During his tenure, Zeigler put together a 211-190 record, coached 22 state qualifiers, and helped place 10 of those wrestlers on the podi um. Zeigler also won five confer ence championships in that time.
Council voted unanimously to approve recommendations from the village planning and zoning commission regarding curb cuts, lot splits and variances for par cels near the intersection of Tare Creek Parkway and Kinsman Road.
for properties in the village and in Middlefield Township.
Garlich, who sits on the com mission, said Hartville Hardware and Lumber LLC, located on the east side of the village, asked for a service driveway from Tare Creek to parcels currently in the town ship where they may build a facil ity.
The live video stream can be accessed by going to a link at the top of the village website home
“I had a great time and coached some great kids,” said Zeigler of his time at LookingCardinal.tomake his own mark
Water, Sewer Rates Rising 6% in Middlefield
In other business, webmaster Kim Breyley reported there have been fewer than expected views of the live video stream of the in tersection of Kinsman Road and North State Street since the cam era was activated.
By ann WisHart ann@karlovecmedia com
“Everyone slides through the stop signs,” he said.
page, she said.
A live video stream of Middlefield Village’s downtown intersection at Kinsman Road and State Street is available by going to “Live Downtown Camera” link at the top of the page on the village website, www.middlefieldohio.com.
Council heard the first reading increasing the rate of water and sewer service and a 6% service charge increase for fire sprinkler system accounts at the Sept. 8 meeting.Mayor Ben Garlich said the cost of labor, chemicals, equip ment and maintenance makes the increases“Everythingnecessary.about the facilities has gone up immensely,” he told council.Another bump in rates for resi dential, commercial and industrial accounts may be necessary next year, Garlich said, adding 6% a year is preferable to waiting a few years and hitting everyone with a 40% increase.“(Six percent) should be palat able to most people,” he said.
The changes will provide ac cess and potential development
By Haley adams sports@karlovecmedia com
For the first time in almost 30 years, the Huskies will not see Jeff Zeigler on the sidelines. The longtime wrestling coach has stepped down after serving three years as an assistant coach, then the next 27 years at the helm.
Middlef ield POSTCommunity News from Middlefield,SurroundingHuntsburgParkman,andAreas Wednesday, September 21, 2022 • Vol. 15 No. 9 • FREE StdPreSort PostageU.S. PAID OHMiddlefield, 44062 77No.Permit RESIDENTCURRENTOR CustomerPostal ECRWSS/Local facebook.com/middlefieldpost
Cardinal wrestling coach Jeff Zeigler has retired after 27 years coaching the Huskies. Zeigler, seen here last year at Berkshire High School, put together a 211-190 record, coached 22 state qualifiers.
is incoming coach and 2014 Cardi nal graduate Dakota Ward. In his time on the team, Ward won more than 100 matches, including multi ple championships at meets such as Northwestern, Jackson-Milton and Cardinal’s own Christmas tourna ment. He also recorded three con ference championships and earned four varsity letters.
Residents and businesses may see a 6% increase in their utility rates come January if Middlefield Village Council approves three or dinance amendments before then.
The camera points west across the intersection and shows vehi cles, buggies and foot traffic, as well as weather conditions and sunsets.Garlich said he watches it and is amazed by what he sees.
Huskies Bid Farewell to Long-Time Wrestling Coach
Before attending Slippery Rock University, where he was a member of the wrestling club for two sea sons, Ward was named most out standing male athlete in his class. Ward now serves as an intervention specialist for Cardinal Schools, and serves as the middle school cross country and track coach during fall and spring seasons.
Call for Art Show Entries
American Legion Meet-and-Greet
Sept. 27, 6 p.m.
State of the Village Address
Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield along with Junction Auto Family and others are sponsoring the Geauga Jeep Invasion and Jeep Show for the Geauga County D.A.R.E. program. The jeep drive through scenic Geauga County begins, rain or shine, at May field Road Drive-In, 12100 state Route 322, Chardon.Registration is at 8 a.m. The jeep show and drive start at 10 a.m., with the drive end ing back at the drive-in at 11 a.m. Sponsor recognition is at 11:30 a.m. Free door prizes will be Donationawarded.is$25 per jeep for the show and
Oct. 15, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Seniors who complete their yearly regis tration prior to the cleanup dates only need to make a phone by Sept. 21 to be placed on the community pickup roster.
Oct. 9
Huntsburg Congregational Church will hold a bake sale and gift basket raffle during the Pumpkin Festival on the church grounds at 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg.
The Middlefield Chamber of Commerce is hosting the State of the Village of Middlefield, an address by Mayor Ben Garlich, at Mary Yo der’s Amish Kitchen, 14743 North State St. Doors open at 11:45 a.m. The mayor’s address will begin immediately following the luncheon at noon. Cost is $25. RSVP by Oct. 7; call 440632-5705 or email mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com.
The program is free, but reservations are required by visiting geaugalibrary.libcal.com or calling 440-632-1961.
There will be a free showing of “A Smile as Big as the Moon,” a movie about a teacher who faces challenges bringing out the best
Oct. 1, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For information or to register, visit geau gajeepinvasion.com.
Get Septic Smart
Burton-Middlefield American Legion Post 459 is hosting a meet-and-greet for all veterans at the legion post located at 14052 Goodwin St. in Burton. Free hot dogs will be served.
Dinner is $38 for adults and $18 for chil dren under 10. There will be a gift card raffle. Space is limited and available by reserva tion only. Register online at friendsofwomen safe.org or call 440-285-3741.
