Geaux health & fitness june 2014

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Ready.Set.Geaux Sports Are Your Kids Killing Your Sex Life?

Geaux Health and


June 2014

2014 Top Docs

Gabrielle McKellar Stylist to the Stars

Slim Pick n’s Healthier Fast-food Options

Model Behavior with Alexis Lawson


Are you looking for a peaceful, relaxing office environment right in the heart of Baton Rouge? Our office community consists of ten authentically designed Acadian style buildings ranging from 1200 to7200 sq. ft. The setting is picturesque with spacious lawns and buildings surrounded by lush, native Louisiana water grasses, plants, shrubs and trees. Also located on the grounds is a pond, and quiet, shady courtyard with a fountain - yet we are hidden away, just off of Essen Lane between I-12 & I-10. We are ideal for smaller businesses, and are home to several healthcare providers, massage therapists, attorneys, counselors, financial brokers....on up to larger corporations. We can satisfy your office needs with personalized attention from our “onsite� management team. Our suites range from 181 to 364 sq. ft. We also have larger spaces ranging from 1500 to 7000 sq. ft. Rent starts as low as $225 a month and varies depending on size. Rent includes utilities and janitorial, reception and kitchen areas as well as the use of our (10) seat conference room and copy/fax facilities. Telephone and high speed internet are also available.


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Healthy Kids for call 225.924.7343

LIFE Brian P. Despinasse, II, M.D.

730 Colonial Drive

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June 2014


Even more articles

cover story TOp docs PAGE 13

Geaux Fit


05 | Tips and Tricks to be a Hot Mom 08 | Workout Routine 10 | The Closet Diva 12 | Is It Time for a Restring?

32 | The Buddy Loft Story 33 | Not Just Part of the Doggie Daycare Craze

Geaux 'N Style 22 | Successful Aging 24 | Flab To Fab



geaux Healthy 19 | Ask the Physical Therapist 20 | Healthy Louisiana

GEAUX EAT 28 | Slim Pick N’s 30 | Top Healthy Eats in Baton Rouge

Model behavioR

RELATIONSHIP / SEX 36 | Are Your Kids Killing Your Sex Life 37 | Going Bare, Down There

beauxld 'N Beautiful 40 | Stylist to the Stars 41 | A Makeover to Remember

Ready.Set.Geaux Sports 42 | Laying a Foundation for Athletes 45 | Golf Anyone?

places to geaux 46 | Events Calendar

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Like Us on Facebook! Healthy recipes

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Photographer Amy Martin

Vice President and Director of Advertising Sharon Frank

Fashion Editor Reagan Roberts

Photographer Cody Willhite

Graphic Designer Erica Nettles

(Noble Design, LLC)

Copy Editor Pamela Labbe

Managing Editor | Shantrice Hurst Lead Graphic Designer | Krist Norsworthy Contributing Writers

Erin Fulbright Traci Vincent Bill Gvoich Lauren Myers Heather Jiminez David Jones

Darryl Hurst Amber Smith Leslie Lancaster Lori Gardener Chris Purvis Dwayne Dimm

geaux fit

Tips and Tricks

to be a Hot Mom

Written By: Leslie Lancaster |

One thing is for certain, no matter our age, we all want to be a hot mom. My definition of hot is feeling proud when looking in the mirror, overflowing with happiness and confidence, extending love to ourselves and others and walking in our purpose. My journey to hot came after having two children. Feeling matronly and not so proud of my skinny-fat body, I decided to embark on my own self-created makeover journey. Not knowing a thing about health or fitness, it was a slow process. I had to teach myself the very basics, like how to use equipment in the gym and then dived deeper as I learned what foods would work to best to fuel my body transformation. After years of hard work, I finally succeeded. My success can also be your success and I want to share with you five tips and tricks to help you get started today. 5 Tips and Tricks to be a Hot Mom 1. Do not be afraid of the gym. This is not just a place for men to work out. Women need to be there, too. Weights are the foundation for how you will change your body. Did you know as we age, we begin losing muscle mass? In order to keep it, you have to work it. Use it or lose it, as they say. Getting over any fear requires exposure. In order to get over a fear of going to the gym, you must muster the courage and go. Through repeated exposure, your fear will subside. 2. Begin making healthier eating choices. Food that comes boxed or bagged, processed foods, sugar, and fast food restaurants will all thwart your efforts in making progress and seeing results. To eat healthy, ask yourself this question: “Did my grandparents eat this?” If not, chances are, it’s not healthy. In addition, become a label reader. If you cannot pronounce the ingredients on the back of a label, chances are they are man-made and are not good for your body. Shopping the outside isles and skipping the middle ones is another useful tip. The outside perimeter is where all the fresh produce, meats and dairy are located. Focus your shopping there and limit the middle isles that contain manufactured food. 3. Chill out and give yourself time to adopt a new lifestyle. Feeling overwhelmed can lead to not starting, stalling out or giving up. Instead of viewing getting in shape with an all-or-nothing mentality, don’t put so much pressure on yourself and know that making a lifestyle change takes time and patience. Some days will be really wonderful and all will go well. Other days, however, you may fall off the bandwagon. It’s okay. This is a journey. This is not a race. Enjoy and appreciate the journey while working to accomplish your goals. 4. Drink more water! Drinking water is extremely important. Dehydration leads to many nasty health problems ranging from headaches, sinus issues, low energy, constant yawning and problems digesting food. Two quarts a day is the amount of water needed to replace the water you lose on a daily basis simply by living and breathing. Set your daily goal to 2 quarts and watch as your energy increases and your mood improves. 5. Schedule fitness activities into your schedule and stick to it. Just like doctors appointments need to be scheduled, so does your workout. Whether you’re doing yoga, Zumba, aerobics, swimming, running, lifting weights, etc, it needs to be factored into your day. There’s nothing wrong with setting aside time for yourself. Look at it as a self-care activity. You’ll be better for having done it both emotionally and physically. I hope these five tips to get a Hot Mom Bod have helped you. For more tips like this, visit my website at and Like my Facebook page: GH&F June 2014











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pilates Featuring Miriam del Rio Photography by Cody Willhite June 2014


geaux fit

geaux health & Fitness Workout Routine

by Dwayne Dimm Trainer - Crossfit BR

There are 10 recognized general physical skills. You are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these 10 skills. 1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance - The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen.

6. Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.

2. Stamina - The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.

7. Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.

3. Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.

8. Agility - The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.

4. Flexibility - the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.

9. Balance - The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base.

5. Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.

10. Accuracy - The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

Burpee Difficulty: Low Why we do it: Cardio, Stamina, Agility, Power, Accuracy How we do it: Begin standing then jump your feet back to catch and position yourself into the bottom of a push-up with your chest and thighs in contact with the floor. With your hands on the ground next to your chest, explode back up to standing by extending your elbows and driving your hips and feet forward. Try to land with your feet flat in the same spot your hands just were. Finish the burpee by extending arms overhead and perform a vertical jump. Ab Mat Situp Difficulty: Low Why we do it: Stamina, Strength (core), Speed, Cardio How we do it: Sit with bottoms of feet together in a butterfly position and chest upright. Using an Ab Mat placed at your rear will keep the natural lumbar curve as we lie back to contact the shoulders with the ground. Using your abs and arms if needed, bring the shoulders back upright while keeping the shoulders broad and past the hips to finish the repetition.

08 June 2014

geaux fit

DB Thruster Difficulty: Medium Why we do it: Power, Strength, Stamina, Balance, Flexibility, Coordination How we do it: Performed with a pair of dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell, begin standing with the weight resting on your shoulders and elbows as far forward as possible. Initiate movement by bringing your hips down into a full squat with hip crease going below the knee. When below parallel is reached, explode up to standing and finish by pressing the weight out overhead all in one motion. Lower the weight back down to your shoulders and repeat.

Double Under Difficulty: Medium to High Why we do it: Cardio, Stamina, Accuracy, Speed, Coordination How we do it: The movement is performed with a jump rope, preferably a speed or cable rope. It’s the same thing we did as kids but now we’re passing the rope under our feet twice per jump. Keep your hands and elbows tight to the body while using the wrist to swing the rope. Bounding using the midfoot and only slightly bent knees is one key to efficiency.

Handstand Push Up Difficulty: High Why we do it: Balance, Coordination, Strength, Power, Accuracy How we do it: Facing a wall to use for support and balance, place your hands on the ground at a normal push-up width (just outside shoulders) approximately six inches away from the wall. Kick up into a supported handstand by swinging your legs over your body. Keep the legs straight, butt squeezed, toes pointed, and arms locked out as we find the supported position against the wall. Bend at the elbows to descend your head towards the ground while keeping them tight to the body. Once your head touches the ground press out of the bottom position back to a full locked out handstand GH&F

June 2014


geaux 'n style

R e ag a n Roberts:

The Closet Diva

Reagan Roberts, owner of Reagan Roberts Fashion Consulting, is no stranger to helping people feel good about themselves at any size or age. She began RRFS almost 13 years ago after watching women struggle to buy clothes at a local boutique she managed. “I don’t even know what I have in my closet,” was something she heard on a daily basis. So, she started “Closet Keeping by Reagan” in an effort to help women organize and identify needs in their closets. A year and a half ago, her business had grown into a full-time career.

