Thompson Township: Sept. 4, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All trustees meeting will be at Town Hall at 6741 Madison Road.

Troy Township: Sept. 3, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees; Sept. 5, 7 p.m., Zoning Commission. All meetings are held at Troy Community Center, 13950 Main Market Road, unless noted.

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from page 1

it to hire a maintenance worker, but Walder said the county has no authority to touch the GIS fund.

“It doesn't affect the county's budget one iota. That fund is my authority, my duty to protect and my duty to spend,” Walder said, adding the county has never before attempted to change the GIS budget.

“This is the first time you've ever tried to budget your own maintenance staff,” Gorton replied.

Walder fired back: “If you'd provide me the services that we need in this office, I wouldn't have to do that. My job is to keep this office running.”

Flaiz added Walder has cleaning crews come into his office because the county is not maintaining the space.

“These buildings are falling apart,” Flaiz said. “You're statutorily required to provide us suitable space. The Opera House is just an embarrassment. You have money in funds.”

Gorton said he did not agree with Walder’s characterization of his budget having been “hacked away” at.

“You were trying to hire a maintenance person and the commissioners took issue with that,” Gorton said.

“Did they?” Flaiz shot back. “I never heard that discussed in a meeting. How do I know that?”

“That's what I was told,” Gorton replied.

Walder and Flaiz repeatedly questioned decisions Gorton attributed to the county commissioners, with Walder telling Gorton one commissioner, Jim Dvorak, was not even aware of cuts made to the Automatic Data Processing board, which manages the county’s information technology infrastructure.

“I'm a ‘no’ vote on your budget and I'll file a complaint with the tax commissioner,” Walder said. “Because you have no authority to change that (GIS) budget.”

Closed-Door Cuts

In an email Aug. 27, Flaiz said his comments during the budget hearings were directed at commissioners’ staff, not at commissioners.

“It appears that important decisions are being made behind closed doors by staff and the elected officials may be unaware of what is going on,” he said.

On Aug. 26, Walder ran through a list of cuts made after county departments had already submitted their proposed budgets, including about $160,000 eliminated from his own department.

Other cuts included $50,000 in equipment requested by court technology, $89,000 in equipment for the Geauga County Board of Elections and $459,000 from the maintenance department.

“(Geauga County Sheriff’s Office), you cut $536,000 including all of his (requested) vehicles,” Walder said “You cut ADP $314,000 between equipment and salaries. Of course, we don't know what equipment, so we'll just pick something that goes into the commissioners’ office and not buy it.”

Walder asked Gorton where those cuts came from.

“Did you talk to all these entities? Did you meet with all these people and say, we got to do something here, can you work with us? Or did you just tell them what you're going to do and then wonder why there's pushback?” he asked.

For his part, Hitchcock said his main concern is poor accounting practices.

Finance Director Warns

Geauga County Finance Director Adrian Gorton came under fire during an Aug. 26 hearing before the Geauga County Budget Commission when he said the renovation of the historic courthouse on Chardon Square might stall out if the commission didn’t certify a $10 million cash encumbrance request.

“Unless I am able to certify the $10 million and create an encumbrance on that and begin to transfer at least portions of the $10 million into the capital reserve fund before the end of the year — and indeed, probably within the next couple months — we may need to halt construction on the courthouse,” Gorton said.

Geauga County Auditor and commission member Chuck Walder said the county could have had immediate access to the $10 million needed if they had taken the advice of the budget commission last year, which was to use $10 million available through the American Rescue Plan Act to pay salaries for the Geauga County Sheriff’s Office.

Geauga County Prosecutor Jim Flaiz, who also sits on the budget commission, said his office had earlier instructed the county it could not transfer funds directly from ARPA to their general fund, but should instead spend directly from the ARPA fund.

“I thought (Assistant Prosecutor Laura LaChapelle) was telling you guys back in February — let’s start paying the sheriff salaries out of the ARPA fund,” Flaiz said, noting this would have meant added federal procurement requirements.

Walder said he previously told Gorton he objected to using the ARPA money on the courthouse project directly because that money was a form of settlement, but he was overruled. His second objection was to a county plan, which would have transferred money out of the ARPA fund to the county Department of Water Resources, as well as into the $10 million set aside for construction.

Walder believed both were prohibited uses of the federal ARPA money.

“Once you transfer out and commingle that money, you can’t trace it in,” Walder said. “You can’t ensure that it was used for the

“My concern has always been for the budget practices, which have been pretty much a joke,” he said. “If we look at the schedule for 2023, the estimated ending balance was $341,000. The actual ending cash balance was $11.7 million.”

If other county entities presented such a budget, the commission would be in a position to take some of that money and give it

purpose in which the ARPA funds are designated, and, therefore, it becomes an accounting nightmare.”

But, his recommendations “fell on deaf ears,” he said.

With only $6.2 million left on the encumbrance for Infinity Construction and with structural steel now going up, the county is expecting “well north of a million dollar” expenses each month, Gorton said.

The $10 million ARPA encumbrance sat for six months until it was canceled so money could be moved into payroll accounts.

“For (the budget commission) to certify something at one time, remove the encumbrance that created that for good reason, and then to deny our ability to rectify that situation by not certifying the $10 million and not admitting that the commissioners have the right to move appropriations, I think, is detrimental to the finances of this county (and) in direct violation of everyone’s oath of office in this room,” Gorton said.

Flaiz took issue with that statement.

“I’ll put it very bluntly. I am not going to support you clawing back money from elected officials because I don’t trust you. (The) three of you — I don’t trust you,” he said, referring to Gorton, Morgan and Assistant County Administrator Linda Burhenne. “I don’t trust that you’re conducting open meetings because you’re not.” Flaiz said he understood why Gorton was asking for an exception to be made to certify the $10 million encumbrance, but that it was an exception he was unwilling to make.

“You have millions and millions of dollars other places. So, if construction stops over there and you point the finger at us, I don’t want to hear it,” he said. “Because you have plenty of ways to pay bills over there. It’s ridiculous that you need this $10 million before Jan. 1. (It’s) totally absurd to me. Go get out all the other funds that you’ve been hiding money in, that we have the list of, but I am not going to allow or vote for a situation where you’re clawing back money (from departments). Because I do not trust the three of you, period. That’s it. So just plainly as I can put it, you better figure out another way. But you created the problem, not us. I’m not solving that problem for you.”

back to the taxpayers, he said.

Walder said Aug. 27 the county's budget is complex and somewhat archaic.

“We can do better, but need to do so without having the tail wagging the dog,” he said, adding he did not want to comment further and possibly bias the two other members of the budget commission with public comments.

“This should be a matter discussed between peer-elected officials in public meetings as required by law, and because that is not occurring, it is further complicating the issues,” he said.

Flaiz said he has concerns about the county “grossly understating cash balances while not funding critical requests,” including for

See County • Page 5

Parents, School Board Sound Off on Bus Route

This year’s bus routes sparked controversy during West Geauga Schools Board of Education meeting Aug. 19, with both parents and board members saying more must be done.

“We have had transportation issues the past few years and as I wrote to you in an email last week, things are trending worse,” said parent Katie Davis during the meeting.

From her perspective, parents have been trying to advocate for improvements to transportation for a few years, having requested bus routes be less than an hour — which Davis said had previously been promised — asking for routes to follow the “first on, first off” rule, and requesting GPS tagging of buses, group stops only in neighborhoods that want them and more buses on the road.

“It is unnerving to hear the prior messages paraphrasing, ‘Don’t worry, after the first few weeks, when families start to pull their students off the bus, routes will get shorter,’” Davis said. “When families choose to not ride the bus because the bus routes are insufferable, it is a failure of our district.”

Families pulling kids off the buses caused congested streets around the school and cost work hours to parents, she said, adding many parents have no option but the bus and as

far as she could tell, previous promises regarding transportation are not in the policy manual.

“I’m asking you to put those promises into the manual,” she said.

Parent Kristen Morelli told the board she tried to contact the transportation department after her children’s bus times were drastically changed overnight and the phone kept ringing with no voicemail access.

“I was finally able to get through today and they stated they weren’t sure anything could be done about my children’s bus stops,” she said.

“My fourth-grader has an hour-and-21-minute bus ride to Lindsey (Elementary School) and an hour-and-20-minute ride home from Lindsey.”

Morelli emphasized Davis’ previous points, saying no child should be picked up first and dropped off last, and there should be a rotation, as in previous years, of either one long ride to school or from school.

While she understands the current lack of drivers is an issue, Morelli said she feels there must be a better way of doing things.

When it came time to approve the school’s bus routes for the year, Superintendent Rich Markwardt took a moment to address the matter.

“The Ohio Revised Code requires that school districts, boards of education, approve bus routes within 10 days of the start

of school,” he said. “I have never known any school district that approved bus routes that didn’t change significantly after that time.”

The district’s current lack of drivers has not been a result of financial need, he said, noting West Geauga’s pay is competitive.

“I’m not trying to make excuses. When parents come to us and they have real concerns, then we have to address those concerns,” he said, adding route times can and will be adjusted. “This year, things were complicated in the last week, as I say, by the fact that one of our bus routes was gone.”

The district is currently down a bus driver, with the board voting to accept their resignation at the meeting.

Markwardt said that route needs to be put back into place and gave parents assurance their concerns would be addressed. He asked the board to approve the routes with the understanding they would be changed significantly.

Board member Pam Claypool remarked when she was looking at the routes, some things didn’t make sense to her.

“You want us to approve something that — it’s inaccurate,” she said.

It has been like this every year, said board member Mary-Michelle Coleman Walsh.

“We cannot solve this problem. The first year I thought, well, it’s COVID, and I trust-

ed that people stop riding the bus,” she said. “And then last year, I thought well, people are new and you know, you said it’ll change.”

But, people stopped riding the bus because the bus is awful, Walsh said, noting her own experience of leaving her office at 2:30 p.m. in order to pick up her children, who attend West Geauga, because otherwise, they were on the bus for an extremely long time.

“I mean, there were kids on Caves Road, at the corner of Caves and (state Route) 87, who, if they had gotten off the bus at Westwood and walked down Caves, they would have made it home sooner than the bus,” she said, adding the routes change because parents rearrange their schedules.

The kids have to be home within an hour. Many of them have after school activities, which the bus makes them late for, she said.

There needs to be more buses, Claypool added, noting 22 buses would just put the district back where they were last year.

The district cannot afford more resignations from drivers, she said.

Board Vice President Bill Beers proposed to amend the motion to accept the bus routes with a time limit.

While the board would accept the current routes, they would also revise the bus schedule at their Sept. 9 meeting. The motion passed.

Bus Driver Shortage Causes Time Changes for Cardinal Schools

Cardinal Schools Superintendent Jack Cunningham asked the board of education Aug. 26 to approve a time change for the start and end of the school day.

The district — which stretches from Parkman Township to Huntsburg Township — traditionally has 10 bus runs, but the transportation department is short of drivers this year, said Transportation Coordinator Diane Baumgartner at the special meeting.

One driver retired, she said, and another quit in July, Cunningham added.

“Part of the problem is, we have, on every corner of our district, we have one student


from page 4

sheriff’s office vehicles, and relying on supplemental appropriations throughout the year.

“It is a very poor way to budget and it does not present an honest picture of the county finances to the taxpayers, which is the whole purpose of the tax budget,” he said.

When reached for comment, Morgan said the county’s budget was prepared for commissioners and approved by them after a round of budget hearings and two budget presentations.

“The tax budget was prepared in accordance with direction from the commissioners to maintain controls over proposed excessive spending,” Morgan said. “Unfortunately, the spendthrifts that sit on the budget commission do not appreciate their spending being controlled.”

Budget requests for Walder’s ADP bud-

who needs picked up,” Baumgartner said, listing Chardon-Windsor Road, Bundysburg Road, Reynolds Road and Nelson Ledge Road as locations of some of the passengers the buses collect and drop off. “We just encompass the outskirts and it takes time to run it. I can only go so fast.”

Bus drivers for the far-flung routes leave the school at 5:45 a.m. to get those students back to the high school by 6:55 a.m., Baumgartner said.

Cunningham said two of the buses have 40 passengers each.

“That’s a chunk of kids,” he said, adding the lengthy routes may not get students to school before class time.

“We want to make sure they get to eat breakfast,” he said.

get were turned down for exceeding a 3% raise threshold set by county commissioners, Morgan said. Other departments, he added, had also been subject to similar cuts.

Morgan said the cuts made to department budgets were not denied, but delayed and will be re-evaluated early in 2025.

“The commissioners have for numerous years budgeted conservatively and in doing so have not made wild speculations on revenue or carryovers which has helped to keep Geauga County in good financial standing,” he said. “It would appear that the budget commission wishes the commissioners to abandon conservative budgeting practices and follow the model established by the state and federal government of making large scale guesses regarding revenue and then budgeting to allow all those revenue funds to be appropriated.”

Morgan echoed a statement from Gorton that, “per discussions with legal authorities,” the county feels the budget commission has overstepped its authority.

Cardinal Elementary School — which houses grades kindergarten through seven at the former middle school — provides breakfast, but if students come in too close to the start of class, they may miss the meal, Cunningham said.

Teachers’ responsibilities in the classroom end at 3:10 p.m., but now, the buses aren’t available for some students who wait in the cafeteria or gym for up to 40 minutes, he said.

In a letter to parents scheduled to be sent out Aug. 27, Cunningham said:

“With the many changes that are happening this school year, we anticipated that schedules might require slight adjustments as we settle in. Currently, we are losing a chunk of instructional time due to delays in

Aquilla Budget

from page 3

The village only has enough funds to continue operations until the middle of 2025, but a dissolution could be completed before January, he said.

If that occurs, the village finances would be turned over to Claridon Township, which would assume the responsibilities of the community.

“(Budget commission members) understand the situation we are in, (putting the issue) on the ballot to dissolve and become part of Claridon,” he said. “They actually commended myself and counsel for deciding to do this instead of putting a 10-mill levy on the ballot. They were pretty positive about it, but it’s still up to the residents. They were saying it could be done by the first of the year, maybe December. It would be nice if we can start with a clean slate in 2025.”

Wolfe said he wants to keep talking to residents about the issue.

“I feel it’s not a done deal, but I’d be real surprised if it fails,” he said.

dismissals at Cardinal Elementary School. Starting on Tuesday after Labor Day … we will adjust the CES operating hours.”

Student days will be from 8:15 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. with the building open for drop off at 8 a.m. Academic time will begin at 8:45 a.m. with breakfast served from 8:10-8:40 a.m. Car riders will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m. and students will be dismissed to buses beginning at 3:20 p.m. All buses will be en route by 3:35 p.m., according to Cunningham’s letter.

The board approved the letter.

After the meeting, Baumgartner said bus drivers are scarce, partly because it can take up to 60 hours of training and testing to become qualified to drive a bus.


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Many in attendance were from local group Kenston Families United, who met following July’s school board meeting to discuss a call to action and the changes they would like to see in the district and community.

“This didn’t happen overnight. This is something that I think has permeated the United States for many, many years,” Willingham said, referring to issues of racism. “Unfortunately, we are dealing with this, but I think it’s a situation that we need to take head on and we need conversations about.”

His first weeks in the district have been filled with conversations, Willingham said, noting many people he spoke with, including the KFU group, are helping him shape his approach and the direction he hopes to take the district in.

This is a time to listen and understand, he said, adding while he may not have a history with the district, he does have the ability to formulate a proactive and sustainable plan.

Willingham also took into account conversations with Sayers, Assistant Superintendent Kathleen Poe and High School Principal Tom Gabram when formulating his plan.

“This can’t be a flash in the pan, this can’t be just one drop in the bucket and be a reactive type situation,” Willingham said.

The plan he presented featured three tiers. Tier one would focus on the district’s Peaceful Environment at Kenston program.

“Many people are familiar with the PEAK program that exists on campus and has been something that has been a, kind of a driving force and part of the guiding beliefs and principles of what Kenston has been for a long time,” Willingham said, noting PEAK, while not perfect, was designed as character education.

After meeting with parents and staff,


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guessed that I would remain in the district for 10 years. However, the accomplishments we have made as a school district, despite significant challenges, have kept me here,” Markwardt wrote in his letter. “It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with such a talented group of educators.”

Board President Christina Sherwood took a moment to speak following the board’s vote to accept the superintendent’s impending resignation.

“When Dr. Markwardt was hired by the West Geauga school board 10 years ago, we were ranked 133 in the state out of over 650 other districts,” she said. “That board wanted to be in the top 5% in five years. Dr. Markwardt had even grander plans for our students, staff and community.”

Sherwood detailed how Markwardt put a team together, which, along with West Geauga’s staff, helped facilitate the growth the district has seen.

“As he enters his final year in formal education, we can once again expect to see our district highly ranked. But do not mistake, that ranking is merely students performing well on state tests,” Sherwood continued. “That is only a piece of the puzzle. Our students have been taught content knowledge in a manner that allows for critical thinking and application at a significantly higher level than in years past.”