Town Crier
Church Turkey Dinner
Huntsburg Congregational Church will host its annual turkey drive-thru dinner, pre order only at 12435 Madison Road, Hunts burgCostTownship.is$12for an adult portion.
in his special education students attending space camp, a place that prior to this, was thought to be a space only for the advanced science and math students.
In addition to the free showing of the movie, there also will be several other free activities taking place, including bouncy house, face painting, games, community re sources, concessions and much more.
Sept. 22, 6-7:30 p.m.
Oct. 18, noon
Middlefield Township Road Crew will again work with the Geauga County Depart ment on Aging employees and volunteers to remove unwanted items from registered se niors’ garages and yards.
Bake Sale and Basket Raffle
Page 2 Wednesday, September 21, 2022Middlefield Post
FOW Amish Wedding Dinner
Fair Housing Resource Center Inc. is hosting a family-friendly event at Mayfield Drive-In on Sept. 30. The event takes place at 6 p.m. to raise awareness about disabili ty-related issues in our community.
Middlefield Senior Trash Pickup Sept. 28 and 29
$50 for the invasion tour.
Entry fee is $10 per item or $25 for three items. Artists may submit up to three items. Entry forms are available at all public li braries and also online at burtonlibrary.org. For more information, call Izzy or Becky at 440-834-4466.
Call or text Debbie at 234-600-9582 by Oct. 8 to place pre-orders.
No more than 10 items per household. For specific allowable community guidelines or to register, call 440-279-2130.
Burton Public Library is looking for en tries for the 2022 Burton Art Show to be held Oct. 4-8 at the Burton Public Library. Entry days are Sept. 22, 9:30 a.m. to 7:45 p.m.; Sept. 23, 9:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.; and Sept. 24, 10:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Free Drive-In Movie Night at Mayfield Drive-In
Geauga Jeep Invasion
Seniors who wish to participate in the 2022 trash day pickup program must register with the department on aging.
The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District, Geauga Public Health and Middle field Library will host a free SepticSmart pro gram at the Middlefield Library. Presenters Dave Resource professionals with Geauga Public Health will discuss how a home septic system works, how to maintain a home sew age treatment system and what to do when it appears to not be working properly.
Artists 16 years and older who live, work or attend school in Geauga, Lake or Portage counties are invited to submit their work to the library located at 14588 W. Park St., Bur ton.Judges are Raymond Scott III in the art and 3-D art category and Callie Sour in the photography category.
Mayfield Drive-In in located at 12100 Mayfield Road, Munson Township. All are welcome and the event is free of charge to everyone.
Oct. 12, 5:30 p.m.
Friends of WomenSafe will host their an nual Amish wedding style dinner at the home of Mary Miller, 13301 Princeton Road in Mid dlefield. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., with dinner being served at 6 p.m.
the summer months.
9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Closed Wednesdays karlovec group
• Editorial submissions are printed as space is available, at the publisher’s discretion, and may be edited for length, clarity and grammar. All submissions are due by noon on the Friday prior to the Wednesday publication date for consideration for that edition.
• In case of error, we will re-print that portion of an advertisement that was in error. Notification of error should be made within three days of published date.
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• Copies are also available at rack locations within Middlefield and surrounding communities.
This photo was taken around the turn of the century and shows an old B & O steam train parked next to the Middlefield Depot, now used as an old fashioned ice cream soda fountain.Thetrain tracks were laid in the 1870s and the trains ran for more than 100 years through Middlefield, stopping in the early 1980s.Passenger service also operated here in the early part of the 1900s.
• The Karlovec Media Group reserves the right to reject or revise any advertisement or news item for publication.
• Circulation in excess of 7,000.
Clinton Sestak, Sales Representative
The DEPOT invites you to stop in for some old-fashion soda fountain treats during
Gayle Mantush, Sales Representative
• The Karlovec Media Group assumes no responsibility of error contained in any pre-printed material delivered with the paper as an insertion therein.
can see how the people are dressed, it was a great social event too. This photo was taken on the south side of East High Street, east of state Route 608 where Middlefield Bank’s parking lot is now.
Page 3Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Middlefield Post
Letters to the Editor reflect the opinion of those signing them and not necessarily that of either the Karlovec Media Group, its affiliates or its advertisers. All letters submitted are subject to editing, and none will be returned.
• The space reservation deadline for paid advertisements in that week’s Middlefield Post is 4 p.m. on the Thurs day prior to publication. Late ads may be accepted at the discretion of management.
• Email advertising requests and questions to ads@karlovecmedia.com.
Karen S. Kaplan, Graphic Design
Jeffrey B. Karlovec, Publisher
• The Middlefield Post is distributed for free to homes and businesses in the communities of Middlefield, Park man, Huntsburg and surrounding communities. It is mailed through the U.S. Postal Service.
By rick seyer
In the early part of the 1900s, when downtown Middlefield still hard dirt streets, everyone in town looked forward to DICKER DAYS. The town fathers would build livestock pens right in the street and farmers would bring their animals to town to sell, along with anything else they might want to get rid of. I’m sure it must have been a forerunner to the Monday sale still going on today on Nau voo
Regina Swinerton, Classifieds
• Under no circumstances will any record filed in the county be suppressed at any time for anybody, except by order of court.
Cassandra C. Shofar, News Editor
Jamie A. Ward, Sports Editor
• The opinions and representations contained in advertisements are those of the advertiser. They have not been verified by the Karlovec Media Group, nor should they be construed to represent the position or viewpoint of this newspaper or its publisher.
FAX editor@karlovecmedia.comads@karlovecmedia.com440-729-8240
• Email all editorial submissions to editor@karlovecmedia.com.
