Middlefield Post 11-29-2023

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023 • Vol. 16 No. 14 • FREE

Merry Middlefield Continues to Share Joy Oh no! Watch out Middlefield. Rumor has it your Merry Middlefield season will be ruined by “The Grinch” on Saturday, Dec. 16. Arriving in town early in the morning, he will begin stealing gift cards and toys at each location where they have been collecting all season for area charities. And then, he is going to sneak over to Cardinal High School, from 9-11 a.m., and interrupt the scrumptious pancake breakfast East Geauga Kiwanis is serving up from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. And guess what? There will be a huge craft show beginning from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The grumpy Grinch, good ole Max and Cindy Lou Who will sign photos for all the children. Oh, and then, maybe after seeing all of the cute little boys and girls, “Our Grinch” will have a change of heart and confess the errors of his ways. You won’t want to miss this! Meanwhile, over at Great Lakes Outdoor Supply many elves are preparing for Santa’s arrival at 11 a.m. Santa will be around all day to pose for photos with area families. And then, at 7 p.m., fireworks, sponsored by Great Lakes Outdoor Supply and the Village of Middlefield. The newly redeemed Grinch may show up as well. Leading up to the Day of the Grinch, the entire Middlefield area will be merrily celebrating “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Join in the fun, by attending these great events and donating a gift card or toy at these local businesses. While you are


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there, purchase those last-minute gift items. • Dec. 4 – Halstead La-Z-Boy. In exchange for your donation, receive two entries for drawings for gift cards to: Heritage Meats ($75), Flowers by Emily ($50) and Troyer’s Home Bakery ($25). • Dec. 5 – Cinda’s Restaurant. In exchange for your donation, receive a FREE piece of delicious pie, all day (5 a.m. to 2 p.m.). • Dec. 6 – His Daughter. In exchange for your donation, receive two entries for drawings for a gift basket. • Dec. 6 – Ohman Family Living at Briar. At 6 p.m., bring in a donation and enjoy a snack and drink while you make a craft with the residents. • Dec. 7 – Maggie’s Donuts. In exchange for your donation, receive a FREE donut (all day, both Middlefield locations). • Dec. 7 – Marketplace Mall. In exchange for your donation, receive two entries for a $100 drawing. • Dec. 8 – Middlefield Municipal Police Department. At 5:30 p.m., enjoy a snack and drink, and make a craft with the officers when you donate. • Dec. 9 – Living Well Holistic

Health. In exchange for your donation, receive a FREE chair massage, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Dec. 10 – Ferroni’s Café & Coffee (Harrington Square) – From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., in exchange for your donation, receive two tickets for a drawing to win a gift basket and other prizes. • Dec. 10 – Middlefield VFW Hall. At 2 p.m. bring a donation and enjoy a snack and drink while you make a craft with the veterans. • Dec. 11 – Gavazzi Family Chiropractic. Bring in a donation and enjoy a snack and drink while you make a craft and learn about chiropractic. • Dec. 12 – Grand River Grounds. All day long, enjoy a FREE cake pop when you bring in a donation. • Dec. 13 – RadioActive Electronics. In exchange for your donation, receive two raffle tickets for a drawing for a 65-inch LG Smart TV. • Dec. 14 – Ohio Premiere Archery. At 4 p.m., try your hand at archery when you stop in, in exchange for your donation. • Dec. 15 – John’s Country Nursery. Spin the ‘Christmas Wheel’ for a FREE gift, or discount when you bring in a donation.

Starting today, donate gift cards and toys for local charities at these wonderful locations: Cinda’ Restaurant, Ferroni’s Café & Coffee, Flowers By Emily, Halstead’s Specialty La-Z-Boy, His Daughter, John’s Country Nursery, Living Well Holistic Health, Marketplace Mall, Mary Yoder’s Amish Kitchen, Middlefield Library, RadioActive Electronics and Watson’s 87 Furniture. Merry Middlefield is sponsored by these generous businesses; Karlovec Media Group, Acquire Fire Protection, Base Tek, Cardinal Schools, Cinda’s Restaurant, East Geauga Kiwanis, Flowers By Emily, Halstead’s Specialty La-Z-Boy, Living Well Holistic Health, Norden Mfg., RadioActive Electronics and Schlabach Printers. This year, local charities are asking for donations of gift cards as they provide a more flexible method of meeting needs for area families. Unwrapped new toys are welcome as well. Merry Middlefield’s collections will be donated on your behalf to Birthright, Family Pride of Northeast Ohio, Ravenwood, Toys for Tots and WomenSafe.