Students have also become more interest-

Willingham decided to revamp and revise the PEAK committee, headed by Poe, in order to bring different voices and ideas in.

Tier two would focus on smaller groups of students exhibiting some need, he explained.

“These are some things we can address by focusing on some whole class programming, some school grade level. However, some of those things break out,” he said.

Tier three would be more individualized and intensive, with interventions put in place for a student’s specific issues, Willingham said.

Staff professional development is another important feature of the plan, he said.

“There’s some groups that I’ve had the pleasure of working with in the past that I’ve reached out to to kind of put some proposals together for our district just to see how we can implement some of those things,” he said.

ed in areas outside of traditional academics, and are seeking internships and volunteer opportunities, she added.

“This district is on a path now that felt so distant 10 years ago,” she concluded. “From 133 to 10 is the true testament of commit ment Dr. Markwardt made to us and the team he has cultivated to continue this work, and this board is grateful.”

Markwardt said he hoped his resignation would not come as a surprise to anyone.

“I said in an interview with the Chagrin Valley Times over a year ago that this year would be my last year,” he said. “(Treasurer Karen Pavlat) took me to task saying, ‘You’ve announced that, now you have to announce it to the district.’”

When he first came to West G, Markwardt said he would have never expected to remain for such a long time.

“When I came here, I would have guessed probably five years,” he said. “As you know, I retired from a previous district.”

The district’s successes are what kept him there, he added.

“As Ms. Sherwood said, we have a phe nomenal team here,” he said, going on to list the cafeteria staff, bus drivers, both certified and classified staff, and administrators as part of it.

school kids have a voice, Willingham said.

“I think this needs to be opened up to as many kids as we possibly can that want to be a part of this,” he said, adding an exploratory meeting would be scheduled for next week to “get the ball rolling” with some of the students.

Willingham used anti-smoking campaigns as an example of successful, effective messaging.

“Those were successful because of how involved the kids were,” he said. “This is the same type of thing in the sense that we really need to get our kids involved and we need to get our kids leading this.”

His plan is only a skeleton, he said, adding it is not something that would be implemented overnight and still needs work.

During the public comment section, Kenston student Erriana Strong spoke on the issue of racism in the district, as other members of the public wearing KFU shirts moved to stand around her.

Willingham listed a few of the groups and their focuses, including James and Keymasha Knight with Cultural Humility; Julie Yelk with the Federal Bureau of Investigations, focusing on anti-hate and the dangers of social media; and Kelly Fishman with the Anti-Defamation League, focusing on bias, difficult conversations and fostering humility.

While kids would have exposure to some of these programs, they would also be available to parents and community members, the superintendent said.

And lastly, but most importantly, would be student conversations, Willingham said.

“The high school, I think, can have a huge impact — high school students specifically — on where this can go,” he said.

While there would be assemblies and grade level focus, it is important the high

“I’m a senior at Kenston High School and I and many other people have experienced racism here, such as in the classroom,” she said. “It wasn’t directed toward me, but directed toward another student. She was told to go back to Africa.”

While there had been earlier talk about change, actions speak louder than words, Strong said.

“I would love to see change, but I can’t truly believe that everything will change when throughout my four years in high school, I was told something was gonna be done about the racism I experienced,” she said.

It isn’t just in the classrooms, Strong emphasized, it’s on the way to the bus and during sports practices, too.

“We can’t just fix it ourselves if we don’t trust the administration to also come behind us and fix it, as well,” she concluded.

“We have outstanding students who come to us from homes that truly provide for the kids, so that we get kids who come to school well fed, well clothed,” he said. “We don’t have to do so many of the extraneous tasks that other schools have to do to get kids prepared to learn because the parents

do that for us.”

When he left his former district, Beachwood City Schools, Markwardt said it was with the idea he would do something, though he didn’t know what at the time.

Now, as he prepares to exit West Geauga Schools, he has an idea of what the path ahead holds.

“It’s going to be to devote time to my farm, to my family and spend time doing those things,” he said.

The district is in a good place moving forward, he said, adding he expects it to have many future successes.

New Kenston Schools Superintendent Bruce Willingham outlines his plan to combat racism within the district at the Aug. 20 Kenston Schools Board of Education meeting.
Board President Christina Sherwood reads out a statement commending Superintendent Rich Markwardt for his accomplishments at West Geauga Schools at the Aug. 19 school board meeting.

Kenston Goes Up to Bat Once More for PI Levy

Kenston Schools will be giving a new permanent improvement levy another shot on the Nov. 5 general election ballot.

Superintendent Bruce Willingham and district Treasurer Seth Cales spoke Aug. 20 in support of the additional 1-mill, five-year PI levy Kenston Schools Board of Education voted to place on the ballot at their June 21 meeting.

“As we talk about permanent improvement, or PI, the things that we really have to focus on … are kind of our routine maintenance,” Willingham said at the school board’s regular meeting last Monday. “Things that we can purchase that have a shelf life of longer than five years.”

Borrowing a metaphor from someone he had previously spoken to on the matter, Willingham described the levy as akin to maintaining a car.

“You’re either gonna work to maintain your car or you’re gonna look to buy a new one. Well, right now, we’re trying to maintain our car,” he said.

Last year, the district attempted to pass a five-year, 1.35-mill PI levy, but it failed at the ballot, with 4,683 votes against and 4,410 votes in favor of the measure.

This November’s 1-mill PI levy, if passed, would yield $1,196,000 annually and cost homeowners $35 per year per $100,000 property valuation, according to the Geauga County Auditor’s Office.

A tax tool allowing users to input their address and view the estimated monthly cost under the levy is also available on the district’s website.

Kenston parent Corrie Menary spoke in support of the levy.

“It’s been nearly 10 years since voters in this district have approved any new funds for our schools,” she told the crowd. “And, I thought there were a couple other points that would help to drive home this perspective.”

The buildings are old, she said, adding the youngest is Kenston High School, at 18 years.

Timmons Elementary School is 30 years old and Kenston Middle School is over 50 years old, she said.

“We sit here today with an important decision to make in November as voters, as residents of this community,” Menary said. “ I know in my family, we will be supporting the PI levy.”

The levy would cost about the same as two trips to Chick-fil-a for her family of four, she said, adding she is happy to make that sacrifice.

During his report, Cales displayed a table of general fund transfers to the PI fund to cover basic needs over the last few years.

“Since (fiscal year 2020), you can see the amount of money ($3.6 million) that was transferred from the general fund to our PI

fund in order to cover the basic needs that we had for the grounds, the buildings,” Cales said. “And this includes HVAC, this includes any type of roofing done — as we mentioned earlier, anything that has a lifespan of five years or more for capital expenditure.”

In the past fiscal year, ending on June 30, $1.27 million was transferred to the PI fund to cover similar expenses, he said, noting more transfers would be voted on that evening to cover the cost of a new bus and an unexpected broken compressor.

“You try to get on a cycle, you try to get on a five-year plan to say, ‘We’re gonna do these expenditures, we anticipate this coming up,’ but for example, this compressor that just went out, it was a very costly emergency,” he said. “Things like that happen. That’s why the need for the PI levy is there.”

Cales emphasized the ripple effect of these transfers, noting that money could have instead gone toward curriculum or other district needs.

Cales also displayed a graph modeling the health of the district’s cash balance both with and without a PI levy.

“Our cash balance decreases in (fiscal year) 25, 26, 27 and 28,” he said. “You’ll see it rapidly decrease if we continue to do these transfers from the general fund to the PI fund. That eats away at our ending cash balance.”

At 1 mill, the levy is small, Cales said, adding it would have a true impact to the overall general fund cash balance in the forecast and allow the district to put off having a much larger levy on the ballot at a later date.

“When you talk about PI levies of 1 mill that generate about $1.2 million per year, that can only be used on capital expenditures, that cannot be used on salaries and

benefits or general daily operating costs. And then, when you talk about a much larger operating levy of potentially 5, 5.5, 6 mills, this would allow us to push that down the road a

little bit longer,” he said.

Questions about the PI levy can be submitted to the treasurer and superintendent via the district’s website.

Parent Corrie Menary stands at the podium to speak in favor of the additional 1-mill, five-year permanent improvement levy on the November ballot during the Aug. 20 Kenston Schools Board of Education meeting.

Historic Century Village Museum on Fiscal Brink

Keeping Doors Open Costs $800 Per Day

Festival goers, school children, tourists and Geauga County residents hike around Century Village Museum every year, absorbing the joys and trials of pioneer living and admiring thousands of artifacts in the historic buildings.

What they don’t see, who ever, is the red ink flowing just under the surface of the museum in Burton Village.

Keeping the doors open for the 62-acre museum and 29 buildings costs roughly $800 per day.

Geauga County Histor ical Society Treasurer Jim Vinecourt, sitting in the tiny office space above the Crossroads Store, recently laid out some of the expenses that have drained much of the society’s Cleveland Foundation endowment over the last decade.

volunteerism and community interest.”

The museum is a nonprofit, but the soci ety, which owns it, is a business and support ers need access to audits, current financial numbers and a proposed budget for the fu ture so they begin to trust the management of the museum, said Jackson, who was privy to the museum’s financial situation as far back as 2018.

The board and staff are work ing to bring more events to the museum and hoping that will generate more revenue.

They hired Ste fanie O’Connor as museum curator, archi vist and grant writer in February. As she watched Troyer paint a building, she noted she is paid for 25 hours per week and donates between 50 and 75 hours to her job.

“I instantly fell in love with this place. I saw a good vision of what it can be,” O’Con nor said.

The electric bill, alone, is about $1,300 per month so the delicate artifacts housed in the old buildings — from century-old fabrics to letters written with quill pens dipped in ink — don’t deteriorate, he said.

Insurance on more than 500,000 items is an additional cost, plus liability coverage for events.

Full-time maintenance workers Bill Troyer and a helper take care of the animals, paint and repair the structures and keep the grounds trimmed. Troyer has been working on the grounds for 42 years, Jim said.

As expenses mounted up over years, the society started paying for them with its seed money.

A previous GCHS board and administration used much of the Cleveland Foundation endowment to keep the lights on, Jim said.

“Originally, the endowment was more than $300,000. They were pulling so much out for the last 10 years, it’s now down to about $130,000,” he said.

His wife, Jill Vinecourt, patron and volunteer, said she and Jim have been working with the society to get the museum back on solid fiscal ground.

That included whittling the number of liens against the society from 15 to 10, Jim said.

“$300,000 a year is not a lot of money to run an enterprise this size,” Jill said.

The Vinecourts have five businesses, including Vinecourt Landscaping Inc. in Burton. When Jim took over as GCHS treasurer in October 2023, he saw it would be a challenge to save the museum.

“They’ve been in trouble a long time. It was overwhelming,” Jill said, noting Jim donates to Century Village Museum every month and society members all receive the annual financial report.

“We’ve spent this whole year mending fences and bridges,” she added.

A letter to the editor in the Aug. 15 Geauga County Maple Leaf from former society director Bill Jackson said transparency could convince the community of the need for more reliable funding.

His letter cited a WEWS Channel 5 Aug. 5 report on Century Village’s plight and he suggested “...historical societies are meeting with falling monetary support, attendance,

Jim gestured to the wooded valley to the east and south of the buildings that makes up the rest of the museum grounds.

“It’s a gem in Geauga County. This is a $10 million view. Developers would love to get their greedy little hands on it,” he said.

Jill said she first heard the museum was broke and might have to close in 2018.

“COVID didn’t help, either,” she said.

However, to keep some cash in the till, so ciety interim President Linda Taurisano saw an opportunity during the pandemic when gatherings were forbidden.

“She started drive-through pancake breakfasts. It helped keep the doors open,”

Jill said.

Since the WEWS segment, the communi ty has started to come together to support Century Village Museum with volunteers, donations and another endowment may be in the works, Jill said during a phone interview Aug. 25.

“Jim and I see some light at the end of the tunnel,” she said. “There’s hope we’re going to pull this off.”

Plans for the museum’s survival include getting part of it established as a Federal Historic Site on the National Registry. Several of the buildings — Umberfield Cabin, the Cook House, the Hitchcock House, the white barn and the Hickox House — may qualify because they were originally located in Burton Village, although they may have been moved to the museum grounds, Jill said.

A documentary by Empowered is also scheduled to be filmed at the museum and syndicated, showcasing the “living museum.”

Jill said the documentary, hosted by Meg Ryan, could reach 65 million viewers. She noted Ryan would not be visiting, just doing the voice-over.

One goal in the mission to save Century Village is rebuilding the Cleveland Foundation endowment using the interest to help keep the museum open, Jill said.

“If we can make this place self-sustaining, we will always have a place where the history of Geauga County lives,” Jill said. “If we close the doors, it’s done.”

The society is adding events and speakers all the time.

The Steampunk Festival held Aug. 24 and

25 included shows, bands, vendors and a pirate dinner theater, among other attractions. For the remainder of 2024, there is something going on most weekends.

A balloon festival is slated for Sept. 14 and 15, the annual apple butter festival Oct. 12 and 13, ghost walk tours Oct. 25, 26 and 27, trick or treat Oct. 31, and Back in Time Christmas tours Nov. 29 through Dec. 1. Monthly speakers include “Native Ameri-

cans in Geauga County” Sept. 22 and mourning clothes and customs Oct. 27. According to its website, the Geauga County Historical Society and the Century Village Museum are not government funded. It is a registered nonprofit that relies solely on events, memberships, donations and fundraisers. Earnings go directly back into the upkeep of Century Village and preservation of Geauga County’s history.

ANN WISHART/KMG Geauga County Historical Society Treasurer Jim Vinecourt stands on the porch of the Cook House, a 218-year-old structure, at Century Village Museum in Burton Village. The museum is in need of financial support and the community is stepping up with it, he said.


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at Century Village.

Proceeds from festival support the muse um, O’Connor said, adding last year, $7,000 of proceeds were donated to Century Village and used for lights, paint and window treat ments to the Leanna Bond Building.

This year’s funds will also be used for building main tenance, such as roofs, gutters, windows and paint, she said.

Festival orga

nizer Debbie War ren-Miller said her mission is to provide money to historic villages who act as hosts in order to help offset their costs and better preserve history.

“We began the event to raise funds to help historic villages with funding for new roofs, for painting, maintenance, things like

village in Jefferson, she said.

While history is important to Miller, Century Village also holds nostalgia

“History is extremely important to us, and also, we grew up in Burton, and we spent a lot of our childhood and so forth in Burton at this village,” Miller said. “So, we wanted to do something to give back and help maintain the village and keep it

This year’s steampunk festival expanded, Miller said, noting musical entertainment tripled from last year.

the Victorian era.

Visually, the style incorporates Victorian silhouettes, top hats, goggles, clockwork elements, such as cogs and gears, and earthy metallic colors, such as brown and copper.

As a genre, one might expect to encounter fantastical airships or humanlike automatons. The term was coined in 1987 by author K.W Jeter in a letter to Locus magazine.

The village's historic buildings were opened for tours during the event and a murder mystery dinner theater was hosted in the evening. Other events included Victorian tea and table tipping, a juggling class, a costume contest, a mustache contest, tea dueling and a gin tasting, as well as a large number of

and myself,” he wrote. “Something based on the appropriate technology of that era, like ‘steam-punks,’ perhaps…”

A 2015 Writer’s Digest article listed prevalent real or imaginary 19th century technology driven by steam or clockwork and Victorian class and economic structures as staples of steampunk stories, along with strong senses of both fun and weirdness.

stalls selling everything from hats and fictional gadgetometers to artisanal soap.

The festival confirmed they will be returning to Century Village the weekend of Aug. 23, 2025. Other upcoming museum events include the Balloon Festival, Sept. 13-15, and the Apple Butter Festival, Oct. 12-13.

Chardon Again Celebrated for Financial Excellence

District Reaches $70,000 Settlement for Turf Damage

Chardon Schools Treasurer Deb Arm bruster was delighted to announce her team has again been rewarded with the coveted Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.

Armbruster shared the news at the Aug. 19 Chardon Schools Board of Education meeting, adding her office has consistently won this award every single year for the past three years. She read from the press release announcing the award.

“The (district’s financial) report has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive ‘spirit of full disclosure’ to clearly communicate its finan cial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the report,” the Govern ment Finance Officers Association said. “The certificate of achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its at tainment represents a significant accomplish ment by a government and its management.”

Armbruster took a few moments during the meeting to congratulate not only her staff in the treasurer’s office, but other board of fice staff whose work helped the district ob tain the GFOA award.

Those Armbruster thanked from her own department include Assistant Treasurer Crystal King-Morrison, Accounts Payable

Bell and Nutrition Service Assistant Jennifer Kidd.

In her financial report, Armbruster showed the district is still in a good position this year, even while spending has risen

Real Estate Tax Relief Available for Storm Victims

stAff rePort

Geauga County Auditor Chuck Walder recently announced real estate tax relief may be available to residents who have sustained property damage from the Aug. 6 storm.