“Your day begins in your closet”

“Your day begins in your closet,” she said. If you aren’t happy in what you are wearing it ruins your whole day. The mental stress of trying on outfit after outfit just to find something you look decent in is a daily struggle for many people – men included. Reagan takes the stress out of dressing and shopping by going through each piece in your closet only keeping pieces that you feel good in. Then she organizes what you have so that you know what is missing. After that, she creates outfits from what you already have in your closet. Finally, she makes a list of “needs” to complete your wardrobe. Everyone can use some aspect of this to help eliminate the stress from their daily lives. Her client base includes both women and men, all size ranges, and any age. According to Roberts, “seeing someone feel good in their own skin” is what drives her passion. GH&F

10 June 2014


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geaux 'n style

is it time for a restring? by Sally Calongne

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When is it time to restring a racquet? If a string “pops”, or breaks, that is an easy sign! But, how many players actually pop strings on a regular basis? The typical rule of thumb for restringing a racquet is based on the number of times a week the racquet is used. For example, if a player uses the same racquet three times a week, then he should restring his racquet three times a year. Even if a player only plays tennis a handful of times a year, he should probably restring his racquet at least once a year. Why? Well, strings lose their tension and elasticity over time making them feel “dead” requiring more effort from the player. With fresh strings, the ball feels “crisper” and jumps off the racquet! Deciding to restring a racquet is only the first step, however. Who restrings racquets? What type of strings? What gauge? What tension? With so many questions and choices, it can be very confusing and overwhelming, but Match Point Tennis & Fitness Boutique can take care of everything! Match Point has experienced stringers that can evaluate racquets and recommend appropriate strings, gauge, and tension for players based on their levels free of charge. Strings Strings are made of different materials and typically fall into four categories: Natural Gut, Multifilament, Monofilament, and Polyester. Natural Gut will provide players with the most feel and touch while Polyester will provide players with the most durability. Multifilament and Monofilament are made from synthetic gut material and provide players with a good balance of comfort and durability. Gauge The gauge, or thickness, of the strings affects how the strings behave. The larger the gauge number, the thinner the string. For example, 18-gauge is a thinner string than 16-gauge. A thinner string offers greater feel and comfort. A thicker string offers better durability. Tension Each string and racquet has its own recommended tension range. Reducing the tension will make the strings give more on impact with the ball generating more power and comfort. Increasing the tension will make the string bed stiffer allowing greater control. All of this information may be a little too much to absorb at once. Here are three easy steps: 1. Find your tennis racquet. 2. Take your racquet to Match Point Tennis & Fitness Boutique for a free assessment. 3. Save $10 if you mention this article on your next restring!


12 June 2014

“Match Point Tennis & Fitness Boutique can take care of everything!”

cover story

Geaux Health and



2014 Dr. charles williamson Dr. Cordel Y. Parris Dr. Brian P. Despinasse II Dr. Sancerie O’Rourke-Allen June 2014


cover story

Dr. charles williamson The nature of the practice of the Williamson Eye Center is unique in that it is a traditional family based practice that now covers three generations. Dr. Charles Williamson is the CEO and Medical Director of the Williamson Eye Center, which was established more than 60 years ago. The Williamson Eye Center takes special pride in its recognition for contributions to the field of eye care and eye surgery as well as the development of a unique and comprehensive eye care delivery system in the greater Baton Rouge area.

“Dr. Williamson received numerous teaching awards and honors over the years with his presentations as well as pioneer awards for his Clear Corneal Incision surgery under topical anesthesia using injectable silicone intraocular lenses.”

A lifelong athlete, Dr. Charles Williamson went to LSU on a football scholarship and was selected as a member of the Academic All American Football Team in 1972. He also received the Academic SEC Awards in 1971 and 1972 and the LSU Presidents Award for Academic Excellence in 1972. After college, he went to LSU School of Medicine; he did a residency at the Eye Foundation Hospital in Birmingham, Ala., where he was chief resident. The Williamson Eye Center was founded in 1951 when Dr. Charles Williamson’s father, Dr. William N. (DOC) Williamson began his practice in Baton Rouge. Following in his legacy, all four of his sons went into medical practice together. Dr. Charles H. Williamson began his practice in Baton Rouge in 1980.

14 June 2014

Along with his brother Dr. William R. Williamson, he built the first Outpatient Eye Surgery Center in Louisiana in 1984. The Williamson Eye Center has grown to more than four locations with a central Outpatient Surgery Center, a Laser Vision Correction Center, Two Cosmetic Center locations, three Best Vision Opticals as well as three surgeons, seven optometrists, two P.A.s, 20 nurses and more than 100 employees. Dr. Williamson received numerous teaching awards and honors over the years with his presentations as well as pioneer awards for his Clear Corneal Incision surgery under topical anesthesia using injectable silicone intraocular lenses. Dr. Williamson is one of the pioneers of the technique of cataract surgery called Clear Corneal Cataract Surgery used under topical drops. Doctors worldwide have adopted the techniques that he and the early pioneers of this technique have presented. Dr. Williamson has given more than 60 presentations nationally and internationally concerning the surgical techniques. He has been the Dean of the Institute of Eye Studies and Research of the Louisiana University of Medical Sciences, Assistant Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology to LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans and has been Medical Research Consultant for STAAR Surgical Company as well as EyeSys

cover story

A lifelong athlete, Dr. Charles Williamson went to LSU on a football scholarship and was selected as a member of the Academic All American Football Team in 1972. Laboratories. He has been a consultant and Advisory Board member for multiple eye and medical care organizations including, Medical Care International in Dallas, Texas, as well as Diamatrix Instrument Company in Houston, Texas. He has served on the Board of Directors of the American College of Eye Surgeons. Dr. Williamson’s current interest involves the use and development of specialty lens implants. This procedure is cataract surgery, which has been devised to provide vision to patients at all distances without the need for glasses. He also performs refractive laser procedures (Lasik/PRK) to reduce the need for glasses for nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Dr. Williamson is the leading provider of the ICL Intraocular Contact Lens implant in Louisiana for the treatment of extreme vision conditions beyond the scope of Lasik.

June 2014


cover story

Dr. Cordel Y. Parris My name is Dr. Cordel Y. Parris and I am living the “American Dream.” I am a mother, a physician and an entrepreneur. As one of only a few African American female cardiologists, I actually represent less than .03 percent of those in my profession. The realization of the hopes and dreams of my parents, as well as many who blazed the trail before me, are encompassed within my story. My life is a microcosm of the multitude of sacrifices my mother made as she dared to embark on her immigrant journey. I am living a true rags-toriches existence. These are the words of my past, present and future.

“The sum of my experiences from my neighbor suffering a stroke and coping while facing death, to my mother suffering a ‘bleeding’ stroke but still alive today, to my father continuing to remain encouraged even in the last stages of his sickness, all provide a riveting testimony of God’s goodness. ”

My path has led me from the turquoise waters and golden sands of Trinidad and Tobago to the concrete jungles of the “Big Apple,” Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, and the State University of New York to the city of “Brotherly Love,” Hahnemann (Drexel University) Philadelphia, Penn., to the country roads in the city of Huntington (Marshall University) W.V. and, finally, to Baton Rouge. The sum of my experiences from my neighbor suffering a stroke and coping while facing death, to my mother suffering a “bleeding” stroke, but still alive today, to my father continuing to remain encouraged even in the last stages of his sickness, all provide a riveting testimony of God’s goodness. Their suffering taught me to live, love and, in every instance, to learn and grow. It is ironic that the worst of my experiences has actually taught me the very best of foundational survival lessons. The depth, breadth and richness of my existence led me to this moment.

16 June 2014

I recognize I am privileged. What a blessing to be called to care for Gods’ people. I am honored humbly by each person who chooses me to guide and help him along the unique path to wellness. Parental lessons bind me character-wise, the Hippocratic Oath binds me ethically, and God binds me morally. Caring for my patients is both a service and a spirituallyoriented endeavor. I am extremely bullish in regard to the future of Baton Rouge, and I believe great expansion is in on the horizon. You can see it happening all around the city and as part of this explosive growth, I not only offer exceptional care in the heart of Baton Rouge, but am also looking to be proactive in growing my business beyond my traditional practice. While Parris Cardiovascular Center offers a full range of life screening testing, including cardiovascular imaging and stroke evaluation, the new Twilight Center will not only house a general walk-in clinic available to the public, but will also feature a wide range of appointment-based aesthetic procedures, including massages, wraps, facials and Botox. The 3800 block of Florida Boulevard is slowly, but surely, becoming one of the epicenters of the city and I will continue to focus on offering exceptional medical care. Most insurance is accepted and cash and credit is also welcome. Our Open House warming is July 11, 2014. Stop by for discounted pricing and coupons. Refreshments will be served. Call the Parris Cardiovascular Center for more information: 225-757-6700.

cover story

Dr. Brian P. Despinasse II A New Orleans native who specializes in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Dr. Brian P. Despinasse II believes in a holistic approach to treating patients and families, encompassing spiritual, academic, social, developmental and medical concerns. His goal is to provide individualized care plans for all patients while treating them as family. He founded Fertile Crescent Pediatrics in 2004. This ultra-modern office features a fully computerized charting system with onsite testing for asthma/allergies, EKG, Anemia, Diabetes and Cholesterol testing. The office also features Hi-definition screens with patient education, separate sick and well waiting areas and child-friendly play areas.