Seeking Sales Rep Karlovec Media Group is hiring commissioned account representatives to sell print and online advertising in and around Geauga County, specifically in the eastern part of the county and in the Amish community. Candidates must be able to manage time wisely, meet deadlines and have reliable transportation. All of our staff must be willing to work in a team environment to help grow our newspapers. The ability to understand and live with a deadline-driven business is a must. Submit resumes to editor@karlovecmedia.com

Middlef ield Community News from Middlefield, Parkman, Huntsburg and Surrounding Areas



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Middlefield Post

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Faith Matters Unending Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is over. Nevertheless, I fulness and appreciation. In fact, He exhorts hope it is just beginning. What do I mean by us to be a people of thanksgiving. Psalm that? Am I talking about leftover turkey that 100 tells us to come into His presence with still needs to be eaten or the extended holi- thanksgiving and praise. You and I were deday season that now moves seamlessly into signed by God to enjoy His blessings. HowevChristmas? Nope. There is something far er, we must not forget the Source. more important and essential to the life God When you see a beautiful sunrise or sunintends for us all. set, say thank you to the Lord. If Perhaps nothing is more indicyou enjoy the sweet taste of a ripe ative of your spiritual health than peach or sweet mango, express your willingness to give thanks your gratitude to God. If you marto others and primarily to God. vel at the development of a small If 98.6 degrees is the indicator child, discovering the world with of the body’s good health, so is a innocence and joy, give praise to thankful heart the measurement your heavenly Father. When an of proper spiritual wholeness and unexpected kindness or blessing balance. We dare not become a By Roger Kruse comes your way, don’t forget to people characterized by selfish return thanks to the One from ambition, personal entitlement or assumed whom all blessing flow. blessings, all resulting in thankless lives. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to “give In Romans chapter one, a downward thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s spiral of human lifestyle unresponsive to will for you in Christ Jesus.” God’s revelation of Himself is described. As your faith grows and matures, you will The apostle Paul tells us of people who are recognize God is always at work, seeking to unwilling to recognize and nurture a faith bring you good gifts, even when they appear in God, fail to glorify their Creator and ne- to come in strange packages. glect to give Him thanks. In other words, a After being sold into slavery and unjustly life that fails to acknowledge the goodness accused and jailed for years, you might have of God and receive His many blessings with expected Joseph to get even with his scouna thankful heart, is going down the wrong drel brothers. However, his faith taught him path. a better way. He said, “You intended to harm My mother taught me to say “please,” me, but God intended it for good to accom“thank you” and “you are welcome.” We call plish what is now being done, the saving of that politeness and good manners. However, many lives.” it is more than that. It is the first step in culYour thankful heart will pave the way for tivating a life of thankfulness. By all means, the eyes of faith to see not only God’s gifts, teach your children and your grandchildren but also His power at work in the circumthese elementary tokens of gratitude. stances of life that may have you doubting The Bible teaches us that “every good and scratching your head. Let’s move forward and perfect gift” comes down to us from our with a new determination to be thankful and heavenly Father. Nothing good in your life develop an attitude of gratitude. Your turkey is simply something to be expected or de- leftovers may be finally gone, but let your served. It was given to you by a loving and thanksgiving continue in unending praise to kind God. the Lord. Even if you think your advantages in life are the result of your hard work, good Roger Kruse has been known to grumble investments or clever maneuvers, don’t be and complain on occasion, however, he is learndeceived. God’s goodness has made it all ing to fill his heart and mouth with thankfulpossible. He desires and deserves your grate- ness to God.