Property owners may file an Application for Valuation Deduction For Destroyed Or Damaged Real Property (Form DTE 26) with Walder’s Appraisal Office, he said in a press release.

For damaged manufactured homes, owners may file an Application for Tax Refund Or Waiver For Destroyed Or Damaged Manufactured Homes (DTE 49), he said, adding the deadline for filing is Dec. 31, 2024.

“Any deduction from value will affect tax bills mailed in 2025,” Walder said in the release. “These adjustments may not reflect until your second-half tax bill. Once an application is filed, the Auditor’s Appraisal Department will conduct property inspections to determine the amount of damage.”

Walder noted damage to trees, fencing, landscaping and personal items are excluded on residential properties.

The amount of the deduction equals a percentage of the reduction in improvement value caused by the damage, he said in the release, adding that percentage is determined by the calendar quarter in which the damage occurred in August 2024. The reduction will be 50% in improvement value of the destroyed portion.

“My office is here to help our community recover,” Walder said. “I encourage Geauga County residents with storm-damaged property to consider applying for real estate tax relief with my office.”

Both the DTE 26 and DTE 49 application forms are available from the Geauga County Auditor’s Office website at Those without access to a computer can call Walder’s Office at 440-279-1601 and request a form be mailed to them.

According to the agreement, each com pany will pay the district $35,000 to resolve the claims, for a total of $70,000. Each party agreed to pay their own attorneys’ fees. Chardon High School senior Dominic Isk-

Iskra, Ford and Evans gave a brief presentation on upcoming events at the school, including plans for this year’s Homecoming dance. The theme will be “A Night Under the Sea.”

ELECTION 2024: Opinion

‘P’ Stands for People, Not Party

As my support for Judge Mary Jane Trapp’s campaign for Geauga County Court of Common Pleas apparently has generated a fair amount of controversy among certain political operatives, I want to share my personal reasons for my whole-hearted support.

Judge Trapp and I not only share deep roots in Geauga County and in Russell Township, we also share a love of old cars, which is why I offered to host her fundraiser at our collector car barn. (And it was refreshing that over 100 people who identify as Republican, Democrat and Independent attended.)

Judge Trapp was not only born in the same year as my husband, I admire in her the same qualities I admire in him: When it comes to public service, she demonstrates that “P” stands for People, not Party, and she has faithfully adjudicated the many cases before her regardless of party.

Similarly, Judge Trapp demonstrates a strong conviction to her principles and is dedicated to following the law, even if it is unpopular in-the-moment.

The most compelling reason, however, for my support of Judge Trapp is the sense of purpose and energy she brings to public service. She told me months ago that her goal is to do something EVERY DAY to connect with voters. I can tell you, she does!

When it comes to serving the public, Judge Trapp out-works and out-performs her competition.

I currently serve as Russell Township Fiscal Officer, and like the other 15 townships, four villages and one city in Geauga County, my election is non-partisan. The Ohio legislature also felt so strongly the judicial election for Court of Common Pleas should be non-partisan that they enshrined it in Ohio Revised Code section 3505.04, which includes this language: “No name or designation of any political party nor any words, designations, or emblems descriptive of a candidate or the candidate's political affiliation, or indicative of the method by which such candidate was nominated or certified, shall be printed under or after any nonpartisan candidate's name which is printed on the ballot.”

There is a reason that Judge Trapp is so well-respected among her peers. But you can decide for yourself by checking out Judge Trapp’s resume on Get to know both candidates, as I have, and decide for yourself who has the experience, the energy and the commitment for the job.

Geauga County deserves a judge who works for others. Geauga County will surely benefit from her extensive experience on the bench. I encourage you to vote for Judge Mary Jane Trapp for Geauga County Court of Common Pleas.

Karen Walder Russell Township

Iacampo: Judge Enlow Overrules Motions to Dismiss

Former Chester Township police officer

Nicholas Iacampo will likely face an October trial for a third-degree sexual battery charge and a misdemeanor for contributing to unrul iness of a minor after the judge overruled two motions to dismiss charges Aug. 19.

Iacampo, 30, who lives in Painesville with his wife, also served as West Geauga Schools resource officer. His trial is currently sched uled for 8:30 a.m. Oct. 7 in the Geauga Coun ty Court of Common Pleas.

The charges stem from an incident that took place in August 2023, in which Iacampo was apprehended after the father of a 16-yearold West Geauga High School student report ed the officer had made sexual contact with his daughter.

Iacampo’s defense team, attorneys Ian Friedman and Madelyn Grant, of Cleve land-based Friedman Nemecek Long & Grant, L.L.C., asked visiting retired Portage County Common Pleas Court Judge John A. Enlow to dismiss the charges based on several factors, including that Iacampo’s rights under a U.S. Supreme Court ruling — Garrity v. New Jersey — had been violated during an interview with Lake County detectives hours after the incident took place.

talk with them, Enlow said, adding Iacampo was later indicted on the sexual battery charge they were investigating.

“(Garrity) discusses the difference between a criminal procedure and an administrative procedure and holds that if a person subjectively believes that he'll be fired for asserting his Fifth Amendment privilege, this belief must be objectively reasonable under the circumstances and requires the court to examine the totality of the circumstances,” Enlow said in his ruling. “The court would find that no time did anyone instruct him that he would be fired from his job if he did not testify.”

Chester Police Chief Craig Young brought in Lake County detectives to conduct a criminal investigation and instructed Iacampo to

“The court would find that at no point was an administrative procedure commenced until after the investigation and then, he was just put on paid administrative leave pending the rest of the criminal case,” he said.

Additionally, based on testimony in a hearing held May 14, Enlow said Iacampo had been through a previous administrative hearing related to an automobile accident. That incident did not lead to Iacampo’s termination.

“(T)here was a separate criminal investigation by the (Ohio State Highway Patrol) and then an administrative proceeding against him for that accident,” Enlow said.

“The court would find based on the totality of the circumstances that there was not a reasonable belief that (Iacampo) would be fired if he testified. Therefore, Garrity does not apply.”

In another filing the same day, Enlow overruled two other motions brought by Grant and Friedman to dismiss the charges against Iacampo.

One alleged problems with the evidence collected against Iacampo, which Enlow said did not apply, as the indictment against him “is not defective” and these questions are for the jury to decide.

The other was a claim Iacampo — whose case was initially dismissed in municipal court after prosecutors were found to have charged him under a law that did not apply

to school resource officers — would be in a double jeopardy situation in a new trial. That case was dismissed without prejudice and, therefore, does not apply, Enlow said.

In an email Aug. 26, Friedman said Enlow has yet to rule on a motion to suppress statements Iacampo made during what his attorneys alleged was a “coerced” statement to Lake County investigators.

“It remains our position that dismissal of the case was warranted pursuant to legal precedent, but we certainly respect the court’s view and ruling,” Friedman said. “The facts revealed during the hearing made clear that the charged crimes cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The defense team will be prepared to proceed to trial as scheduled.”

Former Chester Township police officer Nicholas Iacampo, pictured here during a May 28 hearing in Geauga County Court of Common Pleas, will likely face an October trial for a third-degree sexual battery charge and a misdemeanor for contributing to unruliness of a minor.

O’Reilly Equipment Supersizes in Newbury

Brothers Jeff and Paul O'Reilly were not originally looking to enter the trailer and truck equipment business.

They were just two college students in the market for a small trailer to haul hay and found it difficult to find a dealer in Northeast Ohio.

“We saw the need since we probably weren’t the only ones running into this issue,” Paul said.

They began O’Reilly Equipment in 2002, when Jeff was freshly out of college and Paul was working on his business marketing degree from Kent State University.

In 2006, O’Reilly Equipment built its 14555 Ravenna Road location, expanding its inventory and offerings in Newbury Township.

Business continued to grow, adding staff and building customer relationships, and in 2014, a 6,000-square-foot expansion to the facility was completed to accommodate growth in the service department.

Then, in 2020, O’Reilly Equipment purchased the property on the northwest corner of state routes 44 and 87, where their 14,000-square-foot retail store was recently constructed at 12394 Kinsman Road.

They opened at the beginning of July and are about 70% moved in.

“We are so blessed and grateful to our customers and enjoy being a part of this Geauga

County community,” Paul said. “Being across the street from our original location, which now houses exclusively our service and truck building operations, we are able to remain a cohesive business and stay connected with both sides of the business.”

This new facility provides equipment sales, as well as a complete parts department.

“If it belongs on a trailer, snowplow, dump truck or any other type of truck equipment, you can find the parts for it at this location to meet your needs,” Paul said.

Trailers are also at the new location and the retail showroom displays parts and accessories customers could not see at their old store.

The brothers said it has been a much-needed expansion and they are still actively setting up the new showroom and warehouse.

In addition, the expanded outdoor display allows equipment to be showcased in an organized and professional manner near the parking lot, they said.

“We sell parts and accessories that the box stores just don't have,” Paul said.

Customers are surprised at what O’Reilly Equipment has in stock — including brake and suspension parts, lighting, springs, ladder racks, toolboxes, hardware and more.

In addition, they have plenty of snowplow parts, such as valves, wiring harnesses, light housings, cylinders and electrical parts.

If they stock the snowplow, trailer or

See O’Reilly • Page 13

new showroom that is part of the 14,000-square-foot retail store recently constructed at the northwest corner of state routes 44 and 87.

Second Time the Charm For Chester’s 2025 Budget

Geauga County Budget Commission voted unanimously to approve the Chester Township 2025 budget during a second hearing Aug. 26.

The budget had initially failed in a 2-1 vote Aug. 19 when commission members questioned why the 2024 budget had a projected ending balance of more than $4.7 million.

That was when Geauga County Treasurer and budget commission member Chris Hitchcock observed the fire, police and road funds were carrying large balances and county Prosecutor Jim Flaiz, who also sits on the budget commission, pressed the trustees to invest in their facilities.

Budget commission member and county Auditor Chuck Walder urged trustees and the fiscal officer to set aside money being saved for projects or equipment in reserve funds where money can be earmarked for specific purposes.

Monday, Chester Township Administrator Mark Purchase told the commission trustees had passed a resolution creating reserve funds at a special meeting at 7 a.m. Aug. 23.

“The board took your advice and passed a resolution unanimously to have the fiscal officer begin setting up those reserve accounts right away,” he told the commission, joining the meeting virtually.


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truck equipment, they have the parts for them, they said.

O’Reilly Equipment also sells personal property and gun safes, and has a dozen on display in their showroom.

“There is a lot of confusion with the opening of the new building right across the street, since customers are used to just our original location encompassing all of our services,” Paul said. “We have put up signage, but we want customers to know — parts and trailer sales are at our new building and service and truck building take place at our original location across the street.”

Also important is their heartfelt mission.

“O'Reilly Equipment’s mission is to run the company with Christian values, aiming to care for our employees and customers, respect everyone, always do the best we can, and focus on the quality of our products and services—not just the quantity,” Paul said.

Most of O'Reilly Equipment's business is within an hour of Newbury. However, they do sell products to customers hours away, coming from all over the country.

“We recently sent a Moritz equipment

“So, hopefully, within the next meeting or two, those reserve funds will be set up for all four departments — general fund, road, police and fire departments.”

Purchase said the road department fund will probably be the largest.

“That’s where we have the majority of our projects,” he said.

Walder was not entirely satisfied because the resolution trustees passed did not specify amounts going into the funds.

“You have done a reserve study?” he asked.

Purchase said yes and assured the commission he will get back to them with the figures when the calculations are done.

“If they fail to actually populate those reserve funds, they are giving money back to the taxpayers,” Walder said.

During a follow-up interview Aug. 26 following the budget hearing, Chester Trustee Craig Richter said the Ohio Revised Code requires the township to have a quarter of its budget as a carryover at year end so there are funds to operate the first quarter of 2025.

That means Chester needs about $3.7 million available Jan. 1, he said.

Richter also said the two windfalls the township harvested — almost $1 million from the property re-evaluation and a positive interest rate on investments — will be put in reserve funds to maintain facilities, such as the roof of the road department.

trailer to Alaska and a NEO-enclosed trailer to Bermuda,” Paul said.

Among the truck equipment products O'Reilly Equipment sells are Moritz and Hillsboro platform bodies, DuraMag service bodies, Galion dump bodies and Switch-N-Go detachable bodies.

The company handles Ranger van interiors, Thieman liftgates and safety lighting products. Trailers offered include United, Moritz, H & H, Dark Horse, NEO and SureTrac.

O’Reilly Equipment also sells and rents refrigerated trailers from Polar King Mobile. The company represents Boss, Snow Wolf, Daniels, Hilltip and Buyers Products snowplows, pusher boxes and salt spreaders, the brothers said, adding even with the demands and growth of O'Reilly Equipment, they still cling to their roots.

Both own and maintain small farms near where they grew up and hope to raise their children in the agricultural community, instilling responsibility and work ethic.

O’Reilly Equipment’s trailer and parts sale is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., and its service and truck building is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Bainbridge Weighs Historical v. Economical in Hall Reno

Bainbridge Township Trustees hashed out design plans for renovating the town hall during their Aug. 12 meeting with Cleveland-based DS Architecture.

The idea to renovate the building originated during COVID-19, when trustees wanted to improve their online meetings by building a new trustees room.

It has since expanded to include modernizing the whole building.

DS Architecture owner Jeffery Meyers and project designer Andrew Thompson presented design plans last Monday and specifically discussed the front room of the town hall building.

One of the challenges designers are facing is the potential loss of historical value, which they ran into when evaluating

the front room, which was originally built in 1928 by the then Bainbridge Board of Education.

It was used as a gymnasium for school students. Countless school dances, plays, graduation ceremonies, wedding ceremonies, baby showers and other events have been held in that room, according to the Bainbridge Township Historical Society.

The trustees recently closed the room so DS Architecture could study the building and see where improvements could be made to modernize the building.

“A lot of ADA compliance was necessary and the front room is where it all stopped. The trusses in the front room have failed. We have had a lot of professionals look at it and we have to take the roof off to restructure the trusses, so just saving that front room would be $700,000,” said Bainbridge Township Trustee Kristina O’Brien. “That is a lot

of money for a room that does not get used often.”

The $700,000 does not include any of the front room’s other expenses. However, it would save the historical value of the front room, she said.

Meyers described this as a “compounding cost” during his presentation, meaning, trying to save that history adds to the overall expense of an improved town hall.

Trustee Jeffery Markley objected to tearing down history in the front room, but acknowledged the conundrum.

“I still believe that there is value in the historical component. Any grant money is going to be something few and far between because the town hall is not on a state historical registry and it has been chopped up in an amalgamation of buildings over the years,” he said. “I’m willing to let this process proceed to see what the construction

drawings look like.

“I am trying to look at the fiscal reality. We are in a climate where people do not want to approve a fire levy and that's life and death,” he continued. “I don’t know what else to do, other than try and save money whichever way we can because the rest of us do not want to pay for (historical value).”

After extensive discussion, the trustees motioned and approved the creation of construction documents for the demolition and reconstruction of the exterior of the town hall.

“This is just the design process of what it would look like if that part was removed, it’s not taking action to tear it down today,” Markley explained.

Discussion of renovation designs will continue and Meyers presumed there would be eight to 12 weeks before estimated numbers of the full cost would be debated.

Geauga Veterans Sport Fest Returns to Honor Patriots

Geauga Veterans Sport Fest is making a colorful return to Geauga County Sept. 7.

Gates will open at 3 p.m. and a fireworks show will kick off at dusk at the sixth annual event in the parking lot of Great Lakes Outdoor Supply at 14855 North State Ave. (state Route 608) in Middlefield.

“It’s a great opportunity to see our displays and meet the men and women of the local veteran organizations and show support to veterans, first responders and patriots,” event organizer and veteran Mike Warner said.

By attending and purchasing raffle tickets, participants will be supporting veterans and get a chance to visit various veterans’ group displays.

Admission is free, and food and beverages will be available for purchase, along with a drawing for the famous 50-item raffle — featuring firearms, outdoor equipment (paddle board, X-bow, Pelican kayaks, Camp Chef 2 burner stove, Camp Chef smoker, deer feeder, Expedition archery crossbow, cooler, fishing equipment, cash prizes and more.

With all proceeds donated directly to Geauga County-based veterans organizations, the festival is a main source of funding for the groups.

Tickets (one for $20 or three for $50) can be purchased online at Great Lakes Outdoor Supply website or from any of the following veteran organizations: Chardon VFW, Chardon American Legion, Middlefield VFW, Newbury American Legion, Combat Veterans Motorcycle Assoc. 12-7 or U.S. Militia RC.

Ticket-purchasers will receive an email with their ticket numbers and they do not need to be present at the drawing to win, according to event organizers.

Last year’s event raised nearly $90,000. Lynn Algeri, Geauga County Veteran Food Pantry director, has volunteered every year at the event and appreciates the donations helping the pantry.

