Information for Parents - Junior School 2018

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Information for Parents Junior School Prep - Year 3




Pastoral Care/TripleR............. 4 Beginning at the College....... 5

VISION The Geelong College is an innovative and caring community of learners committed to making a positive difference to an ever changing world.

Orientation Date of Commencement Welcome BBQ Settling into School Student Absences Medical Matters Leaving the School Premises School Hours Parking Visitors to the School

Communication............................ 6 Need to Know................................... 8 Accidents and Illnesses Art Program/Art Smock Assembly Birthday Invitations Book List Excursions Home Learning Meeting Students’ Needs No Hat, Shade Play......................... 9 Library Lost Property Lunches Parent Helpers................................. 10 PSPA Uniform

Co-curricular.................................... 11 Out of School Hours Care/ Vacation Care Program....... 12 Travel Information................... 14 2

MISSION The Geelong College is a Uniting Church co-educational day and boarding school that creates outstanding opportunities for its community of students, encouraging and inspiring all to be positive contributors to our world.

TERM DATES 2018 TERM 1 Wednesday 31 January Monday 12 March Thursday 29 March Friday 30 April Monday 2 April

Students commence Labour Day holiday Term ends Good Friday Easter Monday

TERM 2 Thursday 17 April Wednesday 25 April Monday 11 June Friday 22 June

Students commence Anzac Day holiday Queen’s Birthday holiday Term ends

TERM 3 Tuesday 17 July Friday 21 September

Students commence Term ends

TERM 4 Tuesday 9 October Monday 5 November Tuesday 11 December

Students commence Mid-term break Term ends

Children learn best when... • • • • • • • •

they feel secure, ask questions, talk about learning and take risks there are high expectations for learning their natural curiosity is aroused they feel challenged they are engaged in discovery learning and problem-solving they observe and model others they have opportunities to practise and apply new skills they feel recognised, acknowledged and valued

WELCOME The Junior School prides itself on creating a vibrant educational setting where student learning and curiosity are achieved through carefully planned, challenging and engaging programs. We provide a unique blend of natural, spacious outdoor play areas, combined with aesthetically pleasing and purposefully arranged learning spaces to make the students’ thinking and learning visible and “shareable”. The Geelong College recognises the importance of developing strong relationships with students, teachers, families and the wider community. Pursuing fruitful and productive partnerships is our first priority and forms the foundation upon which an enduring learning experience is established. The Junior School staff recognise and respect the individuality of every child. Teachers actively seek out the special qualities, needs and inherent potential in each student as they prepare for intentional and differentiated learning experiences. We see this as the hallmark of our school and trust that you encounter the same high standards that we set for ourselves. We encourage you to communicate often and freely with your child’s teacher to ensure that the best personal, academic and social growth occurs. I extend the same invitation to you. Please contact me with any issue or query you wish to discuss. I would like to emphasise strongly that no problem is too small and I welcome all enquiries. On behalf of the staff, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your child, as you embark on this new and exciting partnership with The Geelong College. Sondra Wood Head of Junior School, Campbell House 3

PASTORAL CARE The classroom teacher is the main pastoral care provider for the children. From time to time, teachers may draw on the expertise of the School Counsellor, Special Needs Learning Teacher or the Head and Deputy Head of Junior School, when dealing with the wellbeing of their students. All members of the Junior School community have the right to feel safe, and can expect to learn, play and socialise in a comfortable, positive environment. Our unique homely setting, positive acknowledgement of children and parent involvement promotes strong relationships.