“It is his is passion for helping children that drives him to participate in medical mission work in Central and South America.”

Dr. Despinasse recently sponsored The Second Annual Fertile Crescent Pediatrics Track and Field Invitational Classic for youth athletes. More than 500 participants from Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana competed in 21 different events. He is an active USA Track and Field Masters Athlete, LSU Track and Field Official and an Association Level USATF Track and Field Official as well as a USATF Level 1 Certified Field Events Coach. It is his is passion for helping children that drives him to participate in medical mission work in Central and South America. Dr. Despinasse has resided in the Baton Rouge area with his family for the last two and a half decades. Dr. Despinasse has been happily married

for 21 years to his best friend, Maria, and they have two children, Gabrielle, 19, and Nigel, 16. A graduate from Louisiana State University with a degree in microbiology, he studied medicine in Tennessee at Meharry Medical College then returned to Louisiana for residency training in Pediatrics at the LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans / Children’s Hospital of New Orleans. Upon completion of his residency, Dr. Despinasse accepted an assistant professorship from the Department of Pediatrics LSU – NO to teach medical students and residents while affiliated with Earl K. Long Hospital. He is a former board member of PedinolPharmacal, Inc. of Farmingdale, N.Y., Big Buddy Program of Baton Rouge, Tiger Athletic Foundation Advisory Council, and several area youth sports clubs and foundations. Now accepting new patients and all major health plans, Dr. Despinasse and his staff invite you to stop in and visit the office or his website ( for a view of the inner office. The website also features a patient blog of current topics, patient forms you may download and informative links. For more information, contact Dr. Despinasse and his friendly staff at Dr. Brian P. Despinasse II is also on Twitter: @fcpeds, Facebook: /fcped, and LinkedIn.

June 2014


cover story

Dr. Sancerie O’Rourke-Allen Having wanted to be a dentist since junior high, Dr. Sancerie O’RourkeAllen has done just that. “It’s been a wonderful experience. I am finally able to use my knowledge and technology to provide care to the people that helped me become what I am today.” And, that is, an extremely capable and decorated dentist.

“Dr. O’Rourke-Allen was one of 12 dentists chosen nationally to participate in the American Dental Association Institute for Diversity in Leadership.”

Reared in Baton Rouge, Dr. O’Rourke-Allen graduated from Baylor College of Dentistry in 1998 with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. She continued her training in General Dentistry at the University of Mississippi School of Dentistry. After years in public health, Dr. O’Rourke-Allen established Distinctive Smiles of Baton Rouge in 2007. In 2005, Dr. O’Rourke-Allen was one of 12 dentists chosen nationally to participate in the American Dental Association Institute for Diversity in Leadership. She has held several offices in local and state dental associations. Currently, she is the president-elect of the Pelican State Dental Association and serves as a board member for the Louisiana Academy of General Dentistry. In addition, she holds a Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry and is near the end of her requirements for Mastership. “Setting professional goals is a priority for me. Only about one percent of general dentists in the country earn this award, so it truly it signifies a commitment to continued learn-

18 June 2014

ing and growth,” she explained. “A significant part of the requirements are participation-based, so it’s not just sitting in a lecture. It takes a lot of time and effort. I can’t wait to walk across that stage. Neither can my family.” Dr. O’Rourke-Allen appreciates the need to give back. In January 2014, she and about 40 dentists traveled to the Dominican Republic to provide more than $200,000 of free care to the underserved population there. “What a gratifying experience! We mainly placed implants and performed other surgical procedures geared toward permanent tooth replacement. Tourism and retail jobs are in abundance in that country and a nice smile can be the difference between being able to provide for your family or not.” Dr. O’Rourke-Allen’s office is geared toward the entire family. Understanding the importance of overall health and its connection to dental health is paramount and highly promoted in the office. So whether you need preventive care, implants, whitening or same day crowns, Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces, pediatric care, she and her staff are there for you. Call 225-218-9218 to schedule your appointment at Distinctive Smiles of Baton Rouge today. GH&F

geaux healthy

Ask the Physical Therapist Physical Therapy’s Role in Wellness and Prevention The nation’s health care crisis has now more than ever brought to the forefront of our ‘collective consciousness’ the importance of wellness and lifestyle related disease prevention. As the costs of illness become more prohibitive, we are rapidly approaching a time where being ‘unfit’, from a lifestyle perspective, is going to become unaffordable as well. Just as smoking habits have drastically reduced over the last 15-20 years, sitting and the sedentary lifestyle are now positioned to be the next target for dramatic change. But what does ‘being fit’ mean with regard to wellness and prevention? Exercise related ‘misconceptions’ are abundant and most non-exercisers do not really know just what to do with regard to activity, intensity, frequency, or duration. In its simplest form, exercise just means to MOVE more. The key is not to focus on the hundreds of ‘programs’ and products on the market and find something that YOU like to do. With that being said, perhaps one of the largest barriers to moving more is musculoskeletal pain and/or discomfort, and the associated fear of hurting one’s self. In reality, aches and pains in the joints and muscles should be one of the primary motivating factors TO exercise, not a roadblock preventing it. Our bodies were designed to move, and disuse has major detrimental effects.

Chris Purvis, PT, MS, ATC, CSCS Chris is a Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer, and Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a co-owner of Peak Performance Physical Therapy and Spectrum Fitness Medical Wellness of Baton Rouge.

This is where having a well-qualified physical therapist as part of your health care team can make a tremendous difference in reaching your exercise related goals. Physical Therapists are specifically trained in the mechanics of movement and how the body responds to both proper, and improper, forces. PT’s can help identify a poor foundation for exercise, help correct it, and provide a world of knowledge and confidence with a program. Physical Therapy ‘treatment’ is not necessarily required in a lot of cases. A simple assessment with a therapist can provide a great deal of information, and when needed, PT’s are also excellent at working with your doctor and/or any other members of your medical team. If you have questions or problems starting or progressing a current attempt to ‘move more’ because of pain, find a physical therapist in your near area and you will be back on track to healthy lifestyle. GH&F

June 2014


geaux healthy

healthy louisiana By: Bill Gvoich, M.S. Medical Wellness Program Director Spectrum Fitness & Medical Wellness America has a national health crisis, an obesity pandemic and an inactivity epidemic, which affects every segment of society. Louisiana ranks as one of the unhealthiest states in the country.

Sports organizations, such as The New Orleans Saints, are promoting the health benefits of physical activity through their school programs.

Two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese, and for children it’s not much better – one out of three children are overweight or obese.

The Louisiana 2 Step is a free motivational program of Louisiana Blue Cross Blue Shield that teaches people two simple steps to better health: eat right and move more.

More than 80 percent of the diseases that kill us are lifestyle related. Carrying excess weight puts people at an increased risk of developing heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, some forms of cancer and sleep apnea. Then there is the wear and tear on the joints, especially on the knees. The heavier the person, the greater the risks. Obesity, which is defined as having 30 pounds or more over your normal body weight, adds to these risks.

The Pennington Biomedical Research Center has gained international recognition for its research validating the effects of lifestyle choices on health.

There are also tremendous economic and quality of life costs associated with increased disease which include lack of energy, food cravings and physical inactivity. These perpetuate the cycle of ill health. Physical activity is no longer a measurable part of our daily life. It’s not uncommon for people to sit eight hours per day at work and another three to four hours sitting at home. This has an extremely negative impact on all aspects of health, especially when combined with poor nutrition and excess body weight. Louisiana has socio-economic challenges that impact health. Poverty perpetuates ill health due to a lack of access to quality healthcare. Louisiana residents exhibit a higher rate of alcohol abuse, smoking and other risky behaviors. The new Healthcare Model is stressing the importance of taking responsibility for one’s own health in terms of regular screenings and working closely with health professionals for the most effective treatment. More attention is being paid by all levels of government and medical care systems on prevention – trying to prevent disease as opposed to treating it after it occurs. There are no easy solutions to this complex problem, but the government and other organizations are actively involved in fostering a healthier culture. The Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports has played an important role in recognizing young people who lead a healthier lifestyle. They offer annual fitness competitions as well as The Governor’s Games throughout the State. The objective is to let Louisiana communities know about the different programs and opportunities to improve their health. 20 June 2014