“It really is an important event,” Algeri said. “It supports veterans. We serve those who serve and we can’t do it without the people of Geauga County.”

The festival is always held on the Saturday nearest to 9/11 to recognize and commemorate the tragic event’s anniversary.

This year’s theme — “Remembering their Sacrifice” — commemorates June 6, 1944’s D-Day Landing, a pivotal and historic moment marking the beginning of the end of World War II and liberation of Europe from Nazi occupation.

“Don’t miss a great fireworks show for the whole community and showing of support for our great Republic,” Warner said.

South Newbury Union Chapel to Briefly Open Doors

The South Newbury Union Chapel will be hosting a sneak peek open house Sept. 12, chapel Trustee Carole Drabek said at the Newbury Township Trustees Aug. 21 meet ing.

The free open house, from 5-7 p.m. at 15828 Ravenna Road, is part of the Ohio Open Doors program, which exists to raise awareness of historic buildings and struc tures around the state, Drabek explained.

“It’s a free program and it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s just an open door. It’s not like a big program at any of the sites, it’s intended to be just, ‘Oh by the way, did you know that this was here and this is why it’s here, and this is why it’s valuable historically to our culture and neighborhood,” she said.

Drabek provided other recent chapel updates, as well.

“We have some new changes that we’re happy to announce,” she said. “One is, we applied for a historic marker, an Ohio historic marker for the centennial oak.”

The centennial oak was planted in 1876 by the Women’s Suffrage Organization of

Woofstock Featuring Authors of Dog Books Sept. 8

Dog lovers who plan to visit Rescue Village’s annual Woofstock festival, held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 8 at Cleveland Metroparks Polo Field on Chagrin River Road, may want to sniff out the booth of two local authors this year.


An exterior shot of the South Newbury Union Chapel, located at 15828 Ravenna Road, which will be holding a free open-house from 5-7 p.m. Sept. 12.

South Newbury, Drabek explained.

The organization buried a canning jar containing relics from the suffrage club under the tree. As far as Drabek is aware, the

jar is still there and likely now inaccessible without causing the tree damage.

“They continued to have picnics and gatherings around that tree in the years after it was planted, and it’s still there and it’s still healthy,” she said.

Along with the application for the marker, the organization applied for a grant to get the brass plate for it, she said.

“If you purchase it, you get a beautiful brass plaque that acknowledges the historic status of the item and describes its place in history,” Drabek said.

As the tree is on private property, the plaque will be placed across the road, where the chapel building is.

There is also now a free lending library on the site, installed by Eagle Scout Will Brooker, of Newbury Township Troop 99, which has been seeing use, Drabek said.

“We’re really pleased about that,” she said.

The efforts to preserve and restore the chapel are also still in place, she added.

“The firm that’s doing the historic analysis of the chapel is called Preservation Toolbox,” Drabek said. “They have to finish this before we can move forward applying for

preservation grants from the National Park Service.”

In order to be accepted for NPS grant consideration, a location usually has to have a historic architectural survey completed, she said.

“It’s unbelievably detailed. You have to hire, obviously, people who know what they’re doing and they document — and this is for architectural education, that’s why they do this — so they can teach others how these old, hundreds-of-year-old buildings that are still standing were built,” she said.

Documentation includes the kind of wood and the nails used to construct the building, the trees cut down and more, she explained, calling the process time consuming.

“It’ll be done when it’s done,” she said. “I’ve learned to quit asking.”

Drabek also took a moment to acknowledge tree service company Independent Tree and the Kraus family for caring for the centennial oak since 2016.

The company has agreed to donate a crane for use in the architectural survey, as the inside of the belfry will need to be photographed and wood samples will need to be taken, she said.

Tracy Carter, of Russell Township, weaves her legal background and dog training experience into her Veronica Kildare K-9 mystery book series, according to a press release from Yopko Penhallurick public relations.

The cozy mysteries showcase diverse canine service jobs while the protagonist solves a different mystery in each book. Her award-winning book, “Dogged Pursuit,” was released in 2022 and “Lawyers, Dogs and Money” is her most recent book.

Timy Sullivan, of Chagrin Falls, teamed up with Mary Motley, of Sagamore Hills, to write “Deafinitely Awesome – The Story of Acorn.”

Acorn is an out-of-control puppy at the city kennel who just won’t listen. When a volunteer named Mary takes him home for the night, she discovers Acorn is profoundly deaf, teaches him hand signals and eventually adopts him.

The authors will also promote CITY DOGS Cleveland, the organization that benefits from their work and receives all proceeds.

Authors will have books available to purchase for cash or check. For more information on Woofstock, visit


Tigers Topple Wolverines When It Counts

Opening night of the high school football season sees intensity levels soaring — always something special in Ohio.

This past weekend there were some local marquee matchups, but one of the best season openers may have been played at C. S. Harris Stadium with the contest of next-door neighbors West Geauga Wolverines versus their host Chagrin Falls Tigers.

Both teams look to return to local prominence built on high expectations, and the eagerness of the young men in uniform had everybody amped up. For kids this age, that also often means a strong chance of mistakes leading to the total outcome, but in a game loaded with miscues and big plays galore, the Tigers held off a late rally from the Wolverines for a 17-15 victory.

With players having less than a month under their belts officially working together, this game was loaded with mistakes, which could be expected. There were 30 accepted penalties between the teams, with early calls against the Tigers setting them on their heels, and the roles were reversed in the second half. Four fumbles also came into play, but two big defensive plays for the Tigers proved to be the difference.

The first defensive stop came with 9:21 to play in the fourth period. To that point, the Wolverines had gotten the better pushes from the offensive line in running the ball, and at that point, junior Daegan Katz plowed his way into the end zone from 2 yards out to bring his team to 17-15 on the scoreboard. A huge push on the run to tie the game saw quarterback Finn Keenan swal lowed up by several Tigers to keep the lights on the board the same.

ing some success in their spread offenses throw ing the ball, it looked like a shootout was com ing, and it did. An exchange of long punts with very long rolls on them saw West Geauga get the ball back with 2:39 to play on their own 17 yard line. Four Keenan completions led West Geauga moving into the 37 yard line of Chagrin Falls, but the last comple tion also led to the last big mis take of the night, one of two fum bles for the Wolverines.

play, and that was the game-clincher.

Fighting to reach open space heading to the left corner of the field, the receiver was forced to give up the ball, senior Brady Ste-

The penalties made for a slow night all night long. In between them and the fumbles, two for each side, the action was hot but rag-

“Neighborhood rivalries are always special,” Chagrin Head Coach John Scott said after it was all over.

“The kids know each other (and) the intensity will always be sky-high when we play, so with changing divisions in play now for many teams, you don’t know if it will work out to keep those rivalries

“It’s huge for both schools and communities, so getting the opener done like we did is a great way to start. We want this game to be played. West Geauga does, too. Coach Rosati and I have great respect for each other and for our schools, so you expect to get a good game anyway.

“The kids are taught to leave it out on the field on every play, and that’s what happened tonight, but we got a couple big plays late to win the game.”

Wolverines Head Coach Matt Rosati, although disappointed with the final outcome, knew what still needed work.

“Basically, the penalties and turnovers killed us tonight,” Rosati said. “We did do some things well. I think we were a bit more

helped us to run the ball better, but those fumbles really hurt. We need to stop hurting ourselves like we did tonight.”

Junior Matt Osters paced a solid Wolverine ground game with 119 yards on 17 carries. He also caught seven passes from Keenan for 51 yards as the junior quarterback had a solid night throwing with 235 yards and a 16-yard score to Dominic Paros while hitting on 19 of 31 passes.

Chagrin quarterback Jacob Kay also playing solidly all night, hitting on 11 of 16 passes for 257 yards. Two of those completions came in spectacular fashion, too. Kay hit Drew Zelch down the left sideline with four minutes left to play in the first period, dominated by penalties that kept the pace very slow, with an 86-yard pass play in which Zelch outwrestled the defensive back for the ball and reached pay dirt.

The duo combined again in the third period from 38 yards out on a similar play on the opposite side of the field for the eventual winning score. Zelch caught six passes for 184 yards and those two touchdowns in a show of speed and willingness to get to the ball.

Cutting back mistakes will be huge for both teams down the road. The Tigers may have the easier time of it this week, visiting Youngstown East. The Wolverines travel down Route 306 to tangle with another neighbor, the powerful Kenston Bombers, who dropped a thriller in Boardman during their opener. Kenston will be ready, but so will West G.

Chagrin Falls
Jake McClintock

Chardon Shines in Sunshine State Opener

Defense Scores First Points of Year on a Safety

The Hilltoppers started their season with a 29-7 victory over Timber Creek, Fla.

Playing roughly 1,085 miles from home on a Thursday night did not deter Chardon, who simply overwhelmed Timber Creek on opening night in Orlando.

Despite temperatures in the mid-80s, high humidity and a high dew point, the Toppers looked like the team familiar with the Florida weather. From the opening drive, Chardon was in control of the game.

Chardon may not have played a clean first half, but they were undoubtedly the dominant team.

The Hilltoppers got on the board first after the Wolves recovered a fumble on their own 1 yard line. Timber Creek’s first play was a receiver screen that the Chardon defense was all over, and the Toppers, led by Alexander Ash, recorded a safety.

In past years, one major goal of the Chardon defense was to get a safety. This year, it took care of that on its first play.

Entering the game, questions surrounded the Topper defense, which only returned Ash and Beckett Dotson from last season’s unit. However, the Hilltoppers stymied the Wolves run game the entire night and, outside of a few big pass plays, limited the Timber Creek passing attack.

Chardon's inexperienced defense earned its stripes and is unlikely to surprise future opponents by playing the tough Hilltopper defense that has become a hallmark under

Head Coach Mitch Hewitt.

Up 2-0 with 5:15 to play in the second quarter, Chardon’s offense scored the first points of the season when Vinny Colombi punched it in from two yards out. The ensuing PAT made in 9-0.

The score was set up by a fourth-andgoal stand on the 1 yard line by Chardon’s defense.

Timber Creek responded right back and quickly marched down the field. A touchdown cut the Chardon lead to 9-7 with 4:07 to play before halftime.

Not to be outdone, the Hilltoppers an swered back and, once again, Colombi scored on a short touchdown run to make it 15-7 just before halftime.

Midway through the third, Caleb Hewitt ripped off a 54-yard run and Colombi added a one-yard run to make it 22-7.

Colombi scored his fourth and final touch down of the game in the fourth quarter, also closing out the evening's scoring.

While Chardon was dominate, there were issues.

Making his first start at quarterback, junior Drayton Allgood had two turnovers in the first quarter. He fumbled the ball on the opening drive at the opponent's 1 and threw an interception.

However, after the pick, Allgood settled down and showed the flashes he displayed last year in limited action with the first team.

Both teams struggled covering kickoff returns as well, giving up huge returns on most kickoffs.

All that said, it was a good first game for Chardon, who will certainly look to clean up

their issues heading into the first game they play this year in the Buckeye state.

Chardon played at Timber Creek as part of a team trip to Florida, which was designed to help the team bond. Players raised money for the trip, and Chardon had such a large contingent that the school was able to get a chartered flight from the Akron-Canton airport down to Orlando.

The Toppers flew down on Wednesday, held a practice, and then enjoyed the evening. On Thursday, the team held a walkthrough and took in a movie before heading

to Timber Creek’s stadium for the game.

As part of the package, the players also received passes to Universal Studios and the waterpark to use Friday and Saturday. Chardon's JV team played a game Saturday, as well.

The team flew home Sunday to begin preparations to host Tiffin Columbia for the home opener at Chardon Memorial Field.

Chardon will seek a little revenge, as the Toppers lost to Tiffin last year in the waning seconds of the game when the Tornadoes scored a last-second touchdown and made a two-point conversion.

Huskies Pick Up First Win, Tigers Sweep Tri-Match at Home

After a slow start to their 2024-25 season, the Huskies have officially picked up their first win in their Coach Michael Chaffee era.

Despite starting out 0-3 with losses against Garrettsville Garfield, West Geau ga and LaBrae, Cardinal picked up its first new-season win against Madison during a trimatch Aug. 24 at Chagrin Falls.

“Our energy was amazing throughout the entire time; even when we got down on our selves, we picked ourselves up after a couple of points,” said junior captain Ali Puruczky. “We came out of a huge hole, and I think that carried the energy for us.”

The Blue Streaks took set one, 25-21. A hitting error by Madison would get the Hus kies on the board first, which was followed by an ace from sophomore setter and right side Olivia Krebs.

Back and forth it would go to start the second set, and the Huskies took their first timeout of the set while trailing 15-11.

Senior libero Shay Roby put on a show at the service line, stringing along a 7-0 run, but Coach Chaffee had to burn his second timeout after falling behind 18-11 and it looked like the Huskies had run out of steam.

A little bit of magic from senior middle blocker Morgan Csontos proved to be the touch.

Csontos would string together a 10-0 run to come from behind and win 25-23. During that rotation, Csontos recorded four aces, while the Huskies’ defense forced the Blue Streaks into two hitting errors, including one to snag set two.

“It’s really hard to get out of a hole, especially that big,” said senior setter Maddy Ehrhardt. “After dropping the first set and then a huge hole in the second, we came out and we were so excited to get that win.”

The Huskies claimed set three 25-17 and the match 2-1, improving to 1-3, while Madison fell to 1-4 to start the season.

"I'm thrilled with the comeback in game two of the Madison match,” Coach Chaffee said. “Scoring the final nine points was amazing. We've been struggling to put scoring runs together, and that one certainly energized us.

“Getting our first win together was a relief. We've played very competitive matches this season, and I've been very happy with our effort and our willingness to learn a new system with different roles. It's an adjustment for all of us, players and coaches. I'm confident we'll keep improving.”

After a strong showing against Madison, the Huskies quickly jumped out to a 4-0 lead over the host team, Chagrin Falls. With a kill out of the middle from Csontos and an ace from sophomore Natalie Soltis, the Huskies looked like they couldn’t be stopped.

Chagrin Falls reclaimed the lead midway through the first set 11-10 after a hitting error from the Huskies. A mid-rotation change

for the Huskies proved beneficial after setting Puruczky out of the middle.

Early injuries to middle blocker Lizzy Lucariello and junior hitter Maggie Grant have plagued Cardinal, forcing different starting lineups and changes to start the season.

“We tried a new lineup out so that we could get some girls that are our stronger hitters,” Puruczky explained, “move around so that our opponents block them, so they aren’t constantly on them and know exactly where they are going.”

A kill from the back row by Puruczky forced the Tigers, trailing 17-12, to call a timeout. Then Gianna Calabrese read the floor and scored on back-to-back tip kills.

A couple of kills from Krebs and Puruczky solidified a set-one Cardinal win, 25-19.

Set two would be all Tigers. A quick 7-4 lead eventually grew into a 18-11 lead before Coach Chaffee took his first timeout of the set. The Tigers were picking apart the Hus-

kies’ defense, including back-to-back kills by the setter in Audrey Holmes.

Coach Kelly Holtz's crew took a commanding set-two victory, 25-16, evening the match at one set apiece.

“Our goal was to find the empty spots on the other side of the court, hit deep corners, tip short, and play smart volleyball,” Holmes said. “I think we executed that pretty well.”

Another quick start in the third set forced the Huskies to call a timeout after trailing 5-0. Holmes recorded two aces in the opening rotation before a hitting error gave the ball back to Cardinal.

But a balanced offense between Calabrese and outside hitter Anna Topel would prove to be too much for the Huskies. Chagrin Falls built a 17-9 lead before taking a timeout to talk things over. The Huskies would be within three late in the third set, but it was the Tigers who pulled away victoriously, 25-23, taking the match 2-1.

“We are excited to get to play teams that we know and teams that we feel like we have big competition against,” Holmes said.

Junior outside hitter Anna Topel led Chagrin Falls with 13 kills on 25 swings, while Calabrese and Anna Michalek added nine and seven respectively. Topel led the way with five aces, while Michalek added three blocks to lead the Tigers’ defense. Sophomore Sadie Conrad paced the back row with 20 digs while Holmes added 12. Holmes added to her double-double with 12 digs and 21 assists.

The Tigers improved to 3-2 overall and will get their conference play underway later on in September. As for the Huskies, their conference season began Aug. 26 against Grand Valley.

“We are excited to play a couple home games because we have been away a lot,” Maddie Ehrardt said. “We are eager to get back home.”

During the tri, Cardinal was led by Puruczky with 23 kills; Ehrhardt with 21 assists; Grant with 27 digs; and Csontos with seven aces.

Wolverines Girls Tennis Excited for 2024 Season


After a few years without a Wolverines Girls Varsity Tennis program during the pandemic, the program returned to West Geauga under the leadership of Coach Mary Kay Yuhas in the Fall of 2023.

Beginning their second season under Coach Yuhas, the Wolverines took on Orange on Aug. 12 and Chagrin Falls on Aug. 14.