Barb Fontanelle, Sales Representative
Steam engines gave way to diesel engines in the early 1960s.
John D. Karlovec, Editor
The result was astonishing. In fact, what happened was a miracle straight from the hand of God. A multitude of fish was tearing the nets and the two boats were so packed with fish, they were ready to sink. Peter knew immediately that he was in the presence of the holy Son of God. His sin and unworthi ness stuck out like a sore thumb. But Jesus put out the welcome mat and Peter left his nets to follow Him.
Parkman Township: Oct. 4, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings are held at the Community House, 16295 Main Market Road, unless otherwise noted.
Geauga County: Sept. 21, 6 p.m., Board of Developmental Disabilities, Administra tive Board Room, 8200 Cedar Road, Chester; Sept. 28, 5 p.m., Board of Health, Ste. 333; Sept. 29, 9:30 a.m., Geauga County Commis sioners, Ste. 350; Oct. 4, 9:30 a.m. – Geauga County Commissioners, Ste. 350, 5:45 p.m. – Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve, at 8221 Auburn Road, Concord. All county meetings are held at the Geauga County Administrative Building, 12611 Rav enwood Drive, Claridon, unless otherwise noted. (Please note suite number.)
However, there was a learning curve with everything Dad taught us. That meant there were often tangles of all sorts as well as stub born snags that wouldn’t let go. I sometimes wonder how he had time to fish himself, with all the interruptions and requests for help from his five impatient boys. We have so many good memories of happy days shared along a shoreline or in a boat.
When I was growing up, my Dad often took my brothers and me fishing. He taught us how to cast a reel, use a bobber and wait patiently for a good bite.
I am thinking about Jesus’ disciple named Peter. After all, he and his brother were fishermen. On one occasion, they had fished all night without success. Their nets were empty and all their hard efforts were in vain.Suddenly, Jesus showed up and asked to use Peter’s fishing boat as a place to teach the crowd of people gathered around Him. When He finished, He told Peter to take the boat out into the deep waters and put down his nets. Peter protested, remembering the failure of the night. But because Jesus told him to do it, he did so.
Roger Kruse has learned that Jesus is al ways ready and able to help. We only need to ask.
As a grown man and a decent fisherman, I can still get tangles with my fishing line and lures. It’s inevitable as you work the edges of a lake where waiting bushes, trees, and algae lurk. Frustration can take over when you have to take time to untangle a mess of line wrapped around a branch or even the rod itself. However, once you finally hook a nice fish, all the trials and tribulations are forgot ten.Life, can be like a day of fishing. There is the joy of being with family and the sat isfaction of goals accomplished together. Nevertheless, there can also be the tensions of sibling squabbles, and the frustration of unwanted trials and messy circumstances. I remember falling into a lake off the dock that we were fishing on. Naturally, it was Dad to the rescue. Sometimes we need rescuing in life,Learningtoo. to be patient and discovering life skills and wisdom along the way is para mount. If we fail to glean something positive
Listed are public meetings and executive sessions in Huntsburg, Middlefield and Park man townships, the Village of Middlefield and
Cardinal Schools for the coming weeks. (Please note: These meeting notices are NOT legal no tices.)
Of course, we learned to put a wiggly worm or squirmy minnow on a sharp hook.
Every tangle in your life is best brought to Jesus. His wisdom, power, and love are ex actly what you need. Your failures are meant to be stepping stones to a discovery of His grace. The One who died for you also lives to show you the miracles that He alone can do.
Huntsburg Township: Oct. 2, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings held at the Town Hall, 16534 Mayfield Road.
Getting the hook out of a fish’s mouth without getting stuck by a sharp fin can also be a challenge. When it came time to clean the fish we caught, we all pitched in. It was quite a sight.
Life can get messy.
from our daily experiences, perhaps we need to revamp our approach. Lingering frustra tion and anger are a dead end street. Nobody wins when we leave a tangled mess dangling. Humility, forgiveness and patience with one another ensure that our relationships stay healthy and bring us joy.
Faith Matters When Life Gets Tangled
Page 4 Wednesday, September 21, 2022Middlefield Post
Community Meetings
Cardinal BOE: Sept. 28, 6:30 p.m., meet ing/work session. All meetings held at BOE Office, 15982 E. High St., Middlefield, unless otherwise indicated.
By Roger Kruse
fair style show is where everyone models their projects for the year. Congratulations to all winners and participants. On Sunday, members sewed stockings for the newborn babies for University Hospitals Geauga Med ical CongratulationsCenter. to the 2022 king and queen, the court and princes and princesses. Also, a special congratulations goes to the princess Allie Johnson of the Sew Sew Sweet 4-H Club. (Submitted by Gabby Johnson, news reporter)
She married the love of her life, William L. Ferritto, on July 30, 1981.
CLARIDON TWP. – Deanna Marie Fer
Deanna truly lived life to the fullest through simple pleasures. She loved wild life and watching the birds right outside her kitchen window. She loved traveling across the road and sightseeing with her husband, Bill.Nothing brought her more pleasure than
Page 5Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Middlefield Post
Deanna is survived by her husband, William L. Ferritto; children, Chris (Kim) Carabotta, Danny (Lesley) Carabotta, Marc (Theresa) Carabotta, Anita (Rusty) Cornell, William (Karen) Ferritto, and Annette (Oval Lawson) Ferritto; 25 grandchildren; and 35 great-grandchildren.Callinghourswere held Sept. 15-16, 2022, at Sly Family Funeral Home, 15670 W. High St., Middlefield, where a Celebration of Life service also was held at 12 noon Sept. 16.
ritto, 78, of Claridon Township, passed away peacefully Sept. 8, 2022, at her home.