Meetings Huntsburg Township: Dec. 5, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees; Dec. 19, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings held at the Town Hall, 16534 Mayfield Road. Middlefield Township: Dec. 11, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All trustees meetings are held at Township Office, 15228 Madison Road, unless otherwise noted. Middlefield Village: Dec. 12, 5:30 p.m. – Streets, Sidewalks & Utilities Committee, 6 p.m. – Planning Commission; Dec. 14, 5:30 p.m. – Recreation, 6 p.m. – Finance & Ordinance, 6:30 p.m. – Safety, 7 p.m. – Village Council. All meetings are at the Municipal Center, 14860 N. State Ave. Parkman Township: Dec. 5, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees; Dec. 19, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings are held at the Community House, 16295 Main Market Road, unless otherwise noted. Cardinal BOE: Dec. 13, 6:30 p.m., regular meeting; Dec. 27, 6:30 p.m., work session. All meetings held at BOE Office, 15982 E. High St., Middlefield, unless otherwise indicated.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Middlefield Post

Town Crier Dorothy’s Porch Giveaway

Recycled Christmas Extravaganza

Homemade Cookie Sale

FGP Explorers Series

Breakfast with Santa

Geauga Skywatchers Club

Nov. 30 and Dec.1, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dorothy’s Porch, a free community giveaway of clothing for the family, toys, books, stuffed animals, household items, holiday decorations, bedding and pillows, will be held at Celebration Lutheran Church, 10621 Auburn Road in Chardon.

Dec. 2 Middlefield Historical Society is having a homemade cookie sale. Pick up cookies Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 14979 South State Ave, Middlefield. Each container holds approximately 30 cookies. To order, call or text Barb at 440-503-6444.

Dec. 2, 8:30-10 a.m. Parkman Chamber of Commerce is hosting Breakfast with Santa at the Parkman Community House, 16295 state Route 422. Kids get to visit with Santa Claus, receive a small gift and eat breakfast with their parents/grandparents.

Dec. 2, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Celebrate a merry recycled Christmas extravaganza at Middlefield Library with three different programs: a Christmas décor swap, a regifting swap and a Geauga County Library Foundation pop-up book sale. No registration is required.

Dec. 2, 10 a.m. to noon Join Foundation for Geauga Parks to explore the trails at Sunnybrook Preserve, 12474 Heath Road, Chester Township. For information or to register, visit foundationforgeaugaparks.org or call 440-5641048.

Dec. 4, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Join Geauga Skywatchers Club for “Make a Sun Projector” at the Middlefield Public Library. Make a device to safely project a magnified image of the sun in preparation for the total solar eclipse in April. Visit www.geaugalibrary.net to register.

Real Estate Transfers Following is a list of area real estate transfers for the weeks ending Nov. 10 and Nov. 17, provided as a public service by the Geauga County Auditor’s Office. Transfers may involve the sale of land only. MIDDLEFIELD TOWNSHIP Joe and Nancy Miller, 14970 Hayes Road, to Jamie J. Miller and Linda Marie Weaver, $10,000. (4.50 acres) MIDDLEFIELD VILLAGE Scott A. and Brian K. Bitner and Tracy A. Jemison II, Linda Avenue, to Katie Wilson, $118,300. (0.39 acres) Andrew and Caitlin Naylor, 15910 Grove St., to Susan M. Scavo, $156,500. (0.46 acres) Barry B. and Susane E. Bishop (co-trustees), 15060 Woodsong Drive, to Elizabeth and Lawrence N. Buehner, $189,000. (0.00 acres) William S., Laura, and Laura L. Money, 15363 Knox Circle, to Jessica Rae Weinman, $375,000. (0.28 acres) Vincent M. Brown, 15136 Woodsong


Drive, to Ronald K. and Diane M. Eastridge, $360,000. (0.22 acres) Leilani and George Schneider, 14787 Glen Valley Drive, to Courtland J. and Elizabeth Beyer, $290,000. (0.34 acres) Wilda M. DeMoss, 14755 Lakeview Drive, to Merilea Ann Reeves, $153,000. (0.00 acres) PARKMAN TOWNSHIP Noah M. and Mary Ann Byler, 17831 Madison Road, to Robert M. and Mary Ann N. Miller, $250,000. (7.26 acres) Noah D. and Rosanna D. Miller, 16553 Old State Road, to Allen W. and Ann H. Byler, $265,000. (0.99 acres) Ronald and Diane M. Eastridge, 18072 Owen Road, to William S. and Laura Lynn Money, $395,000. (1.59 acres) Reewood Inc., 17452 Bradford Road, to Raymond J. and Mary A. Slabaugh, $1,200,000. (109.84 acres) Steven J. Bodnar, Barnstable Road (s/l 38), to Matthew D. and Amber M. Dacek, $30,000. (2.65 acres)