For the 2024 season, the Wolverines have 15 players returning from last year's team.

In addition, they have added nine new players.

Although Coach Yuhas is still in the process of finalizing the lineup, she provided an overview of those expected to make significant contributions during the 2024 season.

At first singles, the Wolverines will have junior Lilly Isgro. Isgro's season started well as she won her first varsity match against Orange, 6-1, 6-2.

Isgro said that she is happy with how the season has begun and that she is excited about the growth of the team as the Wolverines have added some very good new players.

In particular, Isgro emphasized that the Wolverines have been exerting great effort and that they have developed very

good team chemistry.

“It's actually (started) pretty good, pretty impressive with all the new freshmen,” said Isgro. We play with a lot of effort and I feel like we're really good as a team and everyone just plays really well together.”

At second singles for the Wolverines will be sophomore Caroline Yeager.

Yeager's season started well as she won her first varsity match against Orange.

“The season is going great,” said Yeager. “Our games are pretty solid even though we are playing some really good teams. Our team is coming together really well considering we only started up last year.”

Currently, at third singles is sophomore Elizabeth Grisez and at first doubles is senior Maddie Oster and junior Jadyn Brendy.

Last season, Grisez and Oster were named Chagrin Valley Conference (CVC) players of the week for their victory over Jefferson at the OHSAA sectional tournament.

In addition to winning the CVC player of the week award, Oster also received the Wolverines Most Improved Award for the 2023 season.

At second doubles, the Wolverines will have juniors Lilly Colecchia and Sofia Dipierro.

Coach Yuhas also talked about what she considers to be the main strengths of the

strong mental game.

“They're super enthusiastic,” said Yuhas. “They're very kind to one another (and) they're kind to their opponents. That's the best thing about us, the personality and the attitude of the team.”

Coach Yuhas stressed that since the team ines.

With a new team, Coach Yuhas said the main goals for the season are to improve at tennis, gain confidence and enjoy the game.

Added Isgro, “I think (the goal) is to get everyone in the flow of things. We’re all compatible with each other and everyone loves to play.”

The Cardinal Huskies picked up their first win of the season against Madison in a tri-match at Chagrin Falls with the Tigers, who swept both of their matches.

Phillips Leads Wolverines Golf to A Great Start

The West Geauga Wolverines Golf Team is off to a great start this season.

Led by freshman Dylan Phillips, the Wolverines are shooting low scores and recently defeated the Chagrin Falls Tigers.

In addition, in the Wolverines recent match against the Hawken Hawks at Fowler's Mill Golf Course on Aug. 21, Phillips earned medalist honors as he shot a 33, two under par.

In describing his excellent round against the Hawks, Phillips emphasized that his ball striking was very good.

Just how good was Phillips' ball striking?

Phillips drove the green on the par 4 7th hole and then hit his tee shot to within a foot of the cup on the par 3 eighth hole.

“I drove the green on 7, hit it about 320 (yards) to about 15 feet,” said Phillips. “Two putted there for birdie. Then on the next hole, I stuck it to about a foot, and buried that putt. Got a clutch up and down on the last hole. That was pretty nice.”

With Phillips excellent round of two under, Head Coach Jay Kletecka said that the Wolverines' 164 against the Hawks was their lowest score of the year.

“Dylan shooting two under par, 33, is just amazing,” said Kletecka.

Coach Kletecka said that in addition to Phillip’s low scores, he has contributed greatly to how his teammates have begun to approach the game.

“Just watching him hit and attack the

pins and his ability has taken things to the next level,” said Kletecka. “Ever since he has come to practice, everything for us has been elevated which has been amazing. Just his presence has really helped our guys better understand how to control the golf course.”

In addition to Phillips' excellent round against the Hawks, he also led the Wolverines to a second place finish in the NEO Futures Kickoff Classic Tournament at Briardale Greens Golf Course.

Phillips' round of 70 (34-36) led the Wolverines to a 312 second place finish for the tournament, just two shots behind Perry.

Coach Kletecka said that in 16 years of leading Wolverines Golf, the NEO Futures Tournament score of 312 was the best tournament round he has coached.

In addition to Phillips shooting a 70, senior golfer Landon Lear also shot in the 70s at the NEO Futures Kickoff Classic Tournament.

“We played really well, obviously led by Dylan, he's playing amazing this year,” Lear said. “So that's amazing to play behind him. Our team played really well that day and I was happy with second place.”

Coach Kletecka said that the positive team chemistry that has been developed between the senior, Lear, and the freshman, Phillips has been instrumental in motivating the rest of the team to strive for success.

With the excellent team chemistry and high level of play on the course, Wolverines Golf defeated Chagrin Falls for the first time since Kletecka has been coaching.

“That by far was an outstanding win for our guys,” said Coach Kletecka. “I think they understood the significance of it and that they had the ability to come out and compete. And it came down to the last group and we ended up pulling it off by four shots (167-171).”

He continued: “By far, probably one of the most exciting wins I think I have ever had coaching here at West G.”

In the victory over the Tigers, the Wolver ines were led by Phillips (37), Lear (42) and JJ Rubinski (42).

As the Wolverines have had an excellent and exciting start, Phillips is optimistic about the rest of the season ahead.

“I want this team to go far in the playoffs and win a bunch of matches,” said Phillips. “Just looking to go very far.”

164 against the Hawks was their lowest score of the year.

Wolverines Cook Eagles’ Goose in Early Season Match

A lot of youth got involved last season in the West Geauga women’s soccer program under first-year coach Cassidy Lewis, and a 7-10-2 season of growth has gotten the Wol verines off to a good beginning this year.

West G improved to 2-0 on this young sea son Aug. 20 with a resounding 9-0 triumph over the Geneva Eagles at Howell Field, sparked by a four-goal effort from junior for ward Adison Cook.

She didn’t do it alone, either.

“We worked hard in the off-season to be ready for this year,” Cook said. “Often times we were out here playing two or three times a week. Against NDCL, we played fairly well but also had some moments in the second half that we kind of backed down a little in. So today, knowing Geneva is usually pretty solid, we pushed ourselves more in the second half after a close first half to pull away. It felt pret ty good to play hard all the way.”

Two goals from Cook and one from Fael lynn Beckrest gave the Wolverines a 3-0 half time lead in a game started early due to the Eagles (1-1) not fielding a junior varsity team.

Team speed was the difference in this contest, especially in the second half.

Geneva, under first-year coach James Restad, applied pressure all over the field and played well, but the overall edge in team speed, especially in the second half, proved to be too much for them.

Beside the four goals from Cook, Ava Borz and Beckrest each score twice, and late in the game, Rachel Mason broke free on a breakaway up the middle to impersonate the Road Runner for an unassisted goal.

Beckrest scored off of a corner kick from as we could,” Coach Lewis said. “We want to improve on our record from last year, so we haven’t scheduled as many D1 teams as we did last year. We play several late in the season, but we have such a strong freshman, sophomore and junior representation this season, we want to keep pushing the entire game every time we play.

lead, but today we were really locked in the whole way, and our team speed came through very well for us.”

Breakaway opportunities were regular for the Wolverines against a young Geneva team, but the Eagles have a solid youth program to provide experience. They got good position defensively most of the time.

When they didn’t, though, and the speedy players in West Geauga uniforms got free, their opponents made the plays to win the game.

Geneva only got off a trio of shots on keeper Michaela Platt, one of three West G seniors. Two saves got the ball back under control of the Wolverine offense in a hurry, and with Cook having a career day for any player, West Geauga was now set up for a tough matchup against Willoughby South.

Terrence Kenneth Orvis

Terrence “Terry” Orvis is remembered as being fiercely independent, artistic, fun-loving and a loyal friend who enjoyed working with his hands, hosting gatherings at his woodland home, travel, gardening and working in his woods.

He was a man who lived life (and death) on his own terms.

Terry, an architect and accomplished oil painter from Chardon, passed away peacefully in his sleep on the morning of Aug. 11, 2024.

Terry was born in Elyria in 1937 to Suzanne (nee Murbach) and Albert J. Orvis. He grew up with sisters Patsy and Nicki and brother Tim, and formed lifelong friendships with schoolmates.

He served in the National Guard and graduated from Kent State University with a bachelor’s degree in architecture.

After college, he moved to Cleveland and worked at William Dorsky and Associates, then at the Dalton-Dalton-Little and Newport Architects, Inc. (DDLN). He won design awards for Haven of Rest in Akron and the U.S. Navy Data Center in Cleveland.

Terry and his college sweetheart, Bonnie Boyer (nee Pearce), married and lived in Shaker Heights with their children, Stacia, Ginger and Ryan, before moving to Chardon in 1977 to a home Terry designed and built, inspired by the woodlands surrounding it.

Terry left DDLN to start his own business after the couple divorced in the 1980s. He partnered with best friend and neighbor, Hank Penttila, to form Orvis-Penttila Architects, before branching out on his own as Terrence K. Orvis Architects.

Orvis-Penttila were known for many


unique commercial and residential designs, and notably the Cleveland Heights Motorcars Honda dealership, preserving the historic Cleveland Heights City Hall entrance and incorporating it into the design.

In addition to his interest in design, Terry was a talented artist who enjoyed oil painting, music, photography, cooking, sailing and travel. He reconnected with his love of painting and drawing in the 1990s, becoming active with the Murray Hill Drawing Group based in Cleveland. Terry was prolific in oil on canvas still-life, portraits, abstracts and later volunteered for the Geauga Park District (GPD) to construct “glaciers” paint museum quality wall-sized backdrops for the GPD’s “Engage the Ice Age” exhibition.

Terry met Paige Hosier in 1994 and the two became inseparable. They hosted painting workshops at their home and embarked upon trips to Europe, Costa Rica, Mexico, the Caribbean and cross-country USA. Terry and Paige married in 2012, and Terry became the stepfather of Paige’s children, Erin, Michael and Brian.

Terry is survived by spouse Paige Orvis; daughter Stacia (Chas) Littleton; son, Ryan Orvis; stepdaughter, Erin (Chris Gelles) Hosier, stepsons, Michael (Suzanne) Hosier and Brian Hosier; grandchildren, Charli and Seth Littleton; grandson Jackson Hosier; nephews Paul, Rod and John Mugford; and niece, Brooke (Donnie) St. Peter.

He was preceded in death by daughter Ginger Caitlin Orvis; parents, Albert J. and Suzanne L. (nee Murbach) Orvis; sisters, Patricia A. Mugford and Nichol L. Mitchell; brother, Timothy L. Orvis; and nephew Jonathan Jacob Mitchell.

A celebration of Terry’s life will be held at The West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Road, Russell Township, on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024, at 1 p.m.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Terry’s memory to Hospice of the Western Reserve or the Foundation for Geauga Parks.

Frank R. Carroll

“If I die tomorrow, just know I had a good time!”

Frank R. Carroll, age 66, passed away unexpectedly at his home in Newbury Township on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

The Carroll namesake was born to Phyllis (nee Czerr) and Frank M. Carroll on Feb. 4, 1958, at the Corey Hospital in the village of Chardon.

Frankie’s childhood was spent working hard and playing mischievously on the family farm on Sherman Road in Munson Township. Almost his entire life was spent in Geauga County, where he made and kept many friends and was never too far from family.

He held a couple different jobs when his children were young, then followed his uncles into the trade of house painting, eventually starting his own painting business.

He was a long-standing member of The Ohio Bottle Club and his favorite pastime was bottle digging — the hobby of researching, finding and digging up antique glass bottles that have been buried for over a century. There isn’t a field, patch of woods or river’s edge, anywhere in this area, that he didn’t hike in search of a dig.

In addition to bottles, he also collected antiques and other cool stuff he found at auctions, garage sales or even dumpster diving.

Frankie was a bit eccentric, incredibly kind, and a thoughtful man. He faced many trials and tribulations throughout his life but made the best of each day. Never missing a special family occasion, whether it be a holiday, reunion, birthday or just a beautiful day for a picnic.

In the past few years, he was sure to spend time a couple days a week with his mother, going for walks in the park, frequenting garage sales, playing BINGO at the senior

center, enjoying time together and making cherished memories.

Frankie is survived by and was so proud of his two sons and their families, Frank W. and Robin Carroll (nee Gordon) and Frankie G. and Addie, of Highland Heights, and Matt and Shonna (nee Banholzer) Carroll, and Soaran and Willow, of Brunswick. His grandchildren were the greatest love and joy of his life. He also is survived by his mother, Phyllis Carroll (nee Czerr), of Chagrin Falls; siblings, Teri Nemeth (nee Carroll), of Bainbridge Township, Tim Carroll (Melinda), of Mentor, and his little sister, Kathy Carroll-Lawrence, of Chagrin Falls; nephews and niece Brian Carroll (Alejanera), Robby Worrell (Melissa), Joey Jacobs, Zoey Nemeth (Brett Lonjak), Mike Nemeth (Logan), John Storaasli (Ellie) and Mickey Lawrence; grand-nieces and grand-nephews, Lexi and Lily Carroll, Robby and Elayna Worrell, Lena Lonjak, Remington Storaasli and Arthur Nemeth; Auntie Norma Bossman, of Willowick, and Auntie Janet Surckla, of Newbury Township; and all of his cousins and their families, especially Kenny Czerr, not only a cousin, but a best friend.

Those who have passed on before Frankie, all tragically lost too soon, are his father, Frank M. Carroll, of Painesville; and nephews Nick Nemeth, of Bainbridge, and TK Carroll, of Mentor.

Family and Friends are welcome to join us for Frankie’s burial service at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024, at Fowlers Mill Road Cemetery, followed by a Celebration of Life, from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., held at Phyllis Carroll’s home at 8494 Tanglewood Trail, Bainbridge Township.

Notices should be sent in writing to: Geauga County Maple Leaf, P.O. Box 1166, Chardon, OH, 44024-5166, faxed to 440-285-2015 or emailed to The Maple Leaf charges a flat fee of $125 per obituary or death notice, including a photograph.

Ronald Calascibetti

Ronald Calascibetti, age 74, passed away on Aug. 20, 2024.

Beloved husband of Donna; son of Ann and Bennie (deceased); father of David, Dan (Stephanie) and Dallas; Brother of Diane Majewski; loving uncle to many and dedicated friend.

He was a proud member of the Pipefitters Local 120 for over 30 years.

Visitation will be on Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024, from 2-7 p.m., at Burr Funeral Home, 116 South St., Chardon.

Service and celebration were held Aug. 26, 2024, at the funeral home, with a graveside service following at Hambden Township Cemetery.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Burr Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Chardon. Condolences and memories may be shared online at

Sandra Lee Hodapp

Sandra Lee Hodapp, age 83, of Perry, peacefully passed away on Aug. 18, 2024, at Hospice of the Western Reserve, in Cleveland, after a brief illness.

Born on Jan. 16, 1941, in Painesville, to Joseph and Minnie (nee Scheibel) Hodapp, Sandra lived a life of exceptional dedication, faith and global exploration.

Sandra’s formative years included a distinguished education at Villa Angela in Cleveland, followed by earning her bachelor’s degree in accounting at Cleveland State University and obtaining her Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation.

Her career as a CPA with the IRS took her around the world, from a time of living in Paris to the tropical island of Nassau, Bahamas, and eventually to Arlington, Va. She served at the Pentagon for many years before retiring in July 2001, just before the tragic events of 9/11.

After retiring, Sandra made Perry, Ohio, her home for the past two decades. Her life in Perry was marked by deep community involvement and a steadfast commitment to her Catholic faith. Sandra was a cherished member of St. Cyprian Church, where she found a profound sense of belonging and spiritual fulfillment. Her church community was a source of great joy and support throughout her life.

Sandra also took an active role in her condominium association, reflecting her dedication to the well-being of her neighbors and friends.

In her personal time, she found solace and satisfaction in crocheting and needlepoint, creating beautiful works that were a testament to her creative spirit.

Sandra is survived by her nieces and nephews, Connie (Mark) Rising, Nancy Giesel, Bill (Patricia) Johnson and Pat (Phillis) Hodapp; her great-nieces, Debra (Ron) Barak and Jennifer Geisel; her great-nephew, Bob (Karolyn) Johnson; as well as many greatgreat-nieces and great-great-nephews; and one great-great-great-niece.

She was preceded in death by her parents; and her siblings, Leo Hodapp, Rita Giesel, Jean Johnson and Faith Hodapp.


A gathering time for family and friends, and a Mass of Christian Burial took place Aug. 24, 2024, at St. Cyprian Catholic Church, 4223 Middle Ridge Road, Perry. Interment followed at Perry Village Cemetery.

The family suggest donations be made in Sandra’s memory to St. Cyprian Catholic Church.

Sandra Lee Hodapp’s life was a reflection of her deep faith, resilience and commitment to her community. Her legacy is one of spiritual devotion and selfless service, leaving an enduring impact on those who knew her.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Burr Funeral Home in Chardon. For more information and to leave condolences, please visit

Joan Marie Piwarski

Joan Marie Piwarski, age 76, of Windsor, peacefully passed away on Aug. 18, 2024, at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, with her loving family by her side.