She was born Oct. 7, 1943, to Beige and DorothyDeannaCombs.worked as a Middlefield police and fire dispatcher for 20-plus years.
Burial followed in East Claridon Ceme tery.Memories and Condolences can be share with the family at www.slyffh.com.
her kids and grandkids. She looked forward to the summer when the grandkids would all get together for weeks at her home.
Sew Sew Sweet
Deanna Marie Ferritto
Sew Sew Sweet 4-H club participated in the parade for the 200th year celebration at the Great Geauga County Fair. On Friday, the no-sew blankets were handed out to veterans that served the country. Members worked the milkshake booth on Labor Day of the fair. It was a fundraiser for money for the club, which helps purchase fabric for no-sew blan kets.The style show went well on Monday. The
7:53 p.m., North State Avenue. Verbal warn ing for speed, 39 mph in a 25 mph zone on South State near Mill Street.
Sept. 2
Sept. 2
9:19 p.m., East High Street. Verbal warning for speed, 39 mph in a 25 mph zone at North State near Pierce.
Police Blotter
7:05 p.m., West High Street. Male walking in the area with a Halloween mask on and a hoodie went behind the Frost Bar. Checked area. UTL/GOA.
2:58 p.m., Sperry Lane. Officer out with a horse collapsed in roadway. Horse col lapsed and passed away in the intersec tion of Lake and Sperry. Officer directed traffic until horse and buggy could be safely removed.
2:33 p.m., Glen Valley Drive. Needs to speak to an officer. She was scammed for $2,000. Report taken.
Aug. 26
Aug. 29
The following is a sampling of the calls handled by the Middlefield Village Police De partment, Aug. 26 to Sept. 8, 2022.
Aug. 27
Aug. 28
Page 6 Middlefield Post
12:09 a.m., Sperry Lane. Jeep parked in Min eral Lake Park with male sleeping in front seat. Male advised he is homeless and sleeps in his vehicle. Male advised of park hours and left the area without issue.
5:56 p.m., West High Street. O’Reilly Auto Parts needs to file a theft report against an employee. Total of $160 cash and $72 worth of drinks and snacks. Misdemean or citation issued for theft.
9:07 p.m., East High Street. Citation issued for multiple child restraint violations and traffic violations.
Cardinal senior Audrey Avalon, a midfielder and centerback, in a soccer match against rival Berkshire. The Huskies were 0-8 last week after the Sept. 13 loss to the Badgers. Berkshire won 12-0, and it was the fourth straight year Berkshire has won the rivalry. The Badgers have outscored the Huskies 33-5 during that period.
5:36 p.m., West High Street. Male asking for money on Springdale. Caller advised she doesn’t live in Middlefield and she has called three times on this male. Male has a dog and he goes up to cars and is tying up traffic. Male checks OK and is not a traffic hazard. There is no village ordi nance for panhandling, therefore, it is not illegal. Complainant was advised.
Sept. 4
Sept. 1
5:54 p.m., West High Street. Male is being ha rassed over text message about false claims he raped the person’s daughter. Officer spoke with male regarding false rumors being sent to his mother on Facebook Mes senger about complainant. Advice given to block the individuals on social media and how to obtain a restraining order.
8:46 p.m., South Springdale Avenue. At tempted theft of cart full of items at Walmart. Older male, ran toward the strip mall. Male was wearing a mask and pushed a cart full of unpaid merchandise out of store then fled. Further investiga tion pending. Male left parking lot in pick up. Jail will accept.
Sept. 4
Space is limited, register early for $20 on the park district’s website. The first 250 to register will receive a free T-shirt. Race day registration begins at 3 p.m. for $25. Every one who completes at least one lap will earn a Space Race finishers medal plus a ribbon rec ognizing how far they went and which planet they reached. Awards will also be given to the top three male and female finishers.
Register now for Geauga Park District’s all-new Space Race at Observatory Park in Montville Township. Run, jog or walk as many laps as one can on the Planetary Trail. Each completed 0.85-mile lap will propel run ners through the solar system. All possible 16 laps are just over half a marathon.
The annual Pumpkin Festival will be held on Oct.1 and 2. Visit huntsburgpumpkinfesti val.com for news about the festival. Registra tion for most events is also available online.
Road Department
Crack sealing, ditching, grading, road side mowing and applying gravel are ongoing maintenance services. Be aware Huntsburg Township will not pay for car repairs or blown tires due to road conditions. Drivers must
Trustee meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at the town hall upstairs meeting room. All township meetings are open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend. Call 440-636-5486 for more information. The next regular meeting is Oct. 4.
Hunting is strictly forbidden on Hunts burg Township properties. There have been hunters shooting at wildlife in the Huntsburg Recreational Park during hours the park is being enjoyed by others and maintained by township employees. Hunting violations will be referred to the game warden and prosecu tion may be involved.
Geauga Park District
Visit the Geauga County Board of Elec tions website www.co.geauga.oh.us for more information on the upcoming election.
Huntsburg Township is now hiring a Class A or B- CDL snowplow driver and general garage, grounds, building and road mainte nance person. Some experience is preferred, but training is available. A CDL is a must to obtain the position.
Voting takes place Nov. 8 at the Hunts burg Community Center, 12406 Madison Road, Huntsburg Township. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Huntsburg News
Huntsburg Is Hiring
Call the nonemergency number 440-6321907 for more information. Please obtain de tectors for smoke, fire and carbon monoxide. It is time to check batteries in detectors.
