Style guide

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The Geelong College Style Guide

Our Vision and Mission Vision The Geelong College is an innovative and caring community of learners committed to making a positive difference to an ever changing world. Mission The Geelong College is a Uniting Church co-educational day and boarding school that creates outstanding opportunities for its community of students, encouraging and inspiring all to be positive contributors to our world.

Sic Itur Ad Astra The College motto, “Sic Itur Ad Astra”, is part of a verse by the Roman poet Statius: “Macte animo ... sic itur ad astra”, which means “Be of courage… thus is the way to the stars”.

THE IMPORTANCE OF OUR COLLEGE IDENTITY Aim Our aim is to present a professional and consistent image of The Geelong College in all documents and publications for internal and external audiences. The Geelong College brand

STYLE GUIDE Page 2 Vision and Mission Sic itur Ad Astra Page 3 The importance of our College Identity Page 4 College Logos Page 5 Using the Logo – Important Information Using Professional Printers

College Colours Page 7 College Letterhead Fonts and Formatting Page 8 Spelling and Language College words

Dates, times and measurements

What the College needs A conscientious and consistent approach is needed by all who produce material for circulation in, around and beyond our College community, where The Geelong College logo and name appears. This includes letters, emails, information booklets, newsletters, programs, forms, information sheets and online. The approach goes beyond simply colours and fonts to the use of words and images that consistently convey what we consider to be important in the learning we offer. This document, which is regularly updated, will help provide guidelines and ideas, to ensure our messages are clear and consistent and our brand is presented professionally. Advice and approval

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Where The Geelong College stands in the market place is determined by how people view us compared with our competitors. How the school is perceived is a reflection of our “brand”. We can positively influence our brand perception by ensuring that all communication and messages generated by the school are clear and consistent in colours, look and style and prepared in line with our school vision, mission and College identity.

Other conventions

Documents prepared for publishing need to be forward to the Marketing Manager, Nicole Roache for approval. Please leave time for this to be changed if required. This approval process applies to all documents, particularly those produced for external audiences. This does not include teaching materials or handouts for students. Information sheets, letters to parents and similar documents will be approved by the Head of School or the Deputy Principal or Principal. The Community Relations Office is happy to assist with materials, arrange printing and ensure that the information we present as a College is professional. Please contact Nicole Roache, Marketing Manager on 5226 3106 or au if you need any assistance.



COLLEGE LOGOS All logos available for use are stored on the Staff Portal on the Style Guide, Logos and Templates page. These should be downloaded from this page when required and not saved on your computer or within the drives. Logos can then be updated by the Community Relations team and we can be sure that everyone has and is using the most current files. Other versions of The Geelong College logo are available for use on professionally printed documents and where those provided are unsuitable. Please contact Nicole Roache on (03) 5226 3106 or at nicole. to discuss your needs. Image

Notes on usage The primary logo is the vertical orientation navy and gold logo. This should be used where possible.

Where height restrictions apply, the horizontal orientation can be used.

On single-colour documents, the mono logo can be used.

There is a reverse logo. Please contact nicole.roache@ for assistance with this logo.


The full Coat of Arms (without decorative mantle), or Crest, is reserved solely for special or ceremonial occasions and on blazer pockets of Prefects and students with Honour awards. Approval for use of the Crest must be granted by the Principal.

There is also a logo depicting Pegasus standing on the torse. This logo is only used on the school blazer and sports uniforms. Please check with the Community Relations office if you would like to use this logo for a particular purpose. The Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation has its own logo. Permission to use this logo for related events and activities must be sought from the Director of Teaching and Learning.

The TripleR social and emotional learning program has its own logo. Permission to use this logo for related events and activities must be sought from the Director of Student Wellbeing.

USING THE LOGO – IMPORTANT INFORMATION To insert the logo In a word document, you need to: • download the logo you need from the Staff Portal and save it to your desktop • go to the Insert Menu • select Picture • select the saved logo • insert • delete the logo from your desktop. Resizing You can adjust the size of the logo to suit your document design. The words and the logo must be resized in proportion. You can resize the image by clicking on the graphic and then dragging one corner. If you hold the shift button down this will ensure the proportions are not changed. Do not drag on the handles in the middle of the borders as this will distort the image. Please ensure the logo is legible when you resize it.