Born on March 21, 1948, to Charles and Viola (nee Collins) Jameson, in Painesville, Joan was raised in Chardon, where she graduated from Chardon High School.

Joanie was a free spirit who embraced life with a joyful heart and an adventurous soul. She was known for her love of motorcycles, her deep connection with nature and her magical ability to bring even the most withered plants back to life. Her green thumb was legendary, and her garden was a testament to her nurturing spirit.

She had such a vibrant personality and enjoyed all genres of music.

But above all, Joanie’s greatest gift was the love she gave to those around her. Her family and friends were the center of her world, and if you were lucky enough to be loved by Joanie, you had a friend for life.

She had a remarkable ability to see the good in everyone, never judging, always accepting, and never giving up on anyone. Her smile was contagious and her laughter could light up any room, leaving a lasting impression on everyone she met.

Joanie leaves behind a legacy of love and warmth, survived by her children, Nicole (Richard Heffern) Piwarski, of Russell Township, Ronald (Melissa) Piwarski, of Crestview, Fla., and Shaun Piwarski, of Windsor; brother, Ken Jameson; sisters, Joyce (Bill) Santore and Jeanette (Bob) Peterson; her adored grandchildren, Medo, Nya, Carter, Isabel, Averi and Gordon; and her life companion, Roger Boosinger.

A celebration of Joanie’s life will be held on Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024, with visitation from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, at Burr Funeral Home, 116 South St., Chardon. A funeral service will follow at 12 noon.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Burr Funeral Home in Chardon, Ohio. For more information and to share your memories and condolences, please visit

David Janu Sr.

David Janu Sr., age 72, passed away peacefully in his home, surrounded by family who loved and cherished him.

David was born Nov. 6, 1951, in Thompson Township, and spent most of his life there. He graduated from Ledgemont High School in 1969, and later enjoyed a career in mechanical engineering.

David was an avid lover of nature, the outdoors and animals. He enjoyed spending time outside gardening and kept beautiful flower gardens all the way into the last weeks of his life.

He is preceded in death by his parents, John Janu Sr. and Betty Janu; as well as his sister, Jane Fatheringham (nee Janu).

He is survived by his children, David D. Janu Jr., Rebecca Gatewood (nee Janu) and Elizabeth Janu; as well as grandchildren, Nova Janu, Mariah Janu, Laila Marshall and Nalla Hersman.

David had a warm heart and kind spirit and he will be deeply missed.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Burr Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Chardon. Condolences and memories may be shared online at

William Emmett Dolsen

William Emmett “Bill” Dolsen, age 78, of Huntsburg Town ship, passed away peacefully at his home on Aug. 22, 2024.

Born on Feb. 9, 1946, in Cleveland, to the late Robert F. Dolsen and Dorothy (nee Knapp) Dolsen, Bill was a lifelong Geauga County resident who spent 48 years in Huntsburg and grew up in Chardon.

Bill graduated from Chardon High School in 1964 before enlisting in the U.S. Air Force, where he proudly served from 1965 to 1969 in Omaha, Neb., and Seville, Spain.

He dedicated much of his career to truck driving, retiring from the U.S. Postal Service in 2011.

On June 16, 1972, Bill married Donna Ma rie Dolsen, the love of his life. Together, they built a life full of joy and adventure.

Family and friends are invited to gather to celebrate Bill’s life on Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024, from 4-8 p.m., at Burr Funeral Home, 116 South St., Chardon.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations be made to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 17876 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110; or the Wounded Warrior Project, P.O. Box 758516, Topeka, Kansas 66675-8516.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Burr Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Chardon. Condolences and memories may be shared online at

Evelyn Marie Rowlands

Evelyn “Evie” Marie Rowlands, age 83, of Newbury Township, passed away peacefully on Aug. 7, 2024, at Burton Healthcare Center.

Born on Dec. 23, 1940, in Beaver Falls, Pa., Evelyn was the beloved daughter of Albert and Lorraine (nee Brest) Andre.

Bill’s passions included aviation, history and mechanical tinkering. In his retirement, he delved into antique clock repair and collecting, combining his interests in a meaningful way.

He was an avid traveler, but his greatest joy came from working on the home he built for his family. Known as a jack of all trades, Bill took pride in tackling any project, big or small.

Bill is survived by his beloved wife, Donna; four sons, Lee (Emerlyn), Adam (Julia), Andrew and Daniel (Jenna); and six grandchildren, Laina, Natalie, Evan, Sophia, Benjamin and Kieran.

He is also survived by his three sisters, Susan (Bill) Fluhr, Diane Dolsen and JoAnne Dolsen; along with many nieces and nephews.

Evelyn’s journey took her from her roots in Pennsylvania to Florida, where she lived with her first husband, Chester Bell, before returning to Ohio following his passing.

On Oct. 11, 1980, Evelyn married Patrick M. Rowlands in Chardon. They shared a beautiful and fulfilling life together in Newbury for 40 years until his passing in 2020.

Evelyn dedicated much of her working life to caring for others as a housekeeper at Holly Hill Nursing Home and the Dolan Center at Heather Hill. Her work was a testament to her caring and nurturing spirit.

A devout parishioner of St. Helen Catholic Church in Newbury, Evelyn’s faith was the cornerstone of her life. She lived her faith with unwavering devotion and spread kindness to all who had the privilege of knowing her. Her presence at St. Helen will be deeply missed by her church family.

Evelyn will be remembered for her warmth, compassion and steadfast faith. A loving and devoted soul, Evelyn leaves behind a legacy of kindness and an enduring spirit of generosity.

Visitation will be held at St. Helen Catholic Church, 12060 Kinsman Road, Newbury, on Friday, Aug. 30, 2024, beginning at 10 a.m., with a Mass of Christian Burial beginning at 11 a.m. A graveside service will immediately follow at Munn Cemetery in Newbury. Cremation services provided by Burr Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Chardon. Condolences and memories may be shared online at

4-H News

Greener Fields

Fair is finally here. August is a busy month for 4-H’ers. As a Greener Fields 4-H member showing animals, getting ready for the fair may consist of setting up and cleaning barns, decorating barns and having extra meetings about Junior Fair show schedules. A week to a few days before the fair is the busiest time with members having to wash their animals, shear their lambs or shave their goats, trim hooves, and pack feed and supplies for the week of the fair. In addition to all these things, members are continuing to practice things like showmanship, walking their animals around a show ring and holding small animals like rabbits and poultry properly. This year’s fair will be held Aug. 29 to Sept. 2, so come out and support the community’s local 4-H’ers. (Submitted by Gracelynn Forbes, news reporter)

Bulletin Board

Effective Aug. 1, 2023, for-profit and nonprofit organizations or groups will need to purchase a paid advertisement for an event anytime tickets are sold, a fee is charged or a freewill donation is taken. If an organization or group does not wish to buy an ad to promote their event and connect with our readers, Karlovec Media Group will print a simple liner-type ad identifying the event, date/time/place and a number to call for more information. E-mail submissions to:

Master Gardeners at the Fair

Aug. 29 – Sept. 2

Visit the Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers’ booth display “Connecting to Our Roots” located in building 9 at the south end of the fairgrounds at the Great Geauga County Fair. MGVs will be on duty to help answer gardening questions.

Food Pantry Open

Aug. 30, 10 a.m. to noon

The food pantry at the Chester Christian Center church is open to anyone in the community in need of food. One does not need to be a member of the church to attend. The church is located at 11815 Chillicothe Road in Chester Township.

Free Community Dinner

Aug. 30, 5-6:30 p.m.

Mayfield United Methodist Church is hosting dinner at the church located at 7747 Mayfield Road in Chester Township. Carryout is available.

Holiday Polka Party

Sept. 2, 12-7 p.m.

A Labor Day polka party will be held at SNPJ Farm, 10946 Heath Road, Kirtland. Enjoy ethnic food and live music featuring the Eddie Rodick Band and Frank Stanger Band. For information, call 330-318-3004.

Dorothy's Porch

Sept. 5 and 6, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Dorothy’s Porch, a free community giveaway of clothing for the family, bedding, household items, toys and books, will be held at Celebration Lutheran Church, 10621 Auburn Road in Chardon.

This And That Garage Sale

Sept. 5-7

St. Mark Lutheran Church Women’s League will host its annual This and That garage sale at the church located at 11900 Chillicothe in Chester Township. The sale runs Thursday from 6-9 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Proceeds support its monthly community lunch and mission grants.

GEL Breakfast

Sept. 6, 8-9:30 a.m.

John Wilton, director of client services Northern Ohio at Spooner Risk Control Services, will present “Ohio BWC 101: Claims, Programs and Other Nuggets” at the next Geauga Economic Leadership breakfast at Kent State University – Geauga, 14111 Claridon Troy Road, Burton.

Breakfast and networking begin at 8 a.m. Co-sponsored by Geauga Growth Partnership

and Kent State University at Geauga, the event is free and open to the public.

For information or to register, call 440564-1060 or email

Young of Heart

Sept. 6, 11:30 a.m.

Geauga Young of Heart will meet at St. Anselm Church in Chester Township. Bring a brown bag lunch. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Entertainment will be by Joe Bortnick on his accordion.

Any Geauga County resident 55 or over may join Young of Heart. To join call Monica at 216-659-8117.

The group will go see a movie at the Atlas Movie Theater in Aurora on Sept. 11. A trip to the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum has been planned for Oct. 13-15. For more information on the trips, call Kimber at 440-668-3293.

FGP Explorers Series

Sept. 7, 10 a.m. to noon

Join Foundation for Geauga Parks for a nature interpretation at the Rookery, 10110 Cedar Road in Chester Township. For information or to register, visit or call 440-564-1048.

Chinese Auction

Sept. 7, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

St. Patrick Church is hosting its annual Chinese auction at the church located at 16550 Rock Creek Road, Thompson Township. Call 440-298-1327 for information.

LCRTA Lunch Meeting

Sept. 9, 11 a.m.

The Lake County Retired Teachers Association will meet at the Kirtlander Party Center, 9270 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland. Social time will be followed by the program at 11:30 a.m. and lunch. The program features candidates who are running in the Nov. 5 general election. A representative from the Lake County Board of Elections will also be in attendance. For advance reservations, contact Karen Sawitke, 9399 Ridgeside Drive, Mentor, OH 44060 by Aug. 30. For more information, visit

Genealogical Society Meets

Sept. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

The Geauga County Genealogical Society will present "Down on the Farm: Geauga County Farm Life 1958" at the Chardon Library 110 E. Park St. Chardon. Dan Best, retired naturalist, will talk about a fictional farm family and dairy farming, maple sugaring, teen pastimes and more.

The program begins after social time

and a short business meeting at 7 p.m. There will be a raffle of Geauga County products. Registration is required; visit www,

Twilight Soiree

Sept. 12, 5:30-9 p.m.

Tickets are on sale for Foundation for Geauga Parks’ Twilight Soiree at Fowler’s Mill in Chester Township. For more information, or to purchase tickets, call 440-564-1048 or visit

Night Owl Prowl

Sept. 13, 4:30-9 p.m.

Lake County Genealogical Society presents Night Owl Prowl at Morley Library in Painesville. The genealogy session includes a presentation by Judy Stebbins, breakout groups and genealogy room help. For reservations by Sept. 4, visit www.

Harvest Handmade Market

Sept. 15, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Chardon Square Association is hosting Harvest Handmade Market on Chardon Square. The free event features unique handmade goods and food, including the Kiwanis Corn Roast. For information, visit

Get Septic Smart!

Sept. 17, 6-7:30 p.m.

Join the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District and Geauga Public Health for a free SepticSmart program at the Geauga County Public Library Administrative Center, 12701 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon. Registration is required by visiting www. or calling 440-834-1122.

Auburn FD Clambake

Sept. 21, 6-8 p.m.

The Auburn Fire Department is hosting its annual clambake at the fire station located at 10950 Washington St. in Auburn Township.

Presale tickets only are available by calling or texting 440-343-0054, emailing or contacting any Auburn Fire person.

Junk in the Trunkfest

Sept. 28, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sell items from one’s trunk or set up a table at Junk in the Trunkfest held in conjunction with Auburn Township’s annual community picnic at Auburn Community Park, 17484 Munn Road, Auburn Township. Vendors must preregister by Sept. 25 at For information, call Nancy at 440-543-7028.

Students Tour the Pyrenees

In early June, several Berkshire students and others experienced a wonderful trip to France and Spain. It was the first international experience for many students that delivered abundant rich culture, language and geography. The students explored Paris, a city of 12.5 million people, and did many activities. One of the most notable activities was a visit to the Louvre, where students enjoyed this famous French palace turned museum and saw the Mona Lisa painting, Venus de Milo sculpture and Botticelli frescoes among many other artworks.

Once having toured much of Paris, the adventure continued through the South of France via the Atlantic coast. The tour included visiting a French chateau, a memorable experience of rolling down a large sand dune named the Dune du Pilat, and visiting Bordeaux and the famous coastal city of Biarritz.

The group traveled through the Pyrenees Mountains to San Sebastian, Spain, where

Berkshire Schools

they spent an afternoon touring the 12th-cen tury town known for its beautiful views and filling up on foods like Basque cheesecake and pintxos. Pintxos are small snacks com mon in Spain made of meats, cheeses, olives and seafood.

The tour continued across the North of Spain including tours of Pamplona and Zara goza. The meandering adventure culminated with three wonderful days in Barcelona at the Mediterranean Sea. In Barcelona, the group shopped in the Ramblas, toured the Boqueria food market, participated in a bike tour of the Gothic Quarter and seashore and spent time at many of Antonio Gaudi's famous architec tural creations and designs in the city. Many of the travelers woke up early and swam in the Mediterranean one last time before de parting for home on the last day. It was an incredible memory, starting the day swim ming in the Mediterranean and ending the day greeting families at the airport with big smiles.

“We are in the middle of a mental health crisis and talking about it is the first step to help us endure and figure out the solution. I hope that sharing my story gives others permission and confidence to do the same,” Corcoran said.

Treasury Earns Excellence Award

The Chardon Local School District is excited to announce that its treasurer’s department has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of America and Canada for the third consecutive year.

The district received the honor for its annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year which ended June 30, 2023.

bly at Chardon High School regarding the importance of mental health awareness.

The report was judged by an independent panel to ensure it met the high standards of the program, including the demonstration of a “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate the district’s financial story and motivate potential user groups to read the report.

The Certificate of Achievement is the “highest form of recognition” awarded in the area of governmental accounting and reporting according to GFOA.

At the district’s Aug. 19 board of education meeting, Deb Armbruster, Chardon Schools treasurer / chief financial officer, presented the award and thanked staff members from the treasurer’s office and board office.

Burton Public Library

Filmmaking 101

Sept. 18, 3:30-5 p.m.

Teens ages 12-18 will learn basic filmmaking while creating their own 3 to 5-minute movies. Class meets the first and third Wednesday of each month through Nov. Patron must commit to all classes. Registration is required by Oct. 2. Notify the library if the participant has their own device such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desk-

3D Printing with Tinkercad

Sept. 23, 6-7 p.m.

Adults will learn about the basics of Tinkercad and create a 3D print design on the library’s 3D printer that can be picked up from the library within a week. Registration

Homeschool Circle

Sept. 25, 2:30-3 p.m.

The lightly facilitated social circle for parents and students ages 0-18 of the homeschooling community meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Parents and students will have their own circles to talk, share, play and support each other.

Geek Game Night

Oct. 7, 5-7 p.m.

month through Dec. 11. The group will be reading an award-winning book from each decade, 1960 through 1990. Teens will discuss the book and participate in an activity based on the story.

Composting 101

Sept. 12, 6-7 p.m.

Learn composting techniques from the Master Gardeners. Registration is required.

Join other fans of Pokemon and Magic the Gathering. New to advanced players of all ages are welcome to play the table games.

I Wish I Knew How

Oct. 21, 5-7 pm

Each month, participants will explore how to do something they have always wanted to know. In October, learn how to braid hair from basic to more elaborate, from feminine to masculine.

Legal Notices


Geauga County Notice is hereby given that competitive sealed bids will be received by the Geauga County Board of Commissioners, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite 350, Chardon, Ohio 44024, or by mail at the same address until 1:45 p.m., local time on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 for the Elderly Nutrition Program Preparation and Delivery of Catered Meals, according to federal guidelines, for the Geauga County Department on Aging, and will be opened at 2:00 PM and read immediately thereafter in Room B 303.

Each bid must be accompanied by an original bid bond with original signature(s) or certified check, cashier’s check or money order on a solvent bank or savings and loan association, payable to the Geauga County Board of Commissioners, in an amount equal to five (5%) percent of the bid and shall be held as a guarantee that in the event the bid is accepted and a contract awarded to the Bidder, the contract will be duly executed in conformity with the invitation and the bid.