TripleR in Junior School aims to develop important life skills such as resilience and respect. The three Rs in the College’s social and emotional learning program stand for resilience, reflection and relationships. Resilience – I Can. Students are supported and challenged to develop an outlook that sees setbacks as an inevitable part of the human experience and to face difficulties knowing that they offer possibilities for personal growth. Relationships – I Care. Students learn about establishing and maintaining positive relationships which demonstrate care and concern for others as well as themselves. Reflection – Now I See. Students learn a range of self-managing and self-awareness skills including mindfulness, goal setting, good decision making, impulse control, identifying emotions and expressing them appropriately. Through various programs, education models and restorative justice practices, the students develop an understanding of how to manage and regulate their emotions as they play and learn together. The students are also introduced to the concept of Mindfulness by regularly taking short specific breaks in their day. This self-regulation practice enables them to re-focus their energy levels and become more attuned to the present. Respect, inclusivity and treating others the way we want to be treated are key guiding values for relationship building. Caring for our school environment is promoted in our everyday conversations with children and more formally through class meetings, assemblies and chapel services. We teach conflict resolution skills directly, and have an expectation of considerate and courteous behaviour from all members of our community. Should children find themselves in conflict with others, they are supported by staff who adopt a restorative justice approach to resolving relational issues. Another vital component of our approach to pastoral care is the Play is the Way program which aims to build resilience and promote core values such as friendship, respect and honesty. Over time, this consistent approach develops resilience and provides the children with the skills required to solve their own problems. Establishing a sense of belonging is an important goal of the College TripleR program. This is developed on several levels, including: • restorative justice training for our teachers • weekly Religious and Values Education lessons and Chapel Services where Christian values are taught and explored • weekly Play is the Way resilience lessons • whole community activities such as special days where children work in multi-age settings • weekly assemblies for celebrating achievements and strengthening our community identity 4

BEGINNING AT THE COLLEGE ORIENTATION An Orientation Morning will be held at the Junior School on Friday 1 December 2017, for all students from Early Learning 3 to Year 3. The aim of this morning is to introduce the children to their Homeroom teacher and classmates. Both current and new students wear casual clothes on this day. A separate letter outlining other important arrangements for each year level is sent out prior to the day. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT The academic year for 2018 will start on Wednesday 31 January. Classes begin at 8.50am, however, it is beneficial for the children to arrive a little earlier to settle in, consolidate a daily routine and play with friends. WELCOME BBQ AND PARENT INFORMATION A BBQ tea for parents and students will be held on Friday 9 February 2018 at 5.30pm. This is a relaxed family event, and a good opportunity to meet families from your child’s class. Parents will be given the opportunity to spend time in their child’s homeroom, where the teacher will share a curriculum overview, classroom expectations and routines from 5.30pm-6.00pm. SETTLING INTO SCHOOL To help Prep children settle into school routine, the first four Wednesdays of Term 1 will be home days. In the first weeks of school, the children will have an individual interview with the class teacher. The teacher will assess each child’s literacy and numeracy knowledge, from which a learning program will be devised. At the beginning of the year the Prep children will be given a Year 3 reading buddy, who will also support them during recess and lunchtime, especially early in the year. Prep students will become acquainted with two Year 3 buddies throughout the year. STUDENT ABSENCES Please phone or email our receptionist, Ms Vicky Henderson on 5226 8433 or JS-Reception@ by 8.45am each day your child is to be absent and write a note in the Student Planner on the day of return. We discourage absences for reasons other than illness or serious family matters, but in unusual circumstances, a leave of absence can be sought (in advance) by writing to the Head of Junior School. We particularly stress the importance of refraining from taking children out of school for holidays other than the designated term breaks. MEDICAL MATTERS Certificates of Immunisation must be lodged with the school for all Prep children before Monday 22 January, 2018. Parents of new students must enter medical information and emergency details into the College’s online system prior to entry. It is the responsibility of parents to keep this information updated and provide consent for educational activities such as excursions and trips when required. This online system, known as CareMonkey, eliminates the need for paper forms and provides our authorised staff with instant access to important medical and emergency contact details. Please inform the Head of Junior School or appropriate teacher, in writing, of important aspects of your child’s medical record, particularly if drugs or other medication have been prescribed. Medication should not be left in your child’s bag, but should be given to the teacher with written permission for its administration. Verbal authorisation by a parent for the administration of medication may be given in an emergency with written confirmation following as soon as possible. If your child has contracted an infectious illness, Health Department regulations must be observed and the school notified. Children suffering from obviously infectious cold symptoms should be kept at home. LEAVING THE SCHOOL PREMISES If children require supervised leave during the day (eg. a doctor’s appointment) they must be signed out at the office and upon returning, must sign in again. Children arriving after 8.50am should report to the office to sign the “Students Arriving Late to School” sheet. SCHOOL HOURS Monday – Friday: School hours: 8.50am – 3.25pm