USING PROFESSIONAL PRINTERS EPS files are available for use by professional printers and designers. Please make sure the Community Relations Office is aware of any publications or printed matter prepared for sending to a professional printer as this will ensure that the printer is supplied with the most appropriate logo file and that your document complies with school requirements. The Community Relations Office has relationships with a number of print houses and are happy to assist you with the coordination of print jobs. Design services are also available if required.


COLLEGE COLOURS The College colours represent our College visually and must be used when designing or printing documents, merchandise, etc. These colour codes must be provided to suppliers when printing and ordering to ensure consistency. PRINT Primary colours Dark Blue C:100 M:68 Y:0 K:54 PMS 288U

Dark Green C:79 M:0 Y:100 K:75 PMS 350U

Gold C:32 M:39 Y:63 K:4 PMS 872

Secondary colours Early Learning Yellow C:0 M:20 Y:100 K:0 PMS 7408

Junior School Orange C:0 M:50 Y:100 K:0 PMS 151

Middle School Green C:43 M:0 Y:100 K:0 PMS 375

Senior School Blue C:49 M:13 Y:0 K:0 PMS Blue 0821

Senior School House Colours Calvert C:0 M:80 Y:45 K:55 R:132 G:43 B:55 PMS 7428C

Text Grey C:71 M:64 Y:64 K:60 PMS 426

Coles C:59 M:0 Y:6 K:0 R:80 G:200 B:232 PMS 2985C

Keith C:80 M:0 Y:90 K:0 R:0 G:178 B:89 PMS 354C

McArthur C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 PMS BlackC

McLean C:0 M:100 Y:99 K:4 R:227 G:27 B:35 PMS 1797C

Morrison C:0 M:60 Y:100 K:79, R:87 G:39 B:0 PMS 4625C

Shannon C:100 M:88 K:0 K:14, R:25 G:57 B:138 PMS 2478C

Wettenhall C:0 M:4 Y:79 K:0, R:255 G:234 B:83 PMS 107C

Middle School House Colours Pegasus C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0

Minerva C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:0 PMS 485U

Helicon C:79 M:0 Y:100 K:75 PMS 350U

Bellerophon C:100 M:68 Y:0 K:54 PMS 288U


ONLINE Primary colours Dark Blue R:9 G:52 B:84 Web #093454

Dark Green R:0 G:71 B:18 Web #004712

Gold R:240 G:198 B:65 Web #f0c641

Secondary colours Early Learning Yellow R:255 G:203 B:5 Web #ffcb05

Junior School Orange R:247 G:147 B:29 Web #f7931d

Middle School Green R:158 G:203 B:58 Web #9ecb3a

Senior School Blue R:121 G:186 B:230 Web #79bae6

Senior School House Colours Calvert R:132 G:43 B:55 Web #842b37

Text Grey R:51 G:51 B:51 Web #333333

Coles R:80 G:200 B:232 Web #50c8e8

Keith R:0 G:178 B:89 Web #00b259

McArthur R:0 G:0 B:0 Web #000000

McLean R:227 G:27 B:35 Web #e31b23

Morrison R:87 G:39 B:0 Web #572700

Shannon R:25 G:57 B:138 Web #19398a

Wettenhall R:255 G:234 B:83 Web #ffea53

Middle School House Colours Pegasus R:255 G:255 B:255 Web #ffffff Bellerophon R:9 G:52 B:84 Web #093454

Minerva R:237 G:28 B:36 Web #ed1c24

Helicon R:0 G:71 B:18 Web #004712

COLLEGE LETTERHEAD The College letterhead and other templates can be found on the Staff Portal in the Style Guide, Logos and Templates page. It is to be used for all official correspondence. The letterhead is formatted with fonts, margins, page breaks and colours set so should be simple for everyone to use.

FONTS AND FORMATTING FOR DOCUMENTS NOT ON LETTERHEAD Fonts The College has a suite of fonts used for specific purposes. Professionally designed documents use Stag for headings and Swis for body text. Documents produced internally and all correspondence should use Tahoma size 11 for the body text and if a heading text is required Georgia 16 point should be used. The font colour that should be used is a dark grey. See the image below to assist you to select this.

Please ensure correct fonts are used to ensure a consistent and professional look across the College. Use of bold, italics and underline Please use bold for highlights where practical. The use of italics or underline should be kept to a minimum.