Envelopes containing the bid and other required documents should be sealed and clearly marked “Elderly Nutrition Program Bid for the Preparation and Delivery of Catered Meals for the Geauga County Department on Aging.”, Attention: Clerk, Geauga County Board of County Commissioners, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite 350, Chardon, Ohio 44024.

The successful bidder is required to enter into a contract assuring the faithful performance of all things to be done and furnish a performance bond in a sum of not less than Twenty Five percent (25%) of the total bid price for the complete work, said bond to be that of an approved surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Ohio meeting the requirements of O.R.C. Section 153.57.

Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Geauga Department on Aging, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite 200, Chardon, Ohio 44024, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The Geauga County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids or any part thereof and to waive any formalities and/or irregularities in the bids.

A copy of this legal notice will be published in the Geauga County Maple Leaf, Cleveland Plain Dealer and posted on the County’s internet site on the world wide web. Go to and click on the project name to view this legal notice.



Chagrin Valley Mini Storage Public online auction to take place on www. to satisfy liens from Chagrin Valley Mini Storage. The units are located at 10056 Kinsman Rd., Newbury, OH 44065. The auction will end on September 5, 2024 to the highest bidder. Chagrin Valley Mini Storage reserves the right to remove any unit prior to the end of the sale. Name and last known address below.

Katie Burry, 16735 Chillicothe Rd, Bainbridge, OH 44023-10x10-222- Household

Darlena Webb, 4399 River Rd, Perry, OH 44081-10x10-1-Household

All buyers must register through to participate in the live online auction and follow the terms of the website. All sales require a $50.00 deposit until emptied. Terms for payment are cash only. Any questions can be sent to Aug22-29, 2024


Notice is hereby given that the Parkman Township Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a public hearing on an appeal for a Area Variance to the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution on Tuesday the 10th day of September, 2024, at 7:00 o’clock p.m. at the Parkman Township Community House located 16295 Main Market Road, Parkman, Ohio. This application submitted by Mr. John Mast appellant, 19065 Nelson-Parkman Road, Parkman Township, is requesting a Variance from the Parkman Township Zoning Resolution for property located at, 19065 Nelson-Parkman Road, Parkman Township, Ohio which shall be in accordance with all of the applicable regulations for the District and the following regulations: ARTICLE 1V Section 402.4 Minimum

lot Area. The minimum lot Area shall be 2.5 acres, exclusive of the area in the road rightof-way.

Jan Helt, Secretary Aug29, 2024


Troy Township

Notice is hereby given that the Troy Township Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 9:00 am at the Troy Township Community Hall, 13950 Main Market Road, Burton, OH 44021. The purpose of the meeting it to recess into Executive Session to conduct interviews for hiring a Fire Chief per Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G)(1).

Jane Grudowski, Fiscal Officer Aug29, 2024


Notice is hereby given that the Chester Township Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a public hearing on an application identified as number ZA-2024-9, on an appeal for an Area Variance to the Chester Township Zoning Resolution on the 9th day of September, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Chester Town Hall; 12701 Chillicothe Road.

The applicant, Edward Zirzow requests an Area Variance for property located at 9620 Shadow Hill Trail. An existing accessory structure on the property does not conform to the size or location requirements set forth in Section 5.01.03 of the Chester Zoning Resolution. Kathleen McCarthy Administrative Assistant Aug29, 2024

LEGAL NOTICE Request for Proposals for Lease Space for the Bainbridge Senior Center

The Geauga County Board of Commissioners is seeking proposals for a 5-year lease for a space that can be utilized as the Bainbridge Senior Center. The purpose of the Bainbridge Senior Center is to serve as a space for Geauga County seniors to engage in recreation, education, and congregate meals in addition to serving as a home delivered meals and Senior Center staff location. Space must be available for use Monday through Friday from 7:00 am-5:00 pm.

Preferred amenities are listed as followed:

• Located in Bainbridge Twp.

• 6,000 square feet minimum

• 1 or more large space(s)/room(s) exceeding 1,200 sq. ft

• Minimum of 2 handicap accessible restrooms for men and 2 for women or 4 unisex restrooms

• Minimum of 50 parking spaces for daily use by lessee

• Ability to accommodate commercial kitchen equipment for daily use to prepare meals (1 Convection Oven-3 phase electric 220 volt, 1 Refrigerator-120 volt, 1 Freezer-120 volt, prep sink and/or hand washing sink, 1 steam table-120 volt)

• Ample dedicated storage space with the ability to be locked.

• 1-2 dedicated offices (min 120 sq. ft each) with the ability to be locked

• Snow removal/ walkways salted by lessor

• Trash removal/dumpster provided by lessor

• Allows tenant to install internet and telephone

Lease specifications and required lease proposal forms can be obtained from the Geauga County Department on Aging, 12611 Ravenwood Dr., Ste 200, Chardon, Ohio between the hours of 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Sealed envelopes containing the proposal and other required documents should be sealed and clearly marked “Proposal-Bainbridge Senior Center Lease.”

Proposals must address the above criteria and criteria set forth in the lease specifications and are due by 1:45 pm October 9, 2024 at the Offices of the Geauga County Board of Commissioners, 12611 Ravenwood Dr., Ste 350, Chardon, Ohio 44024, and will be opened and read at 2:15 pm thereafter in Room 330.

The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to this request as determined to be in the best interest of the County and to waive any informalities or irregularities.

After initial review of the submittals, the County may invite applicants for an interview and/or schedule a tour of the proposed lease facilities. It is expressly understood that the County shall incur no costs as a result of this

interview and/or tour, nor bear any obligation in further consideration of the submittal.

The County will conduct negotiations with the prospective lessors to obtain a lease at the best and lowest price reasonably possible considering the fair market value of the property and any relocation and operational costs that may be incurred during the period the lease is in effect. The terms and conditions of this Notice will be incorporated into the lease.

Questions concerning this Request for Proposals should be submitted in writing to Jessica Boalt, the Director of the Geauga County Department of Aging, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Ste 200, Chardon, Ohio 44024 or via email at JBoalt@CO.GEAUGA.OH.US and a written response to the questions shall be prepared and provided to all prospective lessors who have obtained the lease specifications and lease proposal forms.

A copy of this legal notice will be published in the Maple Leaf, Spirit of Bainbridge and posted on the County’s internet site on the world wide web. Go to: public-notifications/request-for-proposals/ BY ORDER OF THE GEAUGA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Christine Blair, Clerk Aug29 Sep5, 2024


Russell Township

Russell Township Board of Zoning Appeals will be holding a public hearing on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Russell Township Town Hall, 14890 Chillicothe Road, Novelty, Ohio to consider the following appeals.

Application #564: (Continued from June)

Submitted by Vocon Partners, LLC. On behalf of Laurel Schools Butler Campus, located at 7420 Fairmount Road, Parcel #26-707034. This meeting is a continuance from the June 10, 2024, Hearing. The Applicant is seeking a Conditional Use Approval for the construction of an Environmental Science Building, approximately 11,950 square feet, and an outdoor amphitheater.

Application # 565: Submitted by Scott Lang for property at 7142 Kinsman Road. The applicant is seeking to construct a 12’x28’ shed that requires both a side and front yard variance to the setback regulations.

Application #566: Submitted by RAM Construction, on behalf of Mr. James Gaines, for property at 8535 Century Lane. The applicant is seeking a variance to construct a detached garage that will be an increase in size to a previously granted variance.

The Board of Zoning Appeals welcomes factbased testimony to assist in making an informed decision.

Shane Wrench, Zoning Department Aug29 Sep5, 2024


Residents of the City of Chardon and property owners shall take notice that the estimated assessment for the control of blight and disease of shade trees within public rights-of-way and for planting, maintaining, trimming and removing shade trees in and along the streets of the City of Chardon based upon an estimate and request for funds by the City of Chardon Shade Tree Commission has been submitted to Council, which has passed a resolution of necessity assessing all lots and lands within the City (not exempt from real estate taxes) in the amount of $55,000 for one year from the date of the resolution. The remainder, if any, shall be paid out of the general fund.

The rate charges and the amount of the assessment based upon millage per assessed value is on file with the Office of the Geauga County Auditor at 231 Main Street, Chardon, Ohio and may be inspected from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

This notice is served pursuant to Section 727.14. No other notice shall be given.

Mark Iacofano, Finance Director Aug29 Sep5, 2024



Residents of the City of Chardon and property owners shall take notice that the estimated assessment for street lighting based upon charges by the electric power supplier has been submitted and Council has passed a resolution of necessity assessing all lots and lands within

the City (not exempt from real estate taxes), in the amount of $130,000 for one year from the date of the resolution. The remainder shall be paid out of the general fund.

The rate charges and the amount of the assessment based upon millage per assessed value is on file with the Office of the Geauga County Auditor at 231 Main Street, Chardon, Ohio and may be inspected from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

This notice is served pursuant to Section 727.14. No other notice shall be given.

Mark Iacofano, Finance Director Aug29 Sep5, 2024

LEGAL NOTICE Request for Proposals for Lease Space for the Middlefield Senior Center

The Geauga County Department on Aging is seeking requests for proposals for a 5-year lease for a space that can be utilized as the Middlefield Senior Center. The purpose of the Middlefield Senior Center is to serve as a space for Geauga County seniors to engage in recreation, education, and congregate meals in addition to serving as a home delivered meals and Department on Aging satellite site. Space must be available for use Monday through Friday from 7:00 am-5:00 pm. Preferred amenities are listed as followed:

• Located in Middlefield Twp./Village of Middlefield

• 2,400 square feet minimum

• 1 or more large space(s)/room(s) exceeding 1000 sq. ft

• Minimum of 2 handicap accessible restrooms for each men and women or 4 unisex restrooms

• Minimum of 20 parking spaces for daily use by lessee

• Ability to accommodate commercial kitchen equipment for daily use to prepare meals (1 Convection Oven-3 phase electric 220 volt, 1 Refrigerator-120 volt, 1 Freezer-120 volt, prep sink and/or hand washing sink)

• Ample dedicated storage space with the ability to be locked.

• 1-2 dedicated offices (min 120 sq. ft each) with the ability to be locked

• Snow removal/ walkways salted by lessor

• Trash removal/dumpster provided by lessor

• Allows tenant to install internet and telephone

Lease specifications and required lease proposal forms can be obtained from the Geauga County Department on Aging, 12611 Ravenwood Dr., Ste 200, Chardon, Ohio between the hours of 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

Sealed envelopes containing the proposal and other required documents should be sealed and clearly marked “Proposal-Middlefield Senior Center Lease.”

Proposals must address the above criteria and criteria set forth in the lease specifications and are due by 1:45 p.m. October 9, 2024 at the Offices of the Geauga County Board of Commissioners, 12611 Ravenwood Dr., Ste 350, Chardon, Ohio 44024, and will be opened and read at 2:10 pm thereafter in Room 330.

The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to this request as determined to be in the best interest of the County and to waive any informalities or irregularities.

After initial review of the submittals, the County may invite applicants for an interview and/or schedule a tour of the proposed lease facilities. It is expressly understood that the County shall incur no costs as a result of this interview and/or tour, nor bear any obligation in further consideration of the submittal. The County will conduct negotiations with the prospective lessors to obtain a lease at the best and lowest price reasonably possible considering the fair market value of the property and any relocation and operational costs that may be incurred during the period the lease is in effect. The terms and conditions of this Notice will be incorporated into the lease.

Questions concerning this Request for Proposals should be submitted in writing to Jessica Boalt, the Director of the Geauga County Department of Aging, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Ste 200, Chardon, Ohio 44024 or via email at JBoalt@CO.GEAUGA.OH.US and a written response to the questions shall be prepared and provided to all prospective lessors who have obtained the lease specifications and lease proposal forms.

A copy of this legal notice will be published in the Maple Leaf and posted on the County’s internet site on the world wide web. Go to: BY ORDER OF THE GEAUGA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Christine Blair, Clerk Aug29 Sep5, 2024



Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Geauga County Board of Commissioners, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite 350, Chardon, Ohio 44024, or by mail at the same address until 1:45p.m., local time on October 9, 2024 for Home Care Services: Assistance with Daily Living for Geauga County Residents Age 60 and Over, and will be opened at Two O’clock PM and read immediately thereafter in Room B 303.

Each bid must be accompanied by a bond or certified check, cashier’s check, or money order on a solvent bank or savings and loan association, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount bid and shall be held as a guarantee that in the event the bid is accepted and a contract awarded to the Bidder, the contract will be duly executed in conformity with the invitation and the bid.

Envelopes containing the bid and other required documents should be sealed and clearly marked Attention: Clerk, Geauga County Board of Commissioners, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite 350, Chardon, Ohio 44024, “Bid – Home Care Services: Assistance with Daily Living for Geauga County Residents Age 60 and Over”, as well as the name and address of the bidder.

The successful bidder is required to enter into a contract assuring the faithful performance of all things to be done and furnish a performance bond in a sum of not less than Twenty-Five percent (25%) of the total bid price for the completed work, said bond to be that of an approved surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Ohio meeting the requirements of O.R.C Section 153.57.

Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Geauga Dept. on Aging at 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite 200, Chardon, Ohio 44024, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Each bidder must ensure that all employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, creed, color, sex, disability or national origin.

The Geauga County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to waive any formalities, irregularities or to reject any or all bids.

A copy of this legal notice is posted on the County’s internet site. Go to: and click on the project name to view this legal notice.




City of Chardon

Residents of the City of Chardon and property owners shall take notice that the estimated assessment for the repair and maintenance of existing sidewalks, and the construction of sidewalks in developed areas that lack sidewalks has been submitted and Council has passed a resolution of necessity assessing all lots and land within the City (not exempt from real estate taxes), in the amount of $100,000 for one year from the date of the resolution. The remainder, if any, shall be paid out of the general fund.

The rate charges and the amount of the assessment based upon millage per assessed value is on file with the Office of the Geauga County Auditor at 231 Main Street, Chardon, Ohio and may be inspected from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

This notice is served pursuant to Article XVIII, Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution, Res. No. 13-24, and R.C. 727.14. No other notice shall be given.

Mark Iacofano, Finance Director Aug29 Sep5, 2024



Notice is hereby given that the Chester Township Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a public hearing on an application identified as number ZA-2024-10, on an appeal for an Area Variance to the Chester Township Zoning Resolution on the 9th day of September, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Chester Town Hall; 12701 Chillicothe Rd.

The applicant, Allan C. Szczepinski requests an Area Variance for property located at 12473 Bentbrook Drive. He proposes building an Accessory Building larger than the 2,500 square foot allowed per Section 5.01.03 of the Chester Zoning Resolution.

Kathleen McCarthy Administrative Assistant Aug29, 202




Notice is hereby given that the Claridon Township Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a public hearing on an application, identified as number V24-3, on an appeal for a variance to the Claridon Township Zoning Resolution on the 12th day of September, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Claridon Administration Building. This application, submitted by Knapp Road, LLC, requests that a lot width variance to allow for a new lot with a width of 205.96’ be granted for the lot located at 12056 Old State Road.

Kimberlee A. Jackson, Secretary Aug29, 2024



Village of Middlefield

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Village of Middlefield Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Middlefield Municipal Center, 14860 North State Street, Middlefield, Ohio.

1) To hear a request filed by Scannell Properties, LLC of 8801 River Crossing Blvd. Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Rep; Mark Willson: a variance from Section 1155.01 Schedule of Dimension and Area Requirement by District. The area variance is for a proposed Industrial project known as Warehouse for HC Companies with a proposed building height of 47’-50’ where 45’ height is permitted in an I-Industrial district. The proposed building will be built on a consolidated lot including several PPN’s 19-081107 a 16.46 Acre Parcel, 19-080933 a 26.9 acre parcel, part of 19-080940 a 0.7218 acre site, and 19-072864 a one (1) acre parcel to create a 44.1 (to ROW) acre site located in an I-Industrial zoning district within The Village of Middlefield, Ohio.

2) To hear a request filed by Amy Fazi of

tion 1159.04 for a proposed 10’ x 12’ accessory structure proposed to be built in the side yard where accessory structures are permitted in rear yards only, and having a 0’ to 3’ side yard setback where 8’-0” is required, as well as being 3’ from an existing main building where 10’ is required per section 1155.04. All interested persons are encouraged to make public comment concerning this variance request at the hearing provided. Leslie Gambosi-McCoy Village Administrator Aug29, 2024


Auburn Township

The Auburn Township Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting on September 10, 2024, at 3:30 PM at the Auburn Administration Building, 11010 Washington Street, Auburn Township. The purpose of the Special Meeting will be to consider the employment and compensation of public employees at the township road department. BY THE ORDER OF THE AUBURN TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES

Nancy Dolezal, Office Administrator Aug29, 2024


Case No. 23-F-000745 - Government Loan Securitization Trust 2011-FV1, U.S. Bank Trust National Association, not in its individual capacity but solely as Delaware trustee and U.S. Bank National Association, not in its individual capacity but solely as Co-Trustee, Plaintiff, vs. Edward T. Conklin, et al., Defendants

The Defendant, Unknown Spouse, if any, of Edward T. Conklin, whose current address is unknown, will take notice that on December

tional Association, not in its individual capacity but solely as Delaware trustee and U.S. Bank National Association, not in its individual capacity but solely as Co-Trustee, filed its Complaint in Case No. 23-F-000745, in the Court of Common Pleas of Geauga County, Ohio, 100 Short Court, Suite 300, Chardon, OH 44024 seeking a foreclosure of its mortgage interest in the real property located at 14777 Ashwood Drive, Newbury, OH 44065, Permanent Parcel No. 23-021050, (“Real Estate”), and alleged that the Defendant has or may have an interest in this Real Estate.