Recess: 10.55am – 11.25am

Lunch: 1.25pm – 2.25pm

PARKING Parents are invited to enter the school grounds to collect their child(ren). Ample parking is available in the bitumen and gravel car parks to the left and right of the entrance gates on Minerva Road. We encourage short-term parking in the bitumen park for greater convenience at the start and end of the day. Car parking is also available in neighbouring streets. Crossing supervisors are on hand to see the families safely across the road at peak times. For their own safety, children are asked to wait for their parents in the supervised play area until 3.50pm. After that time, they will be directed to the OSHC program where appropriate, and charges will apply. VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL We ask any visitors to the school to sign in at Reception and collect a visitor badge. This badge should be worn at all times while on the school grounds.


COMMUNICATION COLLEGE TO PARENTS Parent Portal: Specific information for current families such as news, events, uniform shop details and more can be found on the Parent Portal ( The portal is a passwordprotected area that also contains specific information on your child. Bulletin: Parents will be emailed a link to the College Bulletin each week during term. The Bulletin provides a wrap of College-wide news and events, as well as class-specific information. It is important that parents take time to read the Bulletin each week. College website: The College website ( features general College information, news, photos and videos. Social media: “Like” The Geelong College on Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news and events. Follow us on Twitter to learn more about educational opinions and insights. Special publications: The College publishes its community magazine Ad Astra twice a year. Ad Astra contains articles on school learning programs and events, as well as content about Old Collegians. The College also releases a yearbook, Pegasus, at the end of each school year. Student Planner: Each student has a Student Planner, which serves as a daily diary. The planner must be taken to and from school each day. All school notes and reminders are placed in the planner. We ask parents to check and sign the Student Planner daily. Planners provide a three-way form of communication between parents, their child and the teacher, and we encourage its frequent use. Reports: Parents will receive two written reports during the year. These reports are issued at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Learning Conferences: Learning Conferences are scheduled sessions to share your child’s learning. Details of these dates will be circulated to parents well before the event. Parents are encouraged to arrange times to discuss their child’s progress with their teachers and specialist staff at any stage throughout the school year. Pastoral interviews are conducted in Term 1 and focus primarily on social/ emotional matters. Student-Led Conferences will take place in Term 3. 6

PARENTS TO COLLEGE We encourage parents to contact the school with any areas of concern or for advice. The primary contact is the student’s classroom teacher. For matters of urgency, reception can relay a message to the teacher. The Head of Junior School, Deputy Head of Junior School and Year Level Coordinators are available for urgent matters. Our School Counsellors and Chaplain are also available to support students and their families. If you wish to have a longer discussion, we ask that you make an appointment with the teacher concerned. Key Contacts 2018

Peter Miller, Principal

5226 3107

Roger Smith, Deputy Principal

5226 3111

Sondra Wood, Head of Junior School

5226 8433

Claire Bartlett, Deputy Head of Junior School

5226 8431

Cathie Thornton and Kate Sculley, School Counsellors

5226 3186

Leanne Earl, Junior and Middle School Chaplain

5226 8406

Health Centre (Nurse)

5226 8426

Contact details: It is important to keep the school updated about any new or changed phone numbers, addresses or email contacts. These changes can be made by contacting Community Relations at or 5226 3156, or by logging into the My Account section of the Parent Portal. Special family situations: We would appreciate being informed of any change in home situations, such as illness in the family, separation of parents, parents travelling etc. This information assists teachers to support the children more readily at school and, as appropriate, Community Relations should be made aware of these changes. 7

NEED TO KNOW ACCIDENTS AND ILLNESSES If your child becomes ill or is injured during school hours, he or she will be cared for in the Sick Bay by a first-aid qualified staff member or the School Nurse, Sister Claire Seward, until he or she can be collected by a parent or guardian.