SPELLING AND LANGUAGE College words and their use Preferred The Geelong College The Geelong College Early Learning The Geelong College Junior School The Geelong College Middle School The Geelong College Senior School Use of the College in a sentence The Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation

Notes and explanation Her commitment to The Geelong College has been exceptional, not her commitment to Geelong College has been exceptional. Not ELC or Early Learning Centre Not Campbell House Not Preparatory School He was happy at the College, not he was happy at The College The Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation must be referred to by its full title. In a document where it is mentioned multiple times it can be abbreviated in this way: The Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation (CLRI), subsequent uses CLRI.


Capitalise job titles Capitalise subject names Capitalise sports teams Use of placings Staff Qualifications are listed with minimum punctuation Co-Captain and Co-Vice Captain Coordinator Coeducation Term 4 or Terms 2 and 3 Year 3 or Years 7 and 8 First Grade (Music only) Year Levels Abbreviations (VCE, VCAL, VET, OGCA)

Please note it is the Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation, not of. TripleR is the College’s social and emotional learning program. When using the name TripleR please note there is no space between the e and the R and that both the T and the R are capitalised. Principal, Director of Music, English Teacher, Year 6 Teacher Drama, Maths, Physical Education, English Swim Team, 1st XVIII Football Team or 1st Cricket Team 1st not 1st or first Do not use dots to indicate abbreviations. eg BA, BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Ed Admin, MEdSt(Monash) Not CoCaptain and Co Captain Not Co-ordinator Not Co-education Not term IV, term 4, term four or Term Four Not Grade 3 or Year Three Not first grade or grade one Not year levels or Year levels There is no need for full stops to indicate abbreviations. This also applies to Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc. There is also no need for an apostrophe in plural abbreviations, eg SACs, not SAC’s.


Dates, times and measurements Preferred Notes and explanation Numbers – One to ten are spelled out, This applies to general text but not measurements such as time, 11 onwards are numerical dates or Year Levels. Eg two Year 6 boys arrived at 10am and the 11 Year 12 boys arrived after that. Thousands are marked with a comma Eg there were 1,200 beetles in his collection not there were 1200 beetles in his collection. Times – small letters for am and pm, a 9am, 9.30am, 12noon dot between the hour and minute, no not dots between letters no spaces within 9.00AM, 9:30a.m, 9 am the time. *Synergetic requires the use of a colon in its time fields. Dates – are articulated simply without Thursday, 26 June 2014, or 26 June 2014. ths or rds, commas or abbreviations Other conventions In general we use the English as opposed to the American spelling particularly in the use of “s” instead of “z” and “-our’ instead of “-or”. We also tend not to abbreviate, particularly where the abbreviations are not common language, or use capital letters outside of correct grammatical use and in school words as directed. Preferred Program Focused, focusing, benefited, benefiting Apologise, organise, capitalise And Telephone: (03) 5226 3111, Tel: (03) 5226 311 or T: (03) 5226 3111 Mobile: 0411 744 918 or Mob: 0411 744 918 PO Box 5

Notes and explanation Not programme Not focussed or benefitting Not apologize, organize, capitalize Not “&” (except on envelope addresses) Not Phone, Ph or P. Telephone numbers should be with the area code bracketed and a space after 4 numbers for clarity. Mobile or Mob. Mobile telephone numbers should have spaces after the first 4 numbers and then after the next 3 numbers for clarity. Not P O Box 05, P.O. Box 5 or PO BOX 5

Punctuation Punctuation “Quotation marks”

Apostrophes Semicolons


Hyphens Spacing

Notes and explanation For quotes, use double quotation marks in the first instance. Single quotation marks should only be used to indicate a quote within a quote to avoid confusion. For possessive names ending in “s”, there is no need for an extra “s” after the apostrophe. Eg “James’ marks are outstanding”, not “James’s marks...”. A semicolon virtually takes the place of a full stop; that is, when we join two independent clauses, eg “John’s stories are entertaining; they are full of rich imagery.” Colons are used to introduce a phrase or clause that explains, enlarges or summarises. They are often used for lists. Eg “Her book will be of interest to many people: librarians, journalists, editors and teachers.” Compound verbs such as “well-developed” or “problem-solve” have a hyphen. • No space or indent needed at the beginning of a paragraph. • One space only between a full stop and the next sentence. • No space between a comma and the word which precedes it. • One space only between words.


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