Light Blue - December 2009

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Issue number 79 December 2009

engagement to the wider community, from Antarctica to the shores of Corio Bay.

Elizabeth Pont Director of Community Relations

Altruism is an interesting word. What does it mean and why did it evolve in the human species? The dictionary describes altruism as the unselfish concern for the welfare of others, while the internet has many theories on how and why it evolved. The Geelong Grammar School community displays many acts of altruism, engagement and savouring the moment from a variety of altruistic events and actions, some of which are reported in this edition of Light Blue. From student participation in charity events such as the Lorne 160, the work of Alexander Wallace (Yr 11 Fr) with the Surf Coast Shire in relation to youth issues, to the members of our School Council and their voluntary counsel and expertise in planning the School’s future. The altruism of the Foundation Board in securing philanthropic support to ensure that Geelong Grammar School can provide the best possible educational opportunities for students, to our teachers for their full involvement in the educational journey of their students. The articles in this edition of Light Blue highlight the ways in which the Geelong Grammar School community engages with and not only supports its own community, but extends its

The opening of the Community Garden in support of Corio’s Karen refugees was a wonderful occasion when students, teachers, Church leaders and our Karen neighbours came together. During 2009 there have been many stories of our students’ acts of altruism – in future editions of Light Blue we will report on the amazing ways in which students, staff and families support those less fortunate, such as the efforts of Nic Stewart (Yr 7 Ot), who together with his uncle is riding from Canberra to Perth to raise money for the Black Dog Institute.

From the Editor


From the Chairman


From the Principal


School Captains


A Sporting Year


Bostock House


Toorak Campus


Middle School




Hartley Mitchell, Head of Manifold House, has made an extraordinary pledge to create a perpetual fund to award Scholarships for students to attend Geelong Grammar School – what an astonishing act of altruism and philanthropy. During 2009 the Foundation received several exceptional Bequests which will also benefit present and future students. The 2009 Annual Fund has seen its greatest support since its inception in 1997, while contributions have been received into the Indigenous, JRD, Building, Library and Endowment Funds. Geelong Grammar School is indeed blessed with a supportive and altruistic community.

Visual Arts


Lorne 160


Senior Chaplain




Farewell Mae Craig/Barwon Dinner


From the Foundation Chairman


From the Commercial Director


Antarctic Expedition


This edition of Light Blue has been edited and produced by Brendan McAloon, who only joined the Community Relations Department three weeks ago. Brendan’s career has extended from journalism to marketing, television, film making and, more recently, as a published author. We welcome Brendan to his new position as Marketing and Communications Manager and look forward to working with him in all areas of Community Relations.

From the OGG President


With this the last edition for 2009 I extend to the entire Geelong Grammar School community a blessed Christmas and a restful summer holiday season.


OGG Reunions Tower Lunch OGG Gatherings

Timbertop Campus Timbertop Private Bag Mansfield Victoria Australia 3722 Tel: +61 3 5733 6777 Fax: +61 3 5777 5772 Toorak Campus 14 Douglas Street Toorak Victoria Australia 3142 Tel: +61 3 9829 1444 Fax: +61 3 9826 2829

Bostock House Campus 139 Noble Street Newtown Victoria Australia 3220 Tel: +61 3 5221 7760 Fax: +61 3 5221 7602 Website: Email: Editor: Elizabeth Pont


24-28 29 30-31

OGG in Focus






From the Curator


OGG Sport/Diary


Front Cover: Catherine (Cat) Duncan (Yr11 A) takes centre stage in the Senior School Musical, ‘Annie Get Your Gun’.

Administration, Senior & Middle School 50 Biddlecombe Avenue Corio Victoria Australia 3214 Tel: +61 3 5273 9200 Fax: +61 3 5274 1695



Photography: Darren Apps Gavin Dowling Tony Inkster Rev’d Hugh Kempster Richard Kumnick David Oman Alison Pasznyk Stephen Pearce Elizabeth Pont Katie Rafferty Harry Scott Steve Solomonson Rowan Swaney Peter Thompson Jennifer Wraight Layout & Page Design: Dzign Diezel Group (DDG) Printing: Adams Print CRICOS No. 00143G

Jeremy Kirkwood Chairman of Council

1 In early November I met up with 106 other OGG from my 1979 year group for our 30 Year Reunion. It was a great occasion which went well into the next day and, although many of us only see each other at reunions, there is a great bond of shared experiences and genuine interest in others lives. I was reminded again of the incredible diversity of our backgrounds and as much as this takes us away from each other after school, it also binds us together very strongly through our intense experience of living with each other for a number of years. Hence the din of our conversations commenced at a high level and did not let up for the best part of eight hours!


Speech Day in late October brought the senior school together for one of the last times before the Year 12 exams. There were many highlights that day but standing out in my mind are the speeches by the two School Captains and the PRIMED art exhibition which was on exhibit. The standard of the works was most impressive and there was a continuous stream of visitors to the Sinclair and Hirschfeld Mack Centres. The School Council has approved the construction of a new, state-of-the-art fire refuge for Timbertop. Following the devastating fires of last February in Victoria, School Management and Council critically reviewed our fire safety measures. Although our procedures and facilities satisfy health and safety requirements, we believe that GGS must provide the very best available protection to our Timbertop community. Consequently the new refuge will have several layers of protection including an earth mound in front, steel shutters, wetting system, double-glazed glass, reserve oxygen, heat and carbon dioxide management systems, and will accommodate over 300 people. It must be stressed that the refuge will only be used in the unlikely event that evacuation is not possible. Although the refuge will cost in the vicinity of $1.5 million it is being designed so that it can be used as a multi-function space throughout the year. If all goes well it will be completed as early as possible in 2010. I am delighted to welcome Mrs Genia Janover to the School Council. Genia joins us after 20 years as Principal of Bialik College during

3 which she oversaw its development from 380 students to 1060 in a K-12 coeducational format. Andrew Oddy has resigned from Council after 14 years of dedicated service. His parish duties have increasingly made it difficult for Andrew to attend to School matters and I thank him on behalf of the School community for his service. As we approach Christmas and the New Year I wish all our year 12s success with their VCE and IB results and a wonderful onward journey in their lives. To the broader school community I hope you have a relaxing and happy Christmas and commencement to 2010.

1. L to R: OGG President Rob de Fégely (FB’74) and Chairman of Council Jeremy Kirkwood (FB’79) at the 30 Year Reunion at The Fawkner Bistro Bar in South Yarra on November 6. 2. 2 009 School Captain Will Balmford (Yr12 M) addresses Speech Day, while seated L to R: Principal Stephen Meek, Chairman of Council Jeremy Kirkwood, guest speaker Eric Philips, VicePrincipal Charlie Scudamore, and School Captain Claire Hamilton (Yr12 Cl). 3. T he annual IB and VCE Year 12 Graduate exhibition, PRIMED, once again highlighted the strength of Visual Arts at the School. ‘Solitude’ by Elle RobertsNissen (Yr12 Cl)

Jeremy Kirkwood (FB’79) Chairman of Council


Stephen Meek Principal

1 I think we cannot really appreciate just how much interest there is, in various parts of the world, in our introduction of Positive Education into the School. We do get frequent feedback from members of our community that they were attending a conference, or reading an article in the press or listening to a programme on the radio and reference was made to Positive Education at Geelong Grammar School – but I still think it is very difficult for us to appreciate the scale of that interest that exists throughout the world. This term, alone, we have had groups of principals from the United Kingdom, New Zealand and different parts of Australia, visiting the School, keen to find out more about our Positive Education Programme – and I have received other enquiries from South America and China. Moreover, the feedback from our visitors is invariably that they are inspired by what we are doing and wish that they could do the same in their schools. Thus, our awareness of the wider interest is, I think, only the tip of the iceberg, for if one puts Positive Education at Geelong Grammar School into a search engine, there are thousands of responses. There is, indeed, enormous interest in what we are doing. The theme of this edition of Light Blue is savouring and engaging – and perhaps we might savour the fact that there is such interest in the School, but I have mentioned that interest more to illustrate the degree of engagement we have with other schools, universities and Departments of Education. We have always said that our aim is to share Positive Education with others, rather than simply to keep it as a point of difference between ourselves and other schools. It would be hypocritical to say to our students that for them the road to life satisfaction involves living a meaningful life by serving something bigger than themselves, while at the same time saying that we are building barriers to keep out other people from access to ideas which we believe to be life changing. We would like to change the lives of more than our own students and staff, or even our own community. We want to engage with a wider world.


One example of that engagement with a wider world comes from very close to home, but in a slightly different context. Each year, some of our Year 11 students run in a relay to Lorne and back – a distance of 160 kilometres and hence known as the Lorne 160. Each year, the students raise money for the Lorne 160 and donate it to a local charity. This year, the students decided to support the Karen refugees who are living in Corio and are members of the St Andrew’s parish in Corio. Ross Featherston and Father Hugh write about this on pages 14 and 15. However, in addition to donating $40,000 to the Karen community, the School has also made available to them a patch of land on which they can grow vegetables for their community. Some Year 10 students prepared the land as part of their Year 10 camp and Karen refugees, students and staff will be able to support one another in this tremendous project for years to come. I see this as a very special form of engagement, for it is often harder to give time than it is to give money, but the impact on the lives of the givers will be that much deeper. That staff and students will both be actively engaged in working together in this project reflects one of the great strengths of the School. I am constantly impressed by the level of connection, or engagement, that there is between staff and students – and this can be seen at every campus. It is most noticeable at Timbertop, where every member of staff undertakes the runs and the hikes which the students do. As I write, the students and staff are undertaking the six-day hike, which is one of the great Timbertop experiences, to be followed next week by the final challenge, the marathon. It is the complete immersion in these experiences which makes them so powerful and so memorable. It is that engagement with the challenge, the environment, the other students and the staff which makes these two events such complete experiences. They remain experiences to

2 savour for ever. Our students and staff are fortunate to have such opportunities – opportunities which continue to make Timbertop such a unique and powerful journey. Stephen Meek Principal

1. T he community garden has engaged students and staff with a unique element of the wider Corio community – Karen refugees from the troubled border country of Thailand and Burma/Myanmar. 2. P rincipal Stephen Meek watches on as Annie Naw Nyo from the Karen community plants the first chilli plant in the Community Garden.





4. L to R: Sophie Batten (Yr7 Cn) and Kate Dabkowski (Yr8 Ot) representing Greece at the Middle School Production, Eurobeat – Almost Eurovision. 5. E urobeat compere Phlegm, aka Hugh Falkner (Yr8 Bb). 6. E urobeat compere Salmonella, aka Georgie McKendrick (Yr8 Hi)


7. T he Hungarian puppets were, L to R: Zoe Forga (Yr8 Cn), Sophie Kebbell (Yr8 Hi), Esther Lee (Yr8 Cn), Edwina Landale (Yr8 Cn), Phillipa Beauchamp (Yr8 Ot) and Sophie Morphy (Yr8 Cn). 8. T he Western Australian branch of the OGG held their bi-annual Cocktail Party at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club on October 30. L to R: The Honourable David Wordsworth (M’48), Principal Stephen Meek, and the Honourable Bill Stretch (Cu’52).


School Captains What can you tell us about revisiting Timbertop?

We are delighted that Hannah Robertson (Yr11 Cl) and Charlie Vickers-Willis (Yr11 FB) have been chosen to represent our School in the challenging role of School Captains for 2010. As we farewell our 2009 School Captains, Claire Hamilton (Yr12 Cl) and Will Balmford (Yr12 M), Light Blue spoke to Hannah and Charlie about the year ahead.

Charlie Vickers-Willis Some people liken Geelong Grammar School to a journey. What has been your journey at the School? My GGS journey has been a very long one that has taken me to every corner of the school, through every campus. But it has been fantastic. From prep at Glamorgan, to Year 12 at Corio, each year has been a different experience. Some experiences have been a challenge, and some have been brilliant fun. I believe that Timbertop is the best example of GGS life, as it personifies the so-called “journey” that GGS is. It was very difficult, but at the same time it provided me with such a sense of achievement at the end. Looking back, I miss the place incredibly as the experiences and life lessons I gained up there are second to none. You recently spent a weekend back at Timbertop visiting students transitioning into Senior School. What can you tell me about the weekend and what was the message you passed on to these students? The weekend at Timbertop was fantastic. As we walked around the campus on our first night, visiting each unit, the whole school was buzzing. It seemed that although the year group knew there was still some while to go, they were starting to realise what they had achieved. The night we spent at the Darling Huts with the school prefects provided the group with a lot of inspiration. The brainstorming and ideas for the coming year were fantastic. Together we wanted to pass on the message that any concerns or doubts about the transition were not worth thinking about. Yes, the transition is a challenge, but they have spent a year facing much more significant challenges. So how hard can changing campus be? We also promised that we would do our utmost to make their transition as smooth as possible. 6

What is your vision for 2010? Hannah and I both have a vision for a wider sense of community throughout the whole Geelong Grammar School. Yes, each campus is a wonderful community. A great community is what GGS prides itself on and rightfully so. But we feel there is a lack of connection between the campuses, and specifically Middle School and Senior School. In addition, we also have a vision for increased school spirit. House spirit at the school could not be greater. But our spirit as a school on the whole at APS Sporting events is very poor. If this is increased we also feel that it could help with the sense of community that Hannah and I endeavour to reach. Whatever conclusion arises next year, we are sure it will be a great one.

Hannah Robertson What can you tell us about your Geelong Grammar School journey? I believe that any school provides an individual journey for each person, whether they are a student, teacher or assistant. However, I have found over the many years I have spent at Geelong Grammar that its ability to teach not only academics but social and emotional intelligence is what sets it apart from the rest. There is no doubt that my journey at Geelong has consisted of its fair share of challenging moments. What can one expect when placed in a boarding house full of teenage girls? But I also know that those challenging moments when added to the great moments such as Timbertop and Senior School are the ones that have helped form my personal yellow brick road through my journey at Geelong.

Revisiting a place that made such a big positive impact on my life socially and emotionally is never an easy thing to do. Though I still remember thinking to myself on the hardest runs or hikes “get me out of here”, I would probably give anything to go back there now (especially in the exam period!). When Charlie and I along with our group of school prefects were given the chance to revisit the good old days, we knew that it was the perfect time to speak to the current Year 9s about the issues that were concerning them regarding Senior School. Most people had their fair share of concerns, which is expected when one is moving from a place so secluded from the human race (even Antarctica gets more visitors) to the big, wide sprawling spaces of Corio. Issues of transition, older year levels and work levels were common questions asked, but Charlie and I made it clear to the group that we have been in their exact position and had felt exactly the same way. I think what the Year 9s tend to not realise is that Timbertop is the hardest year of them all. It is at Timbertop that you begin to really get to know yourself, your friends and others surrounding you. You learn to push the capacity of your mental, social, physical and emotional strengths to their outer most limits. Our main aim was to make it clear to them just how important it was to hold onto those factors when making the transition into Year 10 and, as clichéd as it sounds, to just be yourself. What is your vision for the year? A vision is useless unless put into action. In order to improve certain aspects of the school our vision must be realistic and logical and at the same time be approved and supported by the general school body. In the few productive brainstorming sessions Charlie and I have had together, as well as the ones with the school prefects, there is a general consensus that we want the School on a whole (Toorak, Bostock, Middle School, Timbertop and Senior School) to become a tighter community. At the moment we both feel that we are five schools with the same name instead of one school with five campuses. 2010 marks a new beginning for us all. It also provides a chance for the general community, whether they are in middle school or senior school, to work together to improve certain aspects of the school that we feel may need improving. Next year GGS is blessed with an amazing group of school prefects whom Charlie and I both know will help us in our journey of leading the school.

A Sporting Year There were many highlights in the 2009 Geelong Grammar School sporting year. The School hosted the 2009 APS v AGS Winter Season Sports matches with students from around Victoria enjoying our outstanding sporting facilities. The All School Athletics Day was another successful date on the calendar, and all Houses participated and enjoyed elements of success.

Rowing The highlight of the 2009 Rowing season was the outstanding results achieved by our Girls’ First VIII crew; Edwina Kolomanski (Yr12 Ga) bow, Isabel Coburn (Yr12 Ga) 2, Alexandra Thompson (Yr11 Cl) 3, Daisy Gubbins (Yr12 He) 4, Claire Hamilton (Yr12 Cl) 5, Rosemary Wilson (Yr12 He) 6, Charlotte Sutherland (Yr12 Cl) 7, Sophie Sutherland (Yr12 Cl) stroke, Annabel Blunden (Yr12 He) cox, and coaches Rob England and Ross Featherston. The crew won the APS Head of the River, Head of the School Girls and State Championships, and finished second at Nationals.

Football The First XVIII Football team was dominated by Year 10 and Year 11 players and, although a developing team, it delivered one of the highlights of the year by defeating Xavier at Xavier – the first time this feat has been achieved in more than 40 years. From the team David Coward (Yr10 Cu) was selected to represent the ACT-NSW Rams U16 Football team.

Equestrian The Equestrian team did exceptionally well, finishing first from the 256 schools contesting the Victorian Interschool Series and first in the Barwon Interschool Showjumping and Dressage Series. Cec Cameron (Yr8 Cn) and Jane Salter (Yr12 Cl) both represented Victoria at the Australian Interschool National Championships at Werribee, with Cec winning the Pre Novice section.

Rugby The First XV Rugby team returned to force in 2009 with a competitive season and a number of talented young players selected to represent Victoria, including Lachlan Speeding (Yr10 Cu), George Lyall (Yr10 Cu), Harry Johns (Yr11 Cu), James Habla (Yr11 P), Carrick Dalton (Yr11 Cu) and Jacob Dowleysmith (Yr10 A).

Netball The First Girls’ Netball team continued to show improvement with a strong final placing the result of a number of years of development within the Netball programme. Three players were selected in the APS representative team: Maddison Smedts (Yr11 Ga), Allanah McCooke (Yr12 A) and Tiffany Barnard (Yr12 Fr). Tiffany also won



the Hermitage Old Girls’ Association Cup for Sportsmanship.

Badminton The First Girls’ Badminton team finished second and look set to once again be a dominant force in 2009/10, leading the table after four rounds of competition. Tarah Marney (Yr11 Fr) and Joelyn Sow (Yr12 Ga) joined Bell Theppadungporn (Yr12 He), Tanya Cheng (Yr10 Cl), Chantel Crouch (Yr12 Fr) and Laura Bainbridge (Yr11 Ga) in an outstanding season.