8389 Mayfield Road, Suite B5 Chesterland, Ohio 44026 Phone 440-729-7667 OFFICE HOURS FAX 440-729-8240 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. ads@karlovecmedia.com Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday editor@karlovecmedia.com Closed Wednesdays Jeffrey B. Karlovec, Publisher John D. Karlovec, Editor Cassandra C. Shofar, News Editor Clay Karlovec, Sales Representative Jamie A. Ward, Sports Editor Barb Fontanelle, Sales Representative Karen S. Kaplan, Graphic Design Clinton Sestak, Sales Representative Pamela J. Molnar, Production Supervisor Regina Swinerton, Classifieds Emma McGuire, Paginator

Deadlines • Editorial submissions are printed as space is available, at the publisher’s discretion, and may be edited for length, clarity and grammar. All submissions are due by noon on the Friday prior to the Wednesday publication date for consideration for that edition. • Email all editorial submissions to editor@karlovecmedia.com. • The space reservation deadline for paid advertisements in that week’s Middlefield Post is 4 p.m. on the Thursday prior to publication. Late ads may be accepted at the discretion of management. • Email advertising requests and questions to ads@karlovecmedia.com.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Middlefield Post

Classifieds AUTOS & PARTS 2020 Ford F250 Super Duty 4x4 Regular Cab. 8 Foot Bed. White. 7480 Miles. $42,500. 440-376-8733.

FOR RENT Mayfield Hts Condo: 2BR, 1.5 bath, living rm, dining rm, 1-car attached garage, AC, washer/dryer, no pets/smoking, available January. $1,400/mo +security deposit, references. 440-729-1495. Office Space in Chardon: second floor, Main street, approx. 535 square feet. $600/month, includes HVAC and water. Call 440-285-2247.

FOR SALE Free Piano, you move, it may need tuning. Also, wanted Colt 38 police positive specialist. Call 440-655-9999, leave message.

Vent-free manually controlled system gas-fired heater, $150. Craftsman miter saw, $150. Complete Santa suit with headpiece, beard, $100. 440-897-4352.

Complete Geo Trax set with running engines, tracks, figures, station, controllers, rescue tower, etc. $300 firm. 440-729-1082.

His & Hers Golf Clubs: bags and pull carts included, clean. $75 each. 440-632-0060, leave message.

Oak table, 4 extensions, two chairs, GD, $350. 7mo. old mini poodle, vet check healthy, limited AKC papers, $325. 440-313-1804.

ANTIQUES: Humpback chest, pitcher & bowls, copper kettle, clocks, sewing cabinet, wood rocking horse, wood crank wall phone, wood rockers. 440-338-3563. MTD 22” Snowblower: 5-HP, 2-stage, electric start, good condition, $300. 440-321-5389, leave voice mail. Tilt back rocker recliner $25. Love seat $75. Full length couch $100. All in good shape. Priced to sell. 440-6329675. King 1200CFM dust collector $500/OBO, like new. DXMC301 Dewalt compressor $475/OBO, like new. Shopsmith, make offer. Table saw, make offer. 440-2725736.

Buck wood-burner stove: Model-91, catalytic, blower, SS-liner, cap; $600. 440-338-1585.



For sale: AKC Miniture Poodle Puppies, had shots and de-wormer, $550/each. 440-313-3542.

Holiday Shopping: Low prices on everything. A unique shopping place. Weekly Sales Thurs. Fri. Sat. 10a-4p. 9098 Old State Rd(Rt.608).


MS Kennels on the Farm, LLC offers in-home pet care. Call 440-636-2421. Pure bred Siberian Husky. Free to good home. Four year old male. Very good temperament. Call 440-632-1505.

SERVICES Joe Eicher doing roofing, siding, remodeling, cleanout houses, we do most anything. Call between 8a-4p, 440813-4272. No answer, leave message. Offering special discounts for interior and exterior painting and staining. 20+ years experience. Professional and insured. Call Dan 440-342-4552. Grand Valley Tree Service offering complete tree removal, trimming, cleanup and lot clearing. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. 440-307-0996. Did you know Karlovec Media Group prints business cards? Prices start at only $30 for 500 (B&W, 1-sided, no bleed). Call 440-729-7667 or email ads@karlovecmedia. com.

WANTED TO BUY Old fishing tackle wanted: fishing lures (wood or plastic), mouse to bear traps, wooden duck decoys. Call Lee 440313-8331. Buying all Stanley Bailey planes and machinist tools. Call Karl at 440-812-3392.

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