Every community in Louisiana has its own initiatives to improve the health of their residents. Healthy BR, an initiative of the Baton Rouge Mayor’s Office, is an example of this. BREC manages the public park and recreation facilities in the Baton Rouge area not only to promote the benefits of outdoor and indoor activities for all age groups, but also provide a growing number of activities that address the different functional levels of its participants. An increasing number of people are becoming more aware of the importance of eating healthier foods and supporting their local farmers through Farmers Markets and Community Gardens. Michelle Obama has tirelessly stressed the importance of healthy eating for young children. This initiative for healthier eating has begun to change the school menus by offering healthier choices. In spite of all these efforts, so much more can be done. Cities can be better designed to create an environment of “walkability” in which there is a natural desire to sit less and move more. Walkable cities inspire people to get outdoors and experience their local community, to walk to their local shops, jog or enjoy a bike ride. Nutrition is an important part of every culture. Taste and healthy eating do not have to be mutually exclusive. Developing community centers that cater to increased activity and better eating choices will not only promote a healthier lifestyle, but would also improve the local economy. The medical community can help by recommending increased physical activity and better nutrition to their patients. Unless the people of Louisiana place enough value on their health and take action to change their health rankings, the disease culture will not change. The solution is ultimately in our hands. GH&F

June 2014


geaux healthy

Sharon Frank: Successful Aging By: Duane Pierce

Frankly speaking, I firmly believe that aging gracefully is truly something that is possible for all of us. While external standards of what is considered beautiful seem to change as frequently as the weather, internal radiance is timeless and is evident in ones sparkling smile, in the twinkle of an eye or the silky sheen of one’s skin. Of course, unless you possess abnormally amazing genetics, it takes a lot of hard work in regard to exercise, nutrition, proper rest and practicing common sense while exposed to the sun. As a long believer in the scriptural verse stating “your Body is your Temple,” I have always done my best to proactively take care of mine. I’m an avid believer in being active whether at the gym, while swimming, walking in the park, riding my bike or playing tennis or golf. I try to make healthy food choices both at home and while eating out and I augment my diet with well researched vitamin and mineral supplements. I do my best to get eight hours of sleep and do believe in listening to my body as I willingly engage in the occasional power nap. I am a huge advocate of using sun-block on my skin with an SPF factor of 50+ and I always wear sunglasses to properly protect my eyes. I have incorporated such practices into my daily routine and have long ago decided to adopt a comprehensive wellness oriented lifestyle.

22 June 2014

A daily routine may include early morning stretches, two glasses of lemon water w/MSM. I will review scripture as well as perusing several books with positive, encouraging and uplifting quotes to set the proper tone. I will make a nutritious smoothie or have some Greek yogurt and fruit. I will typically then head to the gym for an efficient workout. After I am finished I’ll return home, shower, check my emails, voicemails and calendar. I’ll apply my skincare regimen, (my own line of Elizabeth Michelle products) and brew a cup of green tea or decaffeinated coffee prior to heading out to work on Geaux Health and Fitness Magazine initiatives. I will try to eat a healthy midday meal while always carrying some nutritious snacks to munch on occasionally as it is always better to eat lesser amounts more frequently. Upon returning home I might take a 30 minute nap. I’ll then stretch again, hydrate and water my cut flowers and outdoor plants; I love the way they make me feel. I will then choose an activity for my evening stress reliever so I can stay moving and then wind down. I’ll come home, shower and dine on a healthy meal in house (I am not a great cook but I have learned how to do a few things that are simple and good for me) or out at a restaurant depending upon my mood. I may close the night by creating my unique ©Happy Rocks. I realize that at 58 my schedule is freer than some, but I did raise a child as a single mother for a time and I practiced a healthy lifestyle then as well. As is true in all aspects of life, education is the key. I read voraciously about health. I research all the time and it is so important to perform adequate due diligence in this area as so much marketing money is spent trying to convince people to do this and try that, it can become overwhelming if you aren’t confident in what you know and what you wish to accomplish. Don’t hesitate to engage your doctors, pharmacists, therapists and other industry experts about anything you wish to have clarified; the only ignorant question is one that fails to get asked. Menopause and Andropause, affecting women and men respectively, are maladies which occur when ones hormone’s become imbalanced as you age…keep abreast of these and other topics as advances in both pre and post medical treatment alternatives continue to grow at a rapid pace.

geaux healthy

I strongly believe in pampering myself when I am able and once a month I will try and get a massage and enjoy a ‘mani-pedi.’ I have successfully utilized acupuncture techniques and also detox two to three times a year and both practices have really made a positive difference in the way I feel. I have worked out with Jack LaLane and in his upbeat and uplifting manner he told me something I’ve never ever forgotten: “always keep moving…” I have also worked out with exPresident George Bush senior and he was so inspiring and proved to me that no matter how powerful or successful someone is, it remains imperative to take care of your body, mind and soul or all else is for naught. He was a dear man and his encouraging spirit and gentle nature really left me with an indelible impression to always do my best to just be nice. One can always learn from each individual they come into contact with and from each circumstance they go through in life. We are a results oriented society, but we oftentimes forget that the most important lessons are learned along the way, so remembering the pearls of wisdom within the journey is paramount for obtaining peace regardless of the circumstances you encounter. It has been a hard lesson, but I now realize the importance of embracing all aspects of life in full and head on. I have loved, hurt, smiled, cried, laughed, pouted, had joy, been scared and throughout it all, I have done my best to be selfless, remain humble and to let go of my pride. Life is too short to spend with negative people and the key is to learn to truly love you. Finally, humans are social creatures. While it is vitally important to become completely comfortable within your own skin, I believe it is just as important to do our best to fully avail ourselves of positively interacting with family (including our beloved pets), friends and loved ones whenever possible. Balance in all things is desirable so personal time must be in the proper ratio with professional time. Play must balance properly with work. Indulgence is okay if abstinence is also part of the equation. Being the life of the party is fine as long as time is also taken for privacy in prayer and meditation. Life is about the yin and yang of things…our ability to keep a healthy physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual balance is crucial to us extracting the most out of our lives and increases our ability to pay it forward and to give of ourselves to others. Selflessness and charity are two empowering qualities I have always tried to keep front and center in my life. Remember: Anger leads to Danger Share, Care and Forgive Think Happy Thoughts and Be a Happy Person Keep God first and He will meet you where you are; everything good is from Him! GH&F

June 2014


geaux healthy

FLAB TO FAB Never was Wendy Dolan truly happy with her body weight, which fluctuated between 160 and 175 pounds. Dolan realized that she had to make a change, however, soon after giving birth to her first child. At this point, she weighed her heaviest at 190 pounds. “I was really unhappy. I didn’t feel like myself,” she explained. “I tried working out, but I never felt like I could deal with [the weight].” Her husband, who had recently started using My Fitness Pal to watch his calorie consumption, lost 40 pounds and encouraged his wife to use the program. “It opened my eyes to how much I was eating,” Dolan mentions of the app. Instead of dieting, however, she decided to make a lifestyle change. She bought a food scale to measure portions, started using My Fitness Pal, and ordered a subscription to Cooking Light magazine. “It needed to be something that was sustainable. I wasn’t going to go anywhere and buy some special weird food,” Dolan explained. After a year of tracking her food intake, Dolan surBEFORE passed her goal weight of 160 pounds. Now she maintains a weight of between 135 and 140 pounds. She gives herself a five-pound range to help keep her goals realistic. Dolan said she lost the weight because of the manageable changes she made to her diet, and she suggests that others who want to lose weight should do the same. “I love to cook and I’m a girl from Louisiana. We love our food, so I couldn’t be on a diet,” she explained. Cutting back on her food intake and losing weight over a long period time was a rational decision. “I didn’t have to change my life as much. It wasn’t that hard, once I got used to it,” Dolan said. Because she changed her eating habits, rather than just doing a crash diet, Dolan has been able to manage her weight. The loss in weight has not only brought with it lifestyle changes for Dolan, but self-esteem changes as well. “I felt depressed about my weight and I felt uncomfortable, like I wanted to hide myself rather than say, ‘Here I am.’ I just feel happier and way more comfortable in my skin. And when you feel that way, it can change a lot of other things about yourself, too,” she explained.