The First XI Cricket team finished 3rd overall, a result to be proud of, with several players winning representative honours, including Alex Graham (Yr12 Cu) in the State U17 team, and Meyrick Buchanan (Yr10 FB) and Corey Ogle (Yr10 Cu) in the State U15 team. Meyrick was also selected in the Australian U15 team that toured India in October, while Corey has since been selected in the State U16 team. Congratulations also goes to William Thompson (Yr12 P) who won the S E Bailey Memorial Cup for Sportsmanship, and the Snowsports Team, which won its second consecutive Victorian Interschools Snowsports title. Outstanding individual achievements included Paddy Calvert-Jones (Yr12 M), who won the Division 1 Moguls, and Bayles Abercrombie (Yr10 P), who was awarded the Bernd Greber Award for Recognition of Outstanding Achievements in Snowsports.


Paul La Cava Director of Sport 1. C ec Cameron (Yr8 Cn) won the Pre Novice section at the Australian Interschool National Championships. 2. T he First XV Rugby team in action, L to R: Haydon Knights (Yr11 Cu) #7, Ben Brayshaw (Yr12 Fr) #1, and Gregg Norton (Yr11 Cu) #4, with Jesse Ton (Yr12 FB) facing camera. 3. C orey Ogle (Yr10 Cu) has just turned 16 yet has been selected in the Victorian U17 cricket team as a fast bowler, although he also opens the batting for GGS. 4. D avid Coward (Yr10 Cu) playing against Scotch College. David went on to play in the National U16 Grand Final on AFL Grand Final day. 5. The all-conquering Girls’ First VIII crew.

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Savouring is any thought or behaviour that is capable of spawning, strengthening or extending enjoyment. It is a way of enjoying positive emotions more intensely and for longer periods of time. Dr Fred Bryant told that savouring can take three forms. Anticipatory – through the thought of things to come, In the Moment – enjoying the present, and Reminiscent – savouring the past. Research also tells us that those people who habitually savour are happier more optimistic and less depressed. “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” Mahatma Ghandi At Bostock House we consider encouraging the art of savouring as an important and vital part of our teaching in Positive Education. I use the word encouraging rather than teaching because I believe that our children could probably teach many of us about the art of savouring. One of the most rewarding things about being a teacher is observing students for whom the world is one full of wonder and exciting new things to learn. The exhilaration when they approach something they are looking forward to, the sense of joy or awe when they experience it, and the


memories they share once having completed the experience all make our job a very gratifying one. I recently spent time talking to all classes about savouring and found that the children had a very good understanding of the concept. It was also clear in our discussions that they had a sound awareness of what it means to be engaged. Young children are very adept at being ‘in the zone’. One only has to observe a child colouring in an intricate pattern, involved in a favourite book, or simply drawing in the dust with a stick to realize that they can be totally absorbed in the moment and almost oblivious to what is going on about them. I asked the children to nominate events, special occasions or everyday activities at school that they savoured. Things that they got excited about before they occurred, enjoyed while they were happening, and continued to derive pleasure from after they had taken place. The children nominated the following things as occasions at school that they savoured. Many talked about the camping program; particularly the 6 chose sporting events, anticipation. Others

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excursions, the Bostock Art Show and particular academic subject experiences. Some reflected on their whole time at school and a huge variety of other experiences. It was clear that our students had much about their lives to savour and that they took the time to do just that. Daryl Moorfoot Head of Bostock House

1-4. A highlight of the year, the annual Bostock Art Show once again demonstrated the creative talents of our students. 5. UK celebrity chef Jon Ashton brought his Leaves of Love programme to Geelong Grammar, introducing students to the philosophy that “cooking is not just about cooking, it’s about living”. 6. Lachlan Radcliffe (Yr4) hams it up with celebrity chef Jon Ashton.


Involvement in and enjoyment of campus life is such a pivotal part of belonging to the Toorak Campus. So much is undertaken by each student and the different levels of interaction throughout year groups, across year groups and within year groups ensures that everyone revels in the inclusive and happy atmosphere that permeates all areas of the community. From the Early Learning Centre through to Year 6, opportunities exist for individuals to expand their experiences and at the same time lend their skills to support others. It is an empowering moment and one that highlights the need to create the environment for this to take place. I have been lucky enough to see this first hand through a variety of events. Students enjoy the opportunity to participate and to engage in meaningful development. They benefit greatly from their experiences and become better individuals as a result. Our student leaders have been a fine example of connecting with many different sections of the campus. Their presence amongst the other students on a daily basis serves as a reminder to us all that they have a wonderful ability to make meaningful relationships at all levels, lending their support throughout the campus in a variety of ways. The Primary Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate strives to teach us that students become lifelong learners through a journey that embraces them on a global stage. As a school we look to give them opportunities to go forward with the learner profiles and attitudes very much in mind, discovering their talents and working in a collaborative manner to achieve fantastic outcomes that are borne out of enthusiastic and purposeful learning. Garry Pierson Head of Toorak Campus



Engaging – ELC Athletics Day The ELC children had their annual athletics day on November 6. A number of Year 6 student leaders volunteered to assist with helping the children on each activity. It was a great opportunity for the students of Year 6 to interact and get to know the youngest students at the school and put our leadership skills into practise. I enjoyed watching the 3 and 4-year-olds have a go and try their best. They encouraged and supported each other through activities that some students were not confident to do by themselves. While the ELC children enjoyed taking part in the activities, we enjoyed making sure everyone had a turn and that they moved on to the right activity next. It was great to see that everyone was engaged in some way, either participating or cheering for their friends and teammates. Grace Beaumont (Year 6) “The running was fun cause it’s a lot of running to do. Lorenzo holded my hand and run with me. He likes me” - Cristina Lau (K3) “The favourite was the hurdles cause I won two games of it. I loved the running races” – Ned Cohen (K4) “I liked doing the exercise and getting some water and also doing the rocket. And also my mummy take pictures of me” – Isabella Boffa (K4)

Savouring – TP-2 Production The production started when we went to the gym and we read a book about mixedup animals. We realised that if the animals are different and weird they are special. All the children decided we should make a production about unique animals being special. TP-2 children worked collaboratively to create characters, script, scenes, setting and the costumes. We all had to work together during rehearsals. At the start we met on Friday afternoons and discussed the production. We talked about the roles of the characters and who would be each animal. Year Two’s were given the job of writing the

4 script. We had to report back and tell TP’s, Preps and Year One’s how the script is going. They told us their ideas and we were able to add them into the script. On Wednesday mornings we practise the whole production. We have to work together and everyone has to listen to each other. It has been a really fun experience. Alan Thomas and Andrew May (Year 2) Our production is called Different Is Special because there are mixed-up animals and they all realise that different is special. The TP-2 children collaboratively decided on the story, the setting and the characters. When all of TP-2 got together we shared our ideas and thoughts and added information. Year Two had the special job of writing the script and including everyone’s ideas, it was really fun. Each year level was responsible for choosing and designing their characters. Mrs Bettiol helped us design the dancing, acting and our speech. We have worked hard and have done a good job. We have savoured the experience of creating our production. Jude Hine (Year 2) 1. Ella Sachinidis and Sasha Breeze (K4) being followed by India Maddern (Year 6 school leader) at the ELC Athletics Day. 2. Jack Flintoft (K4) being encouraged by James Moffat (Year 6 school leader) at the ELC Athletics Day. 3. Alan Thomas, Eleanor Gillies and Andrew May (Year 2) showing their planning and collaboration for the TP–2 Production script. 4. Some of the cast going through their paces.

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Middle School To lead an engaged life is one of the central tenets of Positive Education. The three routes to happiness are identified as: The Pleasant Life, The Engaged Life, and The Meaningful Life.

For Middle School students, The Engaged Life invites them to find happiness through using their strengths. Research findings suggest that the exercise of virtues such as wisdom, knowledge, humanity and courage often generates positive feeling and contributes to one’s overall sense of wellbeing. Through school life we want to create opportunities for our students to shine; to showcase their strengths and talents; to present moments where they can experience positive emotions through engagement in multifarious school activities. In addition, we want our students to savour each moment and to be able to reflect upon its worth. In discussions with a number of our students, we discover and appreciate their value of engagement in various school activities and how they savour these experiences. Tony Inkster Head of Middle School Leaves of Love is about learning how to cook healthy food; giving to the community and giving to people. My highlight from the week was probably preparing and giving the bread to students at the Barwon Valley School; I thought this was nice. In the future I will plan to share. Hugh Dabkowski (Yr5 Ot) By the time tomorrow comes, much of yesterday will be forgotten. Whilst sleeping, my mind will filter the surplus of today’s events, leaving just the important moments intact. Moments of laughter, wisdom, frustration and realisation that typifies an average school day. Thankfully, not everything will disappear. Ten glorious seconds last Sunday, are now forever and indelibly etched in my memory, irrespective of what life throws at me. Ten seconds when I felt on top of the world. Ten seconds which can never be taken away. Ten seconds when I was a part 10

of the Speech Day celebrations for the Year 12 leavers of 2009. It started with a formal letter informing me that I had been awarded the Geelong Grammar Foundation Prize for Service. It concluded with a brief walk across the stage to receive the award from the guest speaker, Mr Eric Philips, OAM. In between I experienced a whole raft of emotions ranging from pride to nerves, excitement to honour and most important of all, the sheer pleasure of being involved in the wonderful celebration that is Geelong Grammar School’s Speech Day. Sebastian Lawrence (Yr8 Ot) At the beginning of Term 4, Year 6 started a unit of work on daredevils – particularly on the famous tightrope walker Philippe Petit who crossed the World Trade Centres in 1974. This assignment came in four different parts: writing an essay on Philippe Petit, researching a daredevil or daredevil sport, discussing whether you thought Philippe Petit was an artist or a daredevil, and writing a diary about the way you felt when walking on the tightrope. My favourite part of the assignment was researching a daredevil sport. I choose extreme ironing. A unique sport in which ironist go to remote or inaccessible places and take photos of themselves ironing items of clothing. It’s hard to believe it is an actual sport! I really enjoyed this topic and had lots of fun. It was great being able to try tightrope walking. When I look back I am proud of the mark I got for the extreme sport presentation as well as getting on the tightrope and giving it a go. Freya Moore (Yr6 Cn) Jon Ashton is a smashing cook and was gracious enough to teach us his thoughts on life and yummy recipes. Jon brought the Leaves of Love programme to Geelong Grammar School. We learnt the joy of giving and we travelled the community to give bread. I learnt that some people aren’t as fortunate as we are, but they make do with what they have and they still smile. Taking bread to Barwon Valley School was warming and great! Stephanie Louey (Yr5 Ot)

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Gazing nervously into the eyes of the audience, I brought my violin bow down upon the string once again, and jolted as I felt my arm crying out in protest, yet I had only completed the first line of the piece of music I was playing. The particular song I played was extraordinarily loud, yet slow. The ecstasy of completing the seemingly endless song, and being inspired by listening to senior students playing their music at the Scholars’ Concert was my motivation. When I think back to the concert, it seemed that I played my violin for an eternity. There is one thing I am certain about; the Scholars’ Concert is an event that I shall never forget. Zoe Yang (Yr7 Cn) During Term 3, all Year 8 students had to choose a passage from a book to read to our fellow students. The top five students went through to the final at Assembly, where the Francis Hope Lascelles & Lady Robinson Reading Prize was awarded. I was lucky enough to be awarded this prize. As the Prize is named in honour of a former School Prefect & Captain of Boats, Lieutenant Francis Hope Lascelles, who was killed in action during WWI, I felt very honoured to receive this historic award. To then be presented the prize at the GGS Speech Day made it very special indeed. The highlight of Speech Day was having my name called out in front of such a large gathering. I felt well rewarded for the time I had spent perfecting my reading for the competition. Carter Harris-Smith (Yr 8 Ht) Year 6 went tight rope walking right outside the classroom. It sounds easy but it’s not, it’s really hard. After the rope walking we had to do a number of activities and my favourite was when we had to pick an extreme sport. A lasting memory for me would be when Mr Carlisle went on the rope and fell into everyone, it was really funny. When I think back to this event I feel very happy but at the same time disappointed because I couldn’t get to the other side of the rope. Glen McGrath (Yr6 Ht)






The Term 4 Music Scholars’ Concert is where both Middle School and Senior School scholars perform. I played the flute. My personal highlight was watching Lilian play the piano. Not only did her playing sound beautiful but watching her fingers move was incredible too. Before the performance started most of us were very nervous. I think I will always remember my hands shaking just before I went out to perform. When I finished the satisfaction and pride made it well worthwhile.

The GGS Athletics Team went to Olympic Park for the APS Athletics. The event I most enjoyed watching was the Open Boys’ High Jump; with Pan Tong (GGS) jumping 1.95m to be in the top three. Another boy jumped 2.10m and was millimetres off breaking the APS record. I think I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. When I think back I know the APS has some of the best runners, jumpers and throwers in the country. I am proud to have been selected in this team.

Eloise Burns (Yr8 Ht)

We went wire walking with our whole class. I walked about three steps and fell off, but on my second attempt I walked five steps. It was extremely fun and I will remember the challenge and how exciting and nerve racking it all was.

This year everyone in Year 6 had to walk across a tight rope as we had been studying a famous funambulist by the name of Philippe Petit. My favourite part was when I was on the rope and went to take my first step. I had two attempts and they were both unsuccessful, although I felt proud that I had got half way along the rope. When I look back on this I remember the feeling, the adrenaline rush. I felt happy and scared at the same time. The whole experience was awesome and I’m really thankful that we had the opportunity.

Sam Youngman (Yr8 Bb)

William Morphy (Yr6 Ht)

I was awarded the Geelong Grammar Service Prize for a Middle School student for Connewarre House at Speech Day this year. I felt really overwhelmed that I had been chosen out of 40 girls in Connewarre and I will always remember receiving this prize. Kate McGeoch (Yr8 Cn)

1. T om Colley (Yr5, Ht) pulling with all his might in the House Tug-o-War competition 2. Students from 7R hard at work 3. A lice Macmillan (Yr7, Cn) struts the catwalk to showoff her amazing recycled dress 4. S ave Anurattaphun (Yr6, Bw) just loves learning 5. Q uiet now... Year 6 students practising their mindfulness and meditation techniques 6. J ames O’Shea (Yr6, Ot) shows off his amazing Spanish sombrero whilst presenting food to special guest during the Leaves of Love programme 7. M iddle School girls Githika Cashmore (Yr8, Ht), Cec Cameron (Yr8, Cn) and Zara Mahood (Yr8, Ht) enjoy time together

Alyx Clifton (Yr6 Ht)

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When old Timbertop students return they often say nothing has changed. This actually is not true. There are many new and refurbished buildings scattered around the Timbertop campus. All the buildings have been re-painted and are now a colour combination of olive and mountain mist grey rather than the dour looking previous colour of mission brown. Student-built rammed earth walls contour the roads. A magnificent Music School sits comfortably next to our grand Dining Hall overlooking Timbertop Creek. Therefore, Timbertop looks quite different from what it looked like twenty or thirty years ago. The physical buildings have changed. Then why do old Timbertop students often comment that nothing has changed? Because, in another way, nothing has changed. The mountain air smells the same. The same view exists from the Chapel front window to Bald Hill, and the same typical colour of Australian eucalypts and the magic of the red sunset on a balmy summer night are still here. The feelings of exhaustion and satisfaction are still felt as students return from a hike via the Old Howqua Track or when they have completed a Long Run or ski tour. The connectedness to the Timbertop land, the Victorian high country and their Unit still exists. The savouring of these sights and smells are what evoke positive memories from yesteryear. Memories and recollections come flooding back. Sensors come alive and are reinvigorated. In many ways, we try to nurture the ability for our students to savour the Timbertop experience. In Term 2, some students have the opportunity to savour their unit hike in the high country and are placed in a solitary location atop the Crosscut Saw to write, to reflect, and to savour the experience. Similarly, journal writing and letter writing after a hike on a Friday night are important times to reflect, to savour. Sometimes for students, these journals are amazingly vivid documentaries of their time at Timbertop and they are savoured and treasured for the rest of their lives. Of course, at Timbertop we do not sit around on our laurels meditating, reflecting and 12

3 savouring the whole time. The programme here is very active and full and, at times, it reaches a rather feverish pace. This is especially the case as we near the end of the year as the examinations, the Six Day Hike and the Timbertop Marathon approach. So how do we combat this? Just prior to “the finish”, we allow the students some time on their own at a “solo” site in the bush to reflect on all that they have achieved. Without the distraction of others, without the influence of the rigid routines and even without watches so that time pressures are momentarily put aside, our students have precious time on their own to savour their own Timbertop year. Savouring, at this time, may not even happen. For many, truly reflecting on and savouring the Timbertop experience happens well after they have left school. Nevertheless, we do know that there is a close link between a truly engaged Timbertop student and their ability to savour and to enjoy the moments and memories as they meet new challenges and experiences during their time here. New Flexible Learning Area and Safe Haven As I look out of my window a large 20 tonneexcavator is feverishly working away digging a massive hole, which is the beginning of our new flexible learning centre and will double as a safe refuge if necessary. Educationally, this large, impressive, mostlyunderground building will provide us with tremendous classroom flexibility. The threeclassroom building can quickly be converted

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into one large movie theatre or stretching area and then changed back to three separate classrooms for nightly study. Even though this building will mostly be used for classes, the reason for its construction was to provide additional safety for the Timbertop community after the horrendous events on Black Saturday earlier this year. It is engineered to withstand the worst of conditions, with automated shutters, its own air supply and temperature regulation. It will be at the forefront of buildings built for this purpose and a great addition to Timbertop. It is anticipated that construction will finish early next year. Roger Herbert Head of Timbertop

1. L to R: Max Frohlich and Louis Ruben (H Unit) in the Chapel of St John the Baptist, Timbertop, at the special Peace service. 2. L to R: Helicia Groseil (Assistant), Georgia Clark and Lauren Solomonson (K Unit). 3. L to R: Haytham Chernov (B Unit), Sophie Bullwinkel and Torika Taylor (J Unit).