ART PROGRAM/ART SMOCK At the Junior School, a strong emphasis is placed on providing opportunities for children to express themselves through the Visual Arts. An art smock that gives good protection is essential for all art activities. Art smocks can be purchased from local art retail stores or they can be home-made. The material must be waterproof (not fabric) and fully cover the arms and torso front and back.

BIRTHDAY INVITATIONS We are happy to distribute birthday invitations at school if the whole class has been invited. If not, we ask that you send invitations by mail for the sake of discretion. Classroom teachers will gladly acknowledge a child’s special day but will politely decline invitations to parties or any other requests to assist with children’s parties. Due to a number of students with food allergies, we discourage cakes/lollies being distributed for children’s birthdays.

BOOK LIST All classroom books and stationery are delivered directly to the classroom. This enables the teacher to prepare the classroom fully, facilitating a smooth start to the academic program. The booklist items will be sent to you at the beginning of Term 1 and invoiced to your fee account upon your consent. Writing Board: A writing board is provided through the booklist. The board is a double thickness of cardboard and is “contacted” for extra strength. The writing board must be named and will be used when your child is working with a variety of materials and in a variety of situations.

EXCURSIONS During the year the children will participate in excursions that relate to their classroom studies. At the beginning of the year, a 2018 Excursion Approval Form will be sent via CareMonkey to be approved by parents. Excursion Information Letters will be emailed prior to each excursion to advise you of the arrangements. We try to provide as many incursions and local excursions as possible to maximise the learning time at school and reduce the incidence of “down time” through travel.

HOME LEARNING Prep: The children will take a book home to read each night. Lists of ‘sight’ words will come home at intervals later in the year. Year 1: The children will take a levelled reader home each night. It is also optional for your child to read and spell words from the most commonly used words list. Automatic recognition of these words is an important step in helping the children become fluent readers. From time to time, teachers may set individual tasks for children depending on their needs. Years 2 and 3: The children will have literacy home learning. Teachers may set individual tasks for children depending on their needs. It is important that children develop productive work routines and habits at this stage of their schooling. The study completed at home is not new work for the children, it is designed to allow them to practise skills already learnt.

MEETING STUDENTS’ INDIVIDUAL NEEDS At Junior School, we believe in quality differentiated instruction to meet the individual learning needs of all students. The classroom teacher is the main facilitator of this task. If required, the classroom teacher will work collaboratively with the Learning Support teacher to ensure that the needs of individual students are being met. Assistance may be given in the classroom setting or through specific withdrawal programs for students who are experiencing difficulty or students who may require extension tasks.


NO HAT, SHADE PLAY The Geelong College Junior and Middle School campus is a SunSmart school. Children are required to wear a broad-brimmed green College hat for outside activities, at recess and lunchtimes from the beginning of September to the end of April. The Geelong College acknowledges its duty of care towards all students and will continue to encourage them to learn about, and accept responsibility for, their own sun protection. The policy is implemented throughout the year, with particular emphasis from 1 September to 30 April. If children do not have a hat, they are instructed to play in shaded areas only.

LIBRARY The Library opens at 8.30am before school and during the second half of lunchtime. Children are encouraged to change books regularly and parents are welcome to borrow books in their child’s name. A library technician is available to assist with requests and borrowing advice.

LOST PROPERTY Lost property is located in the Junior School foyer. Staff regularly check the contents and named objects are returned to children. If unnamed property is not collected, it will be washed and donated to the Uniform Shop. The school urges parents to purchase sew-on name tapes and attach these securely to all garments.