For more information and registration, con tact the park district at 440-286-9516 or visit www.geaugaparkdistrict.org.
Geauga Park District’s Ranger Depart ment is offering an Ohio Hunter Education course at Big Creek Park’s Donald W. Meyer Center. Coursework will be for first-time hunt ers who want to acquire a hunting license, covering a range of topics from conservation, safety and ethics to the proper handling of firearms, bowhunting gear and more. All nec essary equipment will be provided. Bring a pencil and Registrationhighlighter.isrequired on the Ohio Divi sion of Natural Resources’ website at oh-web.
By nancy J. saunders
Page 7Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Middlefield Post
Middlefield Fire Department reminds all residents to clean their chimneys if burning wood. Chimney fire calls rise in the fall and early winter months.
Oct. 1 and 8, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Oct. 1, 5-7 p.m.
A Race Like No Other
drive according to road conditions, which means drive a little slower to avoid road haz ards. Speed limits are posted on roads.
Be an Educated Hunter
Middlefield Fire Department
Township Hunting Regulations
The Huntsburg Community Center, town hall and gym are open for events. Call the office to obtain pricing, visit the township’s Facebook page or email.
Zoning Inspector Paul Tucker reminds all residents to obtain a zoning permit prior to making any construction changes of any kind. The zoning office may be reached by calling 440-636-5486 ext. 3 and leaving a message.
Do not put leaves in the ditches and do not burn them in the ditches. Debris blocks culvert and drive pipes.
Huntsburg Township has designated Oct. 31 as Trick or Treat night from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Residents wishing to have their homes visit ed are asked to leave a porch or outside light on. Children are asked to stop only at homes with lights on. Have a safe Halloween.
Residents are responsible for keeping their drive pipes clean and free of debris. Please clean out pipes to keep the ditches flowing. Call and report any serious road problem, flooding on roads, fallen limbs or other hazard the town ship should be aware of. Residents may leave a message at 440-636-5486 option 1.
Send resumes to Huntsburg Township, P.O. Box 280, Huntsburg OH 44046 or drop at town hall. Email is huntsburgtwp@wind stream.net or call a trustee at 440-636-5486.
s3licensing.com.Studentsmust attend both days and pass a 100-question multiple choice exam by a score of 75 percent or higher in order to obtain certification toward a hunting license after the course. All under 18 must be accom panied by an adult.
The township has a new road and bridge levy for 3.0-mill on the ballot.
Pumpkin Festival
Commission member Dave Dietrich said he was concerned with setting a precedent for curb Garlichcuts.suggested Sommers come back to the commission at a future date with a new site plan.
Middlefield Village Access to Tare Creek Opens Area for Development
The commission was not concerned with the property in the township. Middlefield Township does not have a zoning resolution.
Village Zoning Inspector John Boksan sky said Sherpa needs a driveway for truck traffic to enter and exit the proposed lumber yard via Tare Creek Parkway.
By ann WisHart ann@karlovecmedia com
After much discussion, Sommers agreed
“There is a transfer requirement as created by the Village of Middlefield’s ordi nance stating that the newly created parcels cannot be transferred individually, but must be transferred together, even though they
“The village has the right to limit/permit curb cut entry via Tare Creek Parkway as it is a limited access roadway set up by the village when the plat for the design of Tare Creek was made circa 2002,” he said in an email.At the planning meeting, the commis sion negotiated one curb cut for Sherpa and White. White will branch his access drive off of the Sherpa access drive via an easement / maintenance agreement to be established. He told the commission he wants access so he can visit a pond on the north end of one of his two 25-acre parcels in the township.
are in different political subdivisions,” said Boksansky, referencing the village zoning ordinance. “Further, the ordinance provides that the property and the adjacent property shall not be entitled to water or utility ser vice from the Village of Middlefield unless the property and the adjacent property are annexed into the Village of Middlefield and consolidated into one parcel.”
Page 8 Wednesday, September 21, 2022Middlefield Post
A deal worked out among several parties during a Middlefield Village Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Sept. 6 paved the way for potential development of more than 50 acres of land in Middlefield Village andOneTownship.ofthe parties was Gary Sommers, CEO of HRM Enterprises Inc., which in cludes Hartville Hardware and Lumber. Hartville owns the store and lumber yard on East High Street beside the Middlefield Post Office. Sommers was speaking for Sherpa Development LLC, which is part of the Hart villeThecompany.commission looked at requests for variances for three driveways and curb cuts on Tare Creek Parkway, as well as lot splits on property currently owned by Geauga Self Storage LLC to create the access driveways behind the storage units.
Behind the self storage facility at 15354 Kinsman Road in Middlefield Township is a 7.27 acre of commercial vacant land in the village owned by GSS.
GSS applied for a permit for three curb cuts on Tare Creek on the north side of that acreage: one for access to the residual 5.27 acres to be created by the lot split; one for a driveway leading west to 25 acres owned by local businessman Charles B. White; and a third for a driveway cutting north to proper ty White owns behind the Ohio Department of Transportation headquarters and yard.
to share a curb cut with White and the resid ual parcel will have its own curb cut on Tare CreekTheParkway.preliminary sketch shows Hartville has plans to build a 105,650-square-foot com mercial yard on 20.76 acres in Middlefield Township to the west of GSS’s 5.27 acres that are inside the village. Two lots measur ing 2.26 acres and 2.23 acres are shown in front of the proposed yard with frontage on Kinsman Road.
During the commission meeting, village Mayor Ben Garlich said he was opposed to having three curb cuts because it could cre ate a lot of confusion on Tare Creek Parkway so close to the intersection with Kinsman Road.“We’ve been limiting curb cuts (on Tare Creek) for 20 years,” said commission Chair man Scott Klein, adding allowing a special curb cut for someone who goes to his lake once a day doesn’t make sense.