Visual Arts The Visual Arts have continued to maintain a dynamic and important role in the lives of art students and members of the School community, through the lively exhibition programme presented throughout the year and other opportunities to showcase student work such as the front cover of the School diary, the GGS website, Light Blue, The Corian and a variety of external exhibitions and competitions. Students have benefited from the increasing exposure they have had to artwork presented in these contrasting forms, from the formal to the informal, highlighting the power of image to engage the viewer in a range of contexts, as well as the excellent work produced at all levels of learning throughout the School. CUSP The curriculum directives underpinning the cross campus exhibition CUSP held in The Sinclaire Centre in Term 2 and opened by Julie Ewington, Curator of Australian Art at the Brisbane Art Gallery, were a tangible response to the practices and principles of Positive Psychology. Based on notions of optimism, students from ELC to Year 12 from all GGS campuses presented an imaginative and creative interpretation of themes such as faith, hope, trust, joy, humour and the VIA character strengths which have been studied as an integral aspect of Positive Education. Coriobald The annual Coriobald Portrait Prize was again an impressive exhibition highlighting the importance of portraiture as a device to record social history and the ability for art to make links which connect community and define cultural identity. The outstanding quality of work (Years 5-12) showed excellent technical skill and a creative interpretation of ways to present the many faces and personalities of Geelong Grammar School. The 2009 winners were: The Judges’ Choice, Claire Hamilton (Yr12 Cl), and The People’s Choice, Rose Randall (Yr11 Fr).

3 PRIMED PRIMED, the annual IB and VCE Year 12 Graduate exhibition provides students with an excellent opportunity to select two works they consider to be their best from their course work. These formal exhibitions and the occasions surrounding them enable students to foster a sense of themselves as confident practitioners in the public domain and are important events in the School calendar. IB Exhibition The work of Claire Hamilton (Yr12 Cl), Thomas Claeys (Yr12 Cu), Max White (Yr12 FB) and Bom Chinburi (Yr12 FB) has been selected to be exhibited at the 2010 Victorian & Tasmanian International Baccalaureate World Schools Visual Arts Exhibition to be held at the Glen Eira City Council Gallery, Caulfield, in February next year. Harry Scott Harry Scott (Yr12 FB) won the People’s Award of the Australian Catholic University’s Pixel Prize photographic competition and his photograph Transition 2009 has been selected as a finalist in the National Portrait Gallery’s 2010 National Photographic Portrait Prize. Margot Anwar Head of Art

4 1. H arry Scott’s photograph Transition 2009 has been selected as a finalist in the National Portrait Gallery’s 2010 National Photographic Portrait Prize. 2. B om Chinburi’s (Yr12 FB) sculpture Embodied exhibited at PRIMED and has been selected for the 2010 Victorian & Tasmanian International Baccalaureate World Schools Visual Arts Exhibition to be held at the Glen Eira City Council Gallery in Caulfield. 3. R ose Randall’s (Yr11 Fr) portrait of Rohan Byrne (Yr12 Fr) won The People’s Choice award at the 2009 Coriobald Portrait Prize. 4. C laire Hamilton’s (Yr12 Cl) portrait of Mr E (aka Rob England) won the The Judges’ Choice award at the 2009 Coriobald Portrait Prize.





Lorne 160

The Lorne 160 started in the early 1990s and was the brainchild of the former Head of FB David Parker. From those beginnings the activity has grown to become Geelong Grammar’s premier fund raising initiative. In the last five years alone around $165,000 has been raised for organisations such as North Shore Primary School, Nelson Park School and the Mirabel Foundation. Lorne 160 is a term long event where 20 students (mainly from Year 11) undertake a series of fund raising activities to support their chosen charity. The fundraising culminates at the end of the term with a relay run (over 160 kilometres) from GGS to Lorne and back. The run starts around midnight on the last day of term and ends to coincide with the end of the final School Assembly. The School’s Senior Chaplain, Fr Hugh, suggested to the students that they may wish to support a new project that was beginning just over the railway tracks in Corio. A number of Karen refugees had settled in Geelong and were being supported by Fr Geoff Traill of the Brotherhood of St Laurence and Anglicare Victoria. The Lorne 160 students immediately embraced the idea as it was a local project and any money raised would result in a significant impact within their community. Once the charity was decided the Lorne 160 team immediately got to work at raising the funds to meet their goal of 14

$30,000. These activities included selling Krispy Kreme donuts, conducting a silent auction on the Winter Athletics Day, staging a SAVE concert and seeking sponsorship from local organisations. Most significantly each student raised money personally as part of the 100/300 Challenge (run 100 kilometres in training to prepare for the relay run and raise $300 personally). All twenty students managed to raise well over $300! As well as raising money, the Lorne 160 team met on a number of occasions the Karen people. The impact this had on the students was significant; to see where the money raised was going to go and to spend some time with the Karen was a transforming experience. With nearly $40,000 in the bank, the Lorne 160 team met at 12:30am on the last day of Term 3 at the Clocktower ready to begin the 160 kilometre journey to Lorne and back. As Mr Scudamore wished the team well and Fr Hugh blessed the group the heavens opened and it started to rain. It did not stop raining for the following sixteen hours! The run itself went very well. It is a fitting way to end the term of fundraising. The team broke the record by nearly an hour, completing the journey in just over 12 hours. More importantly the run was completed in good humour, high spirits and with outstanding teamwork. As they do every year the Lorne Lions Club hosted the group for a well deserved breakfast.

4 From little things, big things grow. As a result of Fr Hugh’s initial suggestion, Geelong Grammar has established permanent links with the Karen people with the opening of f community garden here at GGS for the Karen people to grow their own produce. Other plans are in the pipeline such as Homework Club. Simon Haigh (Director of Activities) and Fr Hugh deserve special mention for their work. Many thanks to all within the Geelong Grammar community who helped with this year’s Lorne 160. Particular thanks to the teaching staff involved Dean Dell’Oro, Linda Hartskeerl and Tony Green. Congratulations to the twenty students who perhaps do not realise yet the significance their hard work will have on the lives of the Karen people who they have assisted. Ross Featherston IB Co-ordinator Head of Humanities 1. F r Hugh prepares to bless the team at the start of the run. 2. S ulayman Tun-Ismail (Yr11 FB), Ji-Han Loong (Yr11 P) and Will Morphett (Yr11 FB) on the return leg just past Moggs Creek. 3. F r Geoff Traill presents the Best Person on the Day Award to George Macdonald (Yr11 FB), who accepted on behalf of the whole team. 4. T aylor Rettke (Yr11 A), David Tran (Yr11 M) and JiHan Loong (Yr11 P) lead the team into the school.

Rev’d Dr Hugh Kempster Senior Chaplain

Diary of our

Senior Chaplain Engaging with the Karen Refugee Community I am thinking of my home, the mountains and rivers, the people, and the food! But I can’t think of it without thinking of the horrors going on there. It is... my birthday, and I have just had a call from the ThaiBurma border. The Burmese Army is building up its military forces in Karen free state again, and there are fears of another big new military offensive... The Generals will say it is anti-insurgent action, but as before they will avoid the [Karen National Liberation Army] bases, and instead attack defenceless villagers. Zoya Phan, Little Daughter (London: Simon & Schuster, 2009), p.325. Annie Naw Nyo is a dynamo. I first met her on a Saturday morning in September at St Andrew’s Anglican Church in Corio where she was busy organising the distribution of material aid for recently arrived Karen refugees. We arrived expecting perhaps one or two families, but Annie had gathered fifty or more members of her Karen community in Corio for this monthly event. On arrival in Australia refugees are given the basics for resettlement by our Government: a mattress, a plate, a knife, a fork, and so on. Voluntary groups like the Geelong Anglican Social Outreach Network (GASON), based at St Andrew’s, then work hard to fill in the gaps and help the families get established. The church hall was a hive of activity, but what happened next deeply moved all of us who were fortunate enough to be present. Through the telling of stories, Annie opened a window into a world that is hard to imagine from the safety and privilege of Geelong Grammar School. Sulayman Tun-Ismail (FB 11) one of this year’s Lorne 160 team, wrote this about the experience: Refugees. A word that is fraught with sadness, embodied with fear, and a story behind it. The Karen refugees, displaced from their home in Burma/Myanmar, have come to settle within Geelong Grammar’s surrounding area, Corio. The Lorne 160 have been raising funds for the establishment of their needs and to better the quality of life that they have here, through Anglicare Geelong. A group of six Lorne 160

1 representatives, Father Hugh and Mr Simon Haigh journeyed to the St Andrews Church in Corio to meet and create a relationship with the Lorne 160 and Geelong Grammar. Furthermore, the community shared their stories with us on how they came to Australia. Many of the Karen people did not speak English, however, with the help of their translator, Annie, their stories were told. Many of these stories reflected the tragic circumstances within the war-torn country, the corruption of the government and their army, and life within refugee camps. Some of the refugees, including Annie, had been living in these camps for over 20 years, while others were actually born in the camps. They did not have proper beds or pillows, using bamboo shoots in place, and the amount of food they received each day (some days the people didn’t receive food) seemed meager: a tin of rice with some curry. It has been an incredibly eye-opening and memorable experience, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to meet the Karen people The Lorne 160 team, led by Mr Ross Featherston, went on to fundraise $40,000 for the Karen refugees, and on Wednesday 18th November the cheque was handed over to the Rev’d Geoff Traill, Community Development Officer in Geelong for AnglicareVictoria and the Brotherhood of St Laurence, and the Ven. Neil Hicks, Archdeacon of Geelong, who are co-ordinating the resettlement efforts. Another initiative that grew out of the relationship with the Karen refugee community was the Year 10 service camp in term 4. On the first day we were joined by a group of Karen men, along with Mr Barry Sproull from Diversitat, an organisation that works with refugees and other ethnic communities in the Geelong region. The task seemed onerous; we were faced with a big empty paddock and a few fence posts. But by the end of the third day, and after lots of blood, sweat and - lost mobile phones - we

had together created the beginnings of a community garden. We had lots of fun along the way too, like a friendly game with the Karen Community Soccer Club, during which our Vice-Principal displayed his skills as a striker. We drew 1-1 and look forward to re-match soon. On the Thursday night we all gathered at St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Corio, for a feast of Karen food. Students went to the “little Saigon market” in Footscray to buy the food, and then helped prepare, cook, and of course eat it. After the meal we were treated to traditional Karen dancing and singing, and we replied with our own “Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer” and a legendary version of Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water” from Mr Scudamore. We also went to visit the Collingwood College Kitchen Garden in Melbourne, started by celebrity cook Stephanie Alexander, and looked at other community gardens around Geelong for ideas. The engagement with the Karen refugee community this year has been a wonderful gift to us as a school. Sure, we have given, and given generously, but we’ve also received such a lot from Annie and her friends. Our eyes have been opened to life-experiences so very different from our own, and the friendship that is developing between our two communities is a precious thing. Rev’d Dr Hugh Kempster

1. Y ear 10 students on camp, working on the Senior Chaplain beginnings of a community garden for the Karen refugees. L to R: Jesse Andreetta (P), Kelly Banks (CL), Dannielle Baulch (A), Tom Belfield (P), Henry Byrne (M), Alex Cameron (A), Bella Cameron (EM), Brian Chan (M), India de Moore (GA), Amelia Faulkner (GA), Caroline Fieldus (EM), Millie Grimshaw (CL), James Hiscock (P), Iona Litchfield (CL), Anthony Liu (M), Nichole Ma (EM), Kat Oritz (EM), Annette Salim (EM), and Alia Tun-Ismail (GA). The camp was led by Mrs Kirsty McCartney, Mr Hartley Mitchell, and Mr John Slykuis; with Fr Hugh and Mr Simon Haigh.


Jeff Watt joins Geelong Grammar 1


House Rowing Regatta The 2009 House Rowing Regatta was held on Saturday, October 31. It was a festive occasion enjoyed by all as students rowed in their House colours in combinations not often seen on the Barwon.

• Girls Double Scull – Garnett

Clyde combined to win the Girl’s Champion House Trophy with wins in the eight, four and second single scull races. The Hermitage won the second scull and second four and was second overall. In the Boy’s competition the Champion House was Cuthbertson, winning the eight and the four. Manifold and Allen/ Fraser were equal second overall on points. Manifold won the second scull and came second in the double scull. Allen/Fraser won the double scull and came second in the second scull.

• Overall Girls House – Clyde

•B oys second scull – Doug Cameron (Manifold) • Boys Scull – Sian Martin-Jankowski (Perry) • Boys Double Scull – Allen/Fraser • Boys Four – Cuthbertson • Boys Eight – Cuthbertson • Overall Boys House – Cuthbertson •G irls second scull – Daisy Gubbins (The Hermitage) • Girls Scull – Lucy Harkin (Clyde)


For those in Rowing circles, the School’s new coach Jeff Watt needs no introduction. For the past 10 years Watt has dominated the Head of the River, guiding his boys’ crews to three titles during four years at Geelong College and a further five titles during a recent sixyear stint with Scotch College. Watt is a local Rowing legend, having won Victorian and Australian titles with the Corio Bay Rowing Club during the late ‘60s and joining George Xouris in an epic David v Goliath battle against East Germany’s all-conquering SC Dynamo crew at the Henley Royal Regatta in England in 1970. A former vice-principal at Geelong High School, Watt had his first taste of coaching school crews when his children, Brianna and Tavis, coached Geelong Grammar junior crews in the ‘90s. He ended his teaching career and joined Geelong College as coach in 2000, starting a remarkable run of success in APS Rowing. After a further six years at Scotch College, Watt decided “it was time to come home”, admitting he was “keen to coach Geelong Grammar”.

• Girls second four – The Hermitage • Girls Four – Clyde • Girls Eight – Clyde

The school is so very fortunate to have such generous supporters and this year we were able to christen a new single scull kindly donated by the Blunden family (David and Debra) and named after their daughter “Annie” who was the coxswain of the Girls’ First VIII in 2009. We also presented the 2009 Girls’ First VIII Crew with their oars for winning the Head of the River. This is always a proud moment and is certainly a very special trophy to have in any home. A big thank-you needs to be extended to our special guests; Charlie Scudamore, Hugh Robertson and Anne Robertson, who helped present the medals and trophies. Father Hugh blessed the fleet and I thank him for his words of encouragement for the season ahead. Thank you also to all the Rowing staff who assisted in officiating and organising students in and around the boatshed and on the regatta course. Tony Green Director of Rowing

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1. D aisy Gubbins (Yr 12, He) receiving her Head of the River winning oar. 3. A nnie Blunden (Yr 12, He) coxswain of the Girls’ First VIII christening the single scull named in her honour. 3. N ewly appointed GGS Rowing coach Jeff Watt presenting Henry Meek (Yr 11, A) with his medal for winning the double scull at the House Regatta.

Farewell Mae Craig “We’ve had lots of fun.” In her typically understated manner much-loved Geelong Grammar School icon Mae Craig summed up the sentiments of all those who filled the Dining Hall to bid her farewell. Since joining the School’s catering department in 1982, Mae has filled the Dining Hall with her vivacious personality and touched the lives of all who have passed through its doors. “When I come into the Dining Hall she brightens up my day,” Principal Stephen Meek said. “She does that to everyone she meets, be they students or staff. She wants to be a friend to everyone and so she is.” Stephen said Mae was widely admired for her positive outlook and energetic work ethic. “What you make of life is what it is,” he explained. “She has made the most of every second that she has worked here.” Described by Steve Radojevic (Manager of Finance and Administration) as a “living legend”, Mae was humbled by the generous speeches and assembled throng. “The School has been very kind to me, through the good times and the bad,” she reflected. “I’ll miss it very much. I’ll miss the camaraderie. I’ll miss the atmosphere. It’s not a school. I’ve never looked on it as a school.

It’s a home. It’s a community. And I’ve been privileged to be part of this community for so many years.” Mae is among a number of long-serving staff to farewell the School in 2009, either through retirement or long service leave. Mae Hill has been a member of the Geelong Grammar community for 32 years, most recently in the front office/reception at Bostock House. David Endean has been a member of the teaching staff for 48 years and has made a significant contribution to School life, particularly as Housemaster of Fraser from 1979 to 1990. Hartley Mitchell has been Head of Manifold House for the past 13 years, was Head of Perry from 1990-93, Head of Corio in 1994, and Deputy Principal in 1995. Rowan Swaney has been Head of Religious Education and a tireless supporter of our students, whether it be as Housemaster, Rugby Coach or Coordinator of the Great Victorian Bike Ride. We thank them for all their support and achievements over the years.


1. M ae Craig in her element, serving sausages and advice. 2. L to R: Mae Hill with Head of Bostock House, Daryl Moorfoot.


Barwon International Dinner The first Barwon House Dinner was held in 1995. Long-time Thai senator and public health advocate Mechai Viravaidya (P’59) was our first Guest Speaker. So impressed by the manner in which the boys mixed and generally supported one another, Mechai requested that an International Award be developed to recognize outstanding efforts by boys from both Australia and overseas to bridge the cultural gaps between students from different countries. In its 14th year, the Barwon International Dinner has become an evening for parents, grandparents, students and staff to celebrate the multicultural experience at Geelong Grammar School and mark the end of the Middle School journey for our Year 8 students. This year’s Guest Speaker was Anthony Bartl. Anthony is a young man of 29. When he was six he was run over by a car, severing his spinal cord at C1, the highest that the spinal cord can be severed. This accident left him in hospital for two years and he has spent the past 23 years in an automated wheelchair, unable to move any part of his body other

1 than his neck and face. Following an inspiring speech, Anthony presented this year’s International Awards to Ben Nandabhiwat (Yr8 Bw) and Jordan Taylor (Yr8 Bw). Special Commendation awards were presented to Champ Suksangium (Yr8 Bw) and Luis Gate (Yr8 Bw). Tom Ashton Head of Barwon House 1. A large crowd gathered to celebrate the 14th annual Barwon International Dinner. 2. L to R: The 2009 International Award winners, Jordan Taylor (Yr8 Bw) and Ben Nandabhiwat (Yr8 Bw).