LUNCHES Lunches can be ordered from the canteen at the Middle School. Lunch orders need to be written clearly on a marked brown paper bag with the child’s name and class, and placed in the class lunch basket before 9am. A price list of items is available on the Parent Portal. As part of our commitment to sustainability and the environment, we encourage “nude food”. We discourage pre-packaged foods and encourage the use of reusable containers. Children are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch from home, including sandwiches and fruit. Sweets and sweet drinks are discouraged. The children are seated and supervised while eating. Uneaten lunches are sent home so that you can reinforce the importance of healthy dietary choices. No Nut Policy: The Junior School is a nut-free zone. The Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Inc recommends minimising the risk in schools by asking parents not to use peanut butter or other nut-based products if a child in the early years has a peanut allergy. This is due to the higher risk of person-to-person contact in younger children. 9

PARENT HELPERS In keeping with a Reggio Emilia inspired approach to learning, parent support and involvement is seen as an integral part of the life of the school. As the year progresses, teachers seek assistance on a needs basis. We enjoy having parents contribute in a variety of ways, particularly when it involves an area of expertise or to assist with excursions and special-curriculum activities.

PREPARATORY SCHOOL PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION The PSPA is an active and friendly committee offering a wide range of services for the benefit of College community. Year level parent representatives assist the Junior School Coordinator/s to facilitate social and school-based activities. Information regarding the events planned during the year will be published in the College Bulletin. The PSPA supports and enhances the programs at Junior School through the organisation and funding of a number of specific activities throughout the year, such as: BBQ lunch on the last day of each term; Mother’s Day and Father’s Day presents; healthy lunch for “Jump Rope for Heart” Day; Easter eggs; Welcome and Christmas BBQs. The PSPA meets on the first Friday of each month. For more information please see the PSPA section of the Parent Portal.

UNIFORM The College Uniform Shop is the only official authorised supplier of the school uniform. For more information please refer to the “Uniform Guidelines 2018” booklet on the “Uniform Shop” section of the Parent Portal. Satchel and School Bags: The satchel is used for carrying the student planner, library books, readers etc. It is particularly helpful for young children to quickly identify their satchel if it has a distinctive ribbon or key ring attached to the zip and is clearly labelled with their name. Designated hooks are also provided in the bag area outside each classroom. Satchels and school bags can be purchased from the College Uniform Shop.


CO-CURRICULAR MUSIC Music is an essential part of a rich and well-rounded education. All children participate in a minimum of two classroom music lessons a week, and individual instrumental tuition is offered from Prep (Semester 2) onwards. Tuition: Instrumental tuition is offered from Prep (in Semester 2) to Year 3 on piano and orchestral string instruments only. String instruments can be hired from the College. Additional offerings of wind and brass are available from Year 4, and guitar, percussion and voice are available from Year 6. Enrolment: Instrumental tuition enrolment is for one school year, and is continuous throughout the year unless advised in writing prior to the end of term. Lessons take place during the school day and lesson times are arranged in consultation with the student’s classroom teacher. The standard lesson is a 30-minute individual lesson (20 minutes for Prep students). Ensembles: The Junior School ensembles consist of one string orchestra and two choirs – Mini Singers (Years 1 and 2) and Singing Sensations (Year 3). Participation in the choirs is open to all students at the appropriate year level. Participation in the Junior School String Orchestra is open to students taking individual tuition and once a basic level of proficiency has been obtained. Students participate in at least one concert during the year, and also perform at assemblies, building confidence and discovering the enjoyment of sharing their music-making with family and friends. Further information: An outline of the procedures and protocols for learning an instrument at Geelong College is detailed in the document “Music Tuition 2018”. This document can be accessed on the Music page of the College Portal ( If you would like to discuss any aspect of the instrumental tuition program, please contact Ms Janice Boyce, Instrumental Music Tuition Coordinator (5226 3126 or Janice.Boyce@geelongcollege. If you would like to discuss any other aspects of the College’s music program, please contact Mr Mark Irwin, Director of Music (5226 3187 or

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Children are to wear their sports uniform to school every Tuesday. Swimming: As part of the Physical Education program at the Junior School, all children participate in the swimming program. The program is conducted at the College Recreation Centre at the Senior School. Buses transport the students to and from the pool. Experienced instructors are employed to help deliver the program which provides an excellent student-to-adult ratio. Children are required to bring their bathers, swimming cap, a towel, thongs or sandals at the beginning of the week in a named bag. Years 1, 2 and 3 student programs will be held in Term 1 and the Prep students’ program will be held in Term 4.


OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE BEFORE SCHOOL SUPERVISION Junior School students are supervised in the Multi-Purpose Room from 8am to 8.30am. The playground is supervised from 8.30am and we encourage children to arrive at school in time to have a short play before the commencement of classes at 8.50am.

OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE The Outside School Hours Care program at the Junior School offers care for College students as well as students from the region from Prep to Year 8. The program is inspired by the principles of the Reggio Emilia approach to learning. The program runs Monday to Friday from 3.25pm to 6pm (on school days only). Full supervision is provided and your child will participate in activities that are safe and enjoyable. The program includes a variety of indoor experiences based on the children’s interests, as well as outdoor games and play. There is also an opportunity for older children to complete their homework. The Outside School Hours Care program provides a snack for the children around 3.45pm. This typically consists of water, assorted sandwiches and fruit. Bookings: Families are encouraged to book children in early. Bookings can be made by calling 5226 8444 or emailing Middle School Reception at Outside School Hours Care can be contacted after school on 5226 8470 or 0409 674 324. Regular bookings can be made on a term-by-term basis and should be arranged as soon as possible after the commencement of Term 1, and reconfirmed or altered before the beginning of subsequent school terms. Casual bookings are made through the Middle School Office at any time prior to 10am on the day. Parents are requested to advise the office staff of the approximate collection time from Outside School Hours Care. Cancellation notices must be given prior to 10am on the day of care. Bookings which are cancelled after 10am will be charged. Fees for 2018: OSHC fees will be included on the College term fee account. Full Time (3.15pm – after 4.30pm) $24 per child Full Time Siblings $22 per child Part Time (3.15pm – 4.30pm) $15.50 per child Part Time Siblings $13.50 per child A special reduced weekly rate of $95 per child applies for 5 full sessions accessed in a week.


COLLECTION/DEPARTURE OF CHILDREN When collecting your child, please contact one of the educators and sign the departure form. If a child is to be taken home by a person other than those listed on the official form, a signed authority from the child’s parent must be obtained. The educators and the OSHC Coordinator should be informed of such changes prior to the child being collected. All children are required to be collected by 6pm. If there is an emergency and a child has not been collected by 6pm, the staff will endeavour to contact parents, then the emergency contact person (as advised by parents) and finally the Head of Middle School or Head of Junior School. A charge of $10 per 15 minutes, or part thereof, applies for each child picked up after 6pm, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

VACATION CARE PROGRAM The Geelong College offers a Vacation Care Program for the first week of each of the school holidays and each Monday before term begins. For dates and availability please phone 0409 674 324. It is open to current students and, depending on numbers, will be divided into age appropriate activities. The program caters for children from 3 years to approximately 12 years of age and offers an excellent balance and variety of campus-based and excursion experiences, of the highest quality for school-aged and pre-school children. Children participate in excursions, cooking, craft and sporting activities, with full use of the College’s facilities and equipment, including the Recreation Centre, gymnasium, sports equipment, ovals and libraries. Please note that the program must meet the licence requirements of the Department of Education and Training.