Dolan said that after losing the weight, she feels like she can do anything. “Fifty-five pounds ago, I was, like, ‘No, I don’t have any self-esteem, thank you,’ [but] I feel like things I might have thought were unattainable might actually be attainable now.” GH&F June 2014

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June 2014


geaux eat

Slim Pick N’s A Guide to Healthier Fast Food Options By: Lori Gardiner |

Dressing (150 calories, 8 gm fat, 6 gm protein) McDonald’s • Grilled Chicken Snack Wrap-No Sauce (230 calories, 8 gm fat, 16 gm protein) + Fruit ‘n Yogurt Parfait (150 calories, 2 gm fat, 4 gm protein) • Premium Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich without Mayo (300 calories, 4 gm fat, 27 gm protein)

Eating healthy is often challenging, especially if you have a busy schedule, but sticking to a healthy lifestyle can be as simple as just knowing what to order at the drive-thru. In the 2004 American documentary “Super Size Me,” Morgan Spurlock took his consumption of fast food to the extreme while compromising his weight and health. While I am not condoning fast food over fresh, clean eating, fast food is part of the American culture, and we must learn how to do it right. Fast food is seldom the best choice, but if away from home, you should try these “healthier” menu options. I chose these food options based on calories, fat and protein ratio. The best options are the foods that contain two to three times more protein than fat. Unfortunately, most items on fast food restaurant menus are high in sodium, so be cautious if you are on a sodium restriction. Burger King • Whopper Junior Sandwich without Mayo (240 calories, 10 gm fat, 10 gm protein) + Side Garden Salad with 1/2 packet Ken’s Lite Honey Balsamic 28 June 2014

• Premium Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken (290 calories, 8 gm fat, 27 gm protein) + 1 packet Newman’s Own Low Fat Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing (35 calories, 3 gm fat) • Add a Side Garden Salad + 1 packet Newman’s Own Low Fat Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing (55 calories, 3 gm fat, 1 gm protein) Raising Cane’s • Two chicken fingers-No sauce (254 calories, 14 gm fat, 26 gm protein) + 1 serving Coleslaw (33 calories, 2.5 gm fat Subway • 6” Turkey Breast or Ham Sandwich on 9 Grain Wheat withMustard and Vinegar, No Oil, No Mayo (290 calories, 4 gm fat, 18 gm protein) can add light mayo for an additional 50 calories and 5 gm fat • 6” Double Turkey Breast Sandwich (340 calories, 6 gm fat, 28 gm protein) • Double Chicken Chopped Salad (220 calories, 4.5 gm fat, 36 gm protein) + 1 packet Fat Free Italian (35 calories, 0 gm fat, 0 gm protein) Taco Bell • Fresco Chicken Soft Taco (140 calories,

3.5 gm fat, 10 gm protein) • Fresco Steak Soft Taco (150 calories, 4.5 gm fat, 12 gm protein) • Fresco Chicken Burrito Supreme (330 calories, 8 gm fat, 18 gm protein) • Add a side of black beans to your soft taco for an additional 80 calories, 1.5 gm fat and 4 gm protein. Wendy’s • Rich & Meaty Chili-Small (180 calories, 5 gm fat, 13 gm protein) + Side Garden Salad without Croutons (20 calories, 0 gm fat, 0 gm protein) with 1/2 packet Light Honey French Dressing (30 calories, 0 gm fat, 0 gm protein) • Rich & Meaty Chili-Large (270 calories, 8 gm fat, 19 gm protein) • Asian Cashew Chicken Salad without Cashews (300 calories, 7 gm fat, 33gm protein) • 1/2 Asian Cashew Chicken Salad (230 calories, 10 gm fat, 19 gm protein) • Grilled Chicken Wrap (260 calories, 10 gm fat, 19 gm protein) + Fresh Apple Slices (40 calories, 0 gm fat, 0 gm protein) So, next time you are in a time crunch, you will know how to choose healthy fast food options. Now you know how “NOT” to choose the Big Mac Sandwich weighing in at 540 calories and 29 gm of fat. Oh, and that’s not even including the fries. You’ve got this! Lori is a Registered Dietitian with a Masters of Science is Nutrition. She is the author of My Little Black Book for a Healthy, NON-diet Lifestyle. Her book is a pocket guide that focuses on beating the diet mentality forever. It can be purchased at and Amazon.

geaux eat

Healthy Recipes Written By Traci Vincent

The great thing about these recipes is that they are raw vegan (uncooked, and prepared without animal products). I am personally not vegan, but I find that I am healthiest when my diet has balance. In the words of Chef Bethenny Frankel, “A person’s diet is like a bank account.” If you have a bacon cheeseburger at lunch, you may want to have a salad with light dressing for dinner to balance it out. You want to eat a balanced diet, but you don’t want to restrict yourself either. It’s fine to try a bit of everything…in moderation.

With that said, I find these recipes particularly great for the summer. They are often served cold, and they are light. If you are going to a cookout or a potluck, you can bring these items to share with friends and relatives: Mirliton Slaw with Sesame Vinaigrette ©

Traci’s Guacamole with Jicama Chips © 3-4 ripe avocados 1/2 red onion, small dice 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil Juice of 1 lemon TT sea salt TT freshly ground black pepper 1 large jicama, halved and thinly sliced 6-8” knife Large Spoon Small bowl Citrus reamer for lemon juice Cut each avocado in half, and use the knife to pry out the pit of the avocado. Make a few perpendicular slices into the avocado so that the fruit is cubed when scooped out. Use a large spoon to scoop out the avocado from the thick outer peeling and place in bowl. Immediately cover with some of the lemon juice to prevent oxidation/browning; reserve juice to cover other avocados that are added to the bowl. On a cutting board, small dice red onion-add into the bowl. Add in balsamic vinegar, olive oil, sea salt, pepper, and any remaining lemon juice.

*Mirlitons are often used to saute with shrimp, or in holiday seafood stuffing—this recipe calls for the use of raw mirliton. The texture is like a raw, red delicious apple, and because it is a squash, it is incredibly mild, and will absorb the flavors or the other ingredients that is prepared with… 1 chayote squash (mirliton), peeled and sliced thin (julienned) 1 red bell pepper, sliced thin 1 red onion, sliced thin 1 yellow bell pepper, julienned 1 green bell pepper, julienned 1.5 tbsp sesame oil 4 ounces extra virgin olive oil 4 ounces raw apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp fresh flat lead parsley, minced 2 tbsp Raw Agave Nectar Juice of 1 lemon TT Sea Salt TT Freshly cracked black pepper Needed: Cutting board Large Salad bowl Potato peeler 6-8” Chef ’s knife Wisk Small bowl Citrus reamer for lemon juice On a cutting board, peel and core the chayote squash, and julienne. Place in large salad bowl. Julienne the remaining vegetables and place in bowl with chayote squash. Set aside. To make salad dressing, mix in all ingredients into a small bowl minus the olive oil. Slowly drizzle the olive oil into the bowl, to emulsify the other ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour dressing as desired into larger bowl with julienned vegetables. Toss and serve immediately. Makes about 6 servings. Sesame Salad Dressing: In a small bowl, mix raw agave nectar, lemon juice, vinegar, sesame oil, salt and pepper, and while stirring with a wisk, drizzle in the olive oil. Pour over slaw, toss, and serve immediately.

On a cutting board, cut the jicama in half, and once the entire vegetable is peeled, begin slicing it thinly. These should begin to resemble chips that may be used to pick up the guacamole like chips. Serve immediately at room temperature or cold. Makes 4-6 servings. June 2014


geaux eat

Reader’s Choice

Top Healthy Eats in Baton Rouge 1. Magpie Café

James Jacobs and his wife Lina opened the doors of Magpie in May of 2012 located at 3205 Perkins Road in Baton Rouge following a career in sales spanning 20 years. Before moving back to Baton Rouge, James and Lina lived in Boston, ad Charleston and loved the concept of a farm to table restaurant where you didn’t have to leave to get good coffee. As Baton Rouge’s only “3rd wave coffee house.” (Serving high-quality coffee, and consider coffee as an artisanal foodstuff, like wineries treat grapes.)

In addition to high quality coffee, Magpie offers a fresh, new menu daily. To keep things fun for themselves, James and Lina had the cool idea to create a new menu daily— written on a chalkboard in the restaurant and posted on facebook. These menu items include a plant-based salad, hot soup (cold soups in summer), and sandwiches on ciabatta bread including a meat and/or veggie panini. All breads are baked fresh from a local artisan baker. (

2 Serops Café

Located at 6301 Perkins Road in Baton Rouge (across from Pennington Biomedical Research Center) is owned and operated by Suzie and John Kaltakjian since April 1998. They pride themselves in fresh ingredients with consistent, delicious flavor. Their most popular dish is the Chicken Schwarma. Customers often enter the restaurant and don’t look at the menu. They already know what they want. Their restaurant is most popular for families, couples, working professionals, and for catered events. (225-767-5500)

3. India’s Restaurant-5230 Essen Lane-The best in Baton Rouge for Indian cuisine--naturally provides an incredible variety of seasoned and spiced vegetables. A daily buffet allows the customer to try a full gambit of Indian dishes and well-seasoned vegetables.

30 June 2014

4. Mellow Mushroom

4250 Burbank Drive--Since 1974, their mission has been to provide delicious food in a fun and creative environment. Their menu offers an array of traditional, as well as vegan/ gluten-free including a gluten-free vegan pizza crust made with ancient grains and a wide variety of toppings. Mellow Mushroom also provides a new online tool powered by “Nutritionix,” which allows their customers to view ordering options online when trying to avoid certain allergens: Eggs



Tree Nuts





5. Whole Foods Market

Located in Towne Center at 7529 Corporate Blvd in Baton Rouge As stated on their website “With our Health Starts Here® program, we’ve taken the guesswork out of choosing the right foods.” All customers have to do is look for the health starts here label on products throughout the store. Ideal for those with diet restrictions with families and/or on the go. WFM provides the greatest selection of raw juices, and prepared foods in organic and conventional; detailed ingredient listings as well as a gluten-free products list.

geaux eat

6. Zoes Kitchen

Located in Towne Center and Perkins Rowe--offers a variety of traditional greek and lebanese cuisine including grilled meats served kabob-style, dips, and vegetables. Atkins friendly and easily wheat and daily-free with a few ordering variations.