The Defendant, Unknown Spouse, if any, of Edward T. Conklin is required to answer the Plaintiff’s Complaint within twenty-eight (28) days after the last date of publication of this notice. In the event that the Defendant, Unknown Spouse, if any, of Edward T. Conklin failed to respond in the allotted time, judgment by default can be entered against them for the relief requested in the Plaintiff’s Complaint. By Carrie L. Davis (0083281); Michael R. Brinkman (0040079); Yanfang Marilyn Ramirez (0074242); Aaron M. Cole (0091673), Attorney for Plaintiff, Reisenfeld & Associates, LLC, 3962 Red Bank Road, Cincinnati, OH 45227. voice: 1-513-3227000; facsimile: 513-322-7099. Aug29 Sep5-12, 2024


The Geauga County Budget Commission will hold a special meeting for the 2025 Tax Budget Hearings beginning at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, August 30, 2024 at the Geauga County Auditor’s Office, 215 Main Street, Chardon, Ohio for the following taxing districts: Friday, August 30, 2024 3:30 p.m.

Geauga County Regular Business

Charles E. Walder, Auditor

Geauga County Sheriff’s Report

The following is a sampling of the calls handled by the Geauga County Sheriff’s Office Aug. 16 to Aug. 22, 2024.


Aug. 22

8:04 a.m., Auburn Road, Chardon. Ongoing neighbor dispute. Neighbor has threatened the caller in the past and today the caller woke up and there are garage sale signs pointing towards his house. Deputy spoke with complainant about neighbor who put garage sale signs in his yard. He was advised he could take down the sign in his yard. Complainant was also advised if he sees neighbor on his property to go back into the residence and call 911. Nothing criminal at this time.


Aug. 18

10:21 p.m., Charlton Lane, Newbury. Husband struck caller in the head with a toothbrush holder after she threw it at him first. No alcohol involved. Caller advised she struck him first because he hurt her when he was rubbing her neck for her like she wanted. Caller declined ambulance her neck pain is an ongoing issue.

Got into domestic dispute. Both agreed to separate for the night.


Aug. 21

6:41 p.m., Fox Road, Troy. Caller's ex-husband send her a 12-inch dildo in the mail from Amazon. Amazon was able to verify it was sent by him. See report.


Aug. 16

10:05 p.m., Chardon Windsor Road, Chardon. Male laying on the lawn. Seems intoxicated. Black T-shirt, jeans. Near parking lot in the grass. Male was not intoxicated. Was having a cigarette and laid down to stretch out his back. He had just finished working at his farm and was coming to visit his father. Staff advised.


Aug. 18

7:30 p.m., Pioneer Road, Huntsburg. Loud partying, buggies, drinking and littering. Between Bundysburg and Hayes on Pioneer. No violations observed. Cans were observed along the road. A passing buggy was advised to tell others to stop throw-

ing cans in the road. Same caller advised the same issue is going on. He thinks they are possibly underage. Caller would like a deputy in the area to check again. Traffic stop made in the area charged with OVI.


Aug. 16

8:40 p.m., Madison Road, Middlefield. Neighbors were shooting and a bullet hit caller's house. Male stated a neighbor was shooting and hit his house. See report.


Aug. 16

9:26 a.m., Pinegrove Trail, Munson. Report of someone burying something in the woods. Caller received an email and suspicions about the male. Deputy took a report from complainant regarding suspicious male on property. See report.

Aug. 16

12:36 p.m., Jug Street, Troy. Apartment above the barn, renter left and cleaner found a gun and meth products. Complainant located needles inside her roomate's room. Female requested the needles be disposed of.

Real Estate Transfers

Following is a list of real estate transfers for the week of Aug. 19, 2024, provided as a public service by the Geauga County Auditor’s Office. Transfers may involve the sale of land only.


David B. and Lynne Hamilton, 9711 Weathertop Lane, to Patricia M. Walker (TOD), $800,000. (1.94 acres)

Bradley D. and Jill A. Schroeder, 19025 Munn Road, to Patrick and Tawni Elizabeth Clark, $345,000. (1.60 acres)

Auburn Polo Field LLC, 9855 Horseshoe Drive, to Jennifer D. and Shawn M. Roland, $425,000. (32.98 acres)

Phyllis E. and David L. Paulitsch (trustees), 18438 Munn Road and Munn Road, to Marla Marie Lucarelli, $712,300. (4.91 acres)


Janie Reinart, 7237 Ober Lane, to John Peter Wolf, $700,000. (2.10 acres)

Mary Jo T. and Frank J. Simcic, 18845 Chillicothe Road, to Tamara Kolacek ad Robert Ainsley, $249,900. (1.65 acres)

Canyon Lakes Colony Co., Crescent Ridge (s/l 419), to Jacquelynn M. and Scott W. Arbogast (trustees), $285,000. (1.04 acres)

Michael Jr. and Nancy Wise Evansa, 17543 Fairlawn Drive (Unit D6), to Carole Sanderson, $270,000. (0.00 acres)

Christopher Mullhaupt (trustee), 7065 Cedar St., to Russell and Erin King, $552,000. (0.27 acres)

Patricia M. Walker (TOD), 17552 Gates Landing Drive, to Stephen Jason Avila, $904,000. (0.54 acres)

Bravo Homes LLC, 8158 Canyon Ridge, to Beverly Lynn Dattilo, $920,000. (0.41 acres)


Daniel J. Spencer and Savannah F. Bitner, 13757 Carlton St., to Christopher Wheeler, $300,000. (2.27 acres)


FLG Chardon LLC, 227 High Fox Drive, NVR Inc., $90,000. (0.17 acres)

Ferraro Properties LLC, 123 Ferris Ave., to Brett and Tracy Schauermann, $230,000. (0.26 acres)

Thistlecreek Development LLC, North Hambden Street (Block A #1), to Thistle Creek Homeowners Inc., $15,100. (0.42 acres)

Thistlecreek Development LLC, Windflower Drive (Block B #1), to Thistle Creek Homeowners Inc., $15,100. (0.14 acres)

Thistlecreek Development LLC, Windflower Drive (Block C #1), to Thistle Creek Homeowners Inc., $15,100. (0.45 acres)

Thistlecreek Development LLC, Windflower Drive (Block D #1), to Thistle Creek Homeowners Inc., $15,100. (1.41 acres)

Kevin and Carrie Korenke, 114 Saw Mill Bend, to Josie M. McKenna, $300,000. (0.23 acres)

Josie M. McKenna, 114 Chimney Ridge (Unit 45), to Theresa M. Speelberg, $328,000. (0.00 acres)


Theresa Marie Speelberg, 9729 Campton Ridge Drive, to Jack W. and Jessica A. Makee, $485,000. (4.23 acres)

Aug. 20

8:56 p.m., Elm Drive, Newbury. Caller reports a white male walked by them and was saying I want to beat on (car). The male then walked off and kept staring. Black T-shirt, black hat, blue jeans. Wanted to advise Deputy that while breaking out the windows and smashing the body of his Demo Derby car, a suspicious male walked by with a limp and asked if he could kick the vehicle too. Advised he walked away and kept looking back over his shoulder. Tale eventually put a mask on his face. Further advised he believes the male lives in the woods. Deputy advised to contact the sheriff's office if he sees the male again.


Aug. 19

1:09 p.m., McCall Road, Parkman. Was looking for a John Deere gator that was taken last night and while looking for it they found a pick up truck in the field. Whoever ran it into the field torched it. Nobody around. No fire department needed but looks fresh. Interstate towing en route. Under investigation.


Monica Marinko (TOD), 12321 Norton Drive, to Real Estate Remedies LLC, $285,000. (1.22 acres)

Edward A. Wrobel (trustee), Chillicothe Road, to Kelly Callam, $125,000. (3.22 acres)

Edward A. Wrobel (trustee), 12839 Chillicothe Road, to QILIN Group LLC, $125,000. (1.50 acres)


Melvin D. and Katie D. Byler, 11810 Kile Road, to David L. and Miriam Bender, $350,000. (2.00 acres)

GENV LLC, 11312 Taylor Wells Road and Taylor Wells Road, to Matthew and Jennifer Adkins, $305,000. (3.00 acres)


Edward W. and Denise Kaminski, 14599 Sisson Road, to Hillary and Adam Gaydos, $360,000. (2.86 acres)


Jason T. and Sarah K. Thiel, 15565 Windmill Point Road (s/l 31) and Windmill Point Road (s/l 32), to Delmar Patrick and Colleen Rose Overly (trustees), $439,900. (3.20 acres)


Etta W., Samuel W. and Ruth W. Byler, 17831 Nauvoo Road, to Jonas C. Hershberger, Irene A. Hershberger, Myron J. Hershberger and Jonas C. Hershberger Jr., $618,900. (48.88 acres)


Middlefield Parkway, 15236 Timber Ridge, to NVR Inc., $63,448. (0.21 acres) NVR Inc., 15247 Timber Ridge, to Douglas Adam Hill and Kimberly Kleck Hill, $367,000. (0.21 acres)

Logan and Valerie Marie Campbell, 15129 Timber Ridge, to Daniel Spencer and Savannah F. Bitner, $290,000. (0.21 acres)

Western Reserve Investments LLC, 15979 Johnson St., to CLE Industries LLC, $201,000. (0.20 acres)


Eric L. Dillen, 16525 Joann Drive, to Kerrin Krainis, $306,000. (2.01 acres)


River Oaks Investment Company, Ashton Trail (s/l 45), to Daniel V. and Santina M. Corsillo, $62,500. (5.56 acres)

Russell W. (TOD) and Beverly A. (TOD) Copfer, 11486 Twin Mills Lane, to Doug and Wendy Lawson, $450,000. (2.46 acres)

Joseph Cianfarani and Jennifer L. Reda, 13386 Hidden Oaks Drive, to Joseph Cianfarani, $156,000. (1.50 acres)


Paul M. and Susannah Doman (trustees), 15485 Russell Road, to Katie and Mathew Churchill, $1,680,000. (5.00 acres)

Ricky P. and Hollie R. Gronowski, 8681 Sugar Tree Drive, to David and Jurate Baldrey, $425,000. (1.51 acres)

Karen Hetrick Mertens and Richard C. Hetrick, 8055 Music St., to Karen Hetrick Mertens, $151,650. (5.00 acres)


38 Forest Drive LLC, 38 Forest Drive, to Amanda Rassi and Joseph Ciuni, $510,000. (0.95 acres)


Theodore R. and Tracy L. Curry, 17590 Jug St., to Scott J. and Renee Michalski, $467,000. (5.02 acres)


1997 Jeep Wrangler: manual shift, 4-cylinder, runs good, gauges don’t work, frame needs repair, top like new, good tires & rims, 100k mi. $1,000. 440-3365044.

2008 Nissan Xterra: Nice, $11,400, MUST SEE, 134k, Winter Ready, Well Maintained. 2002 Harley Davidson Sportster: $4,800; 10k, Great Shape. MAKE OFFERS 330-858-3213.


Husqvarna chainsaw: GC, $75. Aerifier: tow-behind, $50. 440-670-4207.

Matching Couch and Loveseat: floral print, in good shape, ready to sell; make offer. 440-632-9675, Middlefield.

COMPLETE GEO TRAX SET: with tracks, structures, figures, engines, controllers, vehicles. Best Offer. Call 440729-1082.

24-foot aluminum extension ladder, $200. Vintage grinding wheel, on stand, 2-inch by 20-inch wheel, $300. Massage table, used, headrest and bolster attached $125. 440-286-6878.

John Deere Lawn Tractor: Model 314, 14-HP, auto-trans, hydraulic 3-blade 46” cutting deck, w/snow plow and trailer; $1,200/OBO. 440-564-1172. Toro Wheel Horse 38” Riding Mower: $400/OBO. Husqvarna self-drive and push mowers. DWS715 DeWalt compound miter saw, new, in box; $200. 440-2725736.

Oxy-Acy. Torches: Large tanks, nice stainless steel cart. Gauges, heating and cutting tips. $400. Text 216-4015151.

VEVOR Demolition Jack Hammer 3600W Jack Hammer Concrete Breaker 1800 BPM Heavy Duty Electric Jack Hammer 6pcs Chisels Bit w/Gloves & 360?Swiveling Front Handle for Trenching, Chipping, Breaking Holes. BRAND NEW, NEVER OPENED. $225. Email and write “Jack Hammer” in subject line.

2016 Rockwood Mini Lite Travel Trailer 2504S. Dining area slide-out, bunk beds, Queen Murphy bed. Gas/ Electric Fridge/Freezer, double sink, 3 burner stove with oven. Full bath and LOTS of storage. $18,500. 440812-8729.

SHED: VGC, 10x14, you move; $2,500. Also, 25 Totes, $5 each, one or all. 440-655-9999, Newbury. Small stack of lumber: multiple sizes. 2007 Dodge Dakota SLT: 161,000 miles, silver, 6’6” bed w/liner, body some rust-back fender wells. Call for details 440-2239471.

Howard Rototiller: 42? wide, for compact tractor. Cat 1 three-point hitch. $1,800. 440-487-2955. Never used Grace EZ3 Fabri-Fast Quilting Frame: Partially put together, did not fit as planned. $350/OBO! Cloth leaders did not come with it. Will deliver. 330 327-0379, leave message.

Sundowner 2-horse bumper-hitch trailer: excellent condition, custom tack room; $5,000 firm. 216-618-0416.


Second Hand Treasures. A unique shopping place. Something for everyone! Weekly Sales: Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 9a-5p. Many $1 bargains. 9098 Old St Road, Rt.608, Chardon.

Estate Sale: Aug 30-31, 1p-4p, 9600 Fairmount Rd, Russell. 70yrs accumulated items, including chairs, rockers, clocks, oil lamps. Cash Only.

Sept 1st and 2nd, 8a-4p. 14545 Aquila Rd, Burton. Garage Sale/Moving Sale: household items, tools, Christmas items, 8-foot wall paper tables. Cash Only. Aug 30-31, 9a-4p, 18071 Tilden, Troy Township, close to Rts 700/422. Tons of items left, FREE items.



Five(5) Kittens, born June 22nd, assorted colors. 440313-1804.

Kittens: Frankie & Johnnie, 3-4 months old kittens, need an indoor forever home; hopefully together. Neutered & vaxxed. Call Rebecca 440-321-2485.


FREE fact: cannabis is NOT MEDICINE! It poses mental health dangers like depression, psychosis and even suicide! Don?t risk it.


Homes & Land Wanted: any condition or situation! Fast, friendly, local. Serving Geauga and surrounding counties. Text or call Wayne at 330-269-9595.


Taxi Service: 4 passengers only, for cleaning crews, short and long trips. Contact Lisa at 440-708-4835. Albert’s Complete Tree Service: 45+yrs experience! Competent in all aspects of Arboriculture, Forestry and Land Clearing. Also, Firewood, Excavation and Sewer Work. Free Estimates. 440-687-5404.

Joe Eicher doing roofing, siding, remodeling, cleanout houses, we do most anything. Call between 8a-4p, 440-813-4272. No answer, leave message.

Did you know Karlovec Media Group prints business cards? Prices start at only $30 for 500 (B&W, 1-sided, no bleed). Call 440-729-7667 or email

Wanted: Cleaning Jobs, Middlefield/Burton area, have experience. 440-834-0796.


Old fishing tackle wanted: fishing lures (wood or plastic), mouse to bear traps, wooden duck decoys. Call Lee 440-313-8331.

4-wheelers, 3-wheelers, dirt bikes, mini-bikes, go-carts, golf carts, gators, farm tractors/equipment, trailers, riding mowers, snowplows. Paying cash. 440-413-3119. Buying all Stanley Bailey planes. Call Karl at 440-8123392.

To advertise in the Classifieds, contact the advertising department at 440-729-7667 ext. 500 or email your ad directly to


classified line ads run in The Geauga County Maple Leaf on Thursdays, and in the Chesterland News and Middlefield Post on the weeks each newspaper is published. The Chesterland News and Middlefield Post are published every other week on opposing weeks.

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Geauga County Maple Leaf

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