“Can the planning commission do any thing this evening?” Sommers said, add ing he was concerned the deal might fall through.The commission voted unanimously to recommend village county allow two curb cuts with Sommers and White sharing a driveway that will Y off to provide access to White’s property and to recommend two lot splits with conditions.
1. PTs can minimize the need for surgery
The Family Friendly Monarch Festival will take place Saturday, Sept. 24, and Sun day, Sept. 25, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Jarz’s Creek, 11770 Stafford Road, AuburnThereTownship.willbehands-on children’s activities available, including painting pumpkins and making wildflower seed bombs.“We wanted to do something to educate the community on the things they can do to support the beautiful monarch butterflies, this is one way we can give back,” said Kellie Jarzembak, co-founder of Jarz’s Creek, “It’s our Secret Blue Butterflyz.”
Her other interests include organic gar dening and monarch butterfly habitat resto ration, ceramic arts, travel and companion animal
2. PTs can help relieve pain and increase flexibility
Dress for the weather and wear appropri ate footwear as this is an outdoors event. No cost for admission.
If you’re facing a surgical procedure, there’s a good chance physical therapy can reduce your risk of needing it in the first place. In fact, physical therapists are trained to use alternative methods to surgery to ef fectively treat many conditions.
Geauga County Master Gardener Nikki Coben will be on hand sharing her passion for saving monarch butterflies. She has been Geauga County Master Gardener for the past 20 years and has raised and released more than a thousand healthy monarch butterflies over the past five years.
For more information, visit Jarz’s Creek on Facebook.
“Smallrescue.things add up to big things, we can all have a positive impact, ‘a handprint,’ to make our planet a better place for everyone,” Jarz’s Creek co-founder Jeremy Jarzembak said. “People are so focused on reducing their carbon footprint that they don’t realize their handprints can have just as big or big ger
We should always keep in mind that there is no “magic cure” for any health condition, whether that condition is a chronic pain prob lem or any other. Physical therapy, however, remains to be one of the best forms of non-invasive treatment for pain relief. In this article, we are going to inform you about the top 5 benefits of physical therapy so that you can learn more about the practice and its many positive effects on your health.
You’ve heard about physical therapy, but have you ever consid ered it for yourself? You may be surprised to find out that physical therapy is one of the most effective and proven ways to treat inju ries and prevent future ones. Here are five surprising benefits of physical therapy:
Physical therapy is less expen sive than other types of care, saving you money in the long run because it prevents future injuries and conditions from occurring. And if a condition does develop, your physical therapist will work with you to make sure that you are provided with appropriate treatment and recovery options.
And finally, physical therapy treatments can decrease your risk of further injury and reduce your chances of re-injury by helping you develop strength and mobility that sup port the injured area.
Ineffects.”addition to viewing the engaging edu cational monarch exhibit, guests will have an opportunity to walk down a trail leading to a conserved milkweed meadow as well as visit ing local crafters, artisans and vendors who have set up shop to support Jarz’s Creek’s mission of saving the endangered monarchs.
Coben also has created unique monarch caterpillar rearing techniques and equipment to streamline the process.
Dr. Adam M. Cramer, DPT, is a licensed physical therapist, pain specialist and founder of MyoFit Clinic in Chardon, Middlefield & Ashtabula, Ohio and offer all the above treat ments at all clinics. Call MyoFit at 440-2861007 if you would like to avoid orthopedic sur gery for your pain. MyoFitClinic.com
Jarz’s Creek, a new farm to Geauga Coun ty’s growing agritourist industry, is hosting its first family festival focusing on the endan gered Monarch Butterfly.
Physical therapists are trained to design treatment plans that combine a variety of techniques, including therapeutic exercise and manual therapy, which can help increase
mobility and decrease pain. This combination may be more effective than using just one ap proach on its own.
4. PTs is cost-effective
When you work with a physical therapist, they will evaluate your needs and design an individualized treatment plan to target your specific goals and challenges. They will also teach you how to avoid future injuries so you can stay healthy for years to come!
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By dr adam m cramer, dpt
Physical Therapy Benefits
Monarch Festival Sept. 24-25
staff report
3. PTs can help you avoid future injuries
Aric J. and Sarah Anderson, 14967 Linda Ave., to Rhiannon A. Resor, $205,000. (0.37 acres)Helen
Sept 22-24, 9a-5p. Office furniture, an tiques, dental cabinets and more. 14435 North Cheshire, Burton, just up from the fairgrounds.
Joe Eicher doing roofing, siding, remod eling, cleanout houses, we do most any thing. Call between 8a-4p, 440-813-4272. No answer, leave message.
Buying all Stanley Bailey planes and machinist tools. Call Karl at 440-812-3392.
Two 3-month-old very social female cali co kittens, spayed & vaccinated, need an indoor-only home. Call Rebecca 440-3212485.
Real Estate Transfers 20Classifiedswordsfor$12 What a bargain!
Old Oak rough-cut lumber: different siz es or custom cut. $5 per foot. 216-456-7199. His & Hers Golf Clubs: bag and cart in cluded. 440-632-0060, leave message.
Old fishing tackle wanted: fishing lures (wood or plastic), mouse to bear traps, wooden duck decoys. Call Lee 440-31348331.wheelers,
Following is a list of area real estate trans fers for the weeks ending Sept. 2 and Sept. 9, 2022, provided as a public service by the Geau ga County Auditor’s Office. Transfers may in volve the sale of land only.