7. Panera Bread

Located at 7877 Jefferson Hwy. in Baton Rouge (Near the intersection of Jefferson Highway near the intersection of McCarroll Drive.) The Panera Bread® legacy began in 1981 as Au Bon Pain Co., Inc. Founded by Louis Kane and Ron Shaich. Panera and prides themselves in producing freshly baked bread, and homemade soups daily. Each menu items provides ingredients and nutrition facts listed with calorie count specified so customers with diet restrictions may order with ease. This bakery-cafe provides a warm, friendly environment to enjoy their freshly prepared foods.

8. California Pizza Kitchen

9. The Big Squeezy

Located at 3043 Perkins Rd, near the overpass in Baton Rouge. The opening of their website’s homepage says it all: “The Big Squeezy was born out of our passion for sharing the wonderful benefits of juicing with others. Not all juices are created equal.” Since the Spring of 2013, The Big Squeezy has worked with family-owned New Day Farms of Clinton, LA to provide you the freshest squeezed juices cold pressed to keep natural enzymes entact! it doesn’t get healthier than that.

10. The Salad Shop

Located at 3617 Perkins Rd. in Baton Rouge near the intersection of Acadian Thruway. Their menu allows each customer to build a salad--ideal for those who would like better control of ingredients. Each salad is selected with greens first, (Spinach, mixed mesclun greens, or romaine) and finished off with toppings and dressings. GH&F

Located in Perkins Rowe at 10001 Perkins Rowe in Baton Rouge, LA. Its not all about pizza. Their menu provides a number of appetizers, salads, soups, and healthy menu options for any diet!

June 2014


feaux paws

the buddy loft story sponsored by As a retail shop owner, the start of Amy Traylor’s day is typical – turn on the lights, set up the register, make coffee, unlock the doors, etc. However, when the first customer meanders in tongue panting, tail wagging and eager to sniff every inch of the shop, another day of happiness ensues. Such is life at The Buddy Loft. The Buddy Loft opened on November 1, 2013, in Goodwood Village. It is a specialty pet boutique for pets and their people. Buddy, the Basset Hound, was Traylor’s inspiration for opening the shop. When Buddy found Traylor in 2011, he seemed to know she needed him as much as he needed her. “How Buddy became part of my family is a poignant story, but not necessarily a short one,” Traylor remarks. Stop by the shop for a visit and she will happily share the tale. Traylor’s eclectic style is evident through the shop’s inventory, which is a collection of handcrafted pottery, original art, jewelry, treats for pets, organic catnip, unique toys for cats and dogs, collars, neck ties, collar bling, apparel for pets and people, and much more. Many of the items cannot be found anywhere else in Baton Rouge. It is one of a kind and as one customer states, “It is Baton Rouge’s best-kept secret.” Walking into The Buddy Loft is somewhat like walking into someone’s home. Traylor’s well-versed warm, Southern hospitality hallmarks the charming experience one might expect at The Buddy Loft. As a child, Traylor often visited a business owner in her small town. “She would take me to the kitchen; give me a cold bottle of Coke and a pile of animal crackers. I loved being there and I want people to feel the same way when they shop here.” The mission of The Buddy Loft is to deliver outstanding customer service; and it is [their] commitment to be a community resource for responsible pet ownership. The Buddy Loft proudly supports local shelters and animal rescues. “It is important to give back to and support our community,” Traylor says. One of her goals is to grow so that The Buddy Loft can be a major presence and resource in the community. Be sure you have time to spend when you visit. It should be an unrushed stop to ensure that you see everything that is offered. Shop at The Buddy Loft because you want the best for your pet. For location and hours of operation, go to GH&F

A specialty shop for pets and their people | 225-772-4732 711 Jefferson Hwy #5, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 32 June 2014

feaux paws

Not Just Part of the Doggie Daycare Craze Petz Plaza Celebrates 12 Years in Business by Pamela Labbe Pet ownership in the U.S. has risen significantly over the last couple of decades, reaching 82.5 million pets, according to a 2013 National Pet Owners Survey. And more pets mean a greater demand for boarding, grooming and training services. This year, pet boarding alone is expected to account for 42 percent of industry revenue. Petz Plaza has been a family-run business in the heart of Baton Rouge for 12 years, well before the doggie daycare craze of late hit the city. Offering lots of different services for all kinds of dogs, Petz Plaza in Baton Rouge prides itself in offering exceptional customer service by compassionate and caring people. Michael Hackett manages the Perkins Road location, while his wife, J.T., runs the 8380 Jefferson Hwy. location. “The idea for Petz Plaza came about 15 years ago,” explained Michael. “My Dad (who is a veterinarian) always had a vision of opening a boarding facility next door to his vet clinic. At that time, the pet industry was really starting to boom. I was a marketing major in college and I started to help him do some research on the trends that were happening at that time,” Michael said. The Jefferson store opened its doors Aug. 1, 2010. Dr. C.B. Hackett, Michael’s father and business partner, has his veterinary office conveniently located across the courtyard from Petz Plaza at 4763 Perkins Rd. Animal Health Clinic of Baton Rouge is at 4803 Perkins Rd. Michael’s mom handles the bookkeeping. Michael quickly became interested in not only helping his father, but also in taking a management role. “At that time, what he had in mind and what I had in mind was very different,” Michael said. “He looked at things from a very functional perspective while I looked at things from more of an innovative side. As a result, I think that we created something that combines form and function.” Open seven days a week, store hours are 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays; and 3 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Petz Plaza offers overnight boarding, grooming, daycare, day boarding and retail. In addition, the facility offers a pet pickup and delivery service, called the Petz Plaza Pet Taxi (225-302-TAXI), which comes in handy for busy pet owners and is available for both Baton Rouge locations. GH&F

June 2014


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relationships / sex

Are Your Kids Killing Your Sex Life Are your children getting in the way of intimacy with your spouse? This is a common complaint amongst young parents. The freedom to be impulsively romantic or to go on dates with your better half with little or no planning dissolves once kids enter the picture. The love lives of parents tend to revolve around their kids’ extracurricular activities, parent-teacher conferences or naptimes and feedings. The newlywed stage of a relationship is often described as that time when life seems to take off with your spouse and love is blossoming like flowers in the spring. As time passes and you grow as a couple, you realize that the hardest job that you will ever have in life is to maintain being in love with your spouse. Eventually the infatuation wears off, and you begin see that there is much work required (so much more than you had not expected) to maintain your relationship. This is called Reality Phase I. Just when you begin to think you have a handle on Reality Phase I, the little stork passes by your home and drops a baby in a basinet with a cloth diaper parachute on your doorstep, providing the relationship surprise of your life. You’ve entered the beginning of Reality Phase II. In this phase, the world completely changes forever. You no longer live only for one another; instead, you live for that beautiful gift from heaven, which requires tremendous work and sacrifice. It impacts your social and dating life heavily. You begin scaling back from those romantic movies; the quiet and loving child that you have held all day choose to begin screaming at the top of her lung, sending you running out in a panic, during the climax of the movie. Did I mention the dinner at a nice restaurant that you attempted to have together, which was interrupted either by the shrill tones of your child or the putrid smell from the malodorous diaper that has people asking for the check and rushing toward the exit.

36 June 2014

And just when you make it home and dare to think that you might finally feel relief that your bundle of joy can now doze peacefully and give you a moment to spend with your spouse, you find that you are mistaken. As soon as the intimate moment arrives, your child awakes. The mother is worn out mentally, physically and emotionally. The father is also drained; however, no matter what state of mind he is in, he is always driven by the physical and this is where the problems begin. Once the parents realize that mom is always sleep-deprived and not in the mood (like she once was) and the husband is always ready (no matter what the day may have brought), there can be extreme discord. In a marriage, Reality Phase II has many facets to it. The kids begin music lessons, dance, sports, Karate, tutoring and other extracurricular activities that control and devour the parents’ time. Once the kids become young adults, the fruit of your loins will require as much money as you do to have fun with other kids, so this places financial strain on the relationship. The point of this story is to let parents know that they are not the only ones losing intimacy. Moms are worn-out and not simulated mentally, which lowers sexual drive. Men seem to always be ready to hump like a jackrabbit, which puts the intimacy not just on two separate pages but, in most cases, in separate books. The story of my life and many others is that the world will continue to evolve and bring about changes within your marriage, especially with kids that make it hard for the bond to continue without putting forth work. If I could provide one suggestion to men is that they continue to spoil and date your wife as if you are in the courting phase. My advice to women is to please continue to surprise your husband intimately, regardless of your state of mind. For a relationship to work, you have to set aside time without the kids on a weekly basis to recharge your love. If not, eventually the battery life of your marriage will run out, and when the kids leave home for college (or sooner), you will no longer have anything in common, and the glue of your marriage will have dried up. The thing to remember is that the marriage came first, before the children, and if you nurture the marriage as you do your kids, your relationship will continue to blossom, much like when you were newlyweds. GH&F

relationships / sex

Going Bare, Down There by Amber Smith

Summer’s here, the temperatures are rising and it’s time to turn the heat up in the bedroom. A quick and easy way to spice things up is to go completely bare, down there. Bikini waxing has been a growing trend over the past decade. Megan Reed, a Zanella’s Wax Bar esthetician, said that 92 percent of their business is from bikini waxes.