2 17

Bill Ranken Chairman, Geelong Grammar Foundation

1 Two acts of exceptional generosity and philanthropic leadership have been amongst the highlights of 2009. As some of you will be aware, at the end of 2009 Mr Hartley Mitchell will be retiring following 20 years at the School, including as Deputy Principal and 13 years as Head of Manifold. On retirement Hartley has done three remarkable things. Firstly he has declined the offer of a celebratory dinner, secondly he has suggested that those who may have attended a dinner and/or may like to mark his retirement might do so by making a donation to The GGS Scholarship Fund, and thirdly he has left his entire estate to the GGS Scholarship Fund. Hartley’s bequest to the Scholarship Fund will create a perpetual fund to award a Scholarship, or Scholarships, for students of academic merit who could not otherwise attend GGS. To celebrate both Hartley’s GGS career and his founding of a Scholarship, we have decided to seek to raise a minimum of $250,000 in donations and pledges now, so we can get the Scholarship started now. In this way we can mark his retirement according to his request, and we can establish the Scholarship in his name immediately rather than upon his death. We would be delighted to welcome your support for Hartley’s new Scholarship. You can donate through the website at: http://www.ggs.vic. aspx A Staff Indigenous Scholarship Fund has been established as a result of the initiative of our Timbertop staff. A letter to all staff inviting them to participate in this endeavour has resulted in gifts from the staff alone totalling $63,802. The initial goal is to allow one student to complete four years of schooling at GGS. Please consider supporting this wonderful initiative. Thank you to those who already have donated. If you have not, you can donate to The GGS Indigenous Scholarship online at: au/Philanthropy/Philanthropy-Online.aspx


This year’s ‘Positive Giving leads to Positive Opportunities’ Annual Giving Programme has been very well received. The programme aimed at raising funds for three areas – Scholarships, the Timbertop Library and the Main Quadrangle (or old Perry Quad) Fountain. We have exceeded our goal of $30,000 for the Timbertop Library and are well on the way to achieving our goal of $75,000 for the restoration of the Fountain. The Scholarship fund is a fund we are continually trying to grow and this year $50,000 has come from our Community. Gifts have also been received into the James Darling Memorial Fund of $15,800 and $3,000 for the Bostock Library. The Annual Giving Programme at the end of October had achieved donations of $186,000. Thank you to everyone for your generosity! A Biddlecombe Society lunch hosted by our Principal was held earlier this year for those who have notified the School that they have included a bequest to the School in their will. Our intention is to hold these gatherings on an annual basis so that we can keep members in touch with progress at the School. The lunch will alternate between Corio and Melbourne. We would be delighted to hear from you if wish to or if you have made a bequest and would like to join the Biddlecombe Society. Membership can be confidential. As part of our strategy to increase the members of the Biddlecombe Society a new Bequest Brochure also has been produced. This provides guidelines for members of our community who may wish to consider including the School in their will. It is available from Elizabeth Pont, Executive Director Geelong Grammar Foundation, on (03) 5273 9254, or can be downloaded from the website at: Philanthropy/Support-GGS/Bequests.aspx The Timbertop D Unit Campaign has so far raised over $200,000 towards the rebuilding of D Unit. Thank-you again to all those who have helped with donations and calls. This is the first stage in a programme to gradually replace the older Units at Timbertop and set up Timbertop for the next 50 years. The new Unit will be built when building regulations are clear following the Black Saturday fires.

2 The Equestrian Centre Appeal Committee is moving forward with research and planning for the School’s proposed Indoor Equestrian Centre and the expansion of the present facilities. This Centre will increase capacity and elevate Equestrian activities at the School to a new level with scope to hold International events at Corio. The Foundation also has sponsored a number of events to help connect the School community, particularly parents’ cocktail functions, the Year 10 Dinner and the Tower Lunch, as well as other events. Three new members joined the Foundation Board in October and November. We welcomed Mrs Penny McBain, Mr John Simson and Mr Neil Robertson to the Board, while Mr Peter Wetherall joined the Allocations and Investment Committee. I welcome them and thank them for their commitment. Please accept my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year, and once again thank you to everyone who has helped out over 2009. Bill Ranken Chairman, Geelong Grammar Foundation 1. L to R: Eric Waller (M’41), The Reverend Canon Donald Johnston (Cu’46), Stewart Johnston (Cu’43) and Bill Cumming (M’42) at the Tower Lunch. 2. M argaret Emery and John Emery (Cu’58) at the 10th annual Tower Lunch on November 14.

Andrew Moore Commercial Director

Commercial Director The Capital Programme at Geelong Grammar School is designed to provide the facilities necessary to deliver an exceptional education. Economic reality and resource limitation will necessitate the development of a rolling 10-year capital replacement, refurbishment and new capability plan. The rolling ten-year capital plan is approved by the School Council annually as part of the budget process. The School faces a number of challenges in relation to the capital plan mostly resulting from the geographic spread of the School across four campuses and three distinct environments; Toorak Campus and Bostock House are primary campuses within an urban environment, Timbertop is an outdoor campus in a bush environment, and Corio is a predominantly a boarding campus in a semi rural environment. Each campus presents its own challenges and has its own special requirements. In the last five years there has been a significant amount of capital work completed across the School. The replacement of the grass at Bostock House with a synthetic surface has provided that campus with an allweather, year round facility. This is particularly important with the current water restrictions in force in Geelong. Toorak Campus has been transformed into an exciting vibrant campus where the facilities have been brought into line with the exceptional learning programmes that this campus is known for. The Glamorgan Centre, refurbished Sutherland Centre and Early Learning Centre provide an environment consistent with the philosophies and learning principles of Reggio Emilio and PYP. It is planned to complete the final refurbishment works on this campus in mid 2010 with the construction of the tennis court and associated play area and the refurbishment of the classroom area on the first floor of the administration building. These last two projects have been funded jointly by the Federal Government’s ‘Building the Education Revolution’ (BER) and the School. When complete, in excess of $20m will have been spent on capital projects at Toorak in five years, which is a significant investment.

1 The redevelopment and refurbishment of Timbertop campus continues with the Music School, P Unit, Art Building and staff residences being completed in the past five years. The School has committed to a unit replacement programme which will now start in 2010. D Unit will be the first unit replaced but this cannot occur until after a new accommodation building has been constructed for the gap assistants as the new D unit will be built on their current accommodation site. Once their new accommodation is built the unit replacement programme can start. The School has also started construction on a fire refuge. The refuge will be located centrally in the campus between the Dining Hall and staff residences and will accommodate 350 people. The refuge, which will also provide additional classroom facilities, will only be used if evacuation is not possible due to a fire starting in close proximity to Timbertop. The refuge has been designed to provide protection to students, staff, their families and contractors on site and is based on the best possible expert advice. The refuge’s internal life support systems (continuous air supply and cooling capabilities) were designed and manufactured by an Australian company which has specialized in providing emergency safe refuge to the mining industry worldwide for the past 15 years. The addition of the Handbury Centre for Wellbeing at Corio has provided a significant boost to the programme at that Campus. The building has been an excellent adjunct to the implementation of the principles of positive education into the curriculum and has been a welcome addition to the sport and co-curricular programme. With the decision by the School Council in 2008 to establish Elisabeth Murdoch House the School was presented with a challenge to ensure that accommodation for the first intake of girls into Elisabeth Murdoch House in 2009 and the construction of their boarding house for occupation in 2010 was delivered on time. I am pleased to advise that both projects will meet their target dates; the occupation of the Old Kennedy Building in early 2009 went smoothly and the boarding house will be ready for occupation by the start of the 2010


3 school year. The School is also committed to upgrading staff accommodation and since 2003 will have completed 15 new residences by the middle of 2010. The Federal Government’s BER campaign will also assist in the delivery of the Shade Structure at the Bender Centre and the Panckridge Library refurbishment. Even with the recent significant capital investment in the fabric of the School there is still much to be done. I am, however, confident that with a considered and well thought out plan that links to the strategic objectives of the School significant improvements and enhancements will continue. The Capital Programme coupled with the strong preventative maintenance programme within the school will ensure that the School is able to provide an exceptional education well into the future. Andrew Moore Commercial Director

1-3. F rom little things... The construction of Elisabeth Murdoch House has gone smoothly and will be ready for occupation by the start of the 2010 school year.


Fundraising Annual Giving Campaign Can you help us make a difference? Positive Giving leads to Positive Opportunities. We are absolutely delighted with the results to date for our Annual Giving Campaign. Our supporters have donated $218,000 towards our goal of $255,000. Our Annual Giving Scholarship Fund stands at $67,000. These funds combined with gifts of $21,000 to the Sir James Darling Memorial Fund give us a total of $88,000. We have every confidence that by the end of the May will have achieved our goal of $150,000. Can you help us achieve this goal?


“The Scholarship programme at this School provides the opportunity of a Geelong Grammar School education to those of us that, without a scholarship, might not have the chance to benefit from. For myself and my family, this programme has removed a large financial strain and ensured that my siblings will have equal opportunity to me in terms of education. The programme also helps me personally, by motivating me to work harder and to keep improving grades.” Marnie Hall (Yr11 A) “Being an academic scholar at GGS is about much more than having to work hard in class. In awarding academic scholarships, Geelong Grammar School recognizes individuals who have the ability to contribute positively to the community, both inside the classroom and in other aspects of school life. For me, this has been the opportunity to mentor younger, less competent Maths students throughout the year, which has been a rewarding experience for everyone involved. It is excellent that the scholarship programme has the ongoing support of the GGS Community, without whom, such opportunities and possibilities would not exist.” Lachy Hamilton (Yr 11 Cu) The Main Quad Fountain refurbishment will soon be a reality. Through the generosity of our donors we have almost reached our goal of $75,000. Once we have the remaining $7,000 work can begin replacing the underlying support structure and the underground water tank. It will be wonderful to see and hear the water trickling over the fountain as is has done so for many generations. As mentioned in our last edition of Light Blue we have had overwhelming support for our Timbertop Library Fund. We have surpassed our goal of $30,000 by $25,000. In addition to purchasing new teaching and learning resources these funds have allowed us carry out some small refurbishments. New shelving has been purchased, new carpet laid and a small portico constructed to assist with keeping the facility dust free so that the resources can enjoy a longer shelf life.


2 Equestrian Centre


A new Chair has been appointed to the Equestrian Appeal Committee as the campaign for a world class indoor facility and new gateway to the School gains momentum. Mrs Penny McBain was appointed as a Foundation Board Member in August and has since been appointed Chair of the Equestrian Appeal Committee. Penny and her husband John have long been associated with Equestrian activities at Geelong Grammar School through their three daughters, Rosie (Ga’06), Poppy (Yr12 Ga) and Ane (Yr8 Cn).

The D Unit Timbertop campaign is continuing to win support with almost $300,000 raised of the $550,000 required to rebuild the Unit. D Unit is the first to be replaced under the School Council’s 10-year plan to rebuild the older Units at Timbertop. The fundraising efforts have been led by volunteer D Unit Year Leaders from 1958 through to 2008 who have been reconnecting D Unit men and engaging many former students who had lost contact with the School. The Timbertop experience is an integral part of the Geelong Grammar School journey. It is now more important than ever that we raise teh funds for D Unit so that building can begin once the new Single Masters’ Quarters (SMQ) has been built. We urge you to support the D Unit Campaign as it is through collective support that we can ensure that future students will have the opportunity to experience the living and learning experience at Timbertop.

The proposal to construct a new Indoor Equestrian Centre has been approved by the School Council and Penny’s appointment begins the process of bringing our vision of a world class facility to reality. The proposed facility will provide our students with an all weather riding arena, allowing extended riding hours during winter and providing protection from extreme weather conditions. The new facility will also allow the School to host local and international equestrian events, providing opportunities for our students and those from surrounding schools and pony clubs to compete at a higher level. When completed, the Indoor Equestrian Centre will be used for instruction, training, competition and feature events. If you would like to become involved, share ideas or donate to the Appeal please contact Jennifer Wraight, Fundraising Manager, on telephone: +61 3 5227 6297 or on email

If you would like to become involved, share ideas or donate to the Appeal please contact Jennifer Wraight, Fundraising Manager, on telephone: +61 3 5227 6297 or on email

What Goes Around Comes Around

Farewell Hartley Mitchell -

Welcome The Hartley Mitchell Scholarship

His name was Fleming and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day while working on his farm he heard a cry from a nearby bog. He dropped what he was doing to see what the trouble was.

Hartley Mitchell is retiring after 20 years at Geelong Grammar School. Upon hearing this announcement Foundation Chairman Bill Ranken (M’72), School Council Deputy Chairman Paddy Handbury (M’72) and Andrew Dickinson, Assistant Head of Manifold, wished to acknowledge and celebrate Hartley’s achievements and exceptional commitment to so many individual students and families with a farewell ceremony. Hartley’s response to their farewell proposal was short and clear: “I, with all due humility would like to make another suggestion – it would mean far, far more to me if it were possible for someone to write to past and present Manifold parents and students informing them of my departure and letting them know that it is my wish that if any mark of appreciation is to be made for my time in Manifold that it should not be done via a dinner and, or gift to me but via a donation to the GGS Scholarship Fund. A list of those who gave could then be given to me and that would be something I would treasure more than anything else I can possibly imagine. If the reply to this suggestion from someone is that both dinners and donations for scholarships should take place, my response is that anyone who thinks that should simply give more to the Scholarship Fund!” Hartley has led by example by pledging his entire estate to The Geelong Grammar Foundation Scholarship Fund to establish a perpetual fund to award a Scholarship, or Scholarships, for students to be able to attend GGS. In accordance with Hartley’s will, the Scholarship is to be primarily for academic merit. If appropriate, the selected recipients may also be Manifold House members. To celebrate both Hartley’s GGS Career and his founding The Hartley Mitchell Scholarship we are now aiming to raise a minimum of $250,000 in donations and pledges to establish this fund now (a minimum of $250,000 is required for a named

There, up to his waist in the black muck was a terrified young boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the young boy from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

3 scholarship). The income from the capital will be sufficient to fund one partial scholarship for many, many years, as well as to maintain the value of the award over time. In due course, when funds from Hartley’s bequest are received, the monies raised now will be added to his bequest. Since starting the fund in mid October, incredibly we have already raised more than $100,000, with one member of our community pledging $25,000 over five years. This is a wonderful start and we are confident there will be many more generous donations received to ensure that The Hartley Mitchell Scholarship is awarded during Hartley’s lifetime. We are encouraging all members of the GGS Community to participate. While we invite you to “think big’, no donation is too small. We trust that you will join us in honouring Hartley’s contribution and in giving him a tremendous send-off in the way that he wishes. Please contact Elizabeth Pont, Executive Director Geelong Grammar Foundation on (03) 5273 9254 if you would like further information about making a gift.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up at the Scotsman’s humble home and an elegantly dressed noble stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming saved. “I want to repay you,” said the nobleman, “you saved my son’s life”. “No, I cannot accept payment for what I did,” the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer’s own son came out of the door of the family hovel. “Is that you son?” the nobleman asked. “Yes,” the farmer replied proudly. “I’ll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy. If the lad is anything like his father, he’ll no doubt grow to be a man we can both be proud of.” And that he did. Father Fleming’s son attended the very best schools and in time graduated from St Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin. Years afterward, the same nobleman’s son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia. What saved his life? Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Curchill. His son’s name was Sir Winston Churchill. Who knows what a scholarship provided to a talented young person might allow them to do.

1. Plans for an extension of the existing GGS Equestrian facilities and a proposed Indoor Equestrian Centre are gaining momentum. 2. T he Timbertop Library has been refurbished. 3. H artley Mitchell is retiring after a distinguished 20-year career at Geelong Grammar School, including the last 13 years as Head of Manifold House. He was also Head of Perry from 1990-93, Head of Corio in 1994, and Deputy Principal in 1995.














Antarctic Expedition

In the August edition of the Light Blue, we brought you news of the early planning stages of an expedition to Antarctica by two Geelong Grammar teachers, Stephen Pearce and Justin Robinson, 13 students and their guide, Eric Philips. Now, with only days until the Antarctica team departs, we bring you an update of how the expedition has unfolded. With the planning and preparation for our expedition now basically completed, we are excitedly counting down the days and finishing up our responsibilities at work and school, before our departure for Antarctica on December 5. Making this dream a reality for the students and staff who will undertake the experience has been an incredible journey. From an idea to a conversation to planning every little fine detail, it is sometimes hard to believe that we have made it happen. But, nevertheless, happen it will. Thirteen students and two staff members will fly from Melbourne to Buenos Aires in Argentina and then on to Ushuaia, in the Argentine Province of Tierra del Fuego. From Ushuaia, the team will sail in two yachts, the Spirit of Sydney and the Podorange, across the Drake Passage, to the Antarctic Peninsula. The boats will be crewed by the students and will be our transport and accommodation for the three week journey. Once on the Antarctic Peninsula, our guide Eric Philips, a former Head of Outdoors at Timbertop and world renowned polar explorer, will lead us on a multi day cross country ski tour of the peninsula where we will carry small backpacks, pull other necessary gear on sleds and camp out on the ice at night. While one half of the group is undertaking the on-ice trek, the other half will be sailing, sea kayaking and camping along the coast of the peninsula. The two groups will then meet up again and switch roles. Of course, all of this sounds wonderfully adventurous and exciting, but throughout the preparation for this journey we have fostered the notion that the participants must “earn Antarctica”. To this end, we have endeavored to make the trip educationally multi-faceted, rather than travelling on a cruise ship with a locked-in itinerary to the Antarctic. Obviously, living in a yacht or tent, in very close quarters, as well as experiencing challenging weather and trekking conditions, will require a great deal of resilience and team work from both


2 students and adults on the trip. To help build a strong team, where its members know that they can rely on one another in difficult circumstances, the group worked with the Leading Teams organization and developed their own ‘trademark’ where they defined the group expectations and desired behaviour. And, of course, the lessons learned by the students from a year at Timbertop will be invaluable. As well as team building, the group has attempted to offset the carbon cost of the trip by planting 1000 trees at the Baylis and Gubbins properties outside Geelong. We will also complete restoration work on the United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust’s Damoy Hut on Damoy Island, to provide ‘service’ to Antarctica. Service is one of the cornerstones of a Geelong Grammar School education, so the students are well used to the idea that ‘service is the rent we pay for living on this earth’. In order to gain an appreciation of historical polar exploration, the group will visit Palmer Station (US) and Vernadsky Station (Ukraine). We have also been privileged to hear a number of guest speakers tell us about their past Antarctic experiences and have read compulsory literature on this topic. These activities have and will give us an understanding of past and current human endeavors and achievements in Antarctica, as well as acquiring a firsthand appreciation of current and future threats to the Antarctic environment.

visit our website: for the latest Timbertop News

3 In order to prepare for the expedition, the group has participated in a number of training programs. During the September school holidays, we completed a five day training camp in the Victorian Alps, lead by Eric Philips, focusing on skiing, fitness, hiking, teamwork, ropes, initiative and outdoor cooking. We have also done a number of days of on-water sail training, sea kayak training, photography and the students have each done a presentation to the group on an aspect of the Antarctic environment. The planning of, preparation for and final execution of this journey, has already and will become even more so, when the final chapter begins, a powerfully moving experience. The students involved and their families have had to work hard and make sacrifices for this to become a reality. Everyone is fully aware and appreciative of the magnitude of what they have set out to achieve. We thank everyone who has contributed to making this GGS Antarctic expedition happen. We make particular mention of MONT and I/O Bio Merino, two companies who have been generous with their support of gear. An Antarctic Expedition page has been set up on the Geelong Grammar website, where a blog will be regularly updated during the trip. We invite you to please log on and share our experiences! Bon Voyage! Stephen Pearce and Justin Robinson GGS Antarctic Expedition Staff