TRAVEL INFORMATION Children are escorted to the bus departure points at the end of the school day. It is vital that we have the most current information available to assist us with our supervision duties. Parents are required to fill out a schedule of the days your child/children will be requiring the bus. We understand that circumstances can change either permanently or incidentally. When a permanent change occurs please forward the details to the College’s Bus Coordinator, or 5226 3773. In the case of an incidental change in the bus routine we request that you advise Vicky Henderson at Reception, or phone 5226 8433 (please do not communicate changes through the Student Planner). Conveying this information through these channels is extremely important for the purposes of safety and efficiency. For enquiries about transport to and from school, please contact the College’s Bus Coordinator at or visit the Parent Portal for up-to-date route information and forms. The following details are set down for the general information of parents and to assist in matters related to transport to and from the College. LOCAL BUSES Geelong Transit System (GTS) operates a Newtown service which runs between the city, the Middle School and the Senior School. Specific details should be obtained directly from the relevant GTS operator (either CDC on 5240 5000 or McHarry’s on 5223 2111). Services are operated from other urban areas to the city where the connection with the GTS service is possible. GTS (GEELONG TRANSIT SYSTEM) The Geelong Transit Card (either half-yearly or yearly) is purchased from V/Line at major railway stations. Application forms are available from the Bus Coordinator in Davey House in January. The forms must be completed and verified by the Bus Travel Coordinator before V/Line will issue a pass. Please note two passport photos are required with the form. These passes allow unlimited travel within the GTS urban area which extends to Leopold, Grovedale and Lara. BELLARINE PENINSULA AND SURF COAST PUBLIC TRANSPORT McHarry’s Buslines operates services from the following towns located on the Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast – Ocean Grove, Barwon Heads, Queenscliff, Point Lonsdale, Portarlington, St Leonards, Clifton 14

Springs, Leopold, Drysdale, Breamlea and Torquay. Details of particular services, times and routes should be obtained from McHarry’s Buslines on 5223 2111. If you live on the coastal side of Bawtree Road, Leopold, or the coastal side of Mount Duneed Road, Mount Duneed, you will be required to purchase a Vic Student Pass. Application forms are available from the Bus Coordinator in Davey House in January. The forms must be completed and verified by the Bus Coordinator before V/Line will issue a pass, please note two passport photos are required with the form. You may be eligible to claim a Conveyance Allowance to reimburse the cost of the bus pass if you meet the means test criteria and live more than 4.8km radial distance from the school. To see if you are eligible visit the Department of Education and Training website, These forms are also available from the Bus Coordinator in Davey House. RURAL/OTHER AREAS – APPLICATION TO TRAVEL FORM The Education Department operates bus services from Lorne, Anglesea, Deans Marsh, Winchelsea, Cressy, Meredith, Bannockburn/Lethbridge, Aireys Inlet, Paraparap, Bambra, Bellbrae, Buckley, Ceres, Connewarre, Eastern View, Fairhaven, Freshwater Creek, Inverleigh, Little River, Lovely Banks, Maude, Modewarre, Moriac, Shelford, Staughtonvale, Stonehaven, Teesdale, Waurn Ponds and Anakie. If you wish to make use of any of these services, please contact the School Contract Bus Coordinator at Matthew Flinders Girls’ Secondary College on 5221 8834. An Application for Travel form (blue form) can also be obtained from the Bus Coordinator in Davey House. PRIVATE BUS TRAVEL As an alternative to the public school bus service, the College operates buses that pick up students from designated stops in the morning and drops them at the same place in the afternoons. The cost of fares will be advised each year and charged via the school fees. A conveyance form must be completed (available from Davey House or the Parent Portal). Routes included are: Colac/Birregurra/Winchelsea/Moriac/Ceres Torquay Anglesea/Jan Juc/Freshwater Creek Williamstown/Sanctuary Lakes/Werribee/Little River/Lara Ocean Grove/Barwon Heads 15

The Hundred Languages The child is made of one hundred. the child has a hundred languages a hundred hands a hundred thoughts a hundred ways of thinking of playing, of speaking. A hundred, always a hundred ways of listening, of marvelling, of loving, a hundred joys for singing and understanding. a hundred worlds to discover, a hundred worlds to invent, a hundred worlds to dream. The child has a hundred languages (and a hundred hundred hundred more) but they steal ninety nine. The school and the culture separate the head from the body. They tell the child: to think without hands to do without head to listen and not to speak to understand without joy love and marvelling only at Easter and Christmas. They tell the child: to discover the world already there and one of the hundred they steal ninety nine. They tell the child: that work and play reality and fantasy, science and imagination, sky and earth, reason and dream are things that do not belong together. And thus they tell the child that the hundred is not there. The child says: No way The hundred is there. Loris Malaguzzi 1920 – 1994

SHAPING THE FUTURE +61 3 5226 8433 CRICOS: 00142G 16

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