Ariel, a newlywed who’s gotten a bikini wax, said it hurts like hell and it’s pretty invasive. But no pain, no gain. She says her husband definitely appreciates it when she does a little “grooming.” There are two main options when considering getting waxed. A Basic Bikini wax removes an inch to an inch-and-a-half from the bikini area. The more risqué option, a full Brazilian, removes all the hair from front to back. Most men find a well-groomed pubic region enticing. Omari said, “Different men like different types of women, but, I prefer my lady to be bare down there.” Kyle and his wife have been married for three years and have two children, he loves when his wife gets waxed. “No hair makes it more exciting to get down there and explore,” Kyle said. Waxing has benefits for the entire couple. Dominique gets waxed regularly and claimed that, along with keeping her husband happy, waxing makes her feel cleaner. Unlike shaving, waxing leaves your delicate areas less prone to infection and imperfections like razor bumps. If you’re contemplating getting a wax anytime soon, Megan suggested that at least two weeks of hair growth is necessary. Exfoliate the area before your appointment. Avoid pools and bathtubs for 24 hours after your treatment. If you’re considering this for a sexy surprise for your husband, get the wax done a day or two before you plan the reveal, just in case the skin is tender. To make this experience as safe and painless as possible make sure you use an experienced esthetician. Megan recommended using hard wax because it tends to be less painful. Also, for sanitary reasons, make sure the esthetician does not double dip spatulas into the wax. While the pain of waxing is temporary, the potential fun is endless. If you’ve never tried it, go forth and let the hot summer nights begin! GH&F

June 2014


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38 June 2014



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beauxld 'n beautiful

Stylist to the Stars

Returns to the South

by Meagan Williams

Many know her as the “Hair Goddess.” Some know her as a teacher, master stylist, and extension specialist. Gabrielle McKellar, a 23-year-old hair stylist from Purvis, Mississippi has definitely made a name for herself in the world of beauty and professionalism. McKellar has finally made her way back to the south [Baton Rouge] after completing her five-year travel experience. Known for her high end styling techniques, McKellar launched her reputation with stars such as Kim Kardashian, Carrie Underwood, Reese Witherspoon, and Megan Miller from season 12 of American Idol. Miller named McKellar the “Hair Goddess” because of the array of skills that she possesses and her ability to make anyone feel like a star. Her exclusive zero-damage medical tape hair extensions provide a long lasting bond to any clients’ natural hair and can be worn in an endless number of styles. In addition to her zero-damage hair extensions, McKellar has received several recognitions for her ability to color and cut hair. Known as a “Master Colorist,” McKellar uses a unique no-foil color application referred to as hand painting. Through the bliss of hunting and fishing, the color guru’s imagination matriculates into her handcrafted hair colors. “God’s creations are my inspiration.” Because she was raised on a farm in a household of nine children, McKellar has been doing hair since before she realized her talent. The oldest of nine did all six of her little sisters’ hair every Sunday morning before church. By the age of 15, the “Hair Goddess” completed high school, and by 17, she obtained a degree in business and set out on a mission; to live in five different states in five years. After obtaining a degree in both business and cosmetology, McKellar discovered that being a beautician was the occupation worth perusing, so she set out to successfully fulfill her five-year plan. From Birmingham to New York, the extension specialist obtained a Master’s degree from the Aveda Institute where she became an instructor for many, worked with the reality T.V. makeover series What Not To Wear, and became one of five on Kim Kardashian’s hair team as a her master color specialist. From Nashville to Los Angeles, McKellar oversaw two salons where she catered to high-end clients such as Reese Witherspoon and Carrie Underwood. She also took the opportunity to further her education by obtaining an educator’s license where she became an educator to salons in the south. She taught students and stylists a variety of color, cut, and runway style techniques. To complete her five-city voyage, McKellar has plugged in her curling iron for the last time in the city of Baton Rouge. The one man band is currently building a weekly cliental where her philosophy is “close client relationships where everyone is treated like a star.” Every client consultation begins with an assessment of their hair and their desired hairstyle. An individual hair treatment is suggested accordingly. Whether you’re looking to find a more innovative hair treatment, trendy style, makeover, wedding package, or to add hair extensions, Gabrielle McKellar is skilled in every direction. Her desire to enhance one’s beauty from the inside out is her key to a positive enduring relationship with every client. To contact Gabrielle McKellar, email to set up a consultation. GH&F

Styled by

what people are saying

40 June 2014

beauxld 'n beautiful

A Makeover to Remember

by Meagan Williams

Shana Robinson-Pete is the recipient for this edition’s Geaux Health and Fitness Makeover. The 29 year-old stay at home mom of three has been through more in a few years than most in an entire lifetime. With her husband, sister, mother, and mother in law by her side, there’s nothing that Pete can’t overcome. Raised in Bunkie, La, Shana lost her father during her junior year in high school. After completing high school and attending Grambling State University as a business major for one year, her mother suffered from a massive stroke. She knew that despite wanting to stay in Grambling, she needed to return home to Bunkie to take care of her mother. Once Shana found steady ground, she enrolled into cosmetology school where she could put her many hidden talents to use. After finding out that she was pregnant well, that changed things. Douglas Jr. [DJ] her first-born was diagnosed with Down Syndrome a week after he was born. After cardiologists examined DJ’s heart, all they could find was a small heart murmur of which the family was informed that there was nothing to worry about. Showing no additional signs, one month later, her only son at the time, went into congestive heart failure due to a missed diagnosis. At three months old, DJ had heart surgery subsequently following the discovery of three holes in his heart. Postsurgery, he returned home with his mother and father and made a full recovery.


One year later, after the toddler’s platelet count became low, Shana stood strong and fearless as she and DJ spent time in numerous hospitals for weeks at a time before being told that DJ had Acute Myeloid Leukemia [AML]. With her family by her side, Shana and DJ took a trip to St. Jude Children’s Hospital where they stayed for seven months in order to receive special treatment. Douglas Sr. met his family there after returning from work overseas. Returning home to Bunkie, the Pete family soon welcomed a second child into the family, a girl named Layla Pete. To provide her children with more opportunity, they moved to Watson, La.


Today, DJ has been in remission for over three years and Shana’s family is happy and healthy. She says that if she could go back to school for one thing, it would be nursing; to help others in the way that her son was helped. Pete’s motivation stems from seeing her three children, ages six, three and five months old, continue to be active and energetic. Shana had the opportunity to spend the day with the magazine’s style team where she received a full makeover and photo shoot. Her makeover included a manicure and pedicure, hair styled, and an innovative wardrobe. Gabriella McKellar, the Hair Goddess and Stylist to the Stars did a complete hair transformation, Skin pHanatics provided a nail makeover and Hilton and Company Boutique provided a formal look. GH&F

Makeover Provided by

Gabrielle McKellar “Hair Goddess”

June 2014


Capital Area YMCA Laying a Foundation for Athletes by Erin Fulbright

What better way to improve the health of your children than to enroll them in a great sports program? Children’s involvement in sports not only can prevent obesity but has numerous other health benefits. They don’t have to be the next Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant or Russell Wilson. Instead, what they will take away from playing sports will be with them for a lifetime. Sports can build athletes while shaping youths into better adults. The YMCA is an expert when it comes to youth sports and building an overall great athlete. Last year, 17,700 children participated in sports at YMCA locations in the Capital area. Children involved in YMCA sports programs learn the value of fun for the game from the start. YMCA focuses on caring, honesty, respect and responsibility as the core of its sports program to build the best well-rounded athletes. “Putting your child in sports at a young age will help them gain confidence, teamwork, develop leadership skills, and build positive relationships,” Kristen Hogan, marketing director for all Baton Rouge YMCA locations, said. Hogan, who also volunteers as a tee-ball coach, supports getting children involved in sports at a young age. Her children have been involved in YMCA sports since age four and are now moving into high school sports. “I feel that sports are so important for kids to be active and healthy. Especially right now when they are sitting in a classroom for half the day and some schools have cut P.E., so having those evening practices gets them active. It is great that they are getting their exercise,” Hogan said. Incentives to becoming involved in youth sports are being 42 June 2014

active and exercising, eating healthy and understanding nutrition, and being productive in the classroom and society. Young athletes develop communication skills and will stay active as they grow. The YMCA incorporates stretching before practices and games to teach about loosening up the joints and the importance of proper exercising practices. This, in turn, can help prevent childhood obesity. It goes along with First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign “Let’s Move.” The campaign is focused on getting children outside and thinking about their health. Getting your child moving is key, so why not make it fun for them with the sport they enjoy? “If the child loves to play the sport, they will go home and want to practice at home with their parents,” Hogan said. “They are being active and not realizing they are exercising. Then the parent can explain that, ‘Hey, did you know you are working your body?’” Parents are encouraged to help children understand that what goes in their bodies is important to their health and success as an athlete. Coaches request parents to bring healthy snacks to each game to guide the young athletes to the right food choices. In YMCA’s programs, including the afterschool and summer programs, one of the first things taught is how to read a nutrition label. Being an athlete offers benefits in the classroom and in personal development skills. Statistics suggest that student athletes are less likely to use drugs or hang out with the wrong kids. “The student athletes become the good influencers and usually are the ones