Rob de Fégely (FB’74) President, Old Geelong Grammarians

1 As the 2009 school year comes to close the OGG have had a busy six months. The Speech Day at Corio was memorable, commencing with the Chapel service where the school choir and music school combined for some stirring recitals and the Principal delivering a sound message – “never tire of doing the right thing”. In welcoming the 200 or so Year 12s as new members of the OGG with my two tests of personal quality being good eye contact and a firm handshake they all passed with flying colours. I am sure they will be great ambassadors for the school. The Principal also announced that David Endean would be leaving the school at the end of the year. ‘Enders’, as so many students knew him, started at Corio in 1962 and in this day and age to remain with the one employer for more than 40 years is a magnificent effort. David, thank-you for everything and we wish you well in your retirement. The OGG hosted the annual Careers Day at Corio for year 10 on July 19 and I would like to thank Lachie Stevens (M’96) for again arranging the 50 mentors who gave freely of their Sunday to tell the students some insights about their careers. He was ably assisted by Nina Anderson (Cl’93), Nick Ashton (P’99), Steven Michelson (M’00) and importantly Katie Rafferty (Ga’84). This has become an important event in both the school and the OGG calendar and we are very pleased to continue supporting it. I would also like to thank our guest speaker Charlie Tetaz (A’87) who gave a great speech of encouragement to the year 10s on how GGS had helped him to be confident enough to build his business successfully. The winter also saw the foundation of The Frank Covill Club which complements the W H Pincott Club by supporting OGGs, parents and friends who would like to row. The club was the idea of James Drury (P’74) and it has been rowing regularly at least one eight and mostly two eights for a leisurely swing through from Queens Park once a month through the winter and spring on the Barwon. Frank Covill has generously given his time to coach the team and such comments as “Eight frogs in Wheelbarrow” and “Rhythm – ladies and gentlemen” would be well remembered by past rowers. Rowers are travelling from Melbourne, Geelong and as far afield as



Casterton, which is a great effort. There is a semi serious side as the Club competed at the Head of the Barwon, the Melbourne Head and Head of the Yarra. Anyone interested in joining should contact James Drury at jadrury@ The annual OGG Golf Day was held at Barwon Heads in what can only be described as “traditional golf weather” on the eve of the Grand Final. Andrew Ramsay (Cu’69 -OGG Committee) organised the day and did a fabulous job arranging the sponsors and the general running of the event. Our reunion numbers continue to climb and I would like to thank Katie Rafferty and the various year group leaders who assist with these. I recently attended the 20 and 30-year reunions which attracted over 100 of their respective year groups. Recently we celebrated a birthday for Michael Collins Persse. Over 150 people endured 35 degree weather to have afternoon tea at Corio on November 10. Michael made birthdays special for so many students at Geelong Grammar and it was only fitting for the OGGs to recognise this with the traditional tea and scotch finger biscuits, tic tocs and tim tams. The final social event for the year was the Tower Lunch held on November 14, where over 180 of the 50-year plus leavers attended to hear Mechai Virvaidya AO (P’59) give an inspiring address on the development of a “Geelong Grammar for the Poor” in Thailand. A truly outstanding OGG!

4 As this is the last Light Blue for this year I would like to wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and all the very best for 2010. Rob de Fégely (FB’74) OGG President 1. L to R: Allan Cameron AM (P’51), Patricia Cameron and grandson Douglas Cameron (Yr11 M) at the morning tea prior to the Tower Luncheon. 2. L to R: Andrew Purcell (Fr’80), his wife Toni NielsonPurcell and daughter Emma Purcell joined Michael Collins Persse for tea and tim tams on his birthday. 3. L to R: Kate Millard (Cl’89), Nickle McCulloch (Cu’89) and Jennie McInerney (Bromell, Cl’89) attended the 1989 20 Year Reunion in October. 4. L to R: Current student Katarina Ortiz (Yr10 EM) led a tour of the Handbury Centre for Wellbeing for Alison Roach (McDowall, He’53), Mary Wenzel (Newman, He’51) and Jane Caldwell (Newman, He’52) who had attended the Tower Luncheon.


1989: 20 Year Reunion



The 20-year reunion for 1989 school leavers was a weird and wonderful thing. It is bizarre to walk into a room full of people who you spent so much of your adolescence with, kids who you used to know so well, many who you haven’t seen for a couple of decades, and now there they are all grown up! Over 100 of our year group met at a pub in South Melbourne, and from the moment the organizing committee got there at 6.30pm you couldn’t shut us up. We had to ask the management to turn the music down so we could hear each other properly, and that wasn’t due to deafness, but the fact that we were all so busy carrying on that we didn’t need to compete with any background noise. The pub eventually kicked us out and it was hard to believe it was so late and we still hadn’t finished talking.


It is a good thing we had name tags. Some people hadn’t changed one bit. The girls mostly recognized each other, but found some of the guys a bit harder to pick (taller, broader, balder) and it was vice versa for the men – they found it harder to recognize a lot of the girls (so gorgeous and mature, now we are out of our baggy blue trackie pants!). We all found that no matter what you have or haven’t been up to throughout your life, it was just fantastic to catch up with friends from your past.


There were quite a few who couldn’t make it due to living overseas, and others who had work commitments. You were sorely missed. As were the boys who have passed away in the last twenty years – we know you were there in spirit. Thank you to everyone who made the effort to get there. We look forward to the 30year reunion. Scary! Charlotte Austin (Je’89)

5 1. B Unit. Back L to R: Tim Hants, Martin Preston, Andrew Smith, Nick Fairfax, Simon Holmes a Court. Front L to R: Martin Salter, Simon Hutchings and Jeff Kinsman

4. L to R: Rebecca Lees, Monsi Sandor, Danielle Wallace and Justine Jenkins (Corbett)

2. L to R: Katie Carmichael (Morgan), Sam Smith, Charlotte Austin and Scott Vickers Willis

6. L to R: Ben Rimmer, Alison O’Brien, Simon Holmes a Court and Nicola Somers (Gordon)

3. L to R: Matt Crompton, Nick Fairfax and Ken Chin

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6 5. L to R: Derek Hunt, Liz Gunner (Watson) and James Bufton

1979: 30 Year Reunion




Hosted at The Fawkner Bistro Bar in South Yarra on November 6 the 30-year reunion unfolded as a roll-up in excess of 100 assembled, reminisced and celebrated with extraordinary enthusiasm well into the small hours of the morning over several venues. The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly Justin Miller’s discourse; sharing his memories of the “goings on” in each of the Houses – boarding and day – at 9am one windy Corio morning.


Having always considered itself a particularly tight-knit group, the reunion of OGGs from ’79, lived up to expectations fully. Typical feedback was that the evening was much like a big family get-together, a few in-depth catch ups but in the main it was 30-year-old stories relived in minutes, quick updates of what’s happened since, and then a move on to the next person for more of the same. For those who were able to attend it was a truly wonderful night with the consensus that there should be a 35-year reunion planned so as to not leave the next coming together of the ’79 group a full decade away! Amanda McFarlane (Gubbins, Cl’79)


1. L to R: Melissa Heath, Rosie Philip (Dean) and Fred Kininmonth 2. L to R: Sue McDonald (O’Shea), Robyn McDonald and Anita Ward (Putkunz) 3. L to R: Sue Anderson, Janet Sloan, William Johnston, Sandy Carr and Emma Harvey 4. L to R: Lawrie Malcolm, Andrew Messenger and Justin Miller 5. L to R: David Cordner and Lynette Sorgiovanni (Coates), David Thomson and Karen Tonkin (Kittelty) 6. L to R: Tim Burgess, Alison Tuckett (Brodie), Mark Gubbins and Andrew Jamieson 7. L to R: Geoff Dyke, Danae Griffith (Reid) and Sue Anderson




1969: 40 Year Timbertop Reunion The Timbertop Reunion for the class of 1969 was a little like finding the answers to a 40-year-old mystery. Beau Kuok flew in from Hong Kong via the United States, Guy Cameron from New Guinea, Peter (Des) Yencken materialised after 20 or more years in the United States, and at least several came from each of the mainland states, helping to solve the riddle of the intervening years. The weekend on September 19 and 20 started with a lively Friday night in Merrijig’s Hunt Club Hotel. Suitably fortified, it was on to school on Saturday for morning tea and a talk by Timbertop Headmaster Roger Herbert. Lunch in the newish dining hall showed an improvement in both architecture and food. Activities included a walk around the school, which although it has retained the same basic style, is much larger with nearly twice as many students. The day involved a walk to one of several nearby destinations or, for 18 people keen to show their fitness, up Mount Timbertop. Half an hour on top of the mountain was memorable and for a few such as ACE Hardy, who couldn’t make it in 1969 because of back problems, a coveted first. The afternoon’s exercise was the perfect preparation for dinner in the dining hall. A showing of rare, historic photos of his year at Timbertop by Marcus von Moger brought back many memories. The reunion finished on Sunday with a church service in the beautiful Chapel of St John the Baptist, followed by morning tea. The weekend was a moving experience with many friendships renewed. Hopefully the 50-year reunion will be just as successful.




Nigel Austin (FB’71)

4 1. L to R: Richard Graham (Cu’72), David Shuter (TI’69), David Toyne (A’71) and Stephen Cross (Ge’71) 2. L to R: Andrew Hawker (M’72), Guy Cameron (M’71), Chris Commins (FB’71) and John Turnbull (Cu’71) 3. L to R: Tony Gowing (P’71), Doug McIntosh (M’71), Linden Hope (M’71), Simon Moore (M’72) and Tim Moran (M’71) 4. L to R: Allan Bawden (Ge’71), Lew Officer (FB’71), Richard Mackinnon (M’71), Sandy Hunter (M’71) and Simon Jackson (Li’72) 5. L to R: Beau Kuok (P’71), Marcus von Moger (M’72), David Shuter (TI’69), Ken Davis (Cu’71) and Philip Martin ((M’71)

26 18


1959: 50 Year Reunion It was decided to organise a reunion for those who attended Timbertop in 1956 and the majority of whom left Corio in 1959 a full 50 years ago. A ‘self appointed committee’ of Robert Happell, Brian Wawn, Roger SquireWilson and Sandy Mackenzie was formed and, with the enthusiastic assistance of the Corio alumni office, set about contacting all eligible OGGs. The Royal South Yarra Tennis Club was chosen as the venue on 13th November which provided an excellent setting for the 50 attendees.


We were very fortunate to inveigle Mechai Viravaidya (himself a 56/59 attendee) to travel down from Bangkok and be our guest speaker. As most OGGs would know Mechai has had a most distinguished and decorated career and he gave us a fascinating talk about his work in Thailand and beyond. Penny Charles was a most amusing and cordial MC while the ‘timeless’ Michael Collins Persse gave a vote of thanks to Mechai and reminisced with many whom he had taught. It has been many years since this group has met but, judging from the difficulty of ejecting so many at the close, a most enjoyable night was had by all.


Robert Happell (P’59)


1. L to R: Mechai Viravaidya (P’59), Roger Squire-Wilson (M’59), David Pisterman (P’60), Gary Hudson (P’59) and James Kinnear (P’59) 2. L to R: Jim Smith (Cu’58), Tom Barr-Smith (M’59), Ian Wallace (P’58) and Arthur Charles(M’59) 3. L to R: Robert Happell (P’59), Brian Wawn (P’59), Jim Smith (Cu’58) and John Roberts(M’59)


4. L to R: David Lester (FB’58), Winston Foulkes-Taylor (FB’57), Brian Cooper (FB’59) and Barry Mayer (FB’58)


The Long Pants Reunion The long pants what? Younger readers may not realise just how important a milestone the long pants were. Malcolm Robertson (FB’63) explains. Many OGGs will remember profoundly that moment in their lives when they left their short pants and lumber jackets of Junior School behind and entered Senior School where long pants were the dress code of the day. About a year ago, a group of OGGs from Francis Brown House decided the time had come to celebrate fifty years since they had donned the long pants in those far off days. The Long Pants reunion was born and arrangements begun. Twenty-three boys started in FB in 1959 under the kindly watchful eye of housemaster HB ‘Barney’ Hutton. Most came from Junior School, but there were several new boys. Ian Haigh, who was to become House Captain some years later, shouldered the responsibility of rounding up as many of the group as could be mustered for the reunion and organising the day, set for Saturday, September 12. Current FB housemaster, Martin Beaver, agreed to open FB to the visitors, curator Michael Collins Persse

was adamant that they should visit the Archive Centre, and Jennifer Wraight from the School’s Community Relations Office volunteered to escort them on a guided tour of the School before their reunion dinner in Geelong. Rounding up the boys was proving harder. Fifty years has seen a lot of water flowing under various life bridges and only nine of the original 23 made it to the reunion, one on the end of the speaker phone from his hospital bed! Two of the lads had passed on, five were missing despite extensive searching, four definitely couldn’t make the date and three others missed a great occasion. And a great occasion it was. Fifty years of development at Corio has taken the School a huge distance, not only in its building program (we were amazed at what had changed and were awestruck by the new Wellbeing Centre), but also socially (especially with co-education) and philosophically (the positive psychology approach left us marvelling at what might have been in our day). But other things don’t change and many small landmarks brought childhood memories rushing back. Tiger found the spot where he lost his front teeth wicketkeeping, Henry lamented the passing of the coke-fired boiler that kept the water hot in FB,

1 Geoff reminisced over science classes and JCB could almost recite the morning roll-call. And the dirty laundry bins smelled just the same! Ah yes, some things never change and the sense of history remains strong. We dined that evening at the Royal Geelong Yacht Club. Norry enjoyed their wine, Clyde let a few secrets out, and with tears in our eyes we had another chat to an emotional Tex on the end of the phone! It was a brilliant end to a brilliant day – so much so that a vote was taken to do it again in five years time. Watch this space… Robbie (Malcolm Robertson)

Tea and Tim Tams with Michael Collins Persse On Tuesday, November 10, Michael Collins Persse turned 78 and was joined by many Old Geelong Grammarians for afternoon tea. Organised by the OGG Committee, ‘Tea and Tim Tams’ was suggested on this occasion because one memory of Michael that many of his pupils (and others) share is being invited by Michael for tea and Scotch Finger biscuits or Tic Tocs or, in later years, Tim Tams, on their birthdays. While invitations were only sent to local OGG, Michael was insistent that if OGG were visiting from interstate or overseas on the day that they were most welcome. As Michael has been at Geelong Grammar School since 1955, Old Geelong Grammarians from many decades joined him to celebrate.



1. Long Pants Reunion participants on the front steps of FB. Back L to R: Geoff (Geoff Mann), Tiger (Michael Richmond), Henry (Alan Lawson) and JCB (John Ballard). Front L to R: Ian (Ian Haigh), Robbie (Malcolm Robertson), Clyde (Clyde Vise) and Norry (Alan Smith). 2. Blowing out the candles... 3. L to R: Jo Breadmore (FB’55), Roderick Ramsay (TA’83) and Ian Smith (FB’57) came back to Corio to celebrate with Michael Collins Persse. 4. Some members of the most recent decade who joined Michael for Tea and Tim Tams were (L to R) Daniel Cavanagh (FB’07), Tori Cavanagh (Cl’05), Noni Garlick-Sloman (Fr’05) and Elizabeth Parkinson (Fr’05).

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10th Tower Lunch On Saturday 14 November 187 Old Geelong Grammarians, Clyde and Hermitage Old Girls meet at the Corio campus to celebrate the 10th annual Tower Lunch. This was a wonderful celebration which attracted the largest number present for a Tower Lunch. Although the mercury was predicted to reach the high thirties on the day, a wonderful breeze swept the campus as our guests left the Hawker Library following morning tea to join with each other in a Chapel Service. One of our Music Scholars, Lilian Liu (Yr8 Ot), played the grand piano beautifully as guests entered the Chapel. As with previous years, past students from the Clyde School, The Hermitage and two Old Geelong Grammarians are asked to participate as readers during the Chapel Service. This year Margaret Molineux (He’59), Jacqueline Catanach (Lempriere, Cl’57) Campbell Macknight (Cu’59) and Geoff Ripper (P’59) contributed during the Service. The Reverend Canon Donald Johnston (Cu’46) participated in the Service assisting Geelong Grammar School Senior Chaplain, Reverend Dr Hugh Kempster, with the Communion. Also participating were several of our current students and thanks go to all past and current students for their part during the Service.

Following Chapel guests enjoyed pre lunch drinks in the Dining Hall followed by Lunch. Principal Stephen Meek warmly welcomed guests and introduced The Venerable David Houlden Chambers (Cu’42) who said Grace. We were fortunate to be joined by Guest Speaker Mechai Viravaidya AO (P’59) and his family from Thailand. Mechai gave an enlightening and entertaining presentation entitled The Creation of a Geelong Grammar for the Poor, and focused on a revolutionary education endeavor introduced in Thailand detailing how a school can be a centre for community development in poor rural areas. President of the Old Geelong Grammarians, Rob de Fegely, thanked Mechai for his inspiring presentation and went on to speak about ways in which the Geelong Grammar community could provide opportunities for students who otherwise would be unable to attend Geelong Grammar School. Through the Geelong Grammar Foundation’s Endowment Fund it is hoped that by 2025 $100M will have been raised to assist worthy students. The Foundation’s Bequest Booklet will be mailed to all Old Geelong Grammarians, Clyde and Hermitage Old Girls over the coming months.

The day concluded with an opportunity to tour the School, with the new Handbury Centre for Wellbeing being the highlight for many. Our thanks go to several current students who volunteered to lead these tours. The beautiful fragrance of lilac roses in the Dining Hall was not to last, as many ladies present were given bunches of the beautiful roses and tulips that had decorated the tables to take home with them as a memento of the day. We look forward to the Eleventh Tower Luncheon on Saturday, November 13, 2010.