Estate, garage, & building clean-outs. Also, scrap metal wanted. Call 440-4133119.
Garage/Estate Sale: Sept. 22-24, 8a-6p, Sept 25, 10a-2p. Antiques, collectibles, furniture, appliances, housewares, glassware, much more misc! 9705 Wash ington, Auburn.
Road, B-5
Harvard foosball $225. Pacemaster treadmill ProSelect $150. Coleman rowboat $175. Stain glass and solder/glass caneing, David Winter cottages, In quire. 216-545-4024.
$Wanted Junk Vehicles$ Muscle Cars, Dump Trucks, Construction Equipment, Running Vehicles, etc. Scrap Metal. Free Removal. Call 440-679-7293.
Wanted: Canning Jars, pints & quarts. Deperate! Rose 440-834-0222.
Giant Vac Whipser Jet leaf blower, Briggs & Stratton engine, $200. Allis Chalmers riding lawn-mower, 23HP Hy dro Tractor, $400. 440-635-0223.
Johnny A. and Marie R. Yoder, 17625 Reeves Road, to Roberto Antonio and Kather ine Keeran Martinez, $400,000. (3.61 acres)
set with New Bright sets. Estate jewel ry. Cat’s Meow type Chardon buildings. Call 440-352-6953.
Offering special discounts for interior and exterior painting and staining this season. 20+ years experience. Profes sional and insured. Call Dan 440-342-4552.
Trailer: 3 bedroom, 1 bath, all appliances stay, new hardwood and carpet flooring, Dacraft metal roof, finished landscape. Terrance Glen Trailer Park, Hambden. 440-307-4013.
3 wheelers, dirt bikes, gocarts, mini bikes, golf carts, gators, farm tractors/equipment, trailers, riding mowers. Paying cash. 440-413-3119. Mayfield Chesterland, OH 44026 440-729-8240
Large electric train
Spinning wheel, yarn winder, Royal 1900’s typewriter, Polyroyal-TRF radio, IRC-Kadette radio, Victrola oak floor model, table-top hand-crank paper-roll organ. 440-533-5292.
Sept 23-24, 30, Oct.1 9a-4p. Cash Only. Per sonal inventory of fabrics for sewing, quilting, hooking, braiding, applique, penny rug, crafts, 4-H projects. 13440 Taylor-Wells Rd, Claridon (Chardon zip 44024).
Shop AVON at home or office. Delivery and a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Bev Thompson Avon Independent Sales Representative Call: 440-708-8045 Visit my Web site: myavon/bthompson8804https://www.avon.com/
FREE fact: Tobacco companies contin ue to addict our kids with flavored e-cig arettes that deliver massive doses of nicotine. Bubble Gum and Cotton Candy entice youth.”
All classified line ads run in The Geauga County Maple Leaf on Thursdays, and in the Chesterland News and Middlefield Post on the weeks each newspaper is published. The Chesterland News and Middlefield Post are published every other week on opposing weeks.
Nicholas A. Reese, Bridge Road, to Ran dy C. and Darlene K. Reese, $57,700. (7.76 acres)
Carolyn Young and Leigh E. Thomas, 15398 High Pointe Circle, to Terry Wayne and Susan Milligan, $248,200. (0.00 acres)
MXHM LLC, 15630 Pioneer Road, to Gregory L. and Tammy L. Bever, $265,000. (3.00Graceacres)M. Ely, 11131 Kile Road, to Steven and Kathleen Miller, $110,000. (5.00 acres)
M. Goff, 15132 Timber Ridge, to Aric J. and Sarah Anderson, $254,800. (0.24 acres)
Robert A. Braun Jr. (trustee), 15723 El mwood St., to Jeremy and Jennie Morey, $178,000. (0.36 acres)
Page 10 Wednesday, September 21, 2022Middlefield
INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE BELOW THIS LINE – WILL NOT APPEAR IN PRINT Write Your Classified Line Ad CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT NOON PRIOR TO PUBLICATION DATE To advertise in the Classifieds, contact the advertising department at 440-729-7667 ext. 500 or email your ad directly ads@karlovecmedia.comto ☐ Here is my ad. The per week cost is $12 for the first 20 words, plus 50¢ for each additional word. ☐ I am a PAID MAPLE LEAF SUBSCRIBER entitled to 20 WORDS or less FREE each week. (Words over 20 will be billed at 50¢ per word.) NO BUSINESS ADS. Please include subscriber number ___________ (found on mailing label) ☐ I would like to be a MAPLE LEAF SUBSCRIBER and advertise for FREE. Enclosed is $50 for an in-county 12-month subscription (subscription rate valid through 12/31/22) 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 8 9 19 20 21 22 23 24 Number of weeks to run ad: Free Subscriber Ads can run a maximum of four weeks, then MUST be renewed. CITY,ADDRESSNAMESTATE, ZIP NAMEEMAILPHONEON CARD BILLING ADDRESS PAYMENT INFORMATION Make checks payable to “Karlovec Media Group.” Credit card charges will appear as “Karlovec Media Group.” CARDSIGNATURE# EXP CVC Code ☐ Mastercard ☐ Visa ☐ Discover ☐ American Express karlovec group 8389
Drive Spitfire 4 wheel power scooter. Can be disassembled for transportation. Used 5 times. $850. 440-286-4772.
Tom Seely Dining Set: Solid Cherry Ta ble w/4 leafs, seats 10, and 5 Bow-back chairs total, one arm. $1,900/OBO. 586719-2859.
FREE Hostas. Dig your own. Different varieties. 440-834-8943.