Ready.Set.Geaux Sports

making the good grades and the better choices in life in general,” Hogan said. According to an article on Global Post, “Researchers at Michigan State University determined that students who participated in vigorous sports did 10 percent better in Science, English, Math and Social Studies compared to other students.” Sports being very structured, builds on self-esteem, being a good team player and making the right choices. “If you don’t make the right choices you don’t get to play sports. We have seen that in the pros and the college teams here in Baton Rouge,” said Hogan. And the same goes with grades. If you do not have good grades you are not going to be able to participate in that game. Young athletes can be more motivated than their peers who do not play a sport to set goals and to actually attain those goals. Sports can lure most shy children out of their shells,

allowing them to feel like they are accomplishing great things. Hogan pointed out that some children lack attention at home, but they make up for it on the field when everyone cheers them on. Balancing multiple tasks becomes a skill for the young athletes too as some are involved in more than one sport plus school. Scheduling and prioritizing is important. When it comes to playing more than one sport at a time, Hogan said, “If they are doing well in school and can handle it, then, yes, they should be able to do more than one sport at a time.” YMCA offers a variety of sports year-round, including volleyball, tee-ball, basketball, softball, baseball, flag football and tackle football. The sports programs provide fun and sportsmanship to young athletes in a loving family atmosphere. Parents are encouraged to get involved in every way. YMCA also makes it affordable for parents to put their children in sports with low fees and also providing scholarship opportunities for those who may need it. The YMCA turns no one away. “We raise money throughout the year for the scholarship, and 100 percent of donations go toward kids who want to play sports,” Hogan said.

Don’t know how to swim? Then grab those goggles and register for swimming lessons at the Y!

For more info on how to get your child involved in sports, visit sports or stop in any location around Baton Rouge. GH&F June 2014


Ready.Set.Geaux Sports

golf anyone?

by Erin Fulbright

Many business deals are made by playing golf, but a day spent on the golf course can be a means to relaxation as well to an excellent workout for most men. You are working those arms while swinging that club to drive the ball yards away, and let’s not forget all that walking. Well, if you opt out of the golf cart, but nonetheless, it is a workout. Belonging to a country club can be expensive to play around of golf, and Celebration Station is just too amateur for you. So where do you go for that Saturday morning relaxation? BREC has seven golf facilities, five of which are 18-hole facilities, according to Director of BREC Golf Jeff Marks. With breath-taking views and 18-holes of bliss, one of these seven courses is sure to fit your needs. • Santa Maria Golf Course is located at 18460 Santa Maria Parkway in Baton Rouge. Santa Maria is one of BREC’s premier facilities. It is a Robert Trent Jones design located on the southeast side of East Baton Rouge Parish. “The course received a number two ranking in 1996 Golf Digest for Best Public Courses by state. It was also ranked by USA Today in 1998 as the best course in Louisiana for $50 or under,” Marks said. He described this course as a “true shot-makers course that places an emphasis on accuracy on approach shot.” It is built on 150 acres of land, with views of 15 lakes and two natural waterways. • Beaver Creek Golf Course is located at 1100 E. Port Hudson Plains Rd. in Zachary. The course is another premier facility located in the northwest part of East Baton Rouge Parish that is popular manly among advanced players, according to Marks. This course is a Craig Schreiner design and features a windswept front nine and a sheltered back nine that meanders through protected wetland areas. The par 72 lay out will provide golfers with many unique shot making opportunities. • Webb Golf Course, located at 1351 Country Club Dr. in Baton Rouge, is another popular course for golf lovers. Built in 1931, it is among the oldest facilities with

a parkland style layout. The 18-hole course measures in 6,656 yards in length and is popular among walkers, Marks said.

• City Park, located at 1422 City Park Ave., was the first public golf course in Baton Rouge. The course was built in 1926 and was designed by Tom Bendelow. It is a short, 34 par, nine-hole course built in the “The Golden Age of Golf.” City Park is one of 20 courses in the country to be placed on the national register of historic places as the community’s first municipal golf course, according to BREC’s golf website. • Dumas Memorial Golf Course, located at 13350 Hwy. 19, is an 18-hole layout stemming from the 1960s style of golf that puts a premium on shot-making. The course features holes with “generous” fairways and shorter holes that demand more precise driving. At Dumas Golf Course there is a driving range next door at Clark Park for a little pre-round warm-up before you hit the green.

• J.S. Clark Golf Course is located at 2301 Thomas Rd. in Baton Rouge and offers an executive style nine-hole layout that features a PGA style practice area, which will come in handy for newcomers to the game. This is another great course for walkers. J.S. Clark is similar to the design of the Beaver Creek Course, making it great to practice before heading to the course for a quick nine. According to the website, it only takes two hours to complete so you can still play, even with a busy schedule. • Howell Golf Course is located at 5511 Winbourne Ave. in Baton Rouge. This 18-hole course is a mid-sized, parkland-style with a canal (also known as Hurricane Creek) crossing 10 holes of the course. The canal will add a little challenge to the game. Who doesn’t like a little challenge?

For more details on each course and information, including hours of operation and prices, visit today. GH&F

June 2014


Events Calendar july July 4th

4 Miler on the 4th (Running)

Lake Charles

July 4th

Freedom Mile (Running)

Baton Rouge

July 6th

Trail Presents Le Vuelta D’ Acadiana 2014 (Cycling)

July 9th

Louisiana Golf Association’s Junior Amateur Championship (Golf)

July 9th

Summer Hump Day Series Race #3 (Running)

July 11th

Summer for Fun 5 (Running)

July 12th

BREC Baton Rouge Amateur Qualifier (Golf)

Baton Rouge

July 13th

NOLA Bulls 1 Mile Dash (Running)

New Orleans

July 13th

Spartyka Wounded Warrior 5K (Running)

New Orleans

July 13th

Spillway Classic Trailrun (Running)


July 13th

Finish the Fight 5k (Running)


July 19th

Louisiana Golf Association’s FourBall Championship (Golf)

July 19th

Light Up the Night (5K Run)

July 20th

Gleaux Run for Relay (Running)

July 20th

LSUAlexandria Criterium (Cycling)

July 26th

Blacklight Run (5K Run)

July 26th

Christmas in July Fun Run 5K/1M


July 26th

Rocketchix Triathlon II (Running)

Baton Rouge

46 June 2014

Lafayette Links on the Bayou Baton Rouge Shreveport

OakWing Golf Club Leesville Baton Rouge Alexandria New Orleans

places to geaux

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August August 1st

Louisiana Golf Association’s Mid Amateur Championship (Golf)

Squire Creek Country Club

August 2nd

Tarpon Triathlon (Running)


August 3rd

Bayou Kids Triathlon (Running)


August 6th

Summer Hump Day Series #5 (Running)

August 9th

LAMBRA USAC Individual Time Trial Championships (Cycling)

August 9th

Full Moon Trail Run (5M)

August 9th

Tour De Scott Triathlon (Running)

August 10th

Alan Kelly Downtown Thibodaux Criterium (Cycling)

August 11th

Louisiana Golf Association’s 3rd LGA Member Outing (Golf)

August 15th August 18th

Baton Rouge Vacherie Mandeville Scott Thibodaux The University Club

2014 Louisiana State Championship Tri Level (Tennis)

Location TBD

August 16th

The BREC Player’s Championship (Golf)

Baton Rouge

August 16th

Miles Perret Caner Services Triathlon (Running)

August 16th


Rocky Mount Omnuim and LAMBRA Skill Based Road Championship (Cycling) Shreveport

August 16th

Twilight Classic 5K (Running)

Baton Rouge

August 21st

Louisiana Golf Association’s Senior Amateur Championship (Golf)

The Bluffs Golf Resort

August 23rd

ZooZoom 5K (Running)

Baton Rouge

August 23rd

BREC Ladies Amateur Championship (Golf)

Baton Rouge

August 24th

LAMBRA USAC Individual Time Trial Championships (Cycling)


August 29th Sept 1st

2014 Louisiana State Championship 18 & over Mixed League (Tennis)

August 30th

LAMBRA Criterium Championships at the State Capitol (Cycling)

Baton Rouge

August 31st

Age Graded Road Championship (Cycling) St. Francisville

St. Francisville


June 2014


48 June 2014

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