1. L to R: Harold Riggall (Cu’59), Gary Hudson (P’59) and Geoff Ripper (P’59) 2. L to R: The Venerable David Houlden Chambers (Cu’42), Michael Collins Persse, Margaret Emery and John Emery (Cu’58) 3. M embers of the 1959 Hermitage reunion group, L to R: Margaret Molineaux (He’59), Gail Atkins (Willis, He’59), Janet Dykgraaf (Ross, He’59), Jenny Porteous (Irvine, He’59), Soonhari Lim (Kongatong, He’59) and Robyn Webster (Wilkinson, He’59) 4. L to R: Peter Lynch (P’53), John and Edmee Cudmore (He’49).

29 18





OGG Gatherings OGG Western Australian Function On October 30 the Western Australian branch of the OGG held their bi-annual Cocktail Party at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club to mark Stephen and Christine Meek’s third visit to the West and introduce Elizabeth Pont in her new role as Director of Community Relations. Led by the usual strong contingent of FB men from the 50’s and FB’s first House Captain, Dick Lefroy (FB’37), we had some 63 attendees including a good number of present and future parents. As an aside, under JRD it was school policy, presumably driven either by considerations of pastoral care or as a defensive measure, to put all the students from WA in the one house! Adrian Monger (FB‘51) spoke to us of the life and contribution to his school, his university, his country and his family of the late Colin Douglas-Smith (Ge’37) who died aged 91 on October 20. Colin was an inspirational oarsman at school, university, state and Olympic level, a WW2 sub-mariner (RN) and a leading Perth gynecologist and obstetrician for more than 50 years. He also served as our Branch President for more than 20 years and was a dear friend to many of us. The Principal then gave his usual electric address greatly impressing the gathering and I should say 30

the prospective parents in particular with an account of the current state of the school, the workings of the Wellbeing Centre, new developments in the offing and the excellent academic results achieved by our students last year.

evening. I surely had a great time and enjoyed seeing good old friends after many years. Thanks to everyone who attended.

All in all it was a very friendly and pleasant evening, enjoyed by everyone attending. Thanks go to our able organizers Andrew McMillan (M’77) and Katie Rafferty (Ga’84).

Richard and Janet Southby hosted the Principal’s Cocktail Reception at The Cosmos Club in Washington DC on Tuesday, September 8. The Principal Stephen Meek and his wife Christine met with a number of Old Geelong Grammarians, current, past and prospective parents for an enjoyable evening. Our sincere thanks are extended to Richard and Janet Southby for hosting the evening.

Rory Argyle (FB’54) President, OGG Western Australia Branch

A Hong Kong Reunion I have always known that there are many OGG located in Hong Kong, especially many from the Class of ‘97. But now everyone is working and busy with their job, it seems difficult to catch up as a group. With help from Jeffry Ho and Kinnie Lai, they managed to call up few OGG for a night out as I paid a short visit to Hong Kong. The evening started with a lovely meal at a restaurant with six of us and a friend; as we all know the endless school topics we can talk about and never enough time, so we decided to continue the evening at the pub with few more drinks. That is also where we were joined by a few more OGG. It was great to see everyone for a brilliant

Tony Tsai (P’97)

OGG Washington Function

2004: Five Year Reunion Clementine Walker (Cl’04) organized the 2004 year group for a five-year reunion at the College Lawn Hotel in Prahran on Friday, November 6. The reunion was well attended and photos from the night can be viewed on the OGG page of the GGS Community site via or on the GGS Class of 2004 group on Facebook.





1. WA Branch President Rory Argyle (FB’54) pictured with Andrew McMillan (M’77), WA Branch Secretary. 2. U nder JRD it was school policy, presumably driven either by considerations of pastoral care or as a defensive measure, to put all the students from WA in the one house! Pictured at the OGG WA Branch Cocktail Party are the WA boys from FB in the ‘50’s. L to R: Ian Peak (FB’54), Adrian Monger (FB’51), Brian Cooper (FB’59), Bill Larritt (FB’51), Winston Foulkes-Taylor (FB’57), Rory Argyle (FB’54), Michael Foulkes-Taylor (FB’53), Absent from the photo but also present on the evening was FB’s first Senior Prefect Dick Lefroy (FB’37). 3. L to R: The Honourable Bill Stretch (Cu ’52), Margot Stretch, and The Honourable David Wordsworth (M ’48) attended the Western Australian Branch Cocktail Party. 4. R ichard Awdry (M’44) visited the School with his wife Jill for the first time in over 60 years. Richard began his time at GGS in Barwon House before going into Manifold. Richard and Jill were visiting from the United Kingdom. 5. B ack L to R: Sally Commins, Mimi Flemming and Ben Hall. Front L to R: Clementine Walker, Catherine Gordon, Will Burge, Emily Robinson, Teddy Laycock.


6. B ack L to R: Andrew Devine, Emma Boylen, Tiger Taylor and Alistair Noble. Front L to R: Tate Dance and Helen Batho 7. L to R: John Lindquist (FB’54) Principal Stephen Meek, and Andre Kemp (FB’90) at the Washington DC gathering. 8. L to R: Andrew Suvoltos, Katherine-Anne Waldron, Jacqui Kyle, Fletcher Payne and Pete Andrew 9. Brendan Lamaru, Andrew Jordan, Tunku Khairul Zaim and Selwyn Wallace 10. L to R: Tony Tsai (P’97), Chris Lui (FB’97), Jacky Shi (FB’97), Lau Man Kay (Cu’00), Jacky Wong (M’99), Jeffry Ho (M’97), Jeffrey Shi (FB’95), Kinnie Lai (He’98), Connie Mak (friend)

10 31

OGG in Focus Professor Tony Holmes (Cu’63) Professor Tony Holmes (Cu’63) made headlines around the world when he directed a marathon 27-hour operation to separate conjoined Bangladeshi twins Krishna and Trishna in November. The former Cuthbertson House captain has been a pioneer in craniofacial surgery since establishing the Melbourne Craniofacial Unit in 1979 and the delicate operation to separate the heads of the orphaned threeyear-olds only underlined his expertise – the orphans were initially given just a 25 per cent chance of making it through the operation unharmed. “For me personally, craniofacial surgery is taking children with major deformities and fixing them up, allowing them to be normal kids and become fruitful citizens,” Tony told Light Blue. “That’s the part of my job that I enjoy the most.” Upon leaving Geelong Grammar School in 1963, Tony studied medicine at Melbourne University before studying plastic and reconstructive surgery at Harvard. It was there that he trained with French surgeon Dr. Paul Tessier, who revolutionised the treatment of facial deformity and is considered the father of craniofacial surgery. Tony returned to Australia and established the Melbourne Craniofacial Unit, which is now regarded as a world leader in the field. “At the time it was a specialty area that didn’t exist in Australia,” he explained. “It really changed the way we treated severe facial deformities and injuries; stripping down the whole skull and putting it back together.” While Tony has worked as a consultant at the Royal Melbourne, Mercy and Royal Women’s hospitals, it is his work at the Royal Children’s Hospital that has left the most lasting impression. He was the Director of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery from 1990 to 2003, and is currently Head of Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery. He is also the Founder and Board Member of Jigsaw Foundation (previously the Children’s Craniofacial Foundation of Australasia). While he leads a hectic life, working at least 60 hours a week, it is not without its rewards. Tony explained that the ongoing nature of craniofacial surgery resulted in him working with patients from early childhood into their late teens. “I like the technical side (of craniofacial surgery) but what I really enjoy is that you feel like you become a major part of their lives.” Tony reflected upon his “wonderful time” at Geelong Grammar School, which “gave me an interest in things that I never thought I was very good at”. He admitted that, while he always wanted to be a doctor, he never thought he would become a surgeon, let alone one specialising in craniofacial procedures. This, he said, was the best advice he could give current Geelong Grammar School students. “Have a broad view and enjoy life. Keep your options open, because 32

often opportunities arrive by serendipity – you’ll finally find something that becomes your passion.” Danielle Wallace (Cl’89) I went to fashion design college after leaving school then travelled extensively but loved New York city. Starting my label aged 23 and launching it at the first Australian Fashion Week, I went back to New York to live and sell my brand. I lived there for years, selling in Bergdorf Goodman and Selfridges department stores. The manufacturing of my product was done in Italy so I divided my time between New York and Lake Como, coming back to Australia at Christmas time. I moved back to Australia in 2008 and am now based in Sydney. I recently launched a pop-up store in Sydney. A growing trend in retailing, pop-up stores only open for a limited time (sometimes just a few days) and create a buzz about a brand. I have stocked my own label – men’s shirts, ties and accessories – along with other favourite brands from around the world, including Panama hats and Italian umbrellas. I will open the Danielle Wallace Pop-Up Store in New York next May. My Danielle Wallace ties have been featured in American Vogue, Vanity Fair and GQ magazines. The Old Geelong Grammarians are very grateful to have the Danielle Wallace brand now manufacturing the OGG tie, with silk sourced from England and manufactured in Italy. OGG is the process of purchasing a new shipment that will feature her fashionable Danielle Wallace label on the inside. Thank you Danielle. Kate Ganley (Farrell, Ga’01) When I finished my Commerce degree with the University of Melbourne in 2006, I decided to go volunteering overseas with Youth Challenge Australia. I was looking to go to Vanuatu on a health education project. A few months before I was scheduled to depart, I learnt that YCA had started a Central Australian project, working with youths in after school programs, and reading support in class. I figured that I ought to learn more about Australia before I went volunteering overseas, so I signed up. When I arrived in Kintore, 560km west of Alice Springs, I was somewhat prepared for what I greeted me, thanks to some pre-departure briefings and a two day cross-cultural awareness program in Alice Springs. The first things you notice about Kintore are the red dirt, the dogs and the rubbish. My time in Kintore taught me a lot about desert life, and about the traditional Aboriginal cultures of the Pintubi and Luritja.

Before I volunteered, I had no idea that there were Aboriginal people living in Australia that spoke ancient languages, and no English at all! My work in with the 12-13 year old children was very rewarding. When I first started in the classroom, none of the kids could identify every letter of the alphabet. When I left, a few could. It was amazing to spend time in a community in Australia, and feel like I was in a totally new world, with a different language, different foods and a different lifestyle. I Kintore, I also met my husband. The Elders there say they ‘sung’ me for him, because they felt sorry for him living in Kintore for so long (one and a half years) by himself. Carney and I got married at my parent’s farm in Cudgewa. We now live in Katherine – the Top End. Living in the Top End is an entirely new experience again. Most people in the Top End can speak English, although their first language is usually Kriol. The ancient, traditional languages are less common, and are at risk of dying out. Earlier this year, I worked for an Aborginal organisation called the Jawoyn Association. I helped organise the Barunga Festival – the Northern Territory’s largest sports and cultural festival. The Barunga Festival is held every year over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend in June. It is a great opportunity to come and stay in the cleanest (just won Tidy Town of the Year) Aboriginal community in the NT, and learn more about Aboriginal culture, buy art, listen to Dreamtime Stories and eat traditional bush tucker including long necked turtles, bats, barramundi and kangaroo. The Northern Territory is a great place to live and an exciting place to visit. Growing up in southern Australia, I realise I was painfully ignorant of the many issues facing our Indigenous Australians. I encourage others to visit, learn more, and perhaps come and join the workforce, making Australia a better place to live for everyone.

Are you an OGG? Have you visited the new GGS Website yet? If you are an OGG, be sure to visit the new GGS Community Portal to update your details, search for classmates, view reunion and event information, book online, join the Mentor Programme and view photos of reunions and Branch functions. Please note, the new GGS Community Portal has replaced the old OGG Directory. To gain access, visit our new GGS website at, click on the button to the GGS Community Portal, enter your username and password then click on the Community Connections tab.

Vale Mrs Alice Pringle With sadness we record the passing of Mrs Alice Muriel Pringle (Deasey), the last headmistress of Clyde School, and the first head of Clyde House at GGS. A quiet family funeral was held in her home parish of Point Lonsdale on Wednesday September 30. The following tribute was placed in The Age newspaper: “Geelong Grammar School and especially our Clyde community remember Alice with gratitude and deep affection. As the last Headmistress (1969-75) of Clyde School and then after the amalgamation of the schools, first Housemistress (now called Head) of Clyde House (1976-77), she gave fine and devoted service, always with the support of her husband, Grant. Together they endeared themselves to many. Alice was the daughter, sister, wife, mother and aunt of Geelong Grammarians. Our heartfelt thoughts are with her daughter Denise, her son Julian and other family”. Alice was nearly 96 years old.

COGA Old Girls’ Day & AGM On Sunday October 18, 52 Old Girls gathered at the Glamorgan Centre, GGS Toorak Campus to enjoy the COGA AGM and lunch provided by the Committee.The usual produce stall offered superb home-made jams, chutneys and jellies alongside the potted garden goods. Jane Nevile (Lewis, Cl’45) is to be particularly congratulated on the quality of her show-winning preserves. Jane says her old-fashioned skills are gaining a new following as entries in regional agricultural shows increase each year and become more competitive. Guest speaker Debo McNab





(Grimwade, Cl’54) entertained us with a riot of colourful knits created from yarns of 350 different hues, as she talked about the Victorian Tapestry Workshop and the enthusiastic knitters she teaches there.

Diary Dates 2010

Clyde School Centenary 2010

Monday 29 March

A sub-committee is being formed to organize the Clyde School Centenary luncheon to be held on Saturday 9 October 2010. Several Old Girls have already put their names down on a list which was circulated at the AGM, offering to help in some way, either as table or year-level organizers. For further information, please contact Annette Webb: (03) 9827 3174 or via email:

Inter-school Golf Challenge Commonwealth Golf Club. For enquiries contact Anna Tucker (Kimpton) on tel: (03) 9509 0952 or 0408 540 252 or email:

Mornington Peninsula Garden Tour 2010 A garden tour in the Mornington Peninsula region is being planned for October 20-21, including two nights accommodation at the Cape Schank Resort. The tour will be open to the COGA/GGS community, and proceeds will be donated to the GGS Scholarship Fund. For further information contact Fern Henderson (Welsh) on: (03) 5989 2664. 1. L to R: Guest speaker Debo McNab (Grimwade, Cl’54), Belinda Philp (Laidlaw, Cl’59) and Dallas Kinnear (Heath, Cl’53) at the COGA AGM. 2. L to R: Joan Moore (Kinnear, Cl’45) and Tim Gillespie (Street, Cl’46). 3. L to R: Former Clyde School housemistress and equine studies teacher Mrs Kiera Foletta enjoyed reuniting with girls she had known at Clyde in the 1970s. L to R: Kirsty Gregory (Griffin, Cl’73), Kate Robinson (Richardson, Cl’75), Mrs Kiera Foletta, Priscilla Donald (Boaden, Cl’72) and Fiona Slocombe (Dalrymple, Cl’73).

Thursday 24 June Annual Clyde Jumble Sale 9am-12noon, St John’s Church Hall, Cnr Orrong & Toorak Roads, Toorak. Enquiries to Jane Loughnan (Weatherly) on tel: (03) 5264 1628 or 0417 535 862 Saturday 9 October Clyde School Centenary Luncheon Nine Darling Street, South Yarra. 11am COGA AGM, followed by lunch at 12noon. Enquiries to Annette Webb on tel: (03) 9827 3174 Monday 18 October Fun Cup Golf Day Peninsula Golf Club. For enquiries, contact Anna Tucker (as above) Wednesday 20 -Thursday 21 October COGA Mornington Peninsula Garden Tour with two nights at Cape Schank Resort. Enquiries to Fern Henderson on tel: 03) 5989 2664

4. L to R: Meg Hornabrook (Cl’57) and Sue Home (Maberly Smith, Cl’56) at the AGM gathering on October 18.


1 100 Year Celebration What a wonderful occasion it was as nearly 300 Old Girls celebrated the formation of the Association by Miss Morres in 1909. Girls came from all over Australia and even overseas. There were several mother and daughter combinations, such as speaker Jill Dupleix and her mother Rosemary (Campbell) as well as Wendy Cowdery and her mother Claire Roberts (Noble). Their grandmother and mother was the first Old Girl President of the Association (Miss Morres was the Foundation President). In keeping with tradition the Sanctuary doors were opened, the candles lit, with a short service following. After the brief Annual General Meeting it was time to circulate with pre-lunch drinks, renewing friendships and matching name-tags with faces. We were seated in approximate year groups for lunch. Then came the much anticipated speaker, Jill Dupleix, who lived up to and exceeded our expectations. She spoke of her memories of school days, seeking confirmation occasionally from Pennie Scott (Stanham) who had brought her diaries. She recalled opening the Sanctuary doors and snuffing the candles, fearing she would trip. Lining up with wash bags for the bathroom was another vivid memory, as were the College boys and school dances. She remembered the illicit cigarettes in the hedge and beer at the Gold Diggers Hotel, both of which she enjoyed only because they were forbidden. Did the school diet of savoury mince inspire her love of good food? Her first job was in the advertising department of Myer, after which she travelled Europe combining her love of writing with good food. She has written several cookbooks and currently writes for Epicure in The Age. She mused that life moved in a circular fashion – from the ubiquitous savoury mince to dinner parties with crumbed veal, through quail with grapes back to Greek meatballs. She rubs shoulders with celebrities and name dropped with tongue in cheek. Her husband Terry, who accompanied her, is a restaurant critic and says how not to diet is to eat well. 34

2 The Old Girls’ sub-committee responsible for organising this landmark occasion must be congratulated on the success of the day.

60 Year Reunion for the Class of 1949 2009 was a special year, as not only was it the Association’s Centenary, but it was also 60 years since the class of 1949 left school. Seventeen Old Girls started the celebrations with a gathering at the home of Lyn Mulligan (Bleakley) in Ocean Grove on the evening of Friday September 4. These included people who had travelled from interstate and country areas as well as the local 1949 leavers. Lots of talk and memories were shared, with 21 apologies received, and those who were absent or no longer with us were remembered. Photographs and memorabilia accompanied by much chat and laughter were shared while refreshments were served. An amusing reflection read by Lyn Mulligan, a toast to the school and absent friends, a thank you to Lyn and the evening ended with a rendition of the School Song, after a very happy reunion which continued the following day at the HOGA celebrations at Geelong Grammar School. Helen Brodie (Middleton)

10 Year Reunions for 2010 These reunions are always very special, and we have dates set for the girls of 1960 and 1970 (see Diary Dates 2010). Is there anyone form 1950 who would care to organise one? Mailing lists are available from Katie Rafferty at Geelong Grammar School, and it does not need to be an elaborate function, as the renewal of school friendships is the important thing.