John’s Plumbing: Affordable and re liable. Water heaters, toilets, faucets, drain cleaning, gas lines, sump pumps, well tanks. 440-285-0800.
Dresser: French Provinvial, 2-door, 3-drawer. You pick up. $800 OBO/cash.
Halstead Family Partnership L. P., 16016 E. High St., to Pierce Street Properties, LLC, $850,000. (1.45 acres)
Laura Ann Fritsch (TOD), 11179 Madison Road, to Marty D. Miller, $285,000. (24.87 acres)
Middlefield Great Clips is hiring great stylists. Built-in clientele, great pay, benefits package and much more. Must have valid Cosmetology license. Visit our site Talent.RLOinc.net or call Tere sa 937-974-4376.
Karlovec Media Group is hiring account representatives to sell print and online advertising in and around Geauga County, specifically in the Chesterland and Kirtland areas. Candidates must be able to manage time wisely, meet deadlines and have reliable transportation.
Page 11Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Middlefield Post
would have at
two years of sales experience. Submit resumes to editor@karlovecmedia.com group
Seeking Sales Rep
Elder Care needed, around the clock, in Chesterland area, must be able to operate Hoyer, references required. 440-339-0519.
Freelance Writers Must have print writing experience. Coverage includes government meetings, features and local events. NOWHIRING Email resume to: editor@karlovecmedia.com
Middlef ield POSTCommunity News from Middlefield,SurroundingHuntsburgParkman,andAreas
Caregiver wanted. Need female for livein providing domestic duties: laundry, cooking, cleaning, companionship, in re turn for room and board. 440-533-5760.
All of our staff must be willing to work in a team environment to help grow our newspapers. The ability to understand and live with a deadline-driven business is a must. ideal candidate least
Help Wanted
By Dr. Tad Roediger
Now is the time to take care of that ache or pain, improve your quality of life, and take care of your most valuable asset … YOU!
STOP LIVING WITH PHYSICAL PAIN! Chiropractic treatment is very affordable and highly effective. Take advantage of a LIMITED TIME OFFER! Call 440-285-0756 before Oct. 12, 2022 to receive the complete initial exam for only $57 (this includes consultation, exam, paraspinal scan and two x-rays of the problem area if needed).
Email: tadroedigerdc@gmail.com
Call ROEDIGER CHIROPRACTIC at 440-285-0756 today. Alison or Mary will be glad to schedule your appointment. We are located at 401 South St., Bldg. 2A, Chardon. roedigerchiropractic.com.
Ty, our son, gets checked weekly to make sure his growing spine and body are working at its best.
WHAT SETS ME APART ... in the chiropractic field is my use of the Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique (AMCT); a treatment system that utilizes a small hand-held instrument that applies a quick, low-force, gentle chiropractic treatment directly to the source of your pain to alleviate nerve pressure to allow the body to heal itself.
how life is. Now people come to see me with their low back and sciatic problems. They also come to me with their headaches, migraines, chronic pain, neck pain, shoulder /arm pain, numbness in limbs, whiplash from car accidents, backaches, ear infections, asthma, allergies, sports injuries, just to name a few.
My wife, Sharon, suffered for years with migraine headaches. She took ibuprofen everyday. We found her migraines were from misaligned vertebrae in her neck, we adjusted them, now she rarely has migraines.
I know what it’s like to live with constant pain. As a sophomore on the University of New Hampshire football team, I developed sciatica; an excruciating condition that caused sharp pain in my leg and lower back. I was unable to play football anymore and the pain was so bad that at times it was difficult for me to even walk or concentrate. I was told surgery was the only option to alleviate the condition, but even after undergoing surgery, the pain persisted.Onthe
MY OTHER CONFESSION IS … I help people live their lives as they are intended to live. What I do is perform a gentle spinal treatment to alleviate nerve pressure without any ‘twisting’ or ‘popping’, and the body responds by healing itself. It’s as simple as that! I have helped thousands of people with a variety of health problems.It’sstrange
I am here to help you reach your health care goals as quickly as possible. Treatment in my office is affordable whether you have insurance or not. My adjustment fee is only $45. You don’t have to miss a half day’s work to receive treatment.
Page 12 Wednesday, September 21, 2022Middlefield Post
“I experienced back pain and hand numbness for 3-4 years. A friend recommended Dr. Roediger, and I was quickly able to get in for my exam. After my first adjustment, my back was already feeling a lot better. My wife even noticed more “pep in my step”. If I ever have any questions about anything, Dr. Roediger and staff are very informative.”
advice of a friend, I decided to see a chiropractor. After the initial examination, the chiropractor was able to determine that I had several bones out of alignment in my spine, and that they were putting pressure on the nerves in my back. The situation was serious, but after a few treatments I noticed the pain had decreased and I felt better overall. Over time the chiropractic treatments allowed my body to heal itself naturally!
– Janet K.
Here’s what some of my patients had to say: “I was experiencing back pain for over 5 years. Physical therapy was not helping me. I called Roediger Chiropractic and got in right away. After a couple of adjustments, I noticed I was feeling and looking better. I was able to start gardening again which helped me lose weight.”
– Dylan V.
MY CONFESSION IS… I want to help ease the burden of today’s health care system that is overburdened. We at Roediger Chiropractic are helping people with their stress of aches and pains, unrelated to COVID-19, by treating the spine and nervous system through conservative chiropractic care. We are here for our patients and those new patients looking for help. Let’s see if chiropractic can help your problem during this stressful time. We at Roediger Chiropractic are essential to the health and wellness of Geauga County and follow the recommended guidelines for cleaning and social distancing.