3 Diary Dates 2010 Saturday 27 March 40 Year Reunion Enquires: Prue Webb (Spittle, He’70) tel: +61 3 5254 1320 Sunday 18 April 50 Year Reunion Enquiries: Ruth Thompson (Timms, He’60) tel: +61 3 5229 2794, email: fjthompson@ or Lit Belcher (Thornley, He’60) tel: +61 3 5276 1302, email: belcher@ Thursday 6 May Autumn Luncheon Parkside Restaurant, Belmont. Enquiries: Jenny Jordan (Gray, He’52) tel: +61 3 5244 0145 Saturday 4 September Old Girls’ Day Enquiries: Jenny Jordan (Gray, He’52) tel: +61 3 5244 0145 Monday 25 October Golf Day at Barwon Heads Enquiries: Lib Nicholson (Calvert, He’68) tel: +61 3 5258 1297, email:




7 1


8 1. Old Girls’ Day Organisers. Standing L to R: Desiree Cohen (Horne, He’68), Jill Dupleix (He’72), Deidre Griffiths (He’68). Seated L to R: Ann Tyers (Fairley, He’68), Jan Koch (Campbell, He’68) and Jenny Jordan (Gray, He’50) 2. L to R: Janet Todd (Grutzner, He’67), Jane Kenna (Dennis, He’67), Pepita Marshall (Dennis, He’72) and Prue Noble (Minns, He’72) 3. L to R: Jan Koch (Campbell, He’68), Jill Dupleix (He’72) and Deidre Griffiths (He’68), cutting the centenary cake. 4. L to R: Helen Borland (Clarke, He’71) and Gail McKinlay (James)

5. L to R: Bo Bayles (Ryan, He’63), Olivia Cuming (Horn, He’63), Winkie Mactier (Reilly, He’63), Pammy Bradshaw (Irvine, He’63) and Prue Troedel (Hamilton, He’63) 6. O 35 Back L to R: Liz Greene (Forbes, He’63), Marie Jordan (Hill, He’64), Sue Rickarby (Parramore, He’64). Front L to R: Rosemary Oram (Forbes, He’66) and Toni Bierman (Healy, He’63) 7. T he oldest HOGA member Margaret Ganly (Burn, He’31) pictured here with Helen Botterill (He’37) 8. to R: Barbara Scott (Thomas, He’51), Bev Foster (Smith, He’52), Sheila Wettenhall (McDonald, He’51) 9. L to R: Alex MacMillian (He’72), Sally Birrell (McMillian, He’70)) and Ann McMillian (Carson, He’46)


Michael Collins Persse

Alice Pringle

Alice Pringle (Headmistress of Clyde School 1969-75; Housemistress of Clyde House 197677), who died in September, aged 95, was a daughter of The Reverend Denis Deasey (OS 1896), sister of The Venerable Randal Deasey (P’34; Council 1969-86) and Desmond Deasey (P’36) and Denison Deasey (P/Ge/Cu’38), wife of Lieutenant-Commander Grant Pringle (Cu’29), and mother of Julian Pringle (FB’56). Her understanding of GGS was a great help at the time of the three schools’ amalgamation in 1976, as was her and Grant’s presence on the Staff at Corio as the first Clyde House girls who had been at Clyde School coped with a not always easy transition from their previous allgirl and mountain environment to a still maledominated world on the plain at Corio. Alice was a gentle and loving pastor by nature, with great inner strength, and she is remembered fondly and gratefully by many of her former pupils and colleagues. Dr Colin Douglas-Smith FRCOG, FRACOG (Ge’37 as Smith), who died in October, and who was a former President of the Western Australian branch of the OGGs, achieved eminence as both an oarsman and an obstetrician and gynaecologist. He was a member of the board of management at King Edward Hospital in Perth for 17 years. The younger son of William Smith (OS 1892), he followed his brother, Aurel (Ge’34), from the (pre-Bostock House, 1924-32) Geelong Church of England Grammar Preparatory School, of whose Council their father had been foundation chairman, to Corio, where he was a School Prefect, Captain of Geelong House, and for three years a member of the School crew. He went on to stroke the Melbourne University crew and to row for Australia in the London Olympics of 1948: his noble gift of six oars spanning that career adorns the Michael Collins Persse Archives Centre (and the School named a boat in his honour). His wife, Kathleen, is the daughter and sister of OGGs who were also distinguished medicos: Dr Kenneth Aberdeen (OS’07) and Dr Eoin Aberdeen (FB’40). Their daughter Sara is married to John AC Darling (P’64), son of JRD. David Lefroy (Cu/FB’38), who died in June, followed his brothers – Peter (Cu’33) and Dick (Cu/FB’37) – to GGS from Western Australia. As a boy he impressed his headmaster with his insistence that the curriculum, at least for some, be made more practical (he had asked 36

Colin Douglas-Smith

Jim Clarke

to see the Boss after scoring 6% in a Latin exam) – a lesson that probably influenced the latter, permanently (not least in the 1960s in helping the Marcus Oldham Foundation meet the condition of their bequest that their new college’s curriculum be really practical). He served as a signaller during the war, in New Guinea and Borneo, and returned to a farming life in the West on his property, Colvin, near Moora. He and Betty Hamilton, whom he married in 1947, had three children, Diana, Jeremy, and Edwina. David is gratefully remembered by many young friends for his good influence in their lives. In the words of his nephew Ted Lefroy, he was “an open, generous, cheeky, obstinate, and compassionate man who hid his light not under a bushel but beneath a silo”. Bill Spowers (FB’42), who died in June, had three careers, all notable, as soldier, director of Christie’s (the art auctioneers), and creator of a great arboretum. While still very young, he served in three armies – Australian, Indian, and British – during World War Two, and then (adventurously) in the Grenadier Guards, retiring as a major in 1960 to establish and direct Christie’s books and manuscripts department in London – and from 1968 to pioneer their Australian branch. A huge achievement was his beloved Windlesham Arboretum in Surrey, growing to some 3,500 species (twice the number in Kew Gardens). A man of action but equally a lover of both beauty and accuracy, he invested all that he did with passion and artistry. A son of another gallant soldier, Colonel Allan (Jiggy) Spowers CMG, DSO & Bar (OS’11; twice President of the OGGs), and great-nephew of Banjo Paterson, Bill appeared “more English than the English” but in his heart and loyalties was deeply Australian. Richard Woolcott AC (Cu’45) is “Prime Minister Rudd’s Special Envoy to develop his idea of an Asia-Pacific community based on co-operation, and to respond to the major shift in economic, political, and security influence from the Atlantic to Asia-Pacific and to the challenges expected in the region as the 21st century unfolds as a result of these changes”. Rix Wright (Cu’48), who died in November, has immortality at GGS by virtue of the two lifesize figures, “Study” and “Sport”, modelled respectively on John Gubbins (M’51) and Bill Maxwell Bridges (Cu’48), that he sculpted in reinforced concrete towards the end of his schooldays, and bronze replicas of which (the gift of Graham Geddes and his family)

Ross Crozier

now stand in their place on the Art School gateposts – the normal entrance to the Corio campus. Clay figurines by Rix of King Henry VIII and of Queen Elizabeth knighting Sir Francis Drake are also treasured by the School. Son of the artist Hilda Rix Nicholas, who in 1948 painted the portrait of Dr (later Sir) James Darling (Headmaster 1930-61) that hangs in the Dining Hall, Rix continued sculpting through his adult life (a fine group adorns another school, Frensham at Mittagong) and, amid his busy life as a grazier in the Snowy country near Delegate, was also a gifted writer. Much loved by many, he has been described as an unofficial “national treasure”. Faith Brown née Watson (Cl’49) and her husband, Malcolm, have moved to Riverwood Retirement Village in Albury. “We have,” she writes, “a little bit of garden – enough to keep me happy and busy – and lots of activities if we wish to take part in them.” John Tunbridge (M’56), who died in October, was the elder son of a great GGS master, Villiers (Vic) Tunbridge FACE (M’24; Staff 1933-67), and the much-loved Marjorie Tunbridge (Staff 1941-45). John himself put the School much in his debt through his support of it in South Australia (where he was secretary of the State branch of the OGGs) and of the Tunbridge Club, and by his gifts to the Archives of Tunbridge memorabilia. His funeral, at which his brother, Bill (M’63), and his friend Jim Cox (M’55) spoke, was held in the Chapel of All Saints at Corio on 9 November, when many of his friends and relatives went on to reminisce by the Tunbridge Pavilion. As with so many from Staff families, ever since the moving of the School to Corio in 1914, John had a special loyalty and affection for the place and the community in which he had grown up. Jim Clarke (Cu’58), whose death from cancer in July closely followed that of his sister Carmen (Lady) Carnegie (Cl’56), was descended from two progenitors of Victorian dynasties, William James Turner (Big) Clarke and James George Baillieu (grandfather of Jim’s mother, Sandra née Shackell, who survives him). He himself continued a long family tradition on the land at Mount Schank, near Mount Gambier, and particularly Devon Park, Dunkeld, where to the last he used horses for station work – and loved breeding polo ponies (playing no mean game himself). During his Timbertop year, 1956, a great – if informal – influence was Fred Fry, whom

many boys enjoyed visiting in his hut on the Howqua River: Jim warmed to Fred’s affinity with horses and knowledge of the natural world. His and Susie’s son, Timsbury (Cu’86), and daughter-in-law, Jenny née Ryan (Je’82), have moved from Mount Schank to Minjah, between Mortlake and Warrnambool, formerly the home of James (Bim) Affleck (Cu’67) and his wife, Anna née Durham (Cl’71), who now live at Peterborough. Tim and his son, William, continue a long family tradition of naming a son W. J. T. Clarke (the J and the T ringing the changes): their line descends from the patriarch’s son Joseph, whose brother, Sir William Clarke, first baronet, was the ancestor of the present (fourth) baronet, Sir Rupert Clarke (FB’65), the late Ernest Clarke (Bn’61) (in whose memory their father gave – and later rehabilitated – the Ernest Clarke Pavilion at Corio), Vanessa Cutler, and Peter Clarke (FB/L’73), and of the seven Clarkes and Cutlers of the next generation who are OGGs. Peter Carey (FB’59) is the author of Parrot and Olivier in America (Hamish Hamilton/ Penguin, 2009) – his 17th book. Professor Garth Nicholson (P’59) was appointed Associate Professor in 1993 and Professor in 2003 in the Department of Medicine at the University of Sydney. His and his colleagues’ ground-breaking work in research on hereditary diseases of nerves (the most common cause of neuropathy) is the subject of an article in Lise Mellor’s book 150 Years, 150 Firsts: The people of the Faculty of Medicine, published by the University to celebrate the Faculty’s sesquicentenary in 2006. The Molecular Neurology Laboratory established by Garth at Concord Hospital in 1991 is “the first and only comprehensive molecular diagnostic laboratory of its kind for neurological disorders in Australia”. Professor Ross Crozier (M’60), who died in November, was described in an obituary by Dr Cathy Oke in The Age of 26 November as “a world-renowned evolutionary and behavioural biologist at the forefront of molecular science”; and by Alex Wild – in his Myrmecos (ant) blog – as “a soft-spoken Australian who ushered social insects into the age of molecular biology”. He was Professor of Genetics at LaTrobe University from 1990, and from 2000 Professor of Evolutionary Genetics at James Cook University in Townsville until awarded an Australian Research Council professorial fellowship in 2006 – in which year he also received the inaugural Hamilton award by the International Union for the Study of Social Insects at its world congress in Washington. In 2003 he was elected to the Australian Academy of Sciences in recognition of his contribution to “the world’s scientific knowledge of tropical biology and, in particular, the fields of molecular evolution, molecular phylogeny, and the sociobiology of insects”. Ross’s passion for ants will be remembered by many of his contemporaries at GGS. He is survived by his wife, Ching, their sons, Ken and Michael, a granddaughter, and his brother, Brian Crozier (M’65), and sister, Judy. Brian describes Ross’s life as one “of wonderful consistency,

a more or less straight line all the way from Malayan termites when he was seven to membership of the Council of the Australian Academy of Sciences”. (Ross did not forget the School: I had a touching e-mail greeting from him for my birthday, only two days before he died of a heart-attack in his office at Townsville.) Sam Staughton (P’64), after running a family property, Wolbunya, near Benalla, for some years, became a full-time and successful painter at the Redbox Studio in Melbourne where he was a provocative and much-loved mentor to many other artists. At the age of 14 he painted, in oils, a study of the Shell Refinery at Corio by night, and this (which with typical kindness he gave me as a present) was reproduced in the book Shell Geelong Refinery: 50 Years in Geelong by Marcella Hunter, published in 2004. His last exhibition – “Twin Peaks” (paintings of scenes in the You Yangs and at Hanging Rock) – was held in Melbourne shortly before his death in July. His and Marian’s children all followed him to GGS: Thomas (P’97), Sophia (Cl’00), and Emma (Cl’05). Bruce Wilson (Cu’66) has succeeded Robert Beggs AM (FB’53) as Chairman of the Council of Marcus Oldham Farm Management College, which owes so much to OGGs including Robert’s father, Arthur Beggs CBE (P’25), its foundation Chairman from 196276. Its first Principal was Ivo Dean OAM (GGS Staff 1959-61). Andrew Lemon (FB’67) has completed his trilogy of volumes collectively called The History of Australian Thoroughbred Racing, of which the third volume – published along with updated editions of the first two volumes in 2008 by Hardie Grant – is subtitled In Our Time, 1939 to 2007. In 2009 it was declared joint winner of the biennial Australian Society for Sports History Book Award, and Andrew was elected president of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria in its centenary year. News of his OGG children appears below. In addition, his daughter Frances, based in Toronto, has in 2009 published her first book, Live and Work in Canada, which includes – in Andrew’s words – “a fine autobiographical essay by Gerald Garnett (FB’66), who with his wife, Mary, has lived and taught for more than 30 years in remote Kaslo on beautiful Kootenay Lake, British Columbia”. Simon Murray (M’70) goes in 2010 from the headmastership of Canberra Grammar School to that of St Peter’s College, Adelaide. Basil Hall (FB’72) over some 25 years has been encouraging and fostering Aboriginal printmaking, going to very remote communities to enable indigenous artists to produce often outstanding work. Having been invited to curate an exhibition, “Etched in the Sun”, this year at the Rebecca Hossack Gallery in London (see the next paragraph), he went from Australia to do so. What was shown was, in his words, “a small sample of the enormous production that has taken place in some Darwin studios over the last 12 years”. Basil, who is director of Basil Hall Editions (and, in Rebecca’s words, “incredibly

self-deprecating”, never seeking to impose his own style on the artists with whom he works), in his introduction to the exhibition stressed the value of collaboration: “At its best, a real collaboration produces something which couldn’t have been made by either party acting alone …. something pretty special, a meeting of minds …. Sometimes the strength of the work lies in the idea behind it, its historical importance, its aesthetic beauty – but, to the artists who made the images, each one of them represents a strong story of which they are extremely proud. Their willingness to share them with us is a generous gift.” Rebecca Hossack (L’73), having abandoned the law for a career in art, studied at Christie’s, worked at the Guggenheim in Venice, and in 1988 set up her own gallery in London. She now has two galleries there (in Fitzrovia) – and a fine reputation for championing Aboriginal as well as other art. From 1993-97 she was the Australian cultural attaché in the United Kingdom, and she writes in the national press and lectures internationally. She found, when in various ways celebrating 21 years of introducing Aboriginal art into Britain, that the rise of indigenous Australian printmaking stemmed largely from Basil Hall (see the paragraph immediately above). In 2008 she ran in the New York Marathon, raising about $50,000 for planting trees in Central London. Anson Cameron (M’78) is the author of Stealing Picasso (Vintage, 2009). He writes often for The Age, and was interviewed by Catherine Keenan in its issue of 12 September. Richard Allen (P’80) is the author of Australia’s Remarkable Trees (Melbourne University Press [Miegunyah imprint], 2009), with Kimbal Baker as photographer. Jane Barrie née Evans (Je’86) was inadvertently omitted from the 1983 list in Timbertop: Celebrating Fifty Years. Sam Austin (Cu’87), whose marriage and fatherhood are recorded below, is a Police Constable based in Warrnambool. The Honourable Sprent Dabwido MP (FB/L’91) has represented Menang in the Nauruan parliament since 2004. Dr Barbara Lemon (Ga’98) was awarded her PhD degree by the University of Melbourne for her thesis in history entitled “In Her Gift: Activism and Altruism in Australian Women’s Philanthropy, 1880 to 2005”. Since then she has produced and presented three fulllength documentaries for Hindsight on ABC Radio National. She is working in research and policy with The Foundation for Young Australians. Geoffrey Lemon (FB’99) has completed a first-class BA Honours degree at the University of Melbourne – and been widely published in Best Australian Stories and Heat and elsewhere. Winner of the New South Wales State Slam, the Melbourne Slam, and the Melbourne Writers’ Festival Poetry Idol titles, he has been poetry editor of harvest, and 37

throughout 2009 has convened Melbourne’s popular monthly Wordplay performances. In 2008 Picaro Press in New South Wales released his first book, Sunblind. Catherine Boston née Viggers (Fr’99) is at Magdalen College, Oxford, reading for the degree of Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) with a focus on the interrelationship between criminal law and human-rights law. Natalie Temple (A’04), after graduation from the University of Melbourne as a Bachelor of Animal Science and Management, worked as an animal nutritionist with Better Blend Stockfeeds in south-east Queensland. She hopes to complete master’s and doctoral studies, and to travel. William Mercer (M’06) is studying at Marcus Oldham Farm Management College, and his sister, Georgina (Cl’08), at Charles Sturt University in veterinary science. We are grateful to their grandmother Virginia Mercer née Grimwade (Cl’47) for sending news of them. Keith Dann (Staff 1958), who died in September, was Headmaster of Slade School at Warwick in Queensland from 1959-66, and then Senior Housemaster at Churchie in Brisbane – the Anglican (formerly Church of England) Grammar School which in its so far 98 years has had three Headmasters who were formerly or later on the Staff at GGS: The Reverend Canon William Morris (Staff 190708) from 1912-46, The Honourable Charles Fisher (Head Master 1974-78) from 1970-73, and Bill Hayward OAM (Master of Corio 196672) from 1974-86. Robert Armstrong (Staff 1969-79), who died in September, went on from our Staff at Highton, where he was Deputy Master from 1972, to be Headmaster of Guildford Grammar Preparatory School in Perth. His wife, Barbara née Winterbottom (The Hermitage to 1948; The Hermitage Staff 1967-75; GGS Staff 1976-79), died in 2005. They were the parents of Jennifer Duff (The Hermitage to 1972), Michael (P’73; GGS Staff 1983-86), Peggy (A’75), and Tim (P’80). Clare Clements née Dowd (Assistant, Timbertop, 1992-93), after reading History of Art at Warwick University in England (achieving a 2:1 BA Honours degree), pursued an editorial career in magazine-publishing and then one in food-marketing, primarily with Associated British Foods. She now supports her husband as “a full-time mum”: living in Harrogate, they have George (born in 2005) and Edward (in 2008).

BIRTHS Anna and James à Beckett (M’89), a daughter, Madeleine Helen, on 6 September 2009

Penny née Gude (Fr’93) and David Barlow, a son, Sam Henry, on 27 April 2009 Emily née O’Brien (A’97) and Marc Barrington, a daughter, Mietta Grace, on 17 May 2009 Julie O’Hara and Peter Baylor (FB’79), twin sons, Eldon Arthur and Gibson Patrick, on 13 October 2009 Ellen and Andrew Beischer (Cu’80), a son, Charles Lewis, on 23 September 2009 Prue and Sam Bingley (M’94), a daughter, Grace Olivia, on 21 November 2009 Eliza and Philip Bohun (Staff 2009-), a daughter, Melody Paige, on 22 September 2009 Emma and Edward Bostock (M’94), a daughter, Piper Dorrit, on 16 October 2009 Jacqueline Winkelman and David Chandler (Fr’87), a daughter, Ella Winkelman, on 1 August 2008 Anna née Hayne (Je’86) and David Cornwall (Cu’85), a daughter, Holly Ava, on 15 August 2006 and a son, Edward David, on 23 July 2009 Lisa Marchetti (Staff 2008) and David Couper, a daughter, Holly Sarah, on 9 September 2009

Jessica née Lang (He’94) and Anthony Mulcahy, a daughter, Brigette Nell Mulcahy, on 17 June 2009 Nicole and Mark Muller (FB’88), a daughter, Olivia Margaret Rose, on 11 May 2009 Yvette and Malcolm Officer (M’73), a son, Digby Austin, on 13 August 2007 Tiffany (Overend-Stevens) and Anthony Stevens (A’94), a son, Edward Phillip (Overend-Stevens) on 20 May 2008 Catriona and James Pettit (Fr’89), a son, Andrew John Rowntree, on 5 August 2009 Sally née Stansmore (Cl’88) and Michael Philip, a daughter, Chloe Stansmore, on 10 August 2009 Lucinda née Gubbins (Cl’90) and Graeme Priddy, a daughter, Georgina Meg Ace, on 10 August 2009 Rosy and William Renwick (M’91), a son, Charles Richard Dennis, on 13 July 2009 Heide and Jeremy Robson (FB’83), a daughter, Henrietta Mathilda, on 23 April 2009

Rachael née Bufton (Cl’92) and Ashley Creek, a son, Samuel Thomas, on 27 April 2009

Elizabeth and Lock Rogers (M’92), a daughter, Tilly Elsie, on 11 August 2009

Charlotte née Cunningham (Ga’96) and Adam Duplay, a daughter, Camilla Grace Davina, on 30 December 2008

Jacky and Rupert Sherwood (FB’94), a daughter, Piper Lily, on 5 October 2009

Rachael née Rough (A’93) and Damian Edwards, a daughter, Louisa, on 7 April 2009 Kate née Squire-Wilson (Ga’93) and James Fagan, a daughter, Anna, on 28 March 2007 and a son, Timothy, on 30 April 2009 Rosie and Ross Featherston (Staff 2005-), a daughter, Pippa Mary, on 2 October 2009 Claire née Davison (Cl’92) and John Greig (Cu’93), a daughter, Sophia Claire, on 8 September 2009 Samantha née Hogg (Je’82) and Marcus Griffin, a daughter, Rose, in August 2009 Rebecca and James Hamilton (Cu’91), a son, Thomas Alastair, on 1 August 2009 Abbey and Anthony Hammon (M’00), a daughter, Elle Iona, on 26 July 2009 Salena and Matthew Hibbard (A’85), a son, Taj Richard, on 7 April 2009 Christina and Andrew King (Staff 2004-), a son, Zachary Micah, on 10 September 2009 Silé and Charles Legoe (M’98), a son, William Antony, on 15 August 2008

Rebecca and Julian Baker (M’91), a son, Campbell John, on 26 June 2008

Georgina née Weatherly (Cl’95) and William (Bobby) Mann (P’86), a son, Jack William Rutherford, on 24 November 2009


Fiona née Mackenzie (Cl’87) and Tim Morris, a son, Hugh, on 21 October 2009

Jodie Townsend (Staff 2000-) and Graham Cox, a daughter, Charli Louise, on 18 August 2009

Joanna and Sam Austin (Cu’87), a son, Edward Oliver, on 26 March 2009

Emily née Spry (Ga’90) and Terry Baker, a daughter, Aprilla Rose, on 20 March 2002

Katherine née Muller (Je’90) and Robert McGavin, two sons, Lachlan Peter on 4 November 2003 and Jock Charles on 21 November 2005

Eliza née Bartholomew (Cl’96) and Jeremy Mantello (M’83), a son, Edward Jack, on 20 September 2009

Rowena née Wilson (Cl’89) and Cameron Syme, a son, Angus John Adlington, on 6 August 2009 Sonia née Hawes (Je’84) and Anthony Tanner, three sons, Deklan Brian on 16 November 2006, Dakota Thomas on 27 December 2007, and Dashiell Mostyn on 24 August 2009 Felicity and Murray Thomlinson (M’92), a son, Hamish Burnett, on 11 August 2009 Tomoko Katakura (Staff 2003-) and Riaan Van Rooyen, a daughter, Tamryn, on 4 September 2009 Thatima and Michael Vella (Bl’02), a son, Toby Kosol, on 9 April 2009 Sophie née Stuart (Timbertop staff 199799) and Marshall Yencken (P’87), twin sons, Hamish David and Harry Stuart, on 15 December 2008

MARRIAGES James Amos (Assistant 1997) married Laura Scott on 15 November 2008 Simon Oliver (Sam) Austin (Cu’87) married Joanna Levinson on 5 April 2008 David Chandler (Fr’87) married Jacqueline Winkelman on 21 September 2001 Nicole Copulos (Ga’04) married Matthew Georgiou on 17 November 2007

Samantha Hogg (Je’86) married Marcus Griffin on 9 April 2009

Duncan Elphinstone McBryde Leary (193136) in September 2009

Jessica Lang (He’94) married Anthony William Mulcahy on 1 April 2006

Holford Wettenhall Lempriere (1923-26) on 26 March 1996

Charles Legoe (M’98) married Silé Gallagher on 14 August 2009

Graeme John McBain (1958-64) on 26 October 2008

Gerald Losa (Staff 1999-) married Kerrie Smith on 3 October 2009

Rosemary Meadows née Alfred (The Hermitage to 1949) on 11 September 2009

Anthony Morphett (FB’00) married Avalon Carr on 13 November 2009

Viola Myers née Meeks (Clyde 1950-54)

John (Jack) O’Loughlin (T’91) married Dee-Arne McVeigh on 18 April 2009 Dougal Speirs (Cu’99) married Anna McBride on 28 March 2009 Anthony Stevens (A’94) married Tiffany Overend on 11 November 2006 Deanna Stevens (A’96) married Chris Wong on 25 June 2005 Mick Vaccari (M’99) married Simone Robertson on 18 October 2008

Stephen Russell Newcomen (1976-77) John Barry (Jack) O’Loughlin (1988-91) on 25 June 2009 Howarth Edkins (Tony) Peterson AO, CBE (1941-43) on 29 October 2009 Richard Constant Johns Ponder (1960-73) on 27 September 2009 Alice Muriel Pringle (Headmistress of Clyde School 1969-75; Housemistress of Clyde House 1976-77) on 21 September 2009


James Joseph Riddoch (1948-49) on 13 March 2009

Sheila Anne Alston née Strahan (The Hermitage to 1929)

Barbara Roberts née Archer (Clyde 193738) on 28 August 2009

Robert Armstrong (Staff 1969-79) on 12 September 2009

Dorothy Rouse née Rolph (Clyde 1940-42) on 23 February 2009

Joan Bailey née Stewart (The Hermitage to 1933)

Michael Rothschild Shatin QC (1956-59) on 2 November 2009

William Herbert Baker (1958-60) on 10 October 2009

Elizabeth Tierney née Scott (The Hermitage to 1937) on 13 September 2009

Stephen Charles Bennett (1960-70) on 23 July 2009

Jonathan Eden Tonkin (1975-78)

John Arthur Campbell (1953)

Nicholas John Villiers Tunbridge (1945-56) on 27 October 2009

Bevan Laurence Cole (1946-54) on 27 October 2008

William Walter Mark Turnbull (1964-68) on 12 September 2009

Patricia Crooke née Adams (Clyde 1936-38) on 27 May 2009

John Alexander Brett Winning (1947-49) on 20 August 2007

(Professor) Rossiter Henry Crozier (1952-60) on 12 November 2009

Barrie Rix Wright (1944-48) on 6 November 2009

Keith Alexander Dan (Staff 1958) on 19 September 2009


(Dr) Colin Douglas Smith (1932-37 as Smith) on 20 October 2009 (Dr) James Hamilton Fairley (1940-45) on 11 May 2008 (Dr) Ernest Kelvin Fisk FASSA (1928 and 1929-36) in July 2009 Otto Fossa (former Timbertop Maintenace Staff) Pauline Goonan née Fairbairn (Clyde 195864) on 27 September 2009 Edward Vernon Griffith (1936-43) on 14 October 2009 Margaret Hobbs née Russell (Clyde 194046) on 2 September 2009 Edward James Phillips (Ted) Jones (192938) in October 2009 Rachel Keary née Speed (The Hermitage Staff 1962; wife of Michael Keary [GGS Staff 1999]) on 26 October 2009

Charles Allan Seymour Hawker (G.G.S. 1905-13) was one of the School’s greatest Old Boys – and an irreparable loss to Australia when he was killed at the age of 44 in the crash of the Kyeema on Mount Dandenong on 25 October 1938, one of Australia’s worst air disasters. At GGS he is commemorated in the Hawker Library (which by a munificent bequest he endowed), at St Mark’s College in the University of Adelaide by Hawker House, at the Waite Institute for Agricultural Science in Adelaide by a lecture theatre, at Burgmann College in the Australian National University by a room with wheel-chair access, by a Federal electorate, and – perhaps most importantly – by the Charles Hawker Scholarship that enables a holder to have the benefit of college life while studying at an Australian university or agricultural college or at Cambridge..

Outstanding during the last years of the Old School in Geelong as scholar, athlete, prefect, and librarian, he went on to Trinity College, Cambridge, to read history. His time there was interrupted by the Great War in which he served as an officer in the Somerset Light Infantry, was severely wounded thrice, lost his left eye in one of 14 operations and later, after being paralysed from the waist down, almost all of the use of his legs. After more operations and prolonged convalescence he returned to Cambridge in a wheelchair, crammed a year’s work into four months, and achieved the highest honours in the historical tripos of 1919. Back in his native South Australia he ran his own property, Dillowie, became president of the Liberal Foundation, and in 1929 was elected to represent Wakefield in the House of Representatives. He became Minister for Markets and Repatriation in the Lyons government in January 1932 – a portfolio renamed Commerce three months later. In September that year he resigned from the government on an issue of conscience, and for the next six years, while continuing to serve his electorate, studied the condition of the world (not least in Germany, Russia, and Japan, all of which he visited) and was prescient about what was to come. As early as 1935 there were suggestions that he should be prime minister – one who could command the respect of all political parties; but it was not to be. Much has been written about him (Sir Keith Hancock called him “the best that an Australian can do and be”, a sentiment echoed by Sir James Darling), and his sister Lilias Needham wrote his biography. She also endowed the memorial scholarship, and last year its trustees – his nephew, Charles Hawker (P’65), and Andrew Hawker (M’72) – organized a week-end to celebrate it. It is focussed on scholarship, patriotism, and the land, and last year’s scholarships were presented during the celebration by the Hon David Hawker (M’67), MHR for Wannon, former Speaker, and a fourth-generation Hawker in an Australian state or federal parliament since Charles’s grandfather George Charles Hawker first settled at Bungaree in 1841. Former scholars came from all over Australia for the celebration and to see the new scholars receive their awards. At a church service thanks were given for Charles Hawker’s noble life. A second commemoration, organized by the Mount Dandenong Historical Society, was held on the 70th anniversary of the Kyeema crash, when the 18 people killed in it were remembered at a gathering near the site. It was attended, along with many others, including me, by Mary van Dissel née Hawker (Cl’90), her two sons and brother, Charles, and David Hawker, who spoke. Air Cadets of the Australian Air League held a commemorative ceremony, and the event concluded with a fly-over salute by an historic TAA DC3 aircraft. Thanks were given that the disaster led to a vast improvement in aviation safety, making Australian airways among the safest in the world. 39

OGG Golf Day 2009 Driving rain and a howling gale greeted 50 intrepid OGG golfers to battle for the Boz Parsons Cup and Tommy Garnett Trophy on Grand Final eve. Scores reflected the weather conditions for most, yet there were a few who emerged from the pack to take the trophies. Despite the weather, everyone completed their rounds and was warmly greeted with well earned refreshments in the magnificent Barwon Heads Golf Club after their game. The major event results were; Andrew Ramsay (Cu’69) – Boz Parsons Cup (Par), and Libby Nicholson (He’68) – Tommy Garnett Trophy (Par). The many prize sponsors are to be thanked for their continued support making the day more than memorable. Particular thanks go to Barwon Heads Golf Club for their generosity in allowing the event to be held at this significant venue.

2010 Reunions and OGG Events Melbourne OGG Cocktail Party Friday 26 February 2010, Toorak Campus 2000 10-Year Reunion Saturday 13 March 2010, Melbourne 1955 Timbertop Reunion Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 March 2010, Merrijig/Timbertop ANZAC Day Service Monday 26 April, 2010, Corio NSW OGG Branch Gathering Wednesday 5 May 2010, Sydney UK Branch Dinner Thursday 24 June 2010, London

Frank-ness: “now crews, this next exercise requires the capacity for you to be able to count to one” being but one example.

Frank Covill Club

What began as a casual grouping of former GGS oarsmen, oarswomen and parents of GGS students seeking to share the simple joys of the occasional row together has grown into something more substantial. Bonded by their simple love of the sport (and a search for fitness and fun) this loose affiliation of rowing types has witnessed the birth of a new rowing club. The Frank Covill Club, named after the coach of the boys’ First VIII from 1970 to 1983, came into existence in August this year. Frank Covill had more than 40 years at GGS as teacher and Housemaster, including a 19-year stint as Head of Rowing. He coached his first winning Head of the River crew in 1971 and successfully coached back to back wins in ‘74 and ’75. Over many years Frank has also given generously of his time to the Geelong Rowing Association and to this day is as active as ever down at the Barwon, helping out on race days. Upon incorporation as an association, the Frank Covill Club set as its short term goal the entering of crews in the Masters category of the November distance regattas, namely the Barwon Head, the Melbourne Head and the Head of the Yarra. In all, some eighteen rowers took part in the three races with several crew members spanning different eras of the GGS Boat Club. Training consisted of meeting once a month to row out of the GGS sheds on the Barwon, with crews fortunate enough to receive coaching from none other than Frank Covill himself, who at all times peppered his observation and encouragement of crews with typical jovial

As one might expect from an association sporting the Frank Covill moniker, its Statement of Purpose is both rowing and GGS centric and reads as follows: … to promote the sport of rowing for the benefit of Old Geelong Grammarians, current and past parents of Geelong Grammarians, current and past staff of Geelong Grammar School, and any other individuals or groups whose aims and objectives are aligned with this Association’s purpose as determined by the committee. The promotion of rowing through the Association will provide ongoing support and encouragement towards the sport of rowing at Geelong Grammar School. Members of the Frank Covill Club are deeply appreciative of the support of the man after whom the Club is named. We are also most appreciative of the time and support shown by the School, Director of Rowing, Tony Green, and the School’s Boatman, Greg Earle, for equipping us with boats for the regattas. We would also like to thank Peter Bajer for his help in designing our club zooties and logo. If you are curious to find out more about the Frank Covill Club, or if you’d simply like to jump in a boat and renew again your acquaintance with the beautiful sport of rowing, please contact Club President, James Drury, on or 0416 136 611. Peter Thompson (M’77) Vice President - Frank Covill Club 1. F rank Covill surrounded by Frank Covill Club members. Front row, L to R: Julia Bayliss, Jo Honeychurch, Pauline Rice, Tony Fleetwood. Rear, L to R: Ian Erskine, Rob Smith, Diana White, James Drury, David Levy, Rob de Fegely, Pat Lockie, Steve Hindson, Ray Mundy (partially obscured), Michael Cahill, Peter Thompson, Gus Kinnear, Ant Heath.

1980 30-Year Reunion Saturday 7 August 2010, Melbourne ACT OGG Branch Gathering Saturday 21 August 2010 1970 Timbertop Reunion Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 September 2010, Merrijig/Timbertop. South Australian OGG Branch Gathering Saturday 16 October, 2010 Queensland OGG Branch Gathering Saturday 4 September 2010, Brisbane 1990 20-Year Reunion Saturday 6 November 2010 OGG Tower Luncheon for 1960 and earlier leavers Saturday 13 November 2010, Corio Tasmanian OGG Branch Gathering Saturday 20 November, 2010 For more information about OGG events please contact Katie Rafferty, Alumni Manager, tel: +61 3 5273 9338 or email:

The Old Geelong Cricket Club The Old Geelong Cricket Club is playing its inaugural season in the MCC XI Competition against other APS and AGS ‘old boy’ sides. The club consists of Old Geelong Grammarians and Collegians. The thirteen match season runs until the end of February 2010. The 40 over a side games are played on Sundays on turf wickets.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information printed in this edition of Light Blue. If an error has occurred, please accept our apologies and contact the Community Relations Office on tel: +61 3 5273 9349

The OGCC homes games are on the main oval at Corio and at Fawkner Park in Melbourne. Players, supporters and sponsors are most welcome. Please call President Roly Imhoff on: 0419 003 264 or email: roly@ Dougal Mcinnes (Cu